• Published 26th Jul 2013
  • 872 Views, 2 Comments

Scattered Thoughts - Coyote Mustang

It's said that Genius and Insanity are two sides of the same coin. Twilight's coin has just flipped.

  • ...

Two Weeks Later

Twilight's eyes fluttered open, and she soon looked at the clock next to her. 3:17.

Twilight sighed loudly at her lack of sleep and soon turned over to try and fall back asleep.

“Twilight.” a voice called out in the darkness.

Twilight swiftly pulled herself out of the covers that were on her and looked around the room.

“Who’s there?” she calls out in a panic, her ears trying to locate the sound.

The darkness gave no clues to the sound she heard, and Twilight’s anxiety grew as a result. Twilight slowly placed herself back under the covers and closed her eyes to sleep again.

“Twilight?” the voice called again, this time louder than the first.

Twilight flung the sheets off the bed quickly and stood up in defiance.

“Show yourself!” she yelled at the darkness, her horn a glow with magic. The light from her horn lit the part of the room she was closest to and all she could see was the floor of her house. Spikes bed lay empty and her bookshelves were bare as well. Twilight scanned faster around the room until her head began to hurt.

“Twilight.” the voice said again, this time loud enough for Twilight to know where it was coming from. It came from right behind her. Twilight’s eyes remained transfixed on the darkness as she slowly felt a hoof run its way across her chest, stopping right over her heart. With hesitation, she looked down at her chest. Her eyes grew wide as she saw nothing but an indent in her own fur. she watched the indent move across her chest as it lingered in certain positions before moving on. Twilight wanted to scream out loud at this ghostly pressure but it soon relented, scaring Twilight even further.

“S-s-s-show yourself,” Twilight stuttered as she looked back at the room.

Twilight searched in the darkness for the specter, afraid of every dark corner in the room. Twilight’s focus suddenly shifted as another sound took precedence in her mind.

A soft clicking sound came from the darkness, a sound like the clicking of pages left in front of a window when it was windy. The sound began to move around Twilight, who’s head shifted faster and faster to keep up with its location. Soon the pain in Twilight’s head began to throb, the pain stabbed at her as if her head was about to explode. Twilight tried hard to suppress the pain and find the specter that haunted her, but she soon couldn’t stand the pain anymore. Twilight released a powerful scream as the pain throbbed at its strongest and the world melted around her, releasing her from the nightmare.

Twilight jolted up from her bed, sweat dripping off her head as she looked around. The clock next to her told her it was 8:32 in the morning and a few rays of sunshine had begun to creep through the windows. She lay back down on the bed, trying to catch her breath and thought of the dream she had escaped from.

Twilight looked around the room and noticed the hanger of IV’s next to her. She felt her head, and found a bandage wrapped around it tightly. Twilight's mind raced to figure out what had happened to her, but the door to her room swung open and Celestia walked in.

“Twilight!” Celestia yelled as she saw her former student sitting up in her bed, “Doctor, she’s awake!”

Celestia ran to Twilight’s side and embraced her tightly, nearly choking Twilight in the process. She was pulled away gently by the doctor in charge, who soon began to examine her.

“Miss Sparkle, how are you feeling today?” The unicorn asked as he began to shine a light in Twilight's eyes.

“I have a little bit of a headache, but other than that I’m feeling fine.” Twilight answered as she followed the lights path, “What exactly happened to me?”

“A headache is a common side effect of the accident you were in, they should pass in a few weeks.” the doctor said as he moved onto her ears. “Twilight can you hear this?” the doctor questioned as he struck a tuning fork on the table and placed it close to Twilight’s ear.

Twilight nodded to him and after a few more tests, the doctor gave her a small smile.

“Well miss Sparkle, except for the slight memory loss it appears that you have suffered no ill effects of the accident.” he said to her, still smiling, and soon he bid them farewell and exited the room. Celestia had stood quietly in the room for the entire examination, noting Twilight’s answers and her expressions at the tests. Her muzzle held tight, her face a mix of shock and of joy. She had been told of the damage the misfire could have on her and to learn that nothing appeared to be wrong with her made her nearly jump for joy.

“Princess, you’re awfully quiet, is there something on your mind?” Twilight asked as she leaned towards her.

Celestia gave a small smile and answered, “No Twilight, I’m just glad you’re ok.”

“Princess, what exactly happened to me? That doctor dodged the question earlier.” Twilight asked Celestia, hoping it wasn’t something major.

“Twilight, what's the last thing you remember?” Celestia questioned kindly, hoping to establish where to start from. Twilight began to relay what she could remember from the accident and only when she seemed stumped did Celestia take over. Celestia told Twilight that the spell had backfire because of a lack of focus by the student.

“Oh, I hope he’s ok,” Twilight relayed to Celestia who gave a soft smile back.

“He’s quite alright Twilight, he awoke a few days ago and I’ve been told by the doctors that he’s begun to walk again.”

Twilight smiled at this information as she knew he couldn’t be blamed in this whole thing.

“However,” Celestia began, her smile fading slightly, “It appears that the explosion’s pressure wave had not only damaged his ears but also the part of his brain that controlled speech.”

Twilight’s smile faded as well and her thoughts turned to sadness at the student’s condition. Celestia sensed this sadness and assured Twilight that she had made arrangements for him to take magic lessons on how to communicate without those faculties, bringing Twilight’s smile back.

Their conversation went on for a few hours before the dinner bell rang in the hospital. Celestia bid her farewell for the night and made her way off the premises. Twilight settled in for the night and soon after eating dinner she fell asleep again. This night came and went, dreamless, and soon the light of the morning entered the window to awaken her.

The next few days to Twilight were a blur of inactivity, most of it consisting of reading from various books Twilight could get from the hospital’s library. Twilight had her daily talks with Celestia and was even visited by the student that had caused the accident. They discussed, through an interpreter, the reasons behind the accident and why he had stayed so dedicated to countering the spell. They both had a laugh and soon another pony came into the room to wheel him back.

The next day, Twilight learned that she was going to be discharged into the custody of her friends back in Ponyville. Twilight tried to assure the doctors that she was ok and her friends didn’t need to help her, but it was Celestia’s orders and no pony questions the princess’s orders.

Twilight was soon wheeled out in front of the hospital and slowly she stepped out of the wheelchair.

“I hope that’s the last time I need one of those for a while.” Twilight commented as she made her way to the princess’s chamber. She gave a small knock and soon the doors swung open for her to enter. Celestia was finishing up some paperwork when Twilight entered the room. They both let out a small laugh when they tried to greet each other at the same time, but soon Celestia’s voice changed from one of laughter to one of concern.

“Twilight, I know this seems like a joke, but I want you to take this seriously. Magical backup in a unicorn can spiral out of control if one is not careful.” Celestia said, her smile disappearing, “Spells cast during this time may amplify in power to the point one can’t control them.”

“I understand Princess, the doctor’s explained all of this to me before I left, and they told me to maintain a steady schedule and to rely on my friends for help in the next few weeks. They also told me to get plenty of sleep as well.” Twilight answered, her smile trying to infect Celestia.

Twilight let out a sigh when she saw Celestia’s face go unchanged for a few seconds.

“I know they told you Twilight, but I also know you and that independent streak you have about you.” Celestia said as she looked over Twilight's medical information.

“Princess, have a little faith in your most trusted student. I know I can do this and you know I couldn’t lie to you.” Twilight answered, trying to calm Celestia’s fears.

Twilight noticed a small smile growing on Celestia's muzzle and with that she knew she had at least partly convinced her. Twilight knew that this would be a very strange thing for her as she didn’t like her friends worrying about her. But she would bear with it for as long as it took for the headaches to stop.

Twilight gripped her head in pain as another headache took hold of her. She felt the pain move from her horn and into her head. Twilight winced in pain and let out a small hiss to the pain.

“Another headache, Twilight?” Celestia asked as she looked over at her.

It took a minute for the pain to subside to the point where she could answer.

“Yeah, just a small one though.” Twilight answered as she looked back up at Celestia.

Celestia gave Twilight a look of sympathy and soon they began to discuss what she had to do to get better. Twilight was told that mainly Applejack was going to be staying with her during her recovery, but her other friends would be there on other days. Twilight tried to argue with her that Applejack had more to do in her daily life then take care of her, but she was silenced as Celestia gave her a cold look.

“There is no weaseling your way out of this Twilight. Besides, Applejack was the first to offer her assistance in this matter. Granted your other friends were not far behind in telling me the same thing, but I left it to Applejack because she would be the best influence on you to keep with what the doctors want you to do,” Celestia said as she stared Twilight into silence.

Twilight kept quiet as the princess finished her work and her explanations for how the next few weeks would go.

Twilight felt lost as she boarded the train back to Ponyville. She had waved goodbye to the princesses as well as the two guards that had picked her up when she arrived. Turning back to the empty car she was situated in, Twilight's mind was left to wander for the remainder of the trip home. She thought of her experience before the accident, the hospital time she had endured and even the trip to the station was occupying her thoughts.

Soon though, her mind brought itself to Applejack and her friends taking care of her for a few weeks. She knew it was a large intrusion into her friend’s lives and she didn’t want to be a burden to them. Twilight’s mind drifted, flowing from one thought to another and slowly she felt her head begin to ache, the same type as the one in the princess's chamber.

“Uhh, I hope this is the last time I have a headache like this for the rest of my life.” Twilight groaned as she curled up on the bed in her cabin. She placed her head on her front legs and slowly closed her eyes, hoping to quell the headache she had. Twilight's pain slowly subsided and she soon slipped into a peaceful sleep, one without dreams, without the worries of the outside world.

Twilight was awoken by the train’s whistle, a jarring noise that could have woken the dead if it tried. Twilight lifted her head and through rested eye’s looked at the cabin. She found the empty cabin she had fallen asleep in was now crowded with a circle of ponies, all of them with looks of shock on their muzzles. Twilight’s cheeks began to glow red at the embarrassment of having a lot of ponies looking at you can conjure up.

“Hello everypony, can I help you all?” Twilight questioned, her face still glowing red. The staring continued until the loudspeaker on the train called out.

“Next stop, Ponyville” the voice on the loudspeaker called, bringing the eyes of the crowd from Twilight to the speaker itself. The crowd dispersed quickly, everyone rushing back to their cabins to prepare for their arrivals. Twilight watched them all leave with a questioning look, but soon she found herself preparing as well.

Twilight was greeted at the station by her friends, the five of them gathered for a group hug around her and soon they began to walk to Twilight’s home.

“Twilight, not to be rude or anything, but why is everypony staring at you?” Rarity commented as they all looked at the passengers disembarking off the train.

Each of them wore a face of shock, and most of them seemed to be running on auto pilot to get to where they needed. Twilight tried to think back on her trip, wondering if she had forgotten something that made them all like this, but whenever she tried, all that came up was white. It was like she knew something had happened but she just couldn’t remember it. Twilight felt lost, it was a ten hour train ride back to Ponyville and she couldn’t remember a single aspect of it. She thought and thought as she continued to walk with her friends, but all she was doing was frustrating herself at it all. Twilight let out a frustrated grunt, much to Rarity’s dismay.

“Really Twilight, there is no need to be so unladylike as to grunt like a brute.” Rarity said as she turned her nose up at the gesture.

“I’m sorry Rarity, but I haven't the faintest idea what happened and it’s frustrating me. All I can remember is falling asleep on the train and waking up with every pony surrounding me like vultures.” Twilight said as she returned glances at those that stared too long.

Rarity was about to question Twilight again, but Applejack was quick to change the topic.

“So, Twilight, We kept the library cleaned for ya, Spike’s dern near driven us crazy waiting for yah to arriv’. We did have a small problem earlier today, what with Rainbow Dash crashin’ into your tree and tossed all of them books yah own all of the floor,” she said as she continued to walk forward. “But ah’ wouldn’t worry none, Spike and all of us...”Applejack began before another noise took her off guard.

A crack like thunder and the smell of ozone wafted into Applejack’s nose as she looked at the scorch mark that Twilight had left.

“Didn’t the doctors AND the princess tell Twilight she shouldn’t use her magic for a few weeks?” Rainbow Dash said as they looked on in disbelief. They resumed their walk, at a brisker pace than before, and as soon as they opened the front door, the war zone of the library became apparent.

Twilight stood in the middle of the library with a look of pure panic, and she saw that her fears had been true. Many of the books on the shelves had been knocked off and now found themselves spread widely around the room. The explosive power of her teleport arranged the books in a circular pattern, the pages wrapped amongst each other. Twilight looked over the carnage as the door to the library swung open.

“Twiligh’ yah just magicked away before I could finish mah sentence.” Applejack said as she surveyed the damage from her warp.

Twilight's cheeks lit up as she looked at her friends in the doorway. Applejack let out a soft sigh as she took a step into the library. Her friends slowly followed her in and soon they began to laugh at the situation.

“Looks lik’ Spikes got a lotta work to do for the next few days.” Applejack laughed as she softly moved books out of her way.

Twilight cast her gaze around the destruction zone and in a panic began to levitate the books off the ground. She was about to start filing when Rarity interrupted her magical grasp and forced Twilight's magic off.

“Now Twilight, you know what the doctor’s said, no magic for the next few weeks.” Rarity spoke as she placed all the books back on the ground.

“But...” Twilight began as she tried to place her magic over the books again.

“No buts, Twilight. We as your friends want you to get better and so we shall, whether you like it or not.” Rarity said back, her dismay showing.

Twilight let out a large sigh and slowly made her way to her room. As she approached the top of the steps, a thought occurred to her.

“Where is Spike?” Twilight yelled down the stairs to her friends.

“We sent Spike out to get food and some other items so you wouldn’t have to worry about them.” Fluttershy’s voice floated up the stairs, her tone on of kindness, “That is ok with you, right?”

“Cours’ it is Fluttersha’, Twiligh’ needs tah get better , and Princess Celestia told us that she don’t need stress in her life for a few weeks.” Applejack’s voice drifted up after hers, her tone the same southern drawl that always accompanied her speech.

Satisfied, Twilight made her way into her room and slowly got into bed. Twilight smiled at the thought of her friends helping her. She felt for the first time in a while, completely at peace with her captivity for the next few weeks. Twilight’s smile continued as her head hit the pillows on her bed and she soon fell asleep, her thoughts clear of the worries she had had on her way back home.

Twilight awoke the next day with a massive headache. She felt it in her horn to start and the pain amplified as it traveled from the tip to the base of her neck. Twilight groaned loudly as the pain slowly overtook her. She made her way to the bathroom, hoping a warm bath could calm the pain.

She began running the hot water, the steam wafted around the room by Twilight’s breath. As the tub approached half full of water, Twilight readied herself over the water. just as she began to seat herself, a noise from downstairs caught her attention. Twilight poked her head around the corner of the bathroom door and the sound continued through the halls.

Twilight turned the water off in the tub and slowly made her way down the stairs. She stopped at the bottom step of the stairs and listened for the sound again. A sizzling sound continued from the kitchen, driving Twilight’s anxiety up to astronomical levels. She searched the room for a clock and seeing that it was only eight thirty in the morning knew Spike was asleep right now. No pony else was supposed to be in the kitchen, let alone the library. She slowly crept forward and carefully looked around the corner into the kitchen.

Twilight's eyes grew big as she saw a pony she didn’t know at her stove. Her golden hair hung low around her calves and a hat lay on the kitchen table. The sound of sizzling continued as the lyrics to Burning Ring of Fire were being sung by the intruder. Twilight began to think of a way to get the jump on them and how she could get help. Twilight thought through a plan and just as she was about to enact it, the figure turned around and reveal its vile face.

The green snake like eyes she saw bored holes in her mind, pushing the pain from her headache in to the forefront of her mind. Twilight winced as the pain took over and the figure made its way towards her. Twilight let out a scream as she felt the hooves grab her and begin to squeeze the life out of her. Twilight saw the world around her dissolve into a haze of shapes, and a voice penetrated her haze. A primordial hiss came from the shape in front of her and the voice’s sound, she reckoned, could shatter glass if it were around.

“Twilight, Are you ok?” The voice hissed, its sound penetrating her mind. Twilight tried to speak, but the pain in her head had grown tremendously and all she could do was passing out.

Twilight came to staring at the face of a pony she recognized immediately. Applejack stared down at Twilight, her face in a twist of horror. Twilight was about to ask her what was going on but soon the pressure on her back took her attention. Twilight looked down at her hoof placement and a bright blush came across Twilight’s face.

“Umm Applejack, why are you holding on to me?” Twilight asked, her voice denoting her discomfort. Applejack swiftly let Twilight go, much to Twilight’s surprise. Twilight’s head fell the last few inches to the floor and impacted with the hardwood. Twilight let out a small squeak of pain, but after she rubbed the pain away she swiftly stood up and confronted her friend.

“Applejack, why were you holding on to me, and why am I not in my bed?” Twilight questioned the orange mare, her tone accusatory.

“Twiligh’, you were the one that fell into mah hooves when y’all had your littl’ freak out moment a few minutes ago, remember?” Applejack answered back in a confused tone.

Twilight gave Applejack a look of incredulity; she knew she hadn’t freaked out at Applejack. She looked over Applejack’s features looking of her usual tell for lying.

Twilight looked hard for the tells, the avoidance of eye contact, the scrunched up face she got when she did and the holding of breath. All she saw was Applejack’s green eyes and her hair minus her hat. Twilight knew she wouldn’t lie to her, but she couldn’t remember anything so she pressed her for more information.

“What happened during my supposed “freak out” moment, Applejack? Did I try to burn the house down, try to murder spike in his sleep, what?” Twilight questioned her, looking for some information.

Applejack related the previous thirty minutes of Twilight’s life, from hearing the water running to Twilight yelling that someone had broken into her house. She had even walked upstairs to the bathroom, expecting to prove that no bath had been drawn, but instead she found cold water in the tub. Twilight was starting to worry about herself; how she could not remember anything she did for the last half hour. She searched her memories for something to go on, but all she could remember was falling asleep the night before.

“I’m really sorry Applejack; I hope I didn’t do anything to hurt you earlier?” Twilight asked, her eyes examining the floor below her.

Applejack gave her a small smile, her mood calmed by her apology. “It’s alrigh’ Twi’, I know you didn’ mean nothin’ by It.” she replied as she made her way over to her.

Applejack placed her hoof around Twilight and they both shared a hug. Soon after, they both made their way to the kitchen where Applejack had been cooking, only to find the charred remains of the apple pancakes Applejack had been making a few minutes ago.

Twilight and Applejack laughed at the destruction of breakfast, and soon decided that Sugarcube Corner would be a better place to get breakfast. They both sat in the foyer of the library, waiting for Spike to wake up. They talked mostly about the past few weeks since Twilight’s excursion into the academic field. Spike awoke an hour after Twilight’s episode and soon they were on their way to Pinkie Pie’s.

Pinkie Pie had greeted them when they arrived and soon all of Twilight’s friends had joined them. They shared tales of Twilight’s away time as their food arrived. Twilight and Applejack had only glanced at their food before it was quickly devoured, leaving the two ponies full and happy. Applejack had neglected to tell them of her little incident earlier that day and for that Twilight was grateful.

Rarity was the first to leave, noting her dress orders have increased since the Gala. However she made a note that she would visit Twilight all day tomorrow. She even extended an offer to Twilight to join her and Fluttershy at the spa later that day as well, which she kindly accepted.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were the next to leave, each of them off to the jobs they had.

Pinkie Pie was here and there for the most part, but soon Mrs. Cake had her busy with customers that Twilight saw no way for her to talk anymore. Spike made his exit as he headed back to the library, saying he had ‘things’ to do. Applejack and Twilight bid her farewell and departed towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Twilight helped around the farm, moving what she could for the Apple’s and even at one point out doing Applejack with a single buck. The day wore on and soon the sun had begun to sag in the sky. Twilight bid farewell for the day to Applejack with another apology for earlier and with a wave she began her way back to the library.

Twilight passed some ponies she knew along the way, but her walking slowed as her head began to ache again.

“Oh no, not again,” Twilight said as she stopped to rub her head a little. She had hoped the headache would abate a little, but her pain only remained as strong as it was before. When she lifted her hooves away, she looked up to the darkness of the clouds looming overhead.Twilight rushed home, in an attempt to avoid the rain, the pain growing with every step. She thought her pain would overtake her before she could get out of the storm, but salvation loomed on the horizon in the form of the library she called home.

The door opened with a little squeak as Twilight made her way in. Spike rushed to greet her at the door, but what he saw gave him great pause. Twilight at this point was not a pony that needed a greeting, she needed a doctor.

“Twilight, are you ok?” Spike yelled as Twilight closed the door.

Twilight’s face was contorted in pain; her eyes barely open enough for her to see. Tears streamed down her face as the pain slowly continued to progress. Twilight tried to speak, but as the words began to come out, the pain throbbed horribly. Spike swiftly ran to her side and helped her up to her bed.

He laid Twilight down and pulled her sheets up for her. He ran swiftly downstairs and into the cupboard that held the herbs that Fluttershy had given them when Twilight had stayed up for a week and she had headaches as well.

Spike brewed the herbs into a tea for her to drink and brought it to her bedside. As soon as Spike placed the tea down, Twilight swiftly grabbed the cup and slammed the tea back. She didn’t even wait for it to cool off. Spike looked on in amazement. He knew he brewed it hot, as per Fluttershy’s instructions, but how could she have drunk it so quickly? She could have hurt herself by doing that.

“Twilight, how are you feeling?” Spike questioned his eyes wide in worry.

“Spike, draw a bath.” Twilight groaned from under her covers, her tone that of a command and not the soft voice she usually used.

“But Twilight, Fluttershy said that if you had a headache not to take a bath; something about only numbing the pain.” Spike said as he picked up the tea cup.

“SPIKE, I SAID DRAW ME A BATH!” Twilight yelled at the top of her lungs, the pain probably amplifying her disdain. Spike didn’t waste a second, hurriedly taking the cup and plates down stairs. He swiftly ran back up to the bathroom to draw the water, in as big of a hurry as he had ever been in.

As the tub filled Twilight yelled for him again, this time for support to get there. Spike complied, baring most of her weight as he helped her into the tub. Twilight yelled for him to get out as soon as she seated herself in the tub, and didn’t thank him for the help he had given. Spike sat outside the door as his eyes began to water; Twilight had never be mean to him before, Why was she yelling at him?

Spike’s tears drove him up to the shared bedroom in the library and over to the chest of drawers next to his bed. He packed a few things in a suitcase; a few gems, some bits he had saved, and a picture of him and Twilight together and soon made his way down the stairs. He opened the door to the town and the howling of the thunderstorm raging outside. He gave one last look into the house and, with a tearful sigh, left for the night and headed over to Rarity’s.

Twilight’s yells went unanswered as she lay in the tub, forcing her to move herself without her lazy helper for support. She made her way down to the first floor and she picked a book from the shelves. She glanced at the covers for only the briefest of seconds before she placed the book on the floor and made her way back and grabbed another book. This bizarre behavior continued into the early hours in the morning as Twilight worked diligently at her task. She continued until her mind slowly pushed her into a haze and soon she passed out in the center of the first floor.