• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 2,986 Views, 28 Comments

When Pinkie met Marvin. - Mr101

Pinkie Pie tells her friends about the time she met Marvin the Martian and (without realizing it) stopped him from blowing up their planet.

  • ...

Or how Pinkie saved the planet without realizing it.

When Pinkie met Marvin

It was a normal day in Ponyville, there was no danger to the town as there always seemed to be on a weekly basis, no villainous bad guys threatening the world as they knew it. Just a nice normal day.

Everypony was busy doing their usual routines, the market place was busy as per the norm with ponies buying their various goods from the vendors, class was in full session over at the school as Miss Cheerilee was busy teaching the students.

Twilight was in her library packing her saddlebags with various bits of equipment, today was the day she had planned to go to the park to meet up the others to go on another one of their pet playdates.

“Ok... I think that’s everything,” she muttered to herself.

As she placed the saddlebags on her back, Spike came into the room carrying his own small bag.

“All ready Spike?” She asked him.

“Yep!” He replied with a grin.

The two made their way out of the library, with Owlicious following close behind them and headed in the direction of Sugarcube corner where they were going to meet up with the others before heading to the park. Along the way they bumped into the others and their pets and they all came to the shop only to hear sounds of banging and crashing coming from within it.

“What in the hay is going on in there?” Rainbow said aloud.

“I don’t know... Pinkie being Pinkie?” Rarity suggested.

“Probably, come on let’s go in.” Twilight said.

The rest of them followed suite and as they entered they were greeted by what was obviously Pinkie preparing for another party, what confused them though was the banner.

‘To my super awesome space friend!’

“Uh... Pinkie?” Twilight called out.

From behind one of the counters, Pinkie popped up covered in a few patches of flour and a sauce pan on her head. She blinked a couple of times before giving her friends a massive grin.

“Hey girls!” She cheerfully said.

She jumped over the counter and ran up to the group, somehow pulling them into a massive logic defying hug.

“Uhm sugarcube... what’s with all the decorations.” Applejack asked indicating the room with her hoof.

“This?” Pinkie asked before gasping loudly, “I need to tell you about, Marvy!”

“Who?” Rarity asked.

“Marvy silly!” Pinkie giggled, “he’s my super awesome friend from space.”

The girls looked at her confused at first, then sighed and remembered that is was Pinkie after all.

“Sweetie... what do you mean from space?” Rarity asked.

“Well... it happened last night!” Pinkie replied.

Everyone quickly found themselves a seat along with their pets, if there was one thing that was always worth listening to, it was one of Pinkie’s wacky stories.

Pinkie stirred with a grumble as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, with a loud yawn followed by the smacking of her lips she looked around. Her eyes widened as she let out a loud gasp at what she saw.

She was sitting on a red platform of sorts that had a few dozen glass looking panels that ran alongside the edges, the platform was connected to several others that seemed to form the makings of a building minus walls or a ceiling, there were several lamps like the ones on the streets of Ponyville that lit up along the platforms and a few dozen odd looking buildings which were made of glass.

But that wasn’t the weirdest bit.

All around her she could see only the black of the night along with the stars and right slap bang to her right, was a planet.

Her planet.

She recognised it as her planet due to the pony shaped continent that dominated the majority of the planet’s surface.

Whilst at the realisation that they were in space some ponies might have screamed, or imagined they were dreaming. But not Pinkie, instead she looked around the platforms with curiosity.

She sat back on her rump as she tried to figure out how she got there exactly, she scrunched her face up as she thought hard but came up with nothing. All she could remember was that she had held a party to celebrate one of the townsponies birthdays and had been dared by Rainbow Dash to a chugging challenge, anything after that was a blur. With a shrug of her shoulders she got up and decided if she could find somepony, and possibly a new friend.

Smiling to herself in her normal cheerful manner, she bounced along the platforms and came to a stop when she heard a voice coming from behind her, getting louder and louder.

“At long last, after another two thousand years of work, the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator mark 2 is finally complete!”

Pinkie turned round to see a strange bipedal creature walking towards her, or rather shuffling from the look of how rapidly his little legs were moving. The creature had a round black head with two large eyes and no visible mouth and was wearing a helmet that reminded her of one of the royal guards, it had a strange skirt like thing around its waist and was wearing what she assumed was a pair of white sneakers that she had seen some sports ponies wear once.

“Excuse me but I was-”

She tried to get the creatures attention as it walked past her but it completely ignored her, rather focusing its attention on a red stick it was happily holding in both hands.

“At long last, my dream come true.” it sighed happily, “as long as another pesky earth rabbit doesn't show up again...” it muttered.

“Hey!” Pinkie shouted with a frown on her face.

She quickly bounced after the creature, who had gone into one of the strange buildings. As she entered and looked around, she saw that the creature was screwing the red stick into what appeared to be a large telescope. With a smile she bounced up to it and stood beside the creature looking up at the device.

“So what is it?” She asked.

The creature let out a cry of alarm as it jumped in the air, its helmet leaving its head before falling with a clang back onto his head and the visor at the front fell over its eyes. Pinkie giggled as he struggled to prop it up at first before it looked at her with annoyance.

“What do you think you’re doing here? And for that matter how did you get here?!” It demanded.

“Well, I was having a party for a really really close friend of mine but at the party my other really really close friend Rainbow Dash dared me into a drinking contest with her which was super fun because we were drinking Applejack’s cider who like Rainbow Dash is also my super super close friend and I drank all of my barrel super super fast before Rainbow Dash could and then after that its all a blur and I then woke up here where I met you and now I was wondering what you were doing and my name is Pinkie Pie by the way what's yours?” She replied in one breath.

The creature simply stared at her as it tried to process what she just said, it raised a gloved hand up to speak but stopped, blinked, and lowered it again with a defeated sigh.

“What... did you say?” It asked.

Pinkie giggled and ruffled the brush on top of its helmet, causing it to fall down on his head again.

“You’re silly, I like you!” she grinned.

“Don’t do that!” It grumbled.

“Okie dokie lokie!” she giggled.

“Now that’s settled, who and what are you?” It asked.

“I’m Pinkie Pie and I’m a pony!” She said sticking out her hoof to the creature and grinned, “and you?”

“I’m Marvin, I’m a martian. And this is my space station,” Marvin replied shaking her hoof.

“Sooooooooo what’cha dooooooing?” she asked as she began to inspect the large device.

Marvin shooed her away from the controls and resumed twisting a wheel that was below and eyepiece.

“I’m loading up the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator mark 2 into the loading port, fine tuning it and getting ready to fire it,” he replied peering into the eyepiece.

“That sounds super super cool!” Pinkie giggled, “maybe when you're done we can go back to Equus and have a party!”

“Equus? Oh, Equus will be gone in just a few seconds,” Marvin said looking back at her.

“Oh...” Pinkie pouted and her ears lowered.

They suddenly shot up again and her eyes went wide as she looked at Marvin who was trying to make a lighter work.

“Wait... what did you mean by Equus being gone?” She asked.

“Oh, I’m going to blow it up. It obstructs my view of Nopolis,” he replied looking over to her before turning back to the machine, “I had this problem a while back with a planet called Earth that was blocking my view of Venus, and since there are no rabbits this time I can happily get it done.”

He lit the modulator and covered the sides of his head with his hands and closed his eyes tight, Pinkie, who had only paid some attention to his response as she had been staring at the red stick, mistook it for a birthday candle and gasped before twisting it out of the machine and blowing it out.

“Oh my goodness! We can’t have a candle burning without a cake! Don’t worry Marvy, I’ll go get one!”

And with that, she bounced away, the modulator in her mouth, and disappeared. after a few seconds passed, Marvin opened his eyes.

“Where’s the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Equus-shattering kaboom!”

His eyes widened as he noticed that the modulator had vanished, turning around he caught a glimpse of Pinkie disappearing and was able to just notice a bit of red jutting from her mouth, a wave of deja vu hit him as he felt his blood boil.

“The Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator mark 2! That pink creature has stolen the space modulator!”

Marvin shook his arms in anger, not liking the fact for a second time in his life, he had his modulator stolen again by a strange talking creature. He sighed and quickly walked out of the building out the back towards a machine that looked like a gumball machine.

“Delays delays...” he muttered.

He twisted a handle on the machine and three small green seed like things popped out into his hand, he placed them all in a row on the platform before picking up a watering can and pouring water all over them one by one. He watched as one by one, the green seeds grew suddenly into chubby, green bipedal bird like creatures with purple feet. Marvin nodded with satisfaction and pointed his finger he had seen Pinkie go.

“Capture that creature, and return the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator mark 2! And this time actually do it!” He ordered.

The birds nodded and quickly ran in the direction he had pointed, this time he had a good feeling he would succeed.

Pinkie pouted as she walked through another glass building, the modulator now nestled between her ear and mane.

“I can’t find a kitchen anywhere... I wish I had my emergency cake making cannon with me.”

As she exited the building, she heard the sounds of something coming closer and turned to see the birds approaching her with a determined look in their eyes.

“Oh hello! Are you friends of Marvy?” She asked them.

They didn’t reply, the one closest to her tried to make a grab at her but she giggled and bounced out of the way, mistaking it for a game.

“Oh you want to play tag? Well ok, but only for a little while I still need to make Marvy his cake!” she giggled before poking the bird nearest to her, “TAG!”

Giggling again, she took off bouncing and quickly disappeared once more as the birds looked to one another in confusion, one of them shrugged and they chased after Pinkie again, splitting up into three directions.

One of the birds found her quickly and chased after her, Pinkie giggled as she came across a machine that reminded her of a scooter.

“Catch me if you can!” She grinned to the bird and took off on the scooter.

The bird jumped onto another scooter and quickly took off after her, Pinkie looked back as they zipped through the various platforms and buildings of the space station and giggled in glee, still thinking that it was a game.

“You’ll never catch me Mr slowie pants!” She declared, “I’m going as fast as Rainbow Dash!”

She suddenly screeched to a sudden stop and gasped.

“Oh my gosh! Rainbow Dash is missing all of this, she’s always reading those comics about aliens!”

The bird didn’t expect her to suddenly stop and quickly swerved his scooter to avoid crashing into Pinkie, unfortunately, he swerved it straight off the platform and flew off the edge into the blackness of space. The scooter carrying him as he flew away from the station, Pinkie, who hadn’t noticed this, was rubbing her chin in thought.

“I know! I’ll bring her back something as a souvenir!” she decided with a giggle,

She looked back to see the bird had gone and tilted her head in confusion.

“I wonder where he went... oh well, maybe he wasn’t the one who was tagged.”

She hummed to herself happily and got off the scooter, deciding she didn’t need it anymore and bounced along the platform. She came to a stop when she bumped into something fluffy, looking up she saw that along with the other two birds from earlier, she had also bumped into another one. She took a few steps back and looked up at them.

“Hey... did you all get caught?” She asked, knowing that in some games of tag that if you were caught you joined the team of ponies who were tagged as ‘it’.

The simply looked at her with the same look of determination and she smirked back at them.


She giggled and quickly ran off, still believing it was a game of tag and the birds quickly gave chase to her.

Marvin grumbled as watched the chase unfold on a monitor in the room he had met Pinkie in, he had a scowl on his face as he watched the birds try and jump at Pinkie to grab her, only to fall flat on their fronts as she bounced away.

“I seriously need to invest in better minions."


Pinkie was having the time of her life, she giggled as she bounced over another bird and landed on a white round platform that suddenly zipped upwards. The birds scrambled to their feet and jumped onto another platform that was next to the first and zipped upwards, the soon came to the top where Pinkie was holding open a door for them wearing a moustache and a pair of large glasses in hopes of fooling them.

She stifled a giggle as the birds ran right past her and through the door, she bounced after them and one of the birds turned around seeing Pinkie coming towards them, mistaking her for someone else, they held open a second door all smiling as she bounced past them.

“Thank you!” She said.

They smiled and nodded to her and closed the door before starting to head down a platform that was to the right of the door before stopping, the lead bird slapped his face before slapping the backs of the other two birds heads and made pointing gestures to the door and to Pinkie, who they could see was standing on top of a flat piece of glass platform holding the moustache and glasses up and grinning at them.

They quickly opened the door and ran after her but as they reached the top where she was, they tackled her and instead of grabbing their target, they grabbed a cardboard cut out. As they landed they rolled and were unable to stop themselves from rolling off the edge of the platform and into the blackness of space, Pinkie giggled as she bounced to safety, a fair distance away and unaware of what just happened.

Marvin slapped his face and let out a loud groan of frustration as he watched on the monitor Pinkie bouncing happily down a platform.

“Oh dear, now I shall have to create more martians.”

As he walked rapidly out of the building towards the machine with the martian seeds in it, the strange feeling of the deja vu he had been feeling the whole time suddenly hit him as he came to a realisation.

“This is just like with that pesky earth rabbit...” he muttered, “which means...”

A flashback appeared in his head of the machine dispensing the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator from the last time and blowing up in his face, shaking his head he scowled as he looked around and saw Pinkie coming towards him.

“Not this time!” he declared.

Pinkie smiled as she approached Marvin, who had pulled out of his helmet his trusty Acme disintegrating ray gun and held it up at Pinkie.

“Oh hey, Marvy!” She waved as she came to a stop.

“Hand over the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator Mark 2, or I shall be forced to disintegrate you!” He demanded.

“Well, you're just in luck! See I thought that I hadn’t brought my super super awesome cake cannon that I always carry around with me just in case some pony has a birthday or just needs a cake to cheer themselves up in an emergency and I was all sad because I have your candle and didn’t have a cake but then I remembered to check my mane because I keep everything emergency related in there when there are no trees around for me to put them in there and now I have this cake for you and the candle is all lit ready to be blown out!”

She smiled wide as she produced a cake from nowhere and handed it to him with the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator Mark 2 stuck in the top and lit, Marvin, who had only barely registered some of what she had said didn’t notice that the modulator was on the cake.

“For me? Oh, this is very thoughtful of you!” He thanked her.

“Your welcome Marvy! Oh shoot, I nearly forgot to bring the others to watch you blow it out!”

She quickly dashed off trying to find the birds, unaware that they were no longer on the station with them. Marvin placed the cake down and went to blow out the candle and gasped seeing the modulator.

“Oh goody! my Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator Mark 2!”

There was a massive explosion which destroyed the vast majority of the station leaving only the bit he and Pinkie were on, his helmet had broken slightly and was now dangling on his head as he swayed, slightly dazed. Pinkie quickly trotted up to him looking concerned.

“Marvy? Are you ok, what happened?”

“No mummy, I don’t want to go swimming in my underwear, the girl next door is watching!” Marvin murmured in reply before shaking himself out of his daze.

He looked around and fell onto his backside and let out a defeated sigh.

“That’s the second time my space station has been blown up...”

Pinkie’s lip quivered as she saw Marvin’s eyes water up slightly, she quickly wrapped her hooves around him and hugged him tightly.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“I always hug my friends when they are sad, silly,” she replied.

“I’m you’re... friend?” He asked looking up at her.

“Well of course! I had such a great time playing with you!” She giggled, unaware that Marvin was trying to blow up her planet.

Marvin chuckled slightly at this and rubbed his eyes.

“If you want Marvy, tomorrow you can come to Ponyville and I’ll throw you a huge party so you can meet all my friends!” Pinkie said.

Marvin thought about this for a moment, stroking his chin with his hand,

“I... think I’d like that Pinkie...” He replied.

Despite having no visible mouth Pinkie could tell he was smiling, she grinned and giggled before bouncing on the spot but suddenly stopped.

“But what about your outfit? And your home?” She asked sadly.

“Easily fixed,” Marvin replied, “I have a closet in that building full of these outfits,” He pointed to one of the buildings that was still..

“And your home?”

“Its been blown up before, didn’t take me to long to fix it.”

Pinkie smiled at this, then another problem came to her.

“How do I get back home though?” She asked him.

“You’re welcome to take one of the saucers, I think there’s a couple still around,” Marvin replied.

She giggled and hugged him again before bouncing off to find one of the saucers.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then Marvy!”

“I found one of the saucers he mentioned and flew it aaaall the way home this morning, and that’s who Marvy is and how I met him!”

Pinkie grinned as she finished her story, the others stared at her with open mouths and slow blinking eyes.

“That’s... an interesting fantasy.” Rarity commented.

"Marvy sounds... scary..." Fluttershy whispered.

“That might explain the strange thing I saw in the sky last night...” Twilight whispered to Spike who nodded, “but...”

“That was a cool story Pinkie,” Rainbow stretched, “but seriously, we're wasting daylight here! Lets just get on with out play date.”

“But what about Marvy’s party?” Pinkie pouted, “I can’t just abandon the preparation of it.”

“Uhm... Pinkie...” Fluttershy whispered, “it was a lovely story but um... I don’t think it happened...”

“What was that Flutters?” Pinkie asked.

“Sugarcube, it was just a story,” Applejack replied, “I mean, how in the hay did ya get there in the first place?”

“I dunno.” Pinkie giggled.

Applejack looked to Twilight with an expression asking for her help, Twilight sighed and took a step forwards.

“Pinkie... look I-”

She was interrupted by a knock at the door.

“Who the heck knocks on an open shops door?” Rainbow asked.

“I’ll get it,” Spike said walking to the door.

“As I was saying, Pinkie,” Twilight continued, “it's just not scientifically possible for you to-”

Twilight was interrupted again by a tug on her tail, she turned to see Spike looking at her with a huge grin on his face.

“What is it Spike?” She asked.

“Martian.. at door... so cool!” He whispered with a boyish giggle.

“What are you-”

Twilight looked up at the door and froze, her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. The others looked at the door and did the same as Twilight, standing in the doorway was a small bipedal creature, just like Pinkie described.

“Hello!” It said, “I’m not late am I?”

“Marvy!” Pinkie cried and ran up to him pulling him into a hug.

Twilight tried to process what was going on, Applejack’s eye twitched, Rainbow’s mouth was slowly forming into a grin, Spike was staring at Marvin in awe, Fluttershy was hiding behind Twilight and Rarity blinked a couple of times before fainting.

“Was... it something I said?” Marvin asked with a tilt of his head.

The End.

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors, feel free to let me know!

Comments ( 28 )

I regret nothing.

The Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator Mark 2
switching to pinkie vision
Birthday Candle!

yeah that's about right:rainbowwild:

Marvin is the best and yet the most underused Looney Tunes character personally. Does he appear more often in the Looney Tunes show?

He does appear from time to time but not enough.

2946615 Why is Jerome (or Fluffy) in my recommendations?

Hmm. :applejackunsure:

The concept is good, but the execution would've been a lot better if it wasn't just a retread of the original cartoon short. I mean, some things were different, but it was mostly the source material verbatim. :unsuresweetie:

Also, isn't Equestria on Earth? Chancellor Puddinghead mentioned it in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant. Or was that just Pinkie being silly? :derpytongue2:

2946874 Oh! after I watch the video ASFJerome's videos kept popping up! :derpytongue2:

2947012 ooohhhhh... i see:twilightblush:, completely unintentional.:derpytongue2:

I thought this was going to be something similar to my Hitchhikers Guide crossover, featuring Marvin the Paranoid Android. Oh well, this still looks awesome!

Heh, I heard looney tunes background music the whole time I read this.:pinkiehappy: It really cracked me up.

*Laughs uncontrollably* Nice!

Just a thought but if Pinkie Pie and Bugs Bunny were to get into contest to see who was better at wacky hijinks, and improbable stunts how many of the other looney toons/equestrian baddies/jerks do you think would get caught in the crossfire, and who do you think would win? :rainbowhuh:

That was hilarious! I love it!

I just imagined Tyr'ahnee picking up the commander from the planed party.

I can totally imagine the ponies reenacting scenes from Loony-toons.

I was half expecting Marvin to Accidentially Turn Ponkie into a Neanderthal Equestrian


Someone needs to write this!

This, this is glorious.

“At long last, after another two thousand years of work, the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator mark 2 is finally complete!”

Marvin the Martian?

Pinkie turned round to see a strange bipedal creature walking towards her, or rather shuffling from the look of how rapidly his little legs were moving. The creature had a round black head with two large eyes and no visible mouth and was wearing a helmet that reminded her of one of the royal guards, it had a strange skirt like thing around its waist and was wearing what she assumed was a pair of white sneakers that she had seen some sports ponies wear once.

Marvin the Martian.

“I had this problem a while back with a planet called Earth that was blocking my view of Venus, and since there are no rabbits this time I can happily get it done.”

And you jinxed it.

“Where’s the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Equus-shattering kaboom!”

I love you. No homo. Seriously, that is pure win!

He sighed and quickly walked out of the building out the back towards a machine that looked like a gumball machine.

I can see where this is going, martian birds?

He twisted a handle on the machine and three small green seed like things popped out into his hand, he placed them all in a row on the platform before picking up a watering can and pouring water all over them one by one. He watched as one by one, the green seeds grew suddenly into chubby, green bipedal bird like creatures with purple feet. Marvin nodded with satisfaction and pointed his finger he had seen Pinkie go.

I knew it.

“I seriously need to invest in better minions."

You really do.

“This is just like with that pesky earth rabbit...” he muttered, “which means...”

"He took the Dragon Balls." :rainbowlaugh: Sorry, bad joke. What I mean is "She took the Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator mark 2."

“I’m you’re... friend?”

Daaw, the power of Pinkie's obliviousness for the win.

“Was... it something I said?”

Nah, they just have trouble comprehending a bipedal alien without a mouth.

this was amazing could not stop laughing:pinkiehappy:

That was one of the best stories I’ve read. It really brings me back to my childhood when I saw that episode. I can’t believe Pinkie Pie actually made friends with Marvin. Also Rarity’s reaction of her fainting reminded me of this scene from an awesome movie.

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