• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 7,038 Views, 201 Comments

A Game of Survival - Cabensis

Tired of the usual slumber party formula, Rainbow Dash asks Spike to keep her company to which he reluctantly agrees. Will they survive the night?

  • ...

All good things must come to an end

Chapter 2

All good things must come to an end


After the meetup with Rainbow, the day continued pretty smoothly. Spike had to Pinkie promise he'd be at the party before she was satisfied, after which he took his leave. He had gotten home around late afternoon and was currently organizing the books in alphabetical order. He did it somewhat begrudgingly though, considering his rude awakening earlier that day.

"Soo... how did it go?"

Turning around to look at Twilight, Spike saw her eyeing him curiously. Noting her expression he turned back and continued sorting.

"The same as usual: Great." Spike responded, brushing her off.

Twilight was taken aback by his grumpyness. "Are you sure? It doesn't seem like it."

When she was met with silence she gave up and resumed studying. A full minute passed before her assistant spoke up again.

"Oh, yeah, before I forget..."

Twilight perked her ears, her muzzle still in the book this time.

"I'll stay for the slumber party you guys are having." Spike said monotonously.

Twilight snapped up from her read, her face gaining a bright, wide smile for a split second, that was soon replaced with a frown. "You know, after studying 'Slumber 101' closer it says that slumber parties are clearly mares only."

Spike pondered about if he should bail but soon decided against it, for two reasons. First, "Oh, sorry Rainbow, I couldn't make it. Mares only after all." was something he couldn't say, at least not after Pinkie promising, lest he'd get an angry Pinkie Pie on his tail. Second, he couldn't really abandon one of his closest friends. The Element of Loyalty had rubbed off on him.

"Can't you make an exception? The exception proves the rule you know?"

Twilight eyed the dragon with suspicion. "I guess. Wow, you must really want to come huh?"

Spike bit his lip, "Yes, you could say that."

"Ok, you can stay then. This time only though!" She was still suspicious of his clearly forced response, but decided to back off. Tonight might prove interesting.


Late evening approached faster that Spike expected. Well, it did mostly because he took a long nap to make up for his lost sleep, which he did to be able to take the night head on. Twilight was running around the library quadruple-checking to make sure everything were according to plan. They were well prepared in other words.

*knock, knock*

"Spike can you get that?" Twilight yelled from upstairs.

"Sure." Spike said abscent-mindedly and walked over and opened the door.

The sight he was graced with was that of an orange earth pony with a blond mane and a brown stetson hat ever so present atop her head. Following shortly behind her was a meek yellow pegasus hiding behind her cherry blossom pink mane.

"Hey, Applejack. Hi, Fluttershy." Spike welcomed.

"Howdy Spike! Mighty good to see ya." Applejack greeted with a friendly smile.

"Um.. hi." Fluttershy added quietly.

Taking another glance at the farmer Spike noticed an amused grin playing on her lips. "Although to be honest, Ah didn't reckon ya'd set yer paw in this library under these circumstances ever again."

"I didn't either. Just don't ask why, ok?"

"Well, ok then." Applejack agreed.

"You guys just make yourself comfortable, and then maybe the hostess," he pronounced extra loudly, "could get her flank down here to greet her guests!"

Listening intently he could hear somepony thrashing about upstairs and the sound of several items crashing to the floor. "I guess it'll still be awhile." Spike concluded.

"That's okay, me and Fluttershy will just 'set up camp' meanwhile." Applejack shrugged.

'Setting up camp' as Applejack put it, proved to be quite easy with all the mattresses already lined up in a circle in the living room. There wasn't one for Spike of course, although Twilight had asked if he wanted one. He was the only male representative in the library so he had some level of respect as one he wanted to uphold, and therefore, he claimed the armchair instead.

No sooner had they finished getting everything into place, when the door was knocked on once again. This time, a bright pink earth pony skipped in along with 'the most beautiful creature in the world' as Spike liked to describe her.

"Heyy, hello Applejack-Fluttershy-and-ooohh! Even Spike! Auntie Pinkie Pie is here to paartayy!!" Pinkie exclaimed, still bouncing in place.

"Pinkie, dear, this is not the kind of party you normally throw, remember?" Rarity attempted to reason.

"Well, DUH! It's still going to be super duper FUN!" Pinkie bubbled with excitement.

Rarity gave a small knowing smile and then proceeded with bringing her bags in. An exuberant amount of bags flowed in enveloped in a bright blue magic aura, rivaling even the number of books in the library. When she was done the bags made a stack that almost reached the ceiling.

"Gosh Rarity, Ah didn't know ya were moving here." Applejack chuckled.

"Scoff if you must, Applejack, I'm just well prepared." Rarity let out a gasp and lifted her forehoof to her forehead, "What if we run into a fashion crisis tonight? Then you'll be thankful for the small selection of clothing I've brought."

"It's not like we can run into a 'fashion crisis', since we're not wearing anything anyway." Applejack deadpanned.

At hearing that Spike took a quick look at everypony in the room.

"Suddenly I feel very embarrassed." he said, staring at the floor.


With everyone assembled the party began slowly but steady. Twilight had finally come down and taken a seat across everypony else, apologising for her late entrance. The other girls didn't mind of course, and with that said, the gossiping began. Yes, the party kept going.

And going.

And going.

Half an hour into this Spike, as he sat in his armchair, began to wonder about a small detail. Pretty insignificant really, just the matter of Rainbow Dash not even being there! Looking around himself he could, for the fifth time, establish that her presence was indeed not... present!

That Rainbow... is this her idea of revenge for the wing-pressure point thing all those months ago? Spike thought to himself, his mind becoming sour when he thought of her potential betrayal.

He didn't have to worry for too long as said pegasus crashed into the library through a nearby window, her Wonderbolt-themed blanket and pillow in tow. Recovering from the crash she rose to her hooves, "Hey guys, sorry I'm la--" she managed to say before feeling her hindleg get wrapped in her blanket, making her trip and land face-first into a table.

"--OOWWW!!" she groaned, holding her snout.

This elicited a lighthearted laughter from everypony else in the room, including Spike, who lay on his back clutching his stomach from laughing.

"Hey, thanks for the warm welcome guys." Rainbow muttered, getting to her hooves once again and walking over to her spot.

"Sorry Dashie, it was just kinda funny!" Pinkie said, still giggling.

"Yeah, yeah, okay." Rainbow said, ending the conversation.

The group soon returned to it's former chattering while Rainbow made herself comfortable. Laying down on her mattress, she felt a claw poking her cheek. "Hey, what took you so long?" Spike whispered.

"I overslept okay?" Rainbow whispered back, clearly embarrassed. "I took a nap and it lasted longer than I expected."

"The Element of Napping is more profound than Loyalty I see." Spike chuckled, earning a sour look from the cyan mare.

Ignoring the drake, Rainbow turned back to her friends' chatter.

"...so anyway, what's going on in your love-life, Flutters?" Rainbow heard Pinkie ask. With hearing that, Rainbow went back to talking with Spike instead. Not that she wasn't interested in Fluttershy, it was just that she already knew most of it. On the other side of things, Fluttershy had a difficult time answering that particular question.

"Oh, um..." was all Fluttershy managed to say before adorning a light blush. "I-I... don't- I mean, nothing. Nothing's going on." she said, steeling herself.

"Aw, c'mon Fluttershy, ya don't have to be shy." Applejack reassured, unaware of the irony in her sentence. "Right, Rarity?"

Her gesture fell on deaf hears since Rarity were not listening to any of the things they said. She was too focused staring at both Spike and Rainbow Dash, specifically Rainbow. A lady shouldn't stare, she knew, but this... this was a crime.

"You okay there, Rarity?" Twilight asked, slightly confused.

Rarity on the other hoof finally snapped back to reality. "Oh, I'm sorry dear, it's just..." She nodded over to Rainbow and Spike.

"Huh? What's with them?" Applejack wondered, not getting it.

Really, am I the only one who notices these things? Rarity thought to herself. I guess I have to take the matter into my own hooves.

"Ahem. Rainbow Dash?"

Looking up from her conversation with Spike, Rainbow saw that everyone were looking straight at them. Unsure how to react, Rainbow just responded, "Uh, yeah, what's up?"

"I couldn't help but taking a look at your mane."

Rainbow stroked a hoof through her mane, noticing it was a bit frazzled, possibly because of her crash. "Yeah?"

"It looks absolutely horrid...!"

Slightly, note, slightly taken aback, Rainbow was about to respond before getting cut of. "But fear not! I, Rarity, will restore it to it's former glory, and make it even better! You can put all your qualms to rest, I assure you!"

Applejack facehoofed at Rarity failing to grasp her friend's level of care for such things, but did think it'd make an interesting scene, so she followed suit. "She's right ya know. Better get fancied up Rainbow."

"N-no that's okay." Rainbow Dash looked around, desperate for support from her other friends. Unfortunately they all agreed with Rarity, although some did with a knowing roll of their eyes. Fluttershy was particularily happy with the turn of events, considering it took the spotlight of her. In one last attempt Rainbow looked at Spike, her eyes pleading for him to agree with her.

Rarity stifled a giggle. "You know what it's time for...?"

As the Element of Loyalty and a person, Dash would never forget the feeling of betrayal, the one she got when Spike looked at her with an evil grin.


Author's Note:

I present to you: The beginning of the disastrous events that'll surely lead to Spike and Dash's inevitable doom.

You know the drill, criticism! It actually hurts my confidence a bit, but I won't get any better if I don't get any, so hit me! (Then again, I don't know if I'm improving at all...)

Well, whatever! Hope you enjoyed.