• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 722 Views, 22 Comments

The Desert Pony - thesilentpony

The Desert Pony is a monster to only those which know her ravenous hunger, rather it's gem or dragon the desert pony will eat anything and everything.

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The King's Capture

We went around the city and my mind would wonder enough for me to smell another good looking stallion before going back. They went shopping a lot having Cord shrink it down to fit into Fiona’s pack.

“Roma.” I blinked looking away from armor sets to look at Max. “Are you alright? You haven’t bought anything and you haven’t said much.”

“I’m just missing my mother a little, these armor sets are crap, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss her when I look at them.”

“Excuse me?” I looked at the soot covered earth pony stallion frowning. “My armor sets are some of the best around, so unless you can do better, go away.”

“Please I could make an armor which would make yours look like crap in an hour, and that’s using normal materials.”

“Care to make a wager on that?” He said smiling.

“Roma,” Cord said. “We need to find the king.”

“No, that can wait, he’s mocking me.” I appeared in front of him. “Very well, I'll bet you a.” I looked at Cord. “How many do I have in this pack?”

“Five hundred.”

“Five hundred gold bits that I can make a better set of battle ready armor and make yours look like two bit work in an hour or less.” He swallowed.


“But if I win, I get you for a while in privet.”


“Roma don’t do that,” Max said. “You want to make it a pony you like, not some random blacksmith you made a bet with.”

“But, he’s really good smelling, and I’m, not able to think straight.”

“I’m sure the king can help us, if he is like you.” I sighed.

“Fine, if I win I want that.” I pointed at a large piece of ice coal.

“That’s worth a lot more than five hundred gold bit, more like ten thousand gold bits, that is the rarest metal in existence for armor.” I sighed.

“Fine I'll let you keep the armor and give you six thousand gold bits.” Cord pulled out a large brick of gold off of Fiona’s back. His eyes went wide. “So how about it?”

“You have a deal, your hour starts now.” Ponies gathered around and I cracked my neck a little.

“Cord can you pull out my blacksmith set for me?” He pulled out a large silver egg and tool popped out on trays. I opened the front. “Fiona, can I have some flame?” She blew into it lighting the inside on fire. “Four pounds of Onyx Coal, four pounds of gold, carbon iron rod, cloud ore, three pounds of copper and fifty of steel.” Cord pulled it out laying it onto a blanket for me.

“Wait what?!” The blacksmith shouted surprised. “You can’t have all that, that’s, that’s, that would cost easily over twelve thousand bits!” I snorted.

“Please, these are unrefined materials, and I’m not going to be able to make even second rate armor with this, but it’ll still be better than yours.”

I started throwing all the material into one pot and I blew into it making everyone even Fiona step back from the heat as the ground turned red, the egg turned white. I closed the door sitting down. A pony looked at a watch.

“Aren’t you going to start or something?” Cord asked after forty five minutes.

“It isn’t done cooking, it doesn’t taste right yet.”

“When will it?”

“Soon.” Five more minutes passed and I got up opening it, and pulling out a large block of glowing white metal. The ground and egg cooled off instantly. “There’s the beauty, cooked and ready for eating.” I paused. “I mean, using.” I sighed. “I hate wasting perfect dishes like this.”

“You can eat that?” The blacksmith asked.

“Of course, but not this time sadly.” I set it down and I rubbed my hooves together and ponies backed up as lightning streamed off of me burning the ground. I picked it up and spun it moving extremely fast detailing it, cutting, reforming, and finishing within a few minutes. I stopped smiling.

An armor set sat down in front of me. It was pink with gold lining, and a very cute design outshining his armor, and literally shining a little bit.

“And done!”

“Time!” Some pony said with a watch.

“Now give me the ice metal, I couldn’t find any.”

“Now wait a minute, you said better battle armor than mine, I beg to differ. I demand tests not that it just looks good!” I sighed.

“Fine.” I grabbed a random earth pony and put it on her, it fitted to her perfectly making her grunt a little bit. “Test away.”

“Hey wait I didn’t.” I smiled showing my teeth and she swallowed. “Okay.”

“Please some other pony for his armor.” I said smiling.

“I will.” A stallion said walking over and the blacksmith put it onto the stallion taking almost fifteen minutes to fit him.

“Are we stalling?” I asked and he was sweating.

“There.” He padded the armor.

“Does some pony know combat magic?” I asked.

“I do?” A unicorn stallion said unsure.

“Strongest spell please, your magic will get absorbed. I'll give you a hundred bits if you can even scratch it.” He swallowed and his horn lit up with blue sparks over charging with magic power. He fired a bolt and it hit the armor moving her a little, but the armor absorbed it wonderfully glowing brightly. She smiled feeling good.

“Wow,” she said shaking a little bit. “I didn’t even feel that.” She smiled as tears went down her face. “Why am I still so scared though.” She fell to the ground shaking, her legs wouldn’t let her stand. I chuckled and brushed some dust off the armor showing it didn’t even have a single mark.

“Now then, if you would shoot that armor.” The stallion swallowed and the blacksmith went in front.

“Wait, stop, this isn’t rated for magic combat!”

“Then give me my ice metal.” I growled at him and he swallowed.

“Please I can’t afford to give that to you, especially after this.” I sighed.

“Fine you can have this armor.” I took it off her tossing it to him. “Just give me that ice metal I’ve been trying to find some.” He tossed me the ice metal and I smiled tossing it to Cord and he put it into Fiona’s pack.

“Thanks.” I appeared in front of him.

“But if you ever challenge me again I'll kill you.” He stepped back. Cord put my blacksmith set away now that it cooled off and we started walking.

“Is ice metal that good?” Max asked and I looked at him.

“More than good, how do I explain this? Oh it’s a casting agent for the most powerful armor sets to ever exist. That fool was going to use it as armor itself, it’s useless being used as armor. While extremely good in the way of protection and such, it falls short against other materials which are better for that.”


“Such as Princess Celestia’s armor was casted out of it.”


“Yes, the biggest waste of ice metal I have ever seen in my life. I almost ripped it off her throat and yell at her for using ice metal in such a way, but I didn’t have a chance. Anyway it’s not important now, I got five pounds of it.”

“That’s a lot?” Cord asked.

“I could make almost eighty armor sets.” I giggled smiling. “Or two really legendary sets which would make this one look like it was second rate.”

“Whoa,” Max said. “That’s crazy.”

“Normally it would be, but since I can waste a few organs to make it, I think I’m going to enjoy it a lot.”

“Nope, not what I’m looking for.” I paused hearing a voice and looked at a pony in an armor set made by my mother, and a really good set at that. He went over to a mare and licked her with a long tongue which went below the table disappeared. She moaned and his tongue came up. “Darn not you either.”

“My king.” She said and we all looked at him. I appeared in front of him and he didn’t flinch looking at me, then noticed my armor.

“That’s a nice set of armor you have there.” He went to lick me and I closed his jaw rather hard making him bite his tongue with his sharp teeth.

“Don’t even think about licking me, second of all, are you the king of this land?” He frowned.

“Yes I.” He grunted. “Am, you know that was just spiteful closing my mouth like that, it hurt.”

“I saw what you did with that tongue, don’t even try it, or I'll rip it out of your mouth and feed it to you, before I feed on your corpse.” He swallowed a bit of blood. “Now then you will take me to my father and give him to me.”

“Excuse me?”

“My father, Night Jasper.” He paused.

“Oh my vessel, I think he’s still suspended in my vault.” He chuckled. “But I’m not giving you him.”

“You will or I'll rip your legs off your body and beat you with them.”

“Challenge accepted.” I sighed and his legs ripped off making every pony around us back up, a few screamed.

“Don’t mock me, you have no chance.” He rolled over regrowing legs and standing up frowning.

“Oh please, you don’t have a chance.” He tried to use his magic but it didn’t work.

“I already turned off your magic, and have your head on the chopping block, give me my father now!”

“You can.” His body was ripped apart, but not his armor.

“WOW!” He shouted making me back up as his body flew back together healing him and he stood up chuckling as he shifted in his armor. “I haven’t had that happen before!” He grinned showing a toothy grin making me smile as well. His eyes went wide seeing my teeth.

“I’m going to enjoy this.” Blades came out of both of our hoof guards. He moved with blinding speed with me, and the ground ripped up sending ponies flipping back from the air pressure.

His blades scratched my armor but mine cut clean through and he landed breathing hard, armor falling off in pieces.

“How, no that shouldn’t be possible, this armor is the best in the land, no one has been able to make a better armor set, and I’m using magic!” He shouted clearly pissed. I growled bending forward ready to pounce, his blood dripping from my mouth and I blew ash with every breath as my insides burns with fire from the friction alone.

“Crap, your just like me, but, you haven’t, oh that’s very bad.” My jaw trembled enjoying his flesh.

“ROMA!” Max shouted and I looked around. The ground was ripped up badly and ponies were trying to get other out of destroyed buildings.

“Can’t stop the hunger can you?” He asked and I looked at him.


“You are constantly hungry, you can’t eat enough to fill your belly can you? If you don’t eat, then you’re in a massive amount of pain, and will do anything to eat more.”

“Yes, then you know how to stop it!”

“You have to go one month without food, water or anything that you can eat. It’s painful and nightmarish for you, but it is the only way to cure you of it. Anything else would only make you hungrier and hungrier, till eating an entire kingdom wouldn’t be enough.”

“I, but, you, it.” I paused as my mind crashed into itself and making me hungrier. “I need more.” Drool flowed down my lips just imagining his taste again.

“EVERY PONY EVACUATE THE DISTRICT!” He shouted echoing throughout the area and I let out a roar making the ground crack. He stepped back from the air pressure. “You three run!” He said to Max, Cord and Fiona.

“We’re with her.”

“She’s lost it, she can’t think straight enough to know who her friends are, if your anywhere close to us when we start, let’s just say, you’ll hope you only get eaten.” They rushed out of the area and I looked at him now being alone.

“Finally.” I growled stepping forward.

“Listen, you need to fall into the hunger.”

“What?” I growled.

“You’ll become slow and clumsy, I'll be able to easily strip you of your armor and pin you down. I'll be able to help you, but as you are right now, you’ll kill me. This body will die and I won’t be able to stop you from eating my entire kingdom, no matter how much you beg your body.” Tears went down my face.

“But, that’s, that’s scary, what if.”

“Don’t worry, you can trust me.” Red crept into my vision and I charged not thinking at all as the hunger took over completely making him, and his not soon enough ripped flesh in my mouth. Things went black after only a moment.

“Ugh.” I said opening my eyes blinking at dim lights. I looked around and tired to move but I was completely immobilized. I could only look around with my eyes. I couldn’t even flex, and legs were being held down perfectly.

“Feeling better?” I looked at him and drool ran down my cheeks.

“I’m hungry!” I said without moving my mouth.

“Oh I know, and it’s going to get so much worse.” I growled. “I’m sorry about this but this is the only way to help you. I can’t let you move an inch or you’ll likely escape. We have it set so you don’t have to move at all.”

“Feed me.”

“I can’t for twenty nine more days.” He sighed. “You’re going to go mad, and you’re going to want to die. Don’t worry you won’t, you’ll be able to go years without food. I’ve meet several ponies like you. I killed them all, but they were all like you. This infection is a royal one, but it can infect any pony at the same time. When I entered your father’s body he conceived you on that day, or more rather night. Since I was in him you got the infection. You are not related to me, but still infected.”

“Let me go!”

“I have servants change out music and make sure you are kept clean while you stay here, I’m sorry but you have to. Without this you’re uncontrollable, you will gain power like nothing else and not even I will be able to stop you. Oh and so you know, names Loggon.” He left after a while.

My insides felt like I was being eating alive making me scream in pain and that was only the start of it as things burned inside that I didn’t know existed. I felt like I was rotting from the outside in, and if it were not for the fact I could see my body, I would have thought I was rotting with acid poured on top.

Pain of every kind, from every little bit of my body screamed for some pony to feed me making me try to cut my tongue, but they had a guard to stop me. I couldn’t do anything, and I couldn’t stand it, he was right, I wanted to die, this pain was far too much.

After eternal days Loggon walked into the room smiling and I looked at him as he sat down by my hooves.

“Do you feel hungry?” I paused.

“No, and the pains gone.” He smiled and the straps came off letting me sit up. My bones cracked and whined at me. I looked at my hooves. “I’m not hungry.” He smiled and I looked at my body, I wasn’t skinnier, not even a little. I was still the perfect size.

“Great, and you can make me a new armor set.” I looked at a pile of metal ribbon on a cart.

“I will make you a better one, that was my mother’s early work.”

“Yes and was more skilled than an entire country worth.” I chuckled getting up. “Any way just name materials and I'll have them brought here.”

“Cool, can I have my armor back?”



“Oh you’re my new personal blacksmith so you know.” I chuckled a little. “I’m not joking around, also as you are.” He appeared in front of me pinning me down, I gasp. “You don’t have a choice.” I laughed a little.

“You don’t know how to make armor do you?”

“What do you mean?”

“My armor allows me to make armor, the armor I’m planning won’t simply be able to be made by normal means. That armor was made to make better armor, it was never actually meant for battle.” He stared at me.

“You mean that armor which made you a match for me, was meant to be a suit to allow you to make armor, you’re telling me that if you made an armor set with that, it would be even greater than that one?”

“Basically, your other one had slight modifications to your power boosting your magic, and physical abilities. Mine boosts my physical abilities to a higher level so I can withstand massive amounts of heat, speed, and power. The fact it was magic proof, was just an offset thing that wasn’t intended. It worked out nice for me though.” He chuckled and then started to laugh a little hard.

“You are amazing.”

“Anyway give me my father first and I'll make you your armor.” He sighed.

“Fine.” A black stallion pegasus appeared floating, he was asleep. “There, now make my armor for me.”

“I need some things, first my friends, my armor, my clothes that I was wearing, a privet room for each of my friends, my father included, then a list of materials that I'll write up once I have a quill and paper. I will also need a large open space, and some food, I should eat right? I went a long time without any.”

“Yes, you won’t feel hungry any more so you’ll have to remember from now on. You should eat once a day or when you feel tired. You’ll probably never die of hunger though, it mostly depends on how much you ate, it could be thousands of years.”

“In the last week about five hundred dragon worth of weight, and one actual dragon.” He stared at me for a moment.

“Alright, well that will take you a long time before you’ll need to eat.”

“Can you get off of me.” He chuckled and moved close so he was near my ear, his smell fill my lungs and I cringed as a different kind of urge came over me.

“You can feel it, the way your body needs something more than some food. The only thing I haven’t figured out the cure to is mating. I can never be fulfilled, while I do climax, most have many times by then, and beg for more.” I swallowed.

“Keep that tongue inside your mouth.” I closed his mouth and he bit his tongue again. “I am not that kind of mare, nor am I that easy to bate into something like that. You just finished telling me this was something that could be given to my offspring. I would never have your offspring and have them go through this. That was hell.” He cleared his throat.

“Wow I couldn’t resist after I had done this, mating was all I could think of.” I chuckled pushing him but he didn’t move making me nervous.

“You want quality armor?” He paused. “While I can make it look impressive, I can make it into a piece of burnt metal as well. So back off.” He chuckled.

“I have your father and your friends.”

“The dragon is my pet, so is the griffin, the unicorn just came along for no reason, they aren’t my friends, they are my property. I can replace them on a whim, you on the other hoof need me, and I’ve been through worse than this, while not nonstop like this, it was a hell of a lot more painful.”

“And your father?”

“I’ve never known him, my mother only wanted me to bring him back, and when I was a filly I left her, I haven’t seen her in years. His life is of little importance, I haven’t actually been around ponies that much.” I looked down realizing something, I was alone, it didn’t bother me, but no one could say they were my friend or that they knew me.

“Fine, how about this, let me at least let you try it out, if you can’t stand it or don’t like it, you can shut my jaw again.”

“Why do you want to?” He licked my cheek.

“Can’t you smell it?” I swallowed and licked his neck. He was just full of flavor, he tasted even better now, just not in a, I want to eat you way.

“Fine, but you can’t go for more.”

“I'll not go pass that.” I felt his tongue go down licking along the way and playing with me, making me want more.

“Well are you going to waste my time?” I asked flatly and he stared at me rather shocked, no completely shocked.

“No fun.” He said smiling, he could tell I liked it, but I just wasn’t in a playful mood to care. I gasped as he did things with his tongue that made me cringe with pleasure, I was careful not to moan a single time.

“Done?” I asked, he was almost to that point, but I didn’t want him to go further even though I had heavily enjoyed it, I almost want to force him into me, but this could become very dangerous if I lead him on like that. He pulled back his tongue frowning.

“You didn’t enjoy that even a little?” I chuckled.

“Rather lousy for a king.” His jaw locked narrowing his eyes making me roll mine. “Now then, all the things I asked for.” He licked his lips.

“You taste beyond what I expected.”

“What?” I asked and fear shot through my hearts.

“I’ve never tasted another like you, the second I tasted you I was on fire inside, screw having you as my blacksmith, you’re my new queen.” I stared at him. “Oh hell I don’t care anymore.” He grinned and I gasped with a whimper as I felt him do something I wasn’t ready for mentally, or at least on some level.

I couldn’t help but moan almost too loudly as I squeezed and finished in the first of his thrusts. He grinned knowing I was trying to hide it.

“You said.” He kissed me and bliss washed over me as something more than the physicalness of it. He felt like pure happiness, joy, and peace at the same time. Something I didn’t even know how to comprehend, let alone imagine as I pulled him closed wanting more than just one thrust.

“You lied.” He whispered.

“I, lied.” I couldn’t help it, my mind wanted it, and my body wanted it, only my soul begged for less. He finished after a long time and he showed me to my room. Locking me inside with his magic.

I laid on a bed breathing hard trying so hard to get every single moment out of my head, but only to make me want it more, he was like something else. I couldn’t describe how well we mixed together, like the creation of chocolate milk, just flawless in idea and taste. I trembled shaking a little in a ball.

“Roma.” I blinked looking at Max. I hugged him pulling him onto the bed crying, while it was bliss in my mind and body, the fact I was just forced to do something I really didn’t want to, wasn’t any less of a horror. It ripped me up on the inside.

“I’m so sorry.” He looked at me surprised. “I’ve never said that to you before, I realize now what I’ve done to you. I killed your friends didn’t I?” He looked down.

“Yes, and my two brothers.”

“I’m so sorry.” I grabbed a letter opener and put it into his claws moving him over me, so the blade was pointed perfectly over one of my hearts. “I have three hearts right now, if you want to kill me, you’ll have to stab me three times, I don’t care if Princess Celestia said I’m immortal, I know this will kill me.” A few tears went down his face.

“No.” He threw the knife across the room surprising me. “You were sick, I can understand that all too easily. My brothers were going to die soon anyway, in fact we all were, had it not been for you, I wouldn’t be alive. After I met you an air ship crashed into the barracks. It killed everyone I knew. We would have been there if it wasn’t for you, and at least they didn’t die painfully. You were quick, the air ship burned.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You’ve killed a lot of ponies and a lot of other things, but in just one week you saved thousands more than you killed. You’ve done more evil than I can imagine because you were sick, but so much good. Now that you’re well, you’ll have no limit to the good you can do, to the lives you can save.”

“I’m going to become this kings whore.” His eyes went wide. “If I can’t retrieve my armor or get my hoofs on something else just as good, I'll never be able to escape. Even the stick that Princess Celestia gave me won’t be able to take me from this place. The stone is impregnated with anti-magic metal balls.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“You need to get Cord and Fiona and leave. Tell Princess Celestia of what has happen and she will send help, right now he is no more powerful than her, but with Twilight Sparkle, Luna, Discord and the others I’m sure they can overpower him.”

“But what happens if we leave you here?”

“I can’t escape, he’ll make me his queen, I won’t be able to fight him. I don’t know why, but the way, the way my body responded to him, it was like he was my soul mate.”

“Wait I’m confused, how do you know of Luna or Discord?”

“I was born in Canterlot, I lived there for almost four years, I learned the entire history and many things by then, while in my cave I spent two years studying before the hunger made me forget everything. I was never thinking of anything but where was my next meal coming from.”


“I need your help to do this, please.”

“What about your father?”

“Is he free?”

“Yes, I actually had him already touch it.” I smiled.

“That’s great, but I can’t leave this room.”

“What?” I got up and went over to the door. I touched an invisible barrier. “Wait but I can, pass though.”

“Yes, he has heavy spells on this wall, I couldn’t even dream of breaking this with anything less than an alicorn’s best combat spell. Please go, I'll survive, I won’t die, he wouldn’t let me.”

“Then don’t lose hope, we’ll be back.” He ran out into the hallway. I sighed and went over to the bed laying down. Time went by and I didn’t care to move or try to make what happen okay. It was worth it to save my father and stop the hunger, but I dreaded what I knew was going to happen if I wasn’t saved.

“Sleeping?” Loggon asked knowing the answer.

“You know I’m not.”

“Yeah I asked around, only on the full moon, that must be nice. I sleep every night, or more need to. You’re a different kind of monster.”

“So you going to actually shoot your seed in me this time?” He chuckled walking over to me and going over me on the bed. I closed my eyes tighter, he kissed me.

“Come now, you can’t tell me that you hate me, the way you moved made even me feel, like it was magic. I can’t tell you how badly I’ve wanted something like that. Even my last mate was little in compare, she couldn’t even get me off. I sent her away, even now though I think she stocks me.”

“Well I didn’t want my first time to be like that.”

“Your first, are you sure? You had experience unlike any other, I mean, it was.” He shook his head. “You were more than experienced, or was it natural talent?” He paused realizing I didn’t have a cutie mark. “You don’t have a cutie mark.”

“Yeah I never got one.”

“What? But every pony has one.”

“I never got one.” He laid down next to me so we were face to face. He kissed me and I pulled him closer feeling the surge though my body, but then pushed him back. “Please, stop, I can barely resist you.”

“Then why resist if you want it so badly?”

“It’s, wrong.”

“Why?” He pulled me closer. His breath made a sickening good filling rush down the front of my body making my lips quiver in expectancy, my hooves went numb wanting to feel his skin brush against mine in excitement.

“Because I don’t love you.”

“Do you need to?” I inched ever so close and I could tell he was the same, holding back even more than me, knowing too easily, that I had no real say in what he would do to me, rather it was going to be him or our bodied that pushed, I was going to beg him for more.

“No.” He kissed me and the sensation came back but better, everything was right about him and I couldn’t say no, I didn’t want to.

Comments ( 11 )

...:facehoof: Wha...:pinkiecrazy: not sure what to say bout this chapter...

Studyed in the caves for 2 years eh? intense study seems to be a reacuring theme throughout the storys of yours ive read so far,
and I'm a bit curius to know if you are someone who spends a lot of there time studing,
of course who you are and what you do probably dosent correlate with the interests of your charecters, in the sence that they are a reflection of yourself,

yes i know several people that study all the time

Neeto ChettO :pinkiehappy:

this story has been goin really well..till that chapter 6, pretty much nothin but pointless drama and it looks like the stories only gonna go down hill from here cause itll be really hard to make up for that last chapter. its a shame too it was legitimately entertaining and was goin really well till then. : /

yeah something like that

gotta say im honestly surprised. usually when i make any kinda negative opinion or statement about someones art or writing i get the artist/writer and about 5 or 6 of their brown nosers ridin my ass about how i dont know what im talkin about or im jealous or some bs like that, you gotta be the first whose ever just been like' sounds about right' about it. good job that definitely caught me off guard. XD

this is one of my earlier works and it needs heavily editing and i need to finish posting it

Has this been abandoned because it ended on a cliff hanger, at least give us an ending to the story ;-;

other things go in the way and i just never got around to it

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