• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 1,260 Views, 39 Comments

.hack//Secrets of Equestria - Hallowedsoul

Three friends are pulled from The World and dropped into Equestria to combat a threat unlike anything they've ever faced before.

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Fireflies Guild Chat
Main Channel

[Hallowedsoul] joined the room.

[Hallowedsoul]: huh... guess i'm the only one here right now."

[Crunchyz] joined the room.

[Crunchyz]: yo, hallowed, what's goin on?
[Hallowedsoul]: not much, crunch, have you seen mu today?
[Crunchyz]: nah, man, but he likes to skip a day or two every now and then. no biggie.
[Hallowedsoul]: that's true. what about haru, you seen her at all?
[Crunchyz]: not today, no, and that's kinda surprising, considerin she's on nearly every day if she can help it. she might be sick or something today, I dunno.

[Pastee_Fac3] joined the room.

[Pastee_Fac3]: wow just a regular circle jerk in here, huh. where is everybody?
[Crunchyz]: this ain't exactly a big guild, paste, people ain't gonna be on when ya want em to be.
[Pastee_Fac3]: w/e, hey there's a news story on the web about a girl who was found in a coma at her computer yesterday, have ya read it yet?
[Hallowedsoul]: no I haven't could you send me the link?
[Crunchyz]: remind me why I should care about some random ass girl who fell into a coma at her computer?
[Pastee_Fac3]: well the rumor is she was playin The World before she collapsed and her parents are blaming cc corp. however people around the net are sayin it's a repeat of the second net crisis, y'know, when all those people suddenly started fallin into comas left and right?
[Crunchyz]: ...
[Crunchyz]: send me the link as well.

[Aurora] joined the room.

[Aurora]: Excuse me, have you heard anything about three people who have fallen into comas recently?
[Pastee_Fac3]: we were just talkin about a girl who fell into a coma yesterday. did you want the link too?
[Aurora]: No, that will be unnecessary. Have any of your friends displayed abnormal log-in patterns today?
[Hallowedsoul]: what's with your text, are you trying to prove something?
[Aurora]: Please answer the question.
[Hallowedsoul]: okay uh, mu hasn't been on since yesterday though he's been known to skip days and haru hasn't been seen today which is odd considering she rarely ever misses a chance to play she loves it here.
[Aurora]: Could you please give me their full character names?
[Crunchyz]: yer kiddin, right? everyone in Fireflies knows MuSeiryu and Haruka they're like our most famous members especially mu considering he's the Heir of Jordan.
[Aurora]: I am well aware of his status. Thank you for your assistance.

[Aurora] has left the room.

[Pastee_Fac3]: well that wasn't wierd or anything.
[Crunchyz]: no kiddin bro.
[Hallowedsoul]: hey guys, we might have a problem.
Pastee_Fac3]: what's up?
[Crunchyz]: what is it?
[Hallowedsoul]: I just checked the guild registration, and I didn't find any player named "Aurora" in the member list.
[Pastee_Fac3]: and that's a problem why?
[Crunchyz]: this is a semi private chat room, only guildies are allowed to join it which means one of two things.
[Hallowedsoul]: either "Aurora" was a CC Corp. sys admin, which is unlikely as they show up in chat with unique colored text, or we just got hacked.
[Pastee_Fac3]: seriously?! who'd wanna hack us our guild has literally nothing worth taking.
[Crunchyz]: she seemed to only be interested in the news about the girl in the coma. maybe we should take a closer look into that. didn't she say "three people" though?
[Hallowedsoul]: yeah, and she was also asking about the log-in habits of our friends.
[Pastee_Fac3]: so what's the game plan dudes?
[Crunchyz]: I'll contact the gm, I have his phone number IRL though he doesn't like me callin it and get him to set up an urgent topic for the clan askin everyone to check in with it.
[Hallowedsoul]: and I'm going to be checking news articles, particularly concerning sudden coma patients. I'll also check in with the guild and from there I can do some poking around in regards to the people who don't check in. Nothing invasive, just wanna make sure everyone's alright. Everyone on board?
[Crunchyz]: right behind you brother.
[Pastee_Fac3]: same here and I'll keep an eye on the BBS and let y'all know if I find something weird.
[Hallowedsoul]: great, we have a plan. move out Fireflies!
[Hallowedsoul]: Fireflies light up the night!
[Crunchyz]: Fireflies light up the night!
[Pastee_Fac3]: Fireflies light up the night!

[Hallowedsoul] has left the room.
[Pastee_Fac3] has left the room.
[Crunchyz] has left the room.

Author's Note:

If you're asking why the grammar and stuff is bad for this little chapter, it's by design. Probably still cleaner than you'd normally find in most chat rooms or MMOs.