• Published 31st Aug 2013
  • 1,507 Views, 87 Comments

Hasbro Studios - Pen Brush

TV has an all time low of pony stars, Lauren is hired to get an all pony cast to change that.

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Season 1 Episode 1&2: Meetings and Mistakes.

A purple unicorn mare with white saddlebags on and a six star cutie mark walked into the studio the next day reading the script in her magic for the first episode. She looked up from the script and saw the first set she would be in; tall blue towers next to a patch of bright green grass and a small brown tree. She sighed unhappily, knowing that she would be doing most of the show alone for the first episode.

“Oh hello,I assume you are Twilight?” a voice asked from behind the purple unicorn. She turned her head to look behind herself and saw a brown unicorn stallion with a scruffy short blue mane and tail, who was walking up to her. She noticed his cutie mark was a white megaphone.

“Yes, I’m Twilight, hello Mr...” Twilight said, hoping he would give his name.

The stallion smiled, “Director, my name is Director, nice to meet you Twilight. Now would you like to go and meet your co stars?” He asked.

Twilight shrugged and neatly put her script into her saddlebags, “Better now then later during the recording.” she said.

Director nodded, “Alright, thats good. They are already in a room getting to know one another. Follow me please Twilight.” he instructed as he walked in front of her.

Director led Twilight to a large brown wooden door with the word ‘Breakroom’ emblazoned in black in the middle of the wood.

Director turned to look at Twilight, “Well, here you are. I will leave you to get to know them.” he said as he walked away, leaving Twilight alone by the door.

Twilight sighed, wondering if it was a good idea for her to let her grandmother and great aunt to persuade her to try out for the part. Her horn glowed a light purple and the magic glow covered the doorknob completely as she opened the door and looked inside. What she saw inside the room confused her. The walls of the room were painted a light yellow, while the floor was a soft gray carpet. There was three big fluffy brown couches against the far wall, a shiny new computer and chair on the left side of the room, a white mini fridge between the middle and the right couch, A brown food table on a far wall, and a small brown fan on the ceiling. The contents of the room wasn't what confused her, it was the unprofessional looking ponies inside of the room that did.

A cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and rainbow lightning strike with a cloud above it for a cutie mark was lying on the middle couch, playing on a blue gameboy, not paying any attention to anypony else in the room. An orange earth pony with three bright red apples for a cutie mark was standing next to the food table, watching with deep concern as a bright pink earth pony with a cutie mark of three balloons practically inhaling large amounts of candy and chocolates from the table.

In one of the corners of the room, a butter yellow pegasus with three pink butterflies as a cutie mark was sitting around different types of household animals, including a tortious, a white persian cat, and a small brown collie puppy. The last pony in the room was a pure white unicorn with three light blue diamonds as a cutie mark, lying on her side on the left couch, fast asleep with a small happy smile on her face as she dreamed.

Twilight slowly walked into the room and closed the door as she walked into the center of the room. Everypony except the sleeping unicorn turned their attention to her as she sat down.

“Hay.” the cyan pegasus said smiling.

“Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, its nice to meet you.” Twilight said.

The pegasus rolled on the couch and sat up, “That’s cool, I’m Rainbow Dash, I think the pink pony on a huge sugar rush is named Pinkie Pie, the sleeping unicorn I think is named Rarity or something along those lines.” Rainbow said, turning off her game boy and jumping off the couch to walk over to Twilight. “You also might want to be careful around the yellow pegasus over there, I heard she has a huge bear!” she exclaimed.

“Don't be so dramatic Rainbow.” The orange earth pony said as she walked hesitantly away from the visibly shaking Pinkie Pie and over to Twilight and Rainbow. “Fluttershy is a very nice pony, I don't think she would make her bear attack us. Anyway, it is nice to meet you, Twilight, I’m Applejack.” she said, shaking Twilights hoof.

“Good to meet you as well, now has anypony actually read or remembered the script yet?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, “There is time for that later, right now its time to enjoy ourselves right now.” she replied.

Twilight huffed, “We are going to be on set in a few hours, we have to rehearse!” she exclaimed.

“I have to agree, Rainbow, this is actually important.” Applejack said as she walked over to where Rarity was sleeping and took out an orange saddlebag out from behind her, before she pulled out her own script and walked back over to Twilight and Rainbow.

Rainbow frowned, “Fine, I guess we are going to practice.” she muttered as she took out her own script.

Halfway through practicing, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity who had finally woken up had joined in to read and remember their lines as well.

They were almost finished reading the script when a knock came at the door and Director walked in. “Its time to start recording the show, come on Twilight.” he said.

“Ok, I'll see you girls soon.” Twilight said as she followed Director out of the room.

Twilight was having a problem, and the camera wasn't even rolling yet. She held a book prop in her magic as she stood in the fake grass of the castle school set, “The book does not have words, at all, just pictures. How exactly am I supposed to read a book and make it believable with no words!” she yelled angrily.

Director sighed as the camera man paused the camera, “Twilight, you read the script, you know what you are supposed to be saying, the book does not matter.” he said.

“I know it doesn't matter, but it is the principle of the matter that it needs words!” Twilight exclaimed as she looked at the pages, “Also, these ponies look familiar...” she muttered.

“Can we please, just start, and stop worrying about the words, please?!?!” Director pleaded.

“Fine.” Twilight said as she lied down in the grass and opened the book as the camera started.

“Pinkie...” Director sighed, “That isn't in the script either, you aren't supposed to jump into the air and gasp when you meet Twilight.” he instructed.

Pinkie pouted, “But just walking over to her then running away without a sound isnt fun!” she said, shaking rapidly.

“Is she ok?” Director asked Twilight.

“I think she might still be on a sugar rush, I think we should just go with what she is doing.” Twilight suggested.

The dragon beside Twilight huffed, “Oh you think you could have said that sooner? We have been at this for an hour, doing the exact same thing, and now you say this!” he grumbled.

“I will admit that I should have said something sooner Spike, but I didn't expect it to take this long.” Twilight said.

Spike frowned, “I didn't think I would have to be hit in the face with a door multiple times by you either, but I guess we are both unhappy.” He said as the scene started again.

“Rainbow, you have seen her mane that way three times already, there is no need for a huge laugh attack like that.” A blond human named Jerry said as he stood in for Director, who was taking a short break.

“I didn't...mean to make it so...bad this time! Its like a bad guys evil chipmunk!” Rainbow said as she rolled around laughing on the ground.

Jarry sighed, “Now I know why Director took a break...” he said as someone brushed Twilight's mane to start the scene over.

“Darling, whatever happened to your...acho!” Rarity sneezed, causing the streamers in her magic to go flying.

“Bless you.” Twilight said as she got back into place for the next take.

“Is there a lot of dust in here? She has done that every take. How am I supposed to be in love with her and how will it be believable? Not even that pretty.” Spike grumbled.

Twilight looked worriedly at the prop tree that Fluttershy’s birds were perched on, “Are you sure these birds are tame?” she asked.

“Oh yes, completely tame.” Fluttershy said as the camera started rolling.

“These birds are not tame at all!” Twilight yelled, running in circles around the set as she got mercilessly attacked by ten different types of exotic birds.

“I’m sorry! They are just tired!” Fluttershy apologised as she tried to subdue her birds.

“Can someone tell me why we are doing this scene now if it shows up at the beginning?” Applejack asked as she stood next to a prop apple tree with buckets under it.

Director shrugged as he played with a megaphone, “It will be easy to edit the part into where we want it, also, it was hard to get so many ponies for your family at the time.” he said through the megaphone.

“You also somehow managed to get my cousin Applebloom.” Applejack said, looking over to the fake barn and waving when her cousin looked at her.

“Yep.” Director said. “You ready now?” he asked.

Applejack nodded, “Yes, I’m ready.” she said.

“I have been ready for an hour!” Spike yelled from the bottom of the hill set.

“Why did we pick a dragon?” Director muttered as the scene started.

Twilight flinched as Applejack continued to hit the tree with her back hooves, not getting anything to fall, “I don't think continually hitting the tree is going to help anything.” she said.

“The apples don't fall down! Fall down you stupid apples!” Applejack screamed as she kicked the tree.

Spike snorted, “Of course they are not falling, you're weak.” he said.

Applejacks eyes opened wide before turning into slits as she stared hard at the baby dragon, “What did you call me?” she asked.

Spike began to feel like he was going to regret saying that to Applejack, “You're weak, you are not strong.” he said again, with less vigor.

Applejack blinked at him then smiled angrily, “I'll have ya know that ma family has been doin apple buckin fer generations, ah am stronger ‘en you know.” she said, before kicking the tree hard and smiling as apples fell into the buckets.

“Well, that works too.” Twilight said as Spike stared at Applejack in terror.

“Pinkie.” Applejack said, “Did you replace the prop hot sauce filled with dyed water with real hot sauce?” she asked.

“She didn't look convincing, and it worked!” Pinkie replied.

Applejack sighed, “So you decided to burn her taste buds, as well as her insides, with burning hot liquid?” She asked. Pinkie shook her head and scuffed her hoof on the floor as Director walked over to the group.

“I think we are going to take a short break, I think you earned it for all that hard work, and that Twilight is a bit sick now...” He said.

“Thats a great idea!” Rainbow said as she flew quickly away to the break room, the others following behind.

“It occurred to me that we never actually got to know each other that well before we started recording for the show, so lets get to know each other a bit better.” Rarity suggested. “My normal job before this was that I was a miner and I kept half of what I found. I also developed a gem finding spell to help with what I do to make it easier.” she said.

“Sounds like a nice job.” Applejack said, “I’m an apple seller, so I’m not really that different from my character I guess.” she shrugged.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, “Those are interesting, but my job is awesome! I get money, by making Youtube videos!” she said proudly as she lied on the carpet.

Pinkie smiled happily as she hopped around Rainbow, “That does sound cool! I’m just a party planner.” she said.

“Ok?” Rainbow said uncertainly.

Rarity looked at Fluttershy, “What about you Fluttershy? What do you do for a living?” she asked.

Fluttershy smiled, ‘Oh, I’m a vet, I care for every animal big and small as well as help out part time at an animal shelter.” she said.

Rainbow looked at her curiously, “Have you ever made your bear attack anything?” she asked.

Fluttershy shook her head, “No, I would never ever let my animals hurt others!” she exclaimed.

A grunt came from the middle couch and all five ponies looked at it, “I am an astronomer, if anypony actually cares.” Twilight said, lying down on the couch as she held a bucket.

“Of course we care! Also, are you alright now?” Applejack asked.

Twilight sighed and got off of the couch, “I’m fine now I think, yes.” she replied.

“Sorry.” Pinkie said.

“Its alright, just...don't go and replace a prop again with a real thing ok?” Twilight asked.

“I promise.” Pinkie said.

Twilight smiled warmly, “Ok, lets practice reading the rest of the script again, then go back to recording, does that sound good to you?” she asked, getting nods from everypony else in the room.

Twilight stared incredulously at Nightmare Moon, “The bad guy is my great aunt and my grandmother is her princess sister?!” she exclaimed.

“Your relatives are Celestia and Luna? The raisers of the sun and the moon?” Rarity asked.

“Yes.” Twilight said.

“Why aren't you an alicorn like them then?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight sighed, “The alicorn gene skips a generation...or two.” she said sadly.

Nightmare moon walked over to Twilight, “I should have told you we were in the show as well before making you try out.” she said.

“Its alright Luna, I am not mad, just really surprised.” Twilight said.

Pinkie laughed, “Well you learned after we finished the first episode about this, so you can talk about it once you leave for the day!” she said.

Luna smiled as she got out of her costume and spit out the fake teeth, “Well? What do you say Twilight? Want to talk about it as we walk home?” she asked as she draped a wing over Twilight.

Twilight took a deep breath before she answered, “Ok, I would like that. See you girls later.” she said as she walked away with Luna.

Director walked up to the others once Twilight had left, “Great work today girls, I will see you girls tomorrow so we can finish up the episode and start up on the second part of the pilot so we can actually put it on TV next week.” He said smiling, before he too walked away and let the girls quietly leave after saying their goodbyes to each other.

Over the course of the next few days, everypony read over the script and worked even harder to make everything work out with the recording sessions, with surprisingly very little mistakes compared to the first day they recorded.

“The night will last forev...oh.” Luna said as the fake fangs fell out of her mouth and landed on Spike’s head.

Spike looked up angrily from his place next to Twilight, “Come on!” he yelled, throwing the fangs off of his head.

Director stood terrified as he watched Fluttershy not do anything about the animal terrorizing everything and decided to get her to do something, “Fluttershy! Subdue your manticore!” He yelled as the rest of the cast was being chased around and through the set by the angry monster.

Fluttershy shook her head and stamped out of her stupor once Director yelled at her, “Oh dear no, Muffin! Get over here and leave my friends alone! Bad Muffin!” she yelled as she quickly flew after the manticore.

Luna walked silently over to Director as he watched Fluttershy go after the manticore, “I did not mean to anger him to that much of an extent, just make him howl.” she said sheepishly.

Director sighed and turned to look at the alicorn, “Next time, we don’t hit a manticore with a huge needle off screen.” he said.

Luna nodded slowly, “Agreed, I have a better idea of what to use to make him howl so we can show Fluttershy’s element though...” She said.

As Nightmare Moon was about to make the Elements of Harmony disappear into oblivion, Twilight trotted forward hurriedly in an attempt to grab them in her magic, accidentally tripping into the spell herself and ruining the scene.

“That was less then ideal for the shot...” Twilight muttered as she stood up and shook herself off of the dust on the floor.

Director tapped his chin in thought with his front hoof, “I think we may be able to work with this, we just have to change the script a little bit to do so.” he said smiling.

“You're kidding. You are kidding right?” Nightmare Moon asked incredulously as Twilight prepared to charge her, head held low.

“No, I am not.” Twilight said as she cantered towards Nightmare, forcing her to charge to keep her enemy away, head held low as well.

Twilight charged her horn so it glowed a bright purple, but she did it a little too late, resulting in Twilight and Nightmare Moon colliding headlong into a painful head butt, hurting them both and stopping production by a few hours.

Director smiled as the cast and crew started to leave, “Alright, this was a great recording week! Come back in two weeks so we can record the third episode!” he said as he waved at all the happy actors leaving the studio before he walked over to the camera and started to edit the tapes so he could send it to be put on TV.

Author's Note:

I will be making more then just outtakes for these chapters, but you will be seeing outtakes, along with friendship building. Also, sorry if you kept seeing this update, I was trying to figure out why It wouldn't show up on the front page...