• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Author, former Royal Canterlot Library curator, and the (retired) reviewer at One Man's Pony Ramblings.


A look at what happened to Trixie in the hours after she escaped Ponyville at the end of Boast Busters. In case the picture isn't hint enough, things didn't go so well for her.


Originally written for Equestria Daily's April Friend-Off (2011), and based off the cover art (by Plant Man).

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Please continue this.

Don't just let it end there. This story has the potential to be a really good "::trixieshiftright:: Redemption" fic.

You can't just let her......die:fluttercry:. Not after all she went through.

She prayed for a miracle......give her one.

You could have Dash, on the way or just arriving at the dump, spot Trixie some distance away, slowly hobbling her way to Ponyville, badly injured, near death but most importantly, NOT DEAD!

From there, you could have her slowly recover, get to know the Mane6 better, tell more of her backstory (ie: Sticker), maybe even ship her with someone *cough:twilightblush:cough*. She did keep her stuff, after all. : )

Just please don't end it here. The story, so far, is written really well and there aren't any spelling errors that I can see so I know you're a good author who's more than capable of continuing this.

Here's to hoping you continue..................................................................:trixieshiftright::twilightblush:OTP

I'm in full agreement with The Sixth Child.

What I wouldn't give to see a continuation of this story...

Great! It's not too often I find a good dramatic story that actually keeps me interested. As for the end, it's good to have something different for once. I'm not sure whether it would be better with or without the final scene (Rainbow Dash and Twilight), but the irony of the last line ended the story on a good note.

As for those wanting a sequel, why can't there be a story without a happy ending? It's disappointing when you know part of the ending from the very beginning. Plus, it adds a feel of realism: good things just don't always happen.


Because every last one of us, no matter who we are, is already hip deep in troubles and grief and sad endings of our own. We read to escape from that....as being in a fandom about cute, brightly colored magical ponies should indicate.


While I personally don't read for that purpose, I won't argue. It doesn't hurt to have a minority of fiction that says otherwise, however.


Thanks! I feel that the story needed some sort of denouement which left Trixie's fate unspoken but obvious--leaving off with the Ursa about to attack would have been too abrupt, I think. I don't know if the scene I wrote was the best solution, but like you I remain very fond of the last line.


I certainly won't argue with you're larger point; escapism is a crucial element of fanfiction. But I feel that there's a difference between writing a story without a happy ending and writing an unsatisfying story. Hopefully, what I've written comes across as thematically appropriate, and succeeds in evoking some emotion or empathy. If not, then that's my failing as a writer. But I don't think that means that there CAN'T be a satisfying story with an unhappy ending. In any case, thank you for taking the time to articulate your position.


I'm afraid I have no plans to continue this--the fact that you reacted so strongly to the ending validates my decision to leave Trixie's fate ambiguous yet plain to decipher. However, this isn't the only Trixie-centric story I've written. Look for me to upload The Showmare's Tale in the next few days, if you want to see a less grim version of what she got up to following Boast Busters.


Well, you are the author so the final decision is yours to make even if I don't agree with it. Though the story may not be my "cup of tea", I can, to an extent, understand why someone would like this.

The fic has a sort of "brutal reality" to it and the last line is a definite WHAM to the reader. As in real life, not all stories have a happy ending. For me, and many others though, we go to fiction to get away from that "brutal reality". To go to realities where, despite all the bad things that may happen to the character/s, it will all turn out alright in the end, because we know, in real life, that rarely ever happens.

My main problem, besides what I just said, and the fact that there are so few (well written) fics that paint Trixe in a good light (same goes for Gilda but that's neither here nor there), is that, IMO, the way the story is structured, it just SCREAMS for a continuation. Not just because I, and others, want a happy ending, but from a purely "story writing" point of view.

Five things stand out in this regard:
1:Trixe's dragon, Sticker
2:Trixe "praying for a miracle"
3:Trixe not dieing "on screen"
4:Twilight holding onto her belonging
5:Pretty much everything Dash said especially the last line

1: This implies more backstory, that wasn't told, as to why Trixe is the way she is (ie:what happened after Sticker died, going up to before Boast Busters).

2: To the best of my knowledge, in fiction, if a character (usually the protagonist) is in danger and "prays for a miracle", be it narrative or the character actually says or thinks it, 99% of the time they get a miracle. To have her pray for a miracle and not get one is, to me, crueler then if you just killed her out right.

3: This leaves it ambiguous as to what really happened to her. Yes, the end kind of implies that she died, but because it was never shown or said, and because of her "praying for a miracle" just before it, it gives off the impression that she, in fact, did survive. :twilightsmile:

4: The fact that Twilight held on to her stuff as long as she did means that, if Trixe did come back, she would atleast have a friend in Twilight even if the others hated her. As for shipping, while optional, it would be a good starting off point. I'm sure Trixe herself would be confused as to why Twilight would hold onto her stuff when she was nothing but rude to her.

5: Everything Dash said, especially the last line, paints her in a bad light. Yes, with how Trixe humiliated her, it's understandable that she'd have a low opinion of her, and, Yes, she would have no way of knowing what happened to Trixe but we, the read, do know, and hearing Dash say those things makes us (or atleast me) hate her a little.

How can she say such things about someone whose had so many horrific things happen to them (Sticker dieing, being forced to drop out of school, losing everything she owned when her caravan was destroyed, being attacked by a dragon & an Ursa Major/Minor, who the hell knows what else)? Rainbow Dash is supposed "Good Guy" character. This makes her come off as a heartless bitch. :facehoof:

If Trixe survived, came back, and Dash found out what happen the night Trixe left, she'd probably still dislike her but she'd likely be ashamed about what she said and atleast try to be civil with her.

I'm just saying that, from a story writing standpoint, it makes more sense to continue it then end it right there. As I said before, whatever you choose is your decision to make. I'll definitely read "The Showmare's Tale" when it gets put up. Here's to hoping it has a happy ending! :pinkiehappy:

If you ever do decide to continue "Bad Luck", I (and many others) would be ecstatic and very grateful. Hell, if you made it "Twixie" too, I'd worship the ground you walk on! :trixieshiftright::twilightblush: (Same goes for "The Showmare's Tale")

And, hell, even if you don't continue it, maybe some other author, with your permission, of course, could continue it. I've seen it done a few times before. "Rocket to Insanity" is a good example. Someone took the ending of it, changed it a bit and gave it a happy ending.

Odd thing is that that's actually the third story "down the line", as it were. First there was "Cupcakes" (Dash dies), then someone made "Rocket to Insanity" ("Cupcakes" was a dream Dash has, repeatedly, goes insane, kills Pinkie), then a third guy make the Alternate Ending of RTI (Dash snap back to sanity at last minute).

So we go from Dash (and many other ponys) dieing to Pinkie dieing to nopony dieing. :rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy: Weird.

Anyway, if you know any good authors of your caliber, maybe you could let them take a crack at it if you're not going to. This could easily be a prologue to a pretty good story if given a chance.

Sorry for the long post so, in the interest of saving time:

Will read "The Showmare's Tale".
Hope for continuation of "Bad Luck" from you or another author.
Hope for "Twixie" in either. :twilightsmile:

In the words of a famous scientist: "Bon voyage, and best of luck in your future endeavors!" :yay:

The Great and Powerful Trixie season 1- episode 6 to season ? episode ?
She was the author's favorite

Another of yours I read way back in the day.

This one definitely left me with mixed feelings, though, judging from your comments above, that's what you were going for. I like the idea of a Trixie that's more learned from world experience, contrasting with Twilight's knowledge from just books. Just something that jumped out at me.

I like the ambiguity, as many authors are too afraid to end a story without a definite conclusion. You get points for that! Although, it's killing me not to know what happened to poor Trixie! :raritydespair:

I guess Season 3 will help answer that! :raritywink:

I don't know if you care about these, but I'll just leave them here anyway... :twilightblush:

The fact that she could hardly return the site of her latest, disastrous show under the present circumstances did not deter her in the least.

return TO the site

Well, maybe not right now, but in principal he would be.

principle, not principal.

Emerald Dragons were primarily aerial hunters.

You wouldn't capitalize "red-tailed hawk," so you wouldn't capitalize emerald dragon either, unless "Emerald" was a specific location in Equestria that the dragon was named after, like with the Siberian tiger. :twistnerd:

She spent perhaps a quarter second indulging the fantasy that the dragon was too full to want her as food, and had simply chased her a bit out of principal

principle, not principal. Or just find a new word, since this word is unusual enough to stick out when used twice, especially considering the context of its first usage.

Hurrying to her feet, Trixie dared a quick look behind her.
Now close enough to the entrance to see again, Trixie took in the behemothic shape before her.

Either one too few spaces, or one too many. Also, "behemothic" isn't a real word, according to merriam-webster and dictionary.com, though it has entries on less reputable dictionary sites, like allwords.com. :twistnerd:

She heard a sickening pop from her ankle, and felt a wave of searing pain wash over her.

Horses don't have ankles. They have fetlocks. Though I suppose an argument can be made for ankles, being magical and all.

Anyway, I should get back to work, tell Spike I’m sorry I made such a-hey, I thought we agreed you were gonna junk that stuff!”

period after work, not comma.

Haha, 81 weeks and 6 days since your last comment xD


Oy! I only posted this story because someone specifically asked me to when I was porting my old stuff over to FiMFic; it's a little embarrassing to see that there are still people reading it!

As for the corrections, I've gone ahead and made them. I'm not usually much for trying to gussy up long-finished stories--I figure my time is better spent writing an new, better story than on trying to bring an old one up to my current standards--but I figure there's no reason to let a bunch of typos just sit there.

Even if this isn't the story I'm proudest of, I'm glad you took the time to point those out--and more broadly, I'm glad you took the time to read. Thank you, it's much appreciated!

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