• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 17,943 Views, 757 Comments

(Re)Birth Through Fire - Spacecowboy

[Philomena x Human][Rom][Adv][Dark][Hu] Jason has spent countless lives in Equestria, each of them being more troubling than the last. This life, however, presents a new set of challenges

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Arc One - Epilogue

A veritable mountain of paperwork loomed on the desk in front of Celestia, causing her to drop her head onto its wooden surface with a loud thump. “I hate paperwork…”

“Princess, did you not remember that you would have to fill all of this out should you get personally involved in any military action?” Blend comically asked, taking a small amount of personal pleasure at Celestia’s plight.

“It should be illegal for me to have to deal with this much paper just because I got involved…” she sighed, picking up the first page and looking at it closely. “I mean, this is ridiculous. This paperwork has a table of contents section… that covers the first seven pages!” she hummed, slowly flipping through the first few. Her eyes fell on a page and caused her eyes to widen in shock. “This claims I must sign my name three hundred and twenty-seven times! Preposterous!”

Laughter rang out from Blend, who had nearly collapsed at the sheer absurdity of it all. “P-princess, if you think that is bad, your sister has even more paperwork than you do. It will go by quicker if you just pony up and get started already.”

As Celestia picked up the first of many papers, her mind couldn’t help but drift back towards the strike on Gilded Gleams’s mansion, and just how much it had impacted everypony’s lives.

Twilight sat on a couch, eyes closed as she let out a long sigh. “Cadance…” her mane was unkempt, eyes bloodshot, and deep bags were underneath them. Cadance had to force down the urge to run to her side and just hug Twilight. She was here as a patient, not her sister, sadly.

“Twilight, you need to talk to me, otherwise I can’t help you with anything…” she sadly said, trying to keep from fiddling with her hooves as she kept her gaze level on her sister. Celestia had come to her out of desperation, not wanting to have it known that the newest princess had literally had a mental break. After being told what exactly had happened, she had immediately accepted her aunt’s request.

Cadance sighed as Twilight continued without saying a word. At least, when she had her episode, Jason had been there to protect her. He had managed to save Celestia before, too. Although she had not met him more than two or three times, she felt that they all owed him a great deal of debt for keeping two of her family members safe. She nearly jumped as Twilight finally began talking.

“Well, I guess it all started with that night at the library…”

Spike struggled with a large stack of papers, finally inside Luna’s room. Thankfully, she quickly relieved him of them, gasping them within her magic and settling them down on the table. “Curse this blasted bureaucracy! Before my banishment, such an event would simply have been met with feast and revelry, not mountains and mountains of paperwork!”

He chuckled, failing to suppress a laugh as Luna began to tear into the latest stack of paperwork. Spike’s mood fell as his mind drifted to Twilight, who he already missed. He had wanted to go with her, but Celestia had convinced him that it would be best for it to just be her and Cadance in the Crystal Empire for a little while. Even Shining was still in Canterlot, having remained behind to help mop up any lingering elements of the cultists.

“So, Luna, why all the paperwork?” he asked, trying to tear his mind from the depressing thoughts.

“Apparently,” she began, more than a little ire in her tone as she continued tearing through the papers, “underneath Tia’s newer government, anytime we get involved we have to justify ourselves. US! Justify our actions? Bah! Waste of time is what it is. I should be helping Captain Armor finish mopping up those idiots, not here dealing with paperwork.”

Luna continued her ranting, pointing at each page as she finished it. “This worthless one is explaining why I went on a military venture. This one is…” Spike listened to the useless information as Luna rambled on, slamming each piece of completed paper on the desk, one after the next.

Shining Armor sighed as he looked over the latest report. They had identified thirty seven cultists from the initial search prior to their assault on the mansion. The after-action report listed thirty six ponies in all, of which only four had been taken alive. With one still at large, he had been coordinating the search effort for them.

Standing up, he walked over to the balcony of his room that overlooked much of Canterlot city. He felt a longing to be reunited with Cadance. While Captain Stone had returned from his time off, he had deferred resuming his post until this matter was resolved, leaving Shining the acting Captain. Somewhere out there was the one pony who kept him from returning home, and he was going to find them.

As the sun was rising, he thought of Twilight, his precious little sister. She had been put through so much in such a short time, and had never had any sort of training to deal with it. While, thanks to his years in the guard, Shining slept just fine after taking down criminals, what his sister went through tore at his heart.

“Take care, Twily…”

A figure stirred in the bed, wings and arms splayed out. With a yawn, she slowly opened her eyes, taking in the rising sun, visible from the balcony. Carefully, she watched her arms as she took in the sight of the phoenix laying on the bed next to her. She reached out and tenderly picked him up.

His eyes slowly opened, a small squawk of discontent coming from him. “Jay, wake up, lazy.” he made some more noises, causing her cheeks to flush crimson. “Were you always that colorful with your language? Seriously, Jay, just because you’re stuck as a phoenix for a little bit of time, it’s not the end of the world.”

He just glared at her, but remained content to stay in her arms. “You know Celestia is looking into what exactly happened. The only thing she was able to figure out is that you transferred most of your magic to me when you saved my life…” she smiled and simply hugged him tighter, “and that it may just be a matter of time until you can reincarnate back to how you were.”

Jason let out a series of angry sounds, causing Philomena to laugh, an almost musical quality to it. “Relax, Jay, just look at it this way. You get to see how I’ve experienced things for awhile, yes?”


Author's Note:

And here's the end of the first segment of this story. The large majority of the second arc is already planned out, and I'll be starting it tonight at work. Now, I've made it obvious who is who, and I hope you all enjoyed the first segment. I know that I could have clarified who was who, but it was more enjoyable to have the suspense, even if it only was for a little bit.

Moving forward, things will be shifting to more of the Slice of Life view for a little bit. I do have a plan for making Jason human-esque once more. Trust me. Until then, though, I plan to have some fun with this story.
