• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 840 Views, 3 Comments

The Magic of Belonging - Angelpony723

A mysterious pegasus arrives and through his heroic deeds, theres more to him that meets the eye...

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Lingering Dreams

Chapter 2: Lingering Dreams

Dark clouds filled the mind of the mysterious pegasus, Austin confused as if he was standing in the middle of nowhere. An endless sea of black space surrounded him giving an unsettling feeling as well as familiarity that this was a place he did not want to be in right now. “Not here again…” He says hearing his own voice echo in the cold empty space.

Eerie sounds crept into Austin’s ears reminding him he was in his dream world; however a world he wished to escape from as he began to run. He tried to gallop away into the distance as fast as his hooves could take him, and flapping his wings trying to fly away. Nothing worked as the noises became louder and louder, to the form of voices that were unclear.

Austin stopped to put his hooves over his face crying out, “Make it stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!!!” over and over again as if he was afraid of something that housed itself in the darkness.

The darkness then started to voice a maniacal laughter, a laugh Austin stressed further as he peered off in front of him, finding a set of piercing crimson eyes with thin pupils staring at him as the laugh continued. “Nooooooo!!!” Austin yelled raising his voice.

Just as he yelled his whole being was taken from the horrific scene, reality then started to snap back into perspective. After feeling and hearing a thud, Austin slowly started to wake seeing a green roof above him, and the figure of a pony watching over him. His vision was blurred at first hearing a muffled voice that called his name.

Austin’s vision cleared eventually realizing he was bedridden, groaning in pain when he yawned, stretching himself. Feeling his forehead and belly bandaged up. He noticed a beige pony in front of him that was dressed like a doctor with white clothing and a stethoscope around his neck. A hospital setting at least felt familiar to him in some ways, if not exact to Austin.

The pony in front of him broke the silence as he held a clipboard. “Well it seemed like you slept soundly until I came here now to check on you. You were quite a wreck yet something about you baffles me.” The pony doctor said.

Austin was pondering feeling very blank and wondered how he was still alive. Only a few simple questions came to mind as he tried to relax on the bed with his head resting on the soft pillow. Staring at part of his bright green mane covering part of his vision looking scruffy, but bedhead was the least of his worries. “Please tell me what happened doc.” he asked listening intently, resting his hooves in front of himself, seeing the red stripes on them gave him some particular mental reminders.

“Hmm, straight and to the point huh, you’re lucky to be alive after being out for about a day now.” the beige pony began while looking at his clipboard shuffling some papers with a hoof. “Just in case you don’t know already since I haven’t seen you before, you’re in the Ponyville hospital ward. You were brought here unconscious and in bad shape. You bruised your wings, abdomen and your head. In addition, you were tossing and turning all night as if you were in a really bad dream. We could not wake you, so we decided to wait it out.”

Austin gasped silently putting a hoof over his mouth shocked finding he was in a nightmare for quite some time, however he had a feeling he was unconscious while inside of the dream of infinite space where anything bad can happen. “I hate it! I detest it! I know deep down…I never wanted to be there again!” he thought to himself.

The thought of it was unsettling as Austin started to look depressed, “I’m sure you have more to tell me doc.” he said quietly looking down at the bed sheets and at his own hooves.

The pony doctor adjusted his clothes and cleared his throat checking the clipboard again. “Well I noticed something strange while you were staying here, you recovered relatively quickly from the injuries you received from the accident in the Everfree Forest. It sounded like quite a painful tumble based on the description some of your friends gave after bringing you here.”

“I guess I can still heal faster than normal…Also who would bring me here? Could it be the Cutie Mark Crusaders?” Austin thought staring at the doctor walking by his side. “Who brought me here?” he asked casually.

“I believe it was Twilight Sparkle and some of her friends.” the doctor began. “Rainbow Dash was making such a fuss about you saving her and her biggest fan Scootaloo. They should be arriving again soon. Just what happened out there erm…Austin was it?”

“So it was Rainbow Dash that Scootaloo mentioned before…why did I feel something when I looked into her eyes?” Austin thought briefly feeling another chill down his spine, shivering a little.

It felt mysterious to Austin when he was able to fly again, to rescue someone like Rainbow Dash, why would that give a feeling of nostalgia. He felt like he had to think more into this some other time as he tried to figure out what to do next. Looking back at the pony doctor, “Yes, and it’s a long story.” Austin replied bluntly.

“Well I need to attend to something else, and you are free to go as well since I checked on your recovery a couple hours ago. Just try not to fly for a while since your wings still seem sore.” the doctor said taking off his bandages.

“Thank you, I appreciate it.” Austin says feeling himself with a hoof.

Austin started to feel normal again, slowly getting off of the bed making his way out the door. He passed by some nurse ponies tending to other patients while walking down the hall. He paid no heed however while he collected his thoughts staring at the floor. It was hard to believe in his mind that the first things Austin did in Equestria was save an acquaintance, and somepony he heard about, she somehow gave him strange chills down his spine. “Rainbow Dash huh…” he thought to himself as the feeling lingered in his head like a mark was placed there.

After listening to muffled noises the hospital had to offer, such as IVs and groans from the other patients, he started to hear some familiar voices coming from outside the window as he reached the main foyer. Just outside were six different ponies, he recognised three of them just by their faces and the colour of their coat. The three of which were Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and the other three he had yet to meet.

Austin did not get a chance to get properly introduced to the three ponies he saw the night before. On that note however, based on what he heard in the forest; he figured the names of the purple unicorn, the orange earth pony, and the cyan rainbow coloured pegasus. Feeling unenthusiastic to meeting new ponies in the first place, he was unsure if he could face them now.

Examining the other ponies, he saw a cream coloured pegasus with a bright pink mane and an innocent look on her face. There was also another earth pony that brought a whole new meaning to the pink colours on her coat and bouncy mane. She was also making silly faces at random moments during their conversation. Lastly, there was a bright white coloured unicorn with a dark purple mane gesturing herself to be dazzling in front of her friends.

Austin noticed Rainbow Dash hovering over them, figuring that flying was her special trait as he saw a rainbow lightning bolt symbol on her flank. He also noticed other symbols on each of the other ponies, but did not ponder on this for too long, growing depressed thinking further into the idea.

In addition, he could not hide from them either, feeling like he owed them at least a proper appearance considering what he had already done. Austin felt closed off, feeling doubt and insecurity in the world around him. He suppressed this thought however when he shook his head remembering his deeds would definitely open some doors of opportunity.

After taking a deep breath mustering up his courage, Austin stepped outside being introduced to another bright sunny day with another cool breeze he felt across his mane. The next thing he knew he was meeting the eyes of the six mares in front of him. Their eyes filled with mixed feelings of relief, concern and confusion seeing the mysterious pegasus colt approach them. The pink pony however bounced around in excitement followed by a gasp realizing she saw a pony she never seen before. Anyone in Ponyville would know what to expect when the pink pony finds a new pony that there will be a party to follow.

Before the pink pony could zip off anywhere, Applejack yanked on her tail with her mouth bringing her back down to earth with a snapping sound. “Whoa there Pinkie Pie, we came here to see him personally, remember.” she said giving her a slight irritated look.

“Oopsie, sorry Applejack, you know me when I like to make new friends!” Pinkie squeaked as she bounced again around Austin randomly.

Austin blushed shifting his eyes left and right shyly, unsure what he was getting himself into, he clearly wasn’t expecting this. “Seems like you finally woke up sleepyhead; we were starting to get worried you might never wake up, but I knew you would eventually.” Rainbow Dash said brashly while flapping her wings floating near Austin.

Austin stood there silently unsure how to reply, and then saw Twilight irritably said, “Rainbow, show some respect! He risked his life to save you after all.”

“Honestly show some courtesy Rainbow Dash. It won’t do you harm like what almost happened dearie.” added the white unicorn.

Rainbow Dash stopped in midair with some guilt in her rose coloured eyes looking shyly between her friends and Austin. “I know…I just still can’t believe it. It felt like I was saved by a Wonderbolt!” she said with pride in contrast to something unknown to Austin.

Austin finally broke the silence looking at Rainbow Dash directly, “It’s alright you don’t have to thank me. I only did my best to help so no biggie.” he said with some self-doubt in his voice.

Upon hearing Austin’s modesty, Rainbow Dash immediately landed by his side placing a hoof on one of his wings with pride. “Are you kidding?!” she began with shock in her eyes. ”You are awesome for what you did for me and Scoots that I’m surprised anypony like you would come to my rescue. Even if you are a stranger with no cutie mark.”

Austin blushed some more hearing that and was left speechless for multiple reasons. Twilight Sparkle stepped in nudging Rainbow Dash aside, “What my friend here is trying to say, is despite the circumstances, you were really brave for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.” she said with sincerity.

“Yay…” suddenly added the cream coloured pegasus expressing a squeaky face.

Everypony stared at her and she knelt down in response. “Oh, umm…I’m sorry, but I wanted to say thank you for taking care of the girls as well, especially Scootaloo. I was away from my cottage to help Rarity with something important.”

Remembering the three fillies, Austin was curious about their whereabouts after the incident. He also wondered how Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Twilight Sparkle ended up searching for them in the first place. Walking closer to the six ponies, he asked about the Cutie Mark Crusaders as well as how they were found.

“Well my sis explained everything to us about what happened during your venture in the Everfree Forest. I sent them home after I carried you out of the forest.” Applejack replied with honesty in her voice.

In addition, they also explained that Zecora was in Ponyville while Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack were searching for the crusaders. Zecora explained that she was expecting the crusaders to search for the Spotted Ditch flower at a remote area in the Everfree Forest.

Understanding the situation now, Austin brushed his mane briefly with a hoof and bowed his head down briefly towards the orange pony with the neat hat. “Thank you very much…I wasn’t sure if I was able to save your friend.”

“Well think nothing of it partner.” Applejack replies starting to rapidly shake one of Austin’s hooves up and down almost making him dizzy. “A friend of my sister and savior of my friend of mine is reason to be a friend of mine.” she said while continuing to shake his hoof.

Austin composed himself after Applejack said thank you again. With such questions out of the way, it was time that the six mares wanted to introduce themselves delaying no longer to the pegasus colt. “By the way we haven’t been properly introduced. My name is Twilight Sparkle, protégé of Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria. What’s your name?” she started, placing a hoof on herself.

Noticing Austin was in more comfortable hands, he finally thought it was best to say his name to the six ponies before him. “Alright, my name is Austin Angelus. Strange name I know…and before you ask I don’t have a cutie mark because I suppose I haven’t found what makes me special yet…” he said with a slowly decreasing tone in his voice.

The six mares looked at each other and given the circumstances, there was no laugher expressed here, except for the silly pink pony who, by this point was still bouncing around Austin as some time passed. The cream coloured pegasus floated near him, “Oh, it’s a nice name. My name is Fluttershy and I take care of animals at my cottage near the Everfree Forest. But you may have seen it already…” she said with a little more confidence than Austin.

The white unicorn walked by Fluttershy taking a keen look at Austin. “I’m Rarity, and charmed to meet your brave and handsome acquaintance Austin. I typically sell clothes at my shop, The Carousel Boutique. You should stop by sometime, I could make you look simply smashing.” she said with starry eyes clopping her hooves together briefly.

Austin blushed again realizing he probably made quite an impression to the group of mares, possibly to all of Ponyville for that matter. “Th-thanks…I may take you up on your offer later.”

Rarity then realized something and nudged Fluttershy. “Oh my, I forgot! I would like to stay and chat but me and Fluttershy have a project we need to finish. We’ll catch you later in Ponyville Austin. Please come this way Fluttershy.” she said as she started to run down the hill towards what Austin guessed was the beautiful town of Ponyville.

“Oh, right, I’ll see you later Austin.” Fluttershy added as she flew down to follow Rarity.

Before Austin could take in the view of Ponyville further, the orange pony tipped her hat as she once again shook Austin’s hoof vigorously. “Well howdy do partner. I’m Applejack. I own Sweet Apple Acres near the clubhouse Applebloom and her friends go to. If you got time later, you can enjoy a variety of apple based delicacies we have and meet the rest of the family.”

“That would be real nice of you Applejack.” Austin said in a dizzy voice while hoof shaking with Applejack.

Once she stopped, she put her hat back on her bright yellow ponytail mane and gave Austin a nudge on the chest with a hoof. “Well I hate to split, but I promised to help Big Macintosh with some apple bucking soon and I am not one to break promises.” Applejack said and then sweat broke out on her face when she looked at the pink pony.

“Well most of the time. And that there is Pinkie pie, she can be quite well…random at times so don’t mind her. Anyways I’ll see y’all later Austin. ” Applejack added as she galloped down the slope and turned towards the distant apple fields.

Austin sighed quietly, “I get the feeling I’ll meet the rest of you soon anyways so yeah!” he called down Applejack.

Pinkie Pie bounced right in front of Austin shaking both of his hooves with her own making him almost bounce up and down from the ground. “Since Applejack decided to say my name, just let me say we are going to be the best friends ever Austie! You’re bedazzling and super-duper brave for Rainbow Dash and you deserve more than a proper welcome to Ponyville! Pinkie promise me you’ll come to Sugarcube Corner tonight pleeeeease?!” she said with a peppy tone in her voice.

The large crimson eyes of Austin suddenly went wide in surprise as Pinkie said a familiar nickname to him. Disregarding being really dizzy from the repeated wild hoof shaking from her, he once again felt another mysterious chill down his spine, unable to pinpoint why he kept feeling them periodically.

Austin decided to contemplate on these thoughts later and refusing invitations to a party this early on to him would not bode well. “Sure Pinkie, it’s a promise. You seem really nice.” he said noticing the sun starting to set over Ponyville.

“Great! See you there! Oh and more than half of Ponyville already knows what happened earlier. See yah!” she bounced high up into the air.

The next thing Austin knew, Pinkie was zipping right down towards Ponyville before he could even ask where Sugarcube Corner was. “You have got to be kidding…” Austin thought in surprise.

Thinking about directions to Sugarcube Corner also reminded Austin that he also forgot to ask where Carousel Boutique was, facehoofing himself in response. Rainbow Dash shrugged, she hadn’t said a word while the other ponies said their formalities. She floated near Twilight lost in her own thoughts remembering the incident and was at a loss for words when looking at Austin. He noticed this and decided to break the ice one way or another, even when staring into her eyes gave explosions of lingering thoughts inside his mind. “So you must be the famous Rainbow Dash I keep hearing about from Scootaloo and friends. I am glad you’re safe…” he said kicking the ground with his hoof shyly trying to lighten the mood.

Twilight was not sure what she was watching while seeing the two pegasi act the way they were at first. Rainbow Dash zipped in front of Austin, “Not just famous, I am the fastest flyer in all of Equestria! I’m a world class athlete.” She promptly announced standing up on her hind hooves with her front ones crossed.

Austin sighed at this remark, “So not only did I save your life, I saved your reputation as well…” he said looking down on the thin grass.

Rainbow Dash blushed feeling she was out of line from her previous statement. “Listen Austin, I am in your debt for what you done for me and Scoots. I’m just not used to being saved like this.” she commented placing a hoof on Austin again.

Austin looked back up to Rainbow Dash’s eyes and gave a soft smile, ignoring the chill down his spine this time. Twilight spoke up, “Rainbow, since when have you felt indebted to anyone like this.”

“Right now Twilight, don’t pry me on this!” Rainbow Dash retorted turning towards her.

“Sorry Rainbow, anyways I think we should give you a tour around Ponyville since I heard you aren’t from here right Austin?” Twilight asked as they started to walk away from the Hospital and down towards Ponyville.

The breeze started to get chilly as time passed while they trekked closer to Ponyville. Austin shook nervously a little from that statement while he followed them. Rainbow Dash flew above them close by doing random loops and spins to her hearts content. Watching her was almost mesmerising and the feeling of nostalgia returned. “You alright Austin?” Twilight asked noticing she did not get a response yet.

“Oh umm, no I’m not from Ponyville nor Cloudsdale for that matter, and the doctor recommended for me not to fly for a while.” he said trying to stretch his wings feeling it sprain a little still from the impact.

“Well look on the bright side Austin.” Rainbow Dash began deciding to flip herself to land between Austin and Twilight. “You’re not the only one who was stuck in bed. My wing was broken a while back and I slept in the same bed you did Austin. Kind of funny huh…but you’ll be back up in the skies in no time flat, I’m sure!”

“The same bed!? Why does that make me feel so odd about it…even if it does seem like a coincidence?” Austin thought while keeping pace with Rainbow Dash.

Austin wanted to ask even more questions involving some of the things she said, but he let it go for now as he wanted to see Ponyville first before anything else. The thoughts of hunger also struck as his belly started to growl violently. “Oh gosh, it’s been a while since I ate anything as well…I just hope the food around here is fine. I still need time to get used to all of these ponies as well as Equestria.” he thought as Twilight took notice.

“We’ll also get you something to eat for sure once we get to Sugarcube Corner. Trust me; you earned it since Pinkie is most likely making a party for you for multiple reasons now.” Twilight mentioned with a soft giggle.

“Yeah it will be totally awesome!” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“Thanks for the heads up, I look forward to checking out Ponyville, it looks nice from here.” Austin replied figuring as much as the three ventured towards Ponyville in the setting sun.

The sky turning slowly darker with some clouds overhead gave him a soft warm feeling. However the sun setting also meant that he would have to figure out where he would end up sleeping, or if he even wanted to sleep at all. He was unable to fathom what he had experienced after the Everfree Forest. “A party huh…perhaps it will help get my mind off some things and help prevent me from going back to sleep for a while.” Austin thought looking off into the distance towards Ponyville.

“There’s no way I want to go back into that dream any time soon. I just wish I knew what was going on. Why am I here...in Equestria?” Austin delved deeper into his thoughts as he looked at Rainbow Dash trotting along beside him, seeing her with much bravado.