• Published 4th Aug 2013
  • 2,002 Views, 169 Comments

Survive - Narlepoax III

It's strange when you wake up somewhere you've never been. It's worrying when that place is a jungle, and you don't have any possessions. It's even more worrying when you can't remember your name.

  • ...

Where Am I?

It's the heat that wakes you up.

The pounding, unrelenting heat, that causes you to sweat profusely without doing much more than breathe.

Once your brain rouses your consciousness, you become startlingly aware of three things:

1) You have a monumentally powerful headache.

2) You are completely naked.

3) You are lying on plant life of some sort, meaning that you are outside.

As soon as these revelations are fully processed, you snap your eyes open. You regret this action as soon as you take it, as the sun is positioned directly over you, and you are immediately blinded by it.

You instinctively shade your face with your hand, and roll onto your side to avoid more pain. Once you can see the browned leaves under you, you sit up, and take your first look at the location you've found yourself in.

The first thing you take notice of, are the incredibly tall trees. Thick trunks stretch up nearly fifty feet, completely unwavering, until they explode into dense leaves that block out the sun. The only break in the tree's unadulterated ascent is provided by smaller trees. Vines wrap around the behemoth plants, dotting the tree bark with their leaves in a desperate attempt to find some light in the shade. Large ferns cover the ground around you, where fallen leaves don't. You're stricken by the notion that you are in a jungle, and that jungles are really only found far to the south.

Scorching sunlight beats upon your nude body through the only break in the nearly impenetrable canopy above, the clearing you are currently lying in. As well as you are able, you can see no one around to look upon your indignity. Not even the forms of animals are spotted in the dense forest around you.

The panic begins to lance through your mind. You realize that you are completely alone, in an area you have never seen before. You can't see anything dangerous, but as far as you know, there is some terrible beast lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to turn you into a meal. Or maybe some kind of poisonous spider, you can already feel them crawling on your body, puncturing your skin with their dripping fangs. Or maybe

"Calm down," you think to yourself, "Everything will be fine, I just need to find my way out of this jungle. All I have to do is remember how exactly I got here, and I can make my way back to civilization."

You close your eyes, and place your head in your hands, as you try to think back to the last thing you can remember.

You recall being in a dark area, intense pain, and high, raucous laughter.

As you try to dig deeper, your mind suddenly splits. You can't even see through the incredible pain you are feeling, and you are only moderately aware of heaving your stomach's contents onto the ground next to you. After some time, and with herculean effort from you, you manage to roll onto your back, once your gut finishes it's rebellion. For a long while, you are only able to lay on the jungle floor, covering your eyes with the crook of your arm. Your hands and feet are numb, despite the awe inspiring heat pounding onto your body.

"That's never a good sign," you think, once your mind is capable of thought once more, "Why does it hurt to remember anything?"

You know that memory loss could be a sign of brain damage. Brain damage usually means serious physical trauma to the cranium. Serious physical trauma to the cranium that could lead to death. You have to try remembering something else, in order to be sure that there was no danger of being killed by your own body.

You decide that your name is a good starting place.

You try to recall what people call you by. The only prize for your effort is a dull throb of protest from your head.

You decide to try recollecting where you live.

"Milky way galaxy, Star System Sol, Planet Earth." That's all you're able to remember, before your head decides to discourage you again.

You begin to panic again, wildly trying your hand at history, in an attempt to remember something.

"In 490 B.C.E, Athenian defenders were aided by troops from Plataea, in order to dissuade the invading Persian army. They were successful in deterring the Persians, and legend states that a man named Philippides sprinted nearly twenty five miles back to the nearby town of Marathon, in order to deliver the news of victory. After arriving in the war room of Marathon, Philippides said one word, "Niki!" Greek for "Victory!" before collapsing onto the floor, dead. A footrace that is twenty five miles long is named after the city."

Well, that's new.

That memory was incredibly clear and detailed. A stark contrast to the mere snippets in exchange for pain you were receiving earlier. You know that memory detail of that level is quite uncommon, to say the least. Unfortunately, trying to recall whether or not you've always had that kind of recollection only results in more headaches.

You conclude that you should test this new found ability with some more remembering.

Your name still refuses to come to you. You figure you should try thinking of your family.

Your parent's names are met by waves of hurt, although, you are able to conclude, by the fact that you exist, that you do have parents. If you have any siblings, your mind isn't revealing any details.

Something else... Math?

"The number pi is a mathematical constant that is used in geometry to determine the size of various objects. The sequence goes:
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481
And so on."

Now you're becoming frustrated.

Why can you conjure up all these incredibly specific facts? Why is it that you are unable to recall comparatively mundane and simple things, like your name? Why can't you even remember the name of the school from which you learned all of these ridiculously detailed facts?

A chill breeze rushes through the trees, and you suddenly remember some very important details:

You are completely alone in the jungle. You don't know how you got there, and you can't remember how to get back home. Your head is aching with a vengeance, and you don't know whether or not that's because you've been attacked in some way. You are sweating away precious water, and just put your most recent meal onto the jungle floor. You are completely naked, which means that you have absolutely no equipment, or tools with which to survive.

You stand up, and begin to survey your surroundings. You take note of a slight slope running out of the clearing, but the only other thing worth noting is dense vegetation.

All of a sudden, there is a crash of foliage behind you.

You whip around in panic, only to be greeted by the strangest thing you have ever seen in your life.

As far as you are able to remember.

A tiny animal stands before you, seemingly just as taken aback as you are. It's head comes to about knee height, and it balances on three hooves. Amusingly, it's fourth hoof is bent up to it's chest, holding a tiny flint spear; which is currently angled up at the sky.

It's covered in a dark, umber brown coat of fur. It's head is obscured by some kind of tribal mask, preventing you from making out any real details. Although, it's backside sports a strikingly white tail of hair. This suggest that it's some kind of horse-like creature, although much smaller. Most strikingly of all, is the strange symbol painted onto either of the creature's haunches. The symbol is a circle, made of bamboo. Two bamboo rods cross over the circle, secured with vine.

You are looking at a teeny, tiny, tribal pony.

You stare at the pony, and it stares back at you. The presence of the mask and spear suggest that this creature is sapient, to some degree. You once again become aware of your nudity, and you move your hands to cover any unseemly parts of your anatomy.

Unfortunately, this action seems to shake the pony out of it's stunned torpor. The pony quickly lowers its spear at you, and it starts speaking rapidly in an indiscernible language. The language consists of vowels, and soft consonants; with the hard consonants being replaced by loud clicks of the pony's tongue.

The absurdity of the situation hits you hard. So hard, you start laughing.

You are being threatened by a sapient pygmy pony, with stone age weapons. You couldn't dream up a stranger situation if you tried.

The pony sees that you are not being intimidated, and decides to rectify the situation.

The pony stabs its spear at the most vulnerable place it can reach: your thigh. You jerk back, in order to avoid the blow, and immediately stop laughing.

The sudden threat makes you nervous. Even if it's a small spear, it's big enough to go into you. You have to neutralize the situation, before things get worse.

"Easy now," you say, putting your hands where the pony can see them, "I don't want to hurt you. I'm lost, and probably injured. I need to get to a hospital, and I need your help to do that. Please, put the spear down."

The pony begins speaking in clicks again.

Of course. The pony can't understand you, and to make things even better, it seems to have taken you putting your hands up as a threat, as it starts jabbing the spear again.

This won't do, if the pony keeps stabbing wildly like that, it might actually hit you. You make a grab for the spear, but the pony yanks it out of the way, just in time.

That really set the pony off. It backs up into the brush, before throwing the spear at you.

You just barely manage to dodge to the right, before the spear sticks into the ground just behind where you were once standing. You hear foliage crashing again, as the pygmy pony flees into the jungle.

You morosely watch the ferns shake, as the pony gets away. You wish that you could have started things off more diplomatically. Not that it really matters. The appearance of a sapient pygmy pony is enough to tell you that this is some kind of hallucination.

You turn around, and take a look at the spear. It landed right next to the puddle that was, at one point, your most recent meal. Looking at it reminds you of the pain that caused it to stop being in your belly.


If this isn't a hallucination, it would be best to prepare for long-term survival in an unknown, and potentially hostile, location. You once again take a sweeping inspection of your surroundings.

You are standing in a jungle clearing. In front of you, the land slopes down, into jungle. Behind you, is where the Pygmy Pony ran. Uphill, and into jungle. To your left and right, the land continues on relatively unchanged into you guessed it jungle. The sun hangs directly overhead, making determining direction impossible, for now. There is a tiny spear embedded in the ground directly in front of you.

What do you do?

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, I've got a little story to tell about why I decided to write this.

I have several story ideas bouncing around in my head, but I fear that I may be under skilled at putting them into a proper narrative. So, I figured, "Why not have my readers write half the story for me?" That's when I decided to take one of my underdeveloped plots, and turn it into a comment-driven story.

This is also a good way to hone up the necessary skills to go with my new duties as coauthor of Poking Pinkie Pie Part Two, as well as serving as a nice apology for my inability to get it onto this site.

As I said in the description, ponies will eventually happen, but not for a long while.

[This story was inspired partly by my vividly warped imagination, as well as a certain music video on a brony song. If you can guess which music video before I cross this story with the events that unfold in it, I'll PM you an internet hug, as well as my congratulations.]