• Published 26th Feb 2012
  • 36,559 Views, 1,659 Comments

A Different Viewpoint of Equestria - Christopher28

An archeologist finds himself in lost in Equestria after Discord's storm of Chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 26

After several long moments they broke apart. Cheerilee had a sort of dreamy expression on her face.

"So... that's how humans kiss?" she said with a faint smile.

"Pretty much," Johnathon answered softly, one hand moving around to the back of her head, the other going down to her shoulder.

"Can we do it again?"


It was later. Cheerilee wasn't sure exactly how long, but while it felt more like hours, it probably had only been a few minutes since they had left the library to head home. They were walking hand in hand. Johnathon and taken her hand and held it in his own as they started walking for home again, and she let him, liking the closeness.

I think I like kissing. Cheerilee decided with a small smile. "So, Johnathon..." she said casually as they walked, "In human culture, what comes next?"

"Hmm?" the man seemed almost as distracted as she knew herself to be. "After kissing, you mean?"

Cheerilee giggled slightly, then nodded. "And in general, I suppose."

"Well... assuming we're dating now...?"

Cheerilee nodded immediately. "I think that's safe to assume."

Johnathon grinned at that. "Well, there are lots of options. Romantic walks in the evening are nice."

"We're doing that now," Cheeriee noted with a smile.

"Oh yeah," Johnathon put his free hand behind his head and chuckled. "Honestly, we've already done a lot of the things that couples do together...."

Cheerilee smiled. "That's true for Equestria as well. But now that we're... dating, what's next?"

Johnathon found himself blushing. "Well... we could... make out a little?"

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Make out?"

He grinned. "I could show you, if you like."

Cheerilee nodded softly, looking a bit shy finally. "I'd like that."


As the Earth Pony turned human female lay in her bed that night, she tried to figure out how she felt about where things were going. Making out had included a lot of touching and kissing. It had been... surprisingly pleasant. She had started to feel a sort of building excitement growing up from the pit of her stomach by the time Johnathon had decided it was time to stop, and she had almost asked him to continue, but something told her that she wasn't quite ready for that yet.

Johnathon was normally quite generous with the physical displays of affection with his friends, she knew. He was free with hugs, and would run his hand through her mane, both things she liked. She had noticed he had treated the other girls... his other friends in Ponyville, in any case, much the same. It was subtly different now that she was human, however. There was an intensity there that hadn't been there before. She knew, intellectually, where that intensity was headed, and she wondered how long it would be before they went there. It seemed almost inevitable now. She wasn't ready for... that, yet, but the idea bothered her less than it did.

Thankfully, Johnathon seemed quite content to wait and take things slow. She'd had hotter dates with stallions while she was still in school, some of them quite a bit hotter. She found herself wondering idly what it might be like if Johnathon wasn't quite so patient. She felt that tenseness in her stomach again, and she shivered. Her dreams that night were some of the strangest she could remember.


Cheerilee woke abruptly, wondering what was wrong. Something wasn't quite right. She sat up, and looked around her room, realizing that the light coming in through her curtained window was what was different. The sun was quite a bit farther up than it was when she normally got up. She had slept late. Much later than normal. She recalled bits and pieces of her dreams from that night, and remembered tossing and turning in bed quite a bit. Sometime during the night she had pulled off the oversized tee shirt she had borrowed from Johnathon and slept in the nude, and gone on to kick off the covers. She blushed slightly, hoping that her roommate hadn't come into her room to check to see why she had slept so late.

He would have knocked first, she reasoned, and I would have woken, wouldn't I?

Getting up out of bed, she walked to her dresser and started picking out what she would wear in the morning. "Jogging," she decided. "I want to go jogging this morning."

Walking out into the kitchen, barefoot, but wearing her new sports bra and a pair of the pants that Rarity had made her the other day, Cheerilee spotted Johnathon at once, sitting at the table with a book in one hand, and a fork in the other, eating.

"Good morning, Cheerilee," he said with a smile, looking up from his reading. "How are you feeling this morning?"

Cheerilee thought about it. "Better." she decided almost immediately. "More like myself, somehow, if that makes any sort of sense."

"A good night's sleep can do that," Johnathon commented thoughtfully, looking pleased.

Cheerilee smiled softly at him. "I think it might also be because I kind of enjoyed being a human for the first time last night."

Johnathon's smile spontaneously doubled in size. "So you liked... last night then?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Mmm hmm," she walked over to sit down beside him. "I was thinking we could go jogging today. Is that alright?"

He nodded. "Sure. Did you want breakfast first?"

Cheerilee thought about that, then shook her head. "I can eat afterwords. I slept so late, and I'm still a bit sleepy, a good run will drive the cobwebs out of my head, I think."

"Good idea." Johnathon agreed. "But you'll probably want to wear some shoes you can run in," he grinned, and nodded at the corner of the kitchen. "Rarity stopped by this morning, just a bit ago. She made a pair of running shoes for you, as well as a few other things. Hopefully they'll all fit."

"Oh!" Cheerilee found herself inexplicably pleased by the thought of new clothing. "Presents in the morning! This IS turning out to be a good day!" she took the bag that Johnathon had nodded at, then headed back into her room. She rifled through the bag, pulling out several garments and a pair of shoes. At the bottom of the bag, a note from Rarity.

"I thought I might include some more risqué designs for you. Tell me what Johnathon thinks, will you, dear?"

Coming out a few moment later, she was blushing slightly, unsure of herself, but with an edge of curiosity, Cheerilee walked into the kitchen. "So... how do I look?" she kept her eyes on Johnathon's face, wanting to catch his reaction fully.

Johnathon blinked twice, then blushed slightly. "Er... you look great," he complimented. "But don't you think you might be a bit cold?"

Cheerilee glanced down at the shorts she was wearing, then hesitated. "Well... I should warm up nicely while jogging, don't you think?" she frowned and looked at him worriedly. "Are they too... little? I mean, should I wear more clothing?" she hesitated. "I wasn't sure if these would be alright...."

Johnathon grinned at her. "Well... I'd say they're fine for a jog. You have great legs, no reason not to show them off occasionally."

Cheerilee blushed slightly. "You like my legs?" she glanced down at them again. "And you're sure I'm wearing enough?"

Johnathon smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I never really explained what is and isn't appropriate fully, I guess, but Rarity seems to have a pretty good instinct for this sort of thing."

Cheerilee thought about the other items in the bag, wondering how Johnathon might react to seeing her in some of them. "So... I take it you didn't look at what Rarity brought me?"

Johnathon shook his head. "Well, she mentioned the running shoes... and then warned me not to peek," he shrugged. "I wouldn't dare make her mad, now would I?"

Cheerilee grinned at him. "Well, I wouldn't want to make her mad, anyway."

Johnathon stood. "Well then... shall we give running a try?"

Cheerilee nodded eagerly. "I've been wanting to try this since yesterday. I'm so tall now, I wonder how fast I can go?"

They set out the door and started to jog. Johnathon slowed down to demonstrate the proper stride to her. Even though she had ran with him many times, she hadn't really paid enough attention to how a human ran to emulate it herself, but her body took to it pretty quickly. Before long, they were moving at a steady pace. She wasn't sure, but she thought she was managing to move almost as fast as she did as a pony, if she was keeping things to a light canter, anyway... although no where near as fast as she could gallop if she really wanted to move.

She frowned and tried increasing her pace, and nearly fell. "Careful!" Johnathon warned, catching her arm keeping her upright. They came to a stop, both of them panting with exertion. "Your body obviously has the reflexes of an adult... and you're adapting really quickly, but you can hurt yourself if you fall at this speed."

Cheerilee sighed and nodded. "I thought, since I am so much taller, and my legs are longer, I might be able to run faster, but I guess that's not going to happen."

Johnathon shrugged. "You can probably go a bit faster, but I don't think you're quite ready for a full on sprint yet. Besides, a human can't sprint very far at all. You'd exhaust yourself, and we're still a ways from home."

Cheerilee hesitated, frowning. "I suppose... but I actually feel pretty good. Truthfully, I feel less tired than I usually do when we get to this part of our run. I guess humans are better at doing long distances?"

Johnathon looked at her thoughtfully. "At jogging speeds, yeah, we humans have some advantages," he grinned, then nodded at her. "Actually, you're taking pretty good advantage of one of them."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh?"

He pointed at her sports bra, then her shorts. "Humans shed excess heat quicker than a pony does. Probably the lack of a coat of fur has something to do with that, and you've got plenty of skin exposed."

Cheerilee found herself blushing again, although she wasn't quite sure why. "Well... you did say these clothes were appropriate for jogging... but I don't wear anything as a pony. Wouldn't I heat up slower that way?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "You wear a full body fur coat as a pony, silly."

Cheerilee blushed again, feeling dumb. "Oh... right. Silly me."

He smiled at her. "Come on... let's finish our run," he looked thoughtful. "Care to make it interesting?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Interesting?"

He nodded. "Want to bet on which of us can get home first?"

Cheerilee grinned at that. "I've got my Earth Pony magic still, are you sure you want to risk it?"

Johnathon grinned. "You had it as a pony too. I'll take my chances. Last one home has to do all the dishes today?"

Cheerilee laughed. "Fine. You're on."

Johnathon grinned. "Great!" he turned and sprinted off without warning.

"Hey!" Cheerilee took off after him. "No fair! You didn't say go!" Cheerilee focused on the man's back and forgot everything she had learned about walking or running as a human. She simply ran. She wanted to move, and her body obeyed her. Johnathon's large initial lead started to disappear as she poured herself into the task of closing the gap. He sped up slightly as she got closer, but soon they were racing side by side. He seemed to lengthen his stride slightly as she caught up with him, and his feet barely seemed to touch the ground. Slowly he was leaving her behind again, but she could see their house, and felt like she had enough energy for one final rush. She lengthened her stride as well, pushing herself faster than she had realized she could go. It wasn't as fast as she could gallop as a pony, but it was close.

She pulled away, passing him, and reached the house a good dozen yards ahead of the man. She felt fantastic. She was tired, but exhilarated. She bounced up and down on her toes, throwing her hands up spontaneously.

"Whee!" she said with a laugh. "I won! That felt great!"

Johnathon came up to her, panting, and shook his head incredulously, then slowly sank down to sit on the grass outside their kitchen door. "That was... seriously impressive." he admitted. "I'm starting to feel old."

Cheerilee stopped bouncing and came over to sit next to him. "You're not old, Johnathon."

He chuckled softly. "Well, thanks to you, I'm probably in the best shape I've been since I was twenty... but I'm not going to be able to keep this up forever. I'm going to start slowing down sooner or later. That was as fast as I've ever run that stretch, and you still beat me."

"Earth pony magic..." Cheerilee began, and Johnathon smiled at her.

"I don't mind losing...." he shrugged. "Well, I'm competitive, but... I don't mind losing to you." Johnathon slowly stood, and pulled his shirt off over his head. His body was soaked with sweat, and he used the edge of his shirt to wipe his forehead. "Sheesh, it's a pretty cool day, but I feel like I'm in a sauna."

Cheerilee stretched, stood, and pulled her sports bra off as well. "I got pretty sweaty too,":she admitted. "Although the cool breeze feels great..." she blinked, realizing that Johnathon was staring at her, his eyes wide, before he abruptly turned his back. Cheerilee glanced down at her naked chest, blushing. "Oh... did I do something wrong? Er... I thought, since you take off your shirt when you're hot, that..."

Johnathon kept his back to her, but shook his head. "It's fine, really!" he insisted. "I probably should have... er... explained this earlier, but it's a bit different for women... in my culture, that is."

Cheerilee started to put her top back on. "Um... could you be more specific?"

Johnathon put a hand behind his head. "Well... at the minimum, women usually keep their breasts covered... and... er... the groin area."

Cheerilee frowned. "So... women have to keep their chests covered, but men don't?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Generally, yes."

She wrinkled her nose. "Well, that doesn't sound fair at all!"

He started to chuckle. "Well, no. I don't suppose it is," he glanced back at her, then shrugged helplessly. "I didn't make the rules up, you know."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at him. "But it bothers you if I don't follow them, right?"

Johnathon hesitated. "A little?" he shrugged. "Listen, you really don't have to follow my customs if you don't want to. I won't mind."

Cheerilee sighed and shook her head. "No, no, I want to. At least... most of the time," she hesitated. "Do you mind if I stop wearing clothing to bed? I keep getting tangled up, and it's hard to sleep."

Johnathon grinned at her. "I don't mind a bit. That sort of thing is up to the individual even in my culture."

"You have a pretty complicated culture," Cheerilee observed wryly.

"I can't disagree with that."


Rarity tapped lightly on the door to the library, and then let herself in, looking around curiously at the unusual sight within. Twilight Sparkle was surrounded by floating books, and a large blackboard was set up and covered by arcane symbols, some of which Rarity thought she recognized, but most of which were complete gibberish to her. Twilight was muttering something to herself as she glanced from the book in front of her before glancing up to the blackboard, a piece of chalk levitating and altering one symbol slightly.

"Oh dear... I didn't mean to interrupt," Rarity began hesitantly. "I can come back at some other time."

"Hmm?" Twilight said distractedly, glancing between the book and blackboard a few times before nodding to herself in satisfaction. "No, no.... that's alright, Rarity, I believe I'm at a good place to take a break anyway," the books floated over to the table in the middle of the room and set themselves down, still open to whatever page she had been studying in each, and Twilight released her magic with a small sigh. "In fact, I'm getting to the point where I can't get much further without a test subject."

Rarity smiled slightly. "Well, I truly wish I could volunteer, darling. It's a shame you can't transform a unicorn without danger!"

Twilight hesitated. "Actually, about that, I've been thinking, and I'm pretty sure I CAN... they just to be able to release their innate magic without harming themselves," she blushed slightly. "In fact, I've been ignoring a rather obvious solution... Alicorns aren't the only winged ponies with horns after all. Although they're very rare, a few winged unicorns do exist. My old foalsitter, Princess Cadence was one, in fact. She's distantly related to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I believe, although she doesn't have their magical power, or their immortality."

Rarity hesitated. "Are you saying you could... transform a unicorn into a winged unicorn?"

Twilight blushed deeper. "Probably, yes. Well... actually, I'm quite certain I could... I just... after my rather... well, disastrous experiment with Princess Celestia, I kind of blocked the idea out of my mind... but now that I'm researching Strangehorn's transformation spell again, I took another look at the idea, and I'm quite sure it's possible."

Rarity frowned. "And... it would work? It wouldn't be dangerous?"

Twilight blinked. "Well... honestly, yes. I'm quite certain it would. Well... within acceptable safety margins for spell testing, in any case. Of course, if I used a regular winged unicorn as a template, the unicorn I transformed wouldn't be able to fly, or walk on clouds, not without additional magic."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Twilight dear, isn't that what you were saying back on the train when you first proposed this idea? That the physical transformation wouldn't change the pony's inherent magical properties, or something along those lines?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, yes... but the theory is still sound. What went wrong when I used Princess Celestia for a template is that the spell tried to turn me into a true alicorn... and, well, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna aren't just winged unicorns... they're practically living energy batteries. Their very physical forms are significantly more powerful than a normal pony's. Their power, and their immortality, are all wrapped up into one thing."

Rarity hesitated. "I'm trying to follow, darling, but this is getting a bit metaphysical for me. What exactly are you saying?"

"That Princess Celestia, and her sister are much more than just winged unicorns." Twilight explained. "I suppose it would be possible, under the right circumstances, for a winged unicorn, or even a normal unicorn, to become an alicorn... although no pony alive really knows what it would require. I know that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were not born what they are... they were... made. They were weapons against Discord, you see."

Rarity blinked. "Weapons...? Our Princesses?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Yes... they are quite different from your average pony in some rather specific ways. Primarily, their bodies are naturally able to store and control vast amounts of energy. Whatever process created them... or transformed them into what they are, made them different on a fundamental level. I'm just amazed that Strangehorn's spell was able to make the same change to me."

Rarity hesitated. "So... other winged unicorns... they are otherwise just like regular unicorns?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "I believe so, yes. Some of them have been more powerful than others, of course. A few could fly like a pegasus, or were strong like an earth pony, or were great spellcasters... but their powers never get anywhere near to what the Princesses are capable of. I believe it's quite possible to transform a unicorn into a normal winged unicorn. Just as easily as I could transform an earth pony into a pegasi or vice versa," she hesitated, frowning. "In fact... I think I could do a complete transformation... I mean... REALLY change a unicorn into a pegasi, or an earth pony. I've been playing around with the equations, and I believe that I've made a crucial discovery..." Twilight trailed off, looking uncertain.

"Well?" Rarity asked impatiently. "Don't leave me in suspense, darling, what have you discovered?"

Twilight started to get excited. "You see... the notes on Strangehorn's spell, that one of his research assistants tried to transform herself into a pegasi and nearly died? It didn't match up with what happened to me when I used the spell to change myself. I really changed... in every way, into an alicorn. The very nature of my physical form was completely altered in a fundamental way. I never really got to check, but I believe I'd have been able to cloud walk without a spell... and I know I was extremely strong physically as well as magically. But according to the first hand account, it isn't supposed to be able to transform a pony's magic."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "You mean, you CAN transform a pony's magic?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Theoretically, yes. I think so. I'm not sure what exactly Strangehorn's assistant did wrong. Perhaps she didn't have a pegasi to use as a magical template... I have a theory about that as well, actually, that for something as complex as a complete magical AND physical transformation, the spell needs a living template to copy the magical matrix from... and, if the energy levels between the two creatures are different, to steal the extra needed energy to complete the transformation. On the other hand, I've already just about proved that a physical transformation without changing the magical nature of a pony works as well! I transformed Cheerilee into a human, physically, but she retained her earth pony magic! However, I did the spell without Johnathon to use as a template. Perhaps If I had used him, she would have lost her earth pony magic and... well, become completely human in every way."

Rarity looked confused. "Are you saying that Miss Cheerilee isn't a real human?"

Twilight frowned slightly. "Physically, yes... she's human. I think she is, anyway, but magically, she's still a pony. If I had used Johnathon for a template, I think I could have transformed her physically AND magically. I'm not sure if anything would have happened to Johnathon... but I don't think so. I believe humans have a lower magical energy level then ponies... which would allow the transformation without draining any magical energy from Johnathon... but I haven't tested that hypothesis for obvious reasons."

Rarity frowned in response. "I apologize, dear, but I'm not quite sure I follow. What reasons?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... what if a combined physical and magical transformation always drains the template to power the transformation? Princess Celestia and I were both Alicorns when we were... er... drained. We had plenty of extra magic... but somepony with less natural energy, the spell could drain then more than they could withstand... theoretically."

Rarity flinched. "You mean that the spell could kill some pony?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Especially one with low natural magical energies. Theoretically, anyway. The er... energy collection part of the spell is very... versatile, but I believe it's rather dangerous as well. I'll want to figure out a way to direct that part of the spell consciously the next time I cast it with a template, so I can prevent any pony from being drained. I've actually been considering the possibility of using other magical energy sources to power such a transformation, but for the moment, I haven't gotten that far."

Rarity frowned. "How far have you gotten then?"

Twilight shrugged. "I believe I can safely do a permanent physical only transformation without any risk. I'd be a lot farther along, but I've been rather worried at what seemed like inherent contradictions in the spell, and I didn't want to proceed till I had figured them out."

Rarity looked thoughtful. "So... you don't actually need a winged unicorn to be in the room to change me into one?"

Twilight blinked. "Er... theoretically, no?"

Rarity beamed at her. "Didn't you say something earlier about needing a test subject?"

Twilight froze. "Um... did I?"

Rarity's grin got wider. "You did... and if you're curious, yes, I am talking about myself, of course. I think I would look just lovely with a nice set of feathered wings, don't you?"


The door to the library burst open several minutes later, and Pinkie rushed into the library, looking around. "Ahah!" she exclaimed triumphantly, pointing a hoof at Rarity, who was busy admiring her new, white feathered wings in a full length mirror. "You gave Rarity wings! I knew it!" she turned to Twilight, who was laying down nearby, resting on a bunch of pillows. "Twitchy tail, itchy nose, floppy ear and pinchy knee!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "New combo?"

Pinkie nodded. "I got it the first time in Canterlot when you changed places with the Princess... although that one was a lot stronger. I'm calling it my alicornification combo! Anyway, how come Rarity gets to go first? I volunteered to get wings first!"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, that was a long time ago, and a lot has happened in between...."

Pinkie pouted, then shrugged, her expression changing to happy anticipation. "Well, that's OK. Rarity can be first... but you'll let me go next, right?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, I really should reverse Rarity's change first... and the spell takes a lot of energy, so I don't think I'll be able to handle another transformation today... but...."

Pinkie bounced a bit as she grinned at Twilight. "But...?"

Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes. "But yes... you can be my next test subject. I'll let you know when I'm ready to try again, alright?"

Pinkie grinned. "Yay!"

Rarity had been half paying attention as she stretched and posed her new appendages in the mirror. "Oh, I hope you aren't going to reverse this right away, darling. I simply love my new wings.... aren't they just gorgeous?" She fluttered them slightly, beaming over her own shoulder as the white feathers caught the light from one of the windows in what she felt was a particularly flattering way.

Twilight hesitated. "I'm starting to think that all this should really be kept... secret. There is a lot of potential for this sort of magic to be abused... not to mention the fact that it's connected to what happened with me and Princess Celestia... the thing we're all keeping secret? If it becomes known that I can transform ponies into... well, other types of ponies... well, I can't even imagine the chaos that could result."

"It sounds like fun to me!" Pinkie said cheerily.

Rarity frowned slightly, glancing back at her wings with a sad expression. "I suppose I can see your point," she glanced back at Twilight in concern. "Would other unicorns be able to do this spell, do you think?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... er... not many," she admitted. "I can think of er... maybe half a dozen with enough power... and there are probably some more I don't know about, but no, it's not something just any unicorn could cast. But if, say, any really competent spell casting unicorn got a good look at my notes, they'd be able to figure out how I became an alicorn... and we really don't want any pony knowing all the details about that. In the wrong hooves, it could be a very dangerous weapon."

Rarity grimaced. "I see. So... I suppose for now we must keep your current research a secret?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. I think that's best. If I'm going to figure out how to change Cheerilee back, I have to keep working, but I think we should keep the actual details as secret as possible," she shrugged apologetically and put a hoof on Rarity's shoulder. "So... I think it would be best if you stay here, out of sight, until I can reverse the transformation, Rarity."

Rarity blew out an exasperated sigh. "How very unfortunate. I was just imagining a wonderful new dress design for my new look. I'd be the talk of Canterlot inside of a week!" she nodded to Twilight. "But you're right, it would be too easy to connect the dots between my transformation and yours... and we did promise the princess not to reveal how you stole her powers."

Twilight winced. "My first really groundbreaking magical discovery... and I can't tell anypony about it."

Rarity put a wing over her friend's shoulders. "There there... we know... and the Princesses know. I'm sure that you'll come up with many other wonderful discoveries that everypony can share. It's just a matter of time. I have every confidence in your abilities."

"Twilight..." Pinkie said with a very small frown. "I kinda think there's one problem with the big keeping things a secret plan."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "What would that be, Pinkie?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Well, everypony already knows you can transform ponies, silly! I mean, they know you turned yourself into a princess... er... an alicorn... and that you turned Cheerilee into a human, right?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... that's different... I mean... i just gave Rarity wings... and I'm almost positive I can reverse it easily... er... well, not easily, but safely, and that I'll be able to repeat the spell in the future... and as far as any pony knows... I can't reverse the transformation I did on Cheerilee, so I don't think anypony is going to come ask me to transform them or anything silly like that."

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow at that. "If you say so, Twilight! But you know how I know everypony in town? Well, let me tell you, everypony is talking about your new spell. A few ponies think it's scary, but most of them think it's kinda neat! And the ponies in town all know you're just about the most magical unicorn, like... ever, and they all think you're going to figure out how to do it properly any day now!"

Twilight grimaced. "Is everypony really talking about my transformation spell?"

Pinkie nodded firmly. "Yup!"

Twilight moaned. "Why did I ever agree to transform Cheerilee? I must have been out of my mind! Now everypony is going to want me to turn them into things! There will be pony griffins, pony dragons, pony zebras, unicorn pegasi... pegasi unicorns... it'll be chaos!"

Pinkie looked thoughtful. "Do you think that's how Discord got all... mixed up? You know, the way he was like... seven different creatures at the same time?"

Twilight grimaced. "I have no idea, but maybe. I really don't want to end up creating a new Discord, anyway."

Pinkie shrugged. "Well, when ponies ask you to transform them, just tell them no. You're the only pony that can do your spell, right?"

"For now... but..."

Rarity started to nod. "I think Pinkie may be right, dear. If you didn't give anypony else your notes... if you didn't show them how to do the spell, do you think anypony else would be able to figure out how to do this transformation?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... if they had access to Strangehorn's spellbook... maybe... but..." she looked thoughtful. "Well, there is only one copy of that, and I have it... well, that and the original, which is locked up in the Canterlot archives..."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "And without your notes, or Strangehorn's spellbook?"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "It would take years to reverse engineer a spell like this... and quite a bit of luck, I think. I... just knowing such a spell existed, I might be able to devise something similar, but it would be a life's work...." she sighed. "Well... for me, anyway." Twilight brightened slightly. "I suppose if we make sure that my notes are secure... and Strangehorn's spellbook, we should be alright... at least for now."

"There you go." Rarity said with a pleased expression. "Then there is no reason I can't show off my new wings, is there?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... maybe... but... I'd like to ask Princess Celestia what she thinks first," she looked thoughtful. "Actually, maybe I should get everyone's advice. Everyone who knows the truth, anyway."

Rarity frowned. "The more ponies who know a secret, the harder it is to keep a secret, dear...."

Twilight grimaced. "I know, but... well, it wouldn't be fair to Cheerilee to exclude her from this... I'm doing this research for her sake... and I don't want to lie to the others... Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy? They already know most of this, and I wouldn't feel right keeping this from them."

Pinkie Pie grinned suddenly. "Oooh! Do you know what they call it when a bunch of ponies all know a secret that they don't tell anypony else?"

Rarity blinked. "A conspiracy?"

PInkie Pie nodded with a big grin. "And do you know what that calls for?"

Rarity raised an eyebrow at the way Pinkie was starting to bounce and took a wild guess. "A... party?"

"A Conspiracy Party!" Pinkie announced gleefully. "Oh! I have so much to do!" bouncing in a circle, Pinkie Pie started giggling to herself. "I'll need to come up with a secret handshake, and a theme song, and oh! Spooky cloaks, and...." she spun to face Rarity. "Rarity! We're going to need spooky cloaks!"

Rarity chuckled. "I think I might be able to manage that, dear, although I wonder if that wouldn't make things rather obvious that we're trying to hide something."

Pinkie deflated somewhat, then bounced back. "Secret pins! And some cool secret code words... and... a secret surprise cake! Or maybe a pie!"

Pinkie raced out of the room, inspiration overflowing, and Twilight exchanged a worried look with Rarity. "This is going to end badly, isn't it?"

Rarity shook her head at Pinkie's antics, then nodded. "Probably."


Princess Celestia was settling down in her bedroom for the evening when, with a green flash of flame, a sealed envelope appeared just above her head and floated down toward her. Catching the envelop with her telekinesis, she opened it and pulled out the letter contained within.

Dear Princess Celestia,

You are cordially invited to the first annual secret Conspiracy Party!

Time: Two AM, tonight!

Place: Applejack's Cider cellar

Tell nopony!

You can tell Princess Luna, but nopony else!

OK, you can tell Shining Spear and Bright Lance but nopony else! Really!

This message will self destruct in ten seconds!

Sincerely, Pinkamena Diana Pie.

PS: the password is kumquat!

As she finished reading the letter, it started smoldering around the edges, and as she hastily levitated it further away it burst into flame, incinerating itself with an impressive flash. The princess blinked twice, then started to chuckle, her eyes twinkling.


"Kumquat," whispered Princess Luna from beneath her dark grey cloak, trying not to giggle as the cellar door opened to admit her and the slightly larger cloaked form behind her. Inside, a pony with a black cloak not quite covering her bouncy pink hair, escorted her and Celestia down into a surprisingly large and well lit cellar. The walls were lined with large casks, presumably filled with cider, and a spooky, but rather catchy bit of music was playing softly in the background.

"Hey Luna!" Rainbow Dash greeted her cheerfully from the far end of the room, zooming over to hand her a mug. "Glad you could make it!" she winked at the Princess of the Moon, then zoomed away again, coming back with a second mug for Princess Celestia, who had paused to throw back her concealing hood. "Pretty cool party, huh?"

Luna was beaming. "Tis decidedly... cool, Rainbow Dash. We have not been invited to such an... interesting affair for almost fifteen hundred years! Tis most amusing."

Applejack and Fluttershy walked up to the Princesses together, looking rather surprised to see their monarchs. "Er... howdy Princess Luna, Princess Celestia," the cowpony offered with a quick smile. "I hope you don't mind the accommodations or nothing... Pinkie kinda forgot to mention who all was a'comin," she shrugged and gestured to the room in general. "Yer welcome, o'course. This here's the Apple Family's secret cider cellar. We hold back the best of each year's press for special occasions and the like, and Pinkie asked if she could borrow it for this here clandestine meeting."

Luna took a sip out of her mug and her eyes widened appreciatively. "Ah! When you say you saved the best, you did not exaggerate, friend Applejack. A most delightful brew."

Princess Celestia emptied her own mug with a long pull, and sighed happily. "Just as good as I remember it... no, better," she complimented Applejack with a smile. "Your great grandfather sent me a barrel of his first cider press many years ago, and I believe you may have improved on his art. Sweet Apple Acres cider has only improved over the years."

Applejack blushed, then bowed. "Thank you kindly, Princess. I'd like to think I'm doing the Apple family proud."

"Of that I have no doubt," Celestia told her with a gentle smile.

There was another knock at the cellar door, and Pinkie Pie cracked it open a hair. "What's the password?" she hissed in a overly loud whisper.

"Is it a vegetable of some sort?" Johnathon Dwire spoke Equestrian with a noticeable accent, and his voice was quite distinct from your average ponies, but Pinkie frowned suspiciously out of the crack regardless.

"It's not a vegetable." She said sternly. "Are you a spy?"

"It's ME, Pinkie!" the man hissed impatiently. "I'm standing right here... there aren't exactly a lot of humans around, you know?" he shrugged. "Your note caught fire before I finished reading it... I couldn't quite make out the password, OK?"

"It's a fruit." Pinkie supplied helpfully.

"A fruit," Johnathon said flatly. "A fruit huh? Hmm... er... it looked like a k... something... I think."

"Oh!" A pleasant female voice came from just behind the tall man. "Is it kumquat?"

Pinkie opened the cellar door wide and beamed. "Good guess Miss Cheerilee!"

Johnathon and Cheerilee entered the cellar, the taller man having to duck to get through the entrance. "So, what's the big secret?" he asked curiously as they came inside, his eyes widening as he spotted the unmistakable forms of the two rulers of Equestria. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna... um... hi!"

"Hello Mister Dwire." Luna said politely. "It is pleasant to see you again."

"Likewise," the man said with a slightly confused look. "I guess Pinkie wasn't kidding about the secret meeting.... are you two here incognito, then?"

Princess Celestia nodded with a grin that would not be out of place on a cat with feathers in it's mouth. "We teleported from the Palace... only a couple guards even know we're gone," she giggled lightly. "I haven't gotten to do anything like this for ages! Pinkie really does have a way of making life interesting."

"Thank you Princess!" Pinkie said from her post at the door. "Oooh! Quick, everypony hide! Our super secret surprise is coming!"

As everypony (and human) slipped out of sight behind the barrels along the walls, Celestia whispered. "We're hiding from the surprise, or surprising somepony?"

"Both!" Pinkie hissed with a manic grin and a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Kumquat." Twilight Sparkle's voice said in a flat, slightly annoyed tone from just outside the cellar door, and Pinkie quickly opened the door for her. The purple unicorn was followed by a second pony wearing a long white silken cloak, and Pinkie led them down into the center of the underground room before pointing at Princess Celestia and Luna with a grin and a flourish.

"Surprise!" Pinkie shouted as Twilight gaped in astonishment at the Princesses, who were both smiling at her with identical bemused expressions. "And... Surprise!" She said, whipping the cloak off the second pony to reveal Rarity, whose large white wings flared, seemingly in response.

"Princess... what are you... how...?" Twilight stammered, then glanced back at Rarity's revealed wings and flinched. "Er... right... about those... I can explain...."

Celestia and Luna both stepped out to get a better look, peering at Rarity's wings with interest. "Ah. Very nicely done, Twilight. I assume you've been practicing Strangehorn's permanent transformation spell some more in order to perfect it?"

Twilight's mouth opened and closed a few times before she swallowed and collected herself. "Er... right. Rarity volunteered to be my test pony... and well... I believe what went wrong when I tried the spell with you the last time, Princess," she explained quickly. "With Rarity... and with Cheerilee, actually, I managed a simply physical transformation, without changing their basic magical nature, but when I attempted it with you I made the mistake of trying to copy your form both physically and magically, although I wasn't aware of the problem with that at the time."

Celestia raised an eyebrow at this, but Luna was nodding knowingly. "Yes, that does explain what happened... I was curious about that myself. Have you separated out the individual elements of the spell then?"

"I've gotten the spell broken down into fourteen separate components at this point...." Twilight started to explain, and the conversation quickly started becoming too technical for most of those listening, although Celestia and, somewhat surprisingly, Johnathon, seemed to be following along with some success. The others wandered away from the magical discussion, as Applejack showed them the way to the nearest opened keg of cider.

"I must say, you do look lovely this evening, Miss Cheerilee." Rarity complimented the transformed pony school teacher.

Cheerilee twirled in the elegant, light purple, strapless dress that she wore under a sheer pink shawl. "Well, it's a lovely dress, Rarity. I think Johnathon likes it quite a bit as well."

Rarity winked. "That is the idea, darling."

"You look wonderful as well, Rarity." Cheerilee complimented. "I love the new wings!" A flicker of something passed over her face before her smiled firmed. "Does this mean that Twilight is close to figuring out how to turn me back?"

Rarity nodded with a gentle expression on her face. "From what little I was able to understand, I do believe so, Cheerilee... although I suspect you may not be looking forward to a return to your original form as much as you were earlier this week?"

Cheerilee frowned. "I... it's complicated."

Applejack frowned in confusion. "What's complicated about it? Don't ya want to be a pony again?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well, yes, but.... it's rather difficult to explain... but...."

Pinkie's eyes went wide and she started to shiver in excitement. "Oh! Oh!!!"

Rarity put a hoof on the Pink pony's shoulder to calm her. "Now now, Pinkie... do try to contain yourself."

Rainbow Dash was looking from Pinkie to Cheerilee with a confused expression. "OK, what just happened? Something just happened, didn't it."

Applejack's eyes widened. "Wait, don't tell me... you want ta stay human... because... because of him?" she nodded at Johnathon's back from across the room.

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh. Oh wow...."

Cheerilee started to blush madly. "Well... yes. I... I mean... I thought I would be stuck like this for... well, I didn't know how long, but... and we sort of... and I do... really... really... like him... and... we kind of... er... well...."

Rainbow Dash let out a low wolf whistle that caused the group on the other side of the cellar to glance their way curiously before they went back to their discussion. "You two... actually... you know... you mated?"

Cheerilee's blush deepened. "No! Well... not yet... we just... made out... and kissed... and... well... not... THAT."

Rainbow Dash grinned slightly and winked. "Heh... guess he must be a pretty good kisser."

Cheerilee nodded quickly, still blushing madly, but looking rather smug now at the same time.

Rarity squealed in delight. "Hah! I knew it! You wore some of the special designs I sent you, I take it?"

Cheerilee giggled. "He liked those too...." her face sobered slightly, then she sighed. "I... when I had no idea if or when I might ever get turned back... it was easier... but... having to... having to make a choice? I don't know what I'm going to do."

Applejack was frowning glancing at Johnathon then back at Cheerilee. "You want ta stay a human so you can be with him, I reckon... only you still want to go back to being a pony?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Johnathon has considered asking Twilight to change him into a pony, but... I know he'd be unhappy. He's used to being... what he is. I don't want to ask him to do that... to give up being a human for me."

Applejack frowned. "But ain't he asking you to do the same thing?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "It's more complicated than that. He told me that if I ask him to, he'd stay in Equestria... but... I can't ask him to stay with a pony when what he wants is a female of his own species."

The small group fell silent, and they could hear Twilight's voice faintly in the background as she explained something about mass to energy ratios.

"So... he'll give up going home, and you'll give up being a pony?" Applejack said roughly, sounding slightly upset but obviously trying to stay civil at the same time. "That... that don't sound like anypony's going to end up very happy."

"Well, I think it's very romantic." Rarity said primly. "They are both willing to give up something very precious in order to be together." she smiled warmly at Cheerilee. "I, for one, think you two would make a wonderful couple."

Pinkie moved closer and threw her forelegs around Cheerilee's waist. "Whatever you want to do, Cheerilee... I'll throw a party to celebrate. If Johnathon has to go... I'll give him the best-est going away party ever, and if you two get married, I'll throw you a super Pinkie wedding reception!"

Cheerilee returned the hug gently. "What if I decide to go to his world with him?"

Pinkie froze, and she sniffed softly. "Then... then I'll throw you both a super fantastic going away party, Cheerilee." her voice was as soft as any of them had heard it, and Pinkie hugged Cheerilee hard one more time before backing away and beaming at her, her eyes twinkling with a hint of moisture in the corners. "I can throw a party for anything," she said with a firm nod. "Whatever you decide, I'll celebrate it with you."

Cheerilee went down on one knee and wrapped her arms around Pinkie's neck. "Thanks Pinkie. I really appreciate that." In moments, Rarity and Applejack joined in.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes for a moment before she came in and wrapped them all in her wings. "You guys are so sappy...." she said, trying to sound cross but failing, and, sniffing slightly to try and avoid crying herself.

So absorbed were the others in their magical discussion that the group hug on the other side of the room went unnoticed, and before long Pinkie, Cheerilee, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were back to talking and laughing and drinking cider while the more theoretical minded group continued their discussion.

"Anyway... I have a few more trials planned." Twilight explained. "But I'm pretty confident I have the problem licked. I've still got a major hurdle to clear for my other main project... the dimensional portal. I'm pretty sure that... er... with the power I'll borrow from Princess Celestia, I'll be able to generate a stable portal... at least for a short time, but I want to make sure I'm opening one to the correct dimension, and I haven't managed to open even a pinhole sized portal while trying to maintain a detection spell."

"You're trying to detect human life signs on the other side of your portal, right?" Johnathon asked.

"That's right, but there are too many weaves for me to handle at the power levels required. The detection spell is only two, but the portal is three... and I can't maintain five weaves at once while putting that much power out."

"Each weave after the first is exponentially more difficult than the one before." Celestia explained helpfully. "I don't believe I could handle five weaves at those levels either, if it's any consolation."

Twilight frowned. "My ego isn't the issue. I... I just think it's going to be really important to be sure we've got the right dimension."

"Why don't you simply have a second unicorn cast the detection spell?" Luna asked curiously.

Twilight blinked and slapped a forehoof into her forehead, and Celestia chuckled. "It's rather easy to miss the easy way, I find, when you're working with a difficult problem," she commented calmly. "I can't remember the amount of times a simple answer was staring me in the face for days before somepony else pointed out the obvious to me."

Twilight shook her head and grinned weakly. "It is kind of obvious, now that I think about it," she hesitated, looking thoughtful. "Rarity is pretty good at detection spells, actually. I wonder if she'd be willing to help with that part?"

"Did I just hear my name?" the pony in question sauntered up to the group with a bright smile. "So, have you solved the mysteries of the universe yet?"

"Not quite yet, Rarity," Princess Celestia answered with a chuckle, "but we were discussing the problem of detecting humans beyond a dimensional portal... and Twilight mentioned that you happen to be rather good at detection spells."

Rarity blinked, then blushed slightly. "Oh well... detecting gemstones happens to be my special talent, but I wouldn't say I'm any kind of specialist...."

Luna looked thoughtful. "Your special talent is detection, however... usually spells of a similar nature to one's special talent are easier to learn."

Rarity hesitated, then nodded. "I'm sure you're correct, Princess... although I'm hardly a skilled spellcaster. Still, if I can be of assistance, I will of course do my best."

Twilight smiled happily. "I'll show you the human detection spell I designed tomorrow! Are you free for lunch?"

Rarity nodded gracefully. "I will make the time, darling. Shall I bring something?"

Twilight shook her head, still smiling. "Spike usually fixes lunch for me, and he certainly won't mind making lunch for you too, knowing him."

Rarity nodded. "Very well, noon tomorrow then?"

Twilight nodded back. "Perfect."

Celestia spoke up. "So... I assume the reason for the secrecy of this... conspiracy party is regarding your current breakthrough with Strangehorn's transformation spell?"

Twilight nodded, her face becoming somber. "Yes... I'm afraid that if I reveal the results of my research to anypony who knows what to look for, they'll be able to figure out how I stole your powers... and while I know you could prevent the spell from draining you if you were prepared for it, there's a good reason why we're keeping what happened a secret..."

Celestia nodded, frowning. "Yes, I've been thinking about that, but I don't want you to have to suppress your work, Twilight. It's... well, frankly, it's brilliant, and you deserve the credit for your accomplishments."

Twilight shook her head. "I don't care about that, Princess, the risk is too great! Strangehorn's spell is too dangerous! It could be used to drain the magic out of any magical creature... it could even kill, if used improperly. Even if somepony used it with good intentions, it is very dangerous. I could have killed us both... or Cheerilee, if I had used the spell even slightly improperly. I've seen what even a slight mistake in casting the spell can do to a living entity... one of my tests was on a fern... and it burst into flame from the excess mana I was trying to force into it. I could have as easily withered it to a husk. While I'm working on figuring out how to control the energy drain, I wouldn't recommend just any pony trying their hoof at it... somepony could die."

Celestia nodded. "Still... there are only a very small number of unicorns who could even attempt such a spell... and all of those I know of are quite competent... and professional. I doubt any pony would misuse the knowledge you have gained."

Twilight hesitated. "Perhaps nopony alive today would misuse it, but we can't be sure... what if some prodigy... somepony like me when I was a foal, looks up this spell in the library and tries it? At the very least, it should be restricted to experienced spellcasters only, and performed under supervision."

Celestia nodded slowly. "That seems for the best. Of course, Strangehorn's spellbook is already restricted to members of the magical academy... and even then they have to submit a petition for approval. I think your research could be restricted in the same way."

Twilight hesitated. "But... then some ponies will eventually find out what... what really happened when... when I took your powers!"

Celestia nodded slowly. "Quite possibly, yes. While I do agree that knowledge of that event would cause a panic among the majority of our citizens, I don't think it would do any serious damage to those with the capacity to fully understand the intricacies of such a spell, and, as I said, I won't be caught off guard again by it, regardless," Celestia smiled reassuringly. "There are many spells that are equally dangerous, some considerably more so, and all are available for study for those who are ready to do so. I do not believe in destroying knowledge."

Luna frowned. "We do not always see eye to eye on this particular subject... there are some spells that should never see the light of day buried in the most secure parts the Canterlot archives, but... as my sister has pointed out time and again to me, even the most destructive and dangerous forces can lead to something good, if used properly."

"What about the general public?" Twilight asked hesitantly. "I'm afraid that if everypony knows that I can transform anypony into... well, just about anything else, there are going to be some... problems."

"The curious and the adventurous will come..." Celestia said thoughtfully. "Looking for a new experience. Certainly I see the draw myself... your spell will give me the chance to be a normal pony, if only for a while, and after centuries of remaining static... unchangeable, that is a very special thing."

Luna looked thoughtful. "I hadn't considered it from your perspective, sister... I have able to transform myself for most of my life... it seems like such a small thing to me now. If I was unable to change, to disguise myself... would I feel trapped as well?"

Celestia shook her head. "Not trapped... perhaps a bit... lonely, at times, but I think you understand that feeling as well as I."

Luna nodded with a soft smile, and the sisters nuzzled each other lightly for a moment. "Neither of us is alone anymore, sister," Luna said with a gentle smile. "Thanks to your student," she turned to Twilight and bowed slightly. "We owe her much."

"Much." Celestia agreed firmly, then put a wing over Twilight, who was looking more than a little upset. "Do not underestimate your accomplishments, my faithful one, or our gratitude," she looked thoughtful. "As I should not underestimate your wisdom, or insight. It is quite possible that, if you reveal the full extent of what you have learned to the general public, that the results could be... difficult. Since it is your discovery, I will listen to your thoughts on how to deal with the issue."

"Well... for now... if you haven't guessed by Pinkie Pie's party theme... I'd like to keep what I can do a secret between this small group. I trust everypony here to keep the secret... but I wanted everypony's input on this decision. After all, it effects more than just me."

"You mean me, don't you." Cheerilee stated softly. She and the others had come over to listen, following Rarity's example, and the room turned silent as everypony turned to the schoolmistress. "If you turn me back into a pony, every pony will know you can transform ponies into other things and back again. And a lot of ponies will come to you and want you to do the same for them."

Twilight frowned. "Well... yes... but I'm not going to ask you to stay human! That's just silly! We'll explain that... I don't know... that it's very dangerous... or...."

"I don't mind staying human." Cheerilee said quickly, interrupting. "And not because I want to help keep the secret. I don't mind if it helps you do that, of course... but I... all else being equal, I would remain human, if that's alright."

Twilight blinked. "What? Why...? Why would you...?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "It makes things easier... I love Johnathon. I have for a while, and I think we have a real chance at being happy together. If you did turn me back into a pony... it would make it more painful... I'd have to ask you to change me into a human again anyway."

Twilight gaped at her, than at Johnathon. "You... you mean you two...?"

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I think we've pretty much made up our minds on the subject. In fact... I've been waiting to talk to you about it... but I don't think I'm going home. I won't leave Cheerilee. I simply can't. I love her, and I want to stay here with her," he inclined his head at Princess Celestia. "If that's alright with everypony."

Celestia beamed like a proud parent. "I couldn't be more pleased that you two have found each other. Of course you may stay if you wish it!"

Johnathon sighed heavily, and turned to Twilight. "I'm... I'm really sorry... I can't apologize enough for all the work you've done on my behalf... I feel like I've wasted your time."

Twilight shook her head quickly. "Oh no! It was really fascinating! I've learned so much since you came... having such a tricky puzzle to solve brought me down paths I never thought I'd take. I've learned things no pony has dreamed of in over a thousand years! You have nothing to apologize for!"

Johnathon smiled. "I'm happy it's turned out so well so far. Still... I can't tell you how grateful I am for..."

Twilight shook her head, smiling happily. "It's been a true pleasure. I'm really happy for you and Cheerilee. I truly am. I'm happy for me too. I wasn't looking forward to having to say goodbye!"

"You said it!" Pinkie said happily. "We can have a LOT more parties if you stay than if you go away, don't you know?" she brightened up further. "Oh! I have to throw you two an engagement party!"

Cheerilee blushed. "We're not... er... we're not getting engaged right away, Pinkie. We're taking things slow...." she winced. "I still have to explain this to my parents."

Johnathon grimaced. "Oh... my. That's going to be an... interesting conversation."

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. "You're telling me! They don't even know that I've been turned into a human yet!"

Twilight spoke up. "If you'd like, I'll take responsibility. I was the one who transformed you anyway, Cheerilee. I can take the blame."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Try saying that after you meet my mother!"

Twilight grimaced and sighed, then turned to Johnathon. "I'm going to go ahead and complete my research on opening a dimensional portal to your world anyway, Johnathon, if you don't mind. Even if you're not going to go back, I'm too close to just stop now. Being able to create and sustain a workable dimensional portal would be an incredible breakthrough! Who knows what else such a discovery might lead to!"

Johnathon frowned. "Well... I don't mind if you want to finish what you've started... heck, I understand why you want to... but... be careful. From my experience, dimensional portals are pretty dangerous."

Celestia looked thoughtful. "Well, if you're staying, Johnathon, perhaps you might reconsider my offer to lead the archaeological expedition to find the last refuge of the unicorns? I've held off on finalizing the details till Twilight is ready for the final phase of Twilight's portal experiments, but we've already got a team of volunteers together."

Johnathon chuckled. "Tempting, but I don't want to step on anypony's hooves. I'm guessing you've already got a pony picked to lead the team."

"I do have a pony in mind, but she hasn't accepted the offer yet." Celestia said with a shrug. "The job is yours if you want it."

Johnathon hesitated, then finally shook his head. "I'll be there, and I'll help out as best as I can, but I've never led an expedition like this before. I've never led anything bigger than a patrol of boy scouts before! No... I'll let somepony else handle this one."

"As you wish," Celestia said graciously, She turned to the others. "Well now... this is a party after all, and it seems we have much to celebrate."

Pinkie grinned, and flitted over to the back of the room. "Yeah! Let's get this party started!" with a flip of her hoof, she slipped a new record on the old phonograph in the corner and turned up the volume, and an energetic dance beat filled the room. "It's time to party Pinkie style!"

Johnathon turned to Cheerilee with a grin. "Can I have this dance?"

"Yes," Cheerilee said shyly. "And every dance after."


NOT the end....