• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 3,355 Views, 158 Comments

Up and Automaton - Zap Apple Smash

A friend of Cheerilee from detrot comes to Ponyville with a new invention that unfortunately goes haywire. Lunaverse story

  • ...

And it just keeps getting better

Lumos placed the massive crate on the ground as he rechecked the map to make sure he was at the right place.

"Let's see: rocks, occasional trees, about a half a mile from that river." He looked up and gazed at the Everfree Forest. "And in front a great big unnatural forest full of things that would probably try to kill me." He then rolled up the map. "Yep, this is the place. Better get things ready."

He then opened the crate and pulled out a record player he had stowed away.

"But first..."

"How can you not remember where you told your lackey to set up the golem?!" Trixie demanded.

"Lumos isn't my 'lackey'," Grinding Gears argued. "And I can't help that I'm not that familiar with Ponyville geography. That's why I marked the test site out on a map."

"Which you then gave to Lumos."

"Well, you know what they say about hindsight being 20-20."

Cheerilee stepped between the two. "Could we focus on finding Lumos and the Automaton?"

Trixie let out a huff of frustration as she looked at her surroundings; for the last hour the three ponies had been running round the woods trying to find Gears' assistant and stop him from powering up the Automaton. Though it turns out that finding a unicorn transporting a metal death machine isn't as easy as you'd think. She then noticed four rams huddled together in the distance.

"Come on," The representative said as she pointed towards the rams, "let's see if they've seen anything."

Said rams seemed to have separated themselves from the rest of the flock, seeming to be quite content to being just the four of them.

"Baaaaaaa. Baaaaaaa."

One of the rams let out a frustrated groan.

"For goodness sake Baartholomew! We've been over this! The 'Ba's need to be short and sharp."

"Sorry Woolliam." Baartholomew replied. "It just doesn't feel natural."

"Look, an attitude like that is not going to get us a place in the Longest Night Celebration." Woolliam scolded. "Last thing we want is a rehash of last year." Woolliam then took a deep breath. "Let's try this again. A One...A Two...A Three...A Four...."

Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann

ba ba Barbara Ann Oh Barbara Ann, take my hand
ba ba Barbara Ann Barbara Ann
You got me rockin and a-rollin
Rockin and a-reelin
Barbara Ann ba ba
Ba Barbara Ann

"Much better though the harmony still needs a little work." Woolliam then noticed one of the other rams had a raised hoof. "Shawn, did you have a question?"

"What's a hand?"

Before the head ram could reply he noticed Trixie approaching. "Ah... Representative Lulamoon. So good to see you."

"We've been over this Woolly, call me Trixie."

"And we've been over the fact that my name is Woolliam!" The ram shot back. "Not Woolly!"

"They know each other?" Gears asked Cheerilee.

"Those four had tried to get a gig at last year's Longest Night Celebration." The teacher explained. "When they found out Trixie had overlooked them as replacements when the main act backed out, they staged a week long singing protest at the Residency."

"You mean they spent a week belting out a capella music?" Gears clarified. "That must have driven Trixie insane."


The four rams were in Trixie's bathroom. The shower could be heard in the background as the rams starting singing.

Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga!
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga!
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga!
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga!

Trixie then joined in from within the shower.

Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga! I can't stop this feeling
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga! Deep inside of me.
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga! Girl, you just don't realise
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga! What you do to me.
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga! When you hold me
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga! In your limbs so tight,
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga! You let me know,
Ouga Chaka Ouga! Ouga! Everything's alright.

The five then harmonised.

Ahahaha, I'm hooked on a feeling,
I'm high on believing,
That you're in love with me.

"We're looking for a male unicorn transporting something that could cause great harm," Trixie explained. "Have you seen anypony like that around here?"

"Can you give us a description of the unicorn?" Woolliam asked.

Gears paused for a moment, trying think of the best way to describe his assistant. "Hard working though a bit facetious at times, isn't extremely social but still has few close friends. Has a love of rhythm and blues music that I can't fathom."

"I mean a physical description." Woolliam clarified.

"Well he tries to maintain an active lifestyle but his doctor thinks he needs to watch his sodium intake."

"Have you seen any unicorn transporting a big crate?!" Trixie interjected, clearly getting frustrated.

"No," Woolliam replied. "You're the first unicorn we've seen all day."


"So that we'd know what to look for." Woolliam replied.

Trixie suddenly looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel. Before she could say anything further she found herself enveloped in some pink limbs. The representative let out a sigh. "So I guess this makes it 35-14, huh?"

"No," Pinkie replied, "You just looked like you needed it."

Trixie pouted slightly before replying. "Thanks Pinkie." Realisation then struck as she disengaged from the hug. "Wait! Have you seen a unicorn with a big crate?"

"Sure." Pinkie replied. "He was just getting off the train."

Feeling cautiously enthusiastic, Trixie asked. "Did you happen to see which way he was going?"

"No," Pinkie admitted. "Though he did ask me to help him find his map. Turns out he had lost it in his hooves. Hope he doesn't feel too bad about that cause I lose stuff in my hooves all the time." Pinkie then noticed that one of her hooves was suddenly holding a cupcake. "So that's where you were." She promptly ate the cupcake.

"Focus Pinkie." Trixie said earnestly. "Did you happen to see any particular place on the map marked out?"

"Sure. It had a circle around the rock field by the Everfree forest."

"Thank you!" Trixie said before she started to run off in the direction of said rock field with Cheerilee and Gears running behind.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!" Pinkie shouted back. She then stopped and thought for moment. "I wonder what's so important about a big crate? Maybe there's something fun inside!" At that thought she started bouncing after them.

Lumos had finished preparing everything for the demonstration and was now just listening to his music as loud as he could.


He turned and saw Grinding Gears and three mares off in the distance running towards him. The blue mare in the lead seemed to be the one shouting but between the distance and the music, Lumos had trouble making out what she was saying.


"DON'T TURN IT ON!!" Trixie shouted back.

"Turn it on?" Lumos repeated then shrugged as he charged up his horn. "Ok."

Trixie and company made it in time to see the Automaton light up as it was encased in yellow energy. Lumos suddenly noticed the looks he was getting.

"Let me guess, you were actually telling me not to turn it on."


"Oh well, no harm done." Gears said nonchalantly. "As you can see, everything is perfectly fine."

Despite wanting to throttle both the inventor and his assistant, Trixie's curiosity got the better of her as she decided to inspect the Automaton. Though she wouldn't admit it, the Automaton was actually pretty impressive to see in real life. It was maybe a hoof or so larger than an actual minotaur and aside from the legs being bulkier (obviously to offer better stability) and the hands being slightly bigger, it was a pretty good likeness.

From the greyish tone, Trixie assumed it was mainly made of iron. When the energy subsided, all that remained was a pair of glowing yellow eyes and the word "Live" glowing in yellow on its forehead.

All was quiet for a moment.


Everypony jumped at the sound of creaking metal as the Automaton tilted its head down to look at the ponies. A moment later, using its legs for the first time, it took a few cautionary steps towards its creator.

"I think it recognises me." Gears said in awe.

Cheerilee grabbed Gears by the tail and managed to pull him away just in time to avoid the incoming metal fist. Instead the fist hit the ground where the inventor had been with enough force to make the nearby record player stop. When it looked up from the ground, its eyes and the writing had turned green.

"Yep." Lumos said. "It definitely recognises you."

What followed next was Cheerilee having to move Gears out of the way of several incoming punches. Finally she pushed Gears to the side, sidestepped an incoming punch and delivered a brutal uppercut to the Automaton's jaw. While the blow was hard enough to knock its head back, the teacher was stuck trying to shake the pain out of her now throbbing hoof.

"Oh right," she muttered, "fully metallic." She then did a military roll to get out of the way.

The Automaton tried to chase after the teacher but was stopped by Trixie levitating a wash cloth in its face. She then tried to furiously rub the words off the forehead in hopes of turning the creation off but to no avail.

"The word isn't coming off!" Trixie said in dismay. "What type of ink did you use?"

"Well you see," Gears said sheepishly, "My studies found that carving the word into the metal instead of merely writing it on the metal increased the synchronisation between the magic and metal by at least 15%."


Trixie then jumped to the side to avoid a fist of her own.

"OH! OH!" Pinkie said excitedly. "MY TURN! MY TURN!"

The Automaton started trying to squash the pink mare but every time Pinkie would just bounce happily out of the way, laughing the whole time.

"PINKIE!!" Trixie shouted. "Stop playing with it and go get help."

PInkie stopped mid bounce and said "Okie-dokie-lokie." then ran off before the Automaton could stop her.

The metallic creation was then encased in a two tone bubble as Trixie and Lumos tried to use their combined magic to contain the Automaton.

"I don't understand it." Gears in dismay. "I specifically did the construction myself so that any personality that gets imprinted on it would be my own. Where did it get this aggression?"

"Did you remember to stay calm during all of its creation?" Trixie asked.

"Of course I..." Gears paused as recollection paid him a visit. "Oooooh."

"What?" Cheerilee asked.

"Well you see I might have gotten a little frustrated while I was working on a particularly stubborn shoulder joint."

"A little?" Lumos scoffed. "You were swearing at that thing in seven languages, possibly eight. I couldn't tell if you speaking eastern hippogriff or screeching incoherently."

"That's not important." Trixie said. "What is important is finding a way to shut it down before it hurts somepony."

"Fair call, though we probably should change tactics soon." Lumos commented.

"Why." Trixie asked.

"Well the thing is powered by unicorn magic, so there's a good chance that this force field will make it...." Lumos was silenced by the Automaton smashing through the bubble.

Both unicorns stumbled slightly from experiencing a sensation similar to a gong being banged in their heads. As the Automaton tried to close the distance between it and the dazed unicorns, Cheerilee ran in and delivered a powerful kick to the Automaton’s knee joint. It was enough to make the Automaton lose balance, fall down to one knee and use a hand to stabilise itself. Cheerilee's victory was short lived as the Automaton backhanded her, hitting the teacher in the side of her barrel and knocking her off her hooves.

Finally having enough, Gears picked up a rock and threw it at the Automaton's head. There was a hollow clang as it bounced harmlessly off the creations' head but it still managed to get its attention.

"Now look here." Gears scolded. "I created you and I will not have you hurting my friends."

When it stood back up, the Automaton replied by picking up an almost pony sized rock and throwing it back, narrowly missing Gears.

"Okay." Trixie said after getting her bearings again. "Plan B."

She then filled the area with a blinding light. When all cleared, the ponies had vanished, leaving the Automaton standing by itself.

"Could you remember to warn ponies when you use that blinding spell?" Cheerilee scolded.

"Well it worked." Trixie retorted before risking a glance from their hiding place behind some nearby rocks to see what the Automaton was up to. "It bought us some time."

"So what's the plan?" Lumos asked. "Catch our breaths and go back out for round two?"

Trixie shook her head. "I doubt we'd survive."

"What if we distracted it long enough to use up its energy?" Cheerilee suggested.

"That could take a while." Gears admitted. "As a way to increase the length of time between needing to recharge it, I designed a way for it syphon passive magic from its surroundings."

Trixie gaped at Gears. "Why is it that even when you impress me you make me want to throttle you?"

Gears' ears perked up. "You mean you're impressed?"

The representative decided to reply with a question. "Do you know what the Everfree forest is?"

The Detrot inventor paused before pulling out a book. "The Everfree forest is a forest situated near the town of Ponyville. Considered by many to be an anomaly of nature, the strange creatures and unusual weather patterns found within have often been attributed to its high levels of chaos magic." Gears paused. "Oooooh."

"What?" Cheerilee asked.

"Pure chaos magic is unpredictable, unstable and has been known to have a corrupting effect on most things that try to harness it." Trixie explained. "So now, not only are we dealing with something that's aggressive and uncontrollable, it’s also harnessing the same power that brought us uncontrollable weather, poison joke and timber wolves!"

"Well look at the bright side." Gears said in attempted levity. "At least it can't..." He was silenced by Trixie sticking her hoof in his mouth.

"No!" The representative said firmly. "You've tempted fate enough as it is."

"So are we playing hide and seek with it now?" Everypony jumped when they saw that Pinkie Pie had appeared out of nowhere. "Because if we are, it doesn't really work if we all hide in the same place."

"Pinkie?!" Trixie didn't even try to hide her dismay. "You were supposed to get help."

"Oh I did," Pinkie replied. "He's on his way now, I just got here first."

"He?! You mean you got just one stallion to help us?" Trixie almost wanted to shake the party mare. "How is that possibly going to be enough?"

Instead of replying, Pinkie forcibly turned Trixie's head towards the horizon. It was then that the representative noticed a red earth pony stallion, wearing a yoke, that was galloping towards them at full speed. He didn't show any signs of slowing as he headed straight for the Automaton. Said metallic creation turned to face the newcomer. The stallion ran in and, at the last moment, spun on the spot, putting all his strength and the momentum of the sprint into his hind legs as he bucked the Automaton full force. When the crimson hooves collided with its metal torso, the Automaton was made airborne, right into a nearby stack of rocks.

"Objection withdrawn."

Author's Note:

Firstly I'd like to give a massive thank you to my two new editors, Lemielan and Wolfstorm56.

And just a note for those who are interested.

The four rams go by the stage name "What the Flock" or "Wool you sing" when they're doing foal's shows and, yes, they are a Barbersheep Quartet.

A side effect of being a land filled with magic sources and having it's primary species capable of churning out magic, the air, as well as the ground and water to an extent, within Equestria is filled with passive magic.

Things like pony population density and the amount of magic retaining plants and minerals as well as naturally occurring sources of magic combined with what season it is (Summer for instance has higher levels of passive magic compared to Winter) in an area would have an effect on the amount of passive magic there would be available to harness.

For the most part the magic is just something that's left unnoticed since it's never at amazing amounts and since ponies draw from the magic almost exclusively from themselves there is little use for it so it's treated more like a by product that an actual power source (similar to idea that nearly all chemical reactions result in heat but only a few are effective enough to be a heating source)

That said while I don't believe on average there would be enough magic in the 'air' to support the Automaton by it's self in a normal setting but instead it would be a means of extending the charge that it received before hand. I'd almost liken it to a Hybrid car.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, Feel free to let me know what you think.