• Published 12th Sep 2013
  • 3,131 Views, 536 Comments

The Diamond Exchange - angelbunny

Chaos ensues when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon receive no punishment after a hurtful prank gets one of their classmates killed.

  • ...


The Apple family’s rooster greeted Apple Bloom with a crow as she walked past the fence post upon which he stood on this fine morning. The schoolhouse was open once again and this would be the first day of classes since Twist’s death. Apple Bloom’s saddlebags were usually packed with her lunch and her schoolbooks but today they were empty for she would not need either of them. She was a bit nervous about what she had planned but she couldn’t have been happier to have obtained the participation of everypony in class, taking pride in the fact that they were united by their disdain for the debacle that was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s court ruling. Apple Bloom knew that hers would be a tepid course of action at best. It wouldn’t shake the foundation of Ponyville by any stretch of the imagination. It might, however, make headlines and force ponies to take notice.

Here’s hopin’ it’ll be a slow news day, she thought.

Apple Bloom was nearly at the schoolhouse when she saw Scootaloo standing by the stairs, waiting for her. Scootaloo caught sight of Apple Bloom coming up the path and ran to meet her half way.

“Is everypony here?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Everypony but the guests of honor and Rumble,” said Scootaloo. “There’s something you should know. Rumble’s big brother Thunderlane brought a note from their mother this morning. Brace yourself: Rumble’s being transferred to Cloudsdale Elementary. He’s not coming back.”

“Transferred? Aw, no way! Why?”

“I don’t know for sure but I think it might have been because his parents didn’t care for our little coup we’ve got planned today.”

“Well, that’s just great! As if ah really needed another reason ta dislike Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They’ve cost us the cutest colt in class!” Apple Bloom sighed but then smirked shortly afterward. “Ah guess that leaves Featherweight at the top spot, eh, Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo frowned.

“I said I was sorry for not telling you about the time I kissed him.”

“Ah know, ah know. Ah just like givin’ ya a hard time. So? How was it?”

“It was all right,” Scootaloo grinned as she recalled the kiss. “He asked if he could kiss me. I was curious so I said yes. It was over before I knew it.”

“But what was it like?”

“Ummmm... It was warm… and wet. But fun. That’s about it. I don’t really put that much stock in first kisses. I plan on having a lot more and with cuter colts, too – if any ever move to Ponyville, that is.”

“Did he ask ya ta be his girl or anythin’ like that?”

“No, I don’t think he’s ready for that yet… and neither am I, for that matter. He was brave enough to ask me for the kiss but once he went through with it, he thanked me and flew off. I think he got embarrassed which was kinda cute in its own way.”

“You’re a lot braver than ah am. Ah never even had the nerve to borrow a pencil from Rumble.”

“Would you have kissed Rumble?”

“Are you kiddin’? I’d totally kiss him! That is, ah like the idea very much but ah don’t know what ah’d do if he actually asked me for a kiss. Ah’d like to think that ah’d go through with it, though. What about you? Would you kiss ‘im?”

Scootaloo shook her head.

“Get outta town!”

“I’m serious.”

“Why the hay would ya kiss Featherweight but not Rumble?”

“Featherweight is kid brother cute, like Pipsqueak. Rumble is cute cute but he knows it. I know a heartbreaker when I see one. Button Mash is cute cute too but he doesn’t know it. And I’d kiss him but...”

“...but Sweetie Belle.”

“Yeah, but Sweetie Belle.”

“Oh, but dibs on Button if it doesn’t work out!”

“Dangit! Why am I always a step behind on calling dibs!”

“Would ya kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiss... Thunderlane?”

Scootaloo blinked.

“You... are gross,” she stated.

“What? Ah happen ta think he’s handsome.”


“Is it cuz he’s not a colt? What’s the big deal? I ain’t gonna marry ‘im!”

“C’mon, it’s game time. Let’s take our seats.”

“No, really, tell me. Is it the mohawk?”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon approached the steps to the schoolhouse, wondering why nopony was outside before first bell. They entered and found that everypony but Rumble was present and accounted for, sitting quietly. They also saw Cheerilee sitting at her desk, eyes facing forward. There was no need to even ring the bell at all.

Diamond Tiara smirked as she took her seat. She expected that something might happen on her first day back. Silver Spoon gulped and held her head low as she got to her seat.

Once they were seated, Scootaloo rose and approached Cheerilee’s desk.

“Miss Cheerilee,” she said with a volume that was slightly higher than normal, “I have an announcement I’d like to make on behalf of the majority of the class.”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s ears perked up, knowing that they were not a part of the majority that was consulted regarding whatever it was that Scootaloo was about to say.

“As you know,” continued Scootaloo, “one of our classmates was involved in a terrible tragedy. I, along with the majority of the class, feel that the ponies responsible for this tragedy were given preferential treatment when they received their day in court. In light of this shameful event, we, the students of Ponyville Elementary, do hereby declare that, effective immediately, we will be staging a civil protest in the form of a walkout.”

Everypony but Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon rose from their seats simultaneously and stood up straight beside their desks with near military efficiency.

“That’s your protest?” asked Diamond Tiara rhetorically. “Skipping out on school?” Shaking her head slowly, she expelled her breath nasally and smirked. Scootaloo ignored Diamond Tiara and continued.

“We do not take this course of action lightly and we want to assure you that we are not doing this out of disrespect to your authority. If anything, your wisdom and guidance is what indirectly prompted us to stage this walkout. You taught us to march to the beat of our own drum, to remain true to ourselves and to have the courage to do what we feel is right. You’re a credit to your profession and an invaluable inspiration to not just us, but to every pony in Equestria. In short, we love you. We do this because we cannot, with a clear conscience, sit in the same room as the perpetrators of this ugly crime and pretend that nothing happened when the lessons that you taught us compel us to do otherwise. Our parents and/or guardians are aware of our walkout and fully support our actions.”

“I understand,” said Cheerilee. “I must give you fair warning. I can’t condone a walkout in any official capacity. If you won’t reconsider, then I’m afraid that I must mark you absent for the day.”

“We understand, Miss Cheerilee.”

“I am permitted to say that I respect the civility with which you are choosing to make this protest known to me. I expect that this will only be a one-day demonstration. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover if we’re going to catch up.”

“Yes, Miss Cheerilee. Thank you.”

Silver Spoon sank in her seat as her classmates walked past her out the door and gave her dirty looks. The fact that they were so disgusted with the verdict that they couldn’t stand to sit in the same room as her had doubled her torment. The door shut behind the walkouts and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked at one another. Diamond grinned. Silver did not.

Cheerilee looked at the back of the room, taking care not to look directly at either Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon. She tapped her hoof on the desk a few times to break the irritating silence.

“It would appear as though it’s just the three of us left,” she said, trying to sound as chipper as she usually did.

The clock on the wall ticked louder than ever. Cheerilee scowled as she made a decision.

“You know what?” she asked in her deeper, more cynical voice that she tried not to use around her students. “I’ve got a sick day saved up that I can use. Class dismissed. I’m out of here.” Cheerilee walked toward the door and opened it.

“I’m sorry, Miss Cheerilee!” said Silver Spoon. “I never meant to get Twist killed.”

Cheerilee stopped walking. She stood in the doorway and hung her head, choosing not to turn around.

“We. Didn’t. Kill. Anypony,” hissed Diamond Tiara to her friend.

“I’m sorry, too, Silver Spoon...” said Cheerilee. “Because, try as I might, despite your apology... despite the fact that you are a foal and are prone to making mistakes... I can’t bring myself to forgive you. I should – but I just can’t.”

“I know how we can resolve all of this, Miss Cheerilee,” said Diamond Tiara. “Tonight, I’ll have a great, big dinner. Then, with your permission, tomorrow before class starts, I’ll drop a deuce on Twist’s old seat. It’ll be like she never left.”

Cheerilee walked out of the schoolhouse. Diamond Tiara smiled mischievously and ran to the doorway to watch her teacher do the only thing she could do: flee.

“Nopony’ll even notice the difference!” she shouted to Cheerilee.

Cheerilee increased her speed to a trot.

“AND IT MIGHT EVEN SMELL BETTER THAN SHE DID!” shouted Daimond Tiara louder than before.

Cheerilee galloped away after hearing that.

What did you do that for?” barked Silver Spoon.

“That’s what I was going to ask you, Silver. Why did you apologize to Miss Cheerilee for getting Twist ‘killed’?”

“Oh, gee, I dunno... Maybe because I got Twist killed?”

“Never apologize when you can criticize! We pled guilty to reckless conduct because that’s all we did. Don’t you remember what our lawyer said?”

“I remember what he said... but I also remember what I did. I wish to Celestia that I didn’t.” Silver quickly covered her mouth, recalling Twist's words regarding the Unspoken Wish.

“And I wish to Celestia that you’d get over it. I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately.”

“It’s called guilt, Di. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Being sorry isn’t the same as being forgiven. And neither is having our sentences suspended. I know you. I know you have a heart. I don’t see how you’re not the least bit sorry.”

“I am sorry. We’re just sorry about two different things, that’s all. We were just playing a prank on somepony and an accident happened that was outside of our control. Our conduct was reckless in the eyes of the law... and that’s the only thing we have to be sorry about.”

“Y’know, I didn’t care that most of our classmates didn’t like us. I don’t like them a whole lot, either. I’ve got the best friend I could ask for in you.”

“Dang skippy.”

“You’re welcome. But now they don’t even respect us – not even our teacher respects us.”

“Not too surprising, seeing as how much Miss Cheerilee liked Twist. I guess there’s no accounting for taste. Did you know that Miss Cheerilee had the nerve to say that I wasn’t her favorite student?”

“She doesn’t have a favorite student. She always says that.”

“Saying that she didn’t have a favorite is the same as saying that I’m not her favorite. When you’re not with me, you’re against me.”

“That doesn’t mean that you should be so disrespectful to her. This isn’t Twist you’re dealing with or even the Cutie Mark Goofsaders. This is an adult."

"Heh. Hardly."

"Well, she's adult enough to send a note to your father about what you said. If she didn't, I’d be surprised.”

“I’d be more surprised if she did.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? Whatever, it doesn’t matter. If you want to act like Twist’s death is a big joke to you, go ahead. Celestia knows I can’t stop you from doing anything you want to do. But please, Diamond, don’t do it when you’re around me! Your attitude doesn’t reflect my own but most ponies lump us together as being of the same mind so, if only for my sake, watch what you say. I can tell you for a fact that we are definitely not of the same mind on this.” Silver Spoon pointed a hoof at her heart. “I care. I regret. And I hurt... because nopony else cares whether I’m sorry or not... not even Miss Cheerilee.”

Diamond Tiara was silent for a while after Silver Spoon spoke her piece.

“Tell me something: can you hire the best lawyer in Equestria with forgiveness?” asked Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon sighed.


“And what about guilt? Do they accept guilt as payment for their services?”


“Exactly. That... is why forgiveness and guilt are useless. What matters is that we are on the right side of a set of iron bars. The power of legal tender is the only reason we’re not doing three to five years on the wrong side of those bars and don’t go fooling yourself into thinking otherwise. We’re rich, Silver Spoon. That’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s not a crime to take advantage of the benefits that come with it. Now, if you want to punish yourself over this, go right ahead. But don’t expect me to go traipsing off to the courthouse with you, asking to be thrown into the hoosegow just so we can have matching clear consciences to go with our nice orange jumpsuits. My conscience isn’t bothering me at all. In fact, it’s ridiculously happy that I’m free – but I can only speak for myself. If you can honestly tell me that you’d feel better sitting in a jail cell paying your debt to society for a crime that I know neither you nor I were responsible for, I’ll go door to door with you and apologize to every pony in Ponyville for Twist’s death. Heck, I’ll even carry you on my back. So? Would you rather be in jail right now?”

Silver Spoon sighed again.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore, all right?” she asked.

“You took the words right out of my mouth,” said Diamond Tiara, folding her forelegs.

Silver Spoon got up from her desk in a huff. The only thing worse than Diamond Tiara gloating when she was right was when she didn't gloat when she was right.