• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 2,403 Views, 40 Comments

Twilight and Hitler Go to Hell - FlutterLight

Twilight and Hitler get shot and go to Hell.

  • ...

One more time

Yellow Pone had just shot Twilight. She was sad. She took the gun and shot five times in the air. It killed Angel, Gilda, Blueblood, Snips, and Snails. There was much rejoicing. Twilight suddenly came back to life and stole your M1911.

"Hey bitch! Give me my gun back!" Yellow Pone yelled, but she was too quiet.

Twilight ran back to her home, which was always on fire because it could. Spike opened the door and washed Twilight's foot while he brushed her teeth and brushed her tail.

"Spike, you are such a terrible worker. I'm going to have to cut your pay!"

Spike broke down crying. "No senorita! I do better job! Look, I even clean books.*"

"Shut the Hell up, slave! Now clean the toilets at the Taco Belle next door!"

Spike said, "But senorita, they have their own cleaning staff."

"Just do it."

"Okay senorita."

Spike left to go clean the disgusting bathrooms at Taco Belle. Twilight stabbed him in the back, because who likes dragons? Twilight decided she hated her window, so she blew it up. She decided she wanted to play a first-person shooter, but those games all suck anyway. So she played Ride to Hell: Retribution.

"Fuck yeah! This game is the best! So much better than that other game I bought! What was it again? Oh yeah. Portal 2."

There was a knock at Twilight's door. She opened it. It was Yellow Pone.

"Give me my M1911 back you whore!"

"Come and take it from me, Yellow Pone."

Yellow Pone stabbed Twilight in the neck with Twilight's horn.

"How did you even do that?" Twilight asked before she died.

Yellow Pone stood victorious. She took back her M1911 and shot Spike.

"Why senorita? WHY?"

Yellow pone said, "Fuck dragons."

Yellow pone left the building and shot that whore, Rarity. Yellow Pone hates everypony. Everypony in Ponyville died. Yellow Pone now ruled the world. She used her power to build giant statues of herself. She was an evil Yellow Pone. Her black heart was made of iron.

Celestia came out of nowhere and shot Yellow Pone in the neck. But, Yellow Pone was actually Twilight in disguise. And Twilight died again. Yellow Pone came out of nowhere and stabbed Celestia with Celestia's horn.

"How did you even do that?" Celestia asked.

"That's what I said," said Twilight.

Yellow Pone took her M1911 and shot both of them in the head. Yellow Pone grabbed Celestia's AK-47 and killed all of Celestia's guards. Yay Yellow Pone.