• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 2,634 Views, 34 Comments

A Love Lost in History and Time - Elusive Belle

Twilight has noticed something strange since becoming a princess, Luna and Discord hardly acknowledge each other's existence outside normal expected royal greetings. And Twilight is determined to find out why.

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Discord's Story

It’s been a little over three weeks since I first joined the princesses and Discord in the royal court overseeing the daily needs of ponies across Equestria, well three weeks and five days to be exact, but that’s beside the point. The point is, in my time of joining them I’ve noticed something rather peculiar. Princess Luna and Discord hardly acknowledge each other outside of usual greeting that are to be expected due to simple courtesy, which is strange because Discord likes to start each day with some sort of prank against either Princess Celestia or myself. Not once did he ever prank Luna, and I now I was determined to find out why. Only question now was how to go about it.

The first step on my quest for answers brought me to Luna’s room, just as I raised my hoof to knock the door opened and my hoof happened to tap across Princess Luna’s face, “Princess Luna! I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to do that!”

“It is fine Twilight Sparkle, I’m sure your intent was not to tap my face quite so many times,” Luna stood there for a few moments longer as the silence surrounded us and she spoke again, “might I ask why you were outside my bedroom in the first place Twilight?”

I must admit it took me a few moments to recollect my thoughts as I stood there slowly registering that I was just asked a question, “Oh right, well Luna if you’re not too busy I’d like to ask you a few questions that have been on my mind for a while.”

I could already see the smile forming on Luna’s face as soon as I mentioned questions, “Well I was about to partake in my nightly stroll through the garden to give my stars a much needed rearranging, but I do rather enjoy our conversations pertaining to your everlasting thirst for knowledge. What is it that is on your mind this time?”

I smiled with glee as I fell in line next to Luna walking with her to the garden, notebook and quill floating in front of me ready to take notes, “Well Luna, I actually wanted to as you about Discord.”

Almost immediately I could sense a dramatic shift in Luna, as if the carefree nature she had just moments before evaporated into something much more serious, “We do not wish to speak about Discord at this moment Twilight Sparkle.”

Well that was very sudden, at the simple mention of the name Discord, Luna all but shut down entirely leaving me there in the hall in a rush to keep up with her now quickened pace. It was actually quite concerning, “Did he do something to you? Should I be worried? Maybe tell Celestia?”

“It is not of your concern Sparkle; please do refrain from questioning into this further.” With that Luna left me alone in the hall having teleported elsewhere.

“Well that was certainly strange,” Luna’s sudden departure and anger now had me even more curious than before. What was going on between her and Discord that she would act this way over a few simple questions?

With a sigh I knew I had to do the one thing I was hoping to avoid throughout this quest for answers, talk to Discord. Resigning to my fate I quickly made my way to where I knew his room to be, or rather where it’s last know whereabouts was. Discord made it a habit to shift his room around the castle for his own amusement and as a way to hide from doing any actually royal duties he had been given.

Not to be discouraged so easily I started the most logical way possible and asked guards as I went where they had last seen his room, but every time I arrived where they saw it last Discord had already moved elsewhere. It was like he knew I was trying to find him and was purposefully trying to avoid me.

“My my my, seems a certain pony princess is determined to find me. Most sane ponies would have given up the search after the first hour, but here you are still trying three hours later.” Discord materialized next to me haphazardly lounging over my back making himself comfortable. “It was amusing at first but now it’s just boring, so what do you need?”

Looking back over my shoulder I was met with Discord lopsided grin, which only made said grin grow. I figured my best plan of action was to get this over with as soon as possible so I could escape with as much sanity left as possible. “I wanted to ask you a few questions about Princess Luna.”

Again the effects were instantaneous as Discord righted himself before poofing in front of me with a raised eyebrow, “and what is it exactly that you want to know about Luna?” Shouldn’t this be something you should be asking your precious Celestia?” With a wave of his paw Discord summoned a rather luxurious chair and slouched up against it getting comfortable as he returned to his more chaotic natural state.

“While I am planning to question Celestia next, I wanted to ask you first since Luna already refused to answer my questions.” Already my quill and notebook were ready to jot down notes as I made a specific page for Discord.

“Luna already refused you say?” Again Discord slipped from his chaotic self to one of a more curious state, leaning in as if actually interested in my response.

“Well yes, she initially agreed to answer my questions but at the mention of your name she got angry and teleported away before I could ask anything.” My mind was working hard to make sense of this, but thinking wasn’t exactly easy with the physical embodiment of chaos sitting right in front of me intent on making basically everything more difficult than it should be.

Stroking his chin Discord seemed to be lost in thought for several minutes before finally cluing me in to something I could work with, though it was not something I wanted to hear, “this is a road I’d warn you not to travel princess, you may not like what you find at the end. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a moon princess to find.”

“Now hold on, can you at least explain something to me?” I wasn’t about to just let this go, and I was tired of everypony just leaving just as I was about to get started with my questions. “What do you mean this is not a road I want to travel?”

Discord let out a disturbing chuckle as he leaned in close to me, his voice dropping to a disturbingly bitter tone “you really want to know? Is your curious little mind willing to accept what you will hear? That your precious pony princesses may not be as perfect as you might think, and that maybe just maybe I was falsely accused and sentenced to stone for all those years?”

Now my mind was in hyper drive, how could this be? I studied for years about Equestrian history and all of my books said that Discord took over with a chaotic rule and made everypony miserable for his own amusement. There’s no way all my books could be wrong could there?

With a snap of his talon I was teleported into Discord’s room seated on an obnoxiously large and very overly plush bean bag chair that was slowly swallowing me whole, while Discord sat on his usual hammock bed strung between two large bananas from the ground. “Let me tell you the real story, not what you’re obviously thinking you know from your little history books. Though a note to remember young Sparkle, history is only written by those who remain to write it.” With a wave of his paw smoke began to flow in front of him shaping itself into a form of a much smaller Luna. “Thousands of years ago back prior to their rule or even my own a certain moon princess filly was rather foolishly exploring farther from her castle than she should have been. Needless to say this certain little filly got lost in the woods surrounding the castle, lost and alone the moon princess somehow managed to find her way to the very lake a certain draconequus happened to be at.” Again with a wave of his paw another smoke figure joined the previous one, this time in the shape of a much smaller Discord.

My quill was moving with every word Discord spoke, this was a gold mine of information that I had no intention of missing the tiniest detail on, “So you knew the princesses even as a foal?”

“It’s rude to interrupt Twilight Sparkle, something I thought your Celestia would have taught you,” Discord was shaking his head in a disapproving manner but still had his annoyingly large smile on. “Promise not to do it again?”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at that, Discord was the last one to be chastising about manners considering what he did on a daily basis but I nodded regardless fearing he’d stop if I didn’t. “I promise so long as you answer my questions Discord.”

“Well I was getting to that, but you just had to be rude to me and now I’m hurt.” Putting his paw to his chest in mock pain Discord rolled back into his hammock only to right himself again as if nothing happened, “Right so where was I?”

Again I rolled my eyes as she tried to get comfortable in my chair, “Luna was lost and found her way to the lake?”

“Right!” With a wave of his paw the smoke figurines came to life once more as he began his story again, “so there I was minding my own business at the lake having my own chaotic fun with the animals that lived in or around the water when to my surprise this filly bumps into me and nearly screams my ears off in surprise before bursting into tears. Now never having met a pony before, needless to say I was rather confused as to why this creature would come up to me suddenly making these unbearable noises. Luna has quite the impressive set of lungs just so you know.” The smoke figure of Luna burst into tears right on cue as the smoke version of Discord watched with disdain and curiosity. “Now then, after a few minutes of the obnoxious noises I figured I had to make them stop one way or another so I did the most logical thing I could think of, chaos.”

Fascinated I watched as the mini Discord created chaos with everything around him, turning grass and trees into fruits and animals, freezing the lake over, and even summoned mountains of toys right next to him. Even when young Discord had amazing control of his power, something I made sure to note down for later.

“Naturally with how amazing I am, my plan actually worked and little Luna was soon happy and giggling. A sound I actually found myself enjoying at the time…” There was a distinct change in attitude as Discord went silent, as if he was lost in his own memory.

This had me even more curious than ever, flipping the page in my notepad I tried to get him to continue, “What happened after that?”

It took Discord a few minutes to finally break out of whatever trance he was in, but when he did he seemed to be genuinely happy for a split second before looking to me with disinterest once more, “well after that Luna finally, though reluctantly, told me that it was getting late and she needed to get home. Though she did not know where home was, being lost and all. That night I helped her find her way home expecting not to see this little filly ever again, but imagine my surprise when the very next night she stumbled upon my lake once again.” With a wave of his paw the shadow figures of Discord and Luna dissipated into the air.

Now that caught me off guard. Statistically speaking getting lost twice in a row and ending up in the same place is possible but highly unlikely, but it’s also possible and highly more likely Luna had purposefully sought out to find Discord again. “So Princess Luna willingly came back to meet you? Why?”

Discord simply shrugged as he chewed down on some cotton candy he pulled out from nowhere, “That you’ll have to ask her yourself. All I know is that from that night on your precious Princess of the Night came back to visit me at that very same lake every night.”

Something about this story wasn’t sitting quite right with me, if Discord and Luna were friends then why do they act the way they do now as if to avoid each other? Wait…. Friends? Immediately I looked back to Discord ready for my next question, “I thought you told Fluttershy you never had a true friend, weren’t you and Luna friends from what you are telling me?”

Discord shifting once again now looking up to the ceiling seemingly in thought over my current question, “The term TRUE friend is a tricky statement there Twilight Sparkle. In this sense between Luna and me, you can take it one of two ways.” Sitting up again he flashed me one of his signature smiles he always had before he would try and rattle my brain with something that, for lack of better term, was mind blowing. “Do you want the happy sense or the sad one?”

My curiosity was spiking at an all time high, I could see my quill quivering in the air in anticipation as I thought the question over before daring to ask what I really wanted, “Can I not have both?”

Discord smiled again as he reclined in his hammock, “Somehow I knew you’d ask that, so shall I just start from where I left off?” Surprisingly Discord waited for me to nod before continuing, something I was grateful for so I could change pages and get ready to start again with my notes. “So as I said Luna continued to visit me there at the lake every night after that initial visit, and every night we'd find something fun and chaotic to do to spend our time. Whatever it was we were doing nobody ever got hurt and nothing was ever damaged, the only thing that did happen was that we’d always end our night on our backs lying side by side laughing at whatever mischief we had caused that day. I was perfectly happy with the way things were, and I honestly thought nothing could get better.” Discord stopped and let out a wistful sigh, “how naïve and young I was. For you see, Luna soon proved me very wrong.”

My quill was moving quickly as I found myself enraptured by Discord’s story, Luna had proved him wrong? “But how? I mean what did Luna do to prove you wrong.”

“She kissed me.”

I could feel the gears coming to a complete stop in my brain as my notepad and quill fell to the floor, “WHAT?” This was incomprehensible; my brain was literally unable to hold this little bit of news together. “So does that mean you and her were…?”

“That’s right, Luna was my special somepony and I was her special somedraconequus. Sodo for short. This is your first sense by the way Twilight. Luna wasn’t just a friend, she was my marefriend.” Again the wistful smile had returned but was quickly replaced by something that looked a lot more bitter and angry, “Imagine my surprise when she tells me she wants me to meet her sister, whom she had not once ever told me about.”

“Luna kept Celestia from you? But why?” Again my brain was processing this information as fast as it could, but the more that went in the more questions it rose.

“Believe it or not Twilight, I wasn’t the one the most upset about being kept in the dark. Oh no, that honor belong to your dear Celestia.” We were getting into dangerous territory, I could feel the presence in the room shifting to something much darker and it was making me feel uneasy. “I could hear her shouting from outside the castle; it didn’t take a genius to know that Celestia was very against her little sister dating a “monster like me” as she so lovingly put it.”

This didn’t sound like Celestia at all; Celestia was always kind and benevolent. Always keeping the well being of others in mind before doing anything. Yet here Discord was, painting Celestia in a whole new light. Could it have just been a misunderstanding?

“Despite her objections and protests Luna and I stayed together for several years after that and had grown not only older, but closer. That of course until…” Again I could sense the change in Discord as he spoke, this time he carried a tone of sadness and lose as if....

“She broke up with you didn’t she?” I don’t know why I just said it, it kinda just came out and there was no taking it back.

“Celestia had gotten to her, I don’t know what she said but somehow she got to her. I suppose my talk with her the day before lit some fire inside that she needed to put an end to me in Luna’s life once and for all.” Discord has his eyes closed as he relaxed back onto his hammock, I could see him cringe as if he was reliving that day again in his mind.

Something about what Discord has said caught my attention though, something that made me curious, “You had a talk with Celestia the day before Luna broke up with you?”

Discord looked back to me finally snapping from his memories, “I never liked Celestia but I knew what she meant to Luna so I wanted her consent before I did what I was planning, but even still she had refused to give me her blessings.”

“Her blessings?” Again my mind was processing, why would he need Celestia’s blessings unless he was going to- “You were going to propose?”

Just at the mention of the word I could see Discord flinch, and I knew my question time was drawing to a close, “I never got the chance, Luna called me a monster and threw me out of the castle the next day. But in that I learned one thing and this is sense number two; Luna never was a true friend to me, she used me for her own entertainment. So that day I decided who needs love and affection when you have chaos and power. They already blamed me for the downfall of these two kingdoms off a short distance from their castle, so I became the very thing Luna and Celestia claimed me to be, I became the monster they feared.”

The dark presence was back in full force and I could feel my body trembling with how dark Discord seemed to turn, I needed to get out of there and let him cool down before something bad happened to me or anypony else. I could feel Discord's eyes on me as I got up from the bean bag, he was fully aware I was intending to get away from his darker chaotic side yet he did nothing but sit there and stare as I left. His inaction was a whole lot scarier than anything he could have done. Now I really needed to talk to Luna.

Author's Note:

This is my first go at writing in first person, so if you spot any errors let me know via comments. I'm hoping this story comes out to be three chapters but it may be four depending on how I work the ending, though my updates may take some time so bare with me on that.