• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 5th

Doctor Perseus

I'm just a guy who loves to write.



This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves Episode 18: The Mystery of Colgate

Colgate crosses paths with Clockwork and Bright Eyes following her arrival in the tourist-centered, mysterious country of Elmheim. Upon crossing paths with Matilda and a universally-displaced Daring Do, the group sets out into the jungle to discover the hotspot for dimensional rifts in the Equestrian universe. But their trip to the rift epicenter will be far from simple.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 96 )

Oh my goodness! :pinkiegasp: Now Daring Do's involved! I should have known. If there's a world where MLP and Doctor Who are fictional like in our own ("Work of Fiction"), than there must also be a world where a character fictional in MLP is real. Has this been your plan all along or have you finally gotten around to The Riflepony Series? Not only that, Rainbow Factory Rainbow Dash is back, and she faces off with Daring Do! :rainbowderp: You weren't kidding when you promised interesting crossovers. I have a feeling from the description that this might be more like the Doctor Who episodes "Blink" or "Love and Monsters" where the focus is on other characters and the Doctor is more in the background. That seems cool. Either way, this story is already a welcome surprise, and I look forward to reading it. :twilightsmile:

All roads lead to Matilda!

As always, cue Doctor Whooves theme:

well....that was...unexpected. Good thing too OH! is Indiana Jones in this too!!

Well, it looks to me like you are assembling a beta team of awesomeness.

Yay, it's a new story in the series!:pinkiehappy::raritystarry::twilightsmile:

DARK DASH RETURNS!!!! Your idea....Daring Do...Clockwork...Bright Eyes......
Your idea also deserves an honorary salute.
Liked, faved, and followed, sir!

Can't wait to see ponies' reactions to Daring Do walking down the street! :derpytongue2::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

Oh Yes!! Que the Doctor Who and Indiana Jones Theme!!

Yay an update! :yay: I like how Clockwork is a lot like the Doctor in his trying to figure out stuff. I wonder why this place is called Elmheim anyway. Elmheim means like "realm of elm", and I don't think jungles have a lot of elm trees.

Colgate's got one up on Clockwork. His watching her gives her invulnerability.

Welp, shit just got real. :pinkiecrazy::ajbemused::rainbowdetermined2::trollestia:

Oh, I see. This Matilda hasn't met Colgate yet. I guess now we know why she sent her to the Doctor and then to Elmheim. I'm starting to like Clockwork. He thinks just like the Doctor.

"Yep. It's a purse that's bigger on the inside that it is on the outside. I got it from an incredibly magical world I visited once, mostly because it reminding me of a dear friend of mine."

It's a TARDIS purse! It kind of reminds me of Hermione's purse from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.

"What's Diagon Alley?"

:rainbowderp: If I recall in "The Good, The Bad, and The Derpy", one of Thalia's memories (which may have been Twilight's as well) was of a human girl with a wand. Is this a hint that this will be crossing over with Harry Potter?! As talented an author as you are, I think you can pull it off, but part of me feels it might be too much. Then again, in "A Dalek in Celestia's Court", Human Luna has a wand so perhaps this alternate Human Equestria is partially inspired by Harry Potter. Only time will tell at this point.

...how Elmheim got its name due to the first explorers inhaling a strange fume from the jungle that made them mistake the jungle trees for elm trees...

So that's why it's called Elmheim. :twilightsmile:

Oh no, it's Rainbow Factory Dash again! :rainbowhuh:

I am cracking up at the timeline disjoint that is going on here.

3158518 No, it's Wob Niar. You have to call her Wob Niar! It's her new name.

Welp, the excrement has officially hit the fan. I look forward to seeing where this goes! :pinkiehappy:

Daring Do and the Half-Blood Princess

Harry Potter reference! :pinkiehappy: Another one. I wonder if that's significant.

Matilda reached into her purse and pulled out a blue notebook. She then quickly jotted down a few notes. "What's that?" Bright Eyes asked.
"My notebook. A dear friend of mine got it for me. She prefers to use a diary but I'm a notebook mare myself,"

Oh my goodness! Matilda has a blue notebook like River Song has a blue diary! :pinkiegasp: And it sounds like she got it from River herself.

Something is trying to break into their universe. Why do I think it's definitely the Dark Doctor Zerum Whooves of Discord... guy? :twilightoops:

Just hope that when the dimensionally correct version of Rainbow whips out a signature pen, Daring doesn't have flashbacks to this point.:rainbowderp:

Screaming and running ponies, torture chambers, a castle in flames, terrible creatures of metal, and the Doctor...drowning in a pool of black sludge.

Ah, more foreshadowing. More hints that the Cybermen are coming. :rainbowderp:

There's so much temporal and dimensional interference in this one area of the universe that it's impossible for my vortex manipulator to pull off any major actions. Believe me, I've tried. Not even the TARDIS itself would be able to land in this jungle.

Kind of like in "The Angels Take Manhattan".

"It's just...I have a bad feeling about this year's Hearth's Warming Eve."

As I recall, Hearth's Warming Eve isn't that far away at this point in the story. It's going to be soon I hope.

The mare looked like Twilight but she had pitch black eyes and hair, a pale coat, and blood-red lips.


So does Colgate have live prophetic visions now or something? Does it have to do with her being part Weeping Angel?

Comment posted by MariusIoannesP deleted Sep 17th, 2013

I just hope that Colgate's stoneskin will hold up against a delete attempt.

3241307 Deadpool wouldn't want to eat ponies. :pinkiecrazy::derpytongue2:

"This tent's as big as a house on the inside!"
"Yes. Another item I picked up in Diagon Alley," said Matilda…

It's just like the Weasley family's Quidditch World Cup tent. If the Doctor and his pony companions end up in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I imagine Pinkie would love Weasley's Wizard Weezes. :heart: Then she'd destroy it in her excitement. :pinkiehappy:

"An airplane. Like the motorcycle, it's another futuristic device. However, that appeared to be more of human origin."

Airplane flying over the jungle seems almost like a reference to LOST, but I know that's not the case here.

I couldn't see much, as it was very dark, but I could tell that it was male, was wearing a trench coat, was wielding a knife, and had an incredibly pale face. I think he also had matted, black hair but I couldn't really tell in the dark."
"Sounds a lot like somebody I read about on the internet once."

I recognize him from these stories' cover art, but no I idea who he is. I hope he's not from a video game.

As you and many others know, I'm not very keen on giving away too many spoilers but, as I don't want people to get the wrong idea, the boy in my cover art and the man seen with Thalia in the story aren't the same person. Obviously, I won't reveal their identities just yet. But, just a quick tidbit, you will find out the identity of the man with Thalia pretty soon; and as for the boy in the cover art, all I'll say is that he's a character who's already appeared in the series. And that's all I'm going to say. :trollestia:

:facehoof: Oh, this just keeps getting better.

So... much... wibbly wobbly-ness. :pinkiesick:

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo... I finally caught up in the series, now I have to wait!content.ytmnd.com/content/b/a/3/ba3da12077833823b6d89523344f9ef7.jpg

Yes, hallelujah! An update finally! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy: You know what I'm starting to think this story is all about. This story is about how all the fiction ever is real in some universe somewhere.

Some of the visions were friendly and weird, such as four human children following a pair of beavers and a man with a childish smile and wearing a long, multicolored scarf running about. But others were more intimidating and darker, such as a human boy with black hair and glasses being chased through trees alongside his two friends by a group of shady men and metallic ghosts marching after a cluster of frightened ponies.

Here we have the Pevensie children and Mr. Beaver from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, the only Narnia book I've ever "read". We have the Fourth Doctor. We have Harry Potter from what I'm guessing is Deathly Hallows. And we have another foreshadowing of Cybermen invading Equestria. I'm sure they're just cameos, and you won't be necessarily crossing over with Narnia as well as Harry Potter. Although all the references to it Matilda has made so far leads me to believe otherwise. I'm still kind of iffy about it.

"I'm Jeff...nice to meet you, Colgate," the man replied.

"Now...just go to sleep."

Jeff.. The Killer! :pinkiegasp: You're crossing over with a Creepypasta meme! :pinkiecrazy:

You know with all the times Matilda says "dearie" here, it reminds me less of River Song and more of Rumplestiltskin from Once Upon a Time.

"Come now, dearie. Is that really a way to treat two mares?" asked a male voice. Colgate, Bright Eyes, Thalia, and Jeff looked to see a man with sparkling skin, messy hair, a leather vest, and a fur coat standing a few feet away from them.
"And who are you supposed to be?" Thalia asked.
The man gave a giddy chuckle and then bowed politely. "Name's Rumplestiltskin, dearie. Now I suggest you let those two go before things get nasty."

RUMPLESTILTSKIN FROM ONCE UPON A TIME! Now, that was unexpected! And I just saw the latest episode Once Upon a Time tonight. It's one of my favorite shows! :pinkiehappy:

“You see, my little pegasus…”

And he's channeling Celestia. :trollestia:

All magic comes with a price and this place is full of it."
"All magic comes with a price, huh?" Colgate asked.

Of course, it's Rumplestiltskin. He has to say that. Now, Colgate has to say that to Twilight in the future.

Okay, first off, this has to be one of the trippiest things I've ever experienced! :derpyderp1::derpyderp2::derpytongue2: It was like Inception on steroids and crystal meth! :pinkiesick: (You don't watch Breaking Bad do you. Don't make this cross over with Breaking Bad! I'm tired of hearing about Breaking Bad! :flutterrage:)
I mean what goes on inside your head? I now understand you are willing to crossover with anything! (I mean how many worlds are there in just Once Upon a Time alone! Their real world, the Enchanted Forrest, the Gothic black and white land, Neverland, Wonderland...)

And that realization fills me with a sense of... excitement! :pinkiehappy: It excites me the same way Alan Moore's comic The League of Extraordinary Gentleman excites me. I no longer feel iffy about it. I look forward to many surprises on the way. I hope it doesn't take as long to update again. Keep up the fantastic work!

I do have to say that you have dun a grate Job on your storys. The way you have combined Doctor Who and MLP is grate. I do hope to see a lot more of your fine storys. Keep up the grate Job.

Dragonfox :pinkiehappy:

I'll try not to take this long to update again. I just came across a few temporary obstacles that prevented me from updating sooner. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. :pinkiesmile:

Don't spoil the new OUAT episode yet. I'm just about to start watching it.

3312375 So you didn't see how Emma was violated by a walrus. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh my God! What have you done?! :twilightoops: :derpyderp1:
One day in the future, somebody's going to come across your comment and make fan art of that! FAN ART! And it'll happen! Remember...this is the internet... :pinkiecrazy:

This was really good. I have to ask though, were you watch the Doctor Whooves Adventures episode entitled Wrong Way Backwards while you were writing this? Cause I noticed distinct similarities between the beginning of this chapter and the part where the two Doctors are trying to find the Jabberwok in Wrong Way Backwards.

Also, nice use of OUaT Rumpelstiltskin, though, if you ask me, you didn't write him quite right...

I try my best to stay as true to the characters as possible (which is any average fanfiction writer's goal otherwise the characters would just come off as blatantly OOC) but I guess I sometimes give a character a piece of slightly OOC dialogue without noticing it. Which parts did I not entirely write Rumplestiltskin correctly?

I've always thought of Rumple as a crafty and sneaky his deals, trying to trap his clients. In this he didn't come off like that at all.

3312496 I don't know. He seemed fine to me.

Was the prison from Silent Hill Downpour? I've played it and it reminds me of a scene I played through in where a chair or two moved on there own accord.

This story probably the most suspenseful of this series. I just lust for an update! You certainly can't get creepier than wax figures that come alive, hallways covered in yellow wallpaper, and zombies! Wait, those wax figures weren't Autons were they? :twilightsheepish:

...Colgate and Bright Eyes entered a classroom filled with dusty chairs and piles of old school equipment.

She approached one of the windows and peered outside. A castle spread out before her and a vast lake could be seen glimmering in the distance.

Classroom, castle, lake... Are they in Hogwarts?! :twilightoops:

Oh, it. Is. On! :raritystarry:

"Because you're my friend, Seaweed-"

Percy Jackson

"See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the-"

The Dark Knight

"The evil time will be over and-"

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

"My friends are my p-"

Kingdom Hearts

"We're in a land without magic-"

, Belle.
Once Upon a Time, "A Land Without Magic"

"This one knows me as I know him. The killer of his own-"

Doctor Who, "The Satan Pit"

"Now, look who's a liar. Anypony can plainly see that I'm not-"

big at all.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, "Keep Calm and Flutter On"

"I will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to-"

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

"I am that male. Artemis the Hunter. I hunted-"

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code

"I met this six year old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest-"

eyes, the Devil's eyes.
Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later


I was thinking more along the lines of the original Halloween instead of Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later but I'll give you a pass as that quote is repeated several times throughout the series.

Here. Enjoy your 54 internet cookies! :pinkiehappy:

I must have experienced temporal separation myself, but I'm back now. Poor Rump. He just got a bad rap. Held his end of the bargain fully, but got cheated out of the prize.


“...I sort of have a confession to make… well, do you know Cloud Kicker?”

Well no, but I do have something to confess. :twilightsheepish:

Having read Harry Potter and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and having watched Once Upon a Time, The Dark Knight, Doctor Who, and of course My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I vaguely recognized the lines pertaining to that. However, I've never read Artemis Fowl and Percy Jackson, never watched Halloween, and never played Kingdom Hearts. I used Google to identify the source and complete those lines as well as confirm those I recognized.

(Donning bad imitation of Rumplestilskin) However, as I'm feeling generous, I shall make you a deal. You can have you internet cookies back if you can identify where the quote I opened this comment with comes from and who said it. (Laughs giddily)

That scene with the two Colgates reminded me of the "Space/Time" DW specials. Then the headaches ensued.

Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey will do that to ya (referring to the headaches). :eeyup:

So now we have crossover of Doctor Who, MLP, AND Once upon a time? I don't think there's any way this could possibly get any better...:heart:

*Sighs because she only knows quotes 3, 5, 6, and 7.*:fluttershyouch:

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