• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 5,424 Views, 163 Comments

The Twixie Show - Captain Lunar

Watch as Princess Twilight Sparkle and wife Trixie Lulamoon-Sparkle, deal with everyday life.

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Never Leave Trixie Alone

"Alright Trixie, Spike and I will be back from Sweet Apple Acres in a bit okay?" Twilight said as she left Trixie alone at the kitchen table, looking blankly at that day's paper.

"Fine, see you then." Trixie said, waving her hoof dismissively. The two had made up after the whole "money" argument, but things were still a touch quiet around the house. Twilight just sighed and left with Spike.

Trixie sat, staring at the weather section of the paper.

"Showers in Spomane. Spooo-Maaaaiiiiiiiiiinn." Trixie said, clearly bored. She read the next forecasting and snickered a bit.

"It's hot in Hoofpeka." Trixie chuckled more at saying the town's name aloud.

"It's hoooooooot in Hoooooooooooooof-peeeee-kaaaaaaahhhh. It's hot. Hot hot. Hot hot hot. Haawwwwt. Hot! Hot! Hot-it hot hot hot! It's hot in Hoofpeka! Hoof-peaker. I'm a hoof-pick. I'm a hot hoof-picker. Pick my hoof, it's hot! Pick my hot hoof, pick it! Hoofpeka's hot, my hoof is hot, pick it. It's hot in Hoofpeka." Trixe said, playing around with the odd name while tossing and apple up and down.

"It's hot! It's hot! It's hoooot! It's hot in, it's hot in, it's hot in Hoofpeka!" Trixie finished as she tossed the apple far into the air, it smashing against the ceiling and getting stuck. Trixie eyed the fruit before shrugging.

"Hoofpeka." The blue unicorn said as she walked over to the refrigerator. She looked around and saw a red bottle with no label. As the bottle was vaguely shaped like a soda bottle she opened it and swallowed a mouthful of its contents. Unfortunately that unlabeled bottle was hot sauce.

"HOT! HOT! HOT!" Trixie yelled as ran to the sink, letting the cool water fill her mouth. She guzzled it down and walked away from the still running faucet.

"Hot....... In Hoofpeka." Trixie said breathlessly, smiling a bit at the odd name for a town once again.

Trixie walked into her and Twilight's bedroom. She noticed Twilight's personal diary by the bed. And it was unlocked. Trixie tried to fight the urge, she knew reading it would be a one way trip to the couch for the foreseeable future. However her curiosity got the better of her. So she opened it up to the first page and started reading. At least she would have been reading were it not for the fact it was a collection of numbers that read

"01001001 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101101 01100001 01110010 01110010 01111001 00100000 01010000 01110010 01101001 01101110 01100011 01100101 01110011 01110011 00100000 01000011 01100101 01101100 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01100001 00100000"

And with that Trixie growled and put the diary down. As she did so, she noticed a piece of paper sticking out of the back. She grabbed it and read the note.

"Trixie, I knew you'd try to read my diary one day so I translated it all into binary code"

"Stupid binary code. Twilight knows Trixie can't read that!"

Trixie decided to go for a walk. Passing a convenience store she looked to see a griffon hen in a rabbit suit standing outside the place handing out coupons for hats. Deciding she could always use a spare, Trixie took one and entered the store.

As the cashier rung up her new magician hat, Trixie placed the coupon on the counter.

"Oh, Trixie got a coupon from that griffon rabbit outside." The unicorn said as the cashier looked at it.

"Oh, sorry it's expired." Said the walleyed pegasus. Trixie looked out the window and glared as she ran out the door and tackled the griffon to the ground. The griffon kicked her off and then leaped on her, but Trixie bucked her hard in the chest. The griffon got up, as did Trixie. The two stared each other down and if one listened closely, they could almost hear music in the air.........

The griffon charged, punching Trixie in the face who retaliated with a fore hoof to the griffon's beak.

Soon the two were in an all out brawl, making their way down the street. They ducked and dodged, bucked and slashed. Trixie summoned a lightning bolt to zap the griffon, then tackled her into Sugar Cube Corner right as a birthday party was being held. The griffon flew at Trixie and grabbed her. The griffon then threw her into the birthday cake, then quickly slammed her face down into it, attempting to smother her. Trixie bucked the griffon off and magically grabbed the punch bowl. She bashed the griffon in the head with it, breaking the bowl and sending the griffon down to the floor. Trixie turned to see stunned fillies and colts, as well as shocked parents.

"Sorry........... Griffon........... Gave bad coupon." Trixie panted out as she headed for the exit. However as she reached it she was tackled again by her opponent. The griffon latched onto her and flew her high into the sky, intent on dropping her. However, as the griffon let go Trixie conjured some rope that tied her to the griffon. The two flailed and spun out of control, eventually crash landing into a movie train.

The two sat up dazed. Trixie was the first to recover and grabbed a suitcase from the luggage rack, swinging it into the griffon's head. The griffon used it's talons to slice open the bag and swipe at Trixie's chest, cutting her. Trixie snarled in pain and anger as she tackled the griffon out the window of the train, causing the two to plummet into a river below.

Soon the two were flung out of the water by a sea serpent with an incredible looking moustache, and flew through the air, heading straight for the Golden Oak Library.

"I wonder what Trixie did while we were gone." Spike said as he opened the door for Twilight. Just as Twilight set foot in the library she saw a bloody and bruised Trixie with a just as bloody and bruised unconscious griffon on the floor. Trixie looked at Twilight and back to the knocked out griffon.

"So what did Applejack need help with?" Trixie asked, smiling with blood in her teeth. Twilight took a long, deep, breath and said,

"Just had a problem with vampire fruit bats. Also as I'm sure I don't even want to know what lead up to this, I want you to take that griffon to the hospital and get a doctor to take a look at you too."

Twilight then headed upstairs, causing Trixie to sigh.

"Wow, Trixie thought she was in for it this time." The unicorn thought to herself.

"You also better hope they want to keep you for observation since it's going to be a while before you're allowed in any bed in this house."

Author's Note:

Bonus points to ANYONE who can decode the binary code Twilight put down.