• Member Since 24th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 28th, 2021

Lieutenant Bubbles

Nothing yet, but will be coming soon.


<DISCLAIMER> The following is a rough outline of where the story was headed originally. I keep making small changes here and things get more and more odd. I will change this once the story is complete and I know for sure what is going on.

Six friends want to find their special someponies, so six of them cast a spell. When a seventh pony accidentally adds herself to the mix, hilarity is sure to ensue. But when Discord breaks loose and threatens to destroy the friendship forever will the ponies able to band together and defeat him, when jealousy runs rampant?

An adventure featuring the mane 6, as well as Spike and Derpy.

This is a very long story, so there is going to be quite some time between updates. ***I have decided that I need to get updates out a little faster, so what was going to be seven chapters is going to be more, as I will be submitting them as half chapters now. I should have a chapter up every two weeks or so. This story keeps getting longer and longer as I work things out with my collaborators, so I have no idea how many chapters there are going to be. They are going to be grouped by part, starting with chapter 2, so we will see how long this takes....

The entire story was inspired by a picture on my little Brony, and some idle discussion between two bronies. The cover art is the image that inspired chapter 4 ***(Bwhahahaha That was chapter four on the old plan. Part 3 under the new one...). The credit for the image goes to C puff on deviant art! thank you!!!!!

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 146 )

Gonna track this so I can read it later, sounds very interesting.

Just going to take this as a first.
I wonder what Phantom will do when he sees that EVERY perso is a pony.
Freak Out Sequence, COMMENCE!

Oh and was wondering if you could send me the link that you have as a cover art?

This is a first for published, but I've been writing stories for people for six years. Also the changes in style are changes in the times I write.... I don't know why its just sorta how I do it...

And I'd love to send you the link, I ended up picking it up off google, but I can't seem to find the direct link. I want to give credit to the artist, but I can't seem to find the picture again.

271146: I think you kinda misunderstood me.
I said FIRST as in first comment. Didn't want to cause any trouble there...sorry.


Oh it's fine. I wasn't upset, so no trouble at all!:eeyup:

Can't wait to see more of this story Lieutenant Bubbles

TOO MUCH SUSPENSE:raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

283343 Heres the way it goes:
Each part is a different pony's soulmate's story. This just got longer than I expected... Don't worry, they are coming

Interesting progress for these two, I cannot wait for Twis selective explanation for his condition and how the other will react to that effect of the spell.

Good work so far, but where is Ponytown? :rainbowhuh:


Between Ponyville and Ponycity, east of Ponyburg, and west of Ponygrad


I am working on chapter five, however the spring changeover at work has been taking up aost ask of my time. The chapter should be up in less than a week but sadly there are no guarantees until ater my boss finally lets me get some sleep and I get to have a meeting with my coauthor and character, silver wrench.
He hasn't been credited yet since phantom is wholly my creation, but he is a major part of part 2. So heres hoping I can get this story up a little faster without sacrificing quality

:fluttercry: That was... sad. Are the people all going to be from Earth or will it be a mix with both Earth and Equestria, also will it include other places besides Earth and Equestria?

That was sad, even with having knowledge of Lieutenant Bubbles' draft of this chapter before hand didn't ready myself.

And I don't need to say it here, because Lt Bubbles already knows I am dying for the next chapter.

Right now, six loves are from earth, and one is from equestria. I'm not a huge fan of crossovers, so I didn't really want to do any here. The biggest reason six are from earth is because i started out wanting to play with how people would react to waking up as ponies, and thing snowballed from there.

That was SO sad........
340892: So 6 are going to be from Earth? So you have all the ponies that are going to be the "soulmates" of the other 6 ponies involved in the spell?
So are all the other "soulmates" already chosen?
Cause if not.......I can help you there bro:ajsmug:


Yes, they have all already been chosen. I've got most of this story sketched out, its getting down the fine details of events, location, and discussions, that takes forever. It's also a major lack of time. When I have time to write, I'm writing, but it is not often that I have a chance so I'm writing about a chapter and a half at each shot.

342334: Well atleast yu have it sketched out so you don't have to waste time thinking of new ideas all the time.

Yeah. Plus the weekly meetings with Silver wrench help. He's actually also a character in the story, so much of his stuff I'm getting straight from him. :derpytongue2::derpytongue2:
I meant for this to be a ten chapter short, but with my love of Equestria, and my enormous imagination, it just sort of evolved into something so much bigger.

342420:Yeah.....Equestria always brings alot of Imaginaton from people....you can do ANYTHING there.

Well, I try not to go overboard. I did write a fantasy once where anything could happen, and gave up after three paragraphs. Without some sort of general rules, I get entirely lost. Part of what takes my writing so long, is that I do research. Chapter five took forever because I had to research Theater disasters, and all the rest of it. I keep watching the episodes to try and make sure I'm getting the Canon characters personalities right. I hate being the writer who changes the way a character acts because it makes my story easier to write.

The Phantom of the Opera meets :fluttershysad: Very Interesting

A Texan man for :ajbemused: ?
An athlete for :rainbowkiss:?
A upper class non-snob for :duck: ?
Pinkie and Twilight would require peopler with similair interests but still complement them.
:derpytongue2: is a Muffin :pinkiehappy:

Sorry wookie, I'm not going to give any spoilers:derpytongue2:
Soon you'll find out special somepony number two!

If it were that easy for a squabble between friends to cause the spell over Discord to break, he would have escaped the moment Celestia banished Luna to the moon.

That I will reveal, Starting with Chapter eight, Part two is about Applejack.
The spell hasn't broken, but squabbles between the holders of the elements of harmony weaken it. It was weakened when Luna was banished, that's why it was able to (in my opinion) be broken at the start of season two. Their fight weakened it significantly, but didn't last long enough to break it. You'll just have to wait and see how this works out. I have a very definite plan that I hope you will find makes sense in the end.

Grab you machine guns boys, we've got a draconiquis to slay! *removes cigar while bowing a circle of smoke into the air* You man the bakooka, its time to kick some ###! *cocking his sub-machine gun out of safety*

Part 1 has been fininished with a daaaaaaaaaaawwwwww moment along with Princess Luna becoming thine mother art thou Phantom...... Great way to expose the inner-jealosy Twilight is beginning to fuel.

Poor Silver Wrench, he is going to learn that apple bucking ain't fun.......

Things only go downhill from here I'm afraid... Part 2 is one that I need my most consultation because Silver Wrench was a Marine and so I have to go and talk to actual Marines to learn things.... One of them worked on a farm so that's where that whole Idea came from.

And no, it's not fun, especially when..... apples.... Poor silver....

Great writing as always, I guess Applejacks number came up.

sort of. i just throw darts at the wall and whomever i hit is next.....


I know you're working on Applejack right now, but I've had a random thought. What if two members of the mane 6 turned out to be matches? Like Twilight and Pinkie Pie or something, but I only said that because I'm a hardcore TwiPie fan. Whatever, it's your story

The writing is really uneven. Again, show, don't tell.... reveal details, don't laundry-list them. Don't tell us the character is shy or has certain fantasies, reveal them as you go.

The namedropping is pretty gratuitous, and not done very smoothly.

Applejack is really out of character. A complete stranger has, with an enormous bang, appeared out of nowhere smack dab in the MIDDLE of her orchard and is gawping at everything, including his own body. Considering this very thing just happened a week or two ago with Phantom, Applejack ought to at least have a clue as to what's just happened. A realistic reaction would be for her to approach him cautiously, tell him to stay put and go hollering for someone to fetch Twilight because ANOTHER dang hyoo-mon has fallen out of the sky. "Howdy, nice to meetcha, well back to bucking apples" is NOT a realistic response.

HIS reaction, sci fi fanboy or not, is completely unrealistic too. If anything he should be having a WORSE reaction because he's a sci fi fanboy--- nobody reacts well when the stuff they were just reading about starts happening in real life.
He should be confused, disoriented, suffering from shock and dismorphia, wary if not outright hostile and on a highly defensive footing (he's a SOLDIER, folks, and he's just been abducted by forces unknown, yet he's not REACTING like one.) He shouldn't even be able to WALK yet, and would probably spend not a few minutes trying to determine if he was hallucinating. Or plain outright screaming "oh God oh God where are my hands".Of all possible reactions, "oh hello talking pony in a hat, need help picking apples?" is not on the list.

You'll just have to wait and see. I won't promise anything though. Most of the story is fleshed out already though....

Alright, First off, if my style of writing offends you, I apologize, but it is the way I write, and that's that on that subject.
Secondly, THe events with phantom happened over a month and a half, and nopony saw him materialize, Fluttershy, and Fluttershy alone found him after he dropped out of the sky. So nopony knows just how he got there, and therefore Applejack would not run off to twilight expecting it.
THIRD) Every reaction and sentence of Silver Wrench is carefully edited by my co author, of the same name. The character is based on an actual person, and he is ninety percent of the input into the character. The man was a Marine in Motor-T, and is also a major sci fi fan. I based the characters reactions on his responses, and am writing the character the way he asks, since it is essential him in the story.

I do not, nor have I or will I ever claim to get every little detail perfect in the writing, I write the reactions of the Canon characters as best I can based on what I can figure out of their personalities from the show. In every episode, there is no indication that AJ would EVER be rude or non-accepting of another pony.
Also, since you bring it up, I will reveal a part of the story earlier than I intended. There is a reason that the new ponies are able to more easily accept their situation, and it has to do with the spell. If you want to know more I suggest you wait for the story to be closer to finished. There are a total of nine(9) parts, and we just started two(2),

Now, you seem to be ignoring major things. If you read, it is stated that time passes, I don't use exact measurements because I don't like to, and so with two passes of A few and Several weeks, (note the S) you cannot assume that it has only been a week or two. So forgive me If I don't take you seriously.

Thank you for trying to dictate my own actions.
My character in Lt Bubbles' story just survived a explosion (or some how completely being by the explosion by the teleport).
He (or rather I) in the story is some what out of it, as far as Silver Wrench knows he is ether dead or this is a dream. And since Silver Wrench is basically me I would NOT be hostel; It is not in me. Any ways a real soldier, air men, sailors or me a Marine (don't call marines soldiers we don't like it) would asset the situation before making a action. As in the real world in combat, hasty uneducated guesses can get people killed. Another consideration is that Silver Wrench is in a state of shock (survived or miss a lethal exposition), and thus the usual thinking and response stop applying and start to accept the mental input he receives from his own surroundings. Which many accident reports describe how some people act in a state of shock. "Oh my leg came off, excuse me buddy can you help me reattach this leg" was words spoken by a man who was a victim of a accident where a truck hits him.


Well, apparently you don't take constructive criticism, so we might as well be blunt.


Your character is simply NOT BEHAVING like a real person would. Even given the excuse that he thinks he's dreaming or hallucinating, he would be demonstrating a great deal of disorientation and shock--- followed rapidly by denial, panic, anger, despair and (eventual) acceptance (generally well into the story, not on the first page). That is a REALISTIC response to being abducted and crammed into a deformed, alien body.....None of which being demonstrated here. The author of "Through the Eyes of Another Pony" skipped that, and played against it for laughs, and did it well.

You are not that author.

Your portrayal of Applejack is ALSO unrealistic, given her character and the circumstances of the story.

You want to write a character you have to set aside what YOU would want to do in that situation, or even what you WISH you would do in that situation, and accurately portray what someone with their background and circumstances WOULD do. To do otherwise is called bad writing.

Sir, until you can post a story yourself, I am not going to take you seriously. I have looked through your other comments, and I am inclined to think that you enjoy tearing apart other peoples work. As far as what I say to you, this is over. Please note, that there is a reason for everything in the story, and I want you to keep reading, because all your criticism will be taken care of in part 5 (yes, you'll just have to wait). Again, If my style offends you I apologize, but that's how i write.
Also, constructive criticism is defined as criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions. Your so called constructive criticism,comes across as an attack, not as criticism. Consider the way you say things before you get angry that people attack. Also consider that as a writer and a Theater professional, I might have a clue as to what I'm doing. Have you ever heard of hidden elements? Things that aren't seen that are explained later?
If you want to offer criticism and advice, I'd be happy to listen, but not when it comes across an attack, and definitely not when what is complained about shows that you have not been paying attention. Let me point this out. Chapter 1 they cast a spell, and in Part 1 you learn that Twilight is figuring out more about how the spell works, so it would follow that there is more to learn still...
If you want to discuss the story, I will be happy to, but I will no longer do so through comments. You can PM me, and I will respond, but I will not respond to comments from here on.

derpy should have a giant talking muffin...
lolnvm prolly a lonely baker or something.

me thinks that one of their soulmates should be a girl... for the lulz.
Prolly Dash:rainbowkiss: if you do a lesbian pairing.

I like those Ideas. I might just have to write that story... "Derpy and the giant muffin man......." Interesting...

I don't usually do lesbian pairings mostly because I suck at writing them. I have no experience with those so I can't really get any of the details right.... \
But I can do a separate story as an attempt if you'd like.

Spike is getting curious, Silver is in over his head; I want more! :applecry:

things are getting complicated and confusing... just like my excuses for not doing homework.


Chapter Ten is on the way! It's going to be a little bit before I can get the chapter up, I only have a couple of hours this week where I can write. I'm working on a few stories simultaneously so I will be updating as I finish.

For all the Phantom Fans, he now has his own side story. This is the detailed version of how he and Fluttershy fell in love. It's found here http://www.fimfiction.net/story/17853/Phantom-and-Fluttershy

Happy reading!!!:ajsmug:

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