• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 12,721 Views, 348 Comments

Just Horsing Around - Darkness Shade

Seemingly lost in his life, a young man finds himself waking up in a strange new land populated by some curious residents. When certain truths are revealed and he finds there's more to his appearing there, how will he adjust to his new life?

  • ...

8th Harvest

"Apple Ryder, you've got a delivery!"

Stopping what he was tinkering with, he put aside his goggles and walked over to see Derpy holding a long package for him; giving his signature he thanked her and then shook his head as he watched her wobble back and forth as she flew away.

"That girl is something else...hell of a mailmare though." Ryan noted, opening up his package, "Yes! It finally came."

"What are ya talking about?" AppleJack asked, watching as he tore open the packaging and pulled out a long black box, "What's that?"

"It's for training." Ryan explained, opening the case to show off a beautifully crafted katana, "While nothing terrible has happened yet, from all them tales y'all have told me since I've been here it does seem like yer pretty good at attracting trouble."

AppleJack merely nodded, her gaze looking over the blade as he lifted it from the case: the bright silver sheen of the blade, the red handle swirled with yellow stripes, and then the most eye-catching part was what appeared to be an apple made of an orange jewel.

"Ah! So that's what ya were using that gem we found for!"

"Yep! I figured why not get it customized to match mah family." Ryan remarked, stepping back so he was clear of everything and giving it a test swing, "It's nice and light too, but from what the blacksmith in town...oh what was his name? Tarnation, I can't remember; anyway he assured me it would be quite resilient to any number of things."

"But what's got ya so worried darlin'?"

"Well, some weird things have been happening lately...and I want to be wrong; however, just in case I'm not, I want to get some practice in so I'm not useless if somepony tries to hurt mah friends and mah home." Ryan explained, sheathing the sword and strapping it to his back, "Plus, I figure it'll help me focus mah inner self too and that should help with my magic somehow; ya know, try to catch up to T-Sparks and such. Hahaha."

"Just don't go hurting yerself Ry-Ry." AppleJack nudged him and laughed, "I know how crazy ya can get at times when yer focused."

"Cute Apps, cute." He laughed, ruffling her mane, "Well, back to what I was working on!"

The days slowly dragged on, being hotter than ever but as far Ryan could deduce, he figured it was just part of that early winter being called for so they had to get all the hot days out of the way when they could; as it was September rolled around quickly enough and the trees began to change color, their leaves fading to a vivid mixture of reds, browns, yellows, and oranges.

"So then...I can't help but notice the leaves haven't fallen despite changing color." Ryan asked one day while walking to town with AppleJack, "Don't tell me you guys handle that as well?"

"Sure enough sugah; in fact we have an annual race to help bring the leaves down: The Running of the Leaves! I bet with all the running we've been doing in the mornings you could probably at least keep up with most of the herd at this point."

"So basically a marathon? Hmmm...well, it would make sense then that the vibrations from everypony running would shake the leaves free; sounds like fun." Ryan paused a moment, "Would they allow me to enter?"

"Heck yeah! This is Ponyville and yer a citizen remember? Other than that crazy Lyra, most everyone sees ya as a pony...or should I use brony instead?"

Ryan sighed and rolled his eyes at Apps' teasing, shaking his head that he ever used that word to begin with.

"Well then Apps, just make sure I'm signed up; I might not win, but I reckon I'll have some fun!"

"Sheesh, it's like everypony in town is here to race." Ryan remarked as he stretched, a giant number 573 plastered on his chest, "...as the lone human (and a slightly huskier one at that) amongst a herd full of ponies, I'm not sure the odds are in mah favor."

"That's just hogwash Ry-Ry; yer a pretty quick runner even if yer only on two legs." AppleJack scoffed, "Besides, it's not about who wins ya know."

"I know, I know, it's about having fun and shaking the leaves so fall can officially get underway...which means we can get to winter and Christmas!"


"Christmas....it's in December, usually near the end on the 25th?"

"Oh, yer thinking of Hearth's Warming Eve!" AppleJack giggled, "Christmas...is that another one of yer human words?"

"Heh, I guess so Apps; I just hope y'all celebrate it the same way." Ryan replied, taking one last stretch before noting he couldn't stand up, "The hay? Dashie. Haha, about time ya showed up."

"Yeah, yeah, so I'm a little late; mah alarm clock didn't go off like it should. I'm here though...it'll be nice to see if you've improved any since the beach trip."

"Well, as long as ya don't bust out them wings of yers, I think I'll be ok; I'm being realistic though about all this."

"Don't count yourself out yet, I mean, last year we both lost to Twilight of all ponies."

"Yeah, but that's because you and I were feuding over the race sugarcube." AppleJack sighed, "It was pretty foolish of us...but this year it's all fer fun."

"Let's hope so."

Waiting for the rest of the racers to show up, Ryan gave a wave when he saw Twilight and Spike show up...and while Twilight was numbered for the race, Spike was dressed in what could only be described as a sports blazer.

"Ah, more competition, I mean fun." He joked, "So little buddy, what's with the get-up?"

"Oh, after I did so well commenting last year on the race, I was asked to be the commentator for it again!" Spike proudly noted, "Hopefully it'll be a good clean race this year...but I'm ready for it to start! To speak in the role I so aptly fit in!"

"...yer worrying me little dude." Ryan teased at Spike's more professional demeanor, "Just don't fall out of the balloon."

"Oh don't worry, Pinkie wouldn't let that happen to me."

"Pinks? Oh Celestia, she's commenting as well? Hahahaha, this will be most excellent."

"My thoughts exactly! The fun will be doubled!"

"Ack!" Ryan gasped, getting glomped by Luna of all people, "L-Luna! Um..."

"Sister, please; I don't think poor Ryan can breathe." Celestia sighed, shaking her head, "Hello my little ponies, it's nice to be here again for another Running of the Leaves."

"Princess!" Twilight gasped, rushing over to her, "It's nice to see you too; I wasn't sure if you were going to come this year or not."

"Heh, and miss my favorite season?" Celestia chuckled, "And besides, Luna was rather curious to see if Ryan was going to run or not."

"Sister!" Luna gasped, before returning to glomping Ryan though in a manner with which he could breathe, "But yes...we were quite curious to watch the first ever human participant in the running in over a thousand years."

"...Luna." Ryan mumbled, "I know yer happy to see me, but yer still hugging too hard."

"Oh! Sorry!" Luna quickly let go of Ryan who caught his breathe, "...I'm not sure what it is when I'm around you."

"I'm pretty certain ah know." AppleJack remarked with a smirk, "Yer just thinking of that fellah he looks like...I can't blame ya, since mah Apple Ryder is pretty charming but ya do realize he's a different person right Princess?"

"Of this I know; I am not sure why I keep letting myself become so emotional." Luna grinned sheepishly, "It is not becoming for a Princess to act this way."

"It's okay Luna, no harm done; just...no more glomping like that okay?" Ryan laughed, rubbing the back of his head, "...so, is it race time yet?"

"Alright mares and gentlecolts! It's time once again to bring in fall!"

"That's right Spike, and we don't mean fall as in falling over, or falling in love...but fall as in that time when the leaves get all pretty and need shaken like yer rear in a conga line!"

"...what?" Spike blinked at Pinkie's description, "Anyway, today should be a really interesting race as for the first time in over a thousand years we have the first human participant taking part in the running!"

"That's right Spike; Rysy-Wysy might look a little strange and walk upright but he's just as much a pony as you or I! And he makes awesome treats! Seriously, has everypony had that Ryan Special yet...I had like three for breakfast and..."

"And to view this historic event." Spike continued, letting Pinkie trail off, "Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are here to watch; it's so exciting, just who will win this year?"

As the race prepared to get underway, Ryan heard an all too familiar squee as they lined up at the starting line and was not surprised to see Lyra there, her friend Bon Bon sighing as she desperately tried to hide herself.

"Oh my gosh, Ryan!" Lyra gasped, glomping Ryan, "I was hoping you'd run this year! Oh, oh, do you mind if I try and run like you do?"

"On two legs? Well, I don't own the rights to that...and besides, I've seen ponies walk on their hind legs plenty of times...y'all seem pretty at ease doing that."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I know...but we can't run all that fast like that; not like humans can!"

"Lyra...don't you think you're putting poor Ryan out just a little bit?" Bon Bon asked, smiling politely at Ryan, "I mean, after what I caught happening when he came over...what you pretty much cute-bullied him to do."

"Ahem! I thought y'all agreed to never bring that up again after we barged in on it?"

"Yeah, I'm with Apps; it was a bit of an unfair situation anyway. When yer one of a handful of guys in a town full of mares...and then you have a total weakness to batted eyes and cute smiles...it's no wonder I'm always doing things for everypony." Ryan sighed, sheepishly smiling, "Anyway Lyra, run how ya want...that's what I'll be doing."

"Okay! High-five!"

Rolling his eyes, Ryan couldn't help but smirk as he gave her the desired high-five and watched Lyra get supercharged for the race; with that everypony got ready for the countdown.

"On your mark everypony! Get set!" The Mayor shouted, raising the flag high before throwing it down, "Gallop!!!!"

And like that the dust cloud whooshed up as everypony ran forward; as he expected a good number of ponies ran passed him quite quickly (led by Rainbow Dash and AppleJack, though that didn't surprise him) but he was keeping pace with a good number...and ahead of one or two like Lyra who was determined to run on her hind legs.

"Come on Lyra, kick them legs!" Ryan teased, giving her a friendly pat on the back before picking up the pace a little bit and settling in his speed with Twilight of all ponies, "Hey Twi; yer pretty good, better than I expected from someone that's always got their nose in a book. Haha."

"Oh ha, ha, ha...funny Ryan." Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled, "Well, last year when I paced myself I placed fifth!"

"That's the best way ta do this racing stuff...unless yer Apps and Dashie and have more stamina and energy than the sun."

"At least they're being civil this year...last year they were way out of hoove with their rivalry."

"Well, considering all I've heard it doesn't surprise me." Ryan let out a laugh, "I'm just glad that friendly rivalry they have didn't extend to fighting over mah love."

"...that would've been trouble."


"And Ryan is keeping pace, staying steady in the middle of the pack and doing pretty well all things considered; as for the race leaders, AppleJack and Rainbow Dash are neck and neck just like last year...but at least they aren't trying to beat each other up."

"That's right Spike! Oh! I wonder if I tied a hot dog to his head would Ryan run faster? Oh! Oh! And add some cheese to that hot dog too! Then he'd be turbo-charged!"

"...Pinkie, you certainly do put the color in color commentary." Spike joked, laughing nervously, "And with most of the racers reaching the halfway point, the leaves are falling nicely; it looks like this race is well on its way to being a successful one!"

"Yeppers-peppers! With them heading into the Whitetail Woods who knows what kind of lead changing might happen? Oh, I just realized what else might go good on that hot dog!"

"Enough about the hot dogs." Ryan groaned, shouting up at their balloon, "Sheesh...that gal is nice and all, but she just gets something and runs with it huh?"

"That's true...but that's Pinkie; heh, and you don't have to keep running with me ya know? I know ya want to try and catch up to AppleJack."

"Haha, that transparent huh?" Ryan laughed softly before smirking, "Well, I'd like to run some of the race with her...so...see ya at the end T-Sparks; let's hope I can place as well as you did last year."

With that Ryan ramped up his speed slightly, slowly catching up and passing a few other ponies as they wound through the woods; he grunted and groaned a few times as he had to duck branches and ran into a few others as he slowly made his way forward.

Wondering if he ever would catch up to his gal, he eventually saw what appeared to be her particular shade of orange appear in the distance; noting he was slowly catching up to her, she must have slowed to pace herself and once he was close enough he called out to her.

"Hmmm?" AppleJack mused, looking back and seeing Ryan waving at her, "Apple Ryder!"

"Heya Apps! I finally caught up with ya." Ryan huffed slightly, catching his breath as he matched AppleJack's pace, "Where's Dashie?"

"Oh, she just had to burst ahead as usual; she can win if she wants but, ta be honest, I was kind of hoping I could cross the finish line with you."

"Did you slow down so I could catch up?"


"Hahaha, what a sweet thing to do." Ryan remarked, leaning down and kissing her cheek as best he could while they kept running, "Let me catch mah breath a little and then we can try to catch Dashie, alright?"

"Sounds like a plan sugah!"

And so the two ran along, not caring about much else other than shaking the leaves loose and enjoying one another's company as they ran.

"And it looks like Rainbow Dash might be the winner this year as AppleJack seems quite content to finish it out with her special somepony."

"I guess so Spike!! I guess it just goes to show that love is more powerful than any trophy....although if the trophy was a giant super awesome tasty cake then I'd wonder if they'd think the same thing."

"I don't know Pinkie...as tasty as some of those gem cakes you make are, I think I'd do what they are if I was racing with Rarity."

"Awwwwwwwwwwww." Everypony cooed, much to Spike's embarrassment.

"I...I mean! Oh look, Ryan and AppleJack have quickened their pace and...hey, that's Twilight too! It looks like they're all catching up to Rainbow Dash who finally seems to be tiring out." Spike noted, hoping to distract everypony, "I wonder who'll win!"

"Hey, there's Dashie! Heh, I caught up to her somehow after all!"

"Wha...is that Ryan I heard?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking over her shoulder to see Ryan waving at her, "Oh man, I must've really slowed down."

"I'mma gonna glomp ya across that line Dashie!" Ryan shouted, laughing as he and the others tied with him began pushing it to catch up to her, "Come here!"

"I don't think so! I'm not gonna lose like that!"

With that Rainbow Dash gave it her all, running as fast as she possibly could (she was not going to cheat with her wings this time) but was still disgruntled they were gaining on her.

"Especially Twilight...I can't lose to her again!" She gasped before grinning at the sight of the finish line, "Yes! It's all mine!"


"Apps is right, we're gonna catch up!"

"...even if it is a bit silly, I can't help but feel myself get caught up in the sportsmanship rivalry." Twilight added, "Okay! I'm giving my all now!"

With that the four of them ended up nearly neck and neck, the dust kicking up with the leaves as they all neared the finish line.

"This is going to be a heck of a finish!" Spike shouted as they followed above, "It's anypony's race at this point!"

"Oh I can't watch! My stomach hasn't felt this twisted up since we all ate those Baked Bads!"

With one final push by everyone, it seemed as any one of them were to be the winner until...

"What was that grey streak?" Ryan asked moments before the four of them tumbled into each other and over the finish line...and got trampled by the ponies behind them as they caught up, "....ow."

"And from out of absolutely nowhere comes Derpy Hooves to win it all!" Spike gasped as they landed the balloon, "What a finish!"

"...ugh...that hurt sugarcube." AppleJack groaned, slowly getting back up and helping the others, "Everypony okay?"

"I'm fine...just my pride again." Rainbow Dash sighed before smirking, "Oh well, good job Derpy!"

"Yes! I'm quite happy too, I came in third!" Twilight added, "A nice improvement from last time."

"Heh, I guess that means me and Apps came in fourth and fifth." Ryan deduced, "Hey, fifth place in mah first running...as I recall, T-Sparks noted that's admirable!"

With a grin, Ryan walked over to shake hands with Derpy and congratulate her but was a bit curious about the brown stallion that seemed rather chummy with her.

"Well done Derpy my dear; that was most remarkable with that last burst of speed."

"Yes, that was pretty nicely done Derpy; I suppose there's a reason yer one hell of a mailmare." Ryan remarked, shaking her hoove before turning to the stallion, "By the way, I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves; I saw you at the Cider contest but was so busy I never got to say hello. I'm Ryan."

"Ah yes, the lone human in our world. Well, you can call me the Doctor."

Ryan took the offered hoove but smirked at how awkward this pony seemed to be in regards to shaking hands...and just how oddly he looked at him.

"The Doctor? Doctor Hooves then in some sort of delightful, cosmic pun?"

"Just...the Doctor if you will." the Doctor remarked, though Ryan could tell he seemed nervous...and then a strange thought clicked in his head.

"It can't be...there's no way. Hmmm..."

"Are you okay young man?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine; but tell me." Ryan leaned in close so only the Doctor and Derpy could hear, "Is the TARDIS still the, how did you put, the "sexy machine" that she always has been?"

"...I don't know...w-what you're talking about...good sir."

"Yer an awful liar, but that's okay; I've seen plenty in mah short time here to realize anything is possible." Ryan smirked, giving him a wink, "I won't say anything, and while I don't really know all that much about your show in mah world, I imagine some people would freak out something fierce knowing you exist in another reality."

"...Doctor, how does Ryan know all this? Is it because he's a human?"

"I'm not really sure Derpy...look, let's assume you are right in what you say, I'm with dear Derpy: how do you know this?"

"Oh, it's easy: like I said, in my world you're a television character, or at least your humanoid self is, been so fer....fifty something years? I'm not a fan per se, I've watched on occasion and know a few things but...yeah you don't really exist in mah world, outside of fiction obviously."

"....that makes my brain hurt a little." Derpy remarked, frowning and tapping her head in thought, "So he doesn't exist in your world?"

"That's the gist of what Ryan has explained; curious then but I can't expect an incarnation of myself to be in every reality." the Doctor mused, "Anyway, that's all assuming what we're talking about is real...which we aren't."

"Haha, we can play that way...like I said, it's not like I'd say anything." Ryan laughed softly, "Just maybe, one day, you'll let me see what it's like when something is "a lot bigger on the inside". Breaking the laws of physics has always intrigued me after all. Anyhow, good job Derpy; hopefully I'll be the winner next year."

With that Ryan walked back to his friends who were excited as they looked over their ribbons, all the while the Doctor and Derpy tried to make sense of Ryan and whether or not he was a risk knowing what he knew.

"...it'll be okay Doctor; I've seen enough of him to know he'll keep his word." Derpy nodded before putting a hoove on his shoulder, "I might not be the smartest or the sharpest wit but I can tell when someone has good character. Ever since I first saw him I always seem to bump into him or nearly knock him down but he's always so nice about it and never getting angry at me."

"Very well Derpy, I won't let it bother me then."

Meanwhile, a thought had struck Ryan while chatting with his friends that one of them seemed to be completely missing from the group; in fact, she wasn't anywhere to be found at all and that bothered him.

"Gals...where's Rarity?"

"That's a good question." Twilight tapped a hoof on the ground before frowning, "Even though she's not one to run like this...she would've been here for support."

At that moment, a distance away at Rarity's boutique, said missing pony was slowly waking up; turning to look at her alarm clock she gasped and panicked at what time it was, swooning and stating how this was just the worst possible thing ever!

"Oh my, they'll never let me hear the end of it if they find out I slept in; how terribly dreadful!"

While there was some good-natured teasing towards Rarity when they'll all met up later that day for dinner, the group of friends still had quite a good time enjoying their victories and another successful fall getting underway and looking forward to what it would bring.

Speaking of, one day at the schoolhouse...

"And let's see...who would like to volunteer to have a family member come in first this year?" Cheerilee asked.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I do Miss Cheerilee!" AppleBloom shouted, "I'd like mah big brother ta come in since I know everypony is curious about him!"

"...why would they be curious about Big Mac sweetie?"

"Not MacIntosh, mah other big bro!"

"...hmmm? You have another brother?" Came the murmurs from the other kids.

"I bet she's talking about that weirdo looking pony that lives on their farm with them." Stated a rather snooty looking filly.

"Ya take that back Diamond Tiara! Mah big bro Ryan is not a weirdo!"

"Ooooh yes, our resident human." Cheerilee nodded, "I didn't know he was family now."

"Well he's dating mah sister, so why wouldn't he be? Even Granny said he's officially an Apple family member."

"I think that's an excellent idea AppleBloom; I'm sure many of you would have some good questions for him."

"Whoo! I'll ask him when I get home tonight! And he'd love that, big bro seems to like talking fer some reason."

With that the bell rang, Cheerilee dismissing all of them for the day; saying goodbye to her friends AppleBloom ran right home to ask him.

Not seeing either of them, she wandered back to the barn and didn't see them there either...even though she saw evidence of whatever it was Ryan was working on in secret, parts and pieces of who knew what lying about; giving a shrug, she eventually just went into the farmhouse and saw the two of them lying on the couch taking a quick nap.

"Haha, big bro looks so peaceful." AppleBloom giggled softly, tip-toeing over and lightly nipping his hand, "Wakey-wakey."

"Ugh...hmmmm?" Ryan groaned softly, "Apps...mah hand isn't an apple."

"Mmmm, it's not? But it's tasty." AppleJack mumbled out in her sleepy state, "...needs jam."

"...what in tarnation are you two dreaming about?" AppleBloom asked, before nipping his hand again, "Come on! Wake up!"

"Ack! Too hard!" Ryan gasped before blinking and seeing AppleBloom staring at him, "Oh hey lil' sis....wait, did ya bite mah hand?"

"Mmmmaybe...I wanted to ask ya something!"

Letting out a little groan when she hopped up into his lap (AppleJack had simply been leaning against his right side), Ryan shook his head before ruffling her mane.

"And what is so important it couldn't wait until I was done napping with Apps?"

"Will ya come speak to mah class this year?"


"Well, ya see, every year we have someone from our family come talk to the class, like a family appreciation thing...at least we have the last three years or so...and this year I wanted mah big bro to come talk to them! Ya know...talk about being a human and what have ya."

"Heh, that sounds like a right fine idea, eh Apple Ryder?" AppleJack laughed softly, "I reckon them fillies and colts are mighty curious about ya after all. Though, considerin' our Granny was the one to do so last time...you've got yer work cut out for ya."

"Well then, I'll just have to wow them with my epic human-ness!" Ryan remarked, "...even if that didn't make a lick o'sense."

Having a bit of a laugh at his silliness, the three of them hung out for a while and enjoyed some quality family time....which ended up with them napping once again.

A few days later, Ryan was on his way towards the schoolhouse when AppleBloom said he had to show up; looking over himself and checking over the bag he had brought along one more time, he gave a knock on the door and smiled when Cheerilee waved him in.

"It's good to have you here Ryan, thanks for coming in."

"Heh, anything for mah little sis. It's also an honor to meet the fine mare that's ensuring she gets a proper education." Ryan took her hoove and shook, before kissing it like the silly human that he was, "I appreciate it m'lady."

"Oh dear...I had heard you were quite a charmer from Lyra and Bon Bon." Cheerilee joked, "Now then, if you'd like to go ahead and take a seat and start talking."

"Psst, AppleBloom." Diamond Tiara whispered towards her, "He's so sappy...told ya he was weird."

"He is not weird!"

"That's sweet little sis, but I'm pretty goofy so I'm not sure that is completely true." Ryan joked, much to the younguns amusement...and AppleBloom's slight embarrassment, "Anyway, I can only guess that y'all must have a ton of question for me."

"What's it like being so tall?"

"What's a human anyway?"

"Why do you always wear clothes?"

"Is it weird dating a pony?"

"Why are you such a weirdo?"

"Diamond Tiara!"

Ryan had to laugh, they all had pretty good questions (except for that Diamond Tiara filly); thinking on it, he'd seen her and that other one laughing along with her teasing his little sisters the CMC's quite a bit but he was never really sure why.

Upon thinking about their names though, he had an inkling of an idea but he was going to ignore it for now.

"My my, those are all such very good questions." Ryan noted, "Let's start with a simple one: a human is a mammal much like y'all. In fact, on my Earth there's a whole bunch of us; as the ponies seem to be here, on my Earth humans are the predominant species."


"Haha, it means we're the ones at the top more or less. Anyway, what else? I'm also warm-blooded..."

"I'll say! He's so fun to snuggle with."

"Scootaloo!" Ryan laughed, as did most of the class, "While I won't deny that, come on...I'm blushing here. Any who, as you've noticed I walk upright all the time and don't have nearly as impressive a mane as ponies are capable of. As for the clothing, well...for a human it's not decent to go around without clothing on. I wouldn't want to scare anypony after all."

The group of children giggled at his friendly manner and energetic way of talking.

"As for dating a pony well...apparently the fellow that is mah past self/predecessor/whatever y'all want to call him was pretty close to Luna so..."

"Wait, wait...Princess Luna?!"

"Yes Silver Spoon, that Luna; as such, it doesn't seem I'm too far off following in his footsteps." Ryan joked, "Besides, Apps is a sweet gal and human or not, I don't know how anypony could resist her charms."

"But doesn't it get tiresome being so much taller than her? How do ya kiss?"

At that question the class giggled as children do when talking about romance and such topics; Ryan took it all in stride though, amused by their curiosity.

"Well, it's not as bad as you'd think with her being about 2/3rds mah height; when she's on her hind legs we can kiss pretty easily."

"I'll say!"

"AppleBloom! Ahem, anyway it's probably no different than how anypony kisses...I love Apps so it just doesn't really bother me about our differences. Heck, y'all pretty much act like humans anyhow with a lot of what ya got so it all seems normal ta me."

"We do?"

"Eyup! While ya don't seem to have all the same technologies, me and Twilight Sparkle have been working on that; as such I brought something to share with y'all today."

"Peh, it's probably some silly doo-dad or such." Diamond Tiara scoffed as Ryan pulled something out of his bag, "What in all of Ponyville is that?"

"This is a camera."

"It looks different from mine!"

"That's right...Featherweight was it?" Ryan noted, smiling when the little colt nodded his head, "Heh, this one is a bit different from the one T-Sparks and I finished up; it's got similar properties but it actually prints the picture after taking it....at least it should."

"It should?" Cheerilee asked, a bit worried at his word usage.

"Yeah, it'll...it'll be fine; it's a prototype so it's not designed to be used by anyone that doesn't have hands yet...but if'n y'all would like it I can take a photo of all of us for yer classroom."

"I think that would be a wonderful idea...I hope." Cheerilee nervously noted, "Okay everypony, line up in the front while Mr. Ryan gets his camera set up."

"Heh, just call me Ryan...adding that mister makes me feel old. Haha."

With that Ryan lined up his camera, got everypony in focus, crossed his fingers and hit the timer; hurriedly making his way over to the group he kneeled behind the CMC's and smiled.

The camera beeped for a few moments before the flash went off and the picture was taken...and then the camera sparked, billowed out black smoke and flooded the classroom forcing everypony to run outside for fresh air.

"Ack...sorry...cough...sorry everypony." Ryan coughed a bit, watching as the smoke finally dissipated from the schoolhouse, "Like I said...it's a prototype. Sorry Cheerilee."

"Oh it's okay; what is technology without it's issues right? As long as nopony was hurt."

"Thanks fer being so understanding; mah camera is a bit wrecked but hey! On the plus side, the picture did come out everypony!"

Sure enough, as he held it up for all the kids to see, the picture had taken perfectly and printed...as far as he could deduce Equestria wasn't ready for a piece of tech this awesome though and had seen fit for it to slightly explode as a result.

"Oh well, back to the drawing board...huh?"

Looking over, he could see the CMC's (particularly AppleBloom) arguing with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon about...him?!

"He is not a spaz! He's really smart! It's not his fault his gizmo blew up! And even then it still worked!"

"Heh, whatever, he's just a freak that likes to hang out with a bunch of loser blank flanks; what's even more pathetic is he's so lonely he has to date outside his own species! I bet he was a loser back on his world too!" Diamond Tiara taunted, smirking at how angry AppleBloom was getting.

"Why you...?!" AppleBloom gasped, making to jump her but getting stopped mid-air by Ryan, "Big bro?!"

"AppleBloom, let it go." Ryan noted as he held her and then hefted her on to his shoulders before looking at Diamond Tiara, "...you really shouldn't antagonize people so much DT; if you don't, one day you'll find yourself with nopony at all who cares about you...and I mean honestly cares about you. Trust me, I saw too many friends go down that road growing up..."

"...." Diamond Tiara didn't quite have a comeback for that statement and just glared at him.

"Hmmm...." Ryan mused, looking at the other two CMC's and smirking before turning back to Diamond Tiara and her friend, "Hey, I was gonna take mah little sisters to get some ice cream...and I think I've got a few extra bits so would you like to join us?"

"Yer inviting them?" AppleBloom gasped while Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo just stared at him.

"Of course; when you do things with somepony else it's always more fun. Thus more ponies equal more enjoyment. As Luna would say, the fun is doubled!"

"....why would I want anything to do with you?" Diamond Tiara asked, "Why would you even ask me when I've acted how I have towards you?"

"Heh, I have mah reasons...so are you two game?"

"Diamond Tiara?" Silver Spoon asked, noting her friend thinking his offer over.

"...I suppose it would be better than going back to an empty home....fine, but I want whatever flavor I want and all the toppings I can pick."

Ryan gave a slight laugh and smiled warmly, "Of course....well then, Cutie Mark Crusaders Ice Cream Connoisseurs go!"

Noting that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walking ahead of them, AppleBloom leaned down and whispered in Ryan's ear.

"Big bro...what in tarnation did ya ask them along fer anyway? They're always making fun of us."

Ryan looked at the two fillies walking in front of them and sighed, "...I knew a few kids in high school that were like them; born into money and all that. Money may be nice, and a problem solver, but it can cause other problems that are even worse than needing money. Heh, I even had family like that."

"I don't understand...."

"Well, let me put it this way: they were always lonely, because they're parents were never around as they were so focused on making money. And judging by how DT is acting, I think her father isn't around too often. He's some super business pony from what Granny told me so that's got to affect her...make her lonely."

"Come to think of it, I've never seen her mother...and nopony ever picks her up from school." Sweetie Belle noted, "...Do you really think it's that simple?"

"Maybe...but perhaps an offer of friendship and kindness is all that's needed to make a change." Ryan replied before noting they were just about at Sugarcube Corner, "Anyway, we'll talk about that more later."

"...I'm not sure what you losers are talking about back there, but you're making us wait! Right Diamond?"

"Right Silver Spoon! Come on...let's get this ice cream! Or did you change your mind human?"

"Ladies first." Ryan remarked, holding the door open for them, "Now then, hopefully our favorite sweet treat server is here."

"My ears are burning!" Pinkie shouted, hopping out of the kitchen, "...no seriously, they are...for Celestia's sake get me some water!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Ryan gasped, setting AppleBloom down and quickly grabbing a pitcher of punch sitting there, "Here!"

Tossing the punch at Pinkie's head, he sighed in relief as the flames sizzled out and left her looking strangely no worse for wear; thoroughly confused he sat the pitcher down and shook his head.

"What....what in Equestria were you doing?!"

"Me? Oh that's an easy one Rysy-Wysy! I was trying to make edible flames!"

"I....uhm....erm.....we're sorry, the human you're attempting to converse with cannot be dialed as desired. Please, hang up, and try again." Ryan joked, his brain sizzling at the insanity Pinkie came up with yet again, "Pinks, you are crazy...but anyway, I've got business fer ya! See these five little fillies? Give them whatever ice cream treat they desire!"

"Okie-dokie-loki! I'm your Ice Cream Mare! Wooo!"

After ordering six decently sized sundaes (well, more like five and then the simple one he was left with since he had slightly overestimated the amount of bits he'd brought with him), Ryan sat with the five fillies who ate in what he noted was a slightly tense silence; eating one of the cherries from his he tried to think of a way to break the ice.

"Hmmm...." He mumbled, before groaning at the spoonful he just ate, "Ah, mah head!"

"Sheesh, it's just brain-freeze you big weirdy." Diamond Tiara scoffed, before blinking as she too got it, "Owies."

"Heh, I thought it was just brain-freeze." AppleBloom teased, much to DT's annoyance.

"Well he's a grown...whatever you'd call him."


"Yeah, sure, fine, adult....I'm just a sweet little filly so of course it'll affect me harder."

"Hahaha, it's funny...but to be honest, with how you two argue I'm surprised you aren't friends." Ryan mused, eating his other cherry and smirking as the two fillies looked at him oddly.

"That don't make a lick o'sense big bro."

"I find myself agreeing with the blank flank; why would we be friends because of that?"

"Wait, wait...I think I got this!" Scootaloo interjected, "Is it....because only good friends would tease each other like that?"

"Something like that." Ryan nodded, "It's sort of a rule that the more two people argue, the closer their friendship can be."

"But...I thought Miss Cheerilee taught us that opposites attract and likes repel?" Silver Spoon asked, pausing with her spoon in her mouth as she thought it over.

"Well SS, while that is true with a lot of things, when it comes to hu-I mean ponies, sometimes those with similar attitudes actually got along better because of that." Ryan explained, finishing up his sundae, "In all honesty...I wouldn't be surprised if you all became friends."

"...that's just ridiculous." Diamond Tiara huffed, poking around the melting remains of her sundae, "..."

"Is it? As far as I can tell, the only reason you make fun of them is their lack of cutie marks." Ryan nodded again, "If you were all, as you so put it "blank flanks", I don't see why you couldn't be friends."

"...Diamond?" Silver Spoon asked, noting her friend's contemplative state again, "...what are you thinking?"

"And to be honest, it shouldn't matter that you do and they don't....heck, where I'm from, humans don't get any kind of sign that they've found what they're good at."

"You said something like that before." Sweetie Belle looked at Ryan and nodded, "Humans don't get cutie marks."

"That's right...we just have to hope we find what we're good at. Sadly, some people never even do and we just have to flounder through life best we can despite that; so the fact that y'all can get a sign when you've found yer calling is pretty cool. It means you have proof that the dream you desire is the correct one so you don't get sidetracked..."

"Big bro?" AppleBloom saw his somewhat forlorn look and nuzzled against him, "You okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking on dreams I had when I was yer age that...fizzled for one reason or another. Nothing fer ya little ones to worry about. That was then, this is now, and the future is limitless right?"

"...you say a lot of strange things Ryan." Diamond Tiara noted, finally looking up from her thoughts, "...anyway, the sundae was a nice treat....thank you."

"Yer welcome. Would ya like us to walk ya home? I'm in no rush so..."

"No, no, that's fine...my father might be there and...well, I don't know why I'm telling you this but he...he seems to not like you for some reason."

"...well that's odd; I don't think yer dad has ever met mah big bro."

"I know AppleBloom, but he..." Diamond Tiara shook her head before frowning again, "Anyway, this...this was nice but...don't think it changes anything."

"Heh, of course not." Ryan joked, laughing softly as he watched DT and her friend walk away, "Yer welcome to join us anytime ya feel like it you two; get home safely."

Diamond Tiara paused for a moment to look back at the waving Ryan; needless to say the CMC's were quite surprised when she gave him a smile before disappearing from view.

"Big bro...how did you do that?"

"It's easy Scootaloo: with situations like this, kindness and compassion are often the strongest weapons at yer disposal."

Well, while Diamond Tiara hadn't let up her teasing of the CMC's, she did seem to have dialed back a bit; Ryan had explained that change was hard for a lot of people after they'd been in their ways for so long...and especially so if they aren't sure the kindness offered is genuine or not.

As it was, October had finally made its way here and with it the start of the chilly weather; Rarity was thrilled as it meant her hard work was finally going to be worn by her "star" model though Ryan was just thrilled about wearing his leather jacket again.

As it was he awoke one morning, a slight chill in the air despite being huddled under a blanket with AppleJack; yawning he went to open his eyes and noted something seemed amiss.

"I can't put my finger on it, but somethin' doesn't feel right." He quietly remarked, looking around slowly, "Hmmm...room looks normal...I look normal...Apps is normal."

"Tarnation, what are ya going on about?" AppleJack mumbled, nuzzling his chest and staying under the covers.

"Something just feels wrong....and I....!"

That was when it finally clicked in his mind what was off: they were on the ceiling, but for some reason they had not fallen to the floor even though gravity...

"Stop that thought!" Ryan told himself, "As long as I don't think it, it can't affect me. Pinkie's guide to reality 101 after all."

"What are ya talking about Pinkie fer?"

"Apps, whatever you do, when you look from under the covers, do not think falling is possible."

"Falling? Why would I think..." She groaned, pulling her head from the warmth and blinking, "Ah, that's why. So...uhm...what do we do sugah?"

"Simple...at the count of three, I want you to think that we fall slowly, but only us, not the bed or anything else. If my calculations are correct, we should be fine...I reckon."

"Well, yer usually pretty smart about things like this so...okay."


With that Ryan and AppleJack pictured themselves slowly floating down to the ground and, sure enough, despite physics breaking they did indeed slowly drop down till gravity fixed itself; not taking any chances Ryan quickly got dressed and the two made their way through the house to see if the others were still okay.

Waking them up, they all headed outside to see the Sweet Apple Acres seemed to be okay, upside down, but okay.

Of course, the sky wasn't looking itself either.

"Okay, I don't understand; why is the sun smiling?

"I think a better question is why does the sun have a face Ry-Ry."

"That's true too Apps; do ya think something happened to Celestia?"

"I don't know sonny, but this all seems kind of odd; maybe y'all should go see yer friends and make sure they're okay?"

"Will you three be okay here?" Ryan asked, looking a bit worried as he turned to Granny.

"Tarnation, we're not helpless! Besides, that look tells me ya know what might be goin' on so go! Big Mac will help us out!"

"Eyup! I've got the farm covered bro."

"Well, just stay on yer guard." Ryan noted, straightening his hat and nodding at AppleJack, "Come on Apps, let's get moving!"

As they continued on in to town, that bad feeling sitting in the pit of Ryan's gut would not go away; as it was Ponyville seemed to be how it should be when he got there...but something felt off in the air.

"Ya feel it too huh Apple Ryder?"

"That weirdness floating about?"

"Yeah, that...like somethin' crazy is about ta happen. Let's try Twi's first since it's the closest!"

Following her, the two came to Twilight's house but noticed the tree was not the right kind of tree it had been before: now it was a pine tree and was all decorated like for Christmas.

"Hearth's Warming Eve."

Whatever, the audience gets the point.

"Ry-Ry...who were ya talking to?"

"Nopony, nopony at all." Ryan grinned before knocking on the door and feeling the door knock back, "Ow...T-Sparks are you in there?!"

"Ryan?! AppleJack!? I'm a bit busy here!"

Well that's all the noise they needed to hear, if the door wasn't going to open nicely, they were going to use force; AppleJack tried to buck it open but that only had the same result as Ryan's knocking.

"You okay?"

AppleJack blinked the stars from her eyes as she lay in Ryan's arms, "Ah think so...never thought I'd feel what it's like to get a taste of Kicks McGee though."

"Anytime guys!" Twilight shouted before shrieking, "Spike look out!"

"Okay, that's enough." Ryan pulled his sword out and took a diagonal swipe at the door, smirking as it cut in half, "And in we...what the hell?"

Inside the library, Twilight and Spike seemed to be fighting a dragon...made entirely of the books and other various items that were normally in her house; seeing help finally showing Twilight ran as fast as she could (with Spike in tow) towards the open doorway.

"Hey T-Sparks, what...." Ryan tired to ask before seeing the dragon turn its focus to him, "Oh lovely; and they said reading was safe."

Sensing he wasn't safe, Ryan ran along with the others and was a bit dismayed that the dragon had destroyed the library and was chasing after them.

"So I reckon y'all had an unpleasant wakeup call as well sugarcube?" AppleJack asked, rolling to one side to avoid getting slammed into the ground.

"...you guys had trouble too?"

"Heh, nothing like this little dude; we just woke up with everything flip-flopped...and of course the sun having a face."

"...seriously?" Twilight huffed, stopping in her tracks, "You simply wake up upside down and I! Wake up! To find all my books! Turned into a damn monstrosity! ARGH!"

Gulping, Ryan, Spike, and AppleJack quickly backed away from Twilight who was looking pretty pissed off; seeing her turn around and face the dragon she growled and let loose a huge burst of magic that pretty much blew it apart into many little pieces of crumpled paper.

"Huh....huh....huh....that was strangely therapeutic." Twilight sighed before noting her friend's raised eyebrows, "...what?"

"...okay, that solved that issue. So then...shall we try to find the others?" Ryan asked, "If we've both encountered some craziness then who knows what they've run in to!"

"Right! I'm not really sure what's going on but we need to make sure everypony is okay." Twilight gave a nod and started running off, "Let's go check on Pinkie Pie next..."

As they ran, Ryan and Spike shared a worried glance and so, just to see if their thoughts had come true, he quickly sent a message off to Celestia hoping that her reply would set things straight.

When they got to Sugarcube Corner, however, things were looking a bit bleak for Pinkie as she seemed to be fighting a giant...muffin? With frosting limbs?

"Oh dear! I told her not to do it but she still did!" Ms. Cake remarked, trying to explain everything to Twilight, "She pushed us out of the way and now that awful thing has her!"

"Oh man, I knew all those sweets would be the end of me one day, but never did I think it'd be like this!" Pinkie shouted, screaming as the muffin tossed her about, "Help!"

Jumping into action, Ryan and AppleJack did their best to get Pinkie down: lassoing the muffing and holding it steady for Ryan, AppleJack watched as he jumped up and tried to slice it's arm off.

Unfortunately, his sword went right through it without any noticeable damage as it healed itself...and then backhanded him into the ground.

"Ryan! No!" Pinkie shouted, "Oh you baked bad! Stop hurting my friends!"

Ryan groaned, slowly picking himself up as a worried AppleJack and Twilight ran over to him; waving them off he pointed back at Pinkie and that they should focus on how to best help her.

"Elemanetery good sir; I believe your help has arrived."

Turning around, Ryan could see the Doctor and...was that Derpy flying super fast towards them?

No, she flew passed them and then made her way towards...of course!

"Muffins natural predator....the DERPY HOOVES!" Ryan shouted, laughing as Derpy made short work of the muffin man monster.

"Ha! I did know the muffin man...till one of my friends gobbled him up!" Pinkie laughed gleefully as the monster was no more, "...oh wait! Now I'm gonna fall!"

Screaming for her apparent doom, Pinkie was unaware that Derpy had caught her and was slowly lowering her back to the ground; opening one eye, she saw she was okay and sheepishly laughed.

"I guess when I didn't feel that sudden stop I should've known I was okay! But oh my gosh! What's going on?!"

"A good question indeed...these acts of randomness certainly are disruptive are they not?" the Doctor noted, "I'm going to look more into this; in the meantime go find your friends."

"Should I go with you, Doctor?"

"No Derpy, I think they made need your help at the moment."

"Oh man, oh man, oh man."

"Rainbow Dash..."

"Come on Fluttershy, keep flapping those wings; if you do it can't catch us."

"I know but...I'm getting tired."

The thing chasing them, which seemed to be made of very angry storm clouds, bellowed and spat lightning at them as it hounded them through the outskirts of Ponyville.

"What about our friends? Can't they help?"

"You know I don't want to lead this thing into town; that'd be so uncool." Rainbow Dash huffed, grabbing hold of Fluttershy when she began to slow down, "We can't let it attack the town!"

"But...but...we're done for without some help!"

"I know but...huh?"

"Enveloping Flames!"

Rainbow Dash barrel-rolled out of the way as a blast of red magic flew passed them and impacted with the cloud creature; hearing it roar and hiss, a large hole was now visible in its mid-section.

"Finally, some totally awesome help!"

"Nice shot Ryan."

"Thanks T-Sparks, but...I think I just made it angrier." Ryan sighed, "Let's see...it's a storm...what stops storms?"

"...another storm?" Rainbow Dash shrugged, "I mean, I can dissipate clouds with a self-made tornado like it's nothing...but this guy is pretty big."

"Heh, is the great Rainbow Dash saying she can't handle it?" AppleJack teased.

"I never said that! Just keep him busy and I'll pull him apart!"

With that AppleJack and Ryan ran diversion techniques with Fluttershy and Derpy, while Twilight kept zapping it to keep it weakened; all the while Rainbow Dash was doing her best to get a tornado going.

"Apps, look out!" Ryan shouted, knocking her out of the way and getting blasted by some lightning, "...."

"No!" Rainbow Dash growled, going faster and faster before sending the tornado flying at the beast, "Eat this you jerk!"

"Ry-Ry!" AppleJack shouted, walking over and noting that he seemed to be okay, "Huh?"

"That was close." Ryan grunted, slowly getting up with his wand in hand, "Didn't think I'd get that shield up in time."

Stumbling a bit, he grabbed on to AppleJack for support and winced.

"Okay...still hurt even with that shield. Lightning bad, real bad!" He gasped a bit before getting glomped by Rainbow Dash, "Haha...I'm okay Dashie; good job."

"You need to be careful Ryan, I know you've gotten better with your magic and everything else but lightning is still dangerous." Twilight chided, though she was relieved her friend was okay, "So that leaves everypony except for Rarity."

"We lured that thing away from Scootaloo, hopefully she's okay out there."

"If you want, I can go look for her while you check on Rarity." Derpy suggested, "You said that Sweet Apple Acres was okay so I'll take her there when I find her."

"Are you sure? Going off by yourself isn't a good idea."

"Trust me. The Doctor had a theory whatever is happening is focusing on you seven for the moment, so I should be okay." Derpy reassured them, before flapping into the air, "Let's just all meet at the farm then since it seems to be the most safe at the moment."

"Well, okay Derpy." Ryan nodded, "Just stay safe."

"Okay then...so..back to Rarity."

And that's when everypony heard a very shrill scream that couldn't be mistaken for anypony other than their last friend.

"Come on! Rares is in trouble!"

"Where's Pinkie at anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked as the group made their way to Rarity's Boutique, "Did you already find her?"

"We saved her from a giant muffin...but then she said she had to go secure something and she'd meet up with us at Sweet Apple Acres." AppleJack explained, "She wouldn't say what she was doing...that the fourth wall had ears...so hopefully she'll be okay."

"...I'm more worried that I haven't heard from Celestia yet." Ryan added, frowning as he checked his device, "She's usually pretty good about responding...or even having Luna respond but...it's bothersome."

"Maybe she's just busy?"

"I thought about that T-Sparks...but even when she's busy she finds a way to reply."

As they approached Rarity's Boutique, they saw a large portion of it missing and Rarity was in quite the bit of trouble.

"Rarity!" Spike shouted, staring at her in the grasp of a giant beast made entirely of gems.

"This is crazy!" AppleJack grumbled, "What in tarnation is going on?"

"...wait a minute...crazy....random....my Celestia! This is what you would call chaotic." Twilight gasped, "Ryan..."

"Yeah, I deduced the same thing but was hoping I was wrong; even with the events earlier I had hoped they were just odd happenings but...." Ryan shook his head, "I won't say it until I know fer sure; and I won't know till I hear back from Celestia and Luna."

"Excuse me! Remarkably beautiful pony still in a life and death situation here!" Rarity shouted, "SOMEPONY SAVE ME!"

Attempting to blast her free, Ryan and Twilight's magic simply bounced off and back at them causing the group to scatter; even trying to cut her free led to Ryan's sword bouncing back as well before he once again got back-handed into the ground.

"Ugh....I'm getting a bit sick of this." He huffed, pulling himself free and sheathing his sword, "...wait...this thing is made of gems!"

"Yeah, we've figured that out Ry-Ry..."

"Think about it...gems...."

Slowly turning to face Spike, Ryan grinned widely before lifting him up and readying to throw him.

"R-Ryan...what are you doing big guy?"

"Oh nothing little buddy, just counting on yer massive appetite for gems to save the fair maiden." Ryan explained, "You do want to save yer fair maiden do you not?"

"Save...Rarity? And eat gems?" Spike's face became determined and he gave a salute, "I'm ready! Fire away!"

"Spike Cannon Fire!"

Throwing with all his might, Ryan threw Spike right at the monster...and grinned when he saw him latch on and start chomping away at the monster.

"Om-nom-nom-nom-nom!" Spike was a machine, going to town on it and eventually gnawing the hand holding Rarity off.

"Gotcha sugarcube!" AppleJack shouted, running underneath and catching Rarity, "You okay?"

"Oh it was the most terrifying thing! I was making a new winter outfit for dear Ryan when the gems in my chest came to life! Oh I was so scared!"

"Haha, I think the only scared one now is the monster." Rainbow Dash remarked, laughing as it tried to escape Spike but couldn't until it was all gone.

"Dang little dude, way to go!"

"Oh..it was....ugh...nothing. I'd do anything for Rarity." Spike mumbled out, though he couldn't move at all, "Someone...carry me please..."

Thankful that they hadn't had any trouble getting to the farm, the group of friends were quite relieved to see Derpy with the Cutie Mark Crusaders as well as Pinkie and the other Apple family members.

After hugs and sayings of happiness that everypony was alright, the group began to figure out what their next course of action should be.

"Well I had a feeling we'd need these!" Pinkie shouted, showing a certain book to Twilight, "After I found out all these crazy things were going on, I just knew something had to be up!"

"Wow, that's pretty observant Pinkie."

"Yep! That and the awesome chocolate milk clouds came back!"

"...chocolate milk clouds?" Ryan asked, slightly perplexed, "Anyway...what's in that book T-Sparks?"

"The one thing that might help us if what you and I have deduced to be true is." Twilight noted, taking the book from Pinkie and opening it, "The Elements of Harmony."

Sure enough, inside the book shined six beautiful relics that each represented one aspect embodied by each of the Mane 6; Ryan had heard mention of them before but to actually see them was a bit interesting.

"The Elements of Harmony...."

'Oooh, there's a new one! Still as breath-taking as always though.'

"...that's getting bothersome."

"What is Ry-Ry?"

"That strange gruff voice I keep hearing every so often...anyway, I still haven't heard from Celestia or Luna...I'm not liking this."

"As you all should."

Looking about, Ryan couldn't see the source of this voice...and he seemed bothered by how much it unsettled his friends as well; holding his wand at the ready he kept looking around for whoever this was to appear.

'...so he is behind all this.'

"Oh my, are those the grumbling thoughts of a human I haven't seen in so long?"

"...you heard that too?" Ryan asked, still seeing no sign of the voice's owner.

"Of course I should dear boy...I did get rid of him after all, so how...could I possibly...forget my dear friend Darkness Shade?"

With a bright flash of light and burst of confetti, in front of them appeared the one behind all this, the one chaotic creature that reveled in such misfortune, the one...the only...

"Discord." Twilight growled, "I knew it."

"It's not like it took too much to connect the dots, although I'm quite surprised to see another human."

"Yeah, I know." Ryan spat back, "Yer reaction that day made it quite apparent."


"Oh yes my dear ponies, did...Ryan is it? Did your dear friend Ryan not tell you that I detected him...and who he was that day in the garden?" Discord taunted them all, snaking his way around them as he talked, "He seemed eager enough to share the fact with the little dragon."

Ryan grunted and slapped Discord's tail off of his shoulder before glaring at him, "What do you want anyway? Everything I've heard about you hasn't been nice in the least...and I know about yer tricks so I doubt you'll be causing any troublesome thoughts for us."

"My my, such a temper; you're just like him however." Discord scoffed, smirking at Ryan, "What I want is what I always want...to sow chaos, to create havoc, to let the world unwind as it should, to have fun!"

"...and to be the king of it all." Ryan growled, surprising himself and his friends, "You've lost twice already...it's foolish to show up and think you have a chance."

"Oh why...because you have these silly little things?" Discord swiped at Twilight, attempting to get the book from her and merely knocking it away.

"You wouldn't call them silly unless you knew they could beat you." Rainbow Dash remarked, glaring at him, "I haven't forgotten what you did to me...to us last time so we won't go down easy."

"Blah, blah, blah...as quick tempered as always I see. How boring..." Discord huffed, knocking everypony back and smirking, "Heh, you did surprise me, that much is true; I will give you credit for that. I won't lose again though."

Sensing what he was up to, Ryan ran towards the book and threw himself between it and Discord, wrapping himself around it.

"Stubborn fool...even after all this time you still act the same." Discord growled, swiping at Ryan and scratching his back before he could get away.

"Damn...that hurt." Ryan grumbled, glaring at Discord and trying to ignore the pain he felt, "And you ruined mah jacket...you're gonna pay for that one."

"Oh boy, threats too; idle ones, much like his I'm afraid. Face it boy...you aren't him...and you're just useless."

"Bite me!"

"Well, if you insist."

"Wait, what?" Ryan gasped before screaming as he felt something clamp down on his arm, "You bastard."

Annoyed by Discord's smirking self, Ryan tossed the book towards Twilight before pulling out his sword and stabbing him with it; hearing him growl in pain he felt Discord toss him away angrily as he landed in a pile near Spike, his sword clattering next to him.

"Apple Ryder!" AppleJack shouted as she attempted to run to him but was stopped by Discord, "Out of mah way!"

"Oh ho hooooo, what is this then?" Discord mused as he looked between Ryan and AppleJack, "I see Dark's interest in the ladies passed on to you as well...it would seem that you and the little cowgirl have gotten close."

Looking at the glares coming from both Ryan and AppleJack, Discord laughed loudly at his discovery.

"Quite close. I wonder if she'll make the same face Luna did? Ya know, when I killed her precious Darkness?"

"What? No!" AppleJack growled, trying to buck him out of the way, "Don't ya dare Discord; that's goin' too far!"

"Discord!" Twilight shouted, now wearing her element, "I won't let you do something so despicable! These chaotic pranks are one thing...but murder is something I will not allow!"

"Heh, ah yes, blah, blah, blah, morals and the right thing and friendship~" Discord scoffed, tossing AppleJack back at her friends, "Don't expect any free shot this time my dear Twilight; I'm not going to be playing around with you six like last time."

"Good to hear, but we'll be sending you packing. Girls!"

The six of them all focused with their Elements of Harmony, channeling their power to send Discord packing once again.

"Ah, ah, ah. If you send me away, then I'll be taking some company. So don't miss...we wouldn't want to hurt the cowgirl's little human." Discord scoffed, poofing over and grabbing Ryan's beaten up form, "So then girls, what's it going to be? Your friend? Or your world?"

"You snake!" Ryan spat out, trying to squirm free.

"Thank you! I do try my best."

AppleJack looked at Twilight and then turned towards Ryan with a sad smile.

"Apps, don't!" Ryan groaned, before screaming in pain as Discord tightened his grip, "...bastard."

"Shhhh, the grown-ups are talking. So ladies, what will it be?"

"Now Twilight!"

Ryan blinked and before he knew it he felt Twilight's purple glow surround him; staring at the girls he saw AppleJack mouth something to him and smile before he was gone from sight.

"...now that's just not playing by the rules." Discord grumbled at having been tricked, "I'll have to enforce a penalty!"