• Published 5th Oct 2011
  • 1,330 Views, 6 Comments

Of Treachery and Traitors - BrianBlessedPony

Treason is bound in Equestria, leaving the Guard Captain little time to bring the true culrpits in.

  • ...

Chapter 2

A pony darted through the corridors of the Palace. That stupid old stallion! He was supposed to blunder in during daylight! Make a big song and dance about arresting the traitor and all that!

He shouldn’t have acted this fast either! The pony still hadn’t found the time to place the second book! Ironhoof was known for his large battle plans and those took time, surely? The pony had read that the Pegasus had marched an army of 200,000 ponies into the Diamond Dog lands as Field Marshall; had that taken three days?!

All the pony had to do though was be patient. The one book alone should be enough. And then, with the fallen star sacrificed to masses, Equestria will enter a new renaissance.


Nopony moved. Eyes were locked on the pink pony as she stood there, expression still stuck from when she had gasped. Eons seem to pass before the struck officer finally looked down.

‘Have I really been stabbed so much, I can’t even feel it anymore? Though, they do say you don’t feel the last blow...’ raced through his mind. His eye twitched.

‘Wait! Yes you do! I’ve seen it hundreds of times! And where’s the blood?! There’s something not right here...’

Very slowly, he stepped backwards, eyes locked on the sword. The blade showed, but was thinner than it should have been. In fact, it was the point that was showing. In continuing to step back, more and more of the blade unfolded from the hilt. Pinkies expression changed to a wide grin.

"Isn’t it neat? I got it at Harley Quinn’s Joke and Toy shop! I mean, you didn’t expect me to really stab you or use a real sword?! That would be really messed up! Cupcake?”

The last question was presented alongside a cupcake on the end of the trick sword. Upon closer inspection it was revealed that it was divided into sections that allowed it to fold in and out of the handle. The cupcake had bright pink icing and a miniature version of Ironhoof’s shield Cutie mark.

“Well, thank you for the cupcake at least.” Ironhoof managed, taking both the treat and joke sword away from Pinkie.

“Ah think we better get going, right Pinkie?” the farmer finally managed. Before Pinkie could protest, Applejack had caught the pink tail in her teeth and was dragging her out the door.

“Yes, there’s a team of Guard at the library. Give them this...” Ironhoof managed to scribble a note out and passed it to Rarity, who picked it up with her magic. “Be gentle with them this time, I don’t need any more of my toys broken.”

With a sheepish grin, the remaining mares and dragon slunk out. A moment later galloping hooves could be heard. The stallion sighed and trotted back into his office. Luna raised her eyebrow and followed him.

“Is there something wrong Captain?”

Setting the sword and cupcake on his desk, Ironhoof promptly kicked his seat back into place. Suddenly he was holding a dagger that seemed to spring from the desk.

“I was never trained for this. Now I’m trying to solve a frame job before dawn in an attempt save everything we hold dear...”

“And your career?”

For a moment there was no sound. The Pegasus idly tossed the dagger in the air and caught it a few times. The final time he allowed it to drop, slicing the cupcake on the desk neatly in half.

“I forfeited my career as soon as I arrested Twilight. Now all I can do is my Duty.” He looked up with a grin. “Cupcake? I heard they’re the best.”


There was a loud crash as a pile of books slid into a desk of more books. This was followed by a loud sharp cry of pain.

“By Celestia’s beard, how did you manage to do that Stout?!” Corporal Fig yelled at the large stallion.

“Sorry guv, I didn’t see them there...” the ironically named Guard responded in his thick Trottingham accent. When it came to searching, the unicorn was second to none. But outside of magic, he was a dangerous calamity on hooves.

Fig facehooved and looked at the mess. She was a serious pony; you had to be when it came to fig farming. But she’d rebelled and joined the Guard. She lacked imagination, which made her an ideal Guard. Sadly, this squad had been forced onto her...

“Corp! I think I found something!” cried Ice Breaker, her other unicorn. He was arrogant but at lead he was agile.

“If it’s another joke Ice...”

A package floated in front of her with an almost white aura. She opened it slightly and shuddered.

“Good work Ice, keep lo-“

“I’ve also got some letters up here, addressed to her. They mention the books.”

“Send them down too, Bolt! Get in here!

A Pegasus trotted in and saluted. There were already satchel bags on his back. Fig handed over the package and letters.

“Get these to the Captain now. And grab some cloud for your ears, who knows how he’ll take this...”


"Y-your H-highness!” a voiced cried from the office door.

Princess Luna and Ironhoof looked at the source of the noise, both in the middle of eating the cupcake. At the door was a brown unicorn with a long golden mane. She was smaller than the average mare and lacked any real muscles. Her entire body shook as she stood in the door.

“Please, there’s no need to be alarmed...” the Princess replied.

“That’s just Parch, my secretary. I tell you, I’d be lost without her.” The stallion said, rising from his seat. “Come now Parchment, you’ve seen the Princess’ before!”

“N-not this close, sir...”

Ironhoof snorted and walked over to the mare.

“Just one moment Princess, I’ll just have a word with Parch here.” He walked Parchment out and shut the door behind.

On her own, Luna took in her surroundings as she finished eating her half of the muffin. She noticed that on the desk were the yellowing letters from earlier. She floated over the top one to reading height.

‘To Sergeant Feather Brain,

Hello little brother! How’s the war going? I heard your unit is heading to the desert in the local rag. Hope your feathers don’t fall off!

Father and the boys say hi. Well, father snorted, Lead smiled, Steel made a face and Platinum waved. Your mother and the girls definitely said hi though!

Not much news here. Mayor Hardtack is currently being accused of stealing money from the city. Ponies are saying that’s why food’s so expensive, he’s denying it but you know politicians.

Anyway, some of us still have to work the forge. Celestia protect you brother.


A thin smile appeared on Luna. The handwriting was like Ironhoof’s; small and written carefully like a foal’s first attempt. She chose another letter at random.


That piece of straw Mayor. Platinum was at the market when ponies started protesting at the raised taxes. Before they knew it, soldiers from the 7th Manehatten were in there. The doctor says Plat may get the use of his eye again. Ponies are angry, father is keeping the block calm here but it looks bad. Come home soon.


Blinking, Luna hurriedly put the letter back in the pile and tried to cover up what she’d been doing. As she did, the door reopened and Ironhoof trotted back in.

“Sorry about that. Parch is an excellent desk worker for me but she isn’t the most confident. Still I’d hate to lose her.”

“What did you have to discuss that I couldn’t hear?” the Princess responded, making sure not to glance at the letters.

“Just rotas, sick leave and other boring things I wouldn’t wish to inflict on you.”

“Captain, after 1000 years on the moon, little bores me now. I feel I have neglected the Night Court long enough. I’ll leave this in your capable hooves.”

“Thank you your highness.”

“And if you don’t mind, may I have a read of these?” she floated the yellowed papers up. Ironhoof looked shocked. “I get the feeling these may have more information than the Royal Achieves.”

“Of c-course. Just be careful, they’re a bit fragile.”

The alicorn smiled and made her leave with the letters. On his own, Ironhoof sat down at his desk and looked around the office. Smirking, a piece of fresh paper was pulled out of a drawer and began to write.


“Your here to help US?!” the Guard stallion cried, agog at the rabble in front of him. They were stood outside the locked doors of the Palace Library.

“Why yes, here’s the Captains note.” Rarity responded, passing it over. The unicorn stallion looked over it critically before grimacing.

“Fine. You two,” he waved at Rarity and Applejack. “Will come with me and Thunder. We’ll be covering the ground floor. You other three will go with Lightning and Käsemacher and take the upper floor.”

“I think not!” cried a very upper class voice. A grey unicorn with an extremely short white mane trotted up to them. He wore a pair of reading glasses right on the very end of his nose. His Cutie mark was a simple book.

“I have never, ever, let that walking fire into the Library! I am not changing my policy now!” he continued.

“Hello Mister Words Worth...” Spike managed to sigh with absolute disdain in his voice, rolling his eyes.

“Ah, he’s learnt some manners! He still can’t come in.”

“We can’t leave him on his own! Spike has a right to be in there! And he’s just a baby dwagon...” Pinkie burst out, still wearing the Guard armour.

“Do I look like I want to risk this fine building burning down?! One of you, ponies, can stay outside with him...”

“Sir, we are under orders to search this ‘fine’ building with these ponies!” the lead Guard said, getting annoyed at tonight’s events.

“Unless you have a Royal decree...”

Rainbow Dash interrupted him with a horrible grin.

“Have you heard of Captain Ironhoof?”

“Well of course I ha-“ he attempted before Dash cut him off again.

“Then you know that he has no respect at all for books. Too complicated you see? He’s just humouring you. He’s got a dozen Guards waiting to burst in and start tearing the place apart.”

“He wouldn’t!” Words squeaked.

“Oh he would!” Rarity joined in with her own grin. “They say when he stormed the Griffon Kingdoms capital, he ordered their main library to be burnt down! And well, the reason why the Diamond Dogs are sooo slow is because-“

“Alright! The little terror can stay by the front desk and that’s it! I’ll even get him something to read!”

A sickly grin was shared amongst the mares and Spike as the Head Librarian unlocked the doors. Only his jaw remained closed when they swung wide open.

The Palace Library was rightly named; it could have been a palace in its own rights. Although only a ground and upper floor, it seemed to stretch for miles. Rarity managed to regain her senses first.

“Well, standing here isn’t going to help Twilight. Shall we begin?”

After being given a description of the books and with a deep sigh, the ponies trotted in and fanned out over their designated areas. Words Worth guided Spike to the front desk and sat him down on a shockingly comfortable seat.

“Now, what would you like to read?” the pony shuddered as he asked.

“Can I just have the signing in book please?” the baby dragon replied, getting comfortable. “I’ve got something to look into myself.”


The pencil snapped as the last full stop was put into place. Ironhoof gave the note one last glance to make sure it made sense. He trembled slightly as he folded the note up and tucked it under his chest plate. There was a single knock at the door, an indicator that Parchment was there.

“Enter Parch.”

The door opened slightly.

“Sir, Bolt’s here from Ponyville.”

The stallion made his way out of his office with a grin. He hadn’t expected anything back from Fig for hours. Bolt was returning the grin as he saluted his Captain.

“Sir, we found something.”

The grin sunk a little and Iron’s eye twitched.

“What, did you find?”

Bolt pulled a large package out of his satchel. Ironhoof tore the paper off to see a brown book. The front cover said it all. ‘THE MAGI COMPENDIUM.’ The eye twitched again.

“We also found these.” A small stack of letters was pulled out as well. Ironhoof glanced at one.


It is with great joy I write this letter. Soon we shall have the HORSEADENIUM PRINCIPLE. The spell you are crating will finally give us the ability to remove the powers of the Princess’ and this book will pinpoint their weakest time. Luna is unlikely to survive, but that is of no matter. The ruling council, chosen by us, will replace the Royals.

I await further progress,


“Sir, what should I do with them?”

“Destroy them...”

It was a whisper, shot as fast as an arrow. Bolt gave the Captain a confused look.


Every ounce of Ironhoof shook. That what he so desperately wanted to shout. It echoed through his brain, but he just about managed to bite his tongue.

“Nothing Bolt. Just give them to parchment and get some rest. If Fig finds anything else she still has Flash.”

The Pegasus saluted, allowed the secretary to take the items and left.

“Parch, get me my sword belt and helmet. It’s time to question the accused.”


Despite the size of the library, the two teams were making good progress in searching. The Guards, whilst not officially trained for searching the grounds, were slow and methodical. No shelf was left unchecked, each book closely examined and each stack marked.

Applejack and Rarity worked together, speeding through the corridors of books. The farmer, a proud student of the larger picture situation, was checking the shelves for any book that looked out of place with its peers. The fashion unicorn focused on the minor details, in case of either book had been disguised as another.

Above them Dash made similar checks to AJ, just several times and a lot faster. Words Worth had flat out refused the Pegasus to fly too fast, due to possible damage to the books. Pinkie meanwhile was bouncing around, somehow teleporting from stack to stack with no clear logic except to her. At one point Käsemacher attempted to track her progress, but gave up when she realised that the pink pony would be on one side of the room, then another, at the same time.

Eventually Parchment came by and gave the word that more likely book had been found, dropping morale faster than Ditzy Doo’s average parcel.

“This is gonna be like looking for a needle in a haystack...” Applejack commented sadly.

“More like looking for a needle in a pile of needles Applejack.” Rarity joked, getting a half smile from the earth pony.

As they carried on, Spike poured his energy into the signing in book. Very slowly, a smile was forming; a code may have been cracked. He licked a claw and applied it to the paper.



The two Guards outside the guest room looked round. Striding towards them was Ironhoof. There was no emotion in the stallions face as he made for them. Both guards gulped as they saw his expression, then the sword belt. Unlike the regular belts, this held two separate blades. There was the standard short sword, but above it was a much larger sword, as long as his body if not more. It was a relic from the old days, but Ironhoof still kept it. He only wore when needed, such as official business, fighting or parent-teachers night.

The ponies snapped to attention as he stopped in front of him. There was a glare at the pair as Ironhoof judged them. Eventually he relented.

“Open it.”

Silently the door opened. It showed several Guards, Unicorn and Earth, stood there. On the bed was Twilight Sparkle, bound up round her hooves. She’d been cleaned up, but now wore a small black disk between the base of her horn and her head. She didn’t turn to look at him.

“Cut her bonds, leave the suppressor and get out, all of you.”

The ponies all gawked at Ironhoof.

“That wasn’t a request.”

Ponies rushed around him, one unicorn untying Twilight with their magic until finally the door clicked shut, leaving just the two ponies. Slowly, Twilight turned to the Pegasus in the room.

“Captain.” The voice lacked any emotion.

“Twilight.” he returned the greeting in the same monotone style voice. He sat on a seat and looked at her.

“I need to ask you some questions Twilight.” There was a snort from her and she tossed her head away.

For a while there was nothing but silence. Twilight stared intently at the wall, determined to ignore everything. Eventually though there was a metallic thud. Intrigued by this, she rolled back over to see Ironhoof had removed his helmet and dropped it to the floor. All this achieved was a rise in one of the mare’s eyebrows. Standing up, Ironhoof tapped a small button around his waist. A moment later the swords clattered to the ground. They were picked up via the belt and idly tossed next to her on the bed.

“It’s just you and me Twilight, nopony else. I need to know these answers so I can get you out of here.”

On the dresser he noticed a bowl of water and some goblets. He leant over and started to ladle water into two of the cups. At the last moment he caught the movement out of the corner of his eye. Instinct sent him into the air, the feather of his dirty grey wings brushing Twilight’s head as she rushed him. He hovered in the air, looking at her.

“That’s no way to prove your innocent, but it’s good to some life in you again.”

“I’ve done nothing wrong!”

“I believe you Twilight, but the evidence is against you.”


The Pegasus landed and sat down on the bed, kicking the swords out of his way.

“Have you heard of The Magi Compendium?”

“Well of course I have!”

“Have you ever seen it?”

“Once, the Princess showed me it...”

“So you know where it’s stored?”


“Twilight, the book has been unaccounted for almost a week and we‘ve found it in your library, along with letters that link you to a plot to remove the Princess’. Your name is also recently been in the signing book for the Palace Library.”


“Do you know where the Horseadenium Principle is at all?”

Twilight shook her head with a puzzled look. She hadn’t seen the book at all. Ironhoof showed her the same letter he had read when Bolt had arrived.

“Do you recognise the writing?”

“No...” the voice was faint and cracking up.

“Do you know anypony that may have a grudge against you?”

“J-just a t-travelling show m-mare...” she managed before she broke down crying. Ever the father, Ironhoof couldn’t help himself hugging the sobbing girl onto his shoulder. He held her there until the sobbing died down.

“What’s going to happen?” she managed, muffled by his shoulder.

“We’re going to prove you innocent. Your friends came here and are helping us investigate.”

“Has, the Princess been told?” Twilight whispered. Ironhoof sighed and looked at the ceiling.

“Not yet. Princess Celestia remains asleep at this time. I’m avoiding informing her. Princess Luna is fully aware though.”

“Surely the Princess would-“

“Absolve you? It would cause riots that sompony’s guilt could be ignored without due process. Locking you up without trial may cause a similar issue. I don’t want to do this, but your life may be in danger. For now, you must stay here under as much secrecy as possible.”

Twilight pushed herself away and turned away from him.

“Then go and do your ‘Duty’ then.” It was the same monotone voice from earlier.

Knowing when he was beaten, Ironhoof collected his swords and helmet and left the room. The Guards filed back in to replace him.

“Keep her unbound but leave the suppressor.”

There was a nod to his order as he slowly walked away, head hung low.



The cry echoed around the library. The ponies searching through the shelves stopped in their tracks and looked round; making sure the shout wasn’t directed at them. That is, except Pinkie Pie. One moment she was upstairs by some book about how Magnets Work, suddenly she by the front desk.

“You know, of all ponies you should know not to shout in a library! You might disturb the other patrons!”

Words Worth looked at the party pony with wide eyes. In his mouth he held Spike by his tail, who was struggling to get loose.

“I’ve got to get to Ironhoof! This jerk thinks I was going to run into the library!”

With a look of pure hate, Words Worth went to open his mouth to shout at Spike, forgetting how he was holding the dragon. Spike fell onto the desk and quickly scampered behind Pinkie. The normally cheerful pony gave the stallion as stern a gaze as possible.

“W-well, the way he darted up like that, I couldn’t help but think he was going to rush into the library! Who knows what damage he may d-do!”

“That’s mean! Spike could have done anything BUT go in!”

The librarian looked sheepish and gazed as at his hooves. Seeing his chance, Spike made a dash for the exit, making sure to pick up the signing in book. Words Worth went to stop him before Pinkie shot him another glare. The stallion shrunk behind his desk under the stern cyan eyes. She only stopped when she heard a whimper.

Happy that her work was done there, Pinkie bounced back upstairs to continue looking, making sure to leave a muffin for the stallion.


Parchment looked up from her makeshift desk in front of the Captains office when the main door opened. She instantly ducked down, beating the spinning short sword with ease. It shuddered to a halt in the wood panel behind her, surrounded by slits of other sword throws. It was one of Ironhoof’s typical ways of releasing his pent up anger. The first time it had happened she’d fainted; now it was almost second nature. Ironhoof stormed up and idly chucked his helmet onto the swords handle.

“Coffee, black. Bring it in with the rest of the letters.”

“Already ahead of you, sir.” Was the cheerful response, the two entering his office.

Slinging the sword belt onto the desk as he sat, Ironhoof watched the unicorn pour the coffee with her magic. It was thick goo, more akin to syrup then regular coffee. Once the mug was filled, a sugar bowl was raised in the same brown aura; a single tea spoon was removed. The rest of the bowls contents were then dumped into the mug, the white mountain slowly dissolving in.

“If that is all sir, I’ll finish for tonight?”

“Of course Parch, thank you for tonight. Just-“

“Just don’t expect a full night’s sleep because you may need me/ I thought as much.” She gave a small smile and saluted her way out.

Getting over the initial shock of a suddenly confident Parchment, Ironhoof got on with reading the letters. He discovered Parch had done so as well, writing up a brief summary of the combined letters and possible the missing letters. Chewing the sweet coffee tar as he read, he slowly made sense of what was meant to happen.

The mythical Horseadenium Principle apparently had the details on all creatures on Equestria. How they came to be, their powers, strengths and weakness’. This of course included alicorns, albeit there being just two left on Equestria. The book was thought to have been lost over a millennia ago, before Princess Celestia began her rule. Other information on the book had been lost to time.

The plot seemed simple enough. Combining information from both books, a spell could be made that would drain the magic from the Royal Sisters and pass the abilities to another, “deserving” unicorn. A ruling council would then be formed to run the new republic.

This made little sense to Ironhoof. Firstly, it relied on the assumption that ponies were unhappy under Celestia and Luna. Few ponies remembered the wars these days, peace having reigned for the last two to three decades. THAT was when ponies questioned Celestia’s actions, or lack of. As for the council, well, there was already a parliament! His eldest son Ai was Deputy First Minister for Celestia’s sake! Most of the day to day handling went through parliament, with the Royals holding court for urgent or personal issues.

“The blasted plot makes more sense than the reasons...” Ironhoof mumbled at the coffee mug before taking another mouthful.

So, why implicate Twilight? It makes sense to shift the blame of course. When he’d been a colt, the youngest of seven foals, he realised how quick you had to act to avoid being punished. But Twilight was so far removed from the event; it had to be a setup. So why not a unicorn closer to home? And who let him know all this? Why the unsigned letter?

In the distance a clock chimed midnight, making Ironhoof stifle a yawn. Time was running out and he was further away from clearing Twilight’s name then a few hours ago.

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