• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen May 8th


Darkness will always end up out lasting the light.

Comments ( 9 )

I enjoyed the concept but u have some grammatical issues. You tend to switch from past to present tense and there are a few little mistakes like instead of vinyl saying "sweet" she said "sweat" or instead of saying "she" you used "her"....just a few minor things that a proofreader would probably pick up! If you can't find one then check the editors group on this site :)

not bad not bad at all :)

:raritycry: she hurt vinyl. why, why i now you were hurting and afraid of the doctors visit but was this-this-this-this torture really neccesary. huh octavia if you trully love her than you would no bring pain, absent mindedly or not, to the one person in the world that sees you as not only an angle decende from heaven just for her. but as beauty itself, in all its glory only to fully show its self to her,in her mind, a low life mortal with not a care in or for the wold. one as infurior as her must be lucky no maximizingly bleast by the godess of the sun and moon that somepony such as her who would blind even the godessess by them merrliy glancing at her unearthly beauty to have met let alone love somepony as this.:fluttercry: and i thought you were civalized.

F***ing LOVE this story!!!! 10/10 Pinkies.:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Good job. Fix up the spelling and grammar a bit and this is an excellent story. Nicely done.

Love the concept. Love Vinyl and Octavia a ton too. This could just use some major polishing and a purging of spelling, punctuation, and general flow errors.



angle decende from heaven

I know right. She such Acute pony.

I enjoyed the story...however I didn't care much when Octy (or is it Tavi?) went all dominatrix on Vinyl.

But that's just my thoughts on it.

i generally enjoy writing it like that sooo yeah

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