• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 13,397 Views, 293 Comments

Gods Among Us - Gravitiaxis

You are an ancient god who dates back to times of the beginning. However you have been lost to time due a major wound that you had gotten a long time ago, turned you into stone. A few thousand years have pasted and you're now reintroduced to the

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Chapter Eight: Meeting Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie

When you came too you could see that you were surrounded by Spike and two mares you’ve never seen before. One of them was a Pegasus who had a rather short mane consisting of all the colors of the rainbow, and her eyes were a sharp magenta. Her body was almost the same shade as the sky when it’s clear of all clouds; the second was a pink earth pony with fluffy pink hair, whom had a huge smile on her face, upon seeing that you were now awake. You blinked a few times, confused and angry at the same time because the question that was going to through your mind, “What hell happened? Who the hell hit me?” you thought to yourself.

“Ooh, ooh! Who are you? I’ve never seen you before! Are you new in town? My name’s Pinkie Pie, I just love meeting new ponies, do you wanna be friends? Do ya, do ya, do ya?” You tried following this mare with your eyes, but her bouncing around quickly made you regret doing so. Your first assumption was that this pink mare attacked you. The first thing you thought about was attacking this mare back. You picked yourself up from the floor and began to walk towards her but stopped as your head still hurt.

“What happen?” you decided to as Spike.

“Pinkie, with her usual cheery self came in looking for Twilight, but when she saw you she flipped out and tackled you, trying to give you a hug. The shocked caused you to fall backwards and hit your head on the bookcase.” Spike said pointing to the mess of books you caused to fall over.

The rainbow colored mare walked closer to you but took a few steps back not wanting her to do anything to you. “Hi, I’m Rainbow Dash. I’m…uh, sorry about Pinkie Pie knocking you out. As you can see…she can be pretty enthusiastic.” She said pointing her thumb back towards the pink pony who was still bouncing around.

“It’s alright…you’re not the one who should be apologizing.” You huffed. “So, what’s her problem? Is she messed up in the head?” You asked wondering if the mare known as Pinkie pie had some kind of condition.

“Nah, Pinkie’s just being Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

“So she’s always like this?! That’s gotta be a hassle.” You said folding your arms and shaking your head at the pink pony.

“Not as much as you think, she’s actually pretty fun to be around, she’s pretty much friends with everyone in town. Soo who are you?” She asked.

“I’m Letum.” You replied back.

“Letum? That’s a weird name.”

“That is a weird name!” Pinkie yelled.

“Let-tea-um? What does it stand for? Does it have anything to do with your cutie mark?” She said rushing over to look at your flank. You look at her rushing back and forth to get a clear look.

“It stands for death in old language.” You replied.

“What parent in their right mind names their child death?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I don’t have any parents. I named myself.”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow dash asked.

You were about to answer. But Pinkies constant poking made you feel uncomfortable so you lightly pushed her away so you could make her stop. “Your cutie mark it’s a skull with two bones making an X. Hmm, that’s weird are you a coroner or something?”

“Yeah…Something like that. I’m the god of death.” You said inciting a shock from the two mares in front of you. Your wings had been perfectly tucked into your robe so they weren’t able to see them, so when you extended them, this incited even greater shock and an almost quiet squeak from Rainbow Dash.

“You’re an Alicorn? I didn’t know that the friend that Celestia mention was another alicorn.” Pinkie Pie yelled as she quickly got down her knees. She looked back up at Rainbow Dash who seemed to be so shocked that she didn’t move, so Pinkie grabbed her and made her bow. “I’m so, so, sorry, if we offended you in any way.” She said realizing the importance behind your title.

You let out a small chuckle as you signaled them to rise. “Relax. If you actually offended me by any chance you would’ve known.” You said. You liked when mortals bowed down to you it lets you feel like you still have power, it’s just that you can’t really experience being mortal if everyone’s being nice to you because you have direct control over where over their afterlife. So you decided to keep your wings hidden underneath your wings from now on, until you needed them.

“So, wait you’re telling me that you’re the grim reaper? Where’s the black cloak and skeleton like body? Where’s the huge scythe you’re depicted to have?” Rainbow Dash asked sounding skeptical of your claim.

“I do not carry a sickle or scythe around with me everywhere I go, it’s my symbol of power, carrying it around and using it to reap souls is a total waste of a weapon that can end universes, I don't have those skull like features. I only look that way because you assholes make me look that way! You mortals never once have seen my face! Never! Do you want to know what my preferred look is when I want to interact with you mortals? Find yourself a mirror. And I only wear a black cloak if it’s cold or if I don’t want children to see who I am, because their innocence.” You said, highly annoyed at the common stereotypes presented to you.

“Ok, ok! Chill.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Umm, let’s change the subject.” Spike said alerting you that he was still in the room. “Did you come to see Twilight?”

“That’s right! Is she home?” Pinkie asked. Spike shook his head and told them that Twilight was over her friend Fluttershys house.

“Alright thanks Spike. Come on, Pinkie lets go.” Rainbow Dash said rushing out of the room.

“Okie doky.” Pinkie said beginning to run out of the library, but stopped to quickly run back up to you. “Ohh, you should come with us. You might be able to meet more our friends.” Before you could even respond back to her, Pinkie grabbed your arm and quickly dragged you out of the library.

Author's Note:

Alright here we go. Here's the eighth chapter. I'm starting to lose it bit of inspiration, I know How I wanted the story to start and end but I vaguely thought about the stuff in the middle. So if you guys have any ideas don't be afraid to hit me up.