• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 5,057 Views, 235 Comments

Rainbow's Horn - Cerulean Swirl

Rainbow Dash gets a unicorn horn! Yet she looses the one thing that matters most to her- her wings.

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Chapter Six

Sweat trickled down Rainbow’s forehead as she walked in the sunshine. Twilight was painstakingly wrong. Ponies of all kinds gave Rainbow a strange look. Rainbow tried not to meet anypony’s gaze. She looked up into the brilliant blue sky, and chuckled to herself. She remembered flying by this road and barely even noticing the ground. How strange it seemed walking on it now.

Why aren't you flying?, her mind questioned her.
I can't, remember?, she told it, annoyed. Even her subconscious wanted to fly. It wasn't the only one.

"Ugh!" she said aloud, and brought her hooves down with a hard smack on the ground. After this was completed, she winced by the pain.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash!” singsonged a familiar, young, painfully nearby voice.
Rainbow yelped and hid behind a nearby cottage. If anypony were to see her…she would be toast. She peered around the side of the house, and inspected the other side. She sighed in relief. There was no sign of Scootaloo or Soarin’ anywhere. Those were the only two ponies that Rainbow was in no mood to see.

“Whatcha doing behind this cottage, Rainbow Dash?” asked a voice behind her. Rainbow gave a small yelp and almost jumped out of her skin. She turned to see her little apprentice, Scootaloo, on her trusty scooter. The orange pegasus filly looked her usual chipper self, but Rainbow figured that the giddiness came about because she was being mentored by her lifetime hero. Rainbow was always flattered to be a hero in somepony’s eyes, and at times, a bit too flattered.

“I um…I uh……You see…um…uh…” Rainbow stuttered.

“Well, I was just wondering if we could practice that new trick of mine we were talking about the other day. I really have been excited about it.” said Scootaloo, and beamed. Rainbow almost sighed in relief. Scootaloo wasn't fazed by her mentor's excessive stuttering.

Ever since Rainbow agreed to be Scootaloo’s mentor, they had been having weekly sessions. Every Wednesday, Scootaloo would wait underneath Rainbow’s cloud home and they’d spend one or two hours either practicing new tricks or basic flying drills. Sometimes Scootaloo would sit on the ground in front of Rainbow and the two would just talk. It was nice to do that occasionally. Scootaloo was very determined and persistent, and never let Rainbow know she was tired or ready to stop. Rainbow could push Scootaloo all she wanted and Scootaloo would happily oblige. But today was Monday, so their weekly session was two days away. Rainbow didn’t have the heart to tell Scootaloo of her predicament, so she smiled widely and sputtered a quick lie.

“That’s really cool, squirt. But I am really sorry. I have a dentist’s appointment all day today. My molars are looking pretty bad.” said Rainbow, and gave a sad whinny. Scootaloo’s face fell slightly. Then, in almost an instant, it brightened again.

"Alright. I guess I'll see you on Wednesday, then? Our usual time?" she asked.
"You bet!" said Rainbow, trying to look and act cheerful.

“Oh, and by the way, nice cape!” said Scootaloo, happily, and after a huge smile, scootered away.
After Scootaloo was safely out of eyeshot, Rainbow tiptoed behind buildings and skirted safely behind trees until she was at the hill of her dwelling. Her cutie mark as the mailbox flag was a dead giveaway. Her cloud home looked as gorgeous and floaty as ever, the rainbow river flowing gently off its side. How Rainbow wanted to fly up there and see Tank and all of her things. Reality got hold of her again, and her shoulders slumped. However, there was one thing she could accomplish, though.

“Better check my mail.” she mumbled aloud. She opened her mailbox(which emitted a loud creak) to find it painstakingly empty.

“I never get anything good anyway.” she said to nopony. She turned and began to walk away, grief consuming her. The walk Twilight had suggested had been nothing but a total bust.

“Hey, you! Just who do you think you are?” asked a familiar voice. Rainbow froze all the way to her hooves. She began shaking and breathing hard. What rotten luck she had, bumping into her coltfriend at a time like this. She had to get away from here. NOW. She began galloping away, far away from her home until Soarin’ landed right in front of her and she bumped into him and went flying for the first time in days. It was a three second sensation, and she was about to smile when she landed with an uncomfortable bump on the ground and Soarin’s eyes baring into hers.

“Pawing through my-” he said, angrily, until he realized who it was.
“Oh, hey, Rainbow!” he said, and leaned in to kiss her. Rainbow smiled uncertainly and put her hooves on her coltfriend’s mouth.

“Hi Soarin’! I just um…I’ve got a really bad cold and it’s highly contagious. I really don’t want you to get sick so um…I wore a cloak!” she babbled, smiling awkwardly the entire time she spun this tale. The last time she had lied this much was when she had to tell Pinkie about house-sitting for a vacationing bear. She hid a smile at the thought.

He looked sympathetic.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have postponed my visit! Didn’t I tell you last week I had a day off today? I figured I’d come by and see you.” he explained, giving Rainbow puppy-dog eyes.

“It’s alright, Soarin’. Why don’t you come back later? Like, when I’m feeling better, okay?” she said, and gave him a smile before galloping off.

“Where are you going?” he called.
“To the doctor!” she called back.

“Get well soon!” he called in response.
But Rainbow was already gone.

The second Rainbow got into the library she collapsed on the front mat, panting slightly. The cape fluttered softly by Rainbow’s sides. Twilight turned in surprise, and after realizing it was Rainbow, she sighed and turned back to her books, which were in a monstrous pile. Twilight’s face was streaked with dust and she looked disgruntled and frustrated.

“Have you found anything yet?” asked Rainbow, exasperated.
“No.” said Twilight, and rubbed a spot of dust from her cheek and gave a delicate cough.

“How was the walk?”
In response, Rainbow ripped off the satin cape and flung it across the room. Twilight looked at her for a moment, annoyed, then regained herself and kindly asked Rainbow to pick it up. Rainbow did, with great reluctance, and after she did, she returned to her place of stay. Twilight poked her head inside to see her friend sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the floor, on the verge of tears. Twilight briefly left the room and returned with a weathered old leather book with gold script on the front of it.
“That horn isn’t completely useless, you know.” said Twilight, calmly.

“To me it is. How am I supposed to use it? You said you’ve been studying magic ever since you were a filly. I’m grown and don’t know a hoof about it. And until now, I’ve wanted to keep it that way.” said Rainbow, fingering the horn on her head and thinking of her wings wholeheartedly.

“Well, not all spells are complicated. There are tons, if you can believe it. I know you miss your wings-”
Rainbow gave her a look that said: “You think?” that threw Twilight off briefly. She regained herself and continued.

“-But I’m working on it. I promise we’ll get them back. You won’t be with a horn forever.” Twilight used the book to nudge Rainbow the shoulder. When her friend glanced at it, Twilight gave Rainbow a comforting smile. This did little to persuade Rainbow.

“Give it a try. Besides, if you’re going to be with said horn for a bit, you could use it.”
Rainbow sighed heavily and took the book in her hooves to humor her friend. The title read: Easy Spells for New Unicorns! Train Your Unicorn To Know The Best of the Best! . Rainbow rolled her eyes, hid a chuckle, and opened it. A dust army marched out of the book straight into her nose and began attacking. She coughed a few minutes and sneezed several times before continuing her study. She peered at the Table of Contents. Twilight gave her a helpful smile, and went back in the main room to do more research, closing the door behind her.

Introduction………………………………..................page 5
How To Use………………………………..................page 7
Opening Door Spell………………………………......page 12
Silverware Maneuvering Spell……………..............page 13
Book Page Turning Spell………………………….page 15

The list continued all the way down until the last few entries:

Repair Spell………………………………......page 56
Conclusion……………………………….........page 57

Rainbow shrugged and opened to the first spell, which was the door opening spell and examined it. As much as she hated to admit it, Twilight was right. If she was going to be grounded with a horn for a bit, she might as well learn a few simple spells, like at least opening a door. She peered at the pages and read the spell.

DOOR OPENING SPELL=open any door that isn't locked to get where you need to go!
1. Go to a quiet place where you can concentrate. Please make sure there are no distractions for the magic to work.

Rainbow Dash looked around to double check her surroundings. She knew was alone, but she wanted to make sure nothing spontaneous happened. Getting a horn was probably one of the stranger things that had ever happened to her. That and probably representing the Element of Loyalty, which was pretty epic.

2. Focus on the door you would like to open.

Rainbow stationed herself in front of the door Twilight had just gone through and almost laughed at the prospect of actually doing magic.

3. Put the image of the door being opened with your magic in your head. Clear out everything else that may keep this image from filling your mind.

Rainbow cleared out everything that was on her mind. The image of her opening the door filled it. This was unusually hard, because besides considering doing magic, Rainbow was still trying to get over that she had just barely gotten away from Scootaloo and Soarin’. But, nonetheless, she did it.

4. Close your eyes, and wait for the magic to fill you.

Wait. Hold the phone. Did the book just ask Rainbow to ‘wait for the magic to fill her?’ That was probably the stupidest thing she had ever heard. She threw her head back and laughed. She laughed so hard, tears came to her eyes. It wasn’t that funny, but Rainbow needed a good laugh, after all that had occurred. After her outburst, she giggled again before actually doing it.

5. After you feel the magic rising inside you, close your eyes, and picture the door opening, as shown in Step 3.

Rainbow closed her eyes, and imagined the door opening with her magic. It was a odd sensation, but something was definitely rising up inside of her. It was like anticipation for Hearth’s Warming Eve, or when Soarin’ first kissed her. She opened her eye just a tiny bit, and saw magic the color of her eyes forming around the door. She gasped, but regained her concentration with some difficulty. More magic firmed around the door and Rainbow squeezed her eyes tighter. Then, without further ado, the door whipped open and slammed on the other side with a great bang. Twilight, hearing the bang and almost jumping out of her mane, whipped around to Rainbow’s direction and gave her wide eyes. For a few minutes, the two ponies stood and stared at each other for what seemed like ages.

Rainbow thought Twilight would get mad because she slammed the door, but to Rainbow’s surprise, a beam formed on Twilight’s lips.

“WOW!” she cried, and for a moment Rainbow half expected the smile to pop off Twilight’s mouth it was so big.
“You did that? Cool! When I did it the door flew off! At least your door managed to stay on its hinges, huh?” said Twilight, and came over and gave Rainbow’s horn a tap.

“Big deal. I made a door slam. When I was a filly I performed a sonic rainboom. And I did it again, just recently. Twice, actually. Easy peasy.” said Rainbow pushing Twilight’s purple hoof away.

“I suppose you’re right. If you get too used to that horn, well…you might not want to give it up.” said Twilight, and went back over to her research.

“I can’t keep getting distracted,” Rainbow heard her say.

“If Rainbow wants her wings back…”
“Of course I want my wings back!” said Rainbow, answering Twilight’s mumbles.

“I ran into Soarin’ and Scootaloo today and I had to lie to both of them! You think I like doing that? I can’t go out in public again or else somepony else might figure it out and tell them! ” cried Rainbow, and bit her lip.

“Yes, well. I’ll get right on it.” reassured Twilight, and carefully went back to glancing at a book.
Rainbow went back into her place of dwelling and sat on the edge of the bed, as she had when Twilight came in with the spell book. Rainbow spotted it at the end of the bedside table and picked it up and threw it across the room in a rage. The book ricocheted off the door that Rainbow had opened and landed in a heap on the floor. She sat awhile, thinking angry thoughts and silently cursing Twilight for taking her wings away before the guilt consumed her. She sighed heavily andfelt deflated somehow. She got up from the bed and walked over to the book and picked it up. She stared at it for a few moments before walking over and replacing it on the bedside table. She apologized to Twilight in her head and lay on the bed. If she was going to cry, now was the time to do so. But no tears came to Rainbow. She felt numb and deflated, and knew for sure more anger would come. But instead of crying or getting extremely angry, Rainbow gently closed her eyes and slowly and surely drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

And many thanks to my fantabulous editor, Unforgotten. He really rocks!!!