• Published 5th Dec 2013
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The Pony Dialogues - Knowledge

An ancient changeling from a far away land settles in Equestria with zir adoptive daughter. What does the outsider see?

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Of Livestock and Pets 3.4: Magic Envy (Edited)

Written by: Knowledge
Edited by: Knowledge, and an itsy bit by: ChaoticLightning
Pre-read by: Rewrite

Two fillies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, stood in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders tree house, trying their new strategy in getting under the CMC’s skin.

“What kind of unicorn cannot even use magic?” Diamond Tiara mocked Sweetie Belle, whose emotions were bouncing back and forth between indignation and hurtfulness.

“Don’t make fun of Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo defended. “You try this before, and it won’t work anymore. ” As the orange pegasus said this, the unicorn burst into tears.

“Sweetie Belle, don’t listen to her. Yah don’t need magic to be special. You are our friend regardless,” Apple Bloom said, hugging her distress friend.

“Why don’t you two just make like a tree and leave?” Scootaloo shouted at the earth pony bully duo.

“Why should we listen to talentless blank flanks,” Diamond Tiara retorted.

“We are not the ones in a tree anyway,” Silver Spoon added, earning her an approving look from her rich friend.

As they laughed, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom suddenly were shocked by the sight of a flying giant book glowing in an eerie brown magical aura sneaking up on the duo of all around badness.

Diamond Tiara suddenly got smacked in the face with a notepad, which cut her chortling short. Diamond Tiara slowly turned around to see a huge book roughly the weight of Big Mac behind her. She froze. It took Silver Spoon a good three seconds to realize that her friend had stopped, and when she did, she screamed. The two ponies ran away, eyes shut with fear. They ran into a tree or two on there way back to Lake Ponyville where the Rich mansion was.

The book levitated out of the way, to reveal a very stoic unicorn, who only seemed perturbed that her notebook had been dropped on the ground unused. Picking it up, the unicorn wrote down some notes. She then looked up at the CMC and wrote down some more.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked back terrified of the unicorn. She didn’t look normal. All ponies had a solid color for their coat, but this one had blotchy black-and-white one. her brown mane and eyes were not common either, and this led the CMC to believe that the unicorn must be some new breed of unicorn. There were also blue dots crowning her forehead, which the Apple Bloom found very familiar for some reason. The most notable quality was her square-fractal checkered shawl.

“Wow, you are strong,” shouted Sweetie Belle. “Look girls! She carrying that book all by herself and she can write at the same time. She will probably get into Celestia’s School for Talented Unicorns for sure.”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked between both unicorn fillies for a moment, and after a moment there fear turned to joy. “Apple Bloom, did you see how she scared away those two bullies?”

“And she doesn’t have her Cutie Mark yet just like us!” Apple Bloom added.

The CMC got down from their tree house to meet the filly. “What is your name? We are Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said, which earned her a notebook to the face.

Sweetie Belle frowned as she rubbed her muzzle, but she read the notepad. “My name is Wisdom. I come from forest. I cannot speak or understand language yet. Please write down what you say on this.”

“So she wants us to write on this here notebook thing. That ain’t very convenient,” Apple Bloom said.

“We Cutie Mark Crusaders don’t deny a filly just because she speaks with a notebook,” Scootaloo spoke with her hoof proudly held over her heart as if she were reciting a pledge.

“That isn’t in the oath,” Apple Bloom countered.

“Yeah, it is. I should know; I wrote it,” Scootaloo responded.

“It is a very long oath,” Sweetie Belle added.

During this whole exchange, Wisdom was observing them.

“Um, Ah reckon we should introduce ourselves. Sweetie Belle hand me that there pencil and notebook.” Apple Bloom started by introducing her friends and she. The note read: We are Apple Bloom, Scootalu, and Sweety Bell. Together we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We crusading to get our Cutie Marks. Do you want to join? Beside each name was a doodle of their respective pony breed. For instance, ‘Scootalu’ had a picture of a pegasus.

“That is not how you spell my name, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, and my name is wrong too,” Scootaloo said.

“Well, Ah didn’t know. Never had to write your names before,” the yellow earth pony defended.

Apple Bloom indicated she wanted to return the notebook back to Wisdom, and it was magicked out of her hoof along with the pen.

“Ah wonder if she will…” Apple Bloom began to say when she got hit in the face with Wisdom’s response.

“Give me that,” Scootaloo said. She quickly wrote that Wisdom should stop hitting them in the face. Sorry. Did not know. I do not have to communicate this way often.

“This girl doesn’t have a lick of common sense, does she?” Apple Bloom asked, and then she read the filly’s previous response. “Ah don’t want to join in your real-ig-oz war over a holy Cutie Mark with your nation’s enemies. Ah do want to know how children play. Do you have diz-cuss here?” Apple Bloom made a scrunchy face at the foreign words she didn’t know.

“What that supposed to mean?” Scootaloo asked.

“Perhaps she is from far off place where they don’t know what Cutie Marks are,” Sweetie Belle guessed.

“I think from some far away land or how else could she not know what Cutie Marks are?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well, ask her and find out,” Sweetie Belle offered.

Apple Bloom wrote down Scootaloo’s question. “She sahs that she comes from the forest. They don’t have ponies like her there.”

“The forest, the only forest is the Everfree Forest,” Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom inquired on how Wisdom lived in such a place. “She says her parent and courage protects her. Wow, it would take mighty helpin’ of courage to live in the Everfree.”

“Let’s ask her what discus is,” Sweetie Belle suggested, and Apple Bloom complied.

In response, they received a detailed drawing of a bug-pony hybrid and a buffalo spinning around and throwing something that looked like a frisbee into the air.

“Uh, this is what you want to play?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Looks interesting. Perhaps we will get our Cutie Marks in diss-cuss,” the pegasus added.

The CMC agreed to play this strange foreign game.

“I have a frisbee at my house. I will be right back. Let’s meet in left field,” Sweetie Belle said. She galloped away, leaving her friends with Wisdom.


Carrying the frisbee in her mouth, Sweetie Belle arrived to left field. They were not facing Sweetie Belle as she approached. The little unicorn took out the frisbee from her mouth, so she could tell them that she arrived. “Girls, I got it.”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom turned around, but not to face her. They were spinning with discuses in their mouths. They shifted their weight between their hooves, and after turning roughly three-hundred-and-sixty degrees, they threw their discuses into the air. Apple Bloom got thirty-six feet, and Scootaloo, who had the better wind up, got a whopping fifty-one feet.

“No need, Sweetie. Wisdom here made some out clay with her magic,” her pegasus friend said.

“It’s nice having a unicorn our age around who can use magic,” the earth pony added.

“That gives me an idea,” Scootaloo said. “Why don’t we have Wisdom use her magic to levitate us into the air so that we can fly around.”

The white unicorn frowned. “I haven’t even gotten to play yet.”

“Oh,” Scootaloo said. She took the notebook and hoofed it to Wisdom after writing something on it.

Suddenly, the earth around the brown-maned filly shook as clay was extracted and compacted into a perfect discus. It was levitated to Sweetie Belle, but dropped before it reached her. The white unicorn picked it up from the ground. She was mad at the other unicorn for not just giving it to her. When Sweetie Belle looked at Wisdom, she saw that the new filly was observing her with a confused look.

“She wants to know why yah didn’t use your magic to catch the diss-cuss,” Apple Bloom explained, holding up the notebook.

Sweetie Belle growled. Determined to one up the other unicorn, she spun rapidly. This made her dizzy, and threw the discus straight up into the air. The unicorns went cross for a second, but when they refocused, she saw the discus about to fall on her face. Sweetie flinched and shut her eyes.

“Good save, Wisdom,” Apple Bloom shouted and gave her new pony friend a congratulatory pat on the back, which resulted in the unicorn asking her why she did that.

This all served to make Sweetie even more angry. “I bet she couldn’t do much better.”

With encouragement from the other CMC, Wisdom made her own discus and gave it a try. The forest had made intellectual filly strong, and combined with having much more practice, she was able to make it go fifty-three feet.

“That was farther than even me,” Scootaloo replied. Wisdom replied that with practice, Scootaloo would probably do much better than her due to her physical aptitude. “Oh, Wisdom, I bet you can go even further if you threw it with your magic.”

The intellectual agreed, still studying this ‘fun’ phenomenon. This time, instead of using her body, the unicorn used her powerful control of telekinesis to spin a new discus around her body and launch it clear across the apple orchard. Some poor person would have to look out for that one.

“Wow, your magic is amazing, Wisdom,” Scootaloo cheered. “Now, lets go to the flower field to see so you can make us fly in the air.”


In a bush, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon watched their prey carefully.

“Diamond, what are we going to do? She is too strong,” the silver earth pony said.

“Patience. Everypony has a weakness. We just haven’t seen it yet. When we find it, we can have our vengeance!” The tiara-wearing snob laugh maniacally, almost blowing their cover.


Scootaloo wanted to go to the flower field not only because it was pretty, but because it had steep hills which she loved to practice flying on.

When they arrived, they noticed that Wisdom didn’t follow them in.

“What’s wrong? Why she just standing there?” Scootaloo asked.

“Ah don’t know. We should ask her,” Apple Bloom replied.

Scootaloo took the notebook and tried to write her answer. “Sweetie Belle, how do you write telekinesis?”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, and spelt it out for her.

“Thanks, dictionary,” the pegasus answered, using her favorite smart-bashing nickname for the unicorn. This elicited another growl from her.

“She says the air here is bad,” Apple Bloom read. “Why?” After another exchange of the notebook, the earth pony read further. “The flowers fill the air with stuff that causes her to choke.”

“Ah, that’s too bad. I had a relative who had allergies,” Scootaloo said. “I know where we can go.”

“Where?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Ghastly Gorge!” the pegasus announced. Apple Bloom liked the idea, but Sweetie Belle tried to voice doubt without much success. Wisdom just followed, writing down notes about the ponies.

The CMC plus Wisdom started to go to Ghastly Gorge. Scootaloo was pumped for Wisdom to use telekinesis so she could dodge around the wall-eels and other hazards just like she saw Rainbow Dash do several times before.

Scootaloo wrote her request in extreme detail, taking up several pages of notebook. When Wisdom read it, she frowned. Scootaloo read her reply. “She says that she won’t do it because it will hurt me. Then there is a lot of complicated medical mumbo jumbo on telekinesis on the body.”

“I agree. It is too dangerous,” Sweetie Belle said.

“What do yah suggest instead, Sweetie?” Apple Bloom asked.

The unicorn had been planning what she was absolutely beat the new pony at. “Poker with one hundred wood chips each.”

“Uh, you always win at that,” the earth pony replied.

“No, you are on. I won’t lose this time,” the pegasus said, channelling her inner competitive nature.

As they went, they heard some laughter from a shrubbery. This time Wisdom heard it.

With her big book of everything with everything inside, the unicorn sacred two earth pony fillies out of their hiding spot.

“Why are yah two following us?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah, are yah spying on us?” Scootaloo also asked.

Diamond Tiara put her nose into the air. “It is none of your blank flank business what I am doing.”

“It is none of your business what we are doing either,” Sweetie retorted.

“You are still blank flanks,” Silver Spoon added.

Diamond Tiara facehoofed. “We’re going, Silver Spoon.”

“But...okay,” the sycophant conceded and left with her father’s rich benefactor’s daughter.


The four were now in the the club house.

“Do you know how to play poker?” Sweetie Belle asked Wisdom. She replied that she did not, but she would observe and figure it out. This caused the white unicorn filly to smile. “Then you don’t need me to explain the rules.”

Apple Bloom dealt the first hoof. After cards were discarded and drawn, Sweetie Belle folded and Wisdom mimicked her. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both bet ten chips and then showed each others hoofs.

“Aw, yeah, my three tens beats your two pairs!” Scootaloo cheered.

Apple Bloom frowned. She was hoping that she could at least beat Scootaloo, but this game just didn’t ever work for her. The mind games involved in it just didn’t match up to Apple family values.

Wisdom took the time between deals to ask questions of the CMC.

“She asks. ‘Sweetie Belle, do unicorns live on mountains because it reminds them of their horns?’” Apple Bloom read. Scootaloo and her broke out laughing as Sweetie Belle just couldn’t fathom the question at all.

It must be some kind of mind game. I must not let her get to me, Sweetie Belle rationalized.

Scootaloo dealt the next hoof. After everypony discarded their cards, Sweetie Belle smirked and put in ten bits into the pot. Apple Bloom folded right away. Scootaloo and Wisdom both placed ten bits in. Sweetie Belle placed in another five bits, and this made Scootaloo a scared but she put in another five bits. Wisdom just repeated the action.

Sweetie Belle put in another five bits, staring intensely at Scootaloo. The pegasus just couldn’t take the heat, and folded. Wisdom placed another five bits in.

What kind of hoof does she have? Her face is completely impenetrable. Wait, no, she couldn’t possibility know how to play after one hoof, Sweetie Belle thought. The white unicorn decided to cut her losses now and show her hoof. She had been bluffing and only had a pair of twos.

Wisdom showed her hoof, which also had a pair of twos, but her highest card was a princess’s student, which was better than any other card Sweetie had.

“Wow, you were both bluffing. I should have known!” Scootaloo shouted.

Now Sweetie dealt the cards. While she did, Wisdom asked her next question which Apple Bloom read. “She asks, ‘Scootaloo, did the pegasi throw down thunder bolts upon the earth ponies like gods from in their sky cities during the pre-unification period?’”

“Uh, we were pretty mean back before the tribes learned the power of friendship,” Scootaloo said remembering what she was taught for Hearth’s Warming Eve. “What is a god?”

“She says its some kind of undying being that is usually more power than we are,” the earth pony read.

“Like Celestia?” Sweetie asked.

“I guess that must be what she means,” Scootaloo shrugged. “Tell her I don’t think so.”

Sweetie had dealt the cards and gave people cards for to replace the ones they discarded. Now she was sure she would win this one, but she kept herself completely stoic.

This time Sweetie was able to get all the ponies to put in ten chips. When they showed, Sweetie Belle had a straight. The closest hoof behind the unicorn’s was Apple Bloom’s which was a three of a kind.

“I hate this game,” the earth pony whined.

This time they let Wisdom deal the cards and she had apparently already figured out how to do that properly. This did not mean she couldn’t ask more questions.

Apple Bloom had just made it her job to read the notebook for the other ponies because she could care less about the game. “She says, “Apple Bloom, why do earth ponies let unicorns rule them? They produce the food and have a history of self-rule.’” The earth pony rubbed her chin. “Um, well. Ain’t it about friendship or something like that? The unicorns are nice to us by helping us when we need it, which is not to say we want them using magic on our farms. It gotta be the earth pony way. In return, we give the pegasi a portion of our food, and they distribute between themselves and the unicorns. The rest we get to sell to other earth ponies, which is nice because we need that money to take care of our farm.” She wrote this down as she spoke, which was possible because she could write with her hooves.

“Isn’t the Apple farm struggling?” Sweetie asked.

“Yeah, but we just got a lot of new animals on the farm, and they will be digging irrigation for the new crops we got. You guys like watermelons? Uncle Apple Tart has invited her to sell our apples at this fancy art show in Prance next month. AJ says we will be better off than ever when the years done.”

“What’s irrigation?” Scootaloo asked.

While they talked amongst themselves, they discarded and drew their new cards.

At the end of this hoof, Scootaloo won with a straight getting 5 chips from Apple Bloom and ten chips from both Wisdom and Sweetie Belle.


The game continued and Wisdom would ask her weird questions, most of which they had no answer for. They were all impressed by Wisdom’s poker face and that she learned almost the complete game after twelve games.

Scootaloo noticed something else too. Every once and awhile, Wisdom would take a hoof to her mouth, suck into it, then place her hoof down and tap it while blowing through her lips. The pegasus asked why in writing.

“‘Smoking,’” Apple Bloom read.

“What is that?” Scootaloo asked.

“She says, ‘it’s a thing ponies do to lower their stress or look cool in exchange for their long-term health.’”

“So it makes them die faster. That is stupid. Why does she do it? Is she stressed?” Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom wrote the white unicorn’s question. “Her parent does it, apparently,” the earth pony said after reading the response.

“Then her parent must be stupid,” Sweetie Belle said.


The game was reaching its end, and it was only Sweetie Belle and Wisdom. It was as if Wisdom knew every time she was bluffing and would fold when she wasn’t. Scootaloo had taken over dealing while Apple Bloom stayed with the notebook.

The earth pony read Wisdom’s most recent question. “She asks: How do different ponies think about ponies in different breeds?”

“Well, we in Ponyville are known as the village where earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns can get along and be friends,” Scootaloo explained.

“But we are also an earth pony village, so when it comes down to it, we do things the earth pony way,” Apple Bloom added.

“Which is a pain for us unicorns because we cannot use our magic, which is what makes us special,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Well, I haven’t seen yah complaining about doing things the earth pony way before, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom retorted. In response, the unicorn made some soft emotional gibberish.

The game continued, and both unicorns seemed confident in their hoofs as they kept putting more and more wood chips until there was roughly one hundred thirty each in the pot. This left Sweetie with only fifty chips and Wisdom with ten.

I have four of a kind. She hasn’t ever let me go this far without folding. She can’t be bluffing then. She must have something better than a four of a kind, the white unicorn thought.

“I fold,” she said putting her hoof face down.

Wisdom showed her hoof. She only had a pair of fours.

“How? You bluffed me!”

“She got yah good, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom said.

“It doesn’t look too good, but you could do one of your famous turnarounds,” Scootaloo said.

“No, I give up. Just look at her,” Sweetie Belle said as Wisdom methodically organized her wood chips by value. “She is a monster.”

“Ah don’t think yah like losing,” Apple Bloom said.

“Says Apple Bloom,” the unicorn retorted.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” the earth pony replied while shoving her face at the unicorn.

“Not to interrupt you girls while you are discussing the values of friendship, but we have company again,” Scootaloo announced.

The fillies went out off the clubhouse and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon accompanied by a unicorn.

“Hey, girls. This is here is our family’s gardner, Mr. Gardner, and he challenges Wisdom to a duel,” Diamond Tiara said. It was vogue among the new rich earth ponies in middle Equestria to have unicorn servants. It made them feel like royalty.

“Do have to?” Mr. Gardner asked in a trembling voice.

“You will or I will tell my father on you,” the bratty princess-wanna-be said.

The gardener gulped.

“Why does she have to duel him?” Scootaloo asked defensively.

“Because you want us to leave, don’t you? Here is the deal. Wisdom wins, we leave you alone forever.”

“What do you get if you win?” Sweetie Belle asked, seeing through the earth pony easily.

“You have to disband. No more Cutie Mark Crusaders, no more tree house, no more friendship.” The duo both smirked really evilly when they said this.

“No way,” Scootaloo shouted.

“Wisdom, yah don’t have to fight him,” Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle raised her left hoof in the air to shush her friends. “Deal.”

“But if she loses,” Scootaloo started to say, but Sweetie Belle interrupted.

“If she is so much better at magic than me, let her fight,” Sweetie said, her disdain for the other unicorn in her voice.

“This is about yah ain’t it?!” Apple Bloom responded shocked.

“You’re jealous of her,” Diamond Tiara laughed. “You must be so angry how she is so much more gifted than you will ever be.”

“Apple Bloom, give me the notebook,” Sweetie demanded. The earth pony refused. “I am going to ask her to fight. You don’t get to decide this.” Apple Bloom refused to give up the notebook but, pressured by her friend, described the situation to on the notebook. The earth pony hoofed the notebook back the silently observant unicorn scholar.

After reading Apple Bloom’s description of the events, Wisdom surprisingly agreed to fight for them, writing that she had never dueled before and it would, therefore, be a learning experience. The unicorn walked down the bridge of the tree house with the mighty tome of all knowledge in tow. The intimidation was clearly affecting Mr. Gardener.

Silver Spoon and Scootaloo stood as referees. “On the count of three, let the duel begin,” Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom communicated this to Wisdom. The two duelist stood fifteen years from each other.

“1, 2, 3,” Silver Spoon said, starting the duel.

Wisdom launched the book at Mr. Gardener. He dodged it but barely. What he didn’t expect was that where he landed, the ground had turned to mud which had trapped him. He also didn’t account for the filly to be able to keep her telekinetic grip on her book after she had sent it so far away from herself. To be fair, her control on it was far weaker at that distance.

“That is not fair. She brought a weapon,” Silver Spoon shout and blew the whistle. Wisdom ignored her as she slowly brought the book to Mr. Gardener so that she could flatten him.

“Silver Spoon, drop it. Mr. Gardener, do it just like we discussed,” Diamond shouted.

The stallion was panicking while the book started move menacing towards his fragile unicorn body; however, the filly’s words reminded him to cast one of the only spells he knew.

His horn developed a green shimmer of channeled magic. Wisdom watched carefully for the spell, when suddenly the air around her started to smell sweet. Below flowers suddenly bloomed all around her due to the garden unicorn’s spell.

She quickly stopped channeling magic as she had a severe reaction to all the flowers.

Sweetie Belle looked down at it all and could see as tears started flowing down the cheeks of the unicorn she had felt so much hate for just a few moments ago. Now her empathy broke through that hatred, and now she didn’t see a strange unicorn but another person who was kind of her friend suffering.

“Stop,” she shout as she tackled Wisdom and saved her from the dandelion garden that had just grown up under her.

“Ha, we win!” Silver Spoon shouted.

“That wasn’t fair and you know that. You could have hurt her really badly! She has allergies,” Sweetie Belle shouted.

Mr. Gardener heard this. “I am done. I don’t care if your boss fires me. I am leaving.” With one last push, he got out of the mud and galloped all the way back to the Rich mansion to first get cleaned up and then to talk to Filthy Rich about what happened.

“What you come back here!” Diamond Tiara shouted.

“Diamond, we should go. What happens if we get in trouble. We did just hurt that filly,” Silver Spoon said reasonably.

“Uh, I hate it when you’re right,” the brat replied. With that, they called the CMC blank flanks and chased after the gardener so that they could turned Filthy Rich against him before he got the chance to tell his side of the story.

When they were out of sight, Sweetie Belle helped Wisdom up.

The puffy-eyed unicorn got the notebook and wrote something on it.

“I am so sorry, Wisdom. I understand if you hate me,” Sweetie Belle said to the uncomprehending unicorn who had something for her to read. Sweetie looked at the notebook. “‘Thank you’? Why are you thanking me? It is my fault you got hurt.”

Wisdom tilted her head and tapped the notebook with the pencil for emphais.

“Oh, I should write that, my bad.”

The foreign unicorn looked over what Sweetie Belle had said and then replied.

“‘I don’t understand. I decided to fight, not you. You saved me. I thank you. You have no need to be sorry.’”

Sweetie was completely taken aback by the words of this new pony. She just started to cry, she was so happy.

Wisdom asked Apple Bloom if she did something wrong. The earth pony shrugged.

“Let’s be friends, Wisdom. Apple Bloom tell her that,” Sweetie said.


“Well, it is getting late. See you girls at school tomorrow. Hope to see you there too, Wisdom. I am sure all the other classmates will like you, aside other than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon of course.”

“Scootaloo, that is a lot to write,” Apple Bloom complained.

“Not my problem,” Scootaloo said and then just left on her scooter.

“I got to go to,” Sweetie said. She hugged Wisdom and left.

Apple Bloom and Wisdom watched as the two other CMC left.

“So don’t yah have to go home to?” Apple Bloom asked.

I live on this farm now with my parent, the unicorn replied.

“What really? How was Ah not told another pony was going to be on our farm. Is your momma a unicorn too because we don’t use magic in our farming,” the earth pony replied proudly and then in writing.

No, my parent is not a unicorn.

“Well, even so. Ah still have to talk to her about stopping smoking. It is bad for both yah.”

It is my parent’s decision if ze smokes.

“Yeah, but still. He shouldn't.”

They walked around the farm until Wisdom indicated that she saw her parent.

Apple Bloom was not expecting to see the unicorn’s parent literally on fire, but that might explain why smoking shortened a pony’s lifespan.

Author's Note:

This chapter was written in five hours in the same sitting with only the premise that there would be bullying in the beginning and there would be that smoking joke.

The title is a reference to penis envy, which works with Wisdom/Sophia’s interest in psychoanalyzing other ponies.

I had to look up discus throwing, for this chapter.

This chapter was written to give Sophia some much needed character development.

The chapter was written from the CMC’s perspective because imagine how little would have been written had it been in WIsdom’s. I don’t like having to figure out what both sides are thinking and then leave out the side where most of the action is happening. Last chapter taught me that.

I tried to elude to Wisdom's future talent, but only my pre-reader cannot fathom what it was.

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