• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 2,536 Views, 65 Comments

Mares and Does - Pen Brush

When Twilight tests out a new spell, Pinkie disrupts it. Twilight and her friends find themselves in a forest seemingly devoid of ponies. How will they survive and why do those does look so familier?

  • ...

The Creatures

The forest was calm as the sun slowly floated across the sky and shone its light through the tree branches on the bright green grass. Along with six different colored deer lying in the grass. A rainbow maned doe was just feeling the affects of the sun.

The sun warmed Rainbow Dash’s back, which was pleasant enough, but it’s assault on her eyelids was unbearable. She attempted to retreat under her mane, but that only resulted in something tickling her nose.

Reluctantly opening her eyes, she found a long piece of grass to be the culprit. Sitting up and rubbing her eyes, she looked around. Tall trees intertwined their green leaves with each other, their thick branches blending together. The grass she sat in looked tasty, and her stomach growled hungrily.

Rainbow looked tiredly around and saw that her friends were lying in a big circle around her, their backs facing her. Rainbow wasn't sure if she was in the Everfree Forest or not, but her common sense told her that she couldn't just sit there and wait for them to wake up, or something to find them, she had to go and find help.

She stood up and shook herself, opening her wings. She took a running leap into the air and instantly fell back onto the ground with a thump.

Rainbow dash frowned, “What?” she muttered as she turned to look at her back and saw something very important missing; her wings. She screamed and shot up quickly as her yelling woke her friends up.

Rainbow watched as they sat up and looked around, wondering as to why they looked different. Their muzzles were longer, their legs were longer and thinner, their tails were shorter and fluffy and they didn't have any cutie marks.

Who Rainbow assumed was Applejack, a pony with white dots along both sides of her back, looked at her with a confused frown, “What is wrong with yer wings, and why do ah feel like I’m dreamin bout bein in a forest with ya?” she asked.

“What’s wrong with my wings is that they’re gone! Wings don't just disappear!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Our horns are gone too!” Rarity yelled before fainting as Twilight frantically looked for her missing horn and wings.

“Well duh! You won't have wings because deer don’t have wings!” Rainbow rolled her eyes as Pinkie Pie replied, she also had spots on her back, except they were yellow and blue, bounding around before stopping next to Twilight and poking her head, “You do have horns though! They are really tiny and we all have them, but you still have horns!” she smiled.

Twilight frowned, “That isn't the same Pinkie. What did you do, why are we deer!?!?” she exclaimed.

Pinkie stopped and thought for a second, before smiling widely, “I have no idea!” she replied.

“Um...” A quiet voice said from behind them. They looked to see Fluttershy -the deer version of her anyway- surrounded by animals big and small. “I think I made new friends...” she said.

“That’s great Fluttershy!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Rarity quickly sat up, “We are never getting out of here!” she yelled, the air instantly turning cold as the trees started to shake violently. The animals around Fluttershy ran away quickly as the trees continued to shake as they all stood together.

Something swooped out from above the trees and flew over them, before landing on a fallen log a few feet away from them. It was an owl, and it looked like Twilight’s pet Owliscious.

Twilight blinked and walked over to the log, “Owliscious?” she asked.

“Doe, a female deer. Ray, a piece of shining sun...” Pinkie sang silently as she hopped around.

“Of course my dear Twilight, I heard some screaming from who I assumed was the beautiful keeper of seasons and decided to look for you. You had been gone for quite some time and I had been looking for you six along with the others.” Owlicious said smiling, “The scream was actually quite helpful.”

Twilights left eye twitched, looking at the owl in disbelief, no, “What?” she asked.

Owlicious continued as he looked around, “I think the others will be arriving soon as well, I really should stop flying ahead of them.” he said as thundering hooves against the ground was heard as a huge male elk with jagged antlers jumped through the trees. “Ah here is Strong Heart, hello.”

The elk nodded in Owliciouses direction before walking directly over to Rainbow Dash, “You have been gone for a few days, leaving the creatures of the forest defenseless without their protector, what have you been doing?” Strong Heart asked.

“Umm...” Rainbow said, her eyes looking left and right.

“Oh don't be so hard on her.” Owlicious said, “It probably isn't her fault she wanted to spend some time with her friends.”

Strong Heart turned his head to look at the owl, “Of course my king, but it is my job to be hard on her, I am her teacher and a part of her family.”

“Seems like you forget a simple parental lesson my friend.” A playful female voice said as a white spotted snow leopard walked out of the forest, “Let your kids make their own decisions and mistakes, and allow them to grow.” she said.

Strong Heart sighed as he looked at the leopard, “That is only your parental lesson, Sleet, besides, your charge does not seem to be doing to well, considering the air is still freezing.”

Sleet laughed, “Of course it is, I haven't taught Rarity how to control that yet, you can't expect a young doe to learn everything in a day.” She said as a screech came from the sky. Everyone looked up to see a light brown osprey with a small brown otter in its talons,flying down to the ground and releasing the otter.

The otter gasped as it looked around, “Wind Walker! Everyone is here! I thought it was just going to be Pinkie and her friends!” he said, looking down at the otter.

The osprey smiled, “It wouldn't just be them, Trickster, of course their mentors would come look for them. After all, they have been gone awhile!” he said.

At this point Rarity shook her head and snapped out of her daze, “Can somepony please tell us what is going on?” she asked.

“Oh, she said somepony, she said somepony! You were correct Wind Walker!” Trickster said, hopping around the bird.

Sleet ignored the crazed otter and osprey and walked over to Rarity and the others, “My dear, do you not remember that you six are the most important beings in the whole forest? I understand you want to spend time together, but you cannot just forget about your important duties.” she said, “After all, you are the keeper of the seasons, they cannot change without you.”

“Wait, so yer tellin us that we are the most important, and we take care of everypony else in this forest?” Applejack asked. Pinkie joined Wind Walker and Trickster where they stood and started talking to them.

Sleet turned to Applejack and smiled, “Yes you are, and your family is worried about you Applejack, they’re waiting for you at home, as well as you Fluttershy.” she said, looking at both of them.

Owlicious coughed into his wing, “I believe it is time to depart, so that we all may bring them back. It is almost evening, which means supper time will be soon.” he said.

“Right, let us be off. Come on Rainbow Dash, come with me.” Strong Heart said as he picked Rainbow into his hooves before swiftly running back the way he had come through the trees, leaving her behind.

Rainbow looked at where Strong Heart had left then turned to look behind her, both at the creatures and friends that stared at her, “Now!” the elk yelled from the forest, his voice loud and forceful, even from far away, making her jump and fold her ears back, not particularly happy to be yelled at, before frowning as she ran after him.

“Well then.” Sleet said laughing, her tail swishing, “Now that they have a swift run back, let’s say we calmly walk back? No need to run.” she smiled.

“Quite right.” Owlicious said taking to the sky and flying low in a circle above them as they started walking. The girls quietly walking behind by a few seconds, rightly confused by the situation, while Pinkie ran to talk to the otter and osprey.

Pinkie bounded happily behind her friends while Wind Walker and Trickster sat on her back so it would be easier to have a conversation with her.

Pinkie was almost finished telling them a joke, “...And that's when the stick said to the ocean that it can't wave the stick around!” she said, laughing.

“Thats very good, Pinkie, but I have a question for you.” Wind Walker asked, while Trickster chuckled at the joke.

“What is it?” Pinkie asked happily.

Wind Walker hopped closer to her head, “Do you actually know who we are, or what we represent to you?” he asked.

Pinkie thought for a minute before shaking her head, “Nope!” she exclaimed.

Trickster huffed, “I owe you a fish now.” he said, looking at Wind.

Wind nodded, “We thought so, we knew something had changed, I guess We should inform you of this world, since you’re not familiar with it and you can tell your friends later, and as you were already told by the lovely snow leopard, you six are very important, but for different reasons. You, Pinkie, are the chaotic happiness of the forest, and you represent the constant change of how the forest works, you were raised in the swamp with us, we are the spirits of Laughter and happiness, respectively.” he explained.

Pinkie gasped, pausing in her walk to look back at Wind Walker, “Thats super rific!”

Wind laughed, “Yes it is.” he said.

“I am the spirit of Laughter!” Trickster butted in.

Pinkie smiled, “Then who is the big elk guy and why does Owlicious talk?” she asked.

“I was getting to that. Owlicious, as you call him, is the elder king of owls, making him the king of this whole forest, with Twilight as the keeper of knowledge, or something along those lines.

Strong heart is a part of Rainbow Dash’s adopted family, since the elk are known to be strong, Rainbow Dash is the protector of the weak and courage of the strong. She is the strength of the heart of all in the forest, and, might I add, the competitive spirit.”

“Wow! Its like they were made for this forest!” Pinkie exclaimed as she started walking again.

“You could say that, and you would be right, saying the forest was made for them would also be a correct answer as well.” Wind Walker said thoughtfully.

“Oh! What about Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy! Who are they here?” Pinkie asked.

“Ah, the lovely Rarity. You already heard from Strong Heart that she is the keeper of seasons, meaning that she makes the different seasons come out, and she represents the beauty of each and every one. She was raised in the frozen mountains by Sleet and came down to the forest to live for the rest of her life with the leopard.” Wind Walker chirped.

“That sounds so much like her!” Pinkie said, stopping again to sniff at a red rose bush.

“Really?” Wind Walker asked.

“Well...the beauty part anyway! She usually isn't a keeper of seasons, unless you count helping to change winter to spring as changing all the seasons.” Pinkie said, lifting her head back up and bounding to catch up to the others.

Wind Walker shook his head, a smile on his beak, “Yes of course. Your dear friend Fluttershy, she is the protector of animals and friend to all, she represents the kindness and acceptance of nature, and was raised by a nice pack of wolves. Applejack, she feeds the whole forest. She’s the harvester and planter of the whole forest. She grows the trees, makes the food, and she made this whole forest and everything in it for every animal. She represents the strength and blunt honesty that the forest is, do you have any questions about this?” he asked.

Pinkie came to a screeching halt and brought a hoof to her chin, “Yes I do! I have been wondering why you're telling me this if we should already know this, also, do we have special powers?!” she asked excitedly.

“Because Pinkie,” Wind Walker said, “I know that you are not our Pinkie or our six protectors, so I wanted to make it clear what you six actually do here so you may tell your friends. I can't very well tell them myself in front of the other animals, they would assume I had too many poison fish again, now can I?” he asked. “And yes, you all have some powers acquired for being who you are, strength, speed, magic, all of those things.”

Pinkie shook her head, “Thats so cool, and I guess you're right! Thanks for telling me!” she exclaimed.

“It’s no problem whatsoever.” Wind Walker said smiling.

Sleet ran stealthily back over to Pinkie and smiled while her tail sliced through the air, “Would you care to join us?” she asked, her voice taking on an amused tone.

Wind Chuckled, “Of course we are, I was just having a nice chat with Pinkie, we didn't mean to stop.”

Sleet smirked, ‘Well then, get a move on, we need to get there soon.” she said, before turning around and running back through the forest.

Wind watched Sleet go with an amused smile, “Well then, come along now Pinkie, we better catch up.” he said, chuckling lightly.

“Right!” Pinkie exclaimed, with what the osprey told her forgotten, going into a full gallop/bound combo to catch up to everyone, Wind Walker holding onto Trickster to keep him from falling off.

Author's Note:

Yes, so as I said in the comments. IT IS NOTHING LIKE EQUESTRIA GIRLS! I hope to get better at the show vs tell as this goes on...

Comments ( 21 )

What do you think of the first chapter now?



This is so cool! Though I did notice a few spelling errors here and there, and a couple of grammar issues, I can't wait for the next chapter! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

its pinkie, and two crazy animals consisting of a bird and an otter

wait what do you mean? I knew I might be forcing it...I shouldn't have put that part in...

I've got an alternate title for this fic:
Do(e)s and Don'ts
Does and Don'ts:twilightsheepish:

I love the theme of it all, the deers and such. though there are details that wouldn't get hurt by going over and checking them, just right?
Vocabulary or expressions, if you could develop, explore and expand on them? Is it just me?


I know, I usually write stories in notebooks and then write it into a document as I edit along. This one I didn't do it with and you can clearly see the difference

3721796 When I first atempted writing, I was using note books, but it soon proved fruitless, doe to the fact that they would have been filling my home.
Then I realised, it takes way too much time, writing by hand, my hands just can't keep up with 'the speed of thought', typing get me a bit closer, though.
I'd need to read through several of your other stories, for a good comparison, right?
Maybe it's just me, but I kind of found the perspective refreshing, even if it may be in part, due to the beauty of the doe?
Then again, I'm looking forwwards to see, just where you're taking us, from where you just left off.

You can look at a feather falls in time, Hasbro studies, or Equestrian Flame for the comparison. I need more notebooks for my others.

3722702 I've enjoyed 'Equestrian Flame', this far.

3722702 I don't know why you chose to write the original in notebooks,
I stopped, because it required by far too many. Then again, I would need more then 500 by now, for the stories I'm working on, finished, or abandoned.
What ever the reason, so long as it serves your purpose, it's good for you.

it helps me fix my thoughts, and it also serves so I can edit as I write into the doc. I feel like once the thing is on the doc, I cant see any problems with it and I cant edit it anymore. So a notebook helps with that

Since nothing is happening here, I may as well hit the hay while waiting.
Maybe there is another chapter when I'm back, or at least an interesting comment?

3735045 Speaking of which, I guess I have seen a few versions of it, even if they did not get this interesting an end result.

She lives with a leopard, not a yeti. Also, I still need to figure out a place where Owlisious would bring them to a clearing where all the animals eat and everyone would be waiting or something. and the name of the place.

Comment posted by Pen Brush deleted Dec 4th, 2017

Wow, this looks interesting....i shall read it

Lots of exposition, and it's still unclear what kind of story this is setting up to be... I'm warily interested.

I really love this fanfic :)

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