• Published 3rd Aug 2013
  • 1,291 Views, 14 Comments

Fleetfoot's Bad Day - CinnamonSwirltheBreaded

In her head, Fleetfoot's a mare. Too bad reality doesn't always match up. Contest Entry for Futaquestria'13, rated mature for concept.

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Comments ( 13 )

It appears that I have some stiff competition. Good job.

Have I mentioned I've liked everything you've written and wish I could write like you?

Another piece of gold. We had a guy in the office change genders recently. She had a lot more confidence after she accepted who she was.

I had trouble making out what to use for Fleetfoot's voice:rainbowlaugh:.
But anyways, this was actually pretty good!

Nice! Not really Futa, but there's a subfolder for this.

On that note, I'm now curious about the role of gekding and geldings in Equestria. It's in the EU Canon that they use the word. So why have geldings? For the same reason we have/had eunuchs? As punishment? As gender reassignment surgery?

This is pretty dang good! You have the skill, don't worry.

I was thinking the same thing with my entry. I'm still not convinced I pulled it off though.

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Normally, I would have worked out some sort of headcanon for this particular case, but given the word limitations presented by the contest and my own tendency towards verbosity, I decide to just force myself to skip such worldbuilding in favor of not violating the word limit too badly.

In this particular case, Fleetfoot is a gelding because she sees herself as a mare; for whatever reason (the most likely, in my head, the limits of their medical technology) they don't have much in the way of reconstructing genitals into a functional vulva/vagina. This isn't necessarily far fetched, after all, we haven't yet developed a means of giving transexuals fully functional genitals just yet.

Fleetfoot probably took female hormones to feminize her body as well.

I thought your story was pretty good too! Thanks for your comment. :)

Ah, well done. An enjoyable story. :pinkiehappy:

I'm curious though, why the [Dark] tag?

You did a fantastic job addressing gender dysphoria and the mindset of someone who has been accidentally outed.

It is a touchy and complicated subject but you handled it with both tact and class. I cannot tell you how happy I am that something like this exists.

Great job :twilightsmile:


Dark for the suggestion of suicidal thoughts.

A very nice story. You did a great job of pulling it off, and everything worked perfectly.

I know it's not really relevant, but I do wonder why she would be named fleet foot, considering the hooves and all.

But putting that aside it was an excellent story. And Spitfire is quite the friend to do something like that.

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