• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 12,614 Views, 1,053 Comments

Five Score: A New Hive - bossfight1

Chris, on his twenty-fifth birthday, begins going through some inhuman changes. Set in the Five Sco

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Chapter 9: Triplets

Chapter 9: Triplets

“What do we do?!” Liz said frantically, moving to the side to get a better look at the hatching eggs.

“Just watch and hope they know who Mama is,” I said, trying and failing to keep the doubt from my voice. “RAY!”

A series of frantic hoof-falls above signaled that Ray had heard. The door upstairs flung open. “What’s up?!”

“The eggs are hatching!” I called up.

“What do we do?!” Ray asked as he stumbled down the stairs.

“Sit back and watch?” I asked, turning back to the egg that had first started cracking. By now a crack was snaking around the top of the middle egg, a thick fluid leaking out. I leaned towards the hatching egg, my breath caught.

With a final crack, the egg’s top popped off. The hatchling inside wore the egg shell on its head like a cap, coughing up the thick birthing fluid and taking gasping breaths. It looked in every way like the changelings from the show, if only on a much smaller scale. It had a thin black tail, matted against its flank in birthing goo. Once it got breathing down the hatchling looked up with inquisitive blue eyes and tilted its head. A smile formed on its goo-covered muzzle.


I desperately fought the urge to sprint upstairs for another hoodie-muffled scream, and put on a forced smile. “Yyyyyyep!” I said through gritted teeth.

The hatchling made an adorable chirp and made to jump out of the egg. It accidentally caused the egg to tip forward, almost falling out in the process. Instinctively I reached out with a foreleg and caught it. The hatchling chirped again and shakelly climbed out of the egg and onto the floor. It wobbled like a newborn deer, learning its sense of balance as it took in its surroundings. It looked up at Liz, whose eyes were full of wonder. The hatchling walked towards her and leaned its forelegs on her knees, sniffing at her. Liz stared at me, still unsure of how to feel about this.

I looked towards the hatchling and gave an encouraging smile. “It’ll be okay,” I mouthed. Liz breathed out through her nose and gently stroked the hatchling’s head. It made a pleased chirp and pushed its head into her hand, enjoying the gesture.

Another crackling to my left made me remember the other two eggs. I looked over to see a second egg already just about to finish hatching. The egg’s ‘lid’ popped off and fell to the side. The hatchling that popped out was a bit bigger than its sibling, with longer ears and a horn with more indentations. I looked between the two and noticed the first hatchling had more, if smaller, holes in its legs. The second hatchling climbed out of its egg with more grace than the other and sat on its haunches before me. It looked up at me with a sense of… professionalism I didn’t expect. It wasn’t being as playful and adorable as its sibling; it was no-nonsense, like it was ready to head out and start finding food. I held out a hoof tentatively towards the hatchling, and it immediately bowed down. It felt that it wasn’t in the presence of its mother, but of its queen.

“Ah! What’re you doing?” Liz asked playfully. I turned to see the first hatchling nipping adorably at Liz’s fingers, its wings buzzing excitedly. Glancing back at the new arrival I saw it gazing disapprovingly at its sibling, but it soon walked over to Liz. Smiling, I turned to the final egg, which was already starting to hatch.

This egg was reacting differently, I noticed. The cracks that formed in the egg’s surface had a soft green glow, brighter than the natural glow the eggs originally had. I sat up close with the egg, ready to meet the newborn.

I suddenly felt a minor pulse in my brain. It wasn’t painful, it was more like something was being harmlessly inserted into my brain. The pulses kept coming, and I soon realized that each time the crack in the egg lengthened, my brain pulsed.

“You’re a special one, aren’t you…” I muttered, laying down and examining the egg.

With a final crack and a pulse in my brain like someone had hit it with flash photography, the egg hatched. The newborn that popped out, unlike its siblings, had bright green eyes and a dark green mane that stuck to its head in birthing fluid. The hatchling immediately looked up at me.

(Mama?) A voice echoed in my head- the voice of a little girl. I flinched and looked around frantically.

“What?” I asked.

“What?” Liz asked, looking up from the first hatchling that was still nipping at her fingers. The second was sitting beside Liz, staring at her unflinchingly.

“Did you hear that?” I asked, continuing to look around the basement for the source of the voice.

“Nnnnnnooo?” Trixie said carefully.


“There it is again!!” I said before looking at the third hatchling.

Something clicked in my head. “Is that you?” I muttered, leaning in close.

(Mama?) The hatchling shakily walked towards me, a smile dawning on its face. It nuzzled my head affectionately, smearing birthing fluid on my face.

“Okay, I could be wrong,” I announced, sitting up and holding the hatchling against me. “...but I think this thing has… telepathy, or some shit.”

A pause. “Honestly?” Trixie said. “Not the weirdest thing I’ve heard in all this.”

I shrugged. “Yeah, probably. Well, let’s get these guys upstairs and clean ‘em up, huh?” I stood up and levitated the gooey telepath onto my back. Liz cradled the first hatchling in her arms and looked to Trixie. She motioned her head towards the second hatchling, which looked a bit concerned that it looked like it was gonna be left behind. Trixie made a hesitant face before approaching the hatchling.

“Okay, come on,” she said dismissively, laying down. “Get on.” The hatchling didn’t move, staring at her warily. “Get on!” Trixie said impatiently.

“Jesus Christ...” I muttered, lifting the stubborn hatchling in my magic and placing it on Trixie’s back. “There.” I turned and led everyone up the stairs, being careful to keep the hatchling from sliding off my back.

“Here, Liz, lemme have that one, and go close the curtains,” I said, once we reached the living room. Liz nodded and laid her charge on my back. The first hatchling chirped happily at its sibling, rubbing its head against it affectionately. In spite of everything, the display made me smile.

“Ow!” I heard Trixie say as she got up the stairs. I looked to see the hatchling on her back biting harshly into her hair and tugging. “You little--”

“Okay, you know what?” I said quickly, picking up the hatchling in my magic. “Why don’t you go hang with Liz for a bit, okay? Get to know each other. I’ll handle ‘em.” I set the hatchling on my back with its siblings and hurried into the bathroom. I heard Trixie and the hatchling blow raspberries at each other before I shut the door.

I set the grubs on the floor gently and began to run the bath. “Can’t remember the last time I took a legit bath…” I said. “I’m mostly a shower girl.” I slapped a hoof over my mouth. “I meant guy. Guy!!”


I turned to the hatchlings; each were staring up at me, as if waiting for me to do something. “Just… a sec, okay?” I said, smiling patiently. “Gimme a sec to fill the tub and we’ll get you cleaned off, all right?” I returned my attention to the tub, trying to make sure it was a comfortable temperature and level.

A clatter behind me made me spin around. The trio had gotten into the cupboard under the sink and were rummaging around inside. The first sibling pulled out a bottle of toilet bowl cleaner with its mouth. The trio circled around it, prodding and sniffing it curiously.

Ah… right. I thought. Should probably take some measures to childproof the house and OH SHIT THEY GOT IT OPEN. I snatched the bottle in my magic and placed it on the counter before moving the hatchlings aside.

“Okay, how about this?” I said testily. “How about you three just sit there for now and don’t move? Sound good?” I took the three stares as a ‘yes’ before grabbing a hand towel and wiping up the spilled cleaner. With that crisis averted I turned and found the tub to be filled to an adequate level. Turning off the water I turned back. “Right. Bathtime?”

I should’ve expected some resistance. While the third sibling sat obediently, the other two quickly cowered and shrank away from me. I rolled my eyes and gathered the three in my magic. “God knows what that stuff all over you is gonna smell like if I leave it on you,” I said, placing the one complacent and two struggling hatchlings in the warm water. “This won’t take long, okay?” I took some water in my magic like a Waterbender and poured it gently over each hatchling’s head, careful not to get it in their face.

For hopefully obvious reasons, the sight of these three changeling foals taking a bath together was about the cutest thing I’d ever seen. As I scrubbed the three clean and listened to their little chirps, a smile on my face grew to ludicrous proportions. The breaking point came when the first hatchling dog-paddled its way to the edge of the tub and licked my face.

I stared at the trio for a moment in silence before giving a soft laugh. I leaned forward and nuzzled each of them affectionately. I lifted them out of the tub and let it drain as I dried the grubs. With the trio cleaned I hefted them onto my back and carried them out of the bathroom.

I entered the living room to find Liz on the couch and Trixie in the chair across from her, having a chat. “All clean?” Liz asked as I approached.

“As a whistle,” I said, levitating the trio onto the couch next to her. I sat on the floor in front of them and nuzzled them again. As I looked up I noticed Liz and Trixie both giving me wary looks. “...Oh, come on, you have to admit they’re cute.”

Liz gave a small nod. “Yeah, I guess…” She reached over and pulled the first hatchling to her side. “You come up with names yet?”


“Mother of the year…” Trixie said with a smirk. I shot a glare at her.

“Can it, Trixie.”

Trixie glared back at me. “That’s not my name!” She growled.

For a brief moment I was confused, then suddenly remembered. “...Right.” I turned back towards the triplets, biting my lip. I actually didn’t call her-- him, ‘Trixie’ to get under his skin; I called him by what I instinctively thought to be his name.

“Ah! What is your obsession with fingers?” Liz giggled at the first hatchling, which was going back to work at her fingers. I smiled.

“I think we’ve found this one’s name; Digit.”

“Boy or girl?” Liz asked. I bit my lip.

“Let’s… check?” I slowly reached out with my magic and lifted the newly-dubbed Digit’s hind legs.

“Girl!” I said, hastily dropping Digit’s legs once I got a clear enough glance at her ‘identification’.

“Still got two more…” Liz said teasingly, motioning towards the other two.

“What’s wrong with getting a look at their junk?” Trixie-- Ray asked. “You’re their mom, aren’t you?”

I shot a scowl at Ray, yet for a moment couldn’t fathom why. I turned back to the grubs and sighed. “Let’s get this over with.” I lifted the second hatchling up. “This one’s a boy. I'm thinking… Shift.”

“Really?” Liz asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Come on, they can’t all be winners…” I said. Shift, on the other hand, seemed to accept his name with pride, holding his head up high. I gave him a loving rub on the head before turning to the final hatchling. Its dark green mane, now dry of egg goo, hung loosely below its ears.

(Name?) I was pretty sure now that the echoing voice was coming from this particular grub, though I couldn’t fathom what purpose it served; perhaps its differences from its siblings symbolized importance in a changeling hive?

I gave the hatchling the once-over; a girl. “Now what shall we name you, Sweetie?” I asked softly, stroking the side of the grub’s head.

(Name?) The voice echoed again.


“Echo?” I thought, pursing my lips. “Not creative, but these names aren’t particularly creative.”

“Why ‘Echo’?” Ray asked, climbing from his chair and approaching.

“Cause of the echoing voice I’m hearing from her in my head,” I said with a completely straight face. A pause. “...Or I’ve gone crazy from turning into a changeling queen and laying eggs. Either way, it fits with me.” I turned to the trio. “Digit, Shift and Echo,” I said affectionately. Shift sprang into a salute at being addressed, making me roll my eyes.

Digit let out a yawn so adorable I was worried everyone’s heart would stop. The yawns carried around the triplets. “Think these little guys are sleepy…” I cooed. “Let’s get ‘em in for a nap, huh?” I levitated the trio onto my back and carried them into the guest room. “Hope Ray doesn’t mind sleeping on the couch…” I muttered as I laid the trio in the bed and pulled the blankets over them. The trio watched me with their big blue (and green) eyes as I smiled at them, then turned and headed for the door.

“Mama?” I heard Digit chirp. I turned to see her giving me quality puppy-dog eyes; her lip was even quivering. For a moment I didn’t move. Then with a sigh I approached the bed.

“You want your mama close, huh?” I said, laying my head down beside them. Digit leaned forward and nuzzled me affectionately. I looked over at Shift and Echo; while Echo regarded me with a sense of curiosity, Shift looked rather confused… like I wasn’t doing what he expected me to do.

How could he have an idea of what a changeling queen has to do? I thought. Instinct? Regardless I leaned in and gave him a peck on the head, which he didn’t resist. I wondered if changelings could feed off the love of other changelings- would certainly simplify things.

I looked over at Echo. She’d been silent for a while. Now what do you do in the hive? I thought, partially hoping she’d answer me. I looked between the three grubs, who didn’t seem interested in taking a nap so long as mommy was around.

The door opened. Liz entered the room quietly, shut the door behind her and leaned against the bed. “Everything okay?”

“Just waiting for ‘em to go to sleep,” I said softly.

Liz looked at the triplets and smiled. She stroked Digit’s head and began to hum a familiar tune. The grubs all looked at her.

“I dig my hole, you build a wall…”

- - - - -

“You’re certain?” I asked Dane, who was sitting at his computer desk littered with beer cans and empty chip bags.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s him!” Dane attested, jabbing his finger at the picture of the carjacker Foster had printed out for me. I’d chosen not to mention his ‘ability’ to Dane; nothing good could come of it. “That’s Chris… Barton, I think. He’s dating my old ex, Liz.”

“I remember her,” I said, leaning on his chair. “I liked her.” Sadly she saw the folly in dating you, I thought.

“She’s a bitch,” Dane said dismissively. “So, wait, if that Chris guy stole my car, how come the cops came to my door? You said they saw me!”

“That’s not important,” I said. “All that matters is we know who this is now.” I took the picture from in front of him, folded it and stowed it in my coat pocket.

“No, no, that little shit got me arrested!” Dane snapped, standing up. I pushed him back into the chair.

“And I will handle it,” I said firmly. “Just keep your head down, Dane. He’ll answer for it.”

- - - - -

My eyes flickered open. I’d fallen asleep, my head laying on the guest bed. With a yawn I sat up, stretching my neck. I looked at the head of the bed; the triplets were gone. Panic seized me for a moment before I rationalized that they were with Liz and Ray in the living room. I left the guest room and headed down the hallway.

Liz and Ray were sitting in the living room, watching Echo and Shift play-fighting on the couch, nipping at each other’s ears and chirping happily. The moment they noticed I’d entered, Shift sprang up and stood at attention. “Sleep well?” Liz asked.

“It was these little guys who were supposed to take a nap…” I said, rubbing Shift’s head. I looked between him and Echo. “...Where’s Digit?”

Liz looked over at Ray, and her eyes widened. Ray looked down at his side and his eyes did the same. “She was with you!” Liz said, dumbfounded.

“How’d she get away from me?!” Ray cried, looking beneath his chair.

My heart sank. I bolted around the room, checking beneath every table, chair and loose object, panic steadily rising. “Where is she where is she where is she WHERE IS SHE WHERE IS SHE…” I repeated, my voice growing in volume.

“UH…” Ray said loudly. I looked over at him and followed his gaze to…

...the open window. With wide-eyed terror I approached the window and looked outside. I looked across the backyard to Bedford’s house. One of her windows was open.

The barest sign of a black tail streaked into the house.

Author's Note: