• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Prithee and well met, thou tempestuous witch of storms, to alight so delicately upon the jet streams of the cerulean sky. Welcome to Spirit Airlines.


If this were a normal case, I wouldn't be chasing after a foalnapper who keeps mailing me riddles that he expects me to solve. I wouldn't be living with an alcoholic perfume salesmare who can't hardly remember her own name, let alone mine. And I certainly wouldn't be turning the fair town of Ponyville upside-down looking for somepony I didn't really want to find in the first place.

Then again, if this were a normal case, they probably wouldn't have hired me to crack it.

ON HIATUS (as in, not cancelled) until I get a bit farther into Harmony/I have more time to consistently devote to writing.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 15 )

His is great, it's like an old whodunit pulp fiction novel. Can't wait for more updates.

49562 That should say 'This is great', not 'His is great'. Typed to fast and didn't proofread. Sorry!

Oh man, you really captured the feel of classic Noir in this story. Awesome job.:eeyup:

It's been a while since the last update, and I feel I've done you a disservice by not commenting earlier, so for that I apologize. I'm compelled to comment now because I FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY.:heart: Your writing has me in absolutely stitches with laughter, and I am intrigued by the mystery. If you don't continue and finish this it would be THE... WORST... POSSIBLE... THING! :raritydespair:

Seriously, if you were feeling downtrodden by lack of comments, don't be, know you have at least one avid reader that will follow this story with bated breath.

Also, your chapter titles are hilarious.:twilightsmile:


I actually like to think I've gotten over the stage of my life where I judged my self-worth based on how many comments I get on my stories, but seeing as that's a complete bold-faced lie...thanks for the comment. XD

For the purposes of giving you a straight answer: I'm still working on this story, and I don't intend to give up on it any time soon. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean I'm going to be posting another chapter any time soon either. The most recent blog post on my author page or whatever it is gives a more detailed explanation of that whole situation, and I'll go ahead and add here that I'm kind of using this story to hold myself hostage, since I'm not allowing myself to publish any of my new WiP until I finish Chapter 6 of this story. So long story short: sometime in March or April, there will be one single glorious day where I publish Chapter 6 of Breaking Bricks as well as the prologue and first four chapters of my new WiP in one fell swoop, and then after that I'll be alternating updates between my two active stories. Hope that clears everything up well enough.

Excellent! I look forward to reading both! :twilightsmile:

Oh, and if you need an editor or pre-reader to help you out for future endeavors, I volunteer. Just so you know.

I have to say something, and please don't take this as criticism. It really bothers me when somebody apologizes for focusing more on school than on the story. You should never feel the need to apologize for that. And your not the only writer who has expressed similar sentiments. Your education comes first. We can wait for a post. I am sorry for my rant, but it is a trend that I have been seeing that bothers me. Congratulations on graduating high school and good luck in college. And I still am enjoying the story, keep up the good work.

Well, there go all plans I had for sleeping tonight.

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I agree with rdaniel_76, but I am very happy that you and this story aren't dead. Reading time! :twilightsmile:

I don't see any problem with it either. When the gap between updates was four months, though, that's when I felt the need to explain myself. :derpyderp1:

The character tags for this fic...
Several that haven't appeared yet and missing several that should be there...
Oh well. Reading.

All of my upvotes. You are the best writer in the pony-Noir genre I've yet found.

I'm sorry to see this get tagged as cancelled. I really enjoyed the setting, and thought the style was great. :fluttercry:

ON HIATUS (as in, not cancelled) until I get a bit farther into Harmony/I have more time to consistently devote to writing.:trixieshiftright:

You sure about that?

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