• Published 13th Jul 2013
  • 21,875 Views, 607 Comments

Past, Present, and Future - Bpkyle777

Name's Zack. After apparently having vanished 3000 years ago, I returned to Equestria, only this time I'm actually in the same time period as the Element Bearers. I just hope Tia isn't upset that I disappeared...

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Chapter 3: Long Time, No See

“Uuugh…” I groaned.

“Nurse. He’s waking up,” a voice said.

“Mmmm… Where… Where am I?” I asked. I was lying on some sort of bed with a blanket over me. My body felt weird, like the ends of my limbs were numb.

“Shh. Relax. You’re in the hospital. You need to rest,” a new voice told me. I could hear what sounded like two sets of footsteps approaching me.

Why is it so dark? Oh, duh! My eyes are closed. I tried to open my eyes and look at the nurse…

“AAHH! HORSE!” I screamed.

“What? Please, calm down,” it said.

“AAAAHHHHH!!! TALKING HORSE!!” I jumped back and fell off the bed, smacking my head on the bedside table. “Ow!”

“Oh my gosh! Are you alright?”

“I-I think so…” I pulled my arm up to rub my head and got a face full of blue hoof. “AAHH! I’M A TALKING HORSE!”

“Please, sir. Calm down. Doctor, I think we may need an anesthetic.”

What?! Anesthetic? Uh, oh. Let’s try to avoid that. “Wait! Wait… I’m good. Just a minor panic attack.” I tried to stand up and all four, uh, legs. Hmm. Easier than I thought it would be.

“Minor?” the horse, who I presume was the nurse from its cap, said. “You were yelling about horses loud enough for the whole city to hear you. And we’re ponies, not horses. I think you banged your head a bit too hard.”

Ponies? I was finally able to inspect the nurse. She, I assume ‘she’ from the voice, had a mint green coat and a short white mane and tail. Is… is that a horn on her head?

A few feet behind her sat two more unicorns, a tall white one with pink hair, staring in shock, and a smaller indigo one with blue hair, about to burst out laughing, probably at my pain.

Talking ponies, oddly colored unicorns. Oh my God… I’m in My Little Pony, aren’t I?

Commence blackout mode…


“Uugh…” I groaned.

“Nurse. He’s waking up again,” a voice said.

“Mmmm… Wh-Where am I?” I asked. Why am I getting the strangest sense of déjà vu?

“You’re still in the hospital,” a now familiar voice told me.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was back in the bed from before. I turned to look at the Unicorn nurse from earlier. “Aaahh…” I said weakly. “Pony…”

I heard a snicker from the corner of the room. I turned to look and saw the indigo unicorn laughing at me. Wait, are those wings? I looked at the white pony and saw wings on her as well. Are-are those two…?

The white alicorn walked calmly towards me. “Hello, friend. My name is Celestia, and this is my little sister, Luna.” Oh my god, it is them! “We found you near the edge of Canterlot, just outside the Everfree Jungle. We wanted to make sure you were alright.”

Jungle? I’ve never heard of the Everfree Jungle.

Once Celestia was close enough, I was able to make out her cutie mark. It was the same famous sun that she’s always had. I looked over at Luna and saw a distinct lack of cutie mark. Huh. Are… they younger? They don’t have their ethereal manes and Luna’s missing her cutie mark. Celestia was about a head taller than the nurse, while Luna was a just a smidge shorter than the nurse.

I deflated a little. “Aww, I’m too early…” Man! I finally get to see Equestria and I’m way too early. When am I, anyways?

“What? What does that mean?” Celestia asked. “Too early for what?”

“Oh! Uh, nothing,” I quickly said. “Uh, what year is it?” They do count years like we do, right?

This time, Luna walked forward. “It is 9 A.D., of course!”

“A.D.?” I asked.

“‘After Discovery’, you know, of Equestria? Thou art not that bright, art thou?”

Ow. That hurt.

“Luna!” Celestia yelled. “Don’t be so rude to the poor stallion. He did hit his head pretty hard.”

At least I know I am too early. The Everfree must've been much larger in the past to be considered a jungle.

“Hmmm. Nurse? Do you have a mirror?” I asked. If I was transformed, I kinda want to see what I look like.

She walked out of the room and came back in with a standing mirror in her telekinetic grasp. When she put it next to me, I sat up on the bed and was able to see what I looked like for the first time. I had a navy blue coat. My mane and tail were messy and jet black, with the exception of a silver streak running down them. My eyes were cyan, and I also had… a horn?!

Yes! I’ve always wanted use magic! I paused for a moment, and then drooped. Now I just have to learn how to use it.

“Tia, why dost that stallion not have a cutie mark?” Luna asked. My ears perked at that and I looked back at my rump. I was indeed missing my cutie mark. It must look weird for a fully grown stallion to not have a cutie mark.

“I don’t know, Lulu,” Celestia said. “Maybe he just hasn’t found his special talent yet.”

Luna gasped. “Does that mean We may never get Ours?”

“Don’t worry, Luna,” I said. “You’ll definitely get yours. I’m just a…” I looked back at myself -my new self- in the mirror. “…a special case.”

That seemed to calm Luna down a bit. Celestia smiled warmly at me. She sort of gave off a motherly feeling, like I could always trust her. “Thank you, mister…” She paused. “Oh my! I don’t believe I ever got your name.”

“Uh, m-my name…?”

“We’re here.”

Twilight pulled me out of my thoughts as we approached Canterlot Castle. The gold chariot we were on was pulled by two identical white Pegasi stallions. The enchanted armor was my idea. That way, every guard could remain anonymous.

We descended onto some sort of landing pad attached to the castle as one of the Pegasi spoke up, “Here we are. I assume you know the way, Ms. Sparkle?”

“Yes, I do. And thank you.” Twilight hopped off the chariot and levitated her few bags to her back. I still can’t believe she packed that fast. “Coming, Blast?”

“I’m right behind ya,” I said and hopped down.

We walked in through the doors and started heading towards Twilight’s room.

Let’s see how much she knows before we talk to Tia. “So, Twilight...”

“Yes?” She turned her head toward me.

“Tell me, what do you know of the founding of Equestria?”

“Almost everything! I wrote a paper on it for Princess Celestia a couple years ago. Why do you ask?”

Ignoring her question, I continued, “So you know that for the first ten years after its founding, Celestia and Luna were not in charge, but were just a couple of council members.”

“Well, yeah. Even after the three pony tribes decided to share the new land of Equestria, there were still disputes and chaos throughout their government,” she explained. “A unicorn by the name of ‘Sapphire Knight’ came up with the idea of setting up a Diarchy ran by the two most powerful alicorns of their time, Celestia and Luna, who were each able to raise and lower the sun and moon by themselves.”

Sapphire Knight! That was my name! I remember now. Wait… ‘Sapphire’? Why was I stupid enough to pick that name? Everypony knows ‘Sapphire’ is a mare’s name. “Ugh…” I facehoofed.

“What? Do you not agree with something I said?” Twi asked.

“Huh? Oh! No, you’re right,” I said. “I just had a dumb thought, is all.”

“Oh, okay.”

We made it to Twilight’s room where she immediately dropped off her stuff, and we left for the throne room.

I decided to pick the conversation back up. “So, what does history know about this ‘Sapphire Knight’?”

Twilight had to think about it for a moment. “Not much, except that he was a powerful blue Unicorn, skilled in transfiguration, and was friends with the Princesses. He seemed to have vanished a short time after the Princesses’ coronations, though.”

Yep. Sounds about right.

We walked for a few more minutes before Twilight broke the silence. “I wish I could’ve met him, though,” she said, seemingly out of nowhere.


“Sapphire Knight. I’ve just always wanted to learn more on transfiguration magic but haven’t been able to find much material on it,” She elaborated. “Well, besides the ‘temporary wings’ spell. Even Starswirl the Bearded credits him as being one of the best.”

I thought about it. “Well, who knows? Maybe while you’re here, you could find somepony who can teach you.” I could probably help her. You know, once the whole ‘Big Reveal’ and everything is done. I wonder if Tia kept all of my old notes...

“Hmm. Maybe. I’ll probably ask the Princess if she knows anypony while we’re here.”

After walking for about five more minutes, we finally made it to the throne room doors. Two Unicorn guards were guarding the entrance.

“Miss Sparkle,” the guard on the left said, “The Princesses are expecting you and your guest.” Princesses? So I get to see both of them at the same time! Even better. “Please, enter.” Their horns began to glow a golden color. The doors matched them, and swung open.

Once we were completely in the room, the doors shut behind us. Well, there goes my escape if things get hairy. I looked around the room and the first thing I noticed was that it was a lot bigger than I remembered it. The throne room was about one and a half hoofball fields long, with a red carpet stretching from the doorway, to the steps of the two occupied thrones at the other end of the room. Spanning the entire length on both walls were-

“Ahem,” I heard one of the princesses say, trying to get my attention, no doubt.

“Give me a minute,” I put a hoof up at them, still looking at the walls. “I’m still checking out what you’ve done with the place. It’s pretty swank, if you ask me.”

Anyways, spanning the entire length on both walls were stained glass windows, depicting major events throughout Equestria’s history. Haha. That’s what you get, Discord. At the end of the room were two thrones, though the second one looked to be a recent addition. Atop those thrones were the two Princesses of Equestria, themselves. Luna was glaring at me, probably just being impatient. Tia was just looking at me with a stoic look on her face. My, my. Somepony’s been practicing to keep a straight face. Twilight was standing next to Tia, looking at me puzzled.

Time to face the music. “Tia!” I yelled as I approached the thrones casually. “Long time, no see, eh?” I glanced over at Luna with a fake look of shock on my face and gasped, “And look at you! Wittle Wuwu’s all gwown up! It seems like just yesterday you were only this big,” I said as I raised my hoof up to my height. Of course, for me, it was only yesterday.

Luna’s expression switched to one of shock, before quickly returning to an angry glare. Either she’s mad that I’m claiming to be their old friend, or she knows that I’m me and is mad that I left. Tia, however, remained stoic and unamused.

“Aww, come on, Tia,” I whined. “It used to be so easy to make you laugh.”

She raised her eyebrow at me, but before she could say anything, Luna cut in. “Our sister tells Us that thou art the one who claims to be our old friend, ‘Sapphire Knight’?”

Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise and looked toward the Princesses. “Sapphire Knight? His name is Blast Shield. And he isn’t even a Unicorn!” She motioned toward me.

“Ah, but Twilight,” I said, “I am both.” Luna flew down next to me and began inspecting me.

“H-how can you be both?!” Twilight asked. “Sapphire Knight disappeared over 3000 years ago!”

“Stranger things have happened, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said. “Sister, this Pegasus has the same silver line through his mane and tail, and an identical Cutie Mark, although one of the colors seems to be different.” So, I did eventually get one, then. She walked back up to her throne and turned to me. “Prove to Us that thou art Sapphire Knight. Tell Us something only We wouldst know.”

I thought about it for a moment. Oh, I have a good one. “Are you sure, Luna? With Celestia and Twilight in the room?”

“Please,” Luna rolled her eyes, “What couldst thou possibly say that We wouldn’t want Our own sister and frien-”

Pwease, Knight,” I said in a high-pitched mare’s voice, “Why dost thou insist on taking Our Teddy? We art afwaid of the darkness when We are by ourselves!” I gave some fake sniffles for added effect.

Luna immediately blushed and her eyebrows could almost hit the ceiling if they weren’t attached.

Tia’s expression actually changed into a smirk directed at her sister. “Lulu, you never told me you used to be afraid of the dark.” Ah! She speaks!

“Or that you used to have a teddy bear,” Twilight added.

The dark alicorn looked between Tia and me, stuttering. “B-but… I-I wasn…"

“Actually, Twilight,” I said, “Knowing Luna, she probably still has it in her room right now.” Okay. Antagonizing the Princess of the Night? Probably not the best idea.

"Y-you!” Luna practically screamed at me. “You promised never to tell anypony!” Her anger was rising, and I could almost see the smoke coming from her ears.

“Ah! So you do believe me!” I said. "Fantastic!"

Then she charged.

No, I mean she literally charged at me!

“Eep!” I squeaked. Before I could think, my old Unicorn instincts kicked in, and I tried to teleport out of the way, even though I didn’t have a horn. There was a flash of light, and the next thing I know, I’m upside down, five feet in the air, and near the front door.

“H-how-” was all I managed to say before gravity decided that I hadn’t had enough head trauma this week.

When I smacked the ground, I thought I could hear Tia yell “Zack” and then try to get the guards’ attention.

“Hey, Woona!” I yelled, dizzy. “These are some vewy pwetty stars! I don't think they should be spinning, though.” The last thing I saw was all three ponies running towards me in panic.

Author's Note:

Edit May 24th 2017: IMPORTANT! I am currently rewriting the entire story and with that, many details and aspects are set to change. As such, it will essentially be an entirely new story, meaning this version of Past, Present, and Future is technically Cancelled. There will be no more chapter updates until I finish the rewrite, meaning that this version will not have a proper ending. If it's requested enough, I may do some kind of Cliffnotes version of how the rest of the story was meant to play out, but for right now just know that if you start reading this version, you will not get an ending. I will post an announcement chapter on this story and Blog on my profile when the writing nears completion and I'm about to start uploading chapters. Thank you for all of your interest in my first public work of fiction. It really means a lot to me.