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The Boss

"The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal."


Comments ( 920 )

YEEESSSSSS!!!!!:pinkiehappy: Okay, now that I've got that out of my system, I just want to say that this was a really good chapter. The EOL 'empress' sound like a total bitch, I LOL'd at the 'reveal' of Dominic's forces, the reunion with Maria was adorable, the fact Luna still loves him romantically is boss, the 'Colorado kids' are awesome, and... did, did you just kill off Braeburn?:applejackconfused::applecry: ...Anyways, the one thing that stood out the most was HOW THE HELL DID I NOT SEE THE HERD ANGLE COMING A MILE AWAY!?:pinkiegasp:

Okay to be fair the thought crossed my mind, but was almost immediately discounted due to the numerous factors that would...:facehoof: Ya' know what, fuck it, I love this and I'm not gonna screw that up by over-analyzing it(which anyone who knows me would tell you is a hugely OOC thing for me).:twilightsmile:

Great chapter and a good start for this new story! :pinkiehappy:
Could it be that thou hast inspired by the movie "Red Dawn" and the rebel group "Wolveriens" this Coloraso Kids? :rainbowderp:
If so good choice, the film is also one of those in my collection of good movies the good old days! :ajsmug:
I hope for a speedy new and exciting chapter! :twilightsmile:
Furthermore, much inspiration and many new ideas for you!
So see you soon!


6851440 Probably Sheriff Silverstar.

EDIT: oh shit... nvm, lets just hope it WASN'T Braeburn. Hopefully someone ELSE took the job of Sheriff's Deputy.

Yay! You have the sequel up! I can't wait to see more!

6851466 He's described as light orange with an apple for a cutie mark...:ajbemused: Even if that wasn't Braeburn himself, I think the chances of him not being at least a member of the Apple family are quite slim.

6851699 like half of the town is related to the Apple family.


like half of the town is related to the Apple family.

I rest my case.

Howie... Highschool of the dead met tumblr and MLP.

6851894 again, that just increases the odds that it WASN'T Braeburn.

Edit: Light orange with an apple cutie mark.... lets see...
Applejack, Babs(sorta) I counted at least three ponies in the apple family reunion episodes...

6852786 :facehoof: By 'case' I was referring to the second part of my comment, you know,

He's described as light orange with an apple for a cutie mark...:ajbemused: Even if that wasn't Braeburn himself, I think the chances of him not being at least a member of the Apple family are quite slim.

so with that in mind, you saying

like half of the town is related to the Apple family.


Edit: Light orange with an apple cutie mark.... lets see...

Applejack, Babs(sorta) I counted at least three ponies in the apple family reunion episodes...

does, in fact, reinforce my point. Anyways I think we've taken up enough of the comments for this chapter, so I'm gonna go read another fic now.

6853106 If you're so sure it was him, why even ask?

6853117 ohfortheloveof...:facehoof: reread the conversation, paying close attention to the part where we diverged focus. I never claimed to be sure that it was him specifically, however I did say it was most likely an 'Apple'. In fact, I literally said as much in my second comment... and quoted that comment in the one you just replied to!

...At this point, even if you aren't deliberately trolling me, I'm not replying on this particular topic anymore unless there's a relevant plot development in future chapters.

6853199 oh... I apologize, I had a long first day at work and really shouldn't be responding to anything on the internet. Not totally there, mentally.

6853221 I understand, I know I've made some really stupid mistakes due to sleep deprivation in the past...a few due mostly to this site.:twilightblush:

I bet some Otherkin warlord would trigger when it sees a real griffin and will try to drink Avos' blood to "evolve"


*quickly hides his notes* No peeking!

District 9 w/changelings

I'm so sorry you've done this terrible thing just to gain insight and a way to portray the EOL

Personally I believe there should be a faction out there dedicated to preserving humanity's progress and seek to reform the governments other then the NG

Great first chapter. I'm also kind of relieved because I had a fear that Maria would be with another guy, happy to know I was wrong.

I keep hearing this word, 'trigger'.

What the fuck are you guys talking about?


Trigger, or better known as a 'Trigger Warning' is defined by Urban Dictionary as follows. Be advised, this was copy pasted from the site directly and has not been edited in anyway. Bare in mind, this was the cleanest one I could find, the others were laced with profanity, and rightfully so.

Trigger Warning:

A phrase posted at the beginning of various posts, articles, or blogs. Its purpose is to warn weak minded people who are easily offended that they might find what is being posted offensive in some way due to its content, causing them to overreact or otherwise start acting like a dipshit. Popular on reddit SRS or other places that social justice warriors like to hang out.

Trigger warnings are unnecessary 100% of the time due to the fact that people who are easily offended have no business randomly browsing the internet anyways. As a result of the phrases irrelevance, most opinions that start out with this phrase tend to be simplistic and dull since they were made by people ridiculous enough to think that the internet is supposed to cater to people who can't take a joke.

Trigger warning: If you think this phrase needs to be posted before politically incorrect opinions, you don't belong on the internets.

6855317 This is when Soviet Russia had something right:

In Soviet Russia, you trigger warning!

6855317 I wouldn't say 100% of the time, more like 99%. Epilepsy is a thing, so a warning is nice if there will be flashing lights.

6855531 I'm aware that photosensitivity and loud noices are bad or disconforting for some. But they want to remove clapping for the rest of the people. Also they asault people who wants to speak about human rights that are not in par with what they believe (mainstream vs fringe) and such.


Again, that weren't my words, I just pasted them here word for word from Urban Dictionary. I'm not gonna weigh in on whether or not they do any good, I'm more trying to show what happens when things like that are taken to an extreme. The same could be said for the opposite side of the spectrum. Let's just hope in either case we never have to find out, eh?

6855879 I know what you were saying. Trust me, I spent the last year and a half actively opposing these kinds of people.

“Fuck you, you fat cunt, and the twinkie truck you rode in on.” The soldier read slowly, hearing those words caused the Empress to become triggered. She began eating the pretzels by the handful

That's something right out of a troll fic.

Tumblr is a thing and the heir of the Big Red has risen to power. However tanks and shit
The EOL gonna get steamrolled

6855317 Oh, those. Okay.

Next question: why are we talking about them?

I want to say.... This is fucking awesome and I want you to know that.

This is an ambitious project all these running plot threads and the juggling you're going to have to do might leave us shafted on our favorite characters chapter.... Like Game of Thrones.

It took me a while to get invested in the new humans last time around. Now there are more.


Thanks for saying that, its comments like that that make doing this worth while.

Boss, just keep writing this magnificent fanfic, it always make me giddy when you update, it's even better to know that your quality of writing hasn't dropped but rather improved. Keep up the awesome work you magnificent bastard.

Music for the moment when the humans enter Equestria

Moonbeam will love to have a piece of Twilight.

And after reading the new chapter I have to say.....

The new people have my attention. I already don't want the one decent EoL guy to die(John Snow).

It's good to see that the main focus is on Dom and then Luna, then everybody else second. Those guys have to earn their spot in my heart for fictional characters. A sudden chapter with 70% of it focused on the new guys will lead me to skip it for THE SLIVER of Dom's story.

I want to see Luna crub stomp Moonbeam.


I want to see Luna crub stomp Moonbeam.

I'd settle for Dominic getting a murderboner for the bitch impersonating the mare he loves... and then realizing that yes, he does in fact love her. Dom*Luna*Maria threesome FTW!:pinkiehappy: .....WHY AREN'T THERE ANY LUNA EMOTES ON THIS SITE!!!

Man, I can't wait until Old Dommy curbstomps the shit outta the EOL. Especially Moonbeam.

I have to say that I am enjoying this story and hope you will continue with it. Keep up the good work.


This fic is amazing. Good job. You write Discord very well too! Keep up the good work!

If you aren't planning on going the herd route, then I think this will be an appropriate theme for the moment Dom makes his ultimate decision(which in that scenario I would hope is Luna, otherwise this makes no sense whatsoever).

...In case it wasn't blatantly obvious by now, I either ship Dom*Luna, or Dom*Luna*Maria.

Well this was a nice short chapter :) lol I'm kidding it was good and certainly not the way I thought the plot might develop now seriously don't hurt your precious fingers....we need those to keep making our horse words to read

Can't wait to see Melissa's reaction to princess twilightsparkle.

i love this pricesless^^


Good chapter as always, people are having relations and changing... And we care about them.

Comment posted by El Comal deleted Jan 26th, 2016

6874322 THISTHISTHISTHISTHISSSS!!!! Perhaps she already knows 'Twilight' back at the EOL ...which forces her to confront the fact that she isn't the real Luna.

P.S.-no Luna pov this time=:ajsleepy::applecry::fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritycry::unsuresweetie:

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