• Member Since 27th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I write pony words. Millions of them. Some people actually think they might be worth reading. I am very thankful for that. Also, I have a Patreon now?


It's common knowledge that Discord conquered Ponyville and cast his unique brand of magic over the residents. After his defeat, Twilight and Celestia set up counseling services for the ponies who remembered what it was like to be under his control. For Cheerilee, it may not be enough.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 99 )

Probably the first time I've read a story about Cheerilee that wasn't her killing several fillies.

Wait, maybe I said that too soon.

Oooo. This seems curious...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Complete? That turned out better than expected.


My new response:

Not complete? How could it get any worse?!

If it was 'a bunch of foals laughing at you' then Twilight's obviously the pony to talk with her about it, since that's her nightmare too. :twilightoops:

Also, I can't help but notice that [sad] [dark] is in Cheerilee's colors. Clearly, it's her destiny.

Hmmm... seems to be a promising beginning. Let's see where this goes...

Oh, a new story from BW? Insta like&fav. Now lets get to actually reading it :P

The brain must flow!

Hmm, I think Discord gave her a garden.
EDIT, never mind.

She killed a student! I haven`t read the story yet, it`s just a guess. I don`t read incomplete stories, but I can`t wait to read it once it`s done!

five bucks discord did something worse than just discording her.

Great interpretation of the effects that Discord has left on the ponies. It caught my attention due to the great atmosphere and wording.:heart:

wow for two seconds there I thought cherilee killed all her students at a play.:applejackunsure:

Definitely keeping an eye on this one. Not gonna favorite it yet, but I will be watching it closely.

Funny, this looks like a continuation from the ending of my story, Discordia :derpytongue2: except your story is way more detailed, I can tell this will be good. :pinkiehappy:

my curiosity has yet again been piqued, I will be watching this.

Good start. Not gonna fav it quite yet, but you've caught my interest. I'll be watching.

You have my curiosity :moustache:

This is a good start. I will keep my eye on this one.

holy fuck
poor Cheerilee

Goddamn dude.

That chapter title could have been more perfect.

This had POWER to it. EXTREME power.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Damn, that is not what I was expecting at all.

2983690 could or could not have been more perfect?


No need to do anything to it.

It was spot on perfect.

~Skeeter The Lurker

2983694 What were you expecting if you don't mind me asking?

Oh my. I'm a teacher myself, but I do not teach children, so I don't think I can relate to her situation. To have such little angels start being so mean and cruel to her... Ouch. Dammit, Discord, you lil' bitch. :flutterrage:

This was actually more twisted than what my limited imagination could come up with, and very much up Discord's alley. She's gonna need some serious therapy.


wow,I was not was not expecting that at all. Good job! :pinkiehappy: and I cannot wait until she has to go back teaching the foals.

Whoa... this was cruel. Didn't see that coming... very well done.

2983704 Truthfully? Something absolutely ridiculous (funny) . I didn't expect something so dark. I guess I should pay more attention to tags

I continue to believe that Discord is a guy that just wants to have a good time. He just, you know, never thought things through when he did them.


In this chapter, we see no evidence that Discord worked his magic on Cherilee. Which means that what happened to her was straight up legit trauma, with her changed cutie mark being a hallucination caused by her cognitive dissonance, culminating in untreated Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is why she's been hiding all week.

Which is, when you think about it, way worse.

2985262 Except that she turned gray when she had hit rock bottom like the rest. On top of that, none of the students were actually there.

Poor Cheerilee, I hope that Twilight can help her work through this.

And this is a slap in the face to not only the character, but Cheerilee herself. Not many stories can do that within the first 2500 words. Expertly done.


You marked it complete.

Why must I feel the need to call bullshit?

~Skeeter The Lurker

2985610 You think you're punny huh? You think you're so punny with that short description and shit... Well I'll tell you this, son. You have just walked into a whole lot of likes coming from me, pal... dick

3004217 Because Cheerilee is now broken.

What more do I really need to say? Is a sequel possible? I suppose so, but unlikely.

3004247 Lol I'm just messing with you, pal.


That's just a hell of an ending.

And a bit of a let down, too. But, if you say it's complete... Then, it's complete.

~Skeeter The Lurker

3004264 I had hoped it wouldn't be, but I always planned to end it with her snapping. Not Cheerilee's Garden snapping, but showing how deep her mental scars ran.

... that, that's all?


I feel strangely betrayed.

Short and dark: I like it.


I can see that, but, I think the execution of it could have been done a touch better.

A good story, all in all. Just lacking a decent end.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Wow... I feel sad for Miss Cheerilee :pinkiesad2:

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