• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 1,721 Views, 50 Comments

The Best Winter Wrap-Up Ever! - Mr Anomalous

By this time, Charles Snippy has learned not to question "Zee Captain," and has learned to ignore the delusional "Master of the Universe." As it so happens, some of his antics are about to make much more sense...

  • ...

"No Time-Lord For You!"

"Oh thank the dear, kind, almighty, merciful, omnipotent and considerate Lord God above they're gone."

Fortunately for Equestria, and unfortunately for the readers of this fiction, the tea party was forcefully ended with an intervention by Princess Celestia who, quite frankly, was wise enough to expel whoever it was aside from Zee Captain and Pinkie back to their own worlds.

I'm fine, thank you.

But two more visitors were brought back. They were actually the same person...kind of.

One wore a fedora and a long scarf, had a sharp nose and poofy hair. The other wore a trench coat with a stylish blue suit underneath, and converse. His hair was also awesome.

Who do you think?

I'm aware I've tampered with the Fourth Wall quite a bit thus far, but just one more thing: if my awesome readers such as you would like, I'll create a sequel and/or side fiction of this one here about Pinkie Pie, Zee Captain, Deadpool, Pyro, and The Doctor all stuck in one wasteland dimension.

Oh, yeah, the two guys were the Doctor, by the way.

Anyway, continuing on, Snippy began to cry in misery (I'm surprised he's still sane, really) and Zee Captain complimented both of the newly-arrived Time-Lords on their stylish-ness.

Alexander finally risked a peak inside after hiding this entire time and fainted.

But then... something completely, totally, absolutely, unexpected happened.

Pilot walking and and jumped, startled. Then he shook his head and shouted.


Everyone in the room turned to look at the psycho as he charged forward and shoved both Doctors into the rift. They vanished in a wave of blue light, and the rift finally closed.

"Pilot! What are you doing? I was going to murder those men for their clothes!"

Now, for the unexpected part.

Pilot whirled around and shouted, "No! No Time-Lord for you!"

Zee Captain was stunned. Pilot had disobeyed Captain.


He immediately fell to his knees and and began for redemption, his hands clasped together. The Captain agreed, but only if Pilot ate a rusty fork, which the psycho gracefully produced from his coat.

Zee Captain stays true to his promises.

"Charles, I'm curious; why have you not shed your protective gear? Is it not hot in there?"

"Oh beleive me, Princess it is, but the Captain told us not too."

"I thought you said that he wasn't your boss?"

"Uh, well...yeah, he kind of actually is. You never know how dangerous he could be."

Once more, Charles Snippy and Princess Celestia conversed as they walked down a palace hallway. Princess Celestia had deemed him the most sane, and therefore most willing and, well, capable to give legitimate answers to her questions.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gromov was attempting to escape a dangerously-curious Twilight, Zee Captain was having tea with Luna and Pinkie, also discussing his "exquisite," fashion tastes with Rarity, and Pilot was chasing Applejack. It was only playful to Pilot; Applejack truly feared for her life. Rainbow Dash was laughing at the terrified farm-pony while Fluttershy looked genuinely concerned for her friend, watching from the shadows.

"I'm curious, Mister Snippy, are you enjoying your stay?'

Charles thought about it.

"Well, it's most definitely been interesting, and nothing's tried to kill us yet. Yeah."

"Do you plan on eventually going home?"

This took quite a bit more thought.

"I...I don't know..."

He didn't. Did he? This was not his world, nor that of his comrade's, but it was quite a bit more peaceful here. No zombies, aliens or...tri-breasted snakes...gah.

But then again, having two such destroyers of physics in the same world let alone vicinity was not the best of ideas.

Indeed it wasn't.

Author's Note:

Yes, I know, short chapter, but It's all part of a process that involves smashing through a writers block. Perhaps I should do an attack of spam-zombies next? Thank you for understanding?

Anyway, for those of you who have been reading my stories for a while, you know that I kind of have a nasty habit of changing my username. Well, why not get you involved? Simply read the list below and tell me which is the coolest, and I might actually KEEP that one!

1. Lord Paradigm
2. Lethal Paradigm
3. D.C. Perry
4. SuperEpicFedoraMan
5. Novel Idea (OC's Name)
6. Crepuscular Creative
7. Vanderwaal
8. Archival Lord
OR, last but not least:
9. Skyclad