• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 1,106 Views, 21 Comments

Scratching My Heartstrings - The 8-Bit Flame Princess

Lyra is a mare who doesn't get out much. So when she moves to Canterlot and her roommate forces her out their apartment, she has no choice but to check out the nearest nightclub- and maybe meet the mare of her dreams.

  • ...

One two three, take my hand and come with me 'cause you look so fine ...

Lyra Heartstrings didn't get out much.

Now, someponies say they don’t get out much, but what they really mean is that they’re shy or they’re an outcast.

Lyra was none of those things. She was liked by the community in general, and she could talk all day if she wanted to about any subject she wanted. No.

Her problem was she just didn't want to.

She’d had a marefriend, a few months ago, and I finally thought my best friend was getting somewhere with her life. But then THE BREAK-UP happened.

It’s a taboo subject between us. We don’t talk about the purple pegasus named Lily Blossom she went out with. And we have to capitalize it every time we write it- it gets a bit annoying.

So THE BREAK-UP took place and then she refused once again to go out and meet new people. She didn't even come with me to view our new apartment in Canterlot!

Lyra Heartstrings didn't get out much: the understatement of the century.

Extract from Bon Bon’s journals, published first as oral history then as full books.

10 years earlier …

The day Lily Blossom dumped Lyra happened to be the day her and her friend Bon Bon- the only friend she had- were moving to Canterlot.

Had THE BREAK-UP not happened, maybe she would have never have met Vinyl Scratch.

But she did meet Vinyl Scratch.

And this is the story.

The cream earth pony walked into the room and stared at her friend, who was lying uncomfortably face-down on their wooden floor. Boxes surrounded her and a blue blanket had been haphazardly placed over her. Bon Bon sighed and went to remove the blanket. Lyra groaned.

“Leave me to die in peace, if you want to stay my friend,” she mumbled. Bon Bon used her mouth to fold up the blanket neatly and then dragged it over to the box it had come from.

“This is ridiculous,” she said.

“She broke my heart,” Lyra poorly defended, pushing herself up from the floor.

“I don’t care. You haven’t finished packing and we leave in an hour,” Bon Bon exclaimed, already feeling the panic setting in.

“Oh Bon Bon. Thou art a heartless bitch,” Lyra stood up and helped put the blanket back in the box. Bon Bon could be overprotective, OCD and a bit snooty, but she was Lyra’s only friend, and a good one who Lyra wouldn't change for all the friends in the world.

She used to have Lily Blossom. They were friends. But then …


Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry-

“What’s the matter with me?” she asked.

“Excuse me?” a stumped Bon Bon replied.

“Why would she dump me? What’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing’s wrong with you, honey. Come help me pack,” Bon Bon assured distractedly.

Lyra huffed, yet she went over to help pack anyway “You’re such a great friend.”

“And you’re an antisocial heart-broken wreck,” countered Bon Bon.

Lyra shut her eyes as she felt the magic build up inside her. Concentrating, there was a small flash of bright white light. Satisfied, she sat down smugly with a smile.

“Packed,” she grinned.

Her best friend rolled her eyes. "If it’s messy-" she threatened.

“By Celestia do you need to get laid,” Lyra smirked at her friend’s stress attitude.

Bon Bon frowned, then relaxed. “Sorry. Look, just-just try not to screw anything up. This is a big move.”

“Yeah.” Lyra chewed her bottom lip for a minute. “You wanna have sex?”

Bon Bon blinked, then smiled kindly. She hugged Lyra. “You know you don’t want that.”

“I miss her.”

“I know. And I’m not the answer. She’s a bitch, I’m just your friend, and we’re moving away from this town and to the shiny glittering city. How does that sound?” Bon Bon asked.

Lyra sniffed. “Better. Now, let’s get our flanks to Canterlot!” she cheered up, though there was still pain in her eyes.

Lily Blossom had taken a hole out of her heart.

And no one could fill it.

Lyra slammed her drink down on the bar table angrily. A bartender grabbed it with an aura of yellow magic and refilled it without asking.

What in Luna’s name was she doing here, of all places- a seedy bar in the corner of Canterlot’s rough neighborhood?

She hid a smile. This probably was not what Bon Bon meant when she pushed her out the new house as her method of helping Lyra get over her ex-girlfriend- really, she thought, if Bon Bon wanted to finish unpacking in peace she could have just asked.

Yet now she was here, downing shots and thinking about just how miserable her life was.

The DJ changed the record from a slow song to a fast and upbeat techno song, and suddenly it seemed like everypony had left the bar and joined the mob slowly gathering on the dance floor. The DJ basked in the attention. She was obviously popular, as they all chanted her name- what it was exactly Lyra couldn't pick out over the thumping music.

She was quite cute actually-

No. Stop it. She wasn't interested in romance at all, unless it was Lily Blossom.

The hole in her heart thumped with joy at the thought of the mare it needed, then deflated.

Lily Blossom wasn't coming back- she knew it, yet she still couldn't accept and admit it. A stupid part of her brain thought the blonde-maned beauty was coming back.

Everything about her and their relationship she remembered was a like a tiny pin poking her heart. The way she’d whisper ‘I love you’, like it was the most special thing in the world and only Lyra got to hear it. The way she’d smile when she saw Lyra.

The way she’d looked so beautiful the night she got dumped …

They had only been going out for just over a year. Not long enough, but long enough for heartbreak.

Lyra drank her alcohol angrily, not bothering to see what it was. It could have been dragon piss for all she’d care.

“Whoa there, dude. Looks like you have some issues. The thing with Bloody Mare-y’s is you have to savor it,” chuckled a harsh voice.

Lyra turned to see the DJ, a white unicorn with a blue and cyan spiky mane. Large tinted black glasses covered her eyes, and a smirk was ghosting around her mouth.

“I think I can drink my own alcohol,” Lyra responded curtly.

See, this is why nopony will talk to you, an inner voice is her head facehoofed.

“I don’t believe it. A mare that can finally resist my charm that isn't my only friend. Name’s Vinyl Scratch,” she perched next to Lyra on one of the bar stools.

“I’m not looking for a relationship. See, I recently had my heart torn out, burnt alive by dragon fire and shattered to pieces by one very charming mare named Lily Blossom,” she tried to smile, but failed.

“She sounds so much fun,” said Vinyl Scratch sarcastically. “Tell me your name, oh heartbroken adventurer, and we may conquer the dance floor in our search for love and sex.”

“Okay, a few things. 1. my full name is Lyra Heartstrings, friends call me Lyra- or they would if I had more than one friend, 2. I don’t dance and 3. I’m not looking for something I’ve already got,” Lyra finished her rant with a sigh, and took a sip of the cocktail, savoring the flavor like the unicorn suggested. It actually tasted much better, and her body felt much more buzzed. But she’d be making no stupid decisions tonight, especially jumping into the bed of a mare she’d just met.

"Everyone dances. And she left you, didn't she?" the harsh truth hurt her ears like a banshee's screech.

Lily Blossom had left her- but she could still love her, couldn't she?

Of course.

Though Vinyl Scratch was very convincing.

"Not me. And yes, she did leave me. And just because somepony's hot doesn't mean I'll sleep with them."

"So you think I'm hot?" Vinyl laughed, waving away a bartender with her hoof.

Lyra blushed and didn't reply.

"Okay, here's my deal. I've finished my set for the evening. I'll show you what an amazing dancer I am- then you'll have no choice but to jump these bones."

Lyra laughed. "Tempting, but not tonight, Miss Vinyl."

"Come back tomorrow," smiled the DJ cockily. "How about I buy you your next drink?"

Lyra's tried to maintain her poker face, though Vinyl Scratch's offer was very tempting, she was funny, good-looking and her heart's hole wanted to fill up very fast ...

But it wanted a blonde-maned purple pegasus who helped make the warm spring breezes, not a white unicorn that did gigs in nightclubs.

"I'll buy all your drinks for the next night," she pleaded, dragging Lyra out of her comforting mind and back into the reality and flashing neon lights of the nightclub. She lifted her glasses up with magic revealing magenta eyes that sparkled with laughter. "Royal Guard's honor."

"You haven't been a royal guard," Lyra narrowed her golden eyes.

"How do you know?" she teased, bumping up against her. The cool touch of Vinyl made her shiver.

"It's a deal," Lyra finally gave in.

"Fantastic!" Vinyl Scratch's smile lit up her entire body; it seemed like she was glowing so much she'd set herself on fire.

She grabbed Lyra's aquamarine hoof and dragged her onto the dance floor with the speed of a lightning bolt.

Lyra hated to admit it, but this mare was scratching her heartstrings.

After three dances and another Bloody Mare-y, courtesy of Vinyl Scratch, Lyra thought she'd finally got the hand of this dancing.

Well, Vinyl's type of dancing was just jumping up and down on the spot while a unicorn used his horn to create flashing light sticks- but it didn't require a lot of technique, and that suited Lyra just fine.

"Had enough alcohol to follow me home yet?" Vinyl grinned over the thumping music.

"No- you'll have to buy me more then," teased Lyra, bumping her body against the other unicorn.

"You drive a hard bargain, Heartstrings," the DJ drawled.

"Am I too expensive for your tastes?" she laughed as the song came to an end and they headed back to the bar.

"Maybe I'm a gold-digger," Vinyl said as they sat down. Lyra sipped at a Bloody Mare-y (really, they were much nicer when savoured. Damn Vinyl Scratch to the moon) and the other mare had a glass of water.

"Are you trying to get me drunk to seduce me?" asked Lyra.

"1. I think even I'm far too drunk to think of such a clever idea as that, 2. you're so stoned you could be Discord, 3. I can't believe this. Usually I'm drunk when I actually want to take a mare home, but you're different," listed Vinyl, staring into Lyra's gold eyes.

"And you're drunk," joked Lyra, looking down and avoiding the other pony's gaze.

Think of Lily Blossom, the small voice in her head said. you love her.

The hole in her heart was resisting, but there's only a finite amount of times you can hold off a rebellion.

"Maybe I am. But drunk thoughts are what we really feel, right?" Vinyl said, taking a big gulp of her water in an effort to cool down.

"What kind of bullshit is that, and where'd you learn to sprout it?"

"Blame my roommate Octavia. She's fancy," she rolled her eyes.

"See, this is the point, we've just met. We hardly know each other. How can we be in love? It's like some bloody foal's tale," scoffed Lyra.

"Equestria works in mysterious ways. You have an antisocial broken heart. I'm lonely and looking for a mare who likes to have fun. It's a miracle."

"Or you just want to get laid," Lyra argued.

"it would be an honor to scream your name in a seedy backroom. And, hey, if you wanna know about me, just ask. I'm pretty curious about you too,"

"Then why didn't you ask?"

"Because I'm too busy sobering up. The club closes in two hours and I'd rather the love of my life did not get run over."

So they talked.

"So then I was like, 'no way, dude, that is NOT a duck!'" Vinyl smirked as Lyra laughed.

"I can't believe that actually can happen! Is your roommate crazy or something?" Lyra exclaimed.

"Nah, Octavia's cool. She's moody, a spoiled brat and she needs to get her damn head out her ass sometimes, but she's the most amazing friend I could ever have."

"I feel that way about Bon Bon sometimes. We've come so far together it's a wonder she hasn't murdered me. I'm a bit of a moaner," Lyra blushed.

"I bet you are," Vinyl Scratch muttered crudely.

"By Celestia you're horny when you're stoned."

"I know. It's a wonder Octavia hasn't moved out yet," Vinyl joked. Lyra's smile slipped.

"You and her ... You haven't ... I mean you've never, y'know, done anything, right?" she said, wondering why it felt like there was a giant rock settling in her stomach.

"Hay no. Besides the fact she's straight, she's not really my type. Too fancy, to snobby, too introverted. I need a mare that can have a good time, and someone who can handle me when it gets rough. Tavi could never do that," Vinyl smiled sadly.

Lyra nodded, and picked up her glass. She found though she suddenly wasn't thirsty, and put it down. Maybe she should start sobering up.

"What about you and your roommate, Bon Bon? Any action going on there?" the other unicorn tried to joke.

Lyra shook her head. "We sussed out where we stood years ago. I've always known she was into mares, but it was never me. At times when I was low, I'd often ask her, but ... It would've never worked. We're just friends. Bon Bon has her work. That's what everyone says. It's one of the reasons we moved- she's got a new, bigger sweet shop here."

Suddenly Lyra chuckled. "Y'know, you're the first pony in Canterlot who's been nice to me."

Vinyl raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? I doubt that. Everyone down this end is pretty accepting and cool."

"The bouncer nearly kicked me out the line for 1. being on my own and 2. the fact my mane wasn't styled right," Lyra deadpanned.

Vinyl opened her mouth to say something else, but suddenly there was a crackling noise over the speakers and the lavender unicorn bartender teleported onto the stage.

"Okay, ponies, closing time. Get your flanks outta here by two a.m. and don't forget your coats or whatever," he slurred, and then teleported away again, probably into some backroom.

There was a surge of ponies jostling around trying to find their coats, partners or just looking for a way out. A few slouched over the bar, too drunk to notice it was time to leave.

Just as Lyra was about to push her way into the crowd she felt a strange sensation in her body. She checked herself over and realized she was encased in a field of light blue magic- Vinyl's magic.

"I need to grab my stuff," the DJ explained, hauling Lyra behind her like a sack of apples as she made her way up on stage, only to be greeted with thunderous applause and cheering. Vinyl grinned and set Lyra down, waving at her fans.

"I LOVE YOU DJ PON-3!" yelled a stallion from the crowd. Lyra frowned and used a spell to create a megaphone.

"Hands off my mare, stud!" she yelled into the crowd. There were cheers from the audience.

After she spoke, she realized what a stupid idea that was.

Oh well, she thought, she's practically my marefriend anyway. And I'm drunk too- there's no knowing what I could say next.

Cringing, the aquamarine musician hoped she wouldn't say anything embarrassing or sexual to the crowd.

Ignoring several questions the crowd yelled at them, Vinyl Scratch levitated a black satchel around her body and placed her glasses inside it, and then led Lyra to a back door hidden behind the stage. They escaped breathlessly into the cool night air, a drastic change from the sweaty, steamy atmosphere of the club.

"Well, Vinyl, thank you for everything. Really. I appreciate your effort, but I'm gonna head home now," Lyra said, turning to make her way back to her house, wondering if Bon Bon had finished unpacking yet.

"Hold on just one minute. We still haven't had manic sex yet, let alone in a closet!" Vinyl Scratch winked at Lyra.

Even though she knew the white mare was joking, she still caused a blush to from on Lyra's face as she thought of them ... Together.

Damn, she's got you good, chuckled a voice in her head.

"But seriously, Ly, it's not safe around here this time of night, certainly when you're new and alone. Come back with me to mine and Tavi's apartment. It's only a short walk and you can stay over and I'll walk you back home in the morning."

Wait, Ly?

She mulled this over. It seemed like a fair deal. And Bon Bon probably wouldn't worry.

"Alright. But no funny business, Vinny," she narrowed her eyes playfully.

Vinyl Scratch laughed heartily then started to walk away from the club. Lyra quickly caught up with her, glancing nervously at the small huddles of ponies grouped around the neighborhood, some turning to look at them as they walked by.

"Don't worry, they're cool. I've got a bit of a reputation around here- they won't bother us," Vinyl said, casually waving to a skinny stallion with a glowing cigarette in his mouth. He smiled when he saw her, then his depressed frown came back on his face.

Lyra wondered what it was Vinyl had done to earn herself 'a bit of a reputation'.

"Are you sure Octavia won't mind me staying?" she changed the subject quickly.

"Eh, it's not the first time I've bought someone home. She's used to it," Vinyl said. "What about Bon Bon? Won't she worry that you're not home?"

"So far I have two existing friends and I've only ever been in one, albeit tragic, relationship. I'm the most antisocial mare you'll ever meet. I think she'll most likely be relieved," Lyra smiled.

They arrived at a towering block of apartments, crowning over the rest of the one-story houses and the youth hostel like Celestia on her throne. Vinyl opened the door and led Lyra into a dilapidated lobby, its only feature a fading red rug, dusty wooden floorboards and a suspicious dark stain. There were a few armchairs dotted around and the lights flickered dangerously.

"We could take the lift, but some bugger's always messing around in there. We're only on the third floor anyway," Vinyl said, leading Lyra up several flights of stairs, then they headed down a long corridor- with more dark stains on the floor. Thumping music came from behind one apartment door.

Finally, at the end of the corridor they reached the apartment they were heading to. Vinyl grabbed a key out her bag and inserted it into the keyhole with her magic.

"Are you sure Octavia won't mind?" Lyra asked again.

"She's probably asleep right now," Vinyl chuckled, the door clicking as it unlocked, and Vinyl pushed it open, turning her head to look at Lyra as she walked in, "so that leaves more time for you and me-"

"What exactly do you mean by coming home at this hour?" a female voice with a thick Canterlot accent said.

"Oh shit," muttered Vinyl Scratch, as a greyish-gold earth pony with a dark grey mane that could only be Octavia stood up from the sofa and analysed them.

"Well, you see-" Vinyl started to explain.

"I don't care," Octavia snapped. "You said you'd be home after you finished your set- that was four hours ago. What could possibly have been so important?"

Lyra raised a hoof nervously. "Hi. I'm Important."

"And hot," added Vinyl Scratch with a wink. Lyra turned to face her with a death glare and she shrunk away chuckling.

Octavia inclined her head and studied Lyra.

"Lyra, meet Octavia Philharmonica, Overly Protective Roommate. Octavia, darling, meet Lyra Heartstrings, Sex Bomb Extraordinaire and my marefriend," Vinyl introduced them.

"We're not actually-" Lyra began, and at the same time Octavia spoke.

"I really don't think I want to know the details of yours and Vinyl's romance. Now, you seem pleasant enough and musical, and she's happy so welcome. Do you want a cup of tea?" she asked.

Lyra blinked. "Sure, that'd be great."

Vinyl grinned. "Look at you two, getting along. Tea would be great," she flopped down on the sofa and Lyra said daintily next to her.

"So how'd you meet?" asked Octavia.

"Drunken escapades by the bar," Lyra answered, sipping the tea Octavia passed to her. She guessed it was magic tea or something, because there was no way normal tea could have been made that fast.

"I like to pretend that's not the first time somepony's said that," Octavia smiled.

She looked nice actually. She should smile more often.

"I don't," Vinyl said from her sprawled-out position on the couch. "Got any new gigs lately?"

Octavia sighed. "For the last time, I play concerts, not gigs. And I have one next weekend- I'm playing a garden party in the Canterlot gardens. Very nice, and well-paying."

The last bit was obviously directed at Vinyl Scratch, who sat up lazily.

"You can't deny I make money," she said. "And the ponies love me. Just because I play in nightclubs."

"I used to play on the streets," Lyra butted into their argument. "Made loads of bits though."

Octavia turned to stare at her. "You busked?" she exclaimed.

Lyra took a big gulp of her tea. The atmosphere in the apartment had suddenly turned cold and awkward.

"Just a friendly reminder that you were born in a seedy apartment in Baltimare to a single mother and got big because she got a job in the palace," quipped Vinyl Scratch, finishing off her tea and wiping her mouth with her hoof.

"Just a friendly reminder that-" Octavia smirked before Vinyl interrupted.

"Well, I think that it's time for us to go to bed. Me and Lyra are gonna head up now," Vinyl stood up and stretched.

Suddenly Octavia blushed a deep red. "Oh. I see. I'll go get my earplugs."

Lyra turned beetroot red while Vinyl Scratch laughed. "You do that, Octy. You do that."

"I really don't think-" Lyra began, mortified.

"Let her have her fun, Ly. Come on, I've got a spare bed in my room for the rare occasions where my marefriend won't give in."

Vinyl led her across the kitchen area into a separate room painted a deep blue with glowing silver stars rotating on the ceiling.

"You like?" Vinyl said. "I did it myself. You can have the bed on the right."

In comparison to the left bed, the sheets were straight and tidy, while Vinyl's bed was rumpled and looked slept in. Also, the unicorn was pretending to pose provocatively on it, grinning.

"As hot as you are, no," Lyra giggled.

"You know I'm joking. I'll wait for you," Vinyl said, standing up and staring Lyra in the eyes.

She was close enough to touch.

"Why?" asked Lyra breathlessly.

"Because you're my Lyra. And you're the one," Vinyl said simply, leaning forward and stealing a kiss.

It was short. It was sweet. Vinyl tasted of alcohol and it was a bitter taste, but Lyra kind of liked it- no doubt she tasted the same anyway.

A part of her still loved Lily Blossom.

But another part of her was learning to love Vinyl Scratch.

Vinyl pulled away, blinking. "Goodnight," she said simply, and walked to her bed.

Lyra smiled at her retreating marefriend and dragged herself to bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, her last thought being that she'd been in Canterlot for a day and had already made two new friends, one of them possibly the most important mare she'd ever meet.

Lyra's head was killing her.

It hadn't been so bad the night before, but today it hurt as if Discord's statue had fallen on her.

Which meant a lot of pain.

The night before- where she'd kissed Vinyl Scratch. Or, Vinyl Scratch had kissed her.

She moaned slightly then turned to her side, expecting to see Vinyl Scratch lying in bed equally hung-over, but there was nothing left to suggest the DJ had been there except the crumpled bed sheets.

She heard voices coming from outside the bedroom and slowly stood up from the bed, making sure to walk gently without any jerky sudden movements.

She opened the door (just casting that one spell hurt slightly) and found Vinyl Scratch and Octavia sitting on the same sofa as last night. One thing Lyra hadn't noticed then was that it was made of red leather and the stuffing was coming out. But it was still comfortable. Vinyl had a cup of tea in her hooves and was sipping it slowly.

"Ah, you're awake," said Octavia, smiling at her pleasantly. "Do sit down. I made you a cup of tea- the same one you drank last night. It's magic tea so it should help you recover from your hangover."

Lyra grabbed the cup gratefully and sat down next to Vinyl, who was being unusually quiet.

"You're dangerously silent. Are you plotting on how you're going to murder us all or something?" Lyra asked.

Octavia smirked, "You have an amazing grasp on her character. Oh, you two are so cute. Why don't you just get married?"

Vinyl smiled lazily, "I think Octavia is more emotionally invested in our relationship than we are."

Octavia blushed, "I'm happy for you. Breakfast?"

Vinyl nodded and smiled lovingly at Lyra, who grinned back.

It had been a short walk to hers and Bon Bon's house, and she had talked with Vinyl Scratch about music, Octavia, and just about anything. She was amazed that they still had stuff to talk about.

As they got closer she could see Bon Bon sitting in their garden, taking in the late morning sun. It was warm, for a Spring day.

"Well," said Lyra, "thank you for everything, Vinny."

"You too," smiled Vinyl. There was silence as they stared into each other's eyes, then Vinyl Scratch looked around, as if someone could be listening.

"Listen, I have tonight off. How about we go to a restaurant. Grab a meal. Have a bottle of wine. We can talk, figure some stuff out, the usual. Then maybe you'll get laid," Vinyl winked.

Lyra laughed. "If you're lucky," she said, then sobered up.

"That sounds like a good idea."

Vinyl Scratch smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll pick you up at seven. And I promise I'll have you home by one in the morning. Wild sex in a field and all," the alabaster mare teased.


Vinyl Scratch walked away.

Lyra smiled at the retreating figure of the mare she was growing to care for immensely and watched her walk away until she turned a corner and could be seen no more.

Still smiling, she turned to walk the rest of the way to her house.

That hole in her heart? It was still there.

It still hurt. And she did still care for Lily Blossom.

But Vinyl Scratch was a whole different type of lover.

And she was filling up the hole, bit by bit.

10 years later ...

"And that is the totally not appropriate story of how I met your mother," finished Vinyl Scratch happily, watching hers and Lyra's two year old filly giggle loudly, even though the dark grey unicorn didn't really know what was going on. Her red eyes shined brightly.

"I can't believe you told her the story," scolded Lyra playfully, her belly rounded with their new foal. "It's highly inappropriate, and not to mention you got her all excited before bed."

Vinyl Scratch stood up, smiling at her beautiful wife. "Come on, Ly. Electric Melody's a night owl, like you and me. She's got our sense of fun."

Lyra smirked and picked up Electric Melody, rubbing soothing circles on her back in order to help her get to sleep.

"And she's got your sense of trouble too," she joked, watching the filly's red eyes close gently as she drifted off into dream-land. She smiled smugly and carefully laid Electric Melody back in her got. She turned off the light and she left the bedroom with Vinyl Scratch, closing the door silently.

The white unicorn nuzzled her wife gently.

"I have a question," said Lyra. Vinyl looked up.

"That morning, after the night we first met, you left without saying goodbye. And you never do- say goodbye, I mean. To me at least. Why?" Lyra asked, opening the door to their own bedroom.

Vinyl smiled lovingly and kissed her wife sweetly.

"Because you're my Lyra, you're the one, and our story isn't over."

Author's Note:

Swan Song by A Fine Frenzy
have some of my feels

Anyway, in total this has taken me about six days, and as usual I'm entering my submission at the last minute.

Special thanks to hahasauce for the cover art, The Princess Rarity and pinkachu for being supportive friends and for listening to me moan.
As like Lyra, I too am a moaner ;)
Shout out also to all my followers because you're amazing like srsly my bbs come here I love you all
I hope you enjoy, leave a comment, favourite and thumb me because I cannot stop with the sex jokes.

Comments ( 21 )

Vinyl with somepony other than Octavia, Lyra with somepony other than Bon-Bon? Oh my...

I really liked this. I'd been looking for a Vinyl x Lyra fic for so long. It makes a nice change from all the Vinyl and Tavi fics, and it was full of feels :3

3241677 Apart from the fact that I'm causing controversy throughout the fandom, did you like it?

Haven't read it, though the paring caught my eye. And to be honest I'm fine with generally sticking it to the fandom with what is thought to be canon ships.

3241829 I prefer to base ships around chemistry rather than what the fandom thinks.
Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it :twilightsmile:

:pinkiegasp: Simply fabulous darling! :raritystarry: I've already read 3 times and it's my new fav fanfic, good luck in the contest :heart:

The day Rarity dumped Lyra happened to be the day her and her friend Bon Bon- the only friend she had- were moving to Canterlot.

Rarity or Lily Blossom? :rainbowhuh:

Very good! Best of luck on the contest :twilightsmile:

EDIT: Also, if the chapter title is anything to go by, you have a very good taste in music.

A truly fantastic story. I love it, but I am cuRious about how two mares produce offspring.

3251739 Unicorn magic probably. They could use a spell to give one of them *ahem* male body parts for a certain amount of time, allowing one of them to get pregnant :pinkiesmile:
And thanks for the praise!

"I know. It's no wonder Octavia hasn't moved out yet." Vinyl joked. Lyra's smile slipped.

Do you mean "It's a wonder ..."?

This is a great story. LyraScratch is an interesting pairing.

3262041 Well, it sounded alright when I wrote it, but reading it out loud it now sounds a bit weird. Thanks for the feedback!

Hmm, interesting. I'm beginning to see why you joined up with RR. I'm always down for an uncommon ship, and I found this quite enjoyable.

One thing though, why I'm not opposed to zero spaces between paragraphs, I would have appreciated some indentations at least.


3251862 This looks REALLY interesting I look forward to not sleeping and instead reading this obvious masterpiece, though my favourite ship is octascratch I wouldn't be surprised if vinylheartstrings comes in a close second.:twilightsmile:

By Celestias bushy beard! How does this story have so few views?

On a more serious note: This is a good read, I'll probably come back for another.

Anyone else get slight Scott Pilgrim vibes from this?

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