• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 19,948 Views, 283 Comments

Apprentice Ship - Hyzaku

Celestia is struggling to come to terms with her true feelings for Twilight. Unwilling to watch her sister suffer under apathy and indecision, Luna takes it upon herself to help Celestia confront her newfound feelings.

  • ...

Whipped Cream

Celestia’s bedroom. Her most private quarters that serve as a sanctum against a long day’s weariness. It was a place that Twilight Sparkle had become very familiar with over the years. Even as a little filly, she would often find her way into this hallowed room. Many memories swirled around in her mind as she sat nervously on the large bed. Her hooves and wings refused her commands to cease their fidgeting.

In all her years, there was one situation that Twilight had never expected to find herself in: being alone in Celestia’s bedroom. Even though her presence was more than welcomed, she could not shake the feeling that she just did not belong here among many of Celestia’s most prized possessions.

Things between her and Celestia had advanced at what most would call a snail’s pace, assuming they didn’t mind insulting the snail. Nearly three months together as a couple, and Twilight had barely found the courage to move beyond snuggling after a particularly long, and steamy kiss. But today that would change. She’d made up her mind. It was time to take a leap of faith and trust that Celestia would be there to catch her. Not that it had been an easy decision for Twilight to make. She had been agonizing over this for the last two months.

Despite her trepidation, Celestia had never pushed for anything more than Twilight was willing to give. When Twilight had asked to go further Celestia had a wry grin that made Twilight more than a little nervous. Clearly Celestia had something already in mind for the occasion. As Twilight sat waiting for Celestia to return from wherever she had excitedly run off to, she could only hope that something in all of the books she had read on the subject would prove to be useful. Her doubts about the potential validity of her knowledge base rapidly grew when she realized that the only study materials she had managed to peruse were some odd books Pinkie Pie had given her. Although, she was still puzzled how food would serve any purpose in her upcoming activity. She never did figure out what the cook book had been for.

At that very moment, Celestia strolled into the room, stealing Twilight’s attention. As the door closed, Twilight noticed that Celestia wasn’t wearing her crown. A few soft kicks removed her hoof guards, while a flick of magic lifted the burden from her neck. It was a very rare sight to witness Celestia without her regalia, and something that Twilight found surprisingly enticing.

Twilight allowed her eyes to drink in the pure form of her love. She led her gaze across every curve until she found herself drawn to a speck of red. Between Celestia’s teeth was a small, bright cherry. The younger mare wasn’t sure what the cherry was for, but before she could contemplate the possibilities she noticed the golden glow of Celestia’s horn. Her eyes darted around, trying to see what spell might be being cast, but there was nothing readily visible to give away the surprise.

Celestia made her way onto the bed, her gaze never leaving Twilight’s. Slowly, their muzzles drew closer. Closer. Suddenly, Twilight’s vision was filled with a spray of white. There was a cold sensation on her nose. Celestia leaned in even closer and carefully placed her cherry on top of the cold, white swirl. Celestia broke the silence with a sultry voice. “You know, Twilight, a very wise pony once told me that everything is better with a cherry on top.”

Twilight was very, very glad for Pinkie’s foresight.

Celestia continued to stay in charge, darting in to lick some of the creamy white mound off Twilight’s nose. The brief, warm caress of her lover's tongue across her nose caused Twilight’s wings to twitch. Twilight’s mind reached back to her memories of Pinkie’s books, touching upon a devious inspiration.

With a flick of her magic, Twilight suddenly wrested control of the whipped cream canister and began her counter assault. A quick spray on Celestia’s nose, followed by a lick of her own, and Twilight had returned the favor. Before she could lose her momentum, Twilight grabbed the cherry with her magic and brought it to her lover’s lips. Twilight moved in for a kiss, sealing the cherry’s fate. Tongues fought over the tiny fruit as it danced a waltz around its captors. The cherry was determined to put up a fight, but it’s dance was ended by an experienced play from Celestia. Teeth gently pressed into the soft fruit, releasing a small burst of sweet flavor into both mouths. Boldly, Twilight reached out and stole half of the prize from its captor.

The sweet kiss faded and the two pulled apart. As Celestia finished off her half of the cherry, the traitorous canister doused one of her ears with its cold cream. Twilight maneuvered around to Celestia’s side before reaching up to slowly trace her tongue along the edge of the covered ear. From base to tip, Twilight caressed. Once at the peak, she brought her tongue around the creamy mound in a quick swirl. Several small laps cleaned the area, eliciting a tiny moan of pleasure from Celestia. Twilight hesitated for a moment, unsure where to take her exploration.

Another devious idea surfaced in her mind. Something she’d always heard about, but never had the chance to try. She leaned in close and, using her teeth, brought a gentle pressure to the tip of Celestia’s ear. A sudden gasp from below startled her. Afraid that she’d done something wrong, Twilight retreated back to a sitting position. Celestia turned her head to face Twilight, a frown locked firmly on her face. Just as embarrassment began to set in, Celestia spoke, her tone ever gentle. “Why did you stop?”

Twilight felt the heat rising in her, well… everywhere. A cute giggle from Celestia lowered her defenses enough for the elder alicorn to steal back the can of whipped cream. A smile grew across Celestia’s lips as she closed the distance. Twilight tried to summon back her confidence, but she was no longer the one in control. Celestia carefully planted a kiss on the tip of Twilight’s horn. With the smaller alicorn distracted, a pair of white hooves swiftly pushed against Twilight. Celestia’s wings twitched at the slight squeak as her lover landed on her back.

With a sultry grin and a hungry glint in her eyes, Celestia crept slowly forward. The can of whipped cream moved much faster, tracing a line of its sweet, white fluff down Twilight’s belly. Celestia eased forward, allowing expectations to build tension. Without warning, the door to the room flew open as Luna burst into the room.

“Fear not, sister! I have returned!” Luna exclaimed. Twilight’s face turned an unusual shade of red.

Celestia remained focused on the tantalizing trail of white, "Luna, I thought you were in the Crystal Empire."

Luna strolled confidently over to the bed, a smile on her face. "I was, until our dear niece informed me of Twilight's complete lack of experience."

"I was about to take care of that," Celestia snapped.

"I can see that. Shall I fetch my box of teaching aids? Or would you prefer me to-" A golden flash interrupted Luna, forcing her to shut her eyes. When she opened her eyes, Luna found her gaze met by her favorite niece and nephew who were engaged in an intimate embrace. She beamed them a smile. “Ah, tis good to see my advice is helping.”

"Oh come on!" Cadance shouted.

Shining Armor spoke up. “Oh, hey, Luna. Perfect timing. I had a question about-" he was swiftly interrupted by a very aggressive pillow encased in a blue glow.

“Why are you back here? I thought you were going to help Twilight," Cadance spat.

Luna grinned slyly, "There was no need. They appeared to have the whipped cream under control."

Author's Note:


Comments ( 49 )

And thus, does the story cover image become true! :yay:

Oh man, to see Cadence's face after hearing that...

Well McCaffrey'd, my friend. (For those who don't know, McCaffrey-ing is the art of cutting away from an intimate scene just as it really gets going.) Not that I'd have minded reading how the whipped cream scene played out. Fun chapter.

"And then they-" The conclusion of that sentence is left as an exercise for the reader.

"There was no need. They appeared to have the whipped cream under control."

That Line :rainbowlaugh:

Yay for whipped cream! And the cherry always makes it better~ :trollestia:

:rainbowlaugh:, just this and Luna is just great.

I'd rather see the seizure Shining would be having after hearing his baby sister was in the middle of whipped cream fun with Celestia.


Nice ending!

~Skeeter The Lurker

3498267 That mental image. I just can't stop laughing.

Yay, finally found time to read the rest of this!

This was a stimulating read :twilightsmile: Cleverly written and with some great humour in places, definitely one of my favourites. Great stuff! Shame we didn't get to see how the whipped cream turned out :raritywink: But the end was very funny indeed. Huzzah for adorkable Luna!

My body is ready.

It's a shame this is as far as this story goes. I would have enjoyed reading more of this.

rofl just rofl

can we get a story devoted around this crazy luna you have concocted? i want to see her bothering EVERYpony now with needless things!

"Fine. But I can assure you that my sister adores both whipped cream and Twilight Sparkle. Surely combining the two would produce a positive result."

<3. Dat chapter 6 ...
I also love how you wrote luna.
thumbs up!! This be a smexy story ^-^

((falls off the chair laughing) oh god..thats hilarious i hope luna doesnt publicly start giving out love advice...then again itd be amazingly amusing and really annoy sun but

I cab't stop laughing

I kind of really want to know what "marital aids" Luna has...

Tactless pervert Luna is admittedly out of character, but she somehow fits the role so well. Pervert Celestia is amusing, but pervert Luna is downright hilarious.

Good story.


I really dont mind that Luna acted way out if character but tacless pervert Luna is hilarious! Overall, lovely story can't wait for more. :raritywink:

In hindsight, she is constantly exposed to the collective subconscious of everyoponies dreams and has been for a very long time. She might very well know what she's talking about...:rainbowderp:

"I can see that. Shall I fetch my box of teaching aids? Or would you prefer me to-" A golden flash interrupted Luna, forcing her to shut her eyes. When she opened her eyes, Luna found her gaze met by her favorite niece and nephew who were engaged in an intimate embrace. She beamed them a smile. “Ah, tis good to see my advice is helping.”
"Oh come on!" Cadance shouted.
Shining Armor spoke up. “Oh, hey, Luna. Perfect timing. I had a question about-" he was swiftly interrupted by a very aggressive pillow encased in a blue glow.
“Why are you back here? I thought you were going to help Twilight," Cadance spat.
Luna grinned slyly, "There was no need. They appeared to have the whipped cream under control."

SERIOUSLY, HOW PERVERTED CAN LUNA GET?! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

4628059 Oh good. A proper byte sequence I can verify. Correct number of those.

Still too lazy to verify though. You're missing the BOM though. :derpytongue2:

Has any one heard about princess molestia? I was wandering if someone has one for luna.

yes there is one for luna called lunaughty, its done by the same person who did molestia..oh if yor interested theres even a half completed one for twilight called twilust.

Thanks now I have been scared for life:applejackunsure:

It might have been, except in the couple times where there's some... iffy consent moments. :twilightoops:

You forgot the comedy tag. :trollestia:Seriously, this is funny!:rainbowlaugh:

Good stuff :pinkiesmile:

4658586 :rainbowlaugh: Yeah, you're right

4658586 Glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for pointing out those errors.

...I-I just.... Um, I can't comment on this. It's impossible.

I can definitely comment! Bucking AWSOME!!

Heh, that was great!
I usually don't like this pairing but you definetely managed to change that, at least in this here story of yours :)
That ending was actually sexy - and completely hilarious.
Also: Luna. Shining. Lol (literally)
Good work, good work.

> raw data arrives...

1st chapter's ending!!! (hah, everypone loves it!) Delivering mail!!! Luna's 1st plan!!! Eatery's owner!!! 3rd chapter's ending!!! The large box!!! Advising Luna!!! "Dear Auntie Celestia"!!! So sweet 6th chapter!!! "Oh come on!" ROFL MY yes. OFF!!!

> processing...
> read out:

Almost. Genius. !
One or two sentences which I took with a grain of salt... but this doesn't count!:D
Unexpected beginning, finely measured movement, amusing jokes, sweet scenes — had I had my own "seal of approval", it would be here:)) But upvotes and favs are what I do have, and I'm going to use them:)

Nicely done!

3496005 me thinks if the scene had continued that this would require a sex tag

Luna is Herbert the Pervert in the story. Celestia is the cake-crazy-whippcream-eating mare. Shining and Twilight are the inexperience learners in.....Luna's tactics...martial aids... This story was truly hilarious.

Sweet mercy, this is missing tags.... seriously how is there no comedy tag? No sex tag? This did both of those better than most stories that have 'em. ...That's the closest thing I have to a complaint here. It's really not even in the vicinity of a complaint... but neither is anything else I have about this one. Really fun read, and surprisingly so given I wasn't expecting the humor and sauciness. Luna was just... yeah, welp... faved and upvoted. I almost feel bad, it was at 1200 upvotes on the dot. On the other hand, 1201 is a prime number, so that's kinda neat at least.

Too much whipped cream, too few tags, just the right amount of twilestia.

Sorry you wrote so much on my silly comment. Of course I found that wikipedia article on my own. A disease wouldn't make sense here. I'm just so much into wordplay. :pinkiecrazy:

Always hard to be certain of intent on the internet. I tend to be rather wordy as a course of habit, so no need to fret.

Luna needs help

I think Luna needs a lover of her own... She's interfering with others relationships too much, as adorable as it is. xD

Thanks for the fic! It was great!

You’ve made me want to re-read this story just so I can find out why I loved that hipster restaurant so much.

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