• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 5,189 Views, 169 Comments

Love Me... I Mean, If You're Ok With Me - elmago02

What happens when the bearer of the Element of Generosity finds a mare sleeping outside her home?

  • ...

Alice Sawyer.

Rarity had been struggling for the last hour with her latest creation. A navy blue dress with white flowers around the waist and frills at the end of the skirt. The dress was displayed on a ponyquin where she had been fiddling with it for who-knows-how-long, but she was never satisfied. With a defeated sigh, she decided to finish her work for the day.

“Oh my!” The Unicorn exclaimed as she glanced at the clock that was on one of the boutiques walls. “I’m late for the party,” she exclaimed as she made her way to her room. She could manage to be a little late, but she couldn’t manage to let other ponies see her on the streets when she wasn’t looking a hundred percent perfect. Thankfully, it only took her five minutes to fix the small imperfection on her mane. “Perfect.”

She made her way back to the first floor, “Sweetie Belle!” She called out to her sister while she changed the sign of the boutique from open to closed.

“Yes, sis?” A little white unicorn walked out from the kitchen. She was completely covered in flour and had a few pieces of eggshell on the mane.

“I will be out now to Twilight’s party,” She paused for a moment. She wondered if she should ask what her little sister was doing in the kitchen, but she was running out of time. “Same rules as always. Don’t open to strangers, don’t go inside my inspiration room and don’t burn down the boutique.”

“It was only one time,” The little filly protested, “and the fireponies came quickly.”

“Just follow the rules. I’ll be back in a few hours,” Rarity opened the door before turning around to give a last glance to her sister. “I’m serious about the rules.” And with that, she made her way out of the boutique.

Rarity walked down the street in direction to Sugarcube Corner. She was giving small skips of happiness as she walked. It wasn’t something she would do normally, but she just couldn’t help it. There were good news, excellent news, and those news were the reason of the party. ‘I should hurry up if I want to make i-’ Rarity landed on her rump after colliding with somepony, interrupting her thoughts.

“Oh! I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” the other pony said while trying to help Rarity back to her hooves. Rarity thought for a moment that she had stumbled into Fluttershy, because the other pony spoke so quietly that was barely audible.

“No, it’s okay, I wasn’t looking either.” The unicorn said as she dusted her rump in the more lady like way she could manage. When she finished cleaning herself, she took a better look at the pony she had just collided with.

It was a mare, a cream coated earth pony with green hair and a cart that seemed to be loaded with far too much wood for a pony of her size. As the Element of Generosity (and as a way to apologize), Rarity was about to offer her help when she remembered that she was running late for the party. She struggled for a moment, thinking of what to do.

“I’m sorry, but I must go,” Rarity said as she walked away from the other mare. ‘I don’t think I have ever seen her around Ponyville before.’ She turned her head to see the other mare walking away, pulling the cart with difficulty. Rarity managed to see the cutie mark of the mare, a saw with a red handle. ‘But then again, I don’t know everypony in town like Pinkie.’ The other mare had took a moment to rest, she looked really exhausted. Rarity really wanted to help her, but she had to meet with her friends ‘I should ask Pinkie if she knows who that pony is.’ She then continued her fast walk to the bakery.

Fortunately, it didn’t take Rarity much longer to arrive at her destination. She grabbed the knob of the door with her magic and opened it. The jingling from the bell over the door announced her arrival. “Surprise!” Pinkie shouted while firing streamers and confetti with her party cannon.

“Pinkie, that’s not Twilight, and this is not supposed to be surprise party.” Applejack stated while she drank some punch from the snack table.

“I know that, but that's no reason for not surprising somepony, and I think I accomplished my objective,” Pinkie said as she gestured to the unicorn that was covered on a pile of streamers near the door.

Rarity used her magic to levitate the pile that was over her and placed it in one corner of the room. “Well, you certainly surprised me, darling.” Rarity took a quick look around her. “I see that I’m not the last one.”

A blue pegasus that was rolling on the floor, laughing at Pinkie’s surprise for Rarity stood on her hooves and approached the unicorn, “Hey Rares. Yeah, Fluttershy and Twilight aren’t here yet.”

“That’s a relief, I thought I was running late.” Rarity walked to the snack table for some punch, passing by Applejack side.

“Hey Rarity, what happened to you? You have dirt on your flank.” Applejack said.

“Oh Celestia!” Rarity exclaimed. “I can’t believe I walked by the streets with my flank covered in dirt.”

“Relax sugarcube, it’s just a bit of dirt. Ah barely noticed.” Applejack reassured the white unicorn before she freaked out. “What happened? Your sister?”

“No,” Rarity said while using a wet napkin to clean herself. “I stumbled with somepony on my way here.” When she was finished cleaning her flank, she turned to look at Pinkie. “Darling, I wanted to ask if you know a pony wi-”

“Of course I know a pony.” Pinkie said as she started to bounce around the room. “In fact, I know a bunch of ponies. I know you, I know Applejack, I know Dashie, I know Fluttershy, I know Twilight, I know the cakes, I know the princesses, I-”

“Pinkie! Let me finish”


Rarity let a sigh escape. “As I was saying, it’s a cream coated earth pony with green hair. You know her?”

Pinkie stood still for a moment before letting a gasp escape, “Oh my gosh, I don’t know her, she must be new here, I have to make her a party, but I’m having a party right now, oh my gosh, what do I do?”

“Easy Pinks, just do another party for her tomorrow. We have to focus on Twilight’s party right now, ‘cause this is going to be the most awesome party ever.” Rainbow cheered.

“I totally agree,” came a new voice from the entrance. “Hello girls.”

“Twilight!” The four ponies in the room greeted the arrival of their friend. “Now we just have to wait for Fluttershy to start the party,” added Applejack.

“No need to wait, she’s right behind of me,” Twilight stepped to the side to show a yellow pegasus standing outside the building. “So, let’s start my welcome back party.”

“Yeah!” everyone cheered.

The six friends enjoyed of some party activities before gathering in a circle to ask Twilight one thing, “What made you stay here, Twilight? Just two days ago we were saying our goodbyes to you.” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Well,” Twilight started before looking at the pony next to her, Fluttershy. “The reason why I’m staying will be clear when I tell you some good news.” Twilight got closer to Fluttershy while the pegasus buried her face on Twilight’s mane. “Fluttershy and I...” Twilight paused for a moment to take a breath. “We are together.”

There was silence in the room for a few seconds. Applejack was the first to speak again. “Together, you mean like a-”

“Couple,” Twilight finished. “We are marefriends.”

“Oh, how wonderful!” exclaimed Rarity.

“Congratulations,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Yeehaw!” Applejack.

“This is unacceptable!” Shouted Pinkie, which made every pony in the room to turn and look at her, this was one of the few times they had seen Pinkie frown. Pinkie then walked to stand just in front of Twilight. “What do you think this is?”

“P-Pinkie, I thought you would be happy for us.” Twilight said in a quiet tone, she could feel Fluttershy trembling right next to her.

“Happy?” Pinkie walked away and stood just below the banner that read ‘Welcome back Twilight’. “Of course I’m happy for you, but I wasn’t prepared for this, this is not the banner for this occasion, I’ll have to arrange another party with the correct elements, it’s just unacceptable that the banner doesn’t say ‘Congratulations Twilight and Fluttershy’, and this are not the streamers to celebrate this news, I’m just not prepared for this, how can I keep up with everypony’s expectations of being the greatest party planner when I’m not prepared for this incredible moment...”

“She’s happy for you sugarcube,” Applejack said while ignoring Pinkie’s rambling. “We all are.”

“Thank you girls, I was a bit scared there.” Twilight smiled at all her friends.

“Oh, darling, you must tell us. How did this happen?” Rarity said as she hugged the new couple.

“Fluttershy,” Twilight called to her marefriend that was still hiding on her mane. “Would you mind telling them how this happened?”

Love me... I mean, if that's ok with you.

“... And after that she said ‘I love you... I mean, if that’s okay with you.’ I could barely contain my laugh, but a few giggles managed to escape. After that we...” Twilight trailed off as her face started to blush for the fourth time.

“Kissed again.” Fluttershy finished, she had a bigger blush on her face than Twilight. She then got back to hide on her marefriend’s mane.

“Awwww, how sweet!” Pinkie said as she clapped her hooves together.

“Just take a look at that,” Rainbow Dash started, she took a sip of the punch and continued. “Our Fluttershy isn’t hiding behind her own mane, she’s hiding behind Twilight’s.” At that statement, the yellow pegasus retreated from her hiding while her face got to the same shade as Big Mac’s coat. “Come on ‘Shy, theres’ nothing wrong with it. If it makes you feel secure, keep at that.” And so did Fluttershy.

After calming her laughter from the pegasus behaviour, Applejack talked. “Ah just have to say that I’m surprised. If ah was told that one of us had fallen for another mare, ah had bet all ma money on Rainbow.”

“Hey!” Rainbow gave a light punch to her friend, all the ponies in the room laughed.

“But seriously, I’m really happy for both of you,” Applejack said with a warm smile. “And I see that Fluttershy beat Rarity to it.”

“She beat me at what?” Asked Rarity as she glared at Applejack.

“She beat you at wooing one member of the royalty,” The country pony said as she pointed at Twilight.

Rarity huffed before answering, “She did beat me at finding that special pony, but I’m no longer interested on any member of the royalty, not since that incident with Blueblood.”

“No royalty?” Rainbow asked while rubbing her chin. “Then what are you looking for now?”

Rarity thought about it for a moment until something came to her mind, “I don’t know.” It was true, she didn’t know what she wanted. She had stopped thinking of romance a long time ago. She felt lost at the moment. Had she stopped thinking in finding love because she had totally gave up? Her worries were showing on her face.

“It’s okay Rarity,” said Fluttershy, that had left Twilight side to hug Rarity after hearing her. “At the correct time, you will meet the perfect pony. He may not be from royalty, but he will be your prince.” She gave a quick glance and a smile to Twilight, and she smiled back.

“Thanks, darling.” Rarity stood firmly on her hooves and shook all her previous thoughts. “We still have a party to enjoy,” and so they did for a few hours.

“Well, this was one awesome party Pinkie, can’t wait for the next one.” Rainbow said as she stretched her wings to prepare her flight back home.

“And you won't have to wait long for that. After all, there’s a new mare in the town,” She pulled a musket out of nowhere. “Let the hunt begin.” She loaded the weapon.

“What the hay girl? Where are you going with that?” Applejack said as she took the gun out of the pink pony’s hooves. “And what is that of the ‘hunt’?”

“Relax, silly country pony. I’m just saying that I’m going to look for her.” Pinkie then took back her musket. “And this is a new portable model of the party cannon that I have been working on.” She aimed to one of the walls and fired, a black mark of powder was left on it. Pinkie gave a sheepish laugh. “It’s a prototype.”

Twilight used her magic to grab the musket and place it out of reach of the party pony, “You should go with your normal party cannon Pinkie. Also,” Twilight took a look at the room, more than a party, it looked like a rodeo had just took place in the building. “You should clean the bakery before the cakes see this mess.”

“Awwww, I guess you are right,” Pinkie said, her mane a little deflated, but in less than a second, she got back to her usual self. “I guess I’ll see you all tomorrow.” She then approached Twilight to give her a big hug. “I’m happy that you are staying here in Ponyville, Twilight.” She let go of the alicorn to hug the pony next to her. “And I’m super duper happy for both of you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy pulled away from Pinkie and walked to the entrance where Twilight was waiting for her. “Thank you Pinkie. See you all tomorrow.” She said before walking on the direction of the library with Twilight.

“Umm, sugarcube,” Applejack called out to Fluttershy. “Isn’t your home on the other direction?”

Fluttershy squeaked before turning her face, “Well, I am, kind of... staying with Twilight.” She finished with her face totally red.

Applejack formed a little ‘o’ with her mouth, “Aren’t yo-”

“Okay, darling. See you both tomorrow.” Rarity interrupted Applejack, waving her hoof at the parting couple. When she couldn’t see them anymore, she turned to look at the other four. “They make such a cute couple.”

“They sure do,” Applejack said. “But aren’t they moving kind of fast?”

“Of course not,” answered Rainbow before Rarity could say anything. “They’ve know each other for three years now, and Fluttershy’s been in love with Twilight since day one. I think they’ve taken it slow enough.” Rainbow then walked outside the building and spread her wings. “Well guys, see ya.” She shot up to the sky and banished in no time.

“Yeah, better go and hit the hay soon, got to buck some trees tomorrow. Bye Rarity, bye Pinkie.” Applejack walked in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

“Bye Pinkie,” Rarity said before walking out of the bakery. She had only one thought in her head while walking back to her home. ‘Don’t be on fire, don’t be on fire.’ She quickened the pace, partly for her concern, and partly because it was late and the sun had already settled.

The boutique was intact, apparently. Rarity couldn’t relax yet. The exterior looked good, but who knows what “wonders” wait for her in the interior. As she got closer, she managed to see a cart loaded with wood on the side of the building. She got closer to inspect it.

There, next to the cart, lay the mare that Rarity had seen that afternoon, curled in a ball, apparently sleeping. Rarity took a moment to get a better look of the mare, she was slightly dirty. The mare seemed to be around the same age as her. Rarity wasn’t sure what to think of the scene, but she couldn’t let somepony sleep on the streets.

“Hey, wake up,” She said while nudging the mare with one huff. The mare stirred a little before opening her eyes. She lifted her head until she locked her eyes with Rarity. A pair of blue eyes looked back at a pair of blue eyes. The mare lowered her head without breaking eye contact with Rarity, pressing her body as much as she could against the ground.

“What are you doing here?” The other mare winced. Rarity didn’t knew why, she was sure she had used a sweet tone of voice when she asked.

“I’m sorry. I just needed to rest for a bit and I think I fell asleep. I’ll leave now,” The mare said in a panicked way. She got on her hooves in no time and locked the cart around her waist. She was moving with great difficulty.

“Wait, let me help you,” Rarity said as she used her magic to push the cart. “Where is your home.”

The mare stood still for a moment. “I... I don’t have a home.”

“What?!” Rarity asked before looking at the pile of wood. “Then, where are you taking all this?”

The mare turned her head to look directly at Rarity. “This are my stuffs, my belongings.”

“This pile of junk?” Rarity immediately regretted the use of that word as she saw the other mare ears press against her head. “I-I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. It is junk, but it also is the raw material I use for my work.”

“Your work?”

“Yes,” the mare unfastened herself and walked next to the cart. She started to dig on the pile of wood until she grabbed something. It was a little statuette of a unicorn striking a fashionable pose, crafted in wood. “I’m a carpenter. I make different objects with wood and, Um, sell them.”

“It’s beautiful,” Rarity said as she grabbed the statuette with her magic.

“Do you like it?” Asked the mare.

“Like it? I love it! It looks so detailed.”

The mare smiled, “Then it’s yours.”

“Mine? But I can’t take this, at least let me pay you for it.”

“NO!” The mare shouted but immediately covered her mouth with her hooves. “I mean, I can’t accept your money. It’s...” The mare seemed that she was trying to think something up. “It’s... It’s for having been a nuisance. Please, accept it.”

Rarity eyed the mare for a moment and then looked back at the statuette. “Very well, if you insist.”

“It’s not that I’m forcing it on you, if you don’t really like it-”

“No, no. I really love it. It’s so beautiful that I’m going to put it in a safe place. Thank you,” Rarity finished with a smile.

The other mare seemed a bit more energetic after that. “Well, I’m leaving then.”

“Wait. Where are you going?”

“I... I don’t know. To look for someplace to sleep.”

“To look for someplace to sleep, or to sleep on the streets somewhere else?” Rarity’s question made the mare drop her head. “I thought so. I can’t let anypony sleep on the streets, and less when they are so generous to give something in exchange for nothing.” The other mare winced a little at that sentence, but Rarity didn’t noticed it. “Please, come with me to my house.” Rarity gestured to the building next to her.

“I don’t want to be a bother.”

“And you aren’t. Please, accept my offer.” The other mare looked uncertain. “I’m a really stubborn pony. I won’t let you go until you accept.”

“O-Okay, If you insist.”

“Perfect. Now, If you have something important for you in the cart, I recommend you to take it inside and we can leave the cart right there next to my home.” Rarity watched as the mare dug one more time into the pile of wood. This time, she pulled out a pair of saddlebags, a large case of what Rarity assumed were tools and a little wooden box. The mare put the two boxes in her saddlebags before placing them on her back.

“All done,” the other mare nodded.

“Then come with me.” Rarity led the short trip to the door. She opened it and let her guest enter first. The first thing that caught Rarity’s attention was the trail of broken eggs that went from the kitchen to the bathroom. “Ummm, wait here while I take care of something.” She placed the statuette that she had been holding with her magic on one table of the boutique.

The other mare sat on the floor while she watched Rarity entering the kitchen. A muffled cry sounded. “Sweetie Belle! Come here right now!” Rarity shouted. A few seconds later, a little unicorn filly came down the stairs, ran to the kitchen and disappeared from view.

After an hour of cleaning, Rarity and Sweetie Belle reappeared out of the kitchen. “I understand you wanted you cutie mark on bakery, but next time, remember to clean,” Rarity said to her sister.

“At least this time I didn’t burn the whole kitchen,” Sweetie Belle was walking back to the stairs when she stopped after seeing an unfamiliar pony sitting on the floor of the main room. Sweetie Belle Hadn’t noticed her before in her haste to clean the kitchen. “Ummm... Rarity. Who is she?”

“Oh right. Sweetie, we have a guest for the night. She’s...” Rarity just realized that she didn’t know who that pony was. She gave a sheepish laugh. “Sorry darling. What is your name?”


“Oh! Where are my manners, I should introduce myself first.” Rarity cleared her voice and placed a hoof on her chest. “I’m Rarity, proud owner of Carousel Boutique, my business, my passion and my home. And this is my little sister, Sweetie Belle.”

“Hello.” Sweetie Belle waved at the mare.

The mare stood from her place on the floor to introduce herself. “I-I’m Alice Sawyer.”

Author's Note:

Thanks to Arcane Howitzer.

Well, I know that Alice is a weird name for a pony, but give me time, you will see why I called her Alice (nothing to do with humans). And Sawyer, well, that just popped up and it fit perfectly. 'If I fit, I sit'.

I know, What the hell am I thinking? Shipping Rarity with another mare, That's crazy. I'm crazy, I'm just trying to do something diferent. Who's not bored with the usual Rarijack, or Twirity, or Raridash. Sparity, well that's other thing, but I'mjust talking abput F/F ships.