• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Talon and Thorn


When Trixie's assistant Pokey Pierce went on holiday Trixie didn't expect more than to have to work a bit harder. However her incompetence leads to a chain of events resulting in the whole town baying for her blood and her getting buried in paperwork. Can Trixie survive a whole week doing her own job?

Part of Rainbowdoubledash's Lunaverse.

My entry to this months Lunaverse writing challenge on the theme of holidays.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 40 )

Those all seem like sensible precautions when your boss is Trixie.

Will read the rest as soon as feasible.

“A whole week in Mareami, where the sun is hot and the fillies are hotter.”

I thought Pokey was gay. :rainbowhuh:

Trixie listlessly started to complete forms again but her eyes kept being drawn to the clock until, after about an hour, she decided to give up. She wasn’t going to get much done now better to call it a day and get a fresh start tomorrow.

Story of my writing career, right here.

Trixie: I’m cancelling all of your holidays from now on.
Pokey: ...
Trixie: It is a brilliant plan, that surely carries with it no negative consequences whatsoever.
Pokey: Trixie.
Trixie: Yes?
Pokey: I know where you sleep.

The calm before the storm. I will be disappointed if Trixie's window survives the week. Onward.

2903984 That was in "Heat of The Moment," a non-canon fic.

I thought this was hilarious. Utterly worth the fave and upvote.

That was a pretty entertaining, definitely needs a once over again for random spelling and punctuation issues though. I really like the idea of Mayor Mare being related to Pinkie, haha.


Yeh, I generally ignore that on the following grounds
1) Heat of the moment is non cannon,
2) Everything I write is non cannon
3) I generally interpret the line in Heat of the moment as being Pokey's version of letting Trixie down gently although I think another character repeats the same fact independently later so its probably not the writers intention.
4) I'm a Trixie / Pokey shipper.

In my stories Pokey is mildly bisexual / mostly straight and fairly sexually active. He hits on Notary in 'Tale of Two assistants' and is interested in a holiday fling here. Whether he's interested in the Mayor's advances might pop up in my further scribbling's.

I think that's most peoples writing styles apart from those with Iron wills. So far this weekend I've written nothing.

Sorry to disappoint. In one version during the riot someone was going to throw a rock at Trixie's window and it would bounce off and Trixie would gloat that she magiced her windows to be rock proof before someone threw a stick at them and smashed them. But I decided to cut it out.

I'm fairly sure I stole the Mayor being Pinkie's aunt from somewhere else, I think it might be Today I will be a princess by Cloud Wander, it has a charming interpretation of the Mayor in it, so enthusiastic about doing the best for Ponyville while at the same time so fragile about whether she's competent for the job.

2903984 By my recollection, that was only in In the Heat of the Moment, which is officially non-canon, while I know of at least one other story where he's depicted as something of a Casanova with the mares (but danged if I can remember which one). So *shrug*.

Well, this is careening nicely out of control. :pinkiehappy:

It's a shame that Trixie does not comprehend the magnitude of Pokey's swag, both personal and organisational, but at least the Mayor does!

"the role of the representative was to lease" - should that be " liaise " ?

Ahh, bureaucracy. Without it, nothing ever gets done. With it, nothing ever gets done, but there are forms to fill out .

"apply trust " - ?

2904641 2908279 2910054
Fair enough. I'm not fully versed in Lunaverse lore, so that was the indication I've seen one way or the other regarding Pokey's sexuality. Consider the matter dropped.


Yes it should be and if you look carefully you'll find it is now, same with the trust.

Thanks for catching those.

I'm just gonna pretend that Tugger looks like that pony right over there.

The door swung open to reveal a grey unicorn in a post mare’s uniform struggling under the weight of a bulging sack.

I didn't know they had that kind of surgery in the Lunaverse yet... :derpyderp1:
Actually, I haven't specifically heard of it anywhere


Opps, err, It was a false horn which has now been removed :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

I also remember that pokey likes stallions. I believe it was mentioned in his interview.

Why do I picture that Futurama episode where they go to that building with all the beurecrats when I picture Clover Square?


It probably no where near as organised as that place.

Some incredibly good bits here! Poor Trixie.. Loved how slowly and "organically" she made things worse, and how they all then combined their forces for explosive results. The crowd scene with the Holy Grail reference was brilliant, as well as the bar scene at the start!

> “it’s a bit too far for Granny to come and well Apple Bloom drinks enough of the stuff that I wouldn’t trust her with the paperwork.”

¡Drinking hard cider definitely explains the crazy stunts the CutieMarkCrusaders try for getting their CutieMarks!

One calls the form sulfuric acid. That is funny.

This is a very funny story. Pokey Pierce is indispensable.

I really enjoyed this. I dunno why you felt it wasn't your best work. My only gripe is BonBon's obsessive hatred of Trixie as it makes her a very boring one note character.:twilightsmile:


True, although as this story is mostly fixed on Trixie that applies to most of the other characters, everypony is boring and one note compared to the great and powerful one :trixieshiftleft:

If I was writing about Bon Bon I'd probably give her a bit more character.

“Are you ready Trixie? Are you prepared for the next phase of your life? Your new form?”

New form... :trixieshiftleft:

The bureaucricorn has apparently been taking joking lessons from Pokey.

I guess I don't have any room to judge though, I make plenty of puns too.

Dinky really has a lot of talent, nice.

More people should read this story. Just saying.


Same here bud. Who knew Carrot Top was good at Poker? Not surprised Trixie is, showmare and all, she probably knows all about cards thanks to Luna.

So Pokey had a date with the Mayor, did not expect that... Poor Trixie just cannot win, can she?

Poor Trixie just cannot win, can she?

Poor Trixie, she cannot win, can she? Being bounced from office to office and then facing an angry mob due to a prohibition she accidentally voted for due to her being very sleepy and the guy talking about it being boring. Now she's so tired she's slipping into third person speech. When faced with the 2 strongest poniesin ponville and neither of them pleased, run. Raindrops, strongest Pegasus and Big Mac, strongest Earth Pony stallion, wonder who's the strongest unicorn in terms of physical strength?


This story really isn't working for me. I get what you're trying to do, but it just feels too forced and stupid to really work. I think the idea could have worked if you had framed things differently and pushed Trixie into genuine confusion through a meandering mess of paperwork insanity and labyrinthine bureaucracy (probably with Big Mac's permit) with the bet serving to make her too stubborn to give up, but as is it really feels like Trixie should have caught most, if not all, of these issues since they are so simple and payed at least a little attention to things and thus avoided basically all of the problems in this story.

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