• Published 30th Aug 2013
  • 2,835 Views, 25 Comments

Sweet as Caramel - Azreale

Caramel goes on a date with the mare of his dreams, and gets ready with a little help from Twilight and Rarity

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Sweet as Caramel

Caramel was nervous. And when he says that he is nervous, he was more than just his usual, anxiety-filled-self kind of nervous. It had been three months since his beautiful pegasus fillyfriend Sassaflash had up and left him for no specified reason, and the earth pony’s heart had been completely and utterly shattered. One whole year of his life, he had dedicated to Sassaflash, and Caramel thought that he could never love again. That was, until he let his mind wander, and accidentally ran right into the most beautiful pegasus he had ever seen in his life.

“Oh sweet Celestia, I am so sorry!” He stuttered, stooping over to pick up all of his now-dirty groceries that he had just purchased. “I’m sorry; I wasn’t watching where I was going… I’m so sorry.” He kept muttered on and on, not bothering to look at who he had careened into.

“It’s quite already, my friend. I, too, was not watching where I was walking. Please, forgive me. Have any of your groceries been ruined?” A feminine voice replied. Caramel looked up slowly to the mare that was standing above him, a mare with a voice sweeter than honey itself and more silky than the darkest of chocolate.

“I…” Caramel trailed off, staring in awe at the pegasus, so taken with her beauty. “Y-Yes… I mean, no! Everything’s fine… perfectly fine.” He whispered, taking an audible gulp and staring into the pinkest of eyes that seemed to go on forever.

“Well, I’m quite relieved to hear that. I would have felt so bad, had any of your groceries been ruined simply because of me.” The mare laughed, and Caramel thought that angels were singing. “Allow me to help you up.” She extended a delicate hoof in his direction, one which he hesitantly took.

“T-Thank you, my lady.” Caramel said, pulling himself to his hooves with an embarrassed grin. “I hope you weren’t hurt or anything.” Another laugh.

“Me? Oh no, no, no. I’m fine, don’t worry. And please, if anything of your was ruined, don’t hesitate to tell me. I will be more than happy to reimburse you for them.” Caramel looked down into his saddlebags, where a few scuffed apples and the like sat.

“No, it’s quite alright, it’s my fault, and besides, I couldn’t make such a beautiful lady such as you pay.” He added with a playful wink, secretly shocked with himself that he could have made such a boldly flirtatious move.

“Allow me to check, then.” Before Caramel could make a move, one of her long, preened wings dipped itself into his right saddlebag, wrapped itself around one of the scuffed apples and pulled it out. “Oh, what’s this? Don’t tell me you bought this apple like this.” The pegasus giggled at his blush.

“N-No, I didn’t,” He admitted, “But trust me, it’s quite alright. I could never ask you to buy something for me.” The mare cocked her head to the side.

“And why is that, my friend? Are you too embarrassed to have a mare pay for you?” Caramel was about to respond when he saw her smirk and knew that she was joking. “I only jest, don’t put on such a serious face. Come, walk with me.” The mare gestured to the road that he had just come down. While Caramel knew that he had to get home and make dinner, there was no way in Tartarus that he was going to abandon a beautiful filly such as herself.

“I have enough bits to replace-“

“Hush,” The mare commanded gently. He immediately hushed. “I come from a… wealthy family, you could say. It would be dishonorable of me to leave you with marred items because of my absent mindedness. Now, which one of these is the apple stall?”

“T-That one, there.” Caramel pointed to where Big Macintosh stood, offering greetings to passing ponies and offering discounts to his friends. “Though I’m sure if I ask, he’ll just give me new ones-“

“Please, then, wait here.” The mare flared out her right wing and prevented him from walking. He stopped in his spot and watched her sleek, velvety body move towards the apple stall. After a few moments, Big Macintosh nodded and the mare pulled out a small bag and counted out an unseen number of bits as the red stallion heaved a small bushel of apples onto the counter. She nodded towards Caramel and Big Mac threw the bag of apples over his shoulder and began trotting over to Caramel with ease.

“Here ya are. Enjoy.” Big Mac said in a deadpan voice as he dropped the apples at Caramel’s hooves, nodded his head in thanks at both him and the mare, and began trotting back to his stall. Caramel stared between the sack and the mare, who skipped back to her new friend with a smile.

“See? That wasn’t so bad, now was it?” She said, looking at the bag as well. “I do hope that you’re strong enough to carry such a large bag.”

“O-Of course I am!” Caramel frowned slightly. He knew that the mare had implied nothing, but he still felt as though his ego had been challenged. The earth pony knelt down, took the sack in his mouth, and heaved it over his shoulder. It was only due to his sheer will not to be embarrassed again in front of this pegasus that he didn’t collapse right then and there. “S-See? N-Nothing to i-it.”

“I had a feeling that a big, strong stallion like you would be able to handle it.” The mare laughed before gazing around the market square. “Now, in which direction is your house… Oh dear, I haven’t even asked you your name!”

“M-My name is Caramel… and my house is o-over there…” Caramel wheezed, breathing heavily. “Let’s go…” He slowly dragged one hoof in front of the other, painfully, the entire way home. The mare didn’t seem to notice, however, and kept on trotting alongside him merrily, periodically taking to the air to do a quick flip or twirl before landing again.

“Is that it over there? She asked him as the houses slowly got less and less fanciful, and more and more plain. She pointed her hoof towards one of the plainest buildings on the west side of Ponyville, a dingy, one floor home with the indoor curtains drawn and half hanging off of their hinges.

“Yeah…” He gasped, not caring that she was going to see his home. “It might be… a bit messy…” Another gasp. “Wasn’t… expecting… company…”

“Quite alright. My home back in Canterlot is always kept so immaculately spotless, a little bit of dirt will be a welcome sight!” She laughed and flew ahead to open the door for him. “Here, let me help you.” After the door was left swinging open, she flew back and above him, wrapped her arms around the sack, and flew a bit higher, easing the burden on him a little. Caramel visibly relaxed and took a deep breath, glad to be able to breathe properly once again.

“Thanks. It’s great to have you around. You didn’t have to buy these for me, or accompany me back home.” He informed her; a little guilty that he had taken up this clearly noble mare’s time.

“Think nothing of it, my friend. I had a splendid time with you today.” She looked towards the horizon. “If you’ll allow me into your home, might I use your… facilities?” The mare asked, a faint blush touching her cheeks.

“Oh, of course, anything you want. Go right ahead, I’ll be right in. It’s through the door and to the left.” Caramel nodded towards the door and the mare smiled graciously, dropping the sack and flying inside and to the left, disappearing around the corner. Caramel watched the sun disappear over the horizon and thanked Celestia for another beautiful day. He had been putting off shopping for too long. As he threw down the sack of apples onto the floor of his kitchen once he had gotten inside, Caramel was painfully reminded of his nearly empty bitpurse. Glancing around the corner to confirm that the pegasus was still in the washroom, he emptied the contents of his bitpurse onto his shoddily made wooden kitchen table and counted them out.

“Only twenty bits left…” Caramel whispered sadly to himself. He had spent more than he meant to on groceries and whatnot today, and he paid the price for it. “Twenty bits to last me to my next paycheck.”

“Sorry for taking so long!” The pegasus swung the door open and trotted into the hallway, glancing around for him. Caramel let out a yelp and swung his forearm across the table, swiping all of his bits into the bitpurse again and throwing it into his saddlebag. “Oh, there you are!”

“Yeah, sorry… Just had to drop these off in the kitchen.” Caramel motioned to the sack on the cracked tile. “Once again, I’m sorry for the mess. I never get ponies come over, so I never think to clean up sometimes.” He laughed nervously, shuffling around on his hooves.

“Oh, it’s quite alright, trust me! As I told you, my home is always kept so spotlessly clean every moment of the day, I often forget that ponies can have messy homes!” The pegasus giggled, looking around. “And it’s not that bad! I’m sure we could get it cleaned up if we really worked at it!”

“I think you’re the first pony that I’ve met who hasn’t said that my house is a total train wreck!” Caramel and the mare shared a smile, and the stallion felt his heart lighten up a bit, like the sun itself was beaming down at him. “And what do you mean, we? I would never make you help me with such a thing… you’ve already done enough for me, including buying me enough apples to last me a month!”

“Nonsense. I’ve come all this way and I’ve seen your home. You can’t turn me away now! Unless you’re thinking of kicking me out?” The mare gave Caramel a mock pout, giving him filly eyes. He was speechless for a moment before shaking his head back and forth.

“No, no, of course not. If you want to stay, please, it would be my honor to play host to such a beautiful mare, such as yourself.” Once again, he was surprised at his own forwardness. Caramel saw the mare blush and turn away, putting a gentle hoof to her cheek.

“Well then, I would love to stay! I’m gl-“ The mare stopped and her eyes went wide all of a sudden. Caramel hesitantly turned around to where she was looking, but nothing was there. Glancing around the rest of the room, Caramel could see nothing there either.

“What’s wrong? You look troubled.” Caramel moved closer to her and put a hoof on her shoulder, gently shaking her out of her trance. The mare shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut, recalling her mind.

“I… I’m sorry. I have to go.” She informed him plainly, looking him in the eye. He stopped and tried to keep the look of disappointment off of his face.

“But… why? Why can’t you stay?” He asked, not wanting her to leave. “I’ve had a lot of fun with you today. Not many ponies can see my house, let alone be inside it, and not run away screaming in disgust.” That brought the smile back to her face.

“I’m sorry, I have to go,” She repeated slowly. Caramel thought that that was all she would say, but after a moment, she said more. “But I had fun too. I would like to come down and spend more time with you, if I may be so bold to say.” She flushed again, breaking eye contact to look down to the floor. “If you have no plans for tomorrow night, would you care to join me for dinner…?” The mare had all but turned away from Caramel, and the stallion was speechless. The only mare who had ever asked him out before was Sassaflash, and aside from her, he had never actually gone on any other successful dates.

“I… uhh… of course, I-I would love to… it’s just… are you joking right now?” Caramel asked, embarrassed and finding it difficult to get the right words out of his mouth.

“Of course I’m not joking! You’re very kind and sweet, Caramel. I would never lie to you about something so serious. My family… they don’t approve of many of my suitors in Canterlot… and thus I’ve been alone for a long time. You’re better than a lot of other ponies in Canterlot that have asked for my hoof in marriage. N-Not that I’m asking for m-marriage of course!” The mare stuttered, rubbing her eyes after a moment. “I’m sorry… I’ve never had to do this before. Well, at least I haven’t had to in many years.”

“It’s fine, trust me. I haven’t either.” Caramel admitted honestly, though he had a feeling that she had been single a little longer than he had. “I don’t know where we could go, though. I’m sorry to say that I don’t have too many bits to be spending on a fancy dinner that you Canterlot folk are used to.” Caramel’s eyes were downtrodden. “I understand completely if you don’t want to go to dinner with me. I’m not the richest fellow in Ponyville.”

“Of course I still want to go to dinner with you, Caramel! Don’t worry about bits – I have lots to spare. I do hope your ego will allow you to let a girl pay for dinner. I insist.” The mare said, and by the tone of her voice, Caramel knew that it wasn’t a request, it was an order. He gulped and nodded wordlessly, not wanting to pass up a free meal with a beautiful lady.

“O-Of course, I will. Do you want to meet me at the Gilded Lily around 6:00?” He asked, and she nodded.

“It sounds like a date, then. Now, I must go, before my family starts to worry even more than they probably are right now. It was a pleasure to meet you, Caramel. I look forward to tomorrow.” She smiled again, and Caramel returned it happily. The pegasus started to leave.

“Wait!” Caramel called out as she stepped out of his door. She turned around and cocked her head to the side quizzically. “I never asked your name.” He mumbled sheepishly, feeling ashamed for not asking for it sooner.

“Oh, right! My name is-“


“…Berry Punch?! She invited us?!” Twilight gaped at the floating invitation in front of her. “Her parties get way too out of hoof for me to handle! I can still remember the first and last one that I went to… I still haven’t gotten the sticky feeling off of my coat.” Twilight shuddered involuntarily at the memory.

“I agree, darling. Her events are simply for the… rougher folk around town.” Rarity nodded her head as she flipped her mane behind her head. “I wouldn’t be caught dead going to one of her parties again!”

“Are you guys kidding me?!” Rainbow Dash flew up in the air and scowled. “You’ve gotta be kidding me! Berry Punch’s parties are awesome! I would never miss one!”

“See what I mean? Parties for the rougher folk.” Rarity scoffed at Rainbow’s glare.

“Well, me and Dashie are sure to go!” Pinkie exclaimed, jumping up into the air in excitement. “Nopony knows how to party like Pinkie knows how to party!”

“Well you ladies can have fun there; I gotta get runnin’ back to the farm.” Applejack tipped her Stetson in a silent goodbye. “Mac said there was an issue in Orchard Eleven and I gotta get back there to help.”

“Alright AJ! Have fun!” Twilight called back, waving to the farm pony as she dipped to the door and took her leave. “But back to the matter at hoof, I don’t know why she would even invite me. Berry Punch and I have never been on the best of terms.”

“Maybe she’s trying to turn over a new leaf…” Fluttershy suggested quietly, earning an agreeable nod from Rarity.

“Yes, I think that’s probably the most likely idea. She doesn’t want things to get worse, so she makes them better. When does it say that the party starts, Twilight?”

“At 7:00 tomorrow night.” Twilight gulped, biting her lip. “I don’t know if I want to do this.”

“Then don’t go, you egghead. Me and Pinks are gonna go, and have fun!” Rainbow said defiantly. Pinkie nodded her approval.

“Fine then, you two go,” Twilight stuck out her tongue playfully at the pair, “But I’m staying home.”

“I agree. As I keep saying, such events are for the rougher folk, not a dignified lady such as I.” Rarity sniffed, looking to Fluttershy for approval. Rainbow, Pinkie and Twilight followed her gaze at the shrinking pegasus in the corner of the room. “And you, my dear? Will you partake in such festivities?”

“Oh… um… n-no… Harry hasn’t been feeling too well lately, and I couldn’t stand the thought of him being alone for so long. In fact, I should probably be getting back now, okaythanksbye!” Fluttershy zoomed off at a speed that made the sonic rainboom feel jealous. The four ponies continued to stare at the spot where she had just been, blinking.

“Well, I guess that’s settled then!” Twilight rolled her eyes. “I guess you two should go and set yourselves up.”

“Yeah, let’s go Dashie! We gotta get my party cannon ready!” Pinkie yelled, trotting towards the door with Rainbow’s tail in her mouth, tugging her along with her.

“Pinks, I think Berry will already have decorations and food there… we don’t really need to pull out the big guns just yet.” Rainbow’s raspy voice could be heard as the two disappeared out the door and down the street. The two unicorns remaining exchanged glances before laughing.

“Those two! How silly!” Twilight giggled. “At least we can finally get back to what we were talking about earlier!”

“Ah, yes!” Rarity exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with remembrance. “We simply must get you some-“

Help!” A male voice yelped from outside. Rarity and Twilight stared at the door for a moment before standing.

“Hello? Who’s there?” The two girls called out as Twilight swung the door open with her magic.

“Rarity, you need to help me!” The voice yelled. Rarity squinted against the growing darkness, and slowly but surely, a familiar male shape began to come into view.

“Caramel! How lovely to see you! Whatever is the matter?” Rarity stepped to the side as Caramel came careening into the library, nearly crashing into a bookshelf, but instead colliding with a large, pony sized pillow that was propped up against it. Caramel rubbed his head and stared down at it before looking to Twilight.

“How did you know to put that pillow there?” He asked breathlessly. Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Years of being friends with Rainbow Dash teaches you things.” She answered plainly. Caramel merely nodded before seemingly remembering his purpose there. He jumped up and faced Rarity, nearly putting his snout onto hers.

“Oh, right! Rarity, you gotta help me out!” He pleaded, staring into her sapphire eyes. She smiled weakly at him and pushed him gently away.

“O-Of course, dear,” She laughed nervously, “Whatever with?” Caramel began pacing the room.

“Remember when I helped pull you and your friends to the Gala a few years ago, and you said that you would pay me back somehow ‘however I so wished’?” He asked, looking at her. She nodded. “Well, I need you to pay me back now.”

“Of course, darling. What do you need me to do?”

“I need your help.” He exclaimed, eyes wide in terror. “I have no idea what to do and I need help!”

“Yes, dear, with what?” Rarity smiled through her teeth, starting to feel slightly agitated. “With what, do you need my assistance?”

“Rarity,” He got uncomfortably close to her again, “I need your advice.” Rarity held her breath for a moment, and then let it out again with a deep sigh.

“That’s all? Why Caramel, you made it seem like a hydra had destroyed your home! Of course I can give you advice – you were my neighbor for years, after all. What’s happening in your life?”

“I have a date, and I don’t know what to do.” Caramel flushed, as if he were embarrassed by his words. Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but the stallion put his hoof up and stopped her. “I know what you’re going to say. I know I dated Sassaflash for a year or so, but I’ve forgotten how to go on a date!” He shook his head violently back and forth. “I need your help!

“Of course! I understand completely. Once you start to formally date a pony, the need for actually going out on dates becomes unnecessary. Who is this mare you’re going out with?”

“She’s a pegasus from some rich Canterlot family, or so she says. She told me that she’s treating me to dinner tomorrow at the Gilded Lily, and I don’t know what to say to her, or what to do, or what!”

“Calm down, Caramel, we can figure this out.” Rarity tapped her hoof to her chin for a moment, lost in thought. “If you two start dating, then maybe she can convince her family to purchase attire from me!”

“Rarity!” Twilight gave her friend a gentle nudge, which woke Rarity form her trance. “Focus!”

“Oh, yes, right, I apologize.” She bowed her head to Caramel, who nodded weakly. “Well, what don’t you know?”

“I don’t know anything! What to say, what to wear, if I even should wear anything… I really don’t wanna screw this up with her, Rarity. She’s really nice, and sweet, and beautiful, and everything! What’s a guy to do?” He sighed dejectedly.

“Oh Caramel, you talk as though you’re in love!” Rarity winked playfully at him as he nearly jumped ten feet into the air.

“Oh sweet Celestia, no! I mean, she’s nice and all, but love takes time to grow. It’s not like I could love her after one date or anything.” He fixed her with a serious glare. “The only mare that I’ve ever loved is Sassaflash, and she left me… but this time…” He looked out the window wistfully. “I feel like there might be a chance with her.”

“Aww!” Twilight and Rarity leaned against each other and collectively aww’d. “That’s so sweet!”

“Now, can you please help me? I figure, if anypony in this town knows about dating, it has to be you! You’ve been on so many dates with so many different stallions!” He exclaimed with a smile. Rarity’s eyes went wide as Twilight turned to Rarity and looked at her quizzically.

“Well, yes, of course, let’s get to it then!” Rarity yelped quickly, pushing Twilight away and grabbing Caramel. “We shouldn’t waste any time! The Gilded Lily is a pricy establishment, and we have to have you at your best! Twilight!”

“Yes?” Twilight stood at attention, saluting the fashionista playfully.

“Get out any and all books that the library may have on dating etiquette and fine dining. We’ll need to get Caramel here all the help that he can get!” Twilight nodded and zoomed off at the speed that Fluttershy did, as Rarity pulled Caramel in front of a mirror and looking him over.

“Don’t you worry Caramel, we’re going to have you looking so good, Princess Celestia herself would want to date you!” Rarity smiled earnestly, and Caramel returned it, feeling his confidence grow.

“You really mean it?”

“I really mean it.”

“Oh, thank you Rarity!” Caramel turned and hugged her tightly. “I don’t know how I could do this without you!” Rarity went to say something, but at that moment, Twilight returned with a stack of books, which she levitated into a pile onto the floor.

“Here’s everything that the library has! It’s a good thing that I was around when Spike was doing the re-shelving a few days ago!” Rarity eyed the large stack of novels lying behind her and sighed deeply. It would be a difficult task, but she was determined not to let her friend down.

“Well, we better jump right in then! No time to lose, correct?”

The three ponies dove towards the mountain of literary material and flipped open the first books that they got their hooves on. It was going to be a long night.


Caramel returned the next morning. The three had studied late into the night before Twilight reminded them of the time, and the three had parted ways with the promise to reconvene the next day. Caramel felt anxious as he looked at the sun in the sky, and took note that there was maybe only eight hours left until he would have to meet with his date. As he pushed open the door to the library, he saw Twilight and Rarity already lying on pillows on the floor with their noses in a book.

“Hey girls, whatcha reading?” He asked as he took his seat and grabbed a book.

How to Become a Fancy Dater in Twenty Minutes or Less,” Twilight answered, flipping the book over to its front. “By William Fancy Pants. Huh, I didn’t know Fancy Pants published books. What about you, Rarity?”

Fine Dining and Breathing.” She answered in a monotone voice. It was obvious that she was deeply engorged in her book. “It’s all so clear… once you empty your mind.” She was almost in a trance.

“Rarity! Snap out of it!” Twilight shook her gently, causing her to look up at her. “Caramel only has a few hours left to prepare. We gotta get him prepped!” Twilight strolled over to Caramel and tugged him in front of the mirror. “Do you think you could make him look anymore presentable?” At a raised eyebrow from Caramel, she smiled sheepishly. “No offense meant, or anything.”

“None taken, don’t worry.” They looked in the mirror at Rarity, who slowly got up, shook her head and walked over to them.

“Yes… yes, a little trim here,” She tugged on his mane, mentally measuring it. “Those split ends are awful… and maybe a bath, eugh,” She scrunched up her nose. “A nice new suit… black would do fine, traditional is sometimes the best after all…” The unicorn trailed off, her words getting progressively quieter and quieter.

“Does that mean something good?” Caramel asked, looking to Twilight. The other unicorn nodded with a smirk.

“Oh yeah. When she goes quiet, she’s thinking of all the things that she can do to help you!” Caramel nodded and pursed his lips, waiting for Rarity to finish her inner monologue. “Rares? You done?”

“What? Oh, hm, yes, yes. Come, Caramel. Walk with me to my boutique. We shall see what we can do for you!” Rarity shoved him out the door and followed closely behind, with Twilight beside her.

“What are you going to do to me?” Caramel stuttered after a while of walking in silence. The sudden sound startled Twilight, who momentarily lost her footing.

“You’ll see, my dear. A new suit, a new mane cut, a good scrub in the bath, and you’ll be looking like a prince!”

“Alright… I trust you.” Caramel said as they entered Carousel Boutique. A quick gaze to the sky showed them that it was already 1:00 in the afternoon – a mere five hours until he had to go to the Gilded Lily. “We can’t waste too much time, though. The Gilded Lily is across town from where I live, and I need to head back to my house if I want to grab the flowers for her.”

“We’ll get you there in time, calm down. Now then, stand on that platform over there and we’ll get started. Twilight dear, grab me the tape measure and bring it over here.”

“Alright!” Caramel and Twilight said in unison as they both zoomed off to their respective stations.

“Now Caramel dear, first off, I’m going to take your measurements, and then we’re going to get you into the bath.” At that moment, Twilight whizzed back to them and tossed the measuring tape to Rarity, who expertly caught it with her magic and unrolled it, quickly and rapidly taking his measurements and jotting them down mentally. After a few minutes had passed, she seemed content. Snapping the tape back into place, she ushered Caramel off with Twilight to the bathroom. “Now Twilight, my dear, go and help Caramel wash up. Make sure to grab the Goops for Stuff: Milk and Honey Bath Soak, and scrub that coat good!”

“We will! Don’t worry!” Twilight yelled back as she pushed him violently through the doorway and upstairs. Caramel felt awkward walking up. He had seen Rarity’s home so many times, yet had never actually been inside it before. “Now, let’s get to it Caramel!” She trotted ahead of him and into the washroom, an immaculately clean, pure white room with porcelain and marble everywhere. The stallion felt small and a little too feminine being in the room, but he only had a split second to look around before he was lifted into the air and thrown into a rapidly filling bathtub. The hot water startled him, and he nearly leapt out of it.

“W-Whoa, whoa, whoa!” He yelped, trying to fight against Twilight’s surprisingly strong grasp. “I think I can do this myself! I don’t need you to bathe me!”

“Of course you need me!” Twilight scolded as he slowly stopped fighting against her. “Do you know what the difference is between this soap,” She held up one bottle with pink liquid inside it, “And this soap is?” She levitated a bottle of purple. Caramel flushed as he realized that he had no clue.

“Umm… they’re different colors?” He guessed. Twilight shook her head and put them both down in front of him.

“Technically, you’re correct, but that’s still exactly not right. If you were alone, which one would you use?” She asked him, a smug grin on her face. He looked between the two of them back and forth for a moment.

“Umm… this one?” He guessed again, pointing towards the pink bottle. Twilight sighed and shook her head yet again, levitating it before his face.

This bottle, Caramel,” She said pointedly, “is a bottle of Vagisil. Do you know what that’s used for?” Caramel thought it over for a moment before coming to a disturbing realization.

“I think I have an idea.” He cringed. “Alright, you can stay. But hooves above the waist, alright?”

“Alright.” She laughed, popping open the purple bottle and lathering it up in her hooves while simultaneously pouring in Rarity’s premium Goops for Stuff bath soak. Caramel felt like he was in the spa, someplace where he had never cared, nor had the money, to go to. He leaned back in the porcelain tub, letting Twilight rub the suds deep into his coat as he sighed deeply. It had been a while since he had felt this relaxed. He gently shut his eyes, enjoying the feel of her hooves massaging him…

“And there we go!” Twilight’s voice interrupted him as he was sprayed rudely in the face with a beam of lukewarm water. Caramel jumped up, careful not to let water get in his eyes.

“Wha-? Why? Why are we done so soon?” He asked, wiping his face with a towel that Twilight had produced for him.

“You’ve been in there for over an hour, silly!” Twilight laughed, stepping aside to make room for him. “If I had let you sit for any longer, you would have been more wrinkled than Granny Smith is!” Caramel towelled himself off and stepped out, following Twilight, who had left the washroom and began walking down the stairs again.

“Has Rarity finished?” He asked, rounding the corner and looking at the unicorn mare that was hard at work on the other side of the room. Rarity’s head was down and her sewing machine filled the room with a low, constant thuck thuck thuck sound.

“Nope. Doesn’t look like it. She should be done in another hour or so. Shall we go over some of the basics that you’ll need to know for your date? Only three and a half hours to go!”

“Sure, if that’s what you think is the best. Should we go to the kitchen, someplace where we won’t disturb the master at work?” He motioned with a playful smirk to Rarity, who hadn’t even seemed to notice their presence. Twilight nodded and took the lead once more, entering the kitchen and pulling out two chairs from the table.

“Would you like a cup of coffee, or tea?” She asked, turning to the cupboards and levitating out a canister of coffee beans.

“Am I allowed?” He questioned, looking back to the white unicorn in the other room. “I’ve already asked so much from you two, I wouldn’t want to impose any more than I have.”

“Of course you’re allowed to! I think that the three of us have really become closer because of this whole fiasco!” The two continued their conversation as the coffee brewed silently in the corner. Even once it was ready and poured into two mugs, the two didn’t stop their conversation to begin discussing all that they had learned about dating in the past 24 hours. Perhaps an hour had passed before Caramel’s ears perked up suddenly, and they swiveled around to the main room where Rarity was.

“Did you hear that?” He asked her, keeping his voice low. Twilight strained her own ears to listen, but could hear nothing.

“No? It’s silent? Why, what do you hear?” Caramel turned and faced her with a broad smile.

“I can’t hear anything either. Maybe that means that Rarity’s done!” Twilight listened a little more and nodded in agreement.

“You’re right! She probably is done! Let’s go check.” The two got up, abandoning their long-empty coffee mugs, and trotted into the room, where a beaming white unicorn stood admiring her work.

“It is finished, my dears! Feast your eyes,” She displayed the outfit dramatically in the air, “On perfection!”

“Oh wow!” Both Twilight and Caramel cooed at once, amazed by what she had done in such a short period of time. Rarity grinned smugly at their faces. Just because she was the Element of Generosity didn’t mean that she wasn’t permitted her time to shine once in a while. “What do you think?”

“I think… it’s perfect!” Caramel exclaimed, skipping over to examine it closely. The suit wasn’t anything too fancy, but it was still going to be among the most expensive things that he owned. It featured a black overcoat with a yellow shirt to wear underneath, and shiny white buttons along the front. Caramel allowed Rarity to slip it on him, and the two unicorn mares in the room gawked at how he looked.

“Caramel, you look great!” Twilight complimented him. He really did look amazing.

“What did I tell you? I promised that I would make you look good enough that Princess Celestia would want to date you, and Rarity is not one to go back on her promises!” Caramel swelled with happiness as he looked at his handsome self in the mirror, but reality came crashing in, and he quickly deflated. The girls noticed it. “Caramel, whatever is the matter?”

“It looks amazing, Rarity – it really does- and that’s the problem. I could never afford something like this.” He slumped over and moved to take it off. “And I could never take this for free.” Rarity bit her lower lip, unsure of what to do. Of course she wanted him to have it for free, but if he would refuse…

“Ah-ha!” She burst out, suddenly filled with an idea. “If you can’t pay for it, perhaps you can pay me back by modelling for me!”

“Modelling?” Caramel asked sceptically. “I’m a stallion, Rares.”

“I know! But even some of the most famous fashion designers in the world are male. Hoity Toity, for example? And it would be a crime against fabulosity if I let you leave here without that custom tailored garment! What do you say? Will you come and model for me? Oh please please please!” Caramel couldn’t help but to smile at her fake pleas.

“Alright, alright. If it would mean that much to you. Thank you, Rarity.” He gave her a quick hug, which she returned. “This is more than I could have ever hoped for.”

“Oh, nonsense darling, I could never leave a friend in need,” She blushed at his words. “But enough with that. You have a mere two hours to get down there, and you said you had to run to your house first?” Caramel’s eyes went wide with terror as he nearly leapt up into the air.

“Only two hours? It’ll take me nearly an hour to get home though!”

“Then you better get going!” Twilight informed him as she pushed him gently towards the door. “You have to be sure to tell us how it goes!” He nodded as he took control of his body again and resumed walking again.

“I will, don’t worry!” He laughed.

“Wait!” Rarity called out, catching up to the two. Caramel had already put a hoof out the door when he turned around to face her. “Before you go, a quick reminder: what have we learned?”

“Lots of control,” He answered proudly.


“No screaming or hollering,” He grinned slightly at that one. All three of them had been slightly surprised that such a silly tip had been included in a dating guide, but then again, you never know what some ponies would do.

“Yes, and most importantly?” Rarity’s eyes were wide.

“Passion!” Caramel exclaimed loudly. Twilight and Rarity squealed as if they were sending a child off on his first date.

“Right! So now that you know the elements of a good date, go have one!” The unicorns collectively shoved him out the door and onto the street, where Caramel eagerly obliged their wishes and began running towards his house, careful not to get any dirt on his new suit.

“Wait, one more thing!” Twilight yelled to him. Caramel impatiently turned around and stamped his hooves on the ground.

“What?” He yelled back, straining his ears to hear her.

“What’s this mare’s name, anyways?!” Caramel’s face instantly brightened at the thought of the mare that he was meeting, and he smiled dreamily.

“Oh, her name? It’s Sunny Skies! Bye girls!” He turned and ran off even faster. Rarity swooned for a moment before heading inside.

“Ah, young love!” She giggled to Twilight, who followed her. Upon noticing Twilight’s downtrodden appearance, she walked over to her friend and lifted her chin up with her hoof. “Twilight darling, whatever is the matter?”

“I couldn’t tell you, Rarity. That name just sounds so familiar to me… I can’t say where I’ve heard it before though.”


Caramel sat in one of the booth seats at the Gilded Lily, one of the swankiest restaurants in Ponyville – not that that was saying much, as Ponyville was definitely not known for its swank. Nonetheless, there he sat, terrified and awed, as his date strolled through the door, tossing a beautifully bright smile to the door greeter, and taking her seat across the table from him. For a moment, he couldn’t speak. Sunny Skies’ white body was outlined in thin, fine, almost transparent gold silk, and her pink mane was done up in a messy, yet still elegant bun.

“Hello again, Caramel. My, are looking handsome tonight! What a lucky mare I am, to have such a stunning date!” Caramel returned her smile but inwardly felt ashamed and slightly angry with himself for not saying the same thing to her first.

“I could say the same about you, my lady. You look more stunning than you did yesterday, let me tell you. How was your night last night? I hope you found your way to your hotel nicely, and didn’t have to stumble around blindly or anything on your way!” He laughed, thinking back to when she mentioned to him that she was staying in Holly Daze’s Inn near the center of town.

“Oh, yes, yes, it wasn’t too much trouble to find. Hard to miss when there’s a giant sign pointing towards it on every street corner.” She winked playfully and Caramel’s face went red. “I only jest, don’t worry.” She added when she saw his tomato face.

“So anyways, have you ever been here before?” He asked her, changing the topic quickly. She flashed him a knowing look before turning her deep rose eyes down towards the menu in front of her.

“I can’t say that I have. Let’s see what there is here, shall we?” She picked hers up with her wing and flipped through the pages idly, occasionally stopping to read the descriptions of one or two of them. “Everything here looks so formal.” Caramel could have sworn that he heard a twinge of annoyance, or perhaps disappointment, in her voice.

“Is everything alright?” He questioned, putting down his own menu. He had been here with Sassaflash a few times; enough to already know what he was going to order. “You look upset by something.”

“Hm? Oh, no, no, don’t worry. It’s nothing.”

“But there is something, then?” Sunny Skies bit her lip and sighed, putting the menu down.

“It’s just that I’m so used to formal food back in Canterlot. I came to Ponyville for some low key fun, not to be treated and fed…” Her voice dropped to a near whisper. “Like royalty.”

“If you want to leave, just say the word,” He affirmed, leaning in and touching her hoof lightly. “We’ll leave immediately.”

“I wouldn’t want to be a hassle.” She smiled meekly at Caramel, who for once, didn’t return it. “Really, it’s perfectly fine.”

“If you’re positively sure that you don’t want to leave, we won’t. But you wouldn’t be overstepping your boundaries if you wanted to, so don’t think that you are.”

“Besides, the vegetarian bouillabaisse looks delicious!” Sunny exclaimed brightly all of a sudden, pointing a hoof towards the picture on the menu. Caramel nodded his agreement. “I think I’m going to have that. Do you know what you’re having?”

“Just a salad with hay fries.” He answered. At her concerned gaze, he faked a smirk and thought of a quick lie. “I, uh… ate a little before I came over.”

“I see.” She mumbled, her eyes still on the menu. Caramel gulped silently, and he could have sworn that she saw through his lie. As he opened his mouth to defend himself, a unicorn waiter in a black tuxedo came rounding the corner and interrupted them.

“Pardon me, Madame, Monsieur, are you ready to order?” He asked in a monotone, French voice. Sunny and Caramel looked to each other and nodded.

“I believe so. Sunny, what are you having?” Caramel motioned for the pegasus to go first. Sunny grinned and looked down at her menu, stabbing her hoof onto the picture again.

“I’ll be having the vegetarian bouillabaisse with a glass of red wine, please.” She said sweetly. The waiter nodded and turned to Caramel.

“And you, Monsieur?”

“Just the salad with extra hay fries, please.” Caramel answered, fighting his oncoming blush at the waiter’s confused expression. He could almost hear the words coming out of the stallion’s mouth: ‘You come to the fanciest restaurant in town, and you get a salad and fries?’

“Will that be everything for you two this fine evening?” At a confirmation nod from the two of them, he turned and walked away to the kitchen without another word. Caramel and Sunny Skies resumed their chat about the day and their personal lives, and didn’t even stop once their meals had come.


“I’m telling you Rarity, I know that name!” Twilight lightly pounded her head on the floor, angry with herself that she couldn’t remember where it was from. “It’s so familiar!”

“Don’t bear yourself up over it, darling. I’m sure it will come to you eventually!” Rarity put a friendly hoof over Twilight’s withers. “It’s just a name, what of it? Unless she’s a serial murderer, I doubt it’s anything that important!” Rarity laughed at her jest, but Twilight didn’t.

“It’s just bothering me so much…”

“I know, darling. Why don’t we go for a walk? It’s been a very long couple of days, after all.” The white unicorn stood up and pulled the lavender unicorn up alongside her. “It will do you good to get some fresh air.”

“I suppose so.” Twilight agreed as the two headed for the door and stepped outside into the crisp evening air. The two inhaled deeply, smelling the fresh air, and Twilight felt instantly relaxed. “Thanks Rares, I really needed this. I can’t believe that I’ve been out of the library for so long! Spike will probably be beside himself with worry!” This time, it was both of them that shared a laugh. Twilight had to admit, it felt good just walking with Rarity.

“I’m sure that pesky name will come to you soon enough anyways.” Rarity said after a short while, breaking the comfortable silence that had overtaken the two mares.

“I’m sure it will too.” Twilight agreed. She glanced upwards to the sky, where the sun held its place over the horizon. The lavender unicorn stopped dead in her tracks. Rarity kept walking, but stopped after a short while after noticing that she wasn’t being followed.

“Twilight, dear? What’s the matter?” Rarity asked her, concern lacing her voice, as she trotted quickly over to her friend’s side. She noticed that Twilight was staring off into the distance and her eyes were vacant – as if she were deep in thought. Rarity followed her gaze, and found herself staring into the sun. “Twilight?”

“Rarity. We have to go.” Twilight stated blankly, turning and looking at her friend. Rarity was quiet for a minute before giving a harsh, nervous laugh and pawed at the ground.


“We have to go. I remembered where I knew that name from. We have to go to the Gilded Lily.”

“Why? Twilight, who is it? Is this mare someone bad?” Twilight turned and looked back, towards the direction that Caramel had gone hours earlier.

“No. In fact, Sunny Skies is the exact opposite of bad. She’s-“


“…Princess Luna!” Sunny Skies leaned forward, and actually rolled her eyes. Caramel gasped.

Caramel, for the most part, just listened to his date ramble on, between bites, about her life in general: what living in Canterlot was like, what working with the nobles was like, what her family was like. He learned that she and her younger sister didn’t have any family besides the two of them, and so she had to take on most the work in her family’s line of work. At that moment in time, Sunny was busy telling Caramel about her latest venture into Canterlot Castle, and how Princess Luna had actually yelled at her for being late.

“I’m surprised that the Princess would explode like that!” Caramel exclaimed in awe. “While she’s only been down here a few times, Princess Luna has always been very nice and easy-going with the townsponies. Well, except for that first Nightmare Night!” Sunny seemed to smile sadly, wistfully.

“Yes, that Nightmare Night. I remember being told all about it. Princess Luna was very upset by it, or so I’ve been told.” Caramel opened his mouth to speak, but thought better of it. Silence overtook the couple for a moment, before he thought of a new question to ask, one that had been plaguing his mind all evening.

“And what do you work as, anyways?” He asked her, leaning forward. For some reason, he felt vastly interested in her life. Her eyes went wide for a moment, and a glimpse of fear and uncertainty passed through them. “Never mind, you don’t need to tell me.”

“I’m sorry,” She hung her head guiltily. “I don’t like telling ponies what I do for a living. They all look at me differently after finding out.”

“I understand.” He said, sympathetically, taking a bite of his meal and popping a few fries into his mouth. “Ponies look at me differently too, when I tell them that I’m a freelancer.” Caramel stopped mid-fry pop and stared at her. “Wow, that’s the first time that I’ve been able to say that so openly, I hope that you don’t think that I’m lazy or anything. It’s just really hard for me to get a permanent job.”

“It’s quite alright, do not worry. I’ve had a lovely evening with you tonight Caramel, and short of telling me that you’re actually married, I don’t think that there’s much that you could say that could force me to get up and leave.” Sunny laughed and moved to hold his hoof gently.

“I… uh…” Caramel was speechless. He tried to form coherent words in his brain, Celestia knows that he tried, but he simply couldn’t. “That’s… good.”

“Just good, eh?” Sunny cocked an eyebrow at him, and he moved to explain himself, but saw that she was joking again. “You’re too serious, Caramel. You need to lighten up! We’re having a wonderful evening. Aren’t we?”

“Yeah, of course we are.” He nodded his head and smiled back at her. “It’s been a great evening.”

“If you’ll excuse me, however, I must run to the washroom. I’ll be back in a moment.” She let go of his hoof and stood up. Caramel watched her hips as she swayed away, her movements almost hypnotizing. She disappeared around the corner, and the stallion was left in solitude to think about his date. The night really had been going perfectly, he had to admit. He hadn’t felt this happy since his first kiss with Sassaflash, which had happened so long ago. Yes, there was truly no way that his date could go wrong-

Caramel!” A familiar voice screeched, as two mares came careening through the front doors of the restaurant. Twilight and Rarity looked around frantically before spotting the very confused stallion and sprinting over to him. Twilight looked at the empty seat across from him. “Where’s your date?!”


“Where’s your date?! Where’s Sunny Skies?!” Twilight grabbed him by the shoulders. “I need to talk to her!”

“Why? What’s the matter?!” Caramel was growing very worried very quickly. “Is something wrong?!”

“Where is she?!” Twilight ignored his question. Then, Rarity gasped.

“There she is, Twilight!” The other unicorn pulled Twilight away and pointed a hoof at Caramel’s very confused date, who was emerging from the washroom. To Caramel’s even greater surprise, Rarity actually bowed her head.

“I-Is s-something going on h-here?” She stuttered as she walked back to her table very slowly. Her eyes landed on Rarity first, and then Twilight. Sunny stopped dead in her tracks. “O-Oh! Caramel, are these… friends of yours? It’s a pleasure to m-meet you… m-my name is Sunny.” Twilight slinked towards her, keeping her head low and her eyes wide.

“I know who you are… Princess.” Twilight suddenly dropped to the ground similar to Rarity, bowing low. Caramel felt more confused than he had ever felt in his life. He stood up and took his place to the left of Sunny Skies.

“Sunny, what are they talking about?” He asked her cautiously. “You’re not a Princess.”

“You’re right Caramel,” Sunny mumbled, much to his relief. “I’m not. But then again, I’m not really Sunny Skies.” Caramel blinked slowly at her guilty face.


“Stand back, please.” Sunny commanded, and Caramel took a step backwards towards the bowing unicorns. Every other patron in the restaurant was staring curiously at the ordeal. In the blink of an eye, Sunny stretched her neck up, and miraculously, her body began to grow. She stretched taller and taller, and her mane and tail seemed to get longer and longer. Caramel felt like he was about to pass out. While her body stayed the same snowy white as he knew her to have, her rosy pink mane and tail turned into a technicolored one of greens, blues, and pinks. When she was finished, a blinding light overtook the room for a few moments before dying down. Even though she was without her crown, necklace and other royal regalia, Sunny Skies had, undoubtedly, turned into Princess Celestia. The entire restaurant, Caramel included, collapsed onto the floor and bowed alongside the unicorns.

“My Faithful Student,” Celestia started, an irritated but affectionate look in her eye, “I had gone so long without anypony seeing through my disguise. I knew that I had made a mistake informing you of my alternate name.”

“I’m sorry, Princess. I just had to see if it was actually you.” Twilight mumbled sheepishly as she stood and nuzzled Celestia’s chest in the way that a daughter might nuzzle her mother. Celestia returned the gesture. “What were you doing here?”

“Well, Twilight,” Celestia laughed, nodding towards Caramel, “I was on a date with this fine young stallion here.” It was a tribute to Caramel’s willpower that he was able to stay conscious through the ordeal.

“But why? Why did you choose to come here, of all places?” Twilight asked, stepping backwards so she could properly look her mentor in the face. “Ponyville is so quiet and still-“

“And that’s exactly the reason why I chose it.” Celestia informed her student gently. “I wanted a low-key place where I could be myself – stretch my wings, fly about without guards surrounding me at all times, not be treated like a Goddess. I wanted to just be Celestia for a day – or rather, Sunny Skies for a day.”

“That makes… perfect sense.” Twilight realized, slumping over in despair. “And I’ve ruined that for you! Oh, can you ever forgive me, Princess? I’ve messed up everything!”

“Of course I can forgive you, my faithful student,” Celestia remarked. “But it’s up to Caramel if he can forgive you for interrupting our date.” Twilight and Celestia both turned to Caramel, whose head shot up at the mention of his name.

“Huh?” He asked stupidly. “F-Forgive you?”

“Yes, Caramel. Can you forgive Twilight for her interruption?” Celestia addressed him. Caramel felt light headed.

“Umm… yes?” He squeaked, not liking the feeling of having all the eyes in the restaurant fixed on him. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Celestia, who outstretched a white hoof towards him.

“Rise, Caramel. There is no need for such formalities. We have been on a date all evening – and I rather liked the way that you acted.” Caramel gingerly took her hoof and rose to his feet. He was holding hooves with royalty!

“Y-You d-did?” Caramel asked, shuffling from hoof to hoof and staring at the ground. Celestia put a hoof to his chin and raised his head up so he was looking her in the eye.

“Of course I did. This was a truly fun evening, and I hope-“

Tia!” Another regal voice yelled. A cloud of purple smoke, followed by a loud boom, filled the room, and everypony except for Celestia collapsed to the ground again, this time in fear. When the smoke cleared, there stood Princess Luna, with a frustrated look on her features.

“Yes, dear sister? What is it that you need?” Celestia asked, walking over to Luna. The other Princess’s face contorted in shock.

“What do we need?! Thou have been gone for days, Tia! Our entire castle is frantic in worry! We need thou back, to help maintain order, and prove to our citizens that you are alright!”

“You are quite right, sister. I apologize for leaving for so long. I was just having so much fun here, being a normal civilian. Have I introduced you to my date tonight? Luna, this is Caramel.” Celestia motioned to the stallion, who stood petrified as he stared into the harsh face of the Princess of the Night.

“Charmed, Sir Caramel. We trust that thou has treated our sister with respect and dignity, and thou has had no impure thoughts about her, yes?” Caramel nodded frantically, and Luna, seemingly content with his answer, turned back to her sister. “Please, Tia, hurry home. We miss you. We all miss you.”

“I shall, Luna. I’ll be back momentarily.” Without another word, Luna curtly nodded and her horn lit up with its blue glow, teleporting her out of sight. Celestia sighed and looked back to Caramel and Twilight.

“I suppose you have to go, Princess.” Twilight stated. Celestia nodded sadly.

“Unfortunately I do. I wish I could stay, however. I’ll be sure to visit again sometime soon, though. I promise.” Celestia said, giving Twilight a hug. “Before I go, however, might I ask how you knew for sure that Sunny Skies was me?”

“Oh, that’s easy!” Twilight laughed. “Your eyes were the same.”

“My eyes?” Celestia blinked.

“Your eyes are unmistakenly anypony else’s. Nopony else could have such a deep, beautiful, rose pink eye color like you do.”

“She’s right, you know…” A stallion’s voice mumbled. Twilight and Celestia turned to a sheepish Caramel, who was hiding his face.

“She’s… right?” To Caramel and Twilight’s surprise, Celestia actually blushed.

“Yeah… your eyes are so gorgeous…” He squeezed his own eyes shut, “It’s like I could stare into them for eternity.” He felt an affectionate hoof on his shoulder, and before he knew what was happening, Caramel was pulled in for a hug.

“Thank you for your kind words, Caramel. It truly means more to me than you could imagine, hearing you speak them with such sincerity. If it’s not too much trouble, and if you would like to, I would not object to seeing you again in the future… that is, if you will accept Celestia, and not Sunny Skies.”

“I’ll accept whatever you look like, as long as it’s you on the inside.” Caramel smiled despite the cheesiness of his lines. Celestia blushed a deeper scarlet and released him, standing once more.

“I, um, must be off now,” She stuttered. “Thank you for a wonderful evening, Caramel. You’ve made me feel more equine than anypony else has made me feel in a very long time. My faithful student, I hope to hear from you in the future. Good luck in your studies.”

“Goodbye, Princess!” Twilight waved at her.

“Farewell, Sun- I mean, Celestia. Have a safe trip back. I look forward to hearing from you again!” Caramel smiled at her, and she smiled back. Celestia’s horn fired up, but just before she was about to dissipate, she turned to him at the last moment and planted a kiss firmly on the mouth. It only lasted a mere second, but it felt to him like a lifetime. When Caramel opened his eyes again, she was gone.

“Oh sweet Celestia! Princess Celestia just kissed you!” Twilight gasped, gaping at Caramel, who stood with a goofy grin on his face.

“I guess she did.” He exclaimed happily after a brief silence. The stallion jumped gleefully into the air once before trotting towards the door to head home.

“Whatever are you going to do now, darling?” Rarity caught up to him, with Twilight closely behind her. “After all, you are now courting a Princess!”

“What am I gonna do now?” He repeated, looking into the face of his friend. “I’m gonna go get ready for my next date!

Author's Note:

References? References.

Comments ( 25 )

With her true identity you were as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face.... *grins* She certainly deserves a good stallion (or mare) in her life, and I'm figuring he need a good mare as well. You did good.

Very heartwarming. I actually Livestreamed it and the story got a good reception. A sequel seems to be in order. :)

I second that, we got to see the second date, and the shotgun speech from the sister

in case you look for cover art, this might fit. only caralestia pic EVER


Haha, I did see that and debated about using it, but I wanted the identity of Caramel's date to be a little bit of a secret x) I know it's pretty obvious, of course, but I hope it;s at least subtle enough to make people go "Hmm...maybe it's actually not her..." :twilightsheepish:

you mean other than on sweet Bloom over there? the second i read sundrops in the title i had guessed it actually:twilightblush:

"a beautiful, snowy white pegasus with the voice of an angel"

shining armor as a tranny with wings

"Orchard Eleven..."

A tongue-in-cheek Ocean's Eleven reference?

Also, great story and obviously...WRITE MOAR!!!

Ok make a sequel or just continue this one? Either way I like a good Ship fic and this one was it.

Don't think that you're so smart with your surprising plot twists and your hard to follow hints at what's to come, for I have figured it all out! Yes, I have found the ultimate plot twist which, while left unmentioned, is implied throughout the entire story. . . Sunny Skies is really Princess Celestia, who is really a Griffin in disguise, who is really just a Changeling payed minimum wage, who is really just an allegory for the state of the global economy! Confess! Confess!

“Oh sweet Celestia! Princess Celestia just kissed you!” I love that quote!

Brought here from Unseen Legacy's favorite page. Going to read this nao.

Aww! So cute!

Make an sequel to this nao!

The one thing that bothers me about this story is that I'd think Twilight would have a little more tact than to barge into the middle of a date like that. Aside from that I really enjoyed this story and would very much like to see a sequel.

So, this was cute. I could tell it was Celestia straight from the pink eyes and was rooting for the ship the entire time (and enjoying each and every reference to Celestia that ensued). However, Twilight really irritated me at the end. I agree with Jack Hamataro Kamiya (mouthful of a name) that I would think Twilight would show a bit more tact than that. (according to fanon, at least. Cannonically, everyone kind of jumps the gun.) That is, unless she had some sort of reason for freaking out about it being Celestia, like, for instance, her having run off and not being seen for a few days. I liked this, and there really aren't that many royalty ship fics that I like.

“ Fine Dining and Breathing .” She answered in a monotone voice. It was obvious that she was deeply engorged in her book. “It’s all so clear… once you empty your mind.” She was almost in a trance.


“Well, me and Dashie are sure to go!” Pinkie exclaimed, jumping up into the air in excitement. “Nopony knows how to party like Pinkie knows how to party!”

Of course Pinkie Pie lol nothing can't Beat you

“Oh… um… n-no… Harry hasn’t been feeling too well lately, and I couldn’t stand the thought of him being alone for so long. In fact, I should probably be getting back now, okaythanksbye !” Fluttershy zoomed off at a speed that made the sonic rainboom feel jealous. The four ponies continued to stare at the spot where she had just been, blinking.

Wow never in my life never seen Fluttershy flies so fast

“Remember when I helped pull you and your friends to the Gala a few years ago, and you said that you would pay me back somehow ‘however I so wished’?” He asked, looking at her. She nodded. “Well, I need you to pay me back now.”

Oh yes the grand Galloping Gala I remember that caramel and lucky was the one who pulled the cart Good Times

“ Fine Dining and Breathing .” She answered in a monotone voice. It was obvious that she was deeply engorged in her book. “It’s all so clear… once you empty your mind.” She was almost in a trance.

Ohh you probably don't want to do that it usually never turn out right I mean look what happened to SpongeBob he forgot his name

“Oh, her name? It’s Sunny Skies! Bye girls!” He turned and ran off even faster. Rarity swooned for a moment before heading inside.

Ohh I think I know who that is but I'll wait on that one although fun fact about that name did you know there was a character named sunny skies from the special short movie My Little Pony rainbow roadtrip and he's the mayor so whoever came up with that name was so way ahead of their time

“I know who you are… Princess.” Twilight suddenly dropped to the ground similar to Rarity, bowing low. Caramel felt more confused than he had ever felt in his life. He stood up and took his place to the left of Sunny Skies.

I freaking knew it oh my gosh lol

“Oh sweet Celestia! Princess Celestia just kissed you! ” Twilight gasped, gaping at Caramel, who stood with a goofy grin on his face.

He is one lucky dude 😊

This was actually a pretty nice story and it's a pretty interesting shipping as well so it looks like caramel been kind of depressed ever since his ex-girlfriend left him but then he meets a mysterious girl and both of them actually kind of like each other even though they only just met but she offered him for the apples he dropped and even walking him towards the house they're about to get to know each other but unfortunately she has to go home but she wanted to see him again which looks like they're going on a date but unfortunately it's been a while he ever been on a date so he asks Rarity for help and it looks like Twilight wants to help out the situation as well which that's pretty cool of them to help out with a little bit of dating advice and even making a suit for him which Rarity did amazingly and they helped him to prepare for his date and with that he was all set to go for the date but then he told the girls that her name is sunny skies which apparently for Twilight she recognize that name but in the restaurant it looks like him and Sunny are having a good time even talking about what they do and apparently she did work at the castle of Canterlot which he was surprised even though she doesn't want to admit it but then Twilight and Rarity showed up and basically Kind of Blow sunny cover which surprisingly she's not sunny skies but it's Princess Celestia in disguise which all the ponies were pretty surprised but despite all that she really did enjoy the date and she really cares about him and he treat her like a normal Pony not just any royalty which that's pretty cool but Princess Luna told her to come back home because the castle or in a panic where she went so she has to go home but not before she gave him a kiss he was surprised to have that and it looks like they're going to see each other more often which he was pretty happy for that I really like the shipping between those two and this was a pretty nice story keep up the good work

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