• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 3,135 Views, 43 Comments

I Love You Applejack - Icudeadnow

Applebloom and Applejack love each other very much. But when something happens to Applejack... how does Applebloom cope?

  • ...

Don't Leave Me....

The day was beautiful and so was the sun as it shone its brilliant, white light down upon the farm ponies that inhabited the farmhouse. A particular yellow farm filly was still in bed though. Since it was not a school day, she wanted to stay in and get some well deserved rest. But it was not to be so, as a certain orange mare was not about to let that happen.

"Applebloom, ya have til' the count of five until ah drag ya outta' bed mahself." The orange mare warned Applebloom, who immediately jumped up out of bed with a big, innocent smile on her face.

"Ah'm awake Applejack, Ah'm awake!" Applebloom said, fearing the trouble she'd most definitely get into had she ignored her bigger sister. Applejack smiled and shook her head with what Applebloom assumed was amusement.

"Good, cuz' we got a lot of chores to finish up before the day's end." Applejack said, getting a groan from the little filly, "Now, ah don't want ya talkin' back to me. Groanin' counts as talkin' back to me." Applebloom immediately straightened up and nodded furiously, still afraid of the repercussions of disobeying her older sibling. Ever since their mother had died, Applebloom and Applejack had grown so much closer as sisters and best friends. Sure, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were her best friends too, but she didn't share the special bond with them, that she did with her sister. With that, Applebloom went downstairs with Applejack and had eagerly sat down at the dining room table. They waited for Granny Smith's amazing cooking and, as always, the old mare did not disappoint. Granny slowly sat down at the table and began to eat her small portion of food. Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Applebloom all dug into the eggs and apple fritters with glee.

"So, Applebloom." Applejack began, which made Applebloom look up from her plate, "What did ya wanna' start with first? Movin' the hay or helpin' me set up stand at the market?" The little filly thought this over in only a few seconds before she replied eagerly.

"Ah want ta' help ya with the stand!" Applebloom said, her little bow bouncing for a brief moment as her excitement got the best of her. Applejack, Big macintosh, and Granny Smith all started laughing. Applebloom didn't exactly know why they were laughing so she just joined along. The mornings were usually like this and the little filly couldn't be any happier. All she was missing right now was a cutie mark. Realization hit the filly like a ton of bricks and she quickly gobbled up the rest of her food, making sure there wasn't a bite left. She got done and turned to Applejack with uncontrollable excitement.

"Did ya forget that it's mah... birthday today?" Applebloom said, her eyes suggesting that she knew they were planning something for her. Applejack laughed and put a hoof on the filly's shoulder.

"Ya gotta' be patient. We all got somethin' planned but ya jus' need ta' be patient." Applejack said to her sister, who was shaking with excitement. The presents, her friends, the party... and you already know that Pinkie is the one that is planning the whole thing. It really isn't a party without Pinkie Pie involved. The farm filly excused herself from the table,scootched out, and plopped to the floor.

"Applejack, Ah'm gonna' go an' get ready for today." Applebloom said, recieveing a curt nod from her sister. The farm filly then walked back upstairs and entered the bathroom. She was met by the smell of apples, which came from the air freshener on the sink. She got up on the stool and started to brush her teeth, humming to herself a song that Sweetie had been singing just last night. It really was quite a catchy song. Applebloom looked down and smiled sadly at the picture of her, Applejack, Big Mac, and... her mother. There were times when the farm filly felt lonely at night without her mother there to hold her. That was where Applejack had come into play. She always made sure that the filly was happy despite the circumstances. They had spent so much more time together and bonded on a level that Applebloom and her mother had previously shared. A lone tear had dribbled down the side of her cheek and fell into the sing, getting sucked into the drain.

"Applebloom! Are ya ready yet?" Applejack ased, who had peeked around the corner. She stopped when she realized what Applebloom was looking at and that she was silently crying. Applejack came over to her side and put a hoof over the filly's shoulder.

"Ya know what ah think...?" Applejack asked Applebloom, who looked up and shook her head, "Ah think that mom woulda' been so proud of ya. Ya have great things goin' for ya and no matter what happens... mom will always be there by yer side. And so will I." Applebloom smiled and gave Applejack a huge hug, taking the older mare by suprise and bringing them to the floor laughing. They didn't get up for a bit, but merely sat there in each other's arms. They got up and Applejack wiped a tear away from Applebloom's cheek.

"Come on, ah think we should get goin' before we're late." Applejack said. With that, the two sisters went downstairs and out the front door, but not before saying goodbye to the rest of the family. They were met by a cool morning's breeze that tickled Applebloom's skin. She smiled and absorbed the sunshine, in all its splendor and glory. There was never a better day to be within the Apple Family. And there was never a better day to be with, her sister, Applejack.

Applebloom eagerly stood next to Applejack as they sold apples and apple related products to random passerbys. Business was booming. They usually only made about 500 bits every time they came down here but, an hour in, and they had made twice that. And they had 5 more hours left! Yes, today was turning out to be quite the day. Applebloom looked off to the side and spotted her two friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"Hey girls! Over here!" Applebloom yelled to them, who ran over to her, giggling. They embraced each other, still giggling to themselves, not caring about the looks that they were getting. They were happy, so why should they trouble themselves with ponies who didn't understand?

"Applejack, ah know ya want me to help out but can ah jus' go with Sweetie and Scoots...? Jus' this once" Appleblooma sked her big sister with those big, pleading eyes.

"Oh, alright. Jus' come back here in four hours. Remember, use the sun to tell ya the time. Ah Love ya...." Applejack gave in, making the three fillies grin like crazy. Applejack barely got another word in before the three ran off, giggling about things only they would find funny. But that was fine by them.

"So, what do you guys wanna' do?" Scootaloo asked, looking at Applebloom and Sweetie. Sweetie's eyes lit up and she shot her hoof into the air.

"Sweetie, this ain't school. Ya don't need ta' raise yer hoof." Applebloom said, giggling. Scootaloo rolled her eyes and giggled as well.

"Oh forget that. I was thinking that we could be doctors! You know... the kind that helps other ponies!" Sweetie Belle chimed up, making a squeaking noise when she said it. Applebloom and Scootaloo's eyes both lit up in excitement. Why had they never tried this before? This was going to be awesome!

"Awesome idea, Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo said. All three fillies knew what to say next and they did it regardless of the ponies that populated the streets of Ponyville.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER DOCTORS!" The three screamed out in unison and ran off giggling, looking for their first patient. Today was as happy as it would ever get. So happy, in fact, that they could not forsee the coming trials they lay ahead for the three. Applebloom in particular.

"No, I don't need to be examined for Celestia's sake!" The stallion said, his voice raising to show his anger. The three fillies' ears drooped and they frowned. They had tried to examine a stranger because how else would they get doctor cutie marks? Practice does make practice after all.

"Ah'm sorry mister... we didn't mean ta' make ya angry..." Applebloom said, her bottom lip trembling. The stallion's face softened and he smiled.

"Hey, maybe another pony needs a check-up. But I'd stick to the ponies you know, alright? I'm not angry." The stallion said, recieving new smiles. They said goodbye and ran off, giggling as they looked for easy prey. Applebloom's bow flapped in the wind as they ran across town.

"Wait, up guys!" Sweetie complained, who had fell behind and was now trying to catch her breath. Scoots and Applebloom slowed down and let the unicorn catch up.

"I had... *pant* I had an idea." Sweetie said, still tired from their dash across town.

"Well, don't keep us in suspense." Scootaloo said, obviously impatient to get to more crusading. Sweetie Belle tried to talk but had to take a quick breather.

"My idea was that we should go and see if Applejack needs rescuing!'" Sweetie said, getting excited squeals from the other two.

"Wait... she's still workin' right now..." Applebloom said, putting her other two friends into deep thought.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind. It is for our cutie marks after all." Scootaloo said. They all agreed and went off to the town square where Applejack was supposedly supposed to be.

Applebloom could see Applejack in the distance, at her stand, seeking apples and other things to all the ponies around. The country fillie waved and called to her sister, who looked up with a huge smile on her face as she too waved. She started walking with her friends over there.There was something strange with Applejack beacuse she had started to sway from side to side slowly. Applebloom adopted a look of horror when she saw Applejack collapse onto the ground and start to convulse violently. Applebloom was shocked beyond words as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing. She ran to her sister's side, who had stoped shaking and was frighteningly still. This had come on so suddenly that it did not even seem plausible.

"Applejack! Wake up, Applejack!" Applebloom screamed as she tried to look into her sister's eyes. Applejack coughed but what came out horrified the small filly like nothing had ever done. Her sister had started to cough up blood. What was happeneing to her?! Applebloom had to try to fix this, but how...?

All she could do was whisper weakly as a small tear escaped its prison and landed upon the older mare's chest, right where they heart would be, "Don't leave me... please..." She felt hooves take her away from Applejack, but all she could think about was that last image she had of her sister. That smile that showed the very thing that was the most precious in this world. Love.

The small, yellow filly waited outside the room where they were operating on Applejack. Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, Swetie Belle, and Scootaloo were there with her, hoping for the best and fearing for the worst. Applejack hadn't been feeling the best the entire week but she was as stubborn as a mule and refused to be checked. Nurse Redheart came out, her face showing sympathy.

"Do you want to hear the good news... or bad news first?" Redheart asked them. Applebloom wanted to hear the good news but she was too distraught to say anything or make up any rational thought. She still couldn't get the picture of that blood coming out of her sister's mouth. What would cause something as horrible as that?

"Let's hear tha' good news first." Big Macintosh said, his face no longer showing indifference to the world, but one of utter worry and sadness. Nurse Redheart hesitated at first but looked up again.

"The good news is that she's alive." The nurse said, getting sighs of relief from everypony in the room. Everypony except Big Macintosh, who only looked even more worried.

"And... the bad news...?" Big mac asked. The nurse looked to the side, a tear forming in her eyes as she tried to tell them what was wrong with Applejack. Applebloom couldn't imagine that that would be easy in any way.

"The bad news is... that we found a tumor the size of a golfball right next to her heart. I estimate... a couple of days. Maybe a week if she's strong enough. It has been brewing in her chest for what seems to be months. The fact that she's still alive is nothing short of a miracle." Nurse Redheart said, making Applebloom gasp and start to cry, violent shudders racking her young body.

Three days later

Applebloom had stayed the night at the hospital, next to Applejack's bed, despite the objections from the staff. They eventually gave in and accepted it. Her head was on the side of the bed, dry tears around her eyes as she stared at the wall, eyes unblinking. A stirring from the bed broke her from her train of thought. She looked up and saw Applejack looking at her with a very weak smile and a cough that sounded absolutely dreadful.

"Applebloom...? Is that you...?" Applejack asked, her eyes drooping as she seemingly strained to get a better picture of the small filly.

"Y-yes..." Applebloom replied, heartbroken to see her sister in such a horrible state. Her usual headstrong posture was now gone and replaced with it was an image of the very definiton of broken. She was broken and there was nothing Applebloom could do.

"Remember..." Applejack began but started coughing violently. Applebloom leaned in to listen, " Always... r-remember that ah love ya... little sister. And so does mom." Applebloom's tears flowed freely as she heard her sister talk for the first time in three days.

"Ya want to know how ah... know t-that...?" Applejack asked, looking down at Applebloom with a look of pride and, strangely, happiness.

"H-h-how...?" Applebloom asked, afraid of the answer to come.

"Because... ah see her now. And she says that she loves you no matter what. And that she's proud of.. y-ya..." Applejack said weakly and went into another fit of coughs. Applebloom's crys were stopped immediately and she stared at her sister with the saddest expression that almost no living soul could ever top. A lone tear trickled down her cheek after a minute of painful silence.

"And... ya know what else...?" Applejack asked her little sister, who took up to crying violently again. Applejack under Applebloom's chin moved up to meet her with intense eye contact.

"Ah am too..." Applejack said, a smile on her face as she laid back down and closed her eyes slowly and let out a long breath. What happened next alarmed the poor filly beyond anything that had ever happened before. The life monitor had begun an ominous beep that went into was continous line. Applejack's heart had stopped beating.

"SOMEPONY HELP! PLEASE!" Applebloom screamed at the top of her lungs as she shook Applejack. She watched as the life left her sister's eyes. Nurse Redheart and a few doctors came running in and took Applebloom out of the room. She watched through the window as they tried to revive the mare that she had once known to be the greatest pony of all time. At least to Applebloom, she was. Big mac appeared behind her and put a hoof on Applebloom's shoulder. Together, they walked down the corridor, already knowing the outcome and not wanting to be there when the staff told them that their fears were right. Applebloom looked back down the hallway, her face scrunched up in sorrow.

"Don't leave me..." Applebloom said, a tear falling down to the floor and making a soft plop on impact. She turned back and they left the hospital, already knowing that Applejack, the one Applebloom had not only known as a sister but as another mother, was gone.

Author's Note:

This story is dedicated to my grandmother who died very recently, not of heart cancer, but of lung cancer. Wherever she is, I wish her all the happiness in the world.

Also, I know nothing of cancer. Not exactly a medical expert.

I decided that another sad fic was in order, due to my recent popularity boom with "Through The Eyes of Innocence"
Thanks again, guys! Without you, I wouldn't be half the writer I am today. For the longest time I had always dreamt of writing stories for people but never got the right enthusiasm to do it. But with the support I've had in the weeks that I've been here, you've shown me that bronies take "Love and tolerance" to a whole new level! Leave a comment down below, telling me what you think of this. I enjoy writing the stories but it's seeing what you think of them that truly makes my day. Stay awesome fellow bronies and, as always...
