• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 11,778 Views, 241 Comments

Of Gods and Ponies - FoggyHunter

What would happen if you gave a mortal man the power of a god? Would it be used for good, or abused?

  • ...

And It Finally Begins

Author's Note: Hey guys, sorry this took so long to get updated, but with school and college and stuff like that, It was kinda hard to find the time. I’ll try to keep the schedule for updating to stay at a consistent two-week interval. If I can get a chapter up earlier than I will. Let me know how I’m doing and if there is anything I can or need to work on. Thanks guys.



My head is killing me.

I’m seeing stars. Must have hit my head on something.

No, wait, that’s just Luna’s mane.

Wait wut?

Oh yea, I just got tackled by a pony princess... again. I shift the star speckled mane out of my face and see that the mane six are, once again, in shock. Celestia, on the other hand, is trying not to giggle her flank off as she has a hoof pressed to her mouth. Luna’s rubbing her head on my chest as she hugs me tightly (not as tight as Celestia did, though). Holy shit... She is ADORABLE like this! It’s really going to suck when she finds out the truth.

“So,” I say to Celestia, “Do you want to tell her, or me?”

“What?” Luna asks confused as she brings her head up.

“Oh, I don’t know,”Celestia says while still giggling, “You two do look kind of cute like that.”

Really, Celestia, really? Luna is taking a closer at me now and I think she’s come to the conclusion herself.

She instantly gets off of me while blushing furiously through her dark blue coat.

“Wha~,” Luna suddenly shakes her head, looks at me angrily, and lets loose with the Royal Canterlot Voice.


Wow, that actually hurt my ears a bit. Fus Ro Da much? I can see that the mane six are cringing, too. Fortunately, Celestia comes to my aide.

“Luna, he is not impersonating. He just looks strikingly similar to our father.”

Luna looks at Celestia for a moment, her facial expression a mixture of embarrassment, surprise, and a little anger trying to hide the other two. Then she looks to me, and her features soften. She sighs in what I think is disappointment.

“We... see. But thou are still a Creator, are thou not?”

“Uh... yea.”

Luna is silent for a moment, probably trying to force her blush down. Then she bows to me (mental capacity straining!).

“In that case, we apologize for our brash actions. Can thou forgive us, my lord?”

Oh great, now she’s calling me that. I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to this.

“It’s ok,” I respond with a smile, “Hell, Celestia did the same thing not too long ago.”

Luna looks at Celestia with surprise while Celestia looks away with a slight blush and a sheepish grin. The other girls giggle at this.

“So,” I say next, “Can someone fill her in or do I have to start all over again?”

“I’ll do it,” Celestia responds, and so she begins.

(Insert tedious and just all around unnecessary recap here)

Luna took the news of Ragnarok rather well. She did get a bit teary-eyed, but she kept her composure. I have this feeling that she’s holding it in, too, but I’m not going to press the matter now.

“That...,” Luna starts, “is quite a lot to think about.”

“I know right?” I say next, trying to lighten the mood.

I don’t think it worked... God I hate awkward silences.

“Well, anyway,” Twilight begins, “ I think we should continue.”

There is suddenly a loud growling noise that fills the room and gives the girls a start.

“Heh, well my stomach respectively disagrees,” I say jokingly.

“Oh, that’s right,” Fluttershy says next, “you never got a chance to eat breakfast.”

“Nope, cause SOMEPONY decided it was a good idea to use mass teleportation before I got the chance.” This gets me another sheepish grin from Celestia.

“That’s a mighty bit harsh, aint it?” Applejack says next accusingly.

“I’m kidding.”


“So, what is there to eat in this place, anyway?” I ask Twilight.

“Sorry, but this is just a library. I may live here, but this establishment was not designed for permanent occupancy.”

“.... Sooooooo, no food then?”

“No, not at the moment. Sorry.”

“Tsk, damn.”

“OOH OOH!” Pinkie Pie says suddenly, “What about this, mister lord Joseph sir?”

I look over and find that Pinkie Pie has a blue cupcake with red frosting in one of her hoofs and is holding it out towards me. I suddenly have flashbacks of a certain infamous fan fic, but I manage to hold them down before they really affect me.

“Pinkie Pie,” Twilight says next, “Where did you get that?”

“From one of my emergency cupcake staches.”

Why am I not surprised?

“Works for me,” I say before swiping the cupcake off of her outheld hoof.

Without any inhibition, I take a large bite out of the baked good.


It tastes just like blueberry with cherry and is perfectly moist. Needless to say, it tastes AWESOME!

“This is pretty good,” I say after my first swallow and follow up with another bite.

“I’m glad you like it,” Pinkie Pie cheerfully states, “If you like I could totally make more once I get back to the bakery.”

My mouth is too full to answer right now since I finished off the rest of the culinary delicacy with one bite.

“Well,” Celestia begins just as I swallow, “Now that your hunger has been sated, let’s continue. I am quite interested in your world now.”

“I concur,” Twilight says next, “In fact, I am very interested in your world.”

“Well don’t expect this to be a one sided Q&A,” I state plainly, “I have a few questions about how things are run around here, myself.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Twilight responds, “How about we takes turns. We ask you something and then you ask us something, and so on?”

I answer with a shrug and a “Sure”.

“Very well,” Celestia speaks next, “I will start.”

And so for the next several hours, we swapped questions and answers. They asked me about human culture and technology, what my planet looked like, who raised and lowered the sun, who controlled the weather, were there ponies where I came from; you know, those types of things, and I tried my best to answer without giving away too much of our human tendencies towards violence and war. Needless to say, they were all very surprised that no one controlled the weather or the sun and the moon. Their reaction to how many humans there are was also one of awe and shock. Apparently, there are only about five million ponies in the entire world compared to our population of seven billion.

In return, I asked what Celestia does besides “raise the sun”. Being the royalty she is, Celestia has to manage a few diplomatic meetings, attend meetings on public policy; political stuff. I personally hate politics, so I stopped her before she went into too much detail. I also asked what this planet is called, and come to find out it’s called Earth, too. Then I asked how big Equestria is and if there were any other nations that shared Equestria’s borders. Celestia let Twilight answer that one and she told me that Equestria is in fact its own continent, and that the other major countries of Earth include the Griffin Empire, the nation of Zebobwa, which is mainly comprised of zebra tribes, and the United Minotaurian Isles.

There are a few minor countries here and there, but they’re not really important. Kinda like the country of Malta in Europe. Seriously, if I hadn’t taken that Physical Geography class, I would have never known it existed.

But I’m getting off topic here. We continued to exchange questions and answers for a little while now, and I began to absent mindedly pet Fluttershy again. But then, they had to ask that question.

“So,” Twilight began, “We know that humans eat cupcakes, but what else do you eat?”

Ah crap. That question. I have no idea how they are going to react to the truth. I look over to Celestia and Luna to see their reactions, and they don’t seem to be giving off any negative feelings, so that’s a good sign.... I hope. Wait, I’m vegan. What am I worrying about?

“Well, humans are naturally omnivorous, but I’m personally a vegan by choice.”

And the reaction is!?!?!



Surprisingly calm.

“Sooooo, it doesn’t scare you or creep you out at all that my species eat meat?”

“Well,” Rarity speaks up, “in all honesty I find the idea of eating meat quite distasteful, but you are what you are, and that’s how it is.”

Woot! Score one for Love and Tolerance!

Then my stomach grumbles again.

“You know, now that I think about it, I don’t think one cupcake is going to tide me over very well. Got any more?”

“Oh sure,” Pinkie Pie immediately says before speeding off in a streak of pink and returning with a full plate of cupcakes.

“Cool, thanks,” I say before taking the whole plate and setting it down in front of me.

As I picked up the first cupcake, my thought process made me realize a few things

One, I’m still petting Fluttershy with one hand, and she is really enjoying it.

Two: “Hey, where's Spike?”

Twilight let out a sigh before saying, “Oh, he’s probably still sleeping. He is a very heavy sleeper, even for a dragon.”

“Ok,” I say next. And the last thing that I realized: “So when do I get to learn how to do magic? Cause in hindsight that’s probably the first question I should have asked.”

Twilight speaks up at this, “Well, in my experience, you would first have to get the basics down and then-”

“Twilight,” Celestia interrupts, “Knowing what I know about my father, I think our lord’s ability to use magic is different than with unicorns.”

You know, I haven't even tried to use magic yet. The problem is that I don’t even know how. Maybe if I try to do something, it will happen. Let’s try reaching within myself.

… Nope, don’t feel anything different.

Ok, how about focusing on something.

… Nope.

“My lord?” I hear Celestia ask.

“Huh? Sorry, I was a little out of it there.”

“Were you trying to use magic?”

“Uh, yea. How did you know?”

“You looked like you were concentrating, that and you stopped stroking Fluttershy’s mane.”

“Which she did seem to enjoyeth very well, we might add,” Luna interjected. Fluttershy gives off a huge blush, but doesn’t leave her place by me. In fact, it’s like she’s sinking closer to me. I now just notice that her wings are jutting straight out. Maybe it’s true what they say about wingboners.

“Luna, don’t you think you should be practicing a more modern dialect?” Celestia asks.

“Oh, of course, sister.”

Celestia brings her attention back to me and says, “Now, according to my father, all he had to do was imagine something happening or changing, and it would happen.”

“That simple?” I ask.

“That simple. At least that’s how he made it sound like.”

“Well... I’ll give it a shot.”

I close my eyes again, and think. I imagine that there’s a bottle of water in front of me, cause I’m pretty thirsty now. I open my eyes, and there’s nothing there.

“Hmm, maybe a different approach,” I say out loud. I close my eyes again, but this time reach my hand out and imagine that there is a water bottle materializing in front of me.

Still nothing. Ok, let’s try imagining that I’m creating a water bottle with magic.

Instantly, I hear what kinda sounds like the humming of power, and then the gasps of almost everypony in the room. I open my eyes to witness the final bits of the bottled water materializing before me in an emerald glow that also covered my outstretched hand. And then the glowing subsides and only the bottle of water is left sitting there on the floor.

The mane six are absolutely astonished, while the alicorn sisters are smiling knowingly.

Did I really do it? I reach for the plastic bottle, and grip the solid matter. Feels like I did it. I pick it up, unscrew the cap, and take a sip. Sure tastes like I did. I take another drought, and then screw the cap back on as I just sit there.


Wait for it.



I am immediately on my feet, pumping my fists in the air. I did magic! What now, Bronies! What now!

“Whu... but.... how!?” exclaims an exasperated Twilight, “How did you just create something from nothing like that!?”

“Don’t know, don’t care! This is awesome!”

“Didn’t I tell you, Twilight?” Celestia says with a smile. I sense a disturbance in the troll-force. “Humans are the most powerful magical beings in existence.”

Twilight’s jaw is practically on the floor, as is Rarity’s. The others aren’t as affected. Probably because they don’t use magic and as such don’t understand the gravity of that statement.

Uh, I just noticed that Luna is giving me this look. I don’t know how to describe it but it’s creeping me out. It’s like she’s just looking me up and down while... oh god she just licked her lips. I am officially freaked out now. Can’t let it show though, gotta keep my cool. I have the sudden urge to get dressed now, cause I feel really naked under those eyes.

I imagine that the magic is creating clothing around me, but this time I keep my eyes open to see it happen. And viola, the same green glow from before surrounds my entire body and takes the shape of the clothes I want. When the glow subsides, I find myself wearing a pair of black jeans, my black tactical boots, a green shirt with a monkey head made out of musical instruments printed on it, and my favorite black leather, padded, motorcycle jacket.

“Ah, much better,” I say next as I continue to look over my newly formed clothes. My mind is reeling with the possibilities. So many things I could do. So many things I could make. This is so Awesome!!!

“Awwww,” Rarity whines, “And here I thought I would be able to design some clothes for you. I still might, though. No offence, my lord, but those are just a tad bit... drab, dull even. Maybe if you added a bit more color...”.

“Nah,” I respond, “I think the black with green is pretty cool.”

“Yea, it’s kinda cool.” Rainbow Dash speaks up.

“Sooooo cooooooool,” Pinkie Pie practical coos, “OOH! What else can you make?”

“Hmm....” I think for a moment. What could I make that they would find appealing. Then I get an idea.

I suddenly bring my hand up to point my index finger at Pinkie Pie. Then a flash of green comes first from my finger, and then from the party pony herself. After the flash, Pinkie Pie is left standing there with some new additions to her body.

Pinkie Pie looks around before saying, “Wait, did that do anythi- Why is everpony looking at me like that?”

The rest of the room (besides me) are starring at Pinkie Pie in awe. She’s not taking the hint, so I’ll help her.

“Look behind you.”

Pinkie Pie turns her head and says, “What’s behind me? I don’t see any-

Pinkie Pie takes in a long gasp, not unlike the one she took in the very first episode, and stares at the newly formed pink, feathered wings attached to her back.

“Whu... how the... but the... SQUUUUUEEEEEE!!!”

“Whoa there, it doesn’t really matter that much if they don’t work. Try them out.” God I hope they work. I’m really not sure how specific I have to be with my imagination so this is a good test.

Pinkie gives a look like she’s concentrating, only a second later, her wings slowly expand and I take a step back from her to give her room. A few second later, they do a slow, single flap. Pinkie pie opens her eyes again with the largest smile possible. She then begins to flap her new wings as hard as she can, but she doesn't budge an inch.

“I think you need to make her bones lighter, too,” Rainbow Dash speaks up.

“Oh, yea, I guess that would help.” Even though I say that, I decide to use a different approach. I decide to just imagine casting a spell on Pinkie Pie that can allow her to fly, instead of just having wings.

The effect is instantaneous.

“WHOA!” Pinkie Pie cries out as she suddenly finds herself far above the ground before giving a grunt of pain as her head comically hits the ceiling. She’s able to regain her senses before she hits the ground again and hovers in place above us with a steady and repeating beat of her new wings.

“THIS IS SO COOL!” Pinkie Pie yells out in jubilation, “I’ve always wanted wings! Can I keep them?! Please!? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE-”

“Yes, you can keep them,” I say with a chuckle.

“YAY!!!” Pinkie Pie yells out before fly to me and giving me a big hug around the neck, while keeping herself in the air with her wings, and saying,

She then proceeds to fly around the library like a maniac on crack.

I have this sudden itch to troll again, and it must be scratched.

“You know, where I come from, there is a lot of fan art of you girls. Wanna see a piece?”

They all nod and say sure and all that. I think I’ll suppress the troll for now and show them something that they would actually like. I search through my memory for a good one. I smile when one comes to mind and then I make it appear on the wall with a flash of emerald.

This is what the girls see.

The girls are speechless, as are the princesses. Then Rainbow Dash speaks up.

“I. Look. So. AUSOME!”

“I thought you'd like it,” I state, “I personally like how Spike looks in this. Manly Spike is best Spike, if you ask me.”

“Very interesting,” Luna says, “And your kind made this?”

“One of my kind, yes. We humans can get pretty creative with our art. And this piece is but one of millions.”

You know, after seeing the looks of adoration that the mane six have while looking at the picture on the wall, I’ve decided to hold down my inner troll. I really just don’t have the heart to show them the... more questionable pieces.

“I must say,” I hear Rarity speak, “Spike does look quite... noble in this picture.”

“Yea...” Twilight speaks next, “But that is definitely not what the dragon anatomy looks like. The legs are too thin and his jaw is too flat. Not to mention that there are absolutely no records that state dragons wore clothing or armour.”

“We know what Spike looks like when he matures,” I speak up, gaining Twilight’s attention, “but we still like to let our imaginations wander. I still think he looks badass in this pic.”

The others suddenly turn towards me with confused looks.

“Badass? wha’ in tarnations does tha’ mean?” Applejack asks.

Oops, I guess I let my tongue slip there. “Oh, it just means that he looks cool.”

The other look at me for a few seconds, and then shrug in unison before turning back to observe the picture.

“So, Celestia,” I say next, “What now?”

“Now,” Celestia answers, “I think it’s time that the truth was known to all of Equestria. We go to Canterlot, where I will let all of Equestria know of you.”

“And you’re going to do that, how exactly?”

“Well through magic, of course. I know a spell that allows for every city, town, and settlement to see important announcements right from their town squares.”


“Very much so.”

“Wait,” Twilight speaks up, “Did you say that you’re going to Canterlot?”

“Yes, Twilight,” Celestia answers, “Equestria must know of Lord Joseph’s presence as soon as possible. I don’t want anypony to think that he’s a threat just because of what he looks like.”

“I don’t think he looks all that bad,” Fluttershy speaks up quietly.

“That bad?” I quip.

“Oh, er I mean... uh, what I meant was... well... oh dear,” Flutershy flusters with a blush forming on her muzzle.

“It’s alright, I know what you mean.”

Luna gives a giggle at our antics, but Twilight looks disappointed. Celestia notices and speaks up about it.

“Is there something wrong, my dear pupil?”

“I was hoping I could study him, learn about his culture and anatomy. Things like that...”

“Tell ya what,” I say next, before materializing an anatomy textbook in my hands, “You can have this. It should keep you busy for, what, two... three days?”

I open the book to make sure I got it right and from what I can see, I did. It’s amazing how many blanks that magic can fill when I want to make something. I hand the book to Twilight who takes it out of my hands with her own magic.

She looks at it curiously, before a smile spreads across her muzzle.

“Thank you, my lord, this should be very helpful.” Then Twilight makes a face like she just remembered something before turning to Celestia

“Wait, your highness, what about your assignment on the study of creation magic?”

“Oh, I don’t think we need to worry about that anymore,” Celestia responds, “After all, we have a creation magic master before us now.”

What? “I create two things, and I’m already a master?”

Luna speaks up to answer me. “Considering that no other living being can do what you just did, then yes.”

“O... K then. So when do we leave?”

“I will return to Canterlot and have a chariot brought here to pick you up,” Celestia answers.

“Wait, why don’t we just teleport there?”

“Well, had I not already used a long distance teleportation spell and then a mass teleportation spell in the span of thirty minutes, then I could have. But as it is now, I am too tired to do so. Teleportation can take a lot out of a magic user, even one such as myself.”

“... But that was hours ago.”

“And it will take many more before I am ready to cast another spell like that.”

“... You can raise and lower the sun, a giant ball of flaming gas thousands of times the size of earth that is billions of miles away, on a daily basis, and yet you can’t use a teleport spell to bring you and two other people over the span of a few miles after resting for hours on end.”

Celestia gains a sheepish look before saying, “Well... truth be told I don’t control the sun itself, I actually just keep the planet rotating on its axis.”

There are many gasps from the mane six at this revelation, while I just smile smugly knowing that my hypothesis was correct.

“Still, you manipulate a ball of mass that has a radius of a good few thousand miles on a daily basis. I would think that would still take a considerable amount of power.”

Celestia gives a light giggle before saying, “You would be surprised at how little of a magic push it takes to keep the Earth rotating.”

I roll my eyes before saying, “Ok, but what about Luna?”

I look towards said alicorn and see her scuff at the floor, raising the cuteness level to a new high.

“Well,” Luna starts, “Teleportation spells are not what you would call my... forte.”

“Forte? You need a forte for teleportation spells?”

“What she means,” Celestia speaks up, “is that the last time she tried teleportation, she brought most of the surrounding area with her.”

I look back at Luna and see her blush.

“Tia,” Luna whispers, “you promised that you wouldn’t tell anypony about that?”

“But he isn’t a pony, dear sister,” Celestia whispers back, like a professional troll.

I stifle a chuckle before saying, “Alright, if teleporting is out of the question, then let’s just fly there. I don’t think I need a chariot.”

“Are you sure, my lord? You don’t exactly have any wings for flying.”

This should be good. I close my eyes and concentrate my imagination again. Then I feel myself become absolutely weightless. When I open my eyes, I’m hovering a good five feet above the ground with a green glow covering my entire body, total Green Lantern status.

“Yea, I’m pretty sure.”

All the other ponies are gawking at me, but the Princesses recover quickly.

“Very well,” Celestia says, “then we leave immediately.”

“Ok, hold on a sec,” I respond. I then point at the fan art that I posted (lol) and it disappears with an emerald flash. I then turn to Twilight.

“Hey Twilight, whenever you get bored of that book, send me a letter and I’ll whip up a new one for you, K?”

Twilight nods her head and says, “Sure, Thank you.”

“Alright, let’s go.”

With that the Princesses exit the library, and I’m about to follow when I feel a small tap on my shoulder. I turn around just as I land to see Fluttershy hovering in front of me, looking very bashful.

“Um, so... I guess... this is goodbye,” She says in a sad tone.

“Only for now,” I respond, “I’ll be sure to visit, ok?”


“Promise. After all, I still owe you for saving my life, you still owe me that breakfast.”

She lets out the quietest and cutest giggle imaginable before giving me a hug. I gladly return the embrace and we stay that way for a few minutes.

“My lord,” Celestia calls from outside, “Are you coming?”

“Yea, be right there,” I answer. I let go of Fluttershy and she slowly hovers to the ground. She gives me a large smile, which I return, before I bend down to get out the door.

As I exit the Library, I can see that there is a large crowd of ponies gathered around the library. Understandable, considering that both of their rulers popped in to the town unannounced. It’s like looking at variegated lawn of fur, eyes, horns, and wings. As of now, though, I can not spot any ponies that I would recognize from the show.

The moment I get myself back to my full height the entire crowd gasps, and I think a few of the mares fainted.

“Your highness, behind you!” I hear a male pony yell in terror.

Celestia looks back towards me for one second before turning back towards the crowd (which can easily become a mob at a seconds notice). The princess of the sun spread her wings and addressed the crowd loud enough for all of them to hear, but not quite loud enough to be considered the Traditional Canterlot Voice.

“Fear not my subjects! The being you see before you means you no harm! We are going back to Canterlot where I will address all of Equestria on this matter! All will be explained then, so I must ask you all to be patient until that time!”

She then turns back to me and Luna and says, “Come, let us go.”

“Lead the way,” I respond.

With that, Celestia flaps her wings and takes to the air, shortly joined by Luna. I get my magic going again and begin to float with that green glow I’ve come to love. I will/imagine myself to fly high and fast enough to keep pace with the princesses.

Now, normally I would be deathly afraid of heights, but the absolute ausomeness of this isn’t allowing me to be scared. I’ve never felt a rush like this before. The wind blowing through my hair and making my clothes flap as I blissfully sail through the sky. There really aren’t any words that can give this feeling justice.

“We should be there in about a half hour at this speed!” Celestia calls back to me over the roar of the wind.

“OK!” I call back. Then a thought strikes me.

“Hey! Shouldn’t we let them know that we’re coming!? I don’t really feel like getting tackled by a bunch of guards when I land!”

“Of course!” Celestia responds before turning her head towards Luna, “Luna, could you please fly ahead and let them know!?”

“Of course, Sister!” And with that, Luna put on a burst of speed and in a streak of dark and light blue sped ahead of us.

Well, this is it. We are on our way to Canterlot and all of Equestria is going to know about me soon enough. I can’t help but wonder: What am I going to do when I get there?

Fluttershy and her friends stepped out of the library in time to see the princesses and Joseph take off into the blue. Fluttershy let out a heavy sigh as she watched them go. She didn’t quite understand what these feelings were, but when she was close to the human, she felt warm, safe even. Now that he’s gone, she could not subdue the feeling of emptiness within her.

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie suddenly exclaims, “I wanna give these things a real test run. Wanna come with me and help me test them out?”

“Sure, Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash responds, “But how about after we eat? I haven’t had breakfast today and it’s already noon.”

“I’m feelin’ mighty peckish ma’self,” Applejack pipes in, “C’mon everypony, ah’ll treat ya’ll to a good lunch, Apple fam’ly style.”

The others agreed and followed Applejack towards her family orchard.

On the way there, Fluttershy couldn’t help but reminisce on the feeling she got from Joseph stroking her mane. It felt comforting and relaxing, in laymen terms, but there really aren’t any words that she can think of to describe it other than that it felt good and so … right.

“Fluttershy, darling?”

Fluttershy is brought abruptly out of her thoughts by the voice of Rarity.

“Yes, Rarity?” Fluttershy responds quietly.

“I can’t help but notice that you were awfully close to Joseph during his short time here. Is there any particular reason as to why?”

Fluttershy cannot even begin to control the blush that is spreading across her muzzle as she answers, “Oh n-no, no reason... really.”

Rarity gives her a sceptical look that tells Fluttershy that the fashion diva was not buying it.

“Er... well... it did feel... nice, when he touched my mane.”

“Just touching your mane felt good?”

“Oh, well, he also scratched the back of my neck... and ears. That felt nice, too.”

Rarity looks away with an indignant huff.

“Well, sounds to me that he was merely treating you as if you were a pet.”

“I wouldn’t really mind that much.”

Rarity looks back at Fluttershy with a start just as the shy pegasus gains an even deeper blush from realizing what she had just said.

“Oh, er... I didn’t mean... uh... what I meant was... um,” Fluttershy flustered over her words in an in vain attempt to save face.

Rarity recovers and lets out a sigh before saying, “It doesn’t really matter now, anyway. Didn’t you see the looks that Princess Luna was giving him?”

Fluttershy found herself suddenly feeling very nervouse.

“Uh... no. What looks?”

“Surely you must have noticed. Princess Luna was running her eyes all over Lord Joseph for hours. In fact, had she not been as regal and civilised as she is, I bet she would have been practically drooling over him.”

“Oh no,” Fluttershy whispers worriedly. She began to feel a new, fiery emotion light within her. She doesn’t know what it is, but it scares her like nothing has scared her before.

Rarity doesn’t even notice Fluttershy’s darkening mood as she continues.

“But it’s not like I can blame her. Joseph does have some... attractive traits. Like those toned muscles, his large and strong form... those sparkling, sapphire eyes... his strong... masculine voice...”

Fluttershy can only watch in near terror as one of her closest friends slowly loses herself within her own fantasies as the white unicorn continues to describe Josephs good qualities, her voice becoming huskier with each trait she names.

“Oh no, not you too,”



It is so cold here...

No more will she feel this cold.

She is ready.

She was born from jealousy and regret. Now she shall unleash it tenfold upon her hated enemies.

Her first plan had fallen into ruin. Her second plan only more so. But now she is ready. She knows what she must do. Victory will be hers at last. The Elements had been her undoing before, but no longer. They bested her twice before, she will not allow them to do so again.

‘That’s right,’ She thinks to herself as she gazes upon the world below her, ‘They have shunned me for the last time. Equestria will love my night, whether it wants to or not.’

And with that, the spirit of Nightmare Moon descends upon Equestria once more.
