• Published 31st Dec 2014
  • 1,244 Views, 16 Comments

The Fate of a Monster - gamerboytetris

Can the sins of a monster really be forgiven? Or is it just a pipe dream?

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-Prologue- Gravestones, Enemies, and Prophecies - Part 2

Ten minutes later...

Walking the path down the mountain was quiet. No bird or insect could be heard. Only the crunch of my boots broke the silence. This was the norm for me. Like the Dryad waitress, most of the animals knew me as well. The resulting silence was comforting to me.

Put on some music Adrian! The voice wailed, shattering any sense of comfort. I can't stand all of this silence!

This was also the norm for me. Being unable to silence the voice in my head, that I had to put up with for almost two hundred years now.

Oh shut up. I groaned. You lived through worse. Remember Egypt?

Oh please, the voice deadpanned with sarcasm, don't remind me of the long hot days filled with nothing but sand and a camel with indigestion. I swear whoever owned him probably named him after the Hindenburg.

No argument there. It took close to two weeks to get the smell of camel shit out of my clothes, and now I walk whenever I can.

So put on some music.



Do I need a reason with you?

I'll keep talking.

Then I'll-



Pain shot through my nose as my face said hello to the trunk of a Western hemlock. "MOTHER FUCK!" I cursed, bringing my hands to my nose as I rocked my head back and forth to lessen the pain.

Did you at least break you nose? The voice chuckled with glee. Cause then that will be the most excitement I've had all day.


Brushing off the bits of bark from my face I let my magic pool into my right hand, causing a golden glow to appear. Bringing my hand to my head I slowly released the magic into my face. I winced slightly as the magic healed my nose as cartilage realigned and mended to its previous state.

"Never thought I would see you do that." That was not the voice in my head.

Acting on years of fighting instinct, I ripped my sword from my back and I whirled around to bring my sword just a hairbreadths away from the neck of a little girl cradling a stuffed bear. How did she sneak up on me? My eyes roamed up and down her small body for the answer.

Her jet black hair went past her shoulders and she was wearing a plain white dress with a waist length blue cape that looked like it belonged in the 1940's. What stood out was her eyes. They might have been hazel or honey colored at one point, I wasn't entirely sure, but now they were clouded over with a sickly shade of white.

"Then again," she continued, oblivious to the fact I almost decapitated her, "Teddy always says the future isn't set in stone."

Great! The voice said mockingly, You have just let a little blind girl walk right up behind you without you noticing.

Shut up! I snapped as I returned my sword to its sheath to look less intimidating, but still alert for anymore surprises.


"-Am I?" She interrupted with a giggle, "My name's Tirananniel. But you can call me Cassie."

Cassie? The voice mused, as in Cassie the-

"Oh!" she gasped as if she forgot something, "And this is Teddy! Sorry I didn't mention you first." she cooed to the stuffed toy.

Did she just-

"Teddy doesn't like it when I don't tell his name first." she said apologetically, "He gets cranky and doesn't want to play with me."

She di-

"Cassie." I growled, commanding for her attention.

"I already now what your question is Adrian," she giggled, "but I'll play along with you."

I huffed and leaned against the tree that nearly flattened my face. "Does your mother know your in the physical realm right now?" I questioned, ignoring her comment.

"No she doesn't," she tilted her head, "at least not for another two hours, depending on how long daddy can keep her busy."

I raised an eyebrow, Keep her busy?

Cassie rolled her eyes, "It means I'm here on business, like Narvi, except it's on a more personal level concerning you."

"What kind of personal level?"

She looked at her bear as if waiting for permission then back at me, "Your future."

I face palmed, "Care to elaborate more?" My patience towards this little smart ass of a prophet was starting to fade.

She held out her hand that was soon wreathed in wisps of gray smoke that swirled around into her palm. Then the smoke left as soon as it came, and in her hand was a folded piece of paper. "Here. This should explain what I mean. No offense that you can't understand what I'm saying."

"None taken." I grumbled as I grabbed the letter and unfolded its contents. "It's written in purple crayon." I deadpanned.

"I was playing Doctor with Teddy when I had the vision." she pouted, "I was short on writing material."

"Whatever." I snapped as I tried to read the message.

This world is dead,

the first-born is after your head.

But one place, pray tell,

has never seen the likes of hell.

Stay on the path of the Light,

and this world may be spared a fight.

But take to the Darkness my friend,

if you wish to save them in the end.

I turned the paper over looking for anything to help me explain this gibberish. "What's this supposed to-" Looking up from the sheet I did a double take at the empty spot where Cassie once stood. "mean?" Other than her two footprints in the dirt, I couldn't see any other trace of Cassie's sudden departure.

"You couldn't have waited for one more minute?!" I shouted into the forest, not caring if she could hear me or not. "Fucking gods." I muttered to myself. Folding the paper up and stuffing it into my pocket, I continued on to my original destination.

"That wasn't nice Teddy; leaving him like that."


"He deserves to know what will happen if he chooses the wrong path."


"But he'll be so heartbroken. Again."


"I-I understand. I just hope your right."


"Alright, lets go see if Mirima wants to play twister wi-"


"Gone? What do you mean gone? Gods don't just disappear for no reason, not unless... oh no."

'Nother fine view of a mountain side sunset.

Narvi smiled at the view from his seat on a freshly made tree stump. The last bronze rays of the sun bathed the cold snow capped mountain range in a warm haze. Even the chill of the breeze failed to brush away the warmth on Narvis face.

Bringing his pipe to his lips, he drew a lungful of air. The sweet aroma of cherry nut filled his nose and burned his lungs. He didn't smoke much, but it was his only gift from his father along with his medallion that bore the family crest. May his soul remain unshakable as the mountains that was his home.

Don't worry Narvi. Ye did the right thing by giving it ta Adrian. Releasing a cloud of smoke from his mouth, Narvi mulled over the thought of the bag that was now in Adrian's possession. Even if his criminal record might land 'im in the worst shit pit on the planet, he's not one who'll mess up with assignments he takes.

Narvi tapped the pipe against the side of his impromptue stump, emptying the still hot ashes onto the moist earth, and watched as the sun sank below the horizon. But aye played my part, and soon Adrian must play his. In the absence of the sun, the first of the stars began to dot the barely lit sky.


Before Narvi could reach for his weapon slung on his back, something heavy collided into his right shoulder shattering the bones in the joint and upper arm. The momentum from the assailant hurtled the stocky dwarf into a nearby tree causing the bark to erupt in a shower of splinters.

Bitting his lip to contain his agony, Narvi struggled against the monster that landed on top of him. Only to receive a scaly fist to his left temple that sent white spots across his vision.

"You don't know when to give up do you."

If Narvi wasn't so close to falling unconscious he would have shuddered in fear. The creature on top of him was Verin. With the appearance of a giant lizard, complemented with taloned feet and sharp claws, who wouldn't be scared. But Narvi had to hang on just a little longer.

"Taking a plane instead of the Underground Rails," The beast on top tsked, "you almost had me there. Never would've thought a dwarf as crazy as you would be so willing to be so far from the ground." With one arm holding Narvi down, Verin tore at Narvi's pouches like a bear after a bee's honey comb.

"Now where is it." Verin hissed as trinkets and small items were cast aside, "I know you have it some- what's so funny?!" Even with the threat of death upon him, and a possible punctured lung, Narvi was chuckling like if it all was some sort of morbid joke.

"A-aye will t-tell ye *cough* where i-it is." Narvi was struggling to keep his eyes opened as he thought his plan through.

"Well?" Verin growled, tightening his claw on Narvi's shoulder, "Where is it then?"

"It-it's up..." Narvi trailed off.

"Speak up!" Verin hissed in his face.

Narvi almost lost his dinner as the smell of rotten flesh washed over him. "Where?!"

"It's up yer arse."

Verins snout wrinkled into a sneer as he picked up Narvi with one arm and hurled him into another tree. The impact wasn't enough to set off another display of splinters but Narvi was left on the ground gasping for air. "Very funny Narvi," he hissed as he approached the nearly incapacitated dwarf, "but we both know I am going to get what I want in the end." Grabbing Narvi by the neck, Verin brought him to eye level with a smirk; while failing to notice that the medallion Narvi wore wasn't around his neck . "Personally I did enjoy the chase, so this would be the part where I would congratulate you for your efforts to avoid the inevitable but," Verin's voice took on a sickly sweet tone as he licked his teeth, "I still don't have what I want. Getting you to talk didn't work, so I'll just see what your memories have to say."

Narvi felt a numbness grow in his limbs as he slowly lost control body, he had to do it know. He tightened his grip on the medallion in his left hand and directed a little magic into the crystal embedded in the medallion. The normally dull trinket began to glow like a lightning bug, but as Narvi poured more magic into his medallion its glow swiftly grew in intensity. "Then g-good luck with t-that." Narvi spat out before the medallion exploded like dying star.

Narvi was dead before the supernova like temperature could incinerate his body. What Narvi could describe as he felt now was weightless. No longer would he have to carry a burden on shoulders.

He was free.

Jumping over a fallen tree that was on the path, I left my thoughts behind as I focused on the blissful silence to try to understand the meaning behind the crazy girl's prophecy.

She interrupted me. The voice broke in.

Shut up! I'm trying to-

Not once, but twice!

I said shut-

Oh if I get my hands on her I'm going to rip her a new-


Grabbing my ear-buds and stuffing them in my ears and Green Day started up its rock ballad. If there was one way for the voice to keep quiet, music was it.

Wait a minute, you also interrupted me twi-


Several hours later...

Digging into my pocket I fished out my I-Phone and checked the GPS where I was. Hmm, still nine hours from the nearest airport. Checking the direction on the compass I mentally reached into the surrounding magic and focused a tiny stream of magical energy towards my destination. After setting it up I instantly felt a small tug in my head. Now with the directional spell in place I adjusted my walk towards the pull and continued walking. Go ahead and call me out for forgetting to cast such a simple spell but getting ticked off by the voice in your head can seriously ruin your IQ.

It's nice out isn't it.


The temperature had dropped since leaving the bar, but the chill was still bearable as I turned my head up to gaze at the stars. Through a small clearing in the trees, the waning gibbous moon shined like a beacon as it made its way across the sky against the backdrop of mountains and trees.

Another 23-26 days before the next full moon.

Ten to one odds you'll miss it.

Knowing you, not betting against you would be the sane thing to do.

Aww your no fun.

The beautiful scene disappeared along with the clearing as I continued walking through the woods.

If I was fun, then fun would be insane.

Nah, you'll just be a walking meat bag chasing the tail you don't have.

Oh hardy-har.

I didn't make 5 feet before a faint buzzing started going off in my head. I stopped in my tracks and slowly scanned the area with all my senses. Eyes, nothing but shadows from trees. Ears, aside from the occasional chirp of a cricket, it was quiet. Mouth, eh, forget it. Nose, I couldn't smell anything but dirt. Magic, the woods lit up like a roman candle as pinged the area like a sonar system. Pinging again I sifted through the magical feedback for what set off my sixth sense.

I counted four hooded bodies, two hiding in the trees and the other two in the ground. Well, nothing better than a good ass whooping to help liven up a walk through the woods. I thought sarcastically as I set myself into a defensive stance. Just try not kill them too quickly Adrian. I do love to hear them scream. I ignored the voice as the assailants began their attack.

The two in the trees dropped to the ground with weapons ready and moved to attack from both sides to split my attention. Lefty swung its blade first, aiming for my lower legs. I countered simply by doing a backflip not only to dodge the attack on my legs but also to drop my shoulders from Righty's swing at my head.

In mid-flip, I grabbed their hands and yanked. Carried by the momentum of their swings, I sent them on a collision course with each other, causing them to smash their faces together and fall to the ground in a heap. Wasting no time, I brought my boot over Lefty's head and crushed it into the ground, causing brain matter to coat the earth. With brain matter and bits of bone coated on my boot, I did the same to Righty with no hesitation. Turning my attention back to the ones in that were in the ground and were currently charging at me, I went on the offensive.

I juked left of the one closest to me to avoid his spear and kicked his legs out from beneath him, causing to drop his spear in shock. With the weapon in my hands, I aimed the blunt end at the second guy's heart and thrusted into his chest, causing several ribs to snap.
I pressed my attack with a punch to his jugular causing him to stumble to the ground and breaking his jaw with a kick from my boot.

I halted my assault to return my attention to the first guy who was up and running, away? Might as well finish up here. It's not like he's going anywhere fast. Bringing the bladed head of the spear around I planted it two feet into the ground in the guy's head like a makeshift grave marker before turning to pursue the deserter. Pinging ahead of me I tracked his movements through the trees as I closed in.

Fifty feet..

Twenty feet...

Now that I could see my target well enough in the somewhat thick brush, I stopped pinging.

Fifteen feet...

Five feet...

I tensed my muscles to leap at my fleeing prey when I felt a new buzzing.

I pinged once and stopped in my tracks.

There was a fifth, he was readying a spell, and he was right behind me hidden in a tree trunk.

Acting on instinct, I abandoned the wild goose chase and I whipped around towards the new threat. Drawing my claymore, I charged the tree faster than my legs could carry me as I plunged my sword to the hilt in the tree. Blood had begun to drip from the wound in the tree as magic started to discharge like lightning. I pulled my sword free only to become overwhelmed by premature magical discharge.

My muscles cramped and twitched as pain flooded my nerves. I'm not sure how long this went on but something started to burn on my hip. I tried to see what the cause was but I couldn't make my head turn. The burning was getting worse so I figured I might as well be on fire.

Your not on fire dude.

A-and y-y-you kno-ow this-s how?!

It'll be over soon.


I never finished my thought as the burning had reached its peak, only to disappear and leave me with a strange feeling that felt like I was being ripped apart atom by atom. Then a bright blue light overpowered my vision before I lost consciousness.

My time on Earth was over.

Author's Note:

Don't worry, our demented protagonist isn't dead. But you readers already knew that.