• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 3,007 Views, 57 Comments

Give me Wings to Fly - Shrapmo

Big Macintosh gets a push in the right direction from a certain cyan pegasus.

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Chapter 4: Turn of the Tide

Mac could only sit and stare with his mouth agape. The last thing he had to remember his Pa by was slowly sinking to the bottom of the pond. He wanted to jump in and retrieve it, but shock held him in place like a bag of rocks.

Rainbow looked at Mac, then back to the now missing ukulele. Making a split second decision, she dove in after it.

“Don’t worry Mac! I got it!” She yelled, diving head first into the slightly murky pond without a second thought. Within moments she ran muzzle first into the fast sinking instrument, and quickly wrapped her forelegs around it. She had done it!

‘Easy squeezy!’ Dash thought triumphantly as she turned her face up to head towards the surface… except she didn’t go up… in fact, she wasn’t going up at all. She was sinking further into the muddy depths of the pond. It was at that moment that Rainbow Dash remembered something important. ‘I CAN’T SWIM!!!’

Kicking her hind legs and flapping her wings frantically, she desperately tried to go back up. Instead she only managed to turn herself completely around and was now upside down and in a total panic.

‘Oh crap! What do I do?’ She frantically thrashed about, her orientation in complete disarray. Rainbow began to feel a tight pain in her chest, she couldn’t hold her breath much longer!

Suddenly a large ‘sploosh’ caught her attention, and she looked in its direction. She saw what looked like tree trunks moving towards her at a fast pace, kicking up large amounts of bubbles.

‘I must be hallucinating! This is it, I’m going to die underwater! I was supposed to die in an awesome aerial stunt, in my element! Not kicking and panicking like a chump!’ Rainbow cursed her rotten luck, and felt her final breath leave her body in a large, insulting bubble.

She floated limply for several seconds, until suddenly she felt a presence wrap her in a tight embrace, and began to drag her through the water.

Big Mac frantically brought Rainbow out of the pond and set her on the shore. Quickly placing her on her back, he put his ear next to her open mouth. Hearing nothing, his eyes went wide and he racked his brain for what needed to be done.

“Alright, if a pony can’t breathe ya perform… CPR!” Sitting on his haunches next to Rainbow’s side, he gently elevated her head and tilted it back, checking again to hear that she wasn’t breathing. Bringing his muzzle next to hers he briefly hesitated.

‘Come on Mac, pony up! Rainbow could die if ya don’t!’ Steeling his nerves he placed his lips over hers and gave two deep breaths. He quickly straightened back up and placed his massive hooves on her much smaller chest.

‘Celestia, please don’ let me hurt her.’ Mac gave a silent prayer as he pushed down on her chest several times. He then hunched over again to repeat the process.

Over and over he breathed into her, then pushed on her chest so many times he was afraid he’d break her ribs! But he wouldn’t stop, not until she was breathing the sweet air of life again.

After five whole minutes of pure mental torture, he’d almost given into despair… and then Rainbow gave a great, hacking cough and spit up what could be considered half a gallon of water. Quickly she hunched over onto her side, all the while Mac gently patted her back until the horrible coughing stopped.

“Ya alright Miss Dash?” Big Mac asked with a concerned look on his face. That was probably the scariest situation he’d ever been in. He patted her back again, and helped her to her haunches.

“Yeah cough I think I’m good wheeze.” Rainbow coughed out uncomfortably. ‘That was too close, good thing Mac was here…’ The mare looked up at the stallion as the entirety of the situation caught up with her. “Wow, you totally saved my flank Mac!” She quickly wrapped her forelegs and wings around his neck.

Said stallion looked away and blushed. “Wasn’t a thing Miss Rainbow, no way I’d let nopony drown.” He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, then hesitantly returned the embrace.

As if realizing what she had just done, Rainbow quickly let go of Mac and began looking around to distract herself. ‘I can’t believe I just did that! But he did save me… wait a minute! Did he do what I think he did?’ The mare looked back at the poor befuddled stallion.

“Uh… Mac? Right now, when you pulled me out of the water… was I not breathing when you did?” Rainbow scrutinized the stallion’s red face as a deep burgundy shade started to bleed through it. “And did you have to… ya know… help me breath again?”

“Well Ah… um… eeyup.” Mac responded in a shy tone, trying to look away, but at the same time captivated by Rainbow’s intense stare. He wondered if she was going to be mad at him about this. ‘What was Ah supposed to do though, let her drown?’

“And when you helped me breath again… did you have to perform… you know… CPR?” The stallion could only nod in response. “Well… did ya like it?” Mac was taken aback by the question, not entirely expecting the conversation to take a turn in this direction.
Mac blinked at Rainbow, and Rainbow blinked at Mac. A long silence had taken over the space in between the two ponies, the only sound being that of the pond behind them. Finally looking away, the large earth pony responded.

“Well, Ah can’t say Ah rightly got to enjoy anythin’… seein as how I was afraid you were gonna die.” Scratching the back of his head for a moment he awkwardly looked back up. Rainbow was now staring out at the water with a look of contemplation plastered on her features.

“I guess that makes sense… although I’m a little ticked off that my first kiss happened while I was knocked out.” The mare looked back at Mac, who was at a complete loss for words, and made a split second decision (as was her nature). She took three large leaps and launched herself at the surprised farmer.

Seconds later, Mac was on his back with a very aggressive pegasus on top of him, her lips plastered to his. His eyes shot wide, out of all the responses he could of expected, this was by far the last on his list.

After several seconds of pure shock had passed, Rainbow came back up for air.

“Well? Are you going to kiss me back or what?” She screamed out and shook him by his mane. This seemed to shake the stallion from his stupor, and he weakly nodded his head.

“Uh, eeyup!” Wrapping his massive forelegs around her withers, he pulled her in with as much confidence as he could muster. This was all going so fast for Big Mac, he had never kissed a mare before, and now he suddenly had THE Rainbow Dash all but sucking his face off!

Deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth (he always thought that an odd term), he closed his eyes and decided to enjoy it. That was until he felt a tongue slip into his mouth, his eyes flew open at the new sensation, and he felt something deep within him stir. What happened next was uncomfortable and embarrassing.

Quickly pushing the dominate mare on top of him away, he tried to back his head up.

“Please Miss Rainbow!” He was interrupted by said mare attacking his mouth again, once Rainbow Dash had what she wanted in her grasp, getting her to give it up was almost impossible.

With a herculean effort, he pushed her away again.

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow asked as she again snuck in a quick smooch. “Don’t you like this?” The pegasus covered his mouth with hers again, which Mac was a thread away to giving into, but he saw where this was quickly leading. It was something he had always wanted, but at the same time he wasn’t the kind of stallion to just go all in before anything was established, especially not with the mare he admired.

After several more weak attempts, he was finally able to push her away.

“Wait.” He took in a large gulp of air, and looked up at the surprised and hurt expression of Rainbow. He felt regret immediately, and scrambled to explain himself. “Please don’ get the wrong idea Miss Dash, I really do want ta kiss ya! I have for a long while now… it’s just…” The stallion gently helped her off of him, all the while hiding his shame below.

“It’s just… I really like ya, and I’ve always wanted ta make ya my marefriend… my special somepony.” Dash’s face turned completely red at his confession, a large and confident smile forming on her face.

‘So it was that easy to bag my stallion? I always thought he would be a challenge.’ For once, the mare didn’t feel upset that her goal was so easy to get. Victory didn’t taste any lease sweeter in this case… literally.

Speaking of sweet, now that he had confessed his feelings to her, why wasn’t he kissing her again? And why was he turned so awkwardly to the side like that?

“Heck yeah I’ll be your special somepony! Hehe, I honestly never would of thought a guy like you would be interested in a mare like me! I gotta say though, you got some good taste!” Rainbow stood taller and flared her wings out confidently, which made the embarrassed stallion chuckle.

Inside, Mac was jumping for joy. ‘Ah can’t believe she said yes! So why does mah body have ta be makin this all awkward?’

“So… now that we have all of that official stuff out of the way, how bout we get back to the good part?” Rainbow stared at Mac with smoky eyes, and advanced on him like a predator closing in on its prey.

Mac began to panic, turning his back and tucking his hooves down his front. ‘Please don’ let her see! Please don’ let her see!’

The stallion’s reaction brought Rainbow up short, was he suddenly rejecting her? What was this guy’s game? “Mac what the heck is up? Why do you keep doing that? Do I have bad breath or someth… OH!” The mare had not only caught on to the cause of Mac’s behavior, she also caught a glimpse of it!

Big Mac’s face flared with a renewed blush, this day had been a rollercoaster of events both good and bad, and it had finally taken the big dip!

“Ah’m so sorry! Please don’t laugh Miss Dash! Ah didn’t mean ta do it!” The farmer pleaded in a helpless tone. ‘Got dang my stupid body!’ He shut his eyes in despair, hopping upon anything that his crush didn’t end up laughing at him, or worse, thinking him a pervert.

Rainbow stared at the back of his head with wide eyes, a huge blush staining her own cheeks. ‘Ho-ly-CRAP!’ She thought to herself, the mare had always known Big Mac was well, big! But she had never imagined that every part of him would fit that nick-name!

“Uh… no need to be shy Mac, believe me, you have absolutely no reason to be.” The pegasus tried to comfort the mortified stallion.

“Yes there is! Tain’t proper.” Mac gave a solid shake of his head. “Ah bet ya think Ah’m some sort of sick, molester pervert or sumthin now.” His head sagged at the horrible description he had just given himself, but in his mind it seemed to fit perfectly.

“Now wait just a minute! Why the heck would I think something like that?” Rainbow marched up beside him, and when he tried to turn his back to her again she yanked him by the collar so that he would look her in the face.

“There is no way in all of Equestria that any mare could be offended by a reaction like that, especially from a stallion like you Mac!” She gave him a hard look in the eye to hammer her point home. “You are one of the coolest, most honest ponies I know! And there is absolutely no way I’m going to let you talk yourself down like that… GOT IT?”

Big Mac sat in awe of how forceful Rainbow could be, but then again, he should never expect anything when it came to her. Just a moment ago she was making out with him, and he had never in a million years guessed that would have ever happened!

After several seconds he nodded his head in agreement, to which Rainbow gave him a satisfied smirk.

“Now, we’ve established that I’m your marefriend and you’re my coltfriend, right?” She gave Mac a look that could be considered a cross between sultry and commanding.

“Uh, eeyup!” The stallion nodded his head in agreement once again.

“Good! And we both know that ponies who are dating do certain things right? Things that would be considered improper to do out in public, right?” She got closer and gave him a large, intimidating smile. Big Mac gulped and nodded his head once again, he couldn't have spoken his catchphrase at that point in time if his life depended on it… and maybe it did.

“Mmhmm, right again big guy!” Rainbow smiled as Big Mac’s brow arced at the new pet name. “And those things can lead to certain other things right? Things that big, strong stallions can’t control…” she got up next to his ear, and in a husky whisper finished her question. “Right?”

Big Mac plopped down onto his stomach as quickly as he could. “Miss Dash! You’re not helpin my situation right now!” The stallion began to sweat, almost regretting his decision to ask the feisty mare out.

Breaking out into a fit of laughter, Rainbow rolled around on the ground next to him, tears streaming from her closed eyes. Big Mac huffed in response and sharply turned away, what was the deal with this day anyway?

After a couple of seconds, the pegasus picked herself back up. Walking over to the sullen stallion, she wrapped his neck in a comforting hug. After a brief hesitation, Big Mac accepted her embrace and wrapped his neck around hers. His nerves finally calming at the warm contact.

“I’m sorry Mac, it’s just you’re too cute when you’re flustered like that!” Said farmer chuckled lightly in response, he wasn't used to compliments, and getting one from the famous Rainbow Dash was a treat in and of itself. “But don’t you go telling anypony I called you cute though alright? I've got to keep my cool level at maximum after all.” Finally stepping back, she let the much larger pony stand, his shame no longer present.

“Well…?” Rainbow looked up at him expectantly, she tried batting her eyes in a manner she had seen Rarity do, but ended up looking like she was squinting over and over.

Big Mac looked at her in confusion, not knowing what she expected. Looking left and then right he turned back to see her glaring at him again.

“What?” He asked with a tilt of his large head.

“Ahhh, just come here.” Rainbow pulled him in for another kiss, this one she kept much gentler, trying to express to this silly stallion just how much he meant to her.

Big Mac followed her lead, letting her guide his shyness with her confidence. He liked this kiss much, much more. After several seconds she pulled away and looked him in the eye.

“I don’t want you calling me ‘Miss’ Dash anymore alright? From now on just Rainbow, or Dash, or some cool nick-name alright?” She looked up into his eyes, to which he could only smile, and for the umpteenth time nod his head in agreement.

“Eeyup!” His response seemed to satisfy her, and leaped up into the air.

“I’ve got a coltfriend!” She swooped up over the tree tops and spun around in a corkscrew. Pushing herself higher, she looked in the direction of Ponyville. “Ya hear that Ponyville? Big Mac’s my coltfriend now!” At this, a strange look of dominance seemed to creep over her features. “And if any of you other mares look at him funny again, I’ll beat you into the dirt, ya hear?”

She flew back down to find Mac with a bewildered look on his face.

“What? I don’t like it when others are after what’s mine. Especially if it’s mares after my Mac!” She gave him a triumphant smile and looked around. “Now what were we doing here again?” At that question, the two ponies stopped to think.

“THE UKULELE!” Big Mac looked back at the pond, he had completely forgotten about it after rescuing Dash! Now it was probably at the bottom of the pond, soaked to the bone and beyond all repair. He’d never be able to forgive himse…

“Found it!” Mac turned to see Rainbow trotting up to him with a soggy, stinky uke. Mac sighed in relief, but then got a better look at its condition. It was completely drenched, first they would need to dry it off.

“Dag nabbit, how’m I gonna dry this thing before the water ruins it?” Mac asked himself more than his new marefriend, but Rainbow’s eyes had lit up at the prospect of a new challenge.

“Don’t worry Mac! I got this one!” Grabbing the soaked instrument out of his hooves, Rainbow took off like a flash into the sky. Mac’s neck snapped back, as his eyes tried to follow her path. The daring mare had flown until she was no more than a dot in the sky, then seemed to go into a stall, letting herself freefall.

Rocketing towards the ground, she quickly gained speed, holding the ukulele to her chest the entire time. Instead of increasing her speed further to cause a sonic rainboom, she began to twist in a corkscrew. Before she could get to close to the ground she swooped in an upward motion, causing the strings on the instrument to vibrate.

All the while, Mac could only watch in wonder. The water from the drying ukulele had caused a mist to form behind Dash, reflecting the sunlight and causing a lovely rainbow to appear in her wake. The vibration of the ukulele’s strings creating a beautiful drone all the while.

“It’s like watching music create color.” He whispered to himself, his new marefriend never ceased to amaze him.

Finally, when Rainbow was certain the instrument was dry enough, she flew back down towards the pond. Landing lightly next to Mac, she gave the uke a once over and handed it back to its owner.

Big Mac looked over the instrument with approval. It was completely dry now, and it would only need minor repairs to make it as good as new. He gave a massive sigh of relief and hugged his father’s gift to his chest.

“Thank ya so much Rainbow! How can Ah ever repay ya?” Mac looked up at his marefriend, a large smile was plastered on her face. It brought her a strange sort of thrill to make Mac happy like that, as he barely ever showed emotion to anypony.

“Well, you can start by taking me to get some lunch.” She sauntered over and gave Mac a playful punch in the shoulder. “Besides, I think you owe me a date.” The farmer gave her a nod, turning and placing the instrument back into its case.

“Sounds about right, mind if we stop by Pluck n’ Holler’s shop first so he can take a look at my uke?” Mac asked as he threw the case over his withers.

“Eeyup!” Rainbow turned and waited for Mac to come alongside her.

As they began to walk out of the orchard, the mare trotted ever closer to the stallion, and was soon brushing against his side. Big Mac blushed and smiled at this, he liked being this close to Dash, and her coat was warm and soft from the fast winds of flying.

They came to a fork in the road, one side leading in the direction of town and the other leading to the farm. Mac began to take the one towards the farm but stopped when Rainbow called out to him.

“Where ya goin?” He turned to see the mare sitting on the road to Ponyville, waiting for him expectantly, her tail swishing back and forth happily.

“Well, Ah should go tell mah sister where Ah’m goin fist. Wouldn’t want her to get upset if Ah’m late comin back from lunch.” Mac said matter-of-factly. The pegasus shook her head and waved him over.

“Don’t worry about AJ, if she gets mad I’ll just tell her what’s what!” She beat a hoof on her chest confidently. “Now come on! Let’s go get some grub!” She turned and swished her tail in his direction.

Mac gulped, both from Rainbow’s confident flirting and from nervousness at Applejack’s possible anger. Sighing in resignation he turned and followed his marefriend towards town.

It only took a short amount of time until the couple walked into Ponyville. Almost immediately Mac felt a little self-conscious, he was afraid that ponies would be judging Rainbow for walking side by side with a farmpony. He had heard whispers behind his back in the past, the word ‘hick’ would pop up more than once.

He nervously looked in Rainbow’s direction, only to find her not with a look of embarrassment on her face, but with one of malice instead. She suspiciously looked at every mare they passed, and pressed even closer to Mac’s side if it were possible.

Her next move was what really surprised Big Mac though. Swooshing her tail in a large arch, she unceremoniously slapped it onto the stallion’s large flank, leaving it draped over his back. The action caused several heads to snap in their direction, followed by muted stares.

Big Mac’s face was now blazing red. Mares only did that in the presence of others mares, to show that a stallion belonged to them! Mac stumbled a little at the action but was not about to protest.

Now that any doubt about being with Rainbow in public was completed obliterated from his mind, he was able to hold his head higher. He looked about the town as they walked, observing the gapping maws and wide eyes of the ponies they passed. The scene actually caused him to smile now.

“Welp, we going to Pluck n’ Holler’s place?” Rainbow looked up at Mac’s surprisingly content face.


Author's Note:

Sorry about the long hiatus!

As always, thank you for reading.

Comments ( 22 )

Welcome back, good chapter. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

3862761 Thank you very much!:rainbowkiss:

Welcome back and the romance is building up, finally confessions given.

3862851 Thank you very much! The Rainbow Dash that lives deep inside of me was tired of waiting and wanted things to be kicked up a notch!!!:rainbowdetermined2:

3862885 well that slight rush may have played to your advantage.

And here's another chapter... how lovely.
The only complaint I could find to make is the red one's lack of assertiveness. He comes off too meek for what he is; an over-sized man-horse-cartoon thing.
Other than that, it was an enjoyable read, as always. Well done.

He asked with a cock of his massive head.

Cue inappropriate snickers. :trollestia:

Also, I see you went with CPR. Classy. However, since it's fiction about magical talking ponies, I'll give it a pass.

3863249 Don't judge me. :duck:

:raritystarry: so beautiful

Very nice chapter, but I found something you may want to edit.

Big Mac frantically brought Rainbow out of the pound and set her on the shore.

That should be probably be "pond".

Daaamn, Dash sure is aggressive. Mac is in for one wild ride.

“What?” He asked with a cock of his massive head.

...what that innuendo on purpose!?

3864511 Fixed! (Turns out I had mispelled "pond" the entire chapter!!!:twilightoops:)

3864835 Changed it! It wasn't on purpose and that's the second time someone called me on it, so I just typed something else. Thank you!

3865088 damn...did you have sex on your mind when you wrote this? Accidental innuendos and accidentally spelling it pound instead of pond :facehoof:

3865417 I blame it on job hunting and being beyond tired! :pinkiesad2:

I am glad to see it updated

Good chapter to

3865879 Thank you much!:rainbowkiss:

yay!!! update al fin! good luck with the job!

Loved this chapter! I don't know why it didn't tell me it updated...can't wait to see more! Then...MacDash wedding...during second rotation. :eeyup:

3896732 We're goin full circle Cap'n!!!:rainbowdetermined2: (Oh, and thank you!)

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