• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Ponyville (64)


Given a couple days to get over Selma's death, I was feeling okay. Maria still wasn't feeling too good, and Geirmund had finally finished his new setup. Having exposed machine parts meant it was easier to fix, but also easier to damage, and so this time, he decided on having it all be enclosed, much like Trixie's fake hoof. Furnace and Cable were actually the ones who did most of the work, since being broken, he couldn't really build his new gear himself. Steelhorn helped with the design a bit, and once all was said and done, Geirmund has some shiny new stainless steel wings, and a pair of shoulder mounted lasers, which fed directly on the magic stored in his horn and would move independently of one another based on his thoughts. All of it was hooked into metal body armor with built in climate control to keep his body at the right temperature, humidity etc. Since he couldn't use magic other than telekinesis, he decided he'd rather have that as a form of offense. He looked like Robocop as a pony. With lasers. His head wasn't covered though, except for by a lens over his right eye which could magnify things, and a metal horn cover. He still had the small tools folded away in there so he could work, except they were hidden behind solid plates protecting the internal systems.

"Ah, it was about time zat I got an upgrade. I feel twenty years younger." His wife ran her hoof over his steel body armor, and he shuddered at the touch.

"My my, such a big, strong stallion. Cold steel, my favorite."

"Should I leave the two of you alone?" I teased.

"Could you?" They thought I was serious.

"Say no more." That crazy mare thinks robotic body parts are kinky. Okay then. I think I'll just leave them to do whatever they're about to do.

"Wait, in the forge? NO! Go to your own room to do that!"

"Spoil sport." Freud huffed at me as the two of them just about skipped down the hall together. I shook my head to clear it of the mental image I got, as well as unwanted thoughts as to what kind of 'tools' he had installed in there. Again UNWANTED THOUGHTS.

As we approached Ponyville, I started to read a paper I had picked up in a town we passed. It wasn't one of our concert stops, after all, we had a time table to keep, but we just picked up supplies and the local news.

"Hey Gilda, we made front page."

"Let me see that."

After lighting the Statue of Harmony and dancing up a storm in Manehatten, which, despite many of the high class ponies finding it 'uncouth' and 'rowdy', the concert put on by the Griffin Pirates was a huge success. The message of their mission spread out over all of Equestria inside of a couple hours, although whether or not ponies are willing to join them on their adventure remains to be seen.

The second instance was in the south, Las Pegasus to be specific, where the now famous,(or perhaps infamous) crew rode into town on the top of a train car, and brought together a spontaneous concert at the station. Oddly enough, they did not bring any music equipment with them, and there was none present on the locomotive, however the songs could be heard throughout half the city. Their method of doing this remains unknown. What we do know however, is that these songs are not Equestrian in origin. Following investigation, it was found that Princess Celestia herself has some sort of connection with these playful ruffians. However, inquiry into their origins and even the nature of their relationship was met with 'No comment'.

The third instance of these former criminals was also in Las Pegasus, the very night after the concert. There was not a single dry eye in the club known as 'Neckties', a popular hangout for writers, poets, artists, and overly depressed or apathetic teenagers, after a vocal performance that has been dubbed 'Mad World'. Does this 'Griffin the griffin', more commonly called 'Griffin North Sky' or 'Griffin North' in some circles, the brigand and revolutionary that has been taking the world by storm, have a soft side? Is he perhaps a forlorn romantic, or vengeful victim of heartbreak?

While what he has done and what he plans to do are quite clear, his motivations and reasoning are subject to skepticism. Theories range from him being a hero chosen by destiny, to a tyrant conqueror, to an alien, to 'just a normal guy who's had enough'. We have been unable to contact him for inquiry, and his whereabouts are currently unknown, although he was last seen headed south from Las Pegasus, towards the Great Southern Rain Forest, and there is rumor that he will be present at the Grand Galloping Gala.

The event, held once every four years, has a history of ruin, with the previous one being brought to disaster by our very own, 'Element's of Harmony'. This brings the question, are the bearers of the element's really 'harmonic?' They have also been unavailable for question, but this reporter, for one, believes........ con't on page 12.

"Damn. Now everyone knows I'm not some heartless badass. *sigh* Nothing I can do about it now."

"Ah, don't worry so much Grif." Trixie pat me on the back. "It's the Equestria Inquirer. It's just a rumor mill. Nobody believes anything written in there anyways. Same with the Equestria Examiner. According to them, Shining Armor is actually a mare and you're the changeling king."

"Uggh, it's Fox News all over again. They're gonna get so much credit for making a lucky guess that ponies will actually start reading it. Well, let's go get ready I have a few songs I want to know what you think of before I use them."

"Ahhh! Oh god! Trixie! Cut! Cut it! Cut! CUTCUTCUTCUT Aaaaaahhhhhhnnnnnnnnggggggggg!" Gilda, Etch, Growl, Maria, Nadene, and myself, as well as all the cats and griffins were laying on the deck covering our ears. Trixie's horn stopped glowing, and she, as well as the Freuds, Shimmer, and Steelhorn looked at us puzzled.

"What? It was good! Dubstep right? I've heard something like that being played in clubs recently." Trixie stated

"Clubs? That's where you've been going when we stop in towns?" I asked, still wincing in pain, even after the music was gone.

"Hey, clubs are just as good as bars or inns for picking up info. You've got your connections, I've got mine." The unicorn replied smugly.

"I think.... I think it's our hearing." I responded.

"What?" Gilda asked.

"From what I can tell, pony hearing is about the same level, or perhaps a slight bit better than a human's, while griffins and diamond dogs, as predators, have a highly developed sense. We can hear in a wider range, and it comes in louder and more clearly. I've listened to that song before, but, as a griffin, it was downright painful. I can't even imagine what Etch and Growl are feeling right now." My question was answered as Etch vomited on the deck, Growl holding his ears back.

"What?" Gilda asked again. It occurred to me that it wasn't that she didn't understand, it was that she couldn't hear me. I waved it off, and waited for the ringing to leave our ears.

"As I was saying, we can hear better than ponies and humans, since we're predators, and the dogs are.... dogs. If ponies can listen to.... that okay, then we have better hearing than them. It's why dog whistles work. Great, dog whistles probably work on griffins too. Well, let's put 'using their sensitive hearing as a weakness' plan in the trash bin. Doesn't do us any good trying to use it on them if it kills us too. Ten seconds and Etch was emptying his stomach on the floor, and we were all ready to rip out our own eardrums. Remind me not to go to any raves as a griffin."

One more day, and we finally saw Ponyville on the horizon. We'd be there by noon.

"So, between here and Canterlot, it's where everything of any importance whatsoever happens apparently. What they show on the show anyway."

"What show? What is zis show you speak of?" Geirmund tilted his head.

"You know what? Don't bother asking. It would freaking BLOW your mind if I told you, and I'm really tired of having to explain it. So, I'm not telling anyone anymore. It's an alien thing. In case you haven't noticed by now, I'm pretty much a freak. Or do I need to sing Safety Torch again to convince you?"

"No, no convincing needed." He quickly shut his trap.

"Well, I guess this is the second chance for us three. We each went here once before, and each time, we screwed up majorly. Looks like you only get to make a first impression twice." Trixie and Gilda nodded. "This town is by far the most screwed up in Equestria as well. Everyone here is crazy, and so, to incite the wrath of the universe.. *ahem* I have a baaaaaad feeling about this. There! Now we're absolutely screwed during our stay!"

"Grif, why would you do that? You're just playing into the laws of causality. You should know better, I mean, you TAUGHT them to me." Trixie asked.

"Because, it's Ponyville. Things are destined to go wrong anyway. I think it's because it's close to the Everfree, and the Tartarus gate within, but no matter what, the craziest things always happen here. I figure, as long as we're doomed, we might as well do it in epic fashion. Lighten up. We'll probably have fun running from an angry mob, or fighting off an invasion or something. We'll probably get run out of town the second the three of us enter. After all, we've all got bad reps here. Well okay, so I'm the only one who didn't make an ass out of myself in front of the entire town, but still, word got around of what I did. I figure they won't be too impressed with us."

"I sure hope you're wrong."

"There ya go! Have low expectations and you'll never be disappointed, and if things turn out okay, then it's a pleasant surprise."

"Hmm. What do we do now. I mean, we're actually ahead of schedule. Planning on having the concert at sundown, but we're already here. Wanna mingle?"

"Sure. Why not. I feel like pranking Dash." Gilda smiled deviously.

"No thanks. I don't really feel like making myself known just yet. I'd rather be run out of town after the concert, and by fans, not an angry mob." Trixie replied.

"Imma go see Pinkie Pie!" Nadene just about sang as she hopped on Maria, who seemed just as excited to meet the pink mare. After all, they could both cook and bake. Nadene just likes hugging fluffy things, and Pinkie is beyond fluffy.

"Fluttershy." Growl stated simply.

"Oh, we maaaaay want to leave our weapons and armor on board. Ponyville is pretty skittish. If we don't wanna scare everyone off, then we should go unarmed."

"What about you? You're taking Hades." Gilda asked.

"That's because I don't mind scaring everyone off." They looked at me, and I just shrugged my shoulders. "What? I'm only gonna go see a specific group of ponies anyways. I don't need a crowd surrounding me. You read the paper, the press is out to get me. I may have to beat them off with a stick, and if that's the case, I'm gonna bring the biggest stick I can."

"Alright, fine."

"Hop on Shimmer. I'm headed to the library anyways, you may as well meet Spike." Gilda, grabbed Growl and we both took off, each headed to our own destinations. First stop, the library.

"Oh, hello. How can..... I...... help...... you?"

"Oh come on Twilight. We've known each other for how long, and you still freeze up every time you see me. Tsk tsk." I shook my head in disappointment.

"Um, would you like me to put on some tea?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Sure, do you have that green tea blend you had on the ship?"

"Of course. SPIIIIIIIIIKE. We have guests! Can you put some green tea on?" The unicorn called into the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah, I'm gettin it." The familiar voice of Spike called back.

"So.... um, what's the reason behind your visit? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, just stopping in, since we're in the neighborhood. Also, got any books on dragon biology? Shimmer here has some lumps on her back. I think it's her wings about to sprout, but I don't really know." The dragon, which had yet to be noticed due to being on my back, popped her head out from around the side.

"Wow! You got... um, big?"

"Thanks?" Shimmer replied questioningly, not sure if it was a compliment.

"Here's the tea Twili....... who's this?"

"Spike, this is Shimmer. She's gotten a bit bigger since I last saw her." Spike's size hadn't changed. His head still came up to Twilight's chin, while Shimmer was, standing upright, about a head taller than Twilight, so, Spike's head came up to her stomach.

"Hi!" I looked between Spike's emerald green eyes and Shimmers ruby red ones. Looking at him, I could tell he had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to do or say. She was slender, tall, muscular, and her face had started turning into a proper muzzle instead of the stubbly little snouts Spike and the ponies have. If I were a dragon, I'd say she looked pretty good. No idea what's going through the kid's head right now. Oh, probably 'brain.exe has performed an illegal operation.' Yeah. That's it. Didn't help he was wearing an apron.

"Um, Twilight? Book?"

"Oh, yeah. Here. How long?"

"Same as last time." She scowled.

"What? You know I'll return it eventually. Shimmer, sit and enjoy some tea with Twilight and Spike. Also, be on your best behaviour. I have some things to do. I'll be back in a while. Get to know each other." Spike looked at me over Shimmer's shoulder, and I gave him a thumbs up before I walked out, bringing the book back to the ship to read later.

"So..... um, awkward?"


"Oh, this is going to be PRICELESS." I let out a snicker as I flew up to Rainbow Dash's cloud home, where she was, as expected, sleeping. Perfect. I landed in front of the door, and knocked on it. I heard shuffled movement from within, so I knocked again.

"Yeah yeah! I'm comin! Geez." She walked up to the door, then looked through the window in it.

"Gilda, what are you doing here?"

"Have a minute? I need to talk to you." She opened the door. Perfect......

"What do you need?"

"For you to go back to bed." And then a vial of knockout gas shattered on her face.

"Hey! What's the big..... ideeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaa." She passed out, and I grabbed the limp pegasus and flew her down to a place she would only find herself in in her worst nightmare. Carousel Boutique. I entered the shop, ignoring the looks I was getting from those who passed by for carrying a knocked out Rainbow Dash through town.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is sleek...... why is Rainbow Dash unconscious?" She glared at me angrily.

"I knocked her out."

"Why?" She backed up slightly, probably afraid.

"Something about her needing a makeover. She just got soooooooo excited to have you do her mane and dress her up, she passed out from the sheer thrill of it all when I suggested it to her." She looked at me, clearly not buying the excuse.

"Okay, so maybe I used sleeping gas, but hey, you get to give her a makeover, what do you care?"

"To do this against her will would be a betrayal of our friendship."

"And for you NOT to do it would just be selfish. She doesn't know what she's missing. If you just do it this once, who knows, she might like it. If not, you apologize, and she chases me to the ends of the earth trying to get vengeance." She still didn't seem convinced.

"Come on, you'll never get a chance like this again!" She thought for a little longer, before a wicked smile adorned the bleach unicorn's face.

"Well, I do need to get her back after the 'green mane dye' incident. Oh, why not."

"Good, I'm gonna stay right here so I can see the look on her face when she wakes up. She'll be out for two hours by the way, so take as much time as you need and frill her up good."


"Well, I got the book, I'll read it later. Shimmer is going to spend some time with Twilight and Spike, which means, I'm free to do what I want. I think I'll just walk around for a bit. I never actually got to get a good look at this place. I'll eventually have to round up my crew members and head back so we can start the show. Might as well figure out where everything is.

'Hmm, Ponyville elementary. Cheerilee teaches school here. Might see the CMC around. Then again, I might not want to. I think I'll just sit Lyra style on this bench. Wait, a bench looking towards a school playground? If someone sat on one of those on earth, everyone would think they were a kidnapper or something. But this is Equestria. It's not creepy or anything. Let's see if I can spot anyone I know. Hmm, Bon Bon and Colgate. Dr. Whooves. Filthy Rich. Lyra, walking right towards me. Lyra? Oh wait, human conspiracy theorist. Riiiiight. This could turn out really bad. Well! Let's dive into it headfirst! And by that, just stay sitting here.

She trotted over, looked at me puzzled, then sat on the bench human style, same style as me.

"Sooooooooooo." She started. I said nothing. Then she said 'humans', trying to make it seem like she was coughing. Yep, that's my cue.

"So, how about them humans eh?" I asked, causing her to nearly fall over.

"Shhh! Not so loud!" She hissed, trying to make me whisper. "You don't want anypony thinking we're crazy." I had a laugh at this, since the both of us pretty much were, her obsession, and my world jumping.

"What does it matter? So, how'd you know it was me?"

"Well, for one, the way you sit. It's how they sit, or at least are supposed to. Two, the letter. I got it from Spike, and he said it was sent by you, so, I put two and two together, and realized that you must have one of them on your crew. Combined with all of the music you've been playing, which clearly isn't Equestrian, it's fairly obvious to me."

"Am I that transparent?"

"Well, to one who is unlearned, they wouldn't recognize the signs, but, one who's been researching humans their whole life, it was pretty obvious. I still can't believe it. You found a human, and convinced them to join your crew! Where did you find them? Is there a secret human colony hidden somewhere?" I tired to resist laughing. She thought I found a human somewhere in Equestria, or maybe one of the other provinces. She doesn't realize that I'm the human. This is too rich! Let's see how far I can go with this.

"Well, I can't tell you too much. Need for secrecy and all. But here's what I can say. There are definitely more than one, and they're hidden in plain sight. That's really all I can give you."

"Can you show me? I want to see him... or her." I just outwardly laughed at this.

"Well, I could but that doesn't mean I will. They're hidden for a reason. I can't just blow it all out of the water. Sorry. Can't help ya there." She pouted and looked at me with pleading eyes, like when the parasprite ate her dessert.

"That's not going to work on me you know." She really laid it on thick, even starting to sniffle a bit.

"Nope." Tears started openly flowing from her eyes as she whimpered.

"Not gonna happen." Suddenly, she lost her sad face, and got a devious one.

"Well then, I happen to know for a fact that your crew needs unicorns. I guess I'll just have to join then, won't I? Won't be able to hide the human from me if I'm on board." With a flick of her tail she walked off, smiling smugly to herself.

"Fuck. Might as well get newspaper. The last one was old, might be some new events unfolding."


I walked for some time, ignoring the frightful glares of the ponies around me. I am used to that look by now. I no longer care. I am looking for one thing and one thing alone. And I think I have found it. A small cottage near the woods, almost overtaken by nature, small animals running around. I almost want to paint a picture of it. They frantically scatter as I approach. I knock on the door, and hear a familiar squeak from within, followed by the delicate clip clop of hooves. The door opens, and with one eye hidden behind her mane, Fluttershy looks at me.

"OH! Come in! I.... wasn't expecting to see you again.... but I mean, I don't mind seeing you again, I mean, I'm glad to see you again... um..."

"Shh. That's quite alright. I just stopped by to say hello, since we are passing through." I entered the idyllic cabin, and was immediately assaulted by the pleasant smell of nature..... and an angry white rabbit.

"Passing through?"

"We are on a musical tour. I do not care for it. I find it.... too loud, but the captain and the others seem to enjoy themselves. We're playing our music in Ponyville tonight, before we go check on the colony. Then, we'll head to Canterlot to pick up any who want to come with us. We have some free time."

"And you decided to spend it with me? Oh... oh my." She blushed and hid behind her mane again, all the while I ignored the rabbit kicking me in the foot.

"Tea?" She asked.

"Yes, please." She motioned for me to sit on the couch. I did so, and she left to prepare the drink. The rabbit stepped up on the end of my nose, brought it's food wide, and kicked it. Of course, he just fell off. I picked him up by the leg, and spoke to him in hushed tones.

"Ah yes, Angel if I'm not mistaken. Fluttershy has told me ALL about you. Now you listen here you little rat. While she might put up with your antics, I will not, and if you do that again, or I ever hear of you treating that nice pony poorly again, I won't hesitate to eat you." I opened my mouth to show him my teeth, capable of grinding gemstones into dust, then put him back on the table.

"Understood?" He glared at me, so I showed him my teeth again, and he cowered in fear.


"Oh! I see you've met Angel. He's not being mean is he?" The cream coloured pony asked as she returned to the room with tea.

"No, he's been quite well mannered. We were just, getting to know each other is all." Angel quickly nodded, stating that was indeed the case. I wouldn't really harm him, but, it's instinct. He'll definitely think twice now. I fear it may be because she coddles him that he is a spoiled brat. At least now we can enjoy our tea quietly.


"Stalliongrad? Dragon slaying wolf? It's not Echo, because he's already known. If it weren't for the fact that I know about the prophecy, and all the crap that's been going on since Discord popped the world bubble, I'd call bullshit. Definitely one of us. Looks like another player has entered this little game, hehe, hehe, hehehahahaha! Whoever he is, he's got some catching up to do. Should be fun. Things are going to get interesting real soon." I cackle maniacally, then catch myself.

'The hell's up with that? Trixie is the witch, not me. Whatever, time to continue my walk.'

"Blank flanks! Seriously? You're how old and you still don't have your cutie marks? That is like... so... LAME!" I heard two voices tease. DT and SS. The prissy pants squad.

"Yeah, and you still can't fly. What's wrong, wings too small? Maybe your not a pegasus, maybe you're a chicken? That's it! You're just a stupid bird who can't fly!" Someone else. Don't know who these guys are, but there's only one pegasus in the world that gets called a chicken, and she's president of the Rainbow Dash fan club. I walked up behind them, so my shadow loomed over them.

"Ahem. And just what exactly is wrong with being a bird, or a blank flank for that matter?" They turned around and their jaws drop. A colt, eggshell white pegasus with brown mane, hammer cutie mark, was a little late turning around.

"Because they're lame that's....... why?" Eyes wide open in fear, he looked at me with the sun behind my head, casting a shadow over my face. Time to be scary. I lowered my sunglasses and gave them a piercing glare, my blazing blue orbs looking into their very souls. I whispered.

"Boo." They all let out a high pitched shriek, even the boys, then ran off. When the dust cleared, I saw Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Pip.

"Well well, what have we here." They looked at me then walked backwards, looking like they were about to run.

'Crap, forgot to turn my scary off. One sec..... aaaaaand done.'

"Hi! What's your name?" Super perky. Even though I already know who they are.

"Um... ah, ahm Applebloom......" The little yellow filly stuttered.

"Hmm, Applebloom, Applebloom, where HAVE I heard that name before...... oh! I know. You're Applejack's sister aren't you?"

"Huh? How do ya know Applejack?" She asked, having suddenly lost her fear.

"Oh, no real reason, I mean, I'm only the world famous Captain of the Griffin Pirates." Collective gasps.

"Say, I'm hungry, want something to eat? I'm buying."

"Applejack says I shouldn't talk ta strangers....."

"And right she is! Especially when they're dastardly pirate strangers. So, hows about we go talk to her, and see if she says it's okay?"

"Yaaaaaaaaaaay!" The four called out, and we headed to Sweet Apple Acres.

"No offense." Scootaloo piped up. "But you don't really......"

"Act like a pirate? Oh, I know. Then again, pirates died out a couple hundred years ago, and I'm still around so, I guess I'm doing something right that they did wrong eh?"

"Do you have a ship?" Pip asked excitedly.

"Yes, I do. It's an airship actually. Right up there. It's a little ways off, because we don't want anyone to see it yet. Now, don't tell anyone, but, we're having a concert here in town as part of our tour. Free admission, since we're kind of just having it in the middle of town. We're gonna park the ship above the town square, using the stage. We're all gonna drop down on ropes, then make a clearing around it so we can have some room. How about I tell them to let you four through. It would kind of be like having backstage passes. Get to meet all of us, you know the deal."

"Really?" The four of them were super excited now.

"In fact..... I bet you could sing a song with us."

"I don't know....." Sweetie Belle began.

"You might get your cutie marks for being rock stars. That's an awesome special talent right?"

"But, what if we're not good singers?"

"Trust me, you'll do fine, now let's go find Applejack and tell her what you're all up to."


I rode Maria through town, getting strange looks from all the ponies. They all just look so..... huggable! No, I can't get distracted. I need to find the house that looks like it's made out of sweets, and there it is. Well, that was easy. I hopped off, and the two of us walked in.


"*GAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSPPP* Pinkie!" And then we hugged. She dove into my arms, and I grabbed her, and started petting her mane. She looked up at me with a smile beaming on her face.

"Mr and Mrs Cake! Come quick! It's the kitty I was telling you about!" She called into the back. The yellow stallion and blueish mare came out, with a look of shock on their faces.

"I told you she was reaaaaaaaaaly tall."


"Oh, um.... hello?"

"I'm Nadene! I'm a kitty cat! And you're bakers! Maria likes cooking too. Maybe she can help? Oh! Where are the twins? They must be sooooo cute!"

"It's like she's another Pinkie Pie......" Mr Cake whispered.

"Should we run?" Mrs Cake replied.

"And leave the bakery undefended?"

"Do we sacrifice our sanity?"

"You do know I can hear you both, right?" I asked, my head suddenly between theirs. They jumped, then landed on the floor.

"Don't worry about a thing! We'll be on our super duper best behaviour!" Pinkie promised.

"Nadene, aren't we forgetting something?" Maria reminded me.

"Oh! Yeah, we're having a concert in the middle of town. Right in front of your store actually, see? Out there, on the stage! You're gonna have lotsa hungry customers, so get baking!" Pinkie gasped again, grabbed both Maria and I, and dragged us into the kitchen to prepare.

"This is gonna be so much fun!"


"Well, considerin all tha trouble ya put us through, all fer nuthin, I can't say I'm glad ta see ya again, but, seein as how ya mean no harm, I don't suppose I can say no now can ah?" The crusaders beamed when Applejack said yes. She leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

"You do realize what yer signing yerself up for, don'tcha? Ah mean, foalsittin, all by yerself?"

"I'm gonna go pick up Shimmer in a couple minutes, she'll definitely be able to help. And besides, they'll be too busy to get in trouble. All I had to do was say 'Cutie Mark' and I got them hook, line, and sinker. Besides, I already know Sweetie Belle's special talent is singing, she may very well get it here, so it's not lying." I whispered back.

"Why you clever little..... aww shucks. Just git outta here ya scoundrel. And take good care of mah sister."

"Well, we got the okay from Applejack, let's see Rarity next."

The five of us walked back into town, when I spotted Diamond Tirara and Silver Spoon.... and another pony I didn't recognize. It's not Filthy Rich, I'd remember him, and he's actually got his head on straight from what I know of him. Must be Spoon's dad.

"There he is! There's the guy!" The prissy parade pointed me out, and lead her father over to me.

"What can I do ya for?" I asked, not really caring. DT and SS had smug looks on their faces.

"I want you to apologize to my daughter and her friend." He said sternly.

"For what?" I was somewhat confused.

"For scaring them! They came running up to me, talking about how some big shadowy griffin was threatening them. Now, I'm sure you didn't ACTUALLY threaten them, fillies with their overactive imaginations and all, but I'd like you to apologize for frightening them."

"I'm not sure if I remember them.... hmm..... nope, doesn't ring a bell." The crusaders behind me were giggling.

"Come on, surely you remember the looks of fear on the faces of these two darling little angels?" He pushed the pair in front of me.

"OH! You two! Well sooooooorry. I don't mean to be scary, I kind of just...... am..... It comes with the job. Can I go now?" Sarcasm is my strong point. He didn't look too happy.

"Well, I suppose so." He gave in. Good, now time to reverse the roles.

"Also, I don't remember seeing them afraid. What I DO remember quite clearly though, is the look of smug, sadistic satisfaction on their faces, alongside a pair of colts who.... aren't here at the moment, while they taunted these four, for nothing more than being who they are. They were so torn up about it, I had to give them backstage passes to my concert tonight just to calm them down. Now, I know children really don't mean to be so cruel, they just are, so, I'd like if your daughter and her friend would apologize to my four newest friends." The crusaders came out from behind me just beaming smiles. DT and SS looked horrified.

"Spoon......" He grunted with impatience.

"Sorry...." They both hung their heads, then ran off. The crusaders were just all giggles.

"Well, glad that's over with. Apologizing is never fun, because you have to accept that you've hurt someone, whether you intend it or not. Names Griffin. Griffin the griffin, maybe ya heard of me?"

"Ah, yes, the famous so called 'pirate' who's got connections with Canterlot royalty, and is leading a rebellion in the northern territories. You're far more...... pleasant, than the papers make you out to be. Names Stanley, Stanley Silver. I run Silver's Silverware Emporium." The silver coated, silver maned, heck, silver eyed, and apparently silver tongued, pony introduced himself.

"Sorry, can't say I've heard of you. Don't really have much use for kitchen utensils in my line of work. More of a gemstone kind of guy."

"Gems? Wasn't there a large hold put on all gemstones, due to the fact that they're the product of slave labour?" He asked.

"Indeed there was, I however, am one of the few who have unlimited access. You see, I plunder diamond dog ships and holds occasionally, freeing the workers and whatnot, and the gems I get a hold of, since I'm a griffin, and they are being dug up BY griffins, rightfully belong to me, so long as I use the profits to support the effort of liberating the northern provinces, and setting up new homes for those I've freed."

"I see..... You wouldn't happen to have any in your hold would you? I've been hard pressed to come up with fine quality gems with which to make the ornate pieces that the Canterlot upper class buy. It's my main source of income."

"Oh, I think I can help you in that regard. After the concert, we'll be staying the night in town, so, I figure I can set something up between you and Steelhorn. He's our smith, as well as our finance officer. He's got a keen eye, and drives a hard bargain, so give him a fair deal, but don't let him gouge you. Talk to you later. Right now, I gotta get something to eat." We continued walking, all the while the three were asking me the usual, like if griffins get cutie marks, what my special talent is, all the easy questions, which I happily answered. Griffins don't get cutie marks, and my special talent is being scary. Whether it's so smart it's scary, so cool it's scary, or just plain so scary it's scary.

We arrived at Rarity's to find her busy working on....... a sleeping Rainbow Dash? And Gilda was in the store too. I think I can figure out pretty easily what her 'prank' was.

"You know, since Applejack was okay with it, I think Rarity will be too. We best leave her to her work. What about you Pip?"

"My parents know Applejack. They'll be fine with it."

"What about you Scootaloo?"

"Yeah, they're cool." No hint of sadness, nothing? Either she's really good at hiding her sadness, or she's not an orphan. I think I've read too many fanfictions, and just assumed she was.

"Okay, so, who knows someplace good to eat, preferably, where they serve lots of yummy food?"

"How about Sugarcube corner?" Applebloom suggested.

"Perfect! Cake for lunch, and since I'm buying, feel free to buy the most expensive thing on the menu!"

"Yaaaaaaaay." Yes, I am a bad influence. I'm so gonna catch hell from Applejack for this, and I REGRET NOTHING!

This is the story with the dragon slaying wolf.

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