• Published 20th Jul 2013
  • 2,538 Views, 50 Comments

My Little Conscript: Training is Finished - Dementia Ravenmane

Heroic Conscript tells some of his adventures with Moody Bear, starting when they crashed into Equestria.

  • ...

In Which Conscript Meets Freaky Horses

Written by: Drweegee1337

Proofread by: Bluemoon1996 & Daxn

I was sitting in the cramped cargo bay of a Soviet dropship, me and my comrades were moving towards Mount Fuji. It was in the middle of the night.

Our mission: kill Emperor Yoshiro of the Empire of the Rising Sun.

I remember it was my first mission, and I was clenching my ADK-45 as if it was a bottle of vodka. No one in the cargo bay talked to each other, some were too busy trying to reload quickly without jamming their rifles.

"Listen up comrades, in 29 minutes you will be dropped over the Palace. You will have some War Bears and Flak Troopers with you. You'd better buckle up too, there's a storm above the Palace Grounds and we will be caught in the middle of it." A harsh voice said through a speaker. I nervously glanced at the other Conscripts when i heard about the storm, because storms have lightning and I am afraid of lightning.

First sounds of thunders reached us, and I forced myself to sit still and look calm. Thanks to a siren, I could tell that we were near to Mount Fuji.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the plane. I could hear the pilot bark something about too much VX anti-air units defending the area, I forced myself to imagine that I was back in Mother Russia, watching the training video that supposedly taught us all we needed to know about combat.

I still think the message “Aim gun at capitalists and pull trigger” was a bad way to inform troops. At least I chose to join, unlike the Flak Troopers, who were all convicts.

Anyways, an alarm began ringing in the plane and the hatch opened. I looked down at the ground and saw swarms of energy missiles speed towards us.

"Jump!" The pilot yelled, and the Conscripts began paradropping one by one. I was the last one to jump, and the second I had opened my parachute, the drop plane was engulfed in flames and crashed.

I slowly sailed towards the ground, next to me a War Bear in green armor had it's own parachute open. I saw the other troops get slaughtered on the ground and I realized how little power I had over my own fate at the moment.

Here things started to get strange: I saw a blinding white light, and felt a surge of immense pain going throught my body.

I had been thunderstruck.

As the white started to disperse, as I saw Bear still next to me: we landed on the Palace's grounds with a soft thud.
After landing, I stood up.

"Are we all that's left? Where is rest of army?" I asked Bear, who simply growled in response.

I looked around myself and saw a small hedge. I quickly ducked in behind it, Bear was next to me a second later. I peeked out through the hedge and saw a small black horse with yellow cat eyes pass by: it wore dark purple armor and sported two bat wings from it's back.

"Did you see that? What in name of Stalin was it?" I exclaimed. Bear just growled again. I scratched my head in confusion: what had I just seen walk by?

"Well, we still have a mission: we must kill Emperor. Look for old man with white dress." I told Bear, the armored animal nodded, as if he actually understood me.

I carefully snuck out of the hedge, ran towards the exit of the yard we were standing in. I stopped behind a small rock wall and secured my weapon, just to be on the safe side. I turned around and observed the yard. It did not look like I had expected it to be, since it was filled with trees, and statues that looked like horses

"The Empire does not look like pictures, I wonder why..."

I ran out of the garden, diving behind bushes whenever one of those bat-horses walked by. Bear was always right behind me, trying his best to be sneaky.

"You know, you are awfully moody for Bear." I pointed out, he silently growled. I silently watched as a different type of horse passed by: this one was white and had normal eyes; a horn was sticking out of it's head, it also wore brass armor.

A light was coming out from the horse's horn: it swept like a flashlight. I realized that it was going to find me and Bear, so I removed the safety from my ADK.

"It's just a watermelon, just a watermelon." I mumbled to myself as I took aim with the automatic rifle. I pulled the trigger and a series of bangs echoed through the night: the horse collapsed and laid in a growing red pool. I quickly clicked on the safety on my AKM and hurried to the next cover before any guards showed up.

"Hurry up, Bear!" I hissed from the bush I was hiding in. Bear came dashing and jumped into the bush next to me with a loud crack from breaking twigs. I crouched down even more, and wished that no guards heard the sound.
I heard a sound in the sky and looked up, three winged horses were flying around right above me and Bear. They were shouting something.

"With all might of Soviet army, why must we fight alone?" I whispered to Bear: he roared silently and jumped out of the bush. I leaped after, and the second we were out in the clear, an alarm rang.

"Run!" I yelled and set off towards the exit, Bear was right behind me. I could hear voices shouting things, and I saw horses appear in the exit.

"I was supposed to run away from Imperial Warriors, and Tankbusters, not from weird horses." I muttered as I turned took a left turn into some sort of labyrinth. I quickly reached a dead end.

I heard loud voices behind me and turned around, five of those weird horses with horns were blocking the way out. Their horns were glowing and a spear hovered next to each of them, pointing towards me and Bear. I nervously glanced at Bear, he stared at the horses and I could see that they were afraid of him. One of the horses opened their mouth.

"Wh-who are you? W-Why are you here?" It stuttered.

"Okay, they are talking horses. I must have hit the ground with my head, while landing." I exclaimed, that would have explained everything. The horses stared at me for a second before lowering their spears, they carefully closed up on me and Bear. I backed up against the bush that was the labyrinth wall.

Bear jumped in front of me and roared: all the horses stopped, turned black and a white spiral appeared above their heads. I took the opportunity, ran past them, out of the labyrinth and towards a nearby gate. I didn't care where I was going, as long as I got away from the freaky horses.

I ran into another garden, this one had a lake. On the other side of the lake there was some sort of building: it looked like a summerhouse, and someone, no, someTHING was standing in it.

"It can be anyone, even Omega Girl, but let it be a human!" I pleaded to an unspecified deity I don't believe in. I laid down and crawled behind a hedge. It was long enough to let me get right next to the summerhouse without being seen: it also allowed me to peek at the one in the summerhouse.

The summerhouse contained not one, but two horses: they both had wings and horns. One of them, the larger one, was snow white, had rainbow colored hair that wavered like if the wind was blowing on it, it had purple eyes. The horse also wore a brass tiara, a brass necklace and what looked like brass slippers.

You don't mind the level of detail do you comrade? No? Good.

The other one was slightly smaller, it was dark blue and had dark blue hair, the hair wavered, and it looked like it was covered in stars. The horse also had green-blue eyes, like algae in the local lake. It wore a black tiara, a black necklace and steel slippers.

I looked at Bear with a tired look on my face, he just tilted his head. I crept as close as I could without the horses seeing me and listened to what they were talking about.

"It's a beautiful night sky, you really outdid yourself this time sister."

"Thank you, We hope that our subjects will think the same."

"Don't worry. Since you came back, the night sky has been prettier than I could ever do it."

"We really hope so, We can still remember what happened a thousand...*sob*"

"Are you okay Luna? Do you want to talk about it?"

"N-*sniffle*No, We'd rather t-talk about something else."

"Like the human and bear sneaking up on us?"

"You noticed them too?"

"Of course I did, just because you're the one with night vision doesn't mean I don't have a few tricks of my own."

At this point I caught up with what they were saying and realized how deep I had dug my grave. I dropped the Molotov I was drinking from and I used the same way I had gotten inside the garden: the gate.

However, it closed before I could reach it, and I heard a heavy lock click into place. I tugged at the handle for a couple of seconds, desperatly hoping for a Sickle to jump over the wall and rescue me. I stopped trying to open the door as I realized it was a lost cause.

I slowly turned around to face the freaky horses: they were standing in front of me.

The white one had a playful smile on it's face, while the blue one frowned. I took a step closer to Bear, hoping he could protect me. He seemed just as scared as me.

"What should we do with him?"

"Kill it."

"Blasphemy! We can't just kill innocent creatures Luna."

"Remember the last human Tia?"

"Oh, yes. The poor thing thought he had reached some sort of ascension, he even gave us that beautiful glowing glass orb. When was that? About 1500 years ago?"

"He also tried to form a cult when he realized he hadn't reached these 'visitors' he kept talking about. Remember that? Oh, and he tried to kill both of us."

"Luna, that was a long time ago. We banished him, don't you remember?"

"Sister, We just got back from being banished to the moon for 1000 years."

I was just staring and listening to the two horses arguing, I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, the blue horse turned to me. It's horn began glowing and I was lifted off the ground by an unseen force. The force pressed me towards the wall and I felt panic fill my body, I desperatly tried to break free from the invisible grip, but with no success. The blue horse spoke up.


"Luna! Stop! You're hurting him!" The white horse desperately yelled. The grip on me loosened slightly, but it was still crushingly tight.

"I-I wasn't doing anything!" I pressed out, which was hard considering I was being crushed against a wall by an invisible force. I looked at the white horse, the blue horse and Bear with pleading eyes. I never wanted to die at the hands, I mean hooves, of a freaky horse.

The grip suddenly let go of me completely, the reason was that Bear had pounced on the blue horse and stunned it with his mighty roar. The white horse took on a sterner face and I saw a yellow glow surround me and Bear. I was once again taken from the ground by an unseen force, and Bear was too.

This time, however, the force lifting me was gentle. It felt like someone who truly cared for me was holding me in her arms. I saw my ADK float away from me and land on the ground next to the white horse.

"Tell me who you are. I'm not going to hurt you, but I need to know in order to solve our little... problem." The horse said to me in a gentle, but authoric tone. As far as I could hear, it spoke the truth; I relaxed a little as I got the feeling that I could trust the white horse.

"I am Conscript, and this is Moody Bear." I told to the horse.

It thought for a couple of seconds before asking the next question.
"Conscript, who are you loyal to?" The horse asked me, this time it spoke in a more serious tone.

"I fight for Union." I answered, since that was pretty much all I knew.

"What union?" The horse asked me in a harsh tone. I saw the yellow glow around me grow redder; I felt the temperature around me grow hotter.

"Soviet Union." I whimpered. The heat was really getting to me, and I struggled to open the thick red coat I was wearing.

"What did your... Bear do to my sister?" The horse said between gritted teeth. I swallowed and looked at the downed blue horse: it was still stunned with the little swirl above it's head.

"H-He u-used his m-m-mighty r-roar." I stuttered. Sweat was flowing down my face, both from fear and the high temperature.

"Will. She. Be. Alright, Conscript?" The horse spat between it's gritted teeth, I now noticed that the pupils of the horse looked like those of a cat. I realized that my future looked very grim, and I had to swallow hard.

"I-I d-don't kn-know..." I weakly whimpered. The horse's hair suddenly ignited into a clear blue fire, and I had to shield my eyes with an arm. Brass armor materialized on the horse, and I felt a fear stronger than anything I had ever felt before.

"YOU. INJURED. MY. SISTER! SHE JUST CAME BACK FROM BANISHMENT! YOU MUST BE PUNISHED! I WILL IGNITE YOU!" The horse menacingly said to me in a boomingly loud voice, the voice also sounded like two persons were talking at the same time.

The heat around me was now burning, and I could see my own sweat turn into steam.

"Bear! Do something!" I desperatly yelled. Bear was breathing hard, as he also was getting cooked by the red glow. He opened his mouth and I heard a piercing roar; the white horse fell over, turned black and a spiral appeared over it's head. The red glow disappeared and I fell to the ground.

"We need to get out of here!" I shrieked as I grabbed my ADK-45. Bear growled in agreement and we began searching for an exit. The gate was still locked, and wouldn't open even after a burst from my ADK.

I ran to the blue horse, who still was stunned. Bear nudged it with his nose and blew some hot air in it's face.

"This MUST work." I muttered and took out another Molotov. I opened the bottle and placed it against the lips of the blue horse. I poured the clear liquid into the mouth of the horse and forced it to swallow. The horse coughed and sputtered; it was sitting up in less than 10 seconds. The horse grabbed me with the strange power and held me above the ground.

"First your beast stuns us, then you try to poison us!?" The horse yelled into my face. Not with the booming voice, but with a regular yell. I shook my head vigorously.

"No, no! I was waking you!" I yelped. The horse raised an eyebrow and I felt the pressure on my body loosen; it didn't let me go, but I could move my body freely.

"Th-Thanks... We g-guess. But why?" The horse asked me in a confused tone. I pointed towards the other horse, who was just beginning to recover.

"White horse is crazy, I need help with stopping it." I quickly explained. The blue horse looked at the white for a second before it's eyes went wide.

"Oh no, not again." It mumbled, the glow from it's horn grew brighter and suddenly I found myself and Bear to be standing in a bedroom. It looked like a bedroom from a castle, with stars and moons everywhere. The blue horse was standing by a desk, writing something on a piece of paper. I walked around the room, looking at everything. It was the most beatiful room I had ever seen, the Soviet Barracks doesn't even deserve to stand in the shadow of that room.

"What happened to the white horse?" I asked, the blue one threw an annoyed glance at me before answering.

"First: we are ponies, not horses. Second: the "white horse" is Our sister, Princess Celestia, ruler over the day. Third: this probably happened because you hurt us. Tia is very... protective and will do anything in her power to protect us." The blue pony hurriedly said.

"Who are you?" I carefully asked, not wanting to anger her.

"We are Princess Luna, the ruler of the night." I instinctively fell to my knees, a princess was always a royalty.

"Rise mortal, we don't have time for that." Luna commanded me. I rose to my feet and gave her a salute.

"What must we do?" I asked her, she lifted an eyebrow before continuing.

"Celestia has turned into Solar Flare out of pure rage."

"Rage? But she said she was not angry." I replied in confusion.

"Our sister is... good at hiding her emotions. But now she will stop at nothing until you are dead." Luna said with a grim look on her face.

"U-Until I'm d-d-dead?" I stuttered, I felt my face go multiple shades paler.

"Yes... She won't be at her maximum strenght until dawn, so we have about 6 hours to defeat her. We have already called for the Elements of Harmony, but you must survive until they can get here." The Princess of the Night said, I swallowed and nodded slowly. Bear looked at me and growled.

"Why aren't you just leaving me to her?" I asked, it did seem as the easiest solution.

"Nopony has to die if it can be solved in a different way." Luna answered with a frown. I walked closer to her, so that she could protect me.

I felt the air heat up around me; before I could react, a pillar of fire ripped apart the floor in front of me. The white horse, I mean Princess Celestia, I mean Solar Flare, rose up through the hole, and I felt a wave of immense heat strike me.

"Tia! Stop this now! You don't need to hurt him! We won't let you hurt him!" Luna yelled and jumped in front of me, positioning herself between me and Solar Flare. I could swear that Solar Flare had fangs and that she was crying liquid fire, like drops of flaming gasoline.

"SO YOU HAVE CORRUPTED MY SISTER? IN THAT CASE, I WILL CLEANSE BOTH OF YOU WITH MY FIRE! Let's see how flammable your blood is..." Solar Flare boomed, I heard her say the last thing with a hizz, and realized just how much adrenaline was pumping through my system.

"She has lost all control... Run, don't wait for us." Luna whispered through gritted teeth, I saw her horn begin glowing and my body began working on it's own. It turned around, dashed towards the exit door, brought up the AKM and fired a burst at the lock. The door opened and I ran out into a staircase, I began descending as quickly as I could while making sure Bear was still with me. The wall of flames behind us made sure that we kept running.

I came crashing out of the staircase, right out into a richly decorated corridor, and into two guards. The white ones with brass armor.

"HALT! What were you doing in Princess Luna's private chamber?" One of the guards asked me in an authoric tone. I groaned silently, I didn't have time with this.

"I don't have time. Princesses are fighting, sun princess is evil, wants to kill me. Oops, got to run!" I quickly said, then Bear pushed the guards aside and I set off down the corridor. I saw the guards look at each other, then at me, then at the giant wall of fire approaching them. I heard them shriek and then saw them run past me.

"They are fast..." I muttered and picked up the pace, as the flames were beginning to lick my coat.

I realized that I wouldn't be able to outrun the flames, and jumped out through the nearest window. In the middle of the air I noticed that I was falling towards a rose bush.

"Oh, oh no! Heeeelp!" I shrieked before crashing into the thorny bush. Bear landed right after, on top of me. I was lucky to have thick and durable clothes.

"Nnngh, these are at least quality clothes." I muttered to myself as I crawled out of the bush. Bear's thick fur and armor had saved him from most of the thorns. I looked at my uniform, it was singed and torn, but it still held together and felt comfortable.

"I must look like stepmother of Marx." I said to Bear with a slight chuckle. Bear just growled in agreement.
I dusted myself off and took a look at my surroundings: I was standing in a large yard at the front of a castle. The outer gate was in front of me, and the castle entrance was behind me. I turned around and looked at the castle itself, the most noticable thing was the highest tower, from which a blinding light was shining, occasionally interrupted by flashes of darkness.

"It looks like Christmas tree." I noted.

"Now, to find those Elements Princess were talking about." I said with a sigh. Bear growled and tugged at my coat, he then nodded towards the outer gate. I looked at it and saw six ponies stand outside. Two normal, two with wings and two with horns. They were looking at the tower and talking nervously with each other.

"White, purple, pink, orange, cyan and yellow... Why no red like Soviet?" I muttered as I began walking towards the gate. The ponies noticed me and took a different stance, a more aggressive one.

"Who are you? Where are the guards? What is going on in Princess Luna's tower?" The purple one asked with a frown. I sighed and pulled the lever that opened the gate.

"I am Conscript, do you know where Elements of Harmony is?" I asked the group of technicolor ponies.

"Well, we are the Elements of Harmony. How do you know about them?" The purple one asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Night Princess told me, but we don't have time! We need Elements to-" I didn't get further because the white pony pounced on me and began examining my clothes.

"Oh dear. What has happened to your clothes!? Wait, don't answer. I'm going to fix them for you." The white one exclaimed and began tugging at my coat.

"No! What is she doing? Get her off me!" I yelled, the orange and the cyan ponies came up and dragged the slightly hysterical white one away from me.

"What is going on here Conscript? Have you been in contact with Princess Luna?" The purple one asked, this time in a curious voice.

"Yes, Luna needs Elements of Harmony to stop crazy pony!" I yelled. The purple one staggered slightly, she seemed shocked by the fact that Luna needed help.

"What crazy pony?" She said with a confused tone. I was just about to answer when a powerful explosion rang through the night and shook the ground. I turned around and looked at the tower, an explosion that easily could rival the ATBIP had engulfed the entire tower and a part of the castle.

When the flames died out, I could see something hovering where the top of the tower had been. It was Solar Flare. She was standing on a platform of fire, and she was holding Luna in a red-hot aura. A path made out of pure light stretched out from her platform all the way down to me, Bear and the six ponies; Solar slowly walked down it, coming closer to us.

"Wh-Why does Celestia l-look like a n-n-nightmare?" The yellow pony whimpered. I shook my head and looked at Luna, she had heavy burns on her body and she was visibly struggling to stay conscious.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? I AM GOING TO INCINERATE YOUR ORGANS ONE AT A TIME! WHILE YOU ARE STILL ALIVE!" Solar boomed at me in a sinister tone. I backed away a little, both out of fear and because the air around her was unbearably warm.

Solar threw, not dropped, but threw Luna to the ground in front of me. She groaned weakly and tried to sit up, but with no success. I turned to the six ponies, they all bore a look of extreme shock on their faces. I noticed that they all wore some sort of jevellry: five of them had necklaces with a colored stone, and the purple one wore a crown with a purple stone in it.

"Princess! This isn't you! Snap out of it!" The purple pony yelled at Solar, I watched as Solar switched her attention from me to the six little ponies.

"WELL, WELL, WELL. IF IT ISN'T MY FAITHFUL STUDENT TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND THE OTHER ELEMENTS OF HARMONY. WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE? COULD IT WAIT UNTIL DAWN? I HAVE SOME... CORRUPTION TO CLEANSE." Solar Flare said as she turned back to me with a wicked smile on her face. Me and Bear was lifted off the ground again, but this time by a purple glow. I saw the purple pony's horn glow and realized that she was helping us. We floated away and landed a couple of meters away from Solar. Luna was gently placed next to us right afterwards by a light blue glow.

"Horned ponies have powers like Omega Girl..." I mumbled to myself. I switched my attention to Luna who wheezed something.

"Y-You m-must d-d-divert *nngh* S-Solar Flare's a-attention f-from th-the E-Elements of *nngh* Harmony. G-Give them t-time to ch-charge." Luna practically whispered to me. I nodded slowly, trying to comprehend what she was telling me to do.

"G-Go, We w-will be f-f-fine..." She whispered before falling unconscious. I took a sip from a Molotov, it felt like I was going to need it. With a click I removed to safety on my AKM and turned towards Solar Flare.

"Are you ready to fight a god?" I asked Bear with a confident voice. Bear roared, and I straightened my clothes a final time.

"Neither am I." I muttered.

I dashed towards the six small ponies, unloading the entire AKM clip blindly at Solar Flare. A number of thuds and a high pitched shriek confirmed that I had hit. I threw a glance at Solar and saw her clench one of her wings, liquid fire was dripping from it.

"Use Elements, Luna said they stop Solar Flare!" I yelled at the purple pony. She shook her head and a light began shining from the rock in her crown.

"We can't use them yet. All magic is weakened inside the castle grounds, we need time to charge them." She answered with a frown, I groaned and slapped myself in the face.

"Why does Superweapons ALWAYS need charge!?" I yelled out of frustration. Bear suddenly pounced on me and knocked me aside, where I had been standing a second ago there was now a barrage of fireballs.

"Thank you comrade Bear." I exclaimed as I got on my feet.

"I thought you said powers are weaker here!" I yelled at the purple pony.

"They are! That's why the castle isn't a smoldering crater by now!" She yelled back. I felt my blood run cold as I realized what she meant. I slammed a new clip into my AKM, for some reason I never seem to run out of spare ones. I also took cover behind a low stone wall.

"STUBBORN HUMAN! YOU CORRUPT MY SISTER AND THE ELEMENTS, THEN YOU TRY TO KILL ME WITH YOUR FIREARM! BUT DON'T WORRY, I'LL SHOW YOU TRUE FIRE!" Solar screamed, although it was more like a primal roar of rage. The flaming tears running from her eyes changed from their yellow color to a bright blue one, I grabbed Bear and ran away from the wall. A second later the wall was pulverized by a rain of blue firedrops. I raised my AKM and unloaded another clip into the side of Solar Flare, she roared as the bullets tore through her right wing and embedded themselves into her side or pinged off her armor.

The bullets literally melted and the liquid metal poured out of Solar's wounds, I also saw a slightly golden mist come out of her wounds, mouth and nostrils. The mist spread until it was covering the entire yard we were standing in. I inhaled the mist through my nose and felt the familiar scent of fuel.

"Oh no..." I exclaimed, once again my body seemed to work on it's own. It ran over to Luna and pulled her over to the six Element ponies.

"Create shield! If Omega Girl can do it, so can you! Make it strongest possible!" I hurriedly explained to the purple pony. She looked at me with a confused face before nodding slowly. Her horn began glowing and a pink bubble formed around her, the other ponies and Luna. I gave her a thumbs up before turning back to the crippled Solar Flare. I swallowed hard, as I knew what was waiting.

"Y-YOU, WHY. WON'T. YOU. JUST. CONFLAGURATE!?" Solar screamed at me, I put on my bravest face and approached her.

"You have lost. I have the final say." I said as calmly as I could and aimed my AKM at her head.

"NO! I WON'T BE DEFEATED THAT EASILY! HAVE A TASTE OF MY THERMOBARIC MAGIC!" She roared into my face. I leaned towards Bear who was standing next to me, and waited for the inevitable. Solar's horn ignited in a yellow flame, and I saw the fuel in the air catch fire.

"For the Union..." I muttered before a wave of unimaginable pain struck through my body.

My body was literally on fire, and heat pounded me from every direction. I didn't scream or anything, I just waited for my body to give up and die. Suddenly, a powerful shockwave erupted from the center of the blast; I was thrown away quite far, and landed on my back in a fountain.

Dots were dancing across my field of vision, and I couldn't feel anything but pain. The water in the fountain was cold enough to numb some of the pain, and the shock kept me conscious long enough to see a rainbow streak across the sky and arc down to the point where Solar probably was standing. I couldn't hear anything but the throbbing from inside my own head, and I could barely think.

Six heads appeared from the edge of the fountain, it was the Element ponies.

"I-Is it-he alive?"

"I think so."

"Hello, can you hear me?"

"H-*cough*-have we *cough* won y-yet?" I weakly asked. The six ponies smiled, and the white one let out a relieved little laugh.

"Yes, we defeated her. Thanks to you." The purple one said with a nervous smile.

"I-Is Moody *cough* Bear okay?" I asked. The yellow pony nodded and whispered something.

"G-good..." I whimpered before slipping back into unconsciousness.

"I think... waking... get... doctor." I heard through the clouds in my mind. I tried to open my eyes, but the light shining at them was like needles of ice, dipped in kerosene and set on fire, being jabbed into my eyes.

"Water..." I managed to squeeze out. It felt like I hadn't been eating anything but sand for weeks. A glass was put to my lips and I felt a cold liquid pour down my throat. I had never tasted anything better, even though it was just plain water.

I tried to slowly open my eyes again. This time it went better and I could peer to see where I was. I slowly turned my head, I was tucked into a hospital bed it seemed. Next to me, an identical bed with a patient was placed.

The one in the bed was Solar Flare. But she looked different, her armor was gone, her hair was all gray and not on fire, and she was sleeping.

"It's just day princess, not crazy fire goddess..." I let out with a relieved sigh. I hear a sound on the other side of the bed and turned. Standing there, wrapped partly in bandages, but very much alive, was Princess Luna. I looked at her for a second before relaxing and leaning back into the bed.

"We have come to thank you. If it weren't for you, We might not have seen this dawn." She said to me in a tired, but grateful tone. I nodded slowly, it didn't hurt anywhere, but it felt like someone had replaced my skin while I was asleep. It strained when I tried to move and it felt a little stiff. A beige pony in a doctor's coat appeared next to Luna.

"Let's see here, patient arrived with tier 3 arcane burns all over the body, smoke and heat damaged lungs, a number of fractures and a concussion." The pony, who I assumed was male, said. He then held up a hoof in front of me and moved it left and right.

"How many hooves am I holding up?" He asked.

"O-One?" I answered, sounding like I had been out drinking.

"Mhm, eyes seems to be working properly." The doctor pony mumbled and scribbled something on a notepad.

He did a number of tests on me, to see my reflexes and such. He had to ask me multiple times what part was which, since my body is different from a pony's.

Once he was finished, he wrote a small note on his notepad and said something to princess Luna. She nodded and then the doctor walked away.

"He told us that you are restored and that We may help you 'get back on your legs' so to say." She told me. I felt an invisible force grab my hand; I carefully sat up in the bed, I was weak after laying down for so long.

"How long have I been here?" I asked Luna, she pointed at a calendar on the wall above my bed. 9 days were crossed over.

"Have I been here for nine days?" I asked Luna. I found it hard to believe that I had been out for so long. She nodded, and I saw a smile hint at the edge of he mouth.

After helping me stand up, Luna brought me out into a garden. I looked up at the sky and noticed how pretty it was, it’s not something I would notice on the battlefield. The garden was relatively large, and it had a large pond in the middle of it.

“Any reason why you brought me here?” I asked Luna. She smiled and motioned for me to sit on a bench. I sat down and looked out over the garden, there were ponies spread out, talking to other ponies, walking with other ponies, or just sleeping in the grass.

“There were a couple of subjects who wanted to thank you. You can come forth now.” Luna announced. Six ponies who had been talking to each other came up to me, it was the Element Ponies.

"We just wanted to thank you, for everything." The purple pony said, she followed it with a small but genuine smile.

"I did what I had to do." I replied, shaking her hoof.

"Thank ya kindly, ya helped us save the Princess." The orange pony said in an exaggerated Southern American accent.

"No problems comrade pony." I replied while trying to look serious. How could these ponies be so funny?

"Thanks, I guess. You know, what you did there was pretty cool." The cyan pony absently said while looking at something behind me.

"I can see you mean it." I replied sarcastically, the other ponies giggled slightly and the cyan one mumbled something.

"Oh, um... Th-thanks... I just w-wanted to tell you that your bear is f-f-fine." The yellow pony whispered and hid behind her long pink hair.

"Those news makes me happy." I said, trying to keep my heart from stopping. The yellow one should have been classed as military grade cuteness.

"Thank you for saving Equestria! I was sooo superdupermega-scared! Oh, and how is Dr. Zelinsky? I haven't met him in AGES! Please tell me that he hasn't forgotten me! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!" The pink pony yelled while bouncing around me. I tried to look at her, but she always bounced away.

"Yes, yes, Dr. Zelinsky talks about you everyday." I lied. It was a white lie, in reality I had only heard stories about Zelinsky and his Time Machine. The smile on the pink pony's face grew, and she catapulted high into the air with a loud cheer. When she slowly descended and touched the ground, confetti fell from the sky.

"Is she always like this?" I said in a confused tone, the other ponies just nodded and mumbled. I scratched my head, this was too weird for me.

"Thank you for what you have done, I simply have to repay you some day." The white pony said in a sofisticated voice.

"I helped someone, that's the important thing." I answered with a slight nod. The ponies smiled and gave me a big group hug, I was both surpised and relieved at the same time by the gesture. The six Element ponies backed off and Princess Luna took a step forward.

"We have an important thing to tell you, we have a way to send you home. If you want to of course, We would never force anything like that upon anypony." She told me. I went completely blank for a second.

"Go home? As in 'back to Mother Russia'?" I asked Luna, she shook her head.

"No, you will be taken back to the exact point where you first entered Equestria." She anwered with a slightly sad voice.

"Then I can't go back, I would fall to death..." I mumbled to myself. Then it hit me: why would I want to go back to the war? I could stay where I was, be someone special, not just another conscript but The Conscript.

"I have made up mind, I will stay." I said to Luna and the ponies with a slight smile. The pink one's smile grew even wider and she tackled me to the ground in a hug.

"Do you know what this calls for? A PARTY!!!" She cheered while bouncing around. I was still getting hugged by her but she managed to bounce around like a maniac anyways.

"Let...go...can't...breath..." I stuttered as I was being crushed by the pink pony, she let go of me and backed off with an awkward grin on her face.

"That makes us glad to hear, We suppose that means you can get your new uniforms." Luna said and clapped her front hooves twice. The white pony nodded and her horn began glowing, three boxes materialized out of nowhere and hovered over to me.

I opened the first box and pulled out a uniform, it looked just like my original one.

"For me?" I asked, the ponies all nodded. I felt tears forming in my eyes and gave the white pony a big hug.

"Thank you! I will never forget this." I said while trying to contain myself. The white pony smiled and made a slight cough.

"Well? Aren't you going to try it?" She asked me. I nodded, took off my hospital clothes and pulled on the uniform. When I looked at the ponies again they all blushed. The uniform felt even better than my original one, and I gave the white pony a hug again.

"This is nice coat." I exclaimed and pulled out my AKM from behind my back.

"Wait, where did you get that from?" The purple pony asked while pointing at the AKM with a hoof. I shrugged and took up a clip for it from my bag. The purple pony's eye began twitching slightly and I could swear her hair began looking less ordered.

I reached into another pocket on the bag and pulled out a Molotov. I heard the sound of glass shattering and saw the purple pony sitting down with a slightly insane look on her face, she was mumbling something about how everything was going to be alright and that it had a logical explanation. I shrugged and took a sip from the Molotov, then I opened the other two boxes.

The first one contained an exact copy of my uniform, but it was dark purple and the star on the cap had been replaced with a crescent moon. The second box contained another copy of my uniform, this one was completely white and had a sun instead of a star on the cap.

"Thanks, but for what are they?" I said to Luna with a surprised and confused tone.

"The original one is for everyday use, the purple on when you are working for us and the white one when you are working for our sister." She replied with a smile. I nodded a couple of times before realizing what she meant.

"Oh, so I take purple uniform when I get mission from you." I said, Luna nodded. I thought for a couple of seconds before I realized something.

"If I get mission from you, does that mean I am part of your army now?" I asked in a confused tone. Luna chuckled and gave me a nod.

"Isn't it obvious?" She playfully said. I shrugged an took another sip from the Molotov.

"Are you introducing the latest member of the royal guard to his duties, sister?" A voice came from behind me. I turned around and found myself looking Princess Celestia right into the eyes. She looked older, as her eyes had slight markings beneath them, her hair was straight down and pink, and she looked overall thinner. But her eyes shone with the strength of a thousand Apocalypse Tanks.

"Hello day princess." I said in an awkward way, she smiled at me; before I could react, she had wrapped me inside her giant wings and was giving me a hug.

"Th-thank you... I-If it w-weren't fo-for you... I don't know what I would've done." She stuttered. I could hear her sobbing slightly and realized just how grateful she was.

"I did what I thought was right." Was all that I could say, Celestia looked at me with her teary eyes and pulled me in for an even tighter hug. When she finally released me she had stopped crying and looked much more serious.

"Kneel." Luna said, and I kneeled before the two princesses.

*ahem* "As the Princess Celestia, ruler of the Day and the Sun. I herefore declare Conscript of the Soviet Union a member of the Royal Guard. Do you swear to serve me, my sister and the nation of Equestria?" She said with a very authoric voice.

"I swear." I answered with a nod.


"I do." I answered while trying to stand straight, that voice literally knocked me off balance.

"You may now kiss... Oh, sorry, wrong speech..." Celestia said, her face grew bright red; I suppose it was embarassing to say the wrong thing.

*ahem* "You may now stand up as a member of the RGSO, the Royal Guard Special Operators. Your main mission is to protect Equestria from extraordinary threats." Celestia and Luna said to me in perfect unison, I saluted them.
"So... I suppose to do something?" I asked, Celestia and Luna looked at each other before nodding.

"At ease. You may visit Canterlot and get to know the city at the moment, report to Captain Shining Armor in the evening." Celestia said and winked at me, I saluted and began walking towards the exit.

"I have important rank, if only mother could see me now." I happily mumbled to myself as I walked out into my new hometown, and motherland.

Author's Note:

Oh my goodness! Another crossover from me?
Anyways, this one is more of a side project that I only update when I get a burst of inspiration.
Don't expect frequent updates at all.
I hope you enjoyed reading this.

Did I write a good Solar Flare and Conscript?

As always, constructive critiscism is very welcome in the comments.

Comments ( 48 )

Red alert 3 i miss it! I remember this mission well! Good job!

I like how the conscript is running on game logic by always having his assault rifle and molotov on hand as well as maintaining a stereotypical Soviet Russian way of speaking mangled English. Do not lose that and you will not lose me. I await more chapters with baited breath!

You!!! *points at author*

:pinkiegasp:I have been waiting so long for a C&C 3 crossover thank you sooooooo much :heart: and I saw those references you put there:ajsmug:

2910690 You have no idea how fun it is to write Conscript in this story. :pinkiehappy:

2910790 Yes? :rainbowhuh:

2910950 Then you get a cookie. :raritywink:

"Why does Superweapons ALWAYS need charge!?"

That made my day.

we need more read alert 3 crossovers


*hugs warmly*

I missed you


No really. Your avatar is so remeniscent of you...


Da, you make a good story. I want to learn from you so I can make story too when I get new laptop. On me phone now. K matushke rossii

2911718 :rainbowderp:
Do you know how I look irl? :rainbowhuh:

2911850 ...
English isn't my first language, so could you use a simpler word than "remeniscent"? :twilightsheepish:


Familiar and/or identical

2911863 So what you are saying is that my avatar makes you think of me? Or are you trying to say that my avatar looks a lot like me?


It reminds me a bit of you...:scootangel:

Im just going to leave these here.... :derpytongue2:

Based on conscript not being imprisoned, I am guessing that Solar Flare destroyed the dead guards body, good thing he cannot be blamed for that.

I see what you did with NOD here.


I "nod" to your comment. :ajsmug:

2916446 What do you expect from a magically enhanced ATBIP blast?

:ajsmug: 10 bananas out of 10

I only needed to read the description. Instafave.

*finishes reading*


Please, sir, could I have some more?

3160198 We shall see.
This one is more of a side project, good against brain farts.

3160309 I'm still going to eagerly await the next chapter.

"You know, you are awfully moody for bear!"

The one mission that has me to look at my Conscripts in a different way I got sad when they got captured but when I found out I can save them I took on the biggest rescue mission that I have ever done to save him and moody bear

3376748 How was your rescue army? I sent a million Kirovs to clear the ground, then I flew over a Bullfrog and took them back to my base.
Waste of time and units, but I got the Conscript and Bear back in one piece!

3376806 I had to plan it out with an bombard ment of the genorators out side of the palace then sent a platton of apoccolips tanks to clear infantry and vehicle then air raid by helos and chunk full of falcks to the generators around his dreadful prison around them nulling the guns and my tanks on stand by as soon the guns went out a full on attack with my co commander to the palace which saved him and killed the empire and leader with minimum loss thank Lenin for watching over me

3377906 now were's the fun in that but it was hard on the playstation three platform

3379125 3377906
I either do two things
1) send in 1 army of anything that can shoot explosives and laught psychoticly at the lag and destruction I'm doing, I like using the special stuff like anthrax in command and conquer zero hour made 10 of them
2) make a bunch of foot soldiers and plan a straight forward attack to their HQ, literaly go for the HQ nothing else.

Plan A works wonders, becuase I like to laught like a super villain. It's fun!:pinkiecrazy:


LOL. Unless of course someone pulls a ton of fighters on them. Best way to counter them (Kirovs can't target other air units :D), though you have to be careful of fire from supporting Soviet anti-air.


Yeah, I prefer ground army, or navy.

I hope this story is either updated or gets a sequel, I would love to see where this idea goes.

3404824 i prefer infantry easy to kill though but a brute to the air or tank units in cover or used an engie to construct a bunker three filled with Tesla or flack and Conscript but far ranged i all ways have twin rotor blades close by

Is that a one shot? I'd like it to be more, even though that story in itself was very entertaining.

3425459 It's going to be a collection of oneshots, I just have to finish the rest of my stories first.

He's actually really adorable. Love the story.

3523242 Glad you liked it, and thanks for the fav!

Hope there's more coming. Conscripts are too funny in the game;

"They have television in there?"

"As a child I always dreamed of torpedo attack on dolphins." (Said during the Geneva mission, after you get access to Akula subs.)

"Just like training video!"

"New York will soon be renamed Commandergrad... I think." (Non-canon, as the Uprising expansion shows that the Allies won the war.)

Sorry Conscript, they don't have television there.
Yeah, Celestia really, reeally overreacted, and I'm wondering how the Bear's roar only affected one sister rather than having an area of effect - though I know the IFV can achieve this effect somehow despite using even more speakers- but it is one of the few Red Alert crossovers on the site, and the only one I can think of that made it to the finish line, so that's a big plus. :eeyup:

I opened the first box and pulled out a uniform, it looked just like my original one.

Oh my goodness! Now that made me laugh

You have been accused of betraying the Motherland and conspiring with royalists. How do you plead? Guilty? Good. You will be executed and your family will be sent to the Gulag.

Red alert 3. I loved this mission so much. You think that it's going to be the shortest mission ever only to realize the emperor is a hologram. XD.

I loved the crossover and I was laughing my ass off. Thank you for a great story.

I installed a mod for c&c to increase troop cap to 100 then I fill it with conscripts and run them at the enemy all the while yelling about glorious union and that's why the CIA is watching me now

I'm kicking myself for not reading this sooner! MAN, THIS IS GOLD!!! You did above and beyond! Great work!

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