• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 1,392 Views, 10 Comments

Tale of a monster hunter - HiddenUnderACouch

Equestria. Dangerous land, where every step you take may be fatal. In this world, you will have to survive. Everypony survives differently. Our heroine, Van Fluttershy, makes her living as a monster hunter. And the best one at that.

  • ...

Final Chapter - Pillar of light and hope

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes, but the blur and dizziness were not going away. She tried to shake away the sleepiness, but this cause a horrible headache, like she was smacked in the head with a hammer. She tried to look through the blur, but this attempt made her sick. Fluttershy tried to move her hooves, but she couldn't. She moved her limbs a bit and figured out that she was chained to some kind of a cross. The chains were already warm from her body, and she felt pain where they were connecting to her flesh.

Through the annoying ringing in her ears, she managed to hear sounds of beating. The rough sounds of impacts echoed in her ears. The flattened moans of the victim reached her ears.

"Master... we thought we would please you..." - the voice said, then it was interrupted by a loud sound of a sturdy metal connecting with flesh.

"YOU INSOLENT, IMBRED MORONS!" - the loud shout pierced Fluttershy's ears, causing pain and even stronger headache.

"I thought I was clear when I ordered to remove her - quietly. Q-u-i-e-t-l-y" - the angry voice growled. "You decided to kidnap her in front of the fucking children! YOU FUCKING CRETINS!"

He growled for several minutes, beat somepony up, then seemed to relax a bit.

"Now, because of your idiocy, we will have to silence the truth. Get back to your posts, when I come out, we shall commence the purification" - he said in a disappointed voice. "Oh, it looks like she is conscious. Wake her up"

A stream of cold water flew in Fluttershy's face, clearing away the dizziness and sleep. The blur was gone, and she was able to see again.

The room she was in was quite big, and seemed very old. The dim light of a lantern, hanging under ceiling was lighting the room. The walls were made of stone, but they seemed very old, and were covered in moss. The floor was stone, with pieces of trash and brick lying everywhere. Both walls and floor were darkened, as if there was a fire. Fluttershy figured out that this was the basement of an burned down building. She couldn't figure out which one, however, as there were several of these in this town.

She saw at least six changelings, like those that attacked her in the cave before, standing around a body. That body was of another changeling, but he was viciously beaten and bleeding. The lymph was pouring out of his mouth, as he tried to crawl away. The pieces of bricks and rocks were cutting his belly, as he was slowly bleeding out.

Suddenly, Fluttershy was approached by an unicorn. He was white, his mane was the color of light amber, and his face was so comely, that Fluttershy felt the need to punch him right now as hard as she could. She noticed that there was a piece of cloth wrapped around his neck, decorated with gold, and there were several badges of honor attached to it. It wasn't hard to figure out that this asshole was of royal blood. A politician, straight out of Canterlot.

"Slept well?"- he asked politely and suavely.

"Who.. the fuck are you?" - Fluttershy asked in a weak voice, as the headache was still persistent.

"It doesn't matter. If my servants were not as stupid as they was, we would not be having this conversation right now" - he said, and looked angrily at the changelings.

"What do you want from me?" - Fluttershy asked.

"I want you dead"

"Then.. why didn't you kill me?" - Fluttershy said, but he punched her in the face brutally.

"Because when I saw you, I couldn't resist. I had to bring you here, for some... experiments . But, before I kill you, I will tell you why you have to die - you see, to be respected among the high rank changelings and especially the queen, my mother, I have to prove myself, by taking out a strong opponent. Who could fit this role better than the best monster hunter?" - he said, and stroked her hair.

Both her cape and her hat were gone. The bastards were not stupid - they disarmed her before chaining.

"You want to kill me, only to show off before your mom?" - Fluttershy said, and he smiled.

"My mother is the queen, so yes. It is worth it. Besides, your little friend would be of use for me after" - he said, smiling.

"You bastard... WHERE IS SHE?!" - Fluttershy growled and tried to reach his face, but the chains didn't allow her to move closer. The pain pierced her limbs as she tried to get out.

"She is safe... for now" - he replied.

"How... how the...." - Fluttershy started to talk, but he interrupted her.

"My dear, the matter of finding you was the least of my worries. Let me tell you a secret - your arrival in this shithole was staged. Every fight you fought was set up.... Except the werewolves. They were never part of our plan"

This explains a lot, like why the hydra was poisonous. Looks like this bastard really wanted her dead, and raised or found a hydra, then transported her here.

"I promised a lot of gold to Mayor Mare if she played her part in this facade. However, the plan.... failed, and she will not get a penny. After you killed the hydra, I knew our feral brethren couldn't take you down, so I send my servants. However, when they captured you, they foolishly revealed a secret. Now, this whole town will be destroyed to keep this secret" - he said.

Fluttershy was not stupid, she figured out what kind of secret they were guarding - the fact of their existence. They could transform into anypony, impersonate any major figure in this country. They are ready to do anything to keep themselves a secret - even destroy Ponyville.

"Since they brought you here alive, you and me are going to have a little fun. You see, over my long life, I developed an addiction. A very... heh.. messy addiction" - he said, and came closer to Fluttershy, looking her right in the eyes. "I love when mares scream. It fills me with ecstasy, excitement. I will kill you, I promise, but first....." - he leaned to her ear and started whispering. "... I'm going to make you scream"

"Oh..... a rich spoiled prince, with a thing for screaming girls...... what gives" - she said mockingly. "You may be of another race, but I met ponies like you.... You may boast to me..... but I've heard this before... the last royal blooded moron who tried to rape me... ended up with a shortened..... horn"

"Ha-ha. Very brave of you, Fluttershy, the monster hunter. But rape is below me. Only weak fools lower themselves to that. I was going to make you scream..... literally" - he said, as he grabbed a short blade with his magic from the stool, standing just near the cross. There were many instruments of torture there, like pair of tongs, a metal hook with the rusty tip, many kinds of blades, curved and straight. Not far stood a press for skull, a very nasty thing - as the pressure slowly increases, your eyes pop out, your brains start to flow out through your nose and your skull cracks. There was a metal cup, filled with some kind of liquid. From the color, smell and the general look, Fluttershy figured out the ingredients for this vile mix- liquid metal, plus some poisonous herbs that lose their poison but maintain their horrendous effects during preparations - if you drink even a bit of it, you're guaranteed to feel sick till the end of the second week. Then, there was a seer's helmet - it would be a common helmet, if not for the metal hooks that are attached to your eyelids and keep them open as long as needed.

The prince made a small cut on Fluttershy's neck, avoiding causing fatal damage - he wanted to toy with her, make her suffer, make her beg for death. The blood ran down her chest, as he made more cuts on her belly, carefully avoiding organs. As the metal cut her flesh, the scream started crawling up her throat, but Fluttershy shut her mouth, clenched her teeth tight and kept quiet. Several minutes later, prince was cutting her face, making small cuts on the cheeks. Then, he put away the bloodied knife and took the tongs. Then, he mercilessly inserted them into one of the wounds on her side and started move the tongs apart, widening the wound. Slowly her flesh started to succumb and tear increasing the blood loss. The pain was enormous, and when the prince started to widen the third wound, Fluttershy allowed herself the honor of moaning quietly. Prince looked at her with anger and suddenly tore the tongs out of the wound quickly. The blood splashed out of the torn cut, covering his face in the red liquid. Fluttershy only clenched her teeth even tighter.

Prince frowned, put the tongs away and put a metallic gauntlet on his hoof. This gauntlet looked like the one a royal guard would use, but its edges were sharpened and strengthened.

He swung his armored hoof and hit Fluttershy right in the belly. The impact was strong, and the pain pierced her organs. Unable to control her own stomach, Fluttershy spew out a flow of blood, right on the floor. She coughed, trying to gather up her strength, as the blood was dripping from her mouth.

"Well, that went good. Come on, princess, cry!" - the prince said, smiling.

Fluttershy raised her head and looked at him with her tired, muddy eyes.

"Fuck you..... Fuck you..... FUCK YOU!" - she screamed, but another portion of her blood flew out of her mouth, interrupting her insults. The bastard laughed heartily. He took off the gauntlet, and took the seer's helmet. He carefully put it on Fluttershy's head, and used his magic to hook up Fluttershy's eyelids. The hooks were not sharp, they couldn't damage the flesh, but the pain still persisted. Unable to blink, Fluttershy's eyes quickly started to turn red and sour. The inflammation slowly became more painful, as the steel was chafing the white of her eyes. The helmet didn't allow Fluttershy to look anywhere but straight forward. The prince took another lantern, and ordered one of his minions to light it. This thing was burning much more brighter than the one under the ceiling. The prince moved the lantern right in front of her face. The blinding light was hurting Fluttershy's eyes even stronger, and she couldn't prevent it. This irritating and horrible pain reached the outer parts of her brain, as she tried to blink against her will. The hooks were preventing that, causing even more pain.

After two minutes of this light torture, prince put away the lantern and took of the helmet. Fluttershy finally blinked, but it dealt even more pain to her poor eyes.

"Come on, dear, scream. It's all I want from you" - the prince said suavely. Fluttershy breathed heavily, as blood was still dripping from her mouth.

"You won't break me......" - she said quietly, and prince looked at her surprised.

"You won't break me.... no matter how hard you try..... I will never back down" - she said quietly.

The prince didn't reply, he just chose another tool of torture - the liquid. He took a siphon, and used his magic to open Fluttershy's mouth and put the siphon in. Then, he took the cup with this liquid and started to pour it into her mouth. Fluttershy couldn't stop it, as she let the liquid pour in.

Prince took out the siphon, awaiting the moment when Fluttershy will start to puke her insides out, but, to his surprise, she raised her head and spit the liquid right into his face.

"Fucking moron.... You should put the siphon down the throat...." - she said, and forced a smile on her tormented face.

The prince was boiling with anger, as he looked at her with hatred in his eyes. He took an iron hook and pierced one of the crippled wings that was sticking out. Fluttershy opened her eyes wide, as this pain was stronger than anything she felt before. She allowed herself to let out a moan, which infuriated the prince, as he took another hook and pierced the other remain of the wing. Then, he took a two metallic cubes and hanged them on the hooks as weights. The half-healed muscles in her wings were tensioned, as they started to slowly rip, causing horrible pain and suffering. A single tear flowed across Fluttershy's cheek, and quickly joined the rill of blood, streaming down her face.

After about ten minutes of enduring the weight, prince tore the hooks out, causing pain, but at the same time, relieving Fluttershy's wings from the weight.

"You're starting to bore me, bitch. What time is it?" - he asked one of his servants.

"Thirty minutes has passed, my liege" - he replied.

"Well, I've still got some time" - he said, smiling and looking at the tools of torture. He picked a collar, which had sharp spikes on the inside. Blood quickly flowed from under the metallic collar, as the spikes pierced her flesh. He attached a chain to it, and started pulling it, causing the collar to turn and cut Fluttershy's neck with its spikes. He took it off and admired his job as several gaping torn holes were 'decorating' Fluttershy's neck.

He looked at the other tools he had, and decided to go with a simple curved knife, tongs, and an iron gauntlet he used earlier.

She didn't know how long it lasted. His scheme was simple - make a cut, widen it, when hit her in the stomach, forcing her to spew blood. Fluttershy lost count to how many times he cut her. Her tortured eyes started to give away, as her vision darkened a bit. The majority of her body was covered in cuts that were violently widened. The puddle of blood under her was enormous, and it was still increasing. But, at the same time, the more prince tortured her, the less pain she was starting to feel. Maybe she was dying, maybe she just got used to it, who knows.

"What... time is it?" - the prince said, breathing heavily.

"It has been.... two hours, sir" - his servant replied.

"All right... this would be enough for her" - he said, as other minion passed him a towel, and he cleaned his face from the blood, sweat and that vile potion.

"You two, stay here and watch her till she bleeds out. The rest, meet the rest of your comrades and prepare to kill everypony in this town" - he said, and started to walk away from Fluttershy. "I want to witness this myself, and.... have a bit of fun with the small one"

Fluttershy raised her head and looked towards him, and prince could not have missed that.

"Oh, don't worry, I won't kill her. Simply 'play' a bit. Then I'll take her with me, to serve as my personal maiden" - he said, and smiled viciously.

"You......You....."- Fluttershy started to talk, but he and several other changelings left before she could finish. Only those two remained.

Fluttershy's mind started to fill with horrid pictures of her little friend being tortured and raped by this vile monster. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She failed... failed to protect.. failed at her last chance to raise a life, not take it. Now, she will bleed in this basement, die alone, and the girl she swore to protect will become a slave..... This... this was more painful than any torture.

The blood loss was taking its toll on her, as the world started to turn bleak and dark. The sounds started to merge into one loud ringing. The pain was slowly subsiding, going away. Even her crippled back didn't hurt as much anymore.

The blood was dripping from her wounds, slowly covering her body in the crimson color. The floor under her was filled with her blood - the pieces of trash were like little islands in the red ocean.

During times when the death is at the doorstep and is already freezing your face with its cold breath, you start to wonder - did I live a good life? Did I do anything valuable or worthy of note? Will anypony remember me when I pass away? Fluttershy couldn't find an answer. She never thought about this - and the only time she did, it's too late, she is bleeding out, chained to a cross in-a-soon-to-be-destroyed town. A grim end to a grim life.

Fluttershy looked at the chains, binding her. There was rust in some places, and they looked like they were pretty old. However, they held her good, and in her condition, she could barely move, let alone trying to get out.

Everything she once held as her shield, what she built up as a pillar to hold her, was destroyed. Her coldness and professionalism didn't prevent this situation from happening. The girl she started to hold dear to her heart will soon become a slave to the twisted mind of a changeling prince, showcasing himself as a real royalty in the court. She probably wasn't the first, and not the last. Where can Fluttershy look for strength now? When all hope is gone, all you can do is weep and cry...

As the blood loss and the tortures got to her mind, she started to lose sight. The world darkened around her, and she started to fall. Fall in some abyss, endless pit. Was this the end?

Suddenly, she started to see pictures... disturbing pictures. They were pictures of her life, the bright flashes of pain and suffering. She remembered her earliest childhood....

Fights.... insults..... beatings. That was all she could remember. She was very shy, very scared of life - every shadow seemed like a monster, like a demon to her. She was weak.

This lasted long, until she met Rainbow Dash. That part seemed like a bright flash in this darkness, a ray of light, piercing the shroud of darkness. The light disappeared just as fast as it came into her life, leaving her defenseless.

She remembered the one who saved her from darkness. Dragged her out of the way. Those were one of the best years in her life. Training, travelling.... She felt good, she loved her Master, and Master loved her in return - as a father, mentor. This bright flash ended with the fall, with the cliff and more pain.

Suddenly, all these pictures started flying away, somewhere into the nothingness. After there was nothing but darkness, she felt a presence near her. This warming, good and kind presence, that helped her to sleep peacefully, have colorful dreams and fight back nightmares.

She saw the final picture, the picture of bitterness and acceptance. The picture, that marked the end of her childhood.

Fluttershy was lying in her bed, breathing heavily. The anesthesia was slowly going away, and she felt better now. However, the silence and the white of the hospital room were dull and boring. She felt lonely again, like back there, in her room.

Suddenly, somepony took her hoof and held it dearly. Fluttershy slowly turned her head, and saw Master Amos, holding her hoof near his heart. He was looking at her, right in the eyes, and was smiling.

"Mas...ter...." - she mumbled slowly. She tried to move her body, and felt only sharp pain. Fluttershy understood that her back was badly hurt. Maybe.... she won't be able to walk again.

"Master.... I'm.... sorry. I failed you...." - she started to speak. "I failed you.... and because I failed.... I became weak again.... worthless trash.... Are you going to leave me?"

"Never say that again, child. I will never leave you. Never" - he said bluntly.

"I am weak.... why do you need me anymore?...." - she said, and the tears filled her eyes, but she refused to cry.

"Because you are strong, Fluttershy. Don't think you can fool me - your eyes are full with tears, your soul is filled with grief, but you refuse to cry. You refuse to break" - he said, and stroked her head. "When I made you my apprentice, I nothing. I cared for no pony, loved no pony, everything was useless to me. To be fair, I viewed you as just another hunter, who would be nothing to me. I thought you were weak, I wanted to make you strong. But I saw, that you were strong all along - you endured, you continued to fight. You never wanted to look weak - and that changed me. I realized that I care for you, I realized that I had somepony to protect... and that made me stronger. Stronger than I ever was. You are everything to me, Fluttershy. You are my little child, my daughter. I will never abandon you"

Fluttershy looked at him, and smiled. He smiled in return. She started to slowly fall asleep.

"Fluttershy... when you think there is no hope, when you think your life is over.... draw power from your memories. Remember every injustice done to you - and, when all hope is lost, let the memories guide you. Remember everything bad that happened to you - every little detail, and let the anger fill your heart. Remember the good things - and let this light guide you. Your hatred will make your strong as granite, care and hope will guide you. Fight, Fluttershy. I believe in you"

The memories disappeared, and Fluttershy woke up from this dream. She felt something surging in her heart, as she raised her head and looked. She remembered everything. She remembered every suffering, every torment she had to go through. She remembered the beatings, she remembered the insults, she remembered the fall, she remembered the pain. Her life was nothing but pain and misery, suffering and torment. The bright flashes were sweet, but the darkness clouded them and hid them away. Pain and sorrow consumed her soul, but.... she saw Scootaloo. This small child, so tiny and weak, surrounded by evil. This evil wants to hurt her, drag her down and make her life a miserable hell. Turn her into a slave on the mercy of some bastard. Fluttershy saw the point now - she must protect her. At all costs. Scootaloo is to her what Fluttershy was to Amos - the point to live, the pillar of hope, the reason to exist.

They want to take her away, they want to hurt her. They can't. Fluttershy suffered her whole life, and now, this hatred is taking over. This hatred she built up for eternity, this hatred she carried with herself through all her life. This hatred is her greatest weapon - and now, it's unleashed.

"You will never hurt her..... never..." - she said, and started moving. One of the changelings went towards her.

"You will never hurt her..... you will never hurt her... never..... never.... never.... NEVER!" - she screamed as hatred filled her, giving her strength. She pulled her hooves as hard as she could, and the chains brutally cut into her flesh. She didn't care. She continued to pull, harder and stronger. The changelings approached her, grabbed a knife with his magic and wanted to finish her off, but she finally broke the chains. It flew away with a steam of her blood. The changeling backed away, as Fluttershy freed the rest of her limbs, tearing the chains, disregarding her own flesh. She fell down on the floor, into the pool of her own blood.

The changeling ran towards her, aiming to cut her neck, but Fluttershy was quicker - she dashed towards him and hit him right in the belly. He dropped the knife, and Fluttershy brutally rammed her hoof into his eye, squishing it. The other changelings was scared - she could see it in his green eyes. He turned around and tried to run, but Fluttershy quickly caught him and snapped his neck without much difficulty.

They were both dead. Now, Fluttershy had to find a weapon - she was out for some time, and the town was probably swarming with changelings now. They were probably armies of them now. It didn't faze Fluttershy one bit - everything that stands between Scootaloo and her will die.

She looked at the stool with the torture devices - and noticed that one of the blades was hers. The Tongue of Moon - the bastard probably wanted to keep such a rare blade. She grabbed the blade with her mouth and went outside.

She didn't meet any resistance in this building, but when she got to the window, she saw the horror - the town was in flames, the fire was lighting the night, the cries for help could be heard, but they were quickly silenced. There was a lot of changelings, and they were destroying the town. Fluttershy quickly exited the abandoned building, and set her way to the town hall - it was the best vantage point in the town, prince would probably be observing the slaughter from there. Scootaloo will be with him there too.

Fluttershy walked into the town and reached some street, when a whole squad of changelings stumbled upon her. There were at least thirty of them and they all were bloodied - each of them must have killed at least five ponies already. They turned their green eyes to her, as she slowly walked towards them, and the blade was sparkling with the moonlight. They growled viciously and this whole wave of teeth, chitin and hatred was going right towards her. Fluttershy switched to gallop, as she hit right in the center of this wave. She started to cut left and right, dodging every attack they tried - bites, hits, everything. Her blade was whistling as it cut through their chitin armor like knife through butter. They were going all at once, and Fluttershy danced around, jumped from one to another, cutting them in pieces. Parts of their bodies were flying away quickly, and their numbers were decreasing every second. Soon, only one managed to escape, and Fluttershy continued, stepping over bodies of these vermin.

She felt no pain. The wounds she gained from the torture didn't bother her anymore. There was only one goal she had to accomplish.

"You will never hurt her...." - she whispered, and kept repeating that, again and again, as she continued her way deeper into the town.

Several minutes and a dozen of slain changelings later, she reached the Guard post. It was barricaded, and seemed to be quite full - the guards organized defense and gathered up a lot of civilians. However, a giant sward of changelings was approaching this haven. The guards who were standing in the yard, fighting off the attackers, quickly ran to the doors, begging to let them in. It seems the fight has been going on for some time, as there were bodies of both guards and changelings here. They must have hoped that this post will be a good stronghold against changelings - but there were too much of them. The barricades will not last against such a horde.

Fluttershy looked at the approaching horde, held the blade tighter in her teeth and ran right at it. She couldn't count all the changelings, but there were at least forty, and more were coming. The faces started to stick out of the windows of the post, to see that's happening.

Fluttershy delved right into this horde, cutting left and right. They surrounded her, attacked in groups, but Fluttershy was fast and efficient - she cut with no mercy, leaving them limbless or headless.

She was covered in her own blood and changelings' lymph. Her gorgeous hair was dripping wet with blood, and lymph was dripping from her blade and herself. However, she still maintained that beauty she always had. As more and more changelings fell, more and more came to join the fight, and fell, struck by her blade.

One of the changelings was standing away from the fight, and saw Fluttershy jump up in the air, as the moonlight shun though her mane and showed her figure in all its glory. He was terrified - she was an angel. A fallen angel, an angel of death. Her beauty was stained by blood and lymph, and her crippled wings shown her fall from grace - she had no remorse, no regret, no mercy.

Soon, all changelings backed away, and ran. Ran as fast as they could - they were afraid now. They saw dozens of their comrades being sliced in minutes, and they were now afraid of her. Only a handful of them survived, and they were flying away fast.

Fluttershy continued onward, pushing away bodies, going straight for the town hall, and her only goal.

"You will never hurt her.... you will never hurt her....... you will never hurt her....."

"Lieutenant, report, now!" - Rainbow Dash shouted to one of her subordinates, who was watching over the street.

"Commander... they are retreating" - he replied in a shocked voice. Rainbow Dash was staggered.

"Did... did we scare them off?" - she asked.

"No... they are running away from..." - he looked through the binoculars. "They are running from Fluttershy! Holy shit, she's all covered in wounds.... damn"

"Fluttershy?... And I thought she had escaped.... Thank the sun. Lieutenant, make sure the civilians don't leave the building. I'm going out there" - she said, and lieutenant hailed her. She went through the filled corridors of the building, avoiding crying and moaning ponies. She noticed Pinkie Pie trying to calm the kids down in one of the rooms. What a brave pony - the rescue squad found her barricaded in the assembly hall, with children. She was shocked, but held herself together very well, and managed to control the children too. She must have seen so many violence - not all children made it out alive, and many nurses and doctors were slaughtered.

Dash was worried about Applejack, but she knew that stubborn pony won't give up without a fight. She already sent a squad to help her protect the Acre, as Dash knew Applejack will never leave her property and her family behind.

She hurried outside, to check out what the hell happened. This world has just started to go nuts, but she was sure - what she was going to see, would be more fucked up than anything.

Fluttershy bashed the door open. The reception was trashed beyond belief - the documents were lying all over the place, the walls were covered in blood, the furniture was gathered in piles. The half-eaten corpse of the secretary was lying not far from her post. Her insides were lying right before her - it seems some changeling hasn't finished his lunch. Fluttershy went upstairs, and found an even bigger mess - there were corpses everywhere, the pictures that used to hang here in the corridor were torn and scratched, or covered in blood. Fluttershy made her way into the Mayor's office, and opened the door. The office was completely destroyed, and Mayor Mare was lying in her chair, dead. Her mouth was open, and these were golden patches of reflected light coming out. Prince has poured melted gold into her mouth, it seems. She did get the gold, after all.

There was only one place, where prince could be now - the third floor, which was the private quarters of Mayor Mare. It had a nice balcony, from where the whole street could be observed.

Fluttershy was sure, that he saw what he did to his servants. She filled the whole street with their corpses, slowly making her way from the post to the town hall. She lost the sense of direction in that fight, and just walked where the there were more enemies - that, surprisingly, led her to her destination. She didn't know how many she killed by now, and she didn't care - she wanted to get to the third floor as fast as possible.

On her way, she met several changelings. They looked different - more bulky and bigger than their brethren. They seemed to be prince's personal bodyguards. There were three of them, and it took Fluttershy forty seconds to cut them into pieces. Their insides were splattered all over the nearby wall, as she jumped at them with the fury of a thousand dragons.

After dealing with the bodyguards, Fluttershy went up and finally reached the third floor. There was only one door - door to the private quarters of the mayor. Her enemy is probably waiting inside. He doesn't have to wait anymore - she is here.

Prince cleaned his throat before drinking another cup of water - what he just saw really caught him off guard. His servants were doing fine, but then Fluttershy, who was supposed to be dead, showed up and killed the majority of them. Those, who survived, ran into the woods. This was getting out of control! How could she still fight after all he has done to her? How did she even walk after that?! For the first time in his long life, as changelings can live for hundreds of years, he saw something like this. This was different, new... and terrifying. To think some pony would be able to cut a hundred of changelings into ribbons was baffling. He felt the creeps coming all over his body - he was a bit scared.

He looked at the pony whelp, lying on the big bed. Ever since the start of the attack, he forced her to watch the slaughter, but when Fluttershy appeared, prince was stunned and she managed to back away. Could it be that the monster hunter is after the child? Well, anyway, she couldn't bring herself to slice through a kid - so the girl will do nicely as plan B. He came closer to her.

"Come here, you little bitch!" - he shouted and grabbed her, putting her in front of him.

The door was bashed open, and the terrifying angel of death appeared in the entry. Prince quickly used magic to grab a paperknife and put it to the child's throat.

"Don't move, or she dies" - he threatened, and smiled viciously. The monster that just moments ago was cutting down his soldiers like weed, stood in her tracks. It's working! She doesn't want to hurt this child. Prince started to back away.

Fluttershy looked like a thing out of nightmare - her body was covered in wounds, her pink mane was almost crimson from her own blood, and the lymph was dripping from the blade she carried in her mouth.

She came a bit closer, looking at him. She seemed so... calm! Her face was completely emotionless.

"Well, look at you, all cool and powerful. But the thing is - you can't do shit to me, because of the child" - Fluttershy twitched her ear, and prince smiled. He knew he pressed the right button.

"Yes... you have something to this child... yes... That's your weak spot, hunter" - he mocked her, and made a little cut on Scootaloo's cheek.

Fluttershy stood still, and the blade fell down on the floor. Prince smiled, and made a mistake of looking her right in the eyes.

Oh, by sun, her eyes. Her face was emotionless, and she didn't say a word, but you could see in her eyes what was truly going on. In those eyes, he saw the endless abyss. He saw the dark endless pit of torment and pain, where monsters lived and craved for blood. In those eyes, he saw dreams of violence and bloodlust, mountains of bodies and rivers of blood.

There was nothing in those eyes, but pure, endless, burning, horrifying hatred, desire to kill, craving for vengeance and blood.

He was staggered. How is it possible? How is it possible for this one pony to house that much hatred inside her? His soul was filled to the brim with fear, as he lost control of himself and dropped the knife, as his limbs started to shake.

Split second. That was all Fluttershy's needed.

She rushed at him with a speed of a hurricane and knocked him down. Terrified, he tried to fight back, but Fluttershy delivered a flurry of punches into his face. Then, she allowed him to stand up, only to hit him in the belly, making him spew out his previous breakfast. The magic, maintaining his disguise started to fall, and he turned to his normal form - his wings were quite pointy and sharp, and his head had small growths, forming a crown. It wasn't big, but it was noticeable.

He coughed, spitting out what was stuck in his mouth, but Fluttershy hit him again, pushing him towards the cupboard. He rammed right into it and the thing fell on him, dropping cups and dishes on him. After he climbed from under it, he was covered in cuts and bruises. He looked pathetic - his face was all beat up, the lymph mixed with gastric juice was dripping from his mouth.

"Please.... have mercy... please..." - he begged, and crawled away, as angel of death came closer to him.

"You will never hurt her......" - she said, as she knocked him down, got on top of him and started delivering punches to his face, one after another.

"You will never hurt her......never.... never..... never..... never...... never....." - she said, as she took out all her hatred on him. She started hitting faster and harder, and soon, his bones started to give away. Fluttershy continued to punch again and again, without stopping, continuing to say only one phrase.

"You will never hurt her..... you will never hurt her..... you will never hurt her".

"Fluttershy, please... stop!" - she heard a compassionate voice. Scootaloo approached her from behind and touched her shoulder.

The red mist started to go away from her eyes, as the hatred was slowly going away. Fluttershy shook her head, and saw what she did - prince's head was nothing but jelly, brains mixed with lymph and bones.

"Scootaloo..... I... are you all right?" - she said, turning to her.

"I am.... Fluttershy, you're hurt! You need to see a doctor now!" - Scootaloo said loudly.

"I am okay... child...." - Fluttershy said, smiled and tried to walk, but fell, as the strength was leaving her body. Scootaloo caught her.

"I will get you to doctor! I promise!" - she said, as she tried to drag Fluttershy.

"Oh my....." - Rainbow Dash said, with her mouth wide open. The plaza was littered with corpses of changelings. This massacre was just brutal.

Dash walked through, tripping on bodies and guts. This was disgusting.

Suddenly, she saw something coming out of the town hall. She hurried up to see what or who it was.

Scootaloo, the small girl that she is, was dragging Fluttershy with her, trying to keep her lifted from the ground. Her eyes were filled with tears as she screamed and shouted: "Please.... stay alive... PLEASE!"

"Scootaloo!" - Rainbow Dash shouted and approached her. She, with the help of Scootaloo, put Fluttershy on her back, and they headed to the Guard post.

"Please, hurry up, she is dying!" - Scootaloo shouted, and Rainbow Dash tried to walk faster, but Fluttershy wasn't that light after all. Dash felt as her blood was pouring on her, and she felt her breath getting slower and slower.

Amazing. This pony has just slaughtered a whole army of changelings, alone and mortally wounded. What was driving her, what gave her the strength? However, it didn't matter right now. Fluttershy was bleeding out very fast, and Dash hurried up even more.

They had a long history. They both hurt each other a lot, the scars that will never heal. Fluttershy forgave Dash for what she did, and now, it was time to prove that her decision was right.

They ran inside the building and made their to Dash's office - there were no other rooms they could place her in. Dash ran inside and carefully placed Fluttershy right on her desk, swiping all the papers from it beforehand.

In just several minutes, the desk was covered in blood.

"Scootaloo, downstairs and find a surgeon. Hurry, now!" - Dash shouted, and Scootaloo quickly ran away.

"Oh, by all that is holy" - Rainbow Dash said, looking at Fluttershy's wounds. This is the by far the most gruesome sight she has ever saw. Her body, her face - all was covered in cuts, most of them seemed viciously widened, as instead of a clear cut, the flesh was torn. Dash felt sick, examining her. Fluttershy didn't react to anything - she didn't open her eyes, she didn't react to touches. She was still breathing, thankfully, and Rainbow Dash managed to listen to her heartbeat - but it was slowing down with each passing second.

"Fluttershy, if you can hear me, hold on! There are doctors here, they will help you, I promise with my life" - Dash said, as her voice started to tremble and shake. "Please, hold on"

Dash felt herself like an idiot. She really expected Fluttershy to reply. Really expected her to say something witty and funny, or simply tell Dash to go fuck herself. But there was none of that, and grim silence was the answer, interrupted only by her occasional breathing.

Finally, several doctors burst into the room. They were followed by Royal Guards, carrying the stretcher.

"Here she is. Please, step away from the patient" - the doctor said, hiding fear in his voice, but his face gave it away, as he was pale as chalk. The guards put Fluttershy on the stretcher and carried her away quickly, heading to one of the rooms that was used as an operating room.

"Ms. Dash... will she be all right?" - Scootaloo asked in a worried voice. Dash sighed and just covered her with her wing.

"I don't know. This is something that's outside our power. All we can do is wait and hope for the best" - she replied.

"But I want to be there. I have to be there, with her. She risked her life to save me!" - Scootaloo said, when she tried to go to the operating room, but Dash stopped her.

"Kid, I want to help her just as much as you do. But we can't help her now, only the doctors can. Now please, relax and sit down" - Dash said, and Scootaloo sat down on the nearby bench.

Rainbow Dash sighed with relief and sat down near her.

"You know, we used to be friends, me and her. Very close friends" - Rainbow Dash started talking, after about a minute of awkward silence.

"Really?" - Scootaloo asked and Dash nod. Then, she started telling her the story. She hid several details, knowing that she should rather hear them from Fluttershy's lips, not hers. However, she still spent a whole hour telling her.

"Now, child, I have some very important business to do. Let me take you to Pinkie, she should take good care of you" - Rainbow Dash said, and Scootaloo, after several moments of hesitation, she followed her.

Pinkie was quite excited to see a new kid join her group. Everypony quickly jumped at Scootaloo with questions, but Dash told them to lay off - she needs some rest. Pinkie made a very serious face and told her, that no worry shall fall upon Scootaloo as long as she's on duty. Rainbow Dash was relieved, and went to her soldiers - there was a lot of work to do. She had to check on Applejack, look through the town, put out fires and figure out where these changelings came from.

Pain... pain in the left wing, just in the middle of the bone. Fluttershy felt that pain, and tried to open her eyes. The light blinded her for a second, as her eyes started to adapt. When she got used to the light, she was able to take the look at the room she was in. It looked like an office - but without desks and cupboards. Instead, there were several beds put next to each other. They all were empty, and Fluttershy was all alone in this room. The sun was shining through the curtained window - pretty unusual for this time of year. Fluttershy tried to move, but it was very hard for her to do so - she felt weak and powerless. She raised her head, trying to look at the door - it was closed. She took another good look around, and, having made sure there were nopony around, tried to get up. However, she couldn't even lift the blanket she was under.

Finally, the door opened, and an unicorn, wearing the medical dressing gown, came in. She was reading some kind of report, as she entered and closed the door behind her, without even raising her head. She approached Fluttershy and finally had the idea to lower the piece of paper and take a look at her.

"Ow, you're awake" - she said, looking as Fluttershy flabbily turned her head to her. "So, how do you feel?"

"Where...am I?" - Fluttershy said in a weak voice. "Is... is Scootaloo all right?"

"I'll take that as yes. Well, don't worry, I'll inform your friends that you're awake and they'll visit you as soon as they can" - she said quickly and left.

Fluttershy put her head on the pillow. The pain indicated that she was still alive, so this isn't some kind of near death hallucination. The doctor said that she'll call her friends - that means Scootaloo made it out, after Fluttershy lost conscience. Finally, things actually started to brighten up.

After several minutes the door opened again. Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie came inside, Applejack was carrying a bucket full of apples.

"Nevermind, I think I did die. So, masked demons, what will you torture me with?" - Fluttershy said sarcastically, which made everypony smile.

"That seems like you, Fluttershy" - Rainbow Dash said, smiling.

Scootaloo quickly approached Fluttershy and hugged her. She didn't say even say a word. Fluttershy smiled, and cuddled her in return.

"Yeah, I'm glad to see you too, kiddo" - she said, closing her eyes, embracing this moment as one of the rarest a pony can get in this damned world. The rest stood there, allowing these two to plant this moment in their memory as deep as they can, so deep that no amount of evil can tear it away from you.

Applejack put the bucket with apples on the small cupboard near Fluttershy's bed.

"That's for you, hun" - she said, smiling.

"What for?" - Fluttershy replied.

"You saved our buckin' croup, darlin'. As Dash said, if it wasn't for you, we would all be dead for now" - she said, and Dash nod.

"Yes. You managed to fight back their horde all by yourself. Some of my guards could witness the beginning of the battle - they say you were like under a spell. You didn't react to anything, you just went on and slaughtered changelings. You also kept saying 'You will never hurt her' over and over" - Rainbow Dash explained.

"Okay.... but how did I get here?" - Fluttershy asked.

"When you killed that weird prince guy, you fell over unconscious. I tried to drag you to doctor, and Rainbow Dash helped me" - Scootaloo said quickly.

"Well... I guess I owe you two. Thank you" - Fluttershy said, quietly. Scootaloo and Dash smiled.

"Little Scootaloo told me that you became good friends. And I became friends with Scootaloo, so does that make us friends?" - Pinkie said, smiling and jumping in place.

"You made it too, huh? Was that crossbow of any use?" - Fluttershy said, remembering the weapon she gave Pinkie.

"Yes, actually. If it wasn't for that thingie, I wouldn't be here. I just moved my wrist and.. TWACK.... the arrow flew out right into the monster face. Then, Royal Guards found me and children" - she said.

"Girls, I need to talk with Fluttershy in private. Ok?" - Rainbow Dash said, and Applejack and Pinkie left the room. Scootaloo stayed, as Fluttershy refused to let her go.

"Listen, Fluttershy, it's about that prince you killed. We managed to examine his corpse, or, what was left of it, and, judging by his marks of honor, he was of royal blood" - Rainbow Dash said, sounding serious. "I managed to find out who it was - Grand Lord Blueblood"

"So?" - Fluttershy said, holding Scootaloo near herself.

"His mother, the Second Councilor of Equestrian Circle, Benignus" - Rainbow Dash said, and there was no point in going on anymore.

Equestrian Circle was created after the end of War of the Clans many years ago. Consisting of four elected politicians, they were the closest thing to a ruler in Equestria. They gathered in Canterlot to discuss governmental questions and come up with solutions. All of them were highly respected and feared, as they possessed great power and wealth.

This didn't mean anything good, Fluttershy could understand that quite clearly. The changelings have made their way to the very top, and now they will recognize her as a threat. She will be hunted. They will hunt her, and they will never rest, until she draws her last breath.

"Hmph... what about you?" - Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know... It seems that it will be a suicide to report about this to Canterlot, but I'm still going to. I'll try to take the blame all on myself, if needed, so the folks here don't have to suffer"- Dash said

"How very noble of you.... I don't think they will hurt you - they will much rather try to buy you, so you would keep quiet" - Fluttershy smirked. "Listen, Dash. You should keep quiet about this, and, if needed, accept the bribe. The bitch will be after me, that's for sure. You're at least have a reputation at Royal Guard - and I am just a monster hunter, a brigand"

"Fluttershy, you don't have to...."

"No, Dash. If that bitch will strive for my blood, let her. I'm not that easy to catch" - she said, smiling, then took a long look at Scootaloo.

"Darling.... I hope you understand how the situation just got worse. If you don't want to go with me anymore, I'll understand" - she said to the kid.

"No! I will go with you, to the bitter end, Fluttershy" - Scootaloo said firmly. "It doesn't matter if this will be dangerous - you're my family now, and I will take care of you!"

Fluttershy giggled a bit. This seemed so strange - she now has a family. She never imagined that happening. But it happened.

"Good. We'll be together, then" - Fluttershy said, and hugged Scootaloo. "We'll be leaving soon. Dash, did you find any of my things, by any chance?"

"Yes, actually, we did. We'll give it back to you, when you will be ready to leave" - Rainbow Dash said.

Fluttershy finally let Scootaloo go, and she ran away to gather necessary things for the travel.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were left alone in the room now. They smiled to each other, as Rainbow Dash came closer to her and extended her hoof. Fighting weakness, Fluttershy bumped hooves with her.

So many years, they both suffered, because of each other's mistakes, foolishness, stubbornness. But now, it was all over. The bond that tied them together in their childhood was renewed and born anew.


Fluttershy adjusted her wide-brimmed hat, and looked towards the horizon. The cold wind was blowing through her pink mane, refreshing her from the time she spent in the hot room, while she was recovering. All her things were gathered - all her tools and weaponry were in her cape, ready for travels, and even an apple from Applejack. She insisted that Fluttershy would take it.

Little Scootaloo was beside her, with a little bag on her bag, with her personal things. Fluttershy allowed her to take something, but only the most precious things, as they will be moving a lot.

The dull pain in her body still persisted, as the operation to save her was long and difficult. Surgeons had to sew many wounds and use a lot of medicine on her. The scars will stay on her body forever, as painful reminders. Also, she will suffer some aches in the near future, but otherwise, this was the best outcome that could have happened. She was close to death, still.

However, deep inside herself, Fluttershy felt something changing. She felt that the torture hasn't affected only body. But still, she hoped that whatever was coming their way, she and Scootaloo would be able to fight through it.

Rainbow Dash stood near them, encouraging Scootaloo, telling her that she will definitely see the world now. Scootaloo was taking everything pretty well and happily.

Dash and Fluttershy exchanged looks. It was a bit sad, to go apart again, when their friendship has just begun anew, but this was the necessary sacrifice. Maybe the fate will be merciful to them, and their paths will cross again.

"So, are you ready?" - Fluttershy said, and Scootaloo nod happily. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy bumped their hooves for the last time.

Rainbow Dash thought of all soon to come problems - she will have to write a report on this situation, deal with Benignus. Many ponies died in this attack, and needed a proper burial. The town is in ruins, Mayor Mare is dead - this will be a hard winter for sure. Brutal, vicious, but Rainbow knew they will endure it. She will make sure of that.

Fluttershy and Scootaloo finally took their leave. Scootaloo was excited, and scared at the same time - a new life awaits her, life of adventures, danger and travels. So many thoughts were tearing her mind apart right now, so many possibilities. But one thing she knew for sure - Fluttershy was there for her, and they were always ready to protect each other.

Fluttershy looked somewhere far, immersed in her own thoughts, but they were much more practical. Where will they go, where will they stay, what will they eat? The changelings could be around every corner, hiding and waiting for a chance to avenge their dead prince, and this worried Fluttershy, awakening the feeling of paranoia. However, she knew that, no matter what, she will never let anypony or anything hurt Scootaloo. Ever.

She looked back for a second and decided for herself - it was a good thing that she came to this town. It helped her realize, it put her right before her past. She thought of Master Amos, and how he stayed with her, near her bed, from day to night. She thanked him once more in her mind. He may rest in peace now - Fluttershy has grown, became a true adult.

Together, Fluttershy and Scootaloo left Ponyville behind, as they slowly disappeared in the darkness of the wood. Together, they will look for a place in this cruel world.

Here, ends the tale of a monster hunter. A long, bloody, gruesome tale, that has carved itself into the ground with crimson letters. However, when every tale ends, it gives birth to something bigger. From the dark and gritty remains of the tale, that can be missed by a non-careful rise, something greater will rise, and many will notice it. Many will notice, and perish, many will notice, and rejoice in its coming.

The tale ends here, and here, it gives birth to a legend.

Author's Note:

Warning - this chapter contains LARGE amounts of gore. Viewer's discretion advised.

Comments ( 10 )

That was...I can't even describe how amazing that was no doubt it was the best read I ever had and will probably stay that way this is defintly the best story on this site I have ever read

Thank you. As a novice-fic writer these words mean a lot to me, and I can't even describe in how many ways!

sooooo much epicness in this story u need to write one for scoots as well if u feel up to it :twilightsmile:

Really good story bro, keep writing!!

It kills my insides that this doesn't have more views, a truly epic read.


Ay, after a whole week of interruptions and breaks, I was still able to finish it! I found this story while looking though thy works. While not everything struck my fancy there, I found this one and said to myself "That's going to be the next one on mine E-Reader!". I was a little sceptical at first. Fluttershy being a huntress of monsters seemed like a pretty foreign concept to me, then again, I like new things. And the phrase about the wide-brimmed hat in the story's description helped a lot. :rainbowwild:

The first things I noticed were that your world seems pretty dark, to not say rotten on the inside; beggars, poverty, and starvation. Nearly everything is different from the canon, which I found highly enjoyable. Your world seemed well thought through and the chapters were interesting and characters developed nicely through the story. Small things like the "Van" before a hunter's name and your ideas of Flutters' weaponry added a nice flare to it. That and Van Fluttershy sounded awesome. By the time I finished the first chapter, I was like "Fuck, she's a badass. But why should she be any different from the canon?"

The fightscenes were, like the last time, highly enjoyable. While still gore-y, they weren't overly so which is a very delicate balance to keep, if you ask me. It was interesting to see the characters of the mane 6 (at least those who lived in Ponyville, as Twi wasn't there) in their positions. They were all placed in reasonable ways, I could easily imagine RD as a Guard, or Pinkie as an animatrisse at the childs' wing in the hospital. Then there was the blow, RD missed an eye and it was apparently Fluttershy's fault. I figured that this, as well as the hostility towards Dash, was part of the reason for Flutters being a monster huntress in the first place and I eagerly read on to see why.

Flutters was a mystery to me, but I noticed that the orphanage wing in the Ponyville hospital invoked some hard feelings for her, especially when she read the words on the child's drawing "Mommy, daddy, take me home." Again I saw a piece of Flutters' equipment and I had to smirk, Angel the hoofwaistgun! That was a nice little reference, have a moustache for that :moustache:
The first encounter of Scoots and Fluttershy was very cute, but one could clearly see that Flutters was neither used to taking to children nor to real conversations at all at that point :rainbowwild:

Fluttershy and her master. These two were most likely not really sociallizing types when they were still together, still, I liked Amos. He understood Flutters' better than anyone, though, we were left to guess why he could read her so easily in the first place, kinda unnerving.
Rainbow Dash for one was, in my opinon, nothing but a dick through the entire thing. I blame her, solely her for Flutters' suffering. Then again, if she really had told Fluttershy about her joining the Guards, the whole monster hunter business might've not happened in the first place. I still hate her for it. That song Fluttershy wrote about RD, I somehow connect it to this song.. You may not understand the lyrics but they're awefully fitting.

The memories of Fluttershy and her mentor were surprisingly deep and profound. That surprised me a bit, because I really got to think about some of them. My favourite quote:

"Because you are strong, Fluttershy. Don't think you can fool me — your eyes are full of tears, your soul is fulled with grief, but you refuse to cry, refuse to break."

The plottwist with the changelings was a little sudden, but it the story's climax didn't suffer from that in the slightest. I was impressed of what methods of torture thou camest up with, and I found myself hating that dick Prince of dickland every second of it. The part of Fluttershy harnessing her hatred and agony she endured to break free and rescue Scoots was interesting, because it was something I haven't expected.

Sadly, I didn't see much of Scoots, my favourite filly. :scootangel: But I fear that because the sequel is set up serveral years after the events of this story, we won't see much of that, which I find sad, because I'd really like to see Scoots develop on the journey with Fluttershy. I mean, surely they can't live securely in Equestria anymore with changelings wanting to lynch Fluttershy. I kinda hoped you'd write a sequel which is set up in an entirely different country (aye, not every fanfiction needs to be set in Equestria) where Scoots learns from Fluttershy. Point is, I ,for one, would like to see Scoots development under Fluttershy's tutelage, and having a sequel set up serveral years in the future is counterproductive.
Another thing I wanted to ask about was: Fluttershy once mentioned the mare in the moon. What will happen when she gets free? I don't see how they can wield the Elements if Fluttershy is kinda on the run from changelings. :rainbowhuh:

The story was overall an epic little grimdark adventure with some lighter moments and I enjoyed every second of it. You should really write one of your grimdark frics with Scoots being the main character, that'd be cool. Have my upvote! Take it, now!!

If you read till here, then I have to say, you have an extraordinary attention span. But that wasn't what I wanted to say last. It is kind of a critic. Your grammar, makes it difficult to read on some edges. Missing words like articles and such. Do you already have an editor?

That's all I wanted to say. Now I shall resume mine important task of armwrestling Thor for a watermelon. :pinkiecrazy:

Abschied, mein Freund.

3228457 Thank you for a new long review! Let's start, shall we?

My grammar here is bad, yes. You know why? It was the second fanfiction I have ever wrote. Yeah!

The world is dark, as I was under impression of Diablo. I wanted to make something in that kind of setting - dark, grim, evil.

Also, be not afraid of not seeing Scoots in the sequel - through these years, her skills have improved, but her personality didn't change too much. She can fight, but she's still the same small filly. When I get to continue the sequel, I will get deeper into that. Besides, if I ever finish the sequel, I will make spin-offs with Scoots, with her as the main heroine. I already have a design in my head, and a good plot.
About the editor, no, right now, I don't have any. One kind soul has agreed to be my pre-reader/proofreader for my Sombra story - surprise, I am going to rework it. Especially the prologue, the childhood and the romance parts. Check out his review, it is very thorough and good, just like yours!

3228457 That is a beautiful song, btw. Made me cry a bit after looking through my story again

His review brought some things up that I haven't really thought about. It's good to see serveral opinions. You said you had no editor, I'd volunteer for it if you'd like. Though, I'll probably be a little slow 'cause school's a bitch.

Yes, I really like that song too. Funnily enough, it heard it in the radio when I read your story and I was like, "Damn, canst thou read my mind, radio?"

If you asked youself about the lyrics:

If my hand is a fist, you open it
and lay yours in mine.
You whisper sentences carefully through all the noise
as if they where my sextant and my compass.

Applause, applause
for your words
my heart opens up
when you laugh!
Applause, applause
for your way to enthuse me
don't ever stop that!
I wish so much,
you'll never stop doing that!

If my earth is a plate, you make it round again.
You show me in a silent way what it means to be far-sighted.
If I want to bash my head against a wall
you put helmet and hammer in my hands

(2x refrain)

Frankly, they read better in the original, but that is what translations do.

3228686 Thank you, I will really appreciate that.

Do not worry, school gobbles up my time as well, very, very stressful, so we're on even footing.

Thank you for the lyrics, as the song is definately going into my Mp3 player now! :pinkiehappy:

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