• Published 26th Aug 2013
  • 3,978 Views, 83 Comments

My new upside-down inside-out life - PhantomPhoenix

What do you do when you're given the powers of a god, able to crush all who stand in your way, but you are a paranoid, shut-in, with a bit of schizofernia? Well a young human named Amos is about to find. My first fic so be nice.

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Waking Up, Disaster Avoided, and Sweet Powers (edited)

Chapter 2

Darkness was all I saw for the longest time; I couldn’t feel the weight of my body or anything for that matter.

Yeah that’s not going to fly with me.

‘Brain activate start up program 10100110.’

“Command accepted, activating start up program 10100110 in”




“All systems are a go.”

‘Good work brain. Give me a system run down please.’

“Yes sir.”

“Brain activity at normal levels. Motor skills, legs, arms, and eyes are on stand-by. Speech, heart rate, lungs, and other organs are active sir.”

‘Good, what’s my location?’

“Unknown sir.”

‘Well let’s find out shall we, activate eyes first, then after that everything else.’

“Activating eyes.”





“Eyes are now active sir”

‘Thank you brain.’

I opened my eyes slowly so wouldn’t go blind if the sun was out. Fortunately it wasn’t, it was night time wherever I was. I started to look around, it looks like I’m in a field somewhere, well that’s helpful. Looking around again I saw my backpack next to me about 3 feet away, when I tried to reach for it I found that my body was too sore to move. Perfect. I guess I’ll have to just stay here until I can move.

‘Brian how long until all systems are a go?’

“1 min 30 second’s sir.’

Ok that’s not too bad. Then I looked up and saw the sky, it was really beautiful, but I couldn’t see any consultations that I could name. Then it hit me, I’m on another planet. I would freak out , but I was too sore , and tired. I would say things could be worse , but I’d rather not tempt fate or something like that. So I just kept staring at the night sky.

“Sir all functions are now green. You can move whenever you want.”


“Anytime sir”

I sat up and stretched all my joints and what not, having them all pop and crunch accordingly. Walking over to my backpack I saw the wooden box Erisa gave me, remembering that there was a letter with my name on it, I reached down and opened the box. I first thing I saw was the crystal; I put the beautiful jewel in my hands. I had never seen anything like it; it looked like it was hand crafted by a master. Then it started to shine, and it was getting brighter. I was starting to feel heat in my hand, it wasn’t like it was burning hot or anything, it was more of a warm sensation. It was kind of like putting my hand near a camp fire, it was hot but the good kind of hot, it was comforting I guess is the best way to describe it.
Then there was a blinding flash. I closed my eyes and yelped a little when it happened, I mean gave a manly battle cry and….. shut up. I opened my eyes to see that the crystal had turned black and looked worn and cracked in some places. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my hand, dropping the crystal and looking at my hand I saw I small scar that was definitely not there before. I didn’t know what to think of it, so put that aside for investigation later I looked in the box and got the letter out of it opened it and started to read.

Dear Amos

"Hey big guy, its Erisa here. Sorry about the suddenness of this little trip and for scaring you like that I was just trying to have a little fun. Hope you can forgive me for that. I cant tell why I did it because now's not a good time, and it will be a bit much to take in. Don't worry I'll tell you next time I see you

Now let me explain what that crystal is and what it probably did to you already. First things first the crystal itself was a storage unit, only it doesn’t hold energy like a battery. I put power in to it, my power to be exact, as you have probably already guessed I’m not a ‘normal’ person, I’m actually not a person at all. I’ll tell you that story in person later okay? As for now let me tell what that crystal will do, or has done to you. Basically I gave you a small chunk of my power by putting it in the crystal and having it infuse with your body though your hand. It may or may not leave a small scar afterwards but that’s about the only down side I can think of.

So you’re probably wondering what kind of powers you have. Well, your powers are the best kind of powers, chaos; anything you can imagine is yours to create. There are a few rules of course. The native’s will call your powers magic or something silly like that, but really it’s more like a natural ability like the humans are good at inventing things and technology, but if you don’t want to get in big debate about it just play along and call it “magic”.

Rule 1: you can’t bring the dead back to life. Well you can but they would be zombies. And not the fun kind either.

Rule 2: you can’t force any one to love you. That won’t be a problem for you though you’re not that kind of guy.

Rule 3: you can’t go to different dimensions or planets. The power I gave you was only a small amount, but It still makes you one of the most powerful beings one the planet your on. As a side note, pocket dimensions are a loophole and can be created as needed.

That’s about it in terms of rules that aren’t in your moral code. Also you’re technically immortal, which means that you won’t die of age, sickness, or poison, you do have a healing factor but that doesn’t mean you can be reckless. Your powers work by way of imagination, simply picture what you want and snap your fingers. Eventually you won’t have to that but for now you do. The more you use your power the easier it gets, so keep practicing and you’ll get the hang of it. The Physics and laws of reality of this world no longer have any meaning to you, so you need not concern yourself with that.

Now, as for the planet your on, it’s a bit different than home. First off there are several different types of sentient beings that live here none of which are human. Although there are a lot of there that look very similar to them, for example there should be a town near you that is full of anthro-ponies. If you don’t believe me head into town and see for yourself.
Now don’t worry that race particularly is very friendly, but they are a little xenophobic about new things. But I’m sure things will work out for you, you’re a nice guy after all. If you want to learn more go and mingle with some of the locals, maybe make some friends in the process. I have faith that you won’t do anything stupid that will get you run out of town.
If I’m right it should be night time where you are now, so the first thing you should do is make a house so you have some place to stay tonight.

Well that’s about everything I am going to tell you, have fun with that and what not. Bye for now, I’ll see you as soon as I can.

P.S. My son lives in that town I think, or at least knows some of the locals. If you see someone by the name of "Discord" say hello for me okay?

Sincerely Erisa.

That was a lot of information to take in at once, I don’t even know here to start with this. I had power to do almost anything I wanted, and yet I couldn’t think of anything right now because of the shock. Today’s just been one thing after another. I think the thing I need most is a house to stay in, but I know that don’t have full reign over my power yet. How was I going to make a house?

I shrugged, looked for a spot I wanted my house, remembering the instructions I thought of the house I wanted and where I wanted it and snapped my fingers. With a pop a two story building appeared out of thin air seemingly. I blinked and rubbed my eyes and blinked again at the supposedly impossible thing I had just done. I suddenly felt extremely exhausted, like I had just run a marathon then climbed the Empire state building.
With a tired yawn I walked up to my new home. I walked right up the stairs not bothering to look at around at my work, I was to worn-out from making the damn thing. I went into the first bedroom I saw, kicked of my sneakers and jacket, and flopped across my bed ,and waited for sleep to take me. I was about fall asleep when found that my brain would not allow it by thinking of all the “what if” and “maybe’s” it could think of, so I decided that one more use of my powers should hopefully knock me out. But what? I guess the best thing would be a path to the near town, if what Erisa said is true than I don’t think I have anything to worry about.

So I did just that and with a snap I was out, knowing that my will has been carried out. I wonder what I’m going to do tomorrow. Something awesome to say the least, I hope.

-In the village, (uh...Town? I’m not sure. Whatever). In Ponyville 20 minutes ago

Twilight Sparkle was in her home /library sleeping when she received a letter from the Princes stating that a meteor was falling towards Ponyville and that it could do vast amounts of damage, if not destroy Ponyville, if it was left on its course. Twilight being the powerful magic using, level headed pony she was, ran out outside, seeing the meteor, she fired a magic blast at it, stetting it off course in to field half a mile north east from where she was.

She could hear the very faint boom of the meteor in the background. She then walked back inside her house, walked up stairs, and promptly fell on her bed and went to sleep thinking all she had just done was a dream.

Meanwhile Spike was awake and saw everything, and decided it would best to send a letter saying that Twilight handled it well, that the meteor was now somewhere in a field outside of Ponyville and that everything was fine. Tomorrow they would investigate it farther but now was the time for sleep. He then walked back inside went to his bed and fell asleep soon enough. It was going to be a very eventful day tomorrow, which meant more work for him. ‘Sigh’

-Back to present in Cantorlot Castle

A very tired and very relieved Celsetia was in bedroom after, getting the letter from Spike that everything was fine. She would have a unit of guards go to Ponyville in the morning, maybe even her sister for making so much chaos so late at night. But that is a problem for future Celsetia to deal with, right now it was 3:00 am and she was going to have to get up in 4 hours.

'Sleep why you no last longer?' she thought to herself.

Eventually sleep fell over her and like that she was out like a light.


Elsewhere in the Castle the princess of the night aka Luna couldn’t be more awake. So many questions where running through her head right now that she was getting dizzy. She just kept pacing in her room a face of deep thought.


Author's Note:

What is to come of all this?

What will happen to Amos now?

Find out next time on the next episode of dragon ba-. Sorry. I mean, find out in the next chapter of “My new upside-down inside-out life.”

For the fandom!!!!