• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2013


Hello! I've been writing for a year now, and have improved greatly since I first started. I hope you enjoy my work, and feel free to point out my mistakes!


Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo's Godmother, needs to lie. If she doesn't, she could get fired from her job. Sadly, this also means lying to Scootloo. On her birthday, she wished Rainbow couldn't lie. This turns out to become a giant mess for the Pegasus. When her parents decide to take her away so she wouldn't be hurt anymore, Rainbow realizes her love for the orange filly, and how much she really cares.
((The movie "Liar, Liar" is not mine! The story, however, is!))

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 13 )

As soon as I read the title, I knew the movie had to come into play! :pinkiehappy:

3040010 Yep! I watched it the other day, and I just thought it would make a good story. Sooo, what did you think? :twilightsheepish:

3040029 Not bad! I like where this is going! It may be a teeny-tiny bit rushed, but I'll keep watching.

3040068 Wow, thanks! This means a lot. The second chapter is coming along splendedly. And... less rushed.

*when I read the title* :rainbowhuh:
*when I read the desc., then the title again* :rainbowlaugh:

3041244 s
No, sry, I meant that as a good thing

3043702 Oh! Okay! Good. I was getting kinda worried there. So, did you enjoy the story so far? The first chapter isn't the best, but the second one is a big improvement.

What is it with people disliking story's for no reason. This story is good and don't let anyone tell you any different Monstrous Kat.

3054260 I know... It's kinda making me not want to write more, but I won't dissapoint the people who like it, and I'll keep going it. Thanks for that comment, it makes me feel a lot better! I wish, instead of just disliking, they'd tell me what they didn't like about the story so I could fix it up a bit.

I'm just going to say, I'm not sure why this is hated so much, but if you really think that, at least tell me why..

3056064 Truth be told fimfiction.net hates people who have good ideas which is why most human in equestria story's get shot down. Basically what I'm trying to say is that how ever many dislikes you get you shouldn't take it down because that has happened to too many good writers who as soon as they see dislikes and hate comments they want to take it d own.

Sincerely Quill and Ink.

"A loud beeping noise woke Rainbow Dash up; one hand in a popcorn bowl, and the other holding the remote."

Lyra Heartstrings does not approve.

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