• Published 23rd Feb 2012
  • 27,418 Views, 600 Comments

The Married Life - Legacy55

With Celestia pregnant, Discord is forced to change his chaotic ways in order to be a proper father.

  • ...


“Let’s just see what the problem may be…” The doctor said, soon smiling after realizing his unintentional rhyme. He brought his stethoscope to Celestia’s stomach, and the alicorn shivered upon feeling the cool metal against her coat. “Well…” He mumbled after a moment of silence. “The foal seems fine.”

“I’ve been having pains in my sides for weeks. I just assumed they were cramps…” Celestia muttered before looking over at her husband, who was leaning against the wall reading some magazine on modern medicine.

“Well, they could be, but I think there’s something else going on…” The doctor shifted his glasses before examining her body, his eyes soon resting on a particular spot on her stomach. “There appears to be some wound here; by the looks of it, a burn.”

“That’s where I was hit by Magus’s spell last month!” Celestia exclaimed, having almost forgot the entire incident. The two weeks after the whole event had been very frantic, as she had to put the rumors to rest and fix whatever the Arcana Council had done. However, after that, life seemed to slow back down to its regular, brisk pace.

“A spell, you say?” He asked with some genuine interest. “It looks like there was severe burning here, and some of the tissue is definitely seared… Though, there’s absolutely no damage to your coat or your outer layer of skin. It’s quite remarkably really. I’ve never seen anything quite like it…”

“That spell…” Discord mumbled after throwing his magazine aside. “Was created by an evil maniac who tried to murder us. There’s nothing ‘remarkable’ about it.”

“Well, I certainly think it is. In all my years of medicine, I’ve never seen such damage from a spell. To be honest, the tissue may never even heal.”

“But did it affect the foal?” Celestia quickly snapped, obviously more concerned about her child than her physical body.

The doctor paused a moment to write something down on his clipboard. “As I said, the foal seems fine. However, I should run some more thorough tests to make sure. There’s no telling what this spell could have done.”

Yet another look of worry crossed Celestia’s face; the fifth one Discord had seen since they entered the small examining room. He shot her a smirk, and she responded back with a light smile.

“Well, these tests might take awhile. Are you sure you want to stay around, Prince Discord?”

“Of course! I’m not leaving my wife, no matter how boring this waiting may be…”

“Discord, you don’t have to stay. They’re just a few tests, so I’ll be fine.”

Discord paused a moment before grinning at her. “I’d rather spend time with you, even if I am just waiting, than prank Luna. I’m not leaving you anytime soon…”

Celestia couldn’t help but smile back at him; his support was relieving some of her pent up stress and worry.

“Yes well, now that all that heartwarming sappiness is out of the way, let’s begin!” The doctor turned around and began fumbling through some cupboards.

Discord leaned back against the wall and stared up at the ceiling, getting ready for what would no doubt be a long wait. Though, flooding Luna’s bedroom with a swarm of scarabs would be pretty entertaining…

“Man, I still can’t believe I missed out on all of that excitement!” Spike complained loudly as he grabbed a pile of books that needed to be sorted.

“Well, I didn’t want to wake you up. Besides, it was far too dangerous at the castle for you to go!” Twilight replied as she grabbed said books with her magic and began placing them on their proper shelves.

“Hey, I can handle myself! I’m just as strong as you or any other pony!” Spike smirked as he raised his fists and began punching the air.

Twilight merely rolled her eyes before returning to her work. After a few minutes, she finished and turned back to her assistant. “So Spike, what should we do now? We have to restock our quill supply, and we still have to arrange the parchment from lightest to darkest.”

Spike sighed; those certainly weren't on top of his list of things to do. “How about we go visit Pinkie, or even better Rarity?”

“Well, I guess we could do those later tonight, but we’re not going out for long!” Twilight declared as she walked over to the door, her assistant chasing after her with enthusiasm.

“Alright, Rarity here I come!” Spike yelled before running past her, leaving the lavender unicorn to merely sigh and give chase.

“Are you sure? I don’t know about all the clashing colors…” A blue coated mare said as she frowned at the disappointing dress.

“Oh, I’m absolutely certain! It matches perfectly with your eyes, just try it on and you’ll see!” Rarity exclaimed as she shot the stubborn customer a smile. The mare soon agreed and went about putting the elegant garb on.

Rarity turned away, however, when a very excited baby dragon burst through the doors of the store. An exhausted looking purple mare soon entered after, stopping a moment to catch her breath.

“Rarity…” Spike mumbled in bliss as he stared at the white unicorn that, to him, resembled some sort of divine being.

“Spike and Twilight! What a pleasure! You’ll just have to wait a moment, I still have a customer.” Rarity smiled at the two of them before returning her attention to the mare.

“Remember Spike, we’re not staying for long.” Twilight reminded him as he continued to stare at Rarity.

“Yeah, because what we have to do at the library is just SO important…” Spike said with heavy sarcasm.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but the mare that Rarity was talking to kept her from giving the baby dragon a severe lecture. I’ll save it for when we get back… Twilight told herself as she glared at her assistant.

The mare finally decided to buy the dress, and after a few minutes, she left the store waving. “Come again!” Rarity shouted as she returned her wave, then turned over to her two new guests. “So, for what do I owe this visit?”

“Oh, Spike just wanted to come see you, that’s all.”

“I could stare at you all day, Rarity…” Spike muttered in delight.

“Well, thank you! You’re such a sweet little dragon.” Rarity smiled at him, finding his flirting cute rather than seductive.

The brief silence was interrupted by a loud pop, and the one and only Draconequus levitated to the floor. Discord grinned before leaning back in the air to stroke his beard. “Twilight, I was disappointed when I found the library empty. Usually you’re cleaning it up at this time of day.”

“Well, we usually are, but Spike wanted to go out. Why, what’s so important? Is the Princess mad at you again? You did something to Luna, didn't you?”

“You always accuse me of such things, Twilight. What gives you the idea I would do any of that? I just came to see my favorite purple unicorn. I’ve had such a horrible day waiting in doctor’s offices…” Discord sighed and rolled his eyes, his patience having been completely exhausted.

“Is the Princess alright?!” Twilight immediately questioned out of her intense worry for her teacher. “In her last letter, she said she hasn’t been feeling very well!”

“She’s fine; the doctor just wants to run some more tests tomorrow to make sure. You wouldn’t believe how boring that unicorn is! I never would have thought a pony could have such a monotone voice…” Discord complained, a scowl crossing his face as he realized he would have to listen to said unicorn prattle on again.

“Well, I hope you’re supporting her. Just because you’ve accepted you’re a father doesn’t mean she’s not stressed!” Twilight lectured at him in a motherly like tone.

Discord shook his head at her and sighed. “Once again you insult me, dear Twilight. I love my wife more than anything in the world.” As he said this, he snapped his talons, causing all of the mannequins in the room to suddenly come to life.

“Discord, put this back to normal! I can’t have all of my dresses running around the room!” Rarity shouted in distress as she watched them gallop all over the store, knocking over fabrics and gems as they went.

Twilight glared at him, and after a moment, he rolled his eyes. “Fine…” He mumbled under his breath before returning the mannequins to their previously inert states. “It’s just that I need to do something after all that boring waiting!”

“Well do something outside of my store! I don’t need you ruining everything.” Rarity stated sternly as she used her magic to clean up everything that had been knocked over.

“Fine, we’ll just leave then. Isn’t that right, Twilight?” Discord looked at the lavender mare with an innocent look.

“Hey, but we just got here!” Spike complained upon realizing they might leave.

“We should leave Rarity to her work, Spike. We have our own work to do, remember?” Twilight said. Even Discord was surprised that she was actually supporting him. Spike just sighed before following them out of the door.

“So, what to do first? I was thinking of visiting Luna, but that can always wait until later…” Discord chuckled as he recalled his earlier scarab idea; he couldn’t wait to see the look on her face.

“Well Spike did want to go to Sug- Discord!” Twilight suddenly exclaimed as she watched him turn the entire street into one big canal. A wooden gondola had appeared out of nowhere, and Discord quickly jumped onto the boat.

“We’ll go to Sugarcube Corner, but we’re going in style.” Discord grinned as he made a long oar appear and dipped it into the water.

Twilight just stared at him for a few moments as he sat in the back of the boat. “What about all the citizens of Ponyville? They can’t get around when the streets are all canals!”

“They’ll manage, I’m sure.” Discord just waved his claw at her. “Now get in, I’m the only immortal one here, remember?”

Twilight just sighed before hopping from the doorstep into the boat, Spike soon following. Discord began singing some song in Italian as he rowed the boat down the canal, though she hardly listened to him. He better fix all of this soon, I don’t think everypony is going to appreciate this as much as him… She thought silently as she gazed down at the clear water, her reflection distorted from the waves that the boat created.

“Can you believe it, Twilight?” Discord asked with a smile as he continued to row. “Only one month now… To think that I used to dread that day…”

“Well, I’m glad that you’ve finally really come around to it. You sure caused the Princess a lot of stress…”

“Ah, but things are all fine now, and Celestia loves me…” Discord stopped his rowing for a moment to stare up at the bright sky. “I suppose that’s all that really matters.”

The comment made Twilight smile. Sometimes she forgot how caring the Draconequus could be. Well, at least most of the time…

Twilight soon spotted Sugarcube Corner, and they came to a gentle stop at the doorstep. The door was immediately thrown open, and a pink pony looked outside with a wide grin.

“Discord! How come you never turned the streets into water before? It’s such a great idea!” Pinkie Pie yelled gleefully as she leaped from her doorstop and landed in the water with a mighty splash. She began giggling uncontrollably as she swam through the canal.

“I don’t know, it sort of just came to me.” Discord shrugged as he got out of the boat and began levitating in the air. “Where’s Rainbow Dash? I sure would love to pull some good pranks!” He grinned mischievously and cracked his extremities.

“Well…” Pinkie Pie said as she looked towards the distant clock tower. “Dashie’s probably still having her afternoon nap. But I guess we could wake her up!”

“Perfect! Well, Twilight, I’m guessing you’re going to be your usual prudent self and not join us in our chaotic fun, so I suppose this is goodbye.” Discord said as he turned towards the lavender unicorn.

Twilight rolled her eyes. It seemed that he was always going to be causing some sort of trouble. “Well goodbye, but please don’t do anything too destructive…”

“Bah, they’re just a few friendly pranks, that’s all.” Discord waved a claw at her and laughed. “Alright Pinkie, let’s go!” He snapped his talons and he and the swimming pink pony disappeared, leaving just Twilight and Spike on the boat.

“Uh, how exactly are we supposed to get back now?” Spike questioned as he glanced around at all the water that surrounded them. The library was a few blocks away, and they had no way to propel the boat.


“And then he kept going on about some boring cloud formations they’ve been noticing… Honestly, I can hardly stand listening to those pegasi…” Luna continued to complain as she followed her sister down the hall.

“They’re not half as bad as the earth ponies. At least you don’t have to listen to crop statistics…” Celestia sighed as they made their way to yet another meeting. She would have at least hoped that she could have a break from her royal duties, seeing how she was so close to her big day. The last month had passed almost unbelievably fast, and she was most likely only days from having her daughter.

“Well, I’m sure this next meeting isn’t going to be very interesting… I think I’ve heard enough about Equestria’s rainfall for one eternity…”

However, as Celestia was about to push open the door, she felt a very peculiar feeling. Immediately after, she felt a very intense pain in her side, and fell to the floor groaning. “Luna, I think my water might have just broken…”

“Wh-what?!” Luna instantly exclaimed. “B-but I don’t know what to do!” She quickly began looking around the deserted hall, trying desperately to find somepony that could help.

Celestia felt a strange, foreign liquid run down her leg before the pain suddenly returned. “T-teleport us to the hospital, quickly!” She yelled through clenched teeth.

Suddenly realizing that she could actually do something, Luna teleported the both of them to a much less lavish room, full of ponies in white running back and forth. A nurse noticed them and hastily hurried over.

“Al-alright, now get go Discord…” Celestia quickly ordered her sister.

“But I don’t know where he is! He could be any-”

“FIND HIM!” Celestia yelled, causing everypony in the room to stare at them. Luna just shook her head before teleporting away.

“And so I said to him, that’s really a grand piano!” Discord broke out into an uncontrollably laughter as he swung around in the air.

“Uh, yes… Very funny, Prince Discord…” The guard mumbled as he gave him a very weak fake laugh. He just eyed him as he continued to laugh, only calming down after a few minutes had passed.

“Oh,” Discord sighed as he wiped a tear from his eye, “that one crack’s me up every time…”

The two of them flinched when a bright light filled the hall and they found a distressed looking alicorn standing in front of them. “Discord! Thank Celestia I’ve found you, I’ve been looking everywhere! Good thing one of the servants saw you…”

“Luna? What’s got you so worried? I haven’t pulled any pranks on you recently, or at least none that I can recall…” Discord mumbled as he laid a talon under his chin in deep thought.

“No, your wife is going into labor! She’s at the hospital right now!”

“What?! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!” Discord exclaimed as he snapped his talons and teleported himself and Luna from the castle.

The lone guard merely let out a sigh of relief and stared at the floor. “Thank Celestia he’s finally gone. I didn’t think I could take anymore of his lame jokes…”

“Ah! Princess Celestia! I only just saw you earlier this week, are you having any problems?” The doctor asked as he stared at the pained looking alicorn. She was laid out on an oversized bed, her eyes shut and teeth clenched as the intense pain continued to surge through her body.

“I’M IN LABOR IF YOU HAVEN’T NOTICED!!!” Celestia screamed at the top of her lungs, causing the doctor to quickly cover his damaged ear drums.

“Oh, uh… it seems you are…” He mumbled as he continued to gaze at her, watching the nurses set up all sorts of equipment around her. “Well, I suppose I should do something…”


“Please Princess, not so loud… I’m sure there are patients that are trying to sleep…” The doctor stated as he paced over to her and straightened his glasses. “You must excuse me, Princess, but I’ve never delivered an alicorn foal before, nor a draconequus. I’m not exactly sure how it differs from a regular pony…”

Celestia wanted nothing more than to yell furiously at him, but she was far too preoccupied with her current pain.

“Um, perhaps we should begin with some morphine…” He commented as he turned towards a nurse.

“Where is my wife?! I’m a Prince! I command you to tell me right now!” Discord yelled as he held the secretary mare up in the air with his magic.

“Discord, put her down!” Luna commanded as she glared at him, also slightly blushing at the amount of attention that they were drawing.

Discord sighed before dropping the mare, who merely beamed at him with a very cross look. “Fine, now that you’re back on the ground… Which room is my wife in?”

The violet coated mare shook her head before looking down at her desk. “Floor 3, room 12, now please hurry up and leave!”

Discord snapped his talons, and once again the two of them appeared in another room. They were now in a much smaller room, and it was already filled with several ponies. He immediately caught sight of his wife and hurried over to her.

“Celestia, are you alright?!”

She gritted her teeth before turning over to look at him. “Finally you show up… Now please can you get a competent doctor?!”

“What do y-”

Discord was cut off as the door opened and the doctor strolled in. “I hope that the morphine is beginning to kick in, if not we’ll have to increase the dosage. Ah, Prince Discord, Princess Luna! How good to see you both!” He said as he caught sight of the two of them.

“Tell me, how is my wife doing?!”

“Oh she’s doing just fine. I think she is being a little overly dramatic however…” He mumbled, as he lowered his voice to a whisper.


“Yes well, I think I should check how the foal is coming along.”

“I’ll go get Twilight Sparkle; this is definitely something I don’t need to see…” Luna muttered as she teleported out of the hospital room.

Minutes later Luna was standing in the waiting room with Twilight and Pinkie Pie. The energetic pink pony immediately began looking around the room for something to do, while the lavender unicorn headed towards the doors.

“I’ll go check on the Princess; I hope she’s doing alright…” Twilight said in concern as she left the room, leaving Luna to just watch her friend.

“This is so exciting, eh Princess?” Pinkie Pie asked as she grinned at her.

“Yes, though I’m sure we’re in for a long wait… Most likely hours…” Luna sighed as she settled in for the soon-to-be boring wait.

“Oh… well there’s plenty of stuff we can do in the meantime! Oh, oh! Like count the tiles on the ceiling!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with wonder, as she began to count what must have been the hundreds of tiles that lined the ceiling. “One, two, three…”

Sometime later Twilight re-entered the room, giving a Pinkie an old glance as she did.

“Three-hundred and seventy-four, three-hundred and seventy-five…”

“Um, what are you doing, Pinkie?”

“Three hundred and, oh I’m just counting the- darn it! I lost count!” She pouted in frustration. “Oh well! One, two…”

Twilight merely ignored her and paced over to Luna. “The Princess seems to be doing alright; I think they may have sedated her just a little too much though…”

“Surly it can’t be as bad as last time; I’ve never been through anything crazier than that night…” Luna sighed as she glared at the counting pink pony. After a while it had gotten very annoying, and now she was wishing desperately that she would just count silently in her head.

“Well the doctor says she’s entering labor now, he doesn’t have a clue how long it might take.”

“Well I suppose all we can do is wait…”

A while later, after Pinkie had finally counted all of the tiles, Discord entered the room. He let out a sigh and collapsed into one of the rather comfortable looking chairs. “Well, Celestia’s finally stopped screaming… I don’t know when my hearing is going to come back though.”

“Oh, I hope she’s doing alright… Maybe I should check on her…” Twilight mumbled in worry, as she stared at the door.

“I wouldn’t bother; everything is going fine so far. The foal has crowned, but it might be a while before this is all finished.”

Twilight soon looked from the door and over to the Draconequus. “So… how are you feeling?!”

“Huh? Me?” Discord asked, his voice full of surprise. “Well, I’m excited I guess! I’m finally becoming a real father! I’ll have a daughter to love and take care of! I’m sure Celestia would be feeling the exact same, were she not drugged right now…”

Twilight smiled at him. “Well I’m very happy for the both of you!”

“Thanks, I just hope everything goes alright…”

“Are you sure you don’t want to go see? Your sister is finally having her foal!” Twilight exclaimed, as she looked at the still sitting Princess. Discord had already gone to see his wife, just leaving her, Twilight and Pinkie Pie in the waiting room.

“I am quite alright with not witnessing the miracle of birth, especially when it is my own sister…”Luna sighed as she went back to dully staring at the bare walls.

Twilight just shrugged her shoulders and left the room. The two of them waited in the room for some time after, before finally a nurse pushed open the door.

“Princess Luna, your sister has just given birth to a perfectly healthy foal!” The nurse exclaimed as she hurried over to the dark coated alicorn.

“That’s wonderful! I suppose I should see how she’s doing now.” Luna finally left the waiting room, with Pinkie Pie in tow. Before too long, they entered the Princess’s room.

Celestia was still laid out across the bed, and in her hooves was a sight that made even Luna stare in awe. All ideas of the foal being some frightening hybrid of their two species vanished from her mind. The foal retained Discord’s long torso, though she was much smaller. Her long mane flowed various colors just as her mother’s did, still practically sparkling in the light, and each of her limbs were that of another animal, though her wings resembled that of an alicorn’s. Her pupils were gorgeous shades of red that sat in seas of yellow. Finally, atop her head was a barely noticeable horn, along with a deer antler and a goat horn.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Celestia asked as she looked up from newborn foal to view her sister’s expression.

“Yes…” Luna muttered weakly, still overcome with surprise. She was so peaceful and innocent looking lying in Celestia’s hooves, nothing at all like her father.

“So! Have you two decided on a name?” The doctor asked he continued to stand at the edge of the room. “I do have a few recommendations myself…”

“No! We have a name…” Celestia quickly shouted before turning to her husband. “Don’t we?”

“Yes…” Discord mumbled, finding that he still couldn’t take his eyes off his gorgeous daughter. She reminded him so much of her mother, even if most of her body resembled his. Perhaps it was just her mane and perfectly crafted face. “Pandora… just like we decided.”

“I think that’s a great name Princess!” Twilight beamed.

“Pandora…” Celestia muttered under her breath as she stared at her foal in her hooves. She was warm and comforting, and clung tightly to her fur. I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like this… Everything is just so perfect now… Discord’s a real father now, and I have Pandora… No, we have her…

Celestia took her eyes off her daughter and looked towards her husband. Upon realizing that she was staring at him, he smiled and quickly kissed her.

Luna rolled her eyes and sighed. “You two sure now how to ruin a perfectly, heartwarming moment…”

Celestia just laughed before lying back in her bed, Discord quickly grabbed Pandora to gently cradle her in his arms.

The doctor just frowned at the two of them. “Well, I suppose that name is alright… Though are you sure you don’t want to hear my suggestions?”

“No, that won’t be needed…” Celestia sighed as she stared up at the ceiling, filled with such eternal bliss that not even the darkest clouds could have broken her spirit.

“You know…” Discord said as he looked up from Pandora to gaze at his wife. “I don’t know who I love more… You, or her…”

“Neither do I…”

She’s more beautiful than I could have imagined… To think I thought she would have been a problem, a burden… She’s so much more than that… After everything Celly and I have been through, this is finally the light at the end of the tunnel. Our family… my family…

Discord awoke, at least to whatever he could call consciousness. His limbs were frozen, locked in placed by some seemingly invisible force. The cold wind that should have been assaulting his skin was gone, his body unable to feel it. His gaze was kept forward, to the dreary and depressing garden that he stared at for so long.

No… This isn’t right, I should be… A terrible, gut wrenching feeling struck him. Had that all been a dream? D-did Celestia never visit me? Our marriage, her pregnancy, Pandora?! None of that ever happened?!

Normally he would have dismissed such thoughts with little regard, but he simply couldn’t deny it as he realized fully he was truly imprisoned in stone. Old, depressive thoughts came back to his mind upon seeing how bleak his future was. How bleak it had been before.

Perhaps hate was the only thing that had kept him partially sane throughout the thousand years. His burning anger and desire for revenge kept him from thinking about the intense loneliness and solitude. I couldn’t possibly hate her now, not after everything we’ve been through.

Though, I guess that was all just a dream…

The gardens seemed just as grey as ever. They were deserted, just as they had always been at night. Nopony seemed to want to spend their time in the dull accumulation of nature. The same old magic-lit lantern’s cast their blue flames onto the weathered stone paths. The other various stone statues stood still around the garden.

There’s no way that could have been a dream… It was all too real… Pandora… Twilight… Luna… Pinkie Pie…


It wasn’t the fact that he was back in stone that hurt him the most, it was that this meant Celestia didn’t love him. She had never forgiven him, had never visited him to apologize. The Elements had never seen the good in him, and had never freed him from the accursed stone. He was alone.

What he was to do now he simply had no idea. I guess I’ll just sit here, like I did for all those years… All alone…

He would have screamed if he could, but all he could do was think. Think about the life that he could have had, the life he yearned for more than anything else in the world…

Why… why me… Of all the ponies fortune could torment, why me… This isn’t fair!

But, I suppose yelling about it won’t do anything… It’s just me, alone. For the rest of eternity…

Discord awoke with a start, throwing the warm, comforting blanket off of himself. Immediately he looked at his surrounding, soon coming upon a realization. It was all a dream…

He looked over and saw the sleeping form of Celestia nestled under the covers. They rose and fell with each of her heavy breaths. Her silken face was lying towards him, and he couldn’t help but stare as he had done all those years ago. Her usually radiant and flowing mane was messy and strewn about, but he didn’t care.

After a few moments, Discord rose from the bed and wandered towards the balcony. Glancing over, he saw the elegant crib, his beautiful daughter Pandora happily sleeping away. Her gorgeous mane covered most of her face, though he could just see her closed eyes behind the strands of color. He smiled at her, and after a few more moments of staring, he stepped outside.

He sighed and slouched down against the banister, looking out into the night with weary eyes.

“Are you alright?” Discord immediately spun around and found his wife staring at him.

“Celestia I… I just had a bad dream, that’s all…” He stated after a moment, still surprised that she had woken up.

Celestia got up from the bed and paced over to him, soon placing a hoof onto his talon. They stared at each other for quite a while before she finally spoke up. “Just a bad dream?”

“Well… I guess… more of a nightmare…” Discord sighed before looking away from her to view the gardens. “I… I thought I was back in stone, I thought you still hated me…”

“Well I don’t hate you. I love you more than ever.” She nuzzled her head against his shoulder, and he couldn’t help but smile back.

“There’s something I don’t get.” Discord said after a long silence. “Why is it that you apologized to me? How is it that you possibly could have loved me when I hated you so much?”

“Love is caring about a person no matter what. I still loved you, even if you hated me. And well, I felt I had to tell you that, even if I didn’t know that you could hear me.”

“I was, well thinking... after being reminded how horrible it was being in stone, all alone… Nopony deserves that... Maybe we should lessen the term for the Arcana Council, maybe only make it a couple hundred years….”

Celestia smiled at him, bigger than he had ever seen before. “I agree completely, if they misbehave we can always put them back. A probation if you will.” She continued to gaze at him, still grinning. “Do you know what this means?”

“What?” Discord asked, slightly intrigued.

“Your conscience… that’s what’s speaking to you, that’s why you had that dream… You’re a good person now Discord, your nothing like your past self…”

“You think?”

“I know… I love you so much…”

The words both comforted and hurt him. “I don’t deserve you… I’m the ugliest creature in Equestria and you’re well…” He stared at her elegant form just visible in the moonlight. “The exact opposite…”

“You’re not ugly, and honestly I don’t care how you look. Love runs so much deeper than just mere appearances. It doesn’t matter what you look like, I’m happy as long as you’re with me.” Celestia said softly as she stared up at his face.

“You know…” Discord mumbled as he leaned down to kiss her. “You really make this immortal life worth living.”

“So do you...” Celestia replied before meeting his lips with hers. After a while they broke apart and merely just stared at one another.

At this point the moon was already high in the sky, and its beautiful silver light was illuminating the whole garden. “This world is a harsh place to live in alone… I don’t even know how I survived before I met you…”

“I sometimes wonder how we even survived together, after everything we’ve been through… But now…” Celestia turned around towards the crib. Her mouth twisted into a smile, and almost reached the point of tears. “I think things are going to be a lot better, now that we’re parents.”

“Yeah, it sure seems like we could really use a break…”

“It was worth it though, don’t you think? We have all of eternity now together… You’re the only one besides my sister that doesn’t go away… Like everypony else did… Like everypony else eventually will…” She couldn’t help but start crying, and he quickly embraced her against his chest.

I never really thought about it before… Discord wondered as he stared down at her crying form. The thousand years I was in stone, her whole life… She’s been around mortals, creating relationships with ponies that’ll eventually die… Even Twilight will one day leave her… I… I never really was close to a mortal, only her…

“It’s alright Celly, remember that no matter what we go through, we do it together. I’ll never leave you again, I promise…” Though he couldn’t see it, he was sure that she was smiling. After a few moments she looked up at him, revealing that he was indeed correct. “So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee…”

She gazed at him for some time before speaking. “You sure know how to be romantic sometimes… Now come on, let’s get back to bed. We need all the sleep we can get incase Pandora wakes up.”

Discord returned her grin and led her back to the luxurious bed. Before getting in himself, he took another glance at the crib. Pandora was still sleeping, and while staring at her, he was overcome with a feeling of awe. I can hardly believe that someone as ugly as I helped create her… She’s just as beautiful as Celestia… After a few moments he followed his wife into bed, all the while thinking of his daughter.

I wonder what her personality is going to be like. Is she going to take after me? Is she going to be strict like Celly? I sure hope she appreciates some good chaos…

Discord turned over to see the face of his wife gazing back at him. Her large magenta eyes mesmerized him, just as they had done when he used to stare at her from hiding. Over the thousand years she had not grown any different in appearance; she was still just as stunning and sublime. “Goodnight Celestia…”

“Goodnight, Discord...” She mumbled to him quietly before soon drifting off to sleep, feeling happier then she had ever felt before. She was a mother, and a wife, everything that she had used to dream about. Now she finally had somepony to share her immortal life with, she had Discord.

The End.

And they all lived happily and peacefully ever after. Well, as peaceful as things could get with Discord around…

Author's Note:

I thank you sincerely if you've read this far. It means so much to me know that people take time out of their days to read my work. I put a lot of work into this series, and I'm both happy and sad to see it go. I just hope some of you read my future work. I can't promise that it'll be as good as this, but I'll try my best.

Comments ( 82 )

Are you going to write about pandora as a kid or this it? either way loved the story, and please, MOAR good writing!

Bravicimo! Truly a masterpiece.

Molto bene:pinkiehappy:

slice of life shenanigan chapters?

I can't even think of words to express my love for this beautiful creation.:heart:

I wanted a miscarriage but alright. No squeal.

nice troll with the stone bit XD you got me good there

Um so the arcana councils burn spell did nothing right?

And then Discord woke up in stone again, because he's stuck in a Philip Dick book.

And so it finally ends. An excellent trilogy all around centering around Discord and Celestia's love for each other. I'm glad the foal is okay and I couldn't have asked for a better ending. :moustache::raritystarry::twilightsmile::yay::pinkiehappy::ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2:

Hmm, I'd like to at least see a little more of Pandora as a young kid, but if this is the end, then what an ending it is. :twilightsmile:


I'm sorry to say it, but this is indeed the end. I have no more planned for Discord and Celestia, really there's just not much more that I can say. Sure I could write about them and Pandora, but I think ending it here is more fitting.

2017773 Well, ok then. In that case, I eagerly await to see what you do next. :pinkiehappy:

Finally, atop her head was a barely noticeable horn, along with a deer antler and a goat horn.

Dear god... no wonder Celestia screamed so much... That had to hurt.

There is a case of "in case" being "incase".

Also a use of the word "men".

As your editor who ended up getting wrapped up in other things, I thought you should know...

All these feels :pinkiesad2: why cant I hold them?:raritydespair: All I can say is thank you for a wonderful story. :yay:

I actually cried at the bit with the birth. That is nearly a first.

Man, for HALF a second, you actually had me. That it was some horrible dream he had, that he imagined it all. Then I realised you wouldn't do that to us. XD

Bravo! :pinkiehappy: A wonderful ending, I love it!

I enjoyed this story from beggining to end, it has been a great ride.

Congratulations and good luck with your future stories :twilightsmile:

I loved this story, and I'm so glad you let me have a part with it! Fantastic finale to an amazing trilogy. I applaud you, my friend, and hope to see much more from you in the future! And maybe I'll even get to help! That is, if you still want me to! :ajsmug:

a great ending for a great fanfic.
well done my friend :twilightsmile:

I hate you and praise you for ending this.

B-b-but Pandora, we have to know about her!:pinkiehappy:

A satisfying end to an amazing series. I rarely see fics as packed with high quality drama and humor as this one. My only problem though, was that Pandora was an alicorn. Oh well, no fic is perfect.

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee…


Wha? Stone? Oh no you don't— Oh, okay. That's better.

I think that's about it.


As someone stated before, it's a quote from Shakespeare's Sonnet 18. Also changing men to ponies would make it sound a little weird.

Darn. I was hoping for a story about Pandora. Oh well, I can live with it. Te story ended greatly anyways.

What the f*** dude:ajbemused:. That is just no, a miscarriage.... that is messed up.

2022665I know, I know, just confused why you didn't.

Can someone draw Pandora?

They called her Pandora... I'm out of here before hell get loose.

"Discord awoke, at least to whatever he could call consciousness. His limbs were frozen, locked in placed by some seemingly invisible force. The cold wind that should have been assaulting his skin was gone, his body unable to feel it. His gaze was kept forward, to the dreary and depressing garden that he stared at for so long."

you are a sick sick bastard... my word literaly crashed right there... i sat crying for a full ten minutes before i could read past that.

You deserve the favorite Im about to give this story. Amazing work you've put into this.:raritywink:

Annnnnd I am done reading it at last! Took me a while since I was too busy fighting russians in afghanistan
but I finally caught up and finished. The government doesn't tell you this because they lie.

Good work soldier! This story is so damn good, it's the reason why Nixon resigned presidency because he's jealous he can't write as good as you. What now though? What's next to write? Always remember, you need back up, i'm all the back up you NEED. Look forward to your future work.


Ah those dammed government cover-ups, they never tell us anything these days. :twilightangry2:

I'm glad I had some part in getting rid of that hippie hating republican! I'm actually planning a sort of epilogue to finish the series, I know I said I was finished with it but I change my mind often. :pinkiecrazy: Other than that I'm going to be starting a Discolight story soon, which is sure to be interesting to write. :rainbowdetermined2:

When I started reading the part where he had the nightmare of waking up in stone I was about to throw my laptop across the room in rage. This story is so beautiful... I love the stories about Celestia, Luna, and Discord. Thanks for the great read. :twilightsmile:

I was amazed at the work put in to this!:heart::heart::pinkiegasp: I love the storyline I couldn't put it down.

A great ending to a great story. It may not matter now, seven weeks after the final chapter was posted, but I think I found a typo, and my OCD wants me to let you know.

Surly it can’t be as bad as last time; I’ve never been through anything crazier than that night…”

Shouldn't that say surely?

I loved these stories. I wish you'd write another about them with Pandora when she's a bit older and her personality is out. That'd be great! :pinkiehappy:

Luv this so much, you need to do one where Pandora is older:heart:

That ending was...

“Your conscience… that’s what’s speaking to you, that’s why you had that dream… You’re a good person now Discord, your nothing like your past self

that’s why you had that dream… You're a good person now Discord

You’re a good person now Discord

person now Discord


NO :facehoof:
You broke the rules. :duck:
Why? WHYYYYY!? :raritydespair:
NOOOOOO! :fluttercry:

Wow. Umm... I like the concept. The plot itself isn't bad. I like the pairing, and I think the idea of Discord having children has lots of potential, for various reasons. The writing here was competent, but after two chapters, most of this story seems to be greatly lacking in imagination. The bit about Luna's guards as moths, and Rainbow Dash speeding through the Daring Doo series worked, but everything else seemed awkward.

Why would someone with wings not fly up to her room, instead of taking the stairs? Why would the Princess not have her own personal doctor, who could make a house call? Why would Discord ignore any arguments, no matter how boring, in favor of responding with chaos, or making the situation worse, or 'I'll fix it, but you won't like it!' He's the spirit of disharmony, even if he's reformed. I'd think he'd take private joy in bickering, but lose his patience if they expect an answer, and not necessarily do what they want, in order to entertain himself. I can't accept Discord being bored for very long, unless he just doesn't feel like doing anything at all, and doesn't know what he wants to do instead.

And the handling of his reformation... there is plenty of chaos that doesn't need to be targeted or mean-spirited. I don't know. He needs frequent outlets, but tormenting Luna seems like such an empty gesture, even if she did disapprove of the marriage, and Celestia's general lack of concern for her sister's feelings, not taking them seriously at all, was a bit bizarre, IMHO.

So many places it felt like an ordinary life was being applied to extraordinary circumstances, but where it wouldn't make much sense. And even though a foal would be hard work, why wouldn't he enjoy some of the chaos that foals can create? I think he'd expect to get out of the actual rearing, until they told him otherwise. He could still dislike dealing with it, since he doesn't care about the mundane and it wasn't his chaos being created necessarily, but... I don't know. I can't stop questioning everything, so I just can't enjoy this properly. :twilightsheepish:

I'm not trying to be insulting. I'm mentioning all of this, because I'm hoping it might be helpful for future writing? :fluttershysad:

I realize I haven't read the whole thing, and thus can't comment on the rest. It might get better later on, but I'm not the sort of person who forces themselves to continue a story that they haven't been enjoying. If anything else, I prefer pondering the other ideas that I've gotten instead, in my natural inclination towards a 'but what if' response. In my experience, those tend to please me more.

wow i must say the story was well made it was worth the hours of reading but i must ask will there a 2nd part

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