• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 29,911 Views, 600 Comments

Of Horses And Whorses - GeodesicDragon

A human and his pet horse are transported to Equestria.

  • ...


You open your eyes slowly, your vision slowly returning to show you that you are in a hospital bed. Zayna is nowhere to be seen, you can't turn your head, and everything hurts.

The last things you can remember are a blinding light, followed by a heavy weight landing on you. The weight was Zayna, of that you are certain, while the light was from the spell the Princesses were trying to cast — the spell that was supposed to send you home.

And given the fact you can see ponies walking by outside, you are quick to realise that the spell failed. Spectacularly.

You slowly pull yourself up to a sitting position and take note of the damage. Your left arm and both your legs are in casts, and a quick feel around your neck with your right hand reveals a neck brace.

"Shoot, Zayna," you mutter. "You really did a number on me, girl." You groan. "Jeez, why do I feel like I've been asleep for over a year? Maybe they pumped me full of painkillers due to the fact I had a four-hundred and fifty kilogram horse tackle me."

"Actually, Master, most of your injuries are the result of the spell the Princesses were trying to cast." Zayna trots into the room slowly and approaches you, her eyes shining with compassion and concern. "I merely broke your leg when I landed on you — the other injuries are the result of the spell backfiring."

"Really?" you ask, to which she nods. "Well, I'll be damned."

"Damned, my friend, you may be," another – eerily familiar – voice says. "But please don't say you forgot about me."

"Oh, hell." you struggle against your restraints and casts as you try to figure out where the voice is coming from, only for the screen next to your bed to be pulled back, revealing Zecora — who looks just as messed up as you do. Her back legs are in casts, and she is lying awkwardly on her side as she stares at you.

"Well, this was unexpected." Zayna smirks. "I'd like to see you try something now, you demented zebra."

Zecora shakes her head. "My friend Apple Bloom was the one who brought me to this infirmary," she replies. "I was brought to treat and explain my injuries. I gave them my explanation, and was clarified about your situation. Please, forgive me for my infraction, I assure you that I meant no harm by my actions. I merely allowed myself to get caught up in what had hounded you for so long. I believe you’re getting used to this old dance and song."

You and Zayna look at each other. "So... you tried to jump my bones because you thought I was that kind of 'riding instructor?'" Zecora nods. "I see. Well... I accept your apology, Zecora."

"As do I," Zayna adds. "And I'm sorry for hurting you, Zecora." She pauses. "At least, I assume you're here because I kicked you."

"You were only defending the one who owns you," Zecora replies. "I cannot fault you for doing as many pets would do."

Zayna smiles. "I will admit that it felt good to be the one doing the defending for a change," she says. "And I also saved him from the spell... but I doubt that I will get the chance to do it again."

"Don't say that," you respond. "You'll jinx yourself."

Zayna giggles and nuzzles you. "I'm glad you're all right, Master," she says. "I missed the sound of your voice."

You pat her neck. "Thanks, girl, I missed you too." you then kiss her gently on the nose, which makes her nicker. "Thanks for saving me from what was, without a doubt, the worst light show ever."

Zayna rolls her eyes. "I missed your voice, but not your jokes." she turns and walks back towards the door. "Twilight and the Princesses asked me to inform them when you woke up, so that they could speak with you about what happened." She opens the door, using her mouth to turn the handle. "I'll leave you and Zecora to get to know each other a little better. Have fun."

With that, she walks out and closes the door, leaving you and Zecora to look at each other awkwardly. After a moment, you break the silence by clearing your throat.

"So, Zecora," you say. "When we first met, you mentioned that 'potions were your game.' What sort of potions do you make?"

Zecora smiles, seemingly pleased at your interest in her work, and then starts explaining it to you as best she can.

This should kill a few minutes, you think to yourself.


An hour later, and Zayna still isn't back with Twilight and the Princesses. Zecora, meanwhile, has only stopped talking to draw enough breath so she can carry on.

"And that's how I got the ponies to stop seeing me as one they should fear," she finishes. "And ever since that day, we've been friends ever so dear."

You let out a breath. "Wow, Zecora, that's some story," you reply. "But I think I can top it, with the story of how Zayna and I—"

"That story, to me, has been told as well," Zecora interrupts. "A good man you are, to have saved her from a veritable hell."

You rub the back of your head. "Yeah, I am a good person," you say quietly. "Good enough that I was willing to let her stay here while I returned home." You wave your free hand over your battered and broken form. "Suffice to say, that particular tree didn't bear fruit."

Zecora gives you a sympathetic smile as the door opens and Zayna walks back in, looking somewhat disgruntled. Celestia, Luna and Twilight soon follow, the latter looking rather pleased with herself.

"I'm sorry for the delay, Master, but Twilight insisted on taking some measurements regarding my height and weight," Zayna grumbles. "She is writing a report on the incident, and 'every little detail needs to be recorded for posterity.'"

"Um... okay?" If you could, you would have shrugged. "It's not like I was going anywhere, so I don't mind the wait. Besides, Zecora and I have had plenty of time to talk."

"Glad to hear it!" Twilight says, before addressing Zecora. "I am so sorry we didn't come to check up on you after our guests told us what happened. We just assumed you were all right, given how you are able to live in the Everfree with such ease."

"Twilight Sparkle, I humbly accept your apology this day." Zecora raises a forehoof. "However, it is not something you need to say. I was not out long before Apple Bloom tended to my health, and I was able to treat some of my injuries myself."

Twilight lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Zecora," she says. "But, still, as a token of apology, I've arranged for your medical fees to be covered by the Royal Court." She points at Celestia and Luna. "Both Princesses have already taken care of it."

Zecora bows slightly. "Thank you, Your Majesties. I appreciate you paying my medical fees."

"Think nothing of it, dear Zecora," Celestia says. "After all, you have done much for Twilight and her friends; it's the least we could do." She turns her attention to you. "I assume you have questions about what happened, so please. Ask away."

"Why did the spell fail?" you ask. "That's pretty much all I have."

"As you know, it was Discord's magic which brought you here in the first place," Luna says. "The spell Celestia and I were casting was intended to reverse the effects of said magic, thus returning you to your own world. Unfortunately, we overlooked something."

You raise an eyebrow. "Overlooked what?"

"Normally magic, when used, will dissipate over time. For smaller things like telekinesis, the magic used to lift something will fade almost immediately after the spell is ended," Twilight chips in.

"I can understand that," you reply.

"However, chaos magic tends to linger for a lot longer, because... well, it's chaotic and therefore doesn't obey normal rules," Twilight continues, letting out a small sigh. "Sadly, the magic which brought you here had already dissipated by the time the spell was cast — meaning that the Princesses' spell actually ended up trying to destroy you. That's why it hurt so much."

You blink a couple of times as you try to process this information. When you do, your eyes widen. "So instead of getting sent home, I nearly got killed?" You glance at Zayna, who is just as shocked. "It's a good thing she realised something was wrong."

"But why did the spell try to destroy him?" Zayna demands.

Celestia scratches her head. "The spell we were using was the same one that we used against Discord when we first attempted to banish him. But back then, his chaos magic was too strong and he was able to easily overwhelm us."

"And then we found the Elements of Harmony," Luna said. "Which we then used to seal him in stone and end his reign."

"The idea behind using the same spell on you was that because the amount of chaos magic would be minimal at best, without Discord here to amplify it, it would reverse the effect." Celestia sighs. "But, as you know all too well, it didn't. It pains me to say this, but there is now no way for you to return home. And for that..."

Celestia and Luna kneel before you, before they speak two words in perfect unison. "We're sorry."

You look at the two sisters, then to Zayna – who does a gesture you believe is meant to be a shrug – and then back to the sisters.

"You have nothing to apologise for, Princesses, so please stand up." They do so, and you continue. "Nobody could have anticipated things going wrong the way they did, but the fact remains that you at least tried to send me back to my old life. But, as the old saying goes, 'every cloud has a silver lining.' If you truly wish to apologise to me... then you will help me adjust to my new life in Equestria."

Celestia nods. "We will do everything in our power to help you," she says. "We understand that this is a huge change for you, so you will have all the assistance you need to get used to it."

Luna nods as well. "The first thing we will do is, by our rights as Princesses, hereby name you both as official Equestrian citizens. The second thing we will do is get you out of this hospital and into a house of your own, which will be specifically built for you both."

"Thank you, Princesses," Zayna says. "We appreciate everything you have done, and will continue to do, for us."

"What she said," you add. "And as long as Twilight keeps the questioning and measurements to a minimum, we're set."

Twilight sticks her tongue out at you, while Celestia and Luna laugh.

"We shall have our finest architect draw up some plans for your new home, and let you see them at the earliest opportunity," Luna says. "Come, Tia, Twilight, let our friend rest. He's had quite a day."

"All right." Twilight's stomach growls. "I could use some lunch, anyway. Are you coming, Zayna?"

"Fine," Zayna says. "Rest now, Master, and I will be back."

The four of them leave the room, closing the door behind them and leaving you with your thoughts — thoughts which are interrupted once again by the sound Zecora's voice. A quick glance reveals that she had been feigning sleep through the whole visit.

"So you staying here is now the deal?" she asks, to which you give her a nod. "That's good — because I believe you owe me a meal..."

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be the last — but I'll try to have it published soon, rather than next year.

Thanks, once again, to Alticron for helping me with Zecora's dialogue.

Feedback is always appreciated. :twilightsmile: