• Published 13th Sep 2013
  • 4,951 Views, 50 Comments

Keeping Warm - Cynical

In the middle of Winter, three ponies are keeping warm together.

  • ...

The Warmest Place

It was winter in Ponyville. The ice had taken its hold on the town and didn’t seem to be relenting any time soon. Those brave enough to venture into the icy conditions did so only when the situation grew dire. This was mainly when their aunt’s knitting fell apart and left them even more exposed to the cold. It was for this reason that business was booming in Ponyville as ponies all tried to find the hottest spots in every store around town.

Twilight Sparkle couldn’t quite believe it. The library, for all the time she’d been here, had never had this many customers at once. Ponies kept pouring into the library, picking a book off the shelf and settling down in the general vicinity of the fire to read. What baffled her more though, was how not a single book had been leant out yet.

Having thought about it, ponies hadn’t really approached her at all today, preferring to find their own books, even as she saw some of the more bizarre items in her collection be taken from the shelves. She swore she’d seen a pegasus quickly slide ‘Magic for Beginners’ from a shelf on more than one occasion. If she didn’t know better, she would have said that they were taking the first book they saw before gathering around the fireplace.

Having said that… she’d seen a lot of ponies go towards the fireplace and not many come away from it… Curiously, she lowered the book she’d been glancing at and edged around the table. Even the ponies that had arrived a few minutes after the library opened hadn’t returned yet. Surely they’d simply become enthralled in the books they’d picked up… Skippy the Kangaroo goes to the Shops and Advanced Fluid Dynamics her brain reminded her.

She edged around the library, trying to be quiet when she saw the first discarded book. The book was revealed to be the smallest of several hastily stacked piles of literature. Further around still and she saw the tell-tale shimmer of magic surrounding several hooves back from the fireplace.

She lit her horn and dispelled the barrier quickly, bringing a blast of heat and chatter as it fell apart. No-one noticed as the barrier went down, continuing their jovial conversations and laughing and joking.

Twilight coughed politely, trying to get their attention as they kept talking. She frowned and lit her horn once again, snuffing the fire out instantly.

The conversation froze as around twenty ponies all turned behind them to the sight and sound of Twilight tapping her hoof against the floorboards impatiently. A few of the crowd shuffled their hooves guiltily as they were each confronted by Twilight’s frosty gaze.

“Five minutes,” Twilight finally said, sweeping her gaze across the crowd. “Five minutes before I shut the library for the day. If all the books aren’t back where you found them by then, then I will find each and every one of you and make you review and re-shelve every single book in this library,” she finished archly before turning and returning to the table, grumbling quietly under her breath as the sound of many trudging hooves echoed through the library. A few moments later, the fire sprang up in the grate again, causing a pony trying to get warm from the embers to jump back, yelping.

It was the third time this had happened this winter; bitterly cold by anyone’s standards. She was going to have to find a way around that at some point or another. One by one, they started leaving the library, the books back where they’d been except for the odd one or two. She considered pulling the few ponies in for a few moments before deciding against it. They’d only try to stay in the relatively warm tree for longer and longer.

The door shut for a final time as the last pony nodded a quick goodbye to her before leaving and shutting the door behind him. The few books that were out of line were quickly switched and Twilight turned the sign on the door around, marking the library as closed to any more hopeful ponies. Not ten seconds later, the door was pushed open, bringing the cold wind through and making Twilight shiver as Rainbow Dash fought to close the door behind her.

The door slammed shut as Rainbow pressed it into the frame before smiling at Twilight. “Afternoon,” she greeted, “D’ya have a fire going anywhere? It’s freezing outside.”

Twilight, somewhat shell-shocked, nodded and pointed vaguely towards the crackling flames soundlessly.

“Great,” Rainbow replied, quickly darting towards Twilight and wrapping her in a brief-yet-cold hug. “Could you get me something warm too, Twi? Some of that hot chocolate stuff you have would hit the spot,” she continued, breaking the hug with a peck on Twilights cheek before moving towards the fire.

Twilight broke out of her stupor and watched Rainbow flop down in front of the fire before she sighed and turned towards the kitchen, shaking her head slightly with a crooked smile. This was also becoming quite a common occurrence as Rainbow dropped in after finishing work. Just as predictable in fact as-

She heard the door swing open and shut again as another pony joined the two of them.

“Hello? Anyone home?” Rarity’s voice echoed through to the kitchen.

“Evening, Rares,” Rainbow greeted, “I’m over here, by the fire. Twilight’s in the kitchen making something warm, you interested?”

“By the fire you say?” Rarity replied, her voice moving towards the fireplace. “Oh, and I’ll have a cup of tea please, Cherie,” her voice floated through to Twilight who was already adding another two cups of water to the kettle.

“Coming right up,” she called back, three mugs floating down from the cupboards and resting themselves onto the worktop. More cupboards opened and hot chocolate, tea and coffee all emerged onto the top along with three small spoons. She added each of them to their respective mugs whilst the kettle started to boil, adding liberal amounts of hot chocolate to Rainbow’s mug.

Once the kettle had boiled, she lifted it in her magic and added the water to each mug, their spoons twirling and stirring each concoction as Twilight instructed. Once she was sure that all the drinks were of a satisfactory quality, she lifted them all in her magic and went to join the other two by the fire.

Rainbow was sprawled out in front of the fire, her topmost wing raised slightly to catch the heat coming off the flames. Rarity was knelt in front of it on the other side of the fireplace; simply staring into the flames as Twilight arrived, bearing drinks. Twilight knelt down beside Rarity, resting a wing over her back and passing over her mug of tea. Rarity murmured her thanks and leant her head against Twilight’s neck.

“Hey!” Twilight looked over to see Rainbow’s head raised slightly off the ground. “How come she gets her mug first, I’m cold here too, y’know.”

Twilight opened her mouth to reply before Rarity cut in from beside her, “Well maybe some of us are colder.”

Before Rainbow could get a chance to throw in a retort, Twilight stepped in. “Girls, please. I gave Rarity hers first because, unlike you and I, Rainbow, she doesn’t have any wings to keep her warm. Anyway, here is yours now,” she continued, placing the mug next to Rainbow’s head.

“Thanks, Twi,” Rainbow replied as she rolled onto her hooves, sending a glare towards Rarity as she did so.

“Can you two give it a rest for one night, please?” Twilight implored, fully conscious of the death glare that Rarity was returning from under her wing. “I love both of you; can’t you two just… get along at the very least?”

Rainbow met Twilight’s gaze and looked down into her mug after a second or two. “Sorry, Twi…” she murmured which Rarity echoed a moment later, fidgeting beneath Twilight’s wing.

Satisfied for the moment, Twilight settled down and started drinking away at her own mug, keeping Rarity warm beneath her wing as she drank her tea. The three of them remained silent as they all looked into the cracking fire for a while, keeping the cold at bay.


Twilight looked over, then up in surprise to see Rainbow standing beside her.

“Listen… I’m not good with the wordy stuff - you know that - can you let me say sorry to her in my own way?”

Twilight looked beside her to meet Rarity’s half-lidded eyes. “Of course,” she answered, carefully unwrapping her wing and disentangling herself from Rarity, taking her mug with her. She smiled at Rainbow before taking the spot she’d had on the rug and watching the two of them.

Rainbow answered the smile with one of her own before she leant down and wrapped her own wing around Rarity, holding her much closer and probably with a much softer cocoon than Twilight could ever manage. Twilight thought she saw Rainbow rest her head over Rarity’s neck and smiled. Leave it to Rainbow to find the perfect way of apologising to somepony; it usually worked with her after all.

An idea formed in her head and she smiled to herself, getting to her hooves quietly and leaving her empty mug where it was. She crept around the other two quietly whilst they continued looking into the fire soundlessly. Once she was on the other side of Rarity, she knelt down against the bared side of Rarity, stretching her own wing across both of their backs.

Rainbow looked over in surprise before she smiled back at Twilight and settled back down, leaning against Rarity as Twilight copied her, wrapping Rarity in the warmest blanket around. The three of them leant inwards, keeping the coldest of them as warm as they could.

“Listen,” Twilight started, still looking into the fire, “It’s far too cold to be sleeping alone these days… I’d like you two to stay over here with me, out of the cold.”

Rainbow turned her head over Rarity’s back and opened her mouth as if to complain, only to stop when Twilight met her gaze with her own. Sentences were said in complete silence as Rainbow realised that Twilight knew exactly how cold her house could get in winter and how she really didn’t have an argument. She sighed and shut her mouth again; leaning back onto Rarity as she pondered on just how much Twilight was caring for the two of them.

“But… what about Sweetie?” Rarity spoke up from between them, “I really don’t want to leave her alone either; it’ll be freezing in the boutique.”

“Didn’t you say that she was staying with Applebloom and Scoots tonight, Rares?” Rainbow prompted from beside her.

“Well… yes,” Rarity started cautiously, “but what if she gets sick and has to come back home? I don’t want her being locked out in the cold.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and lit her horn momentarily. “There,” she said. “I’ve sent Applejack a message that you’re staying with me for the night. Now she knows where to go and you have no choice in the matter,” Twilight continued with a bright smile.

Rarity sighed, sinking down between the two of them with an anxious expression.

“Cheer up, Rares,” Rainbow chirped, “If it’s really a problem for you, I can go and fly over to AJ’s house and pick her up. You just have to be the one to explain why to her.”

Rarity shook her head slightly. “No, it’s fine,” she answered, “I’m probably just worrying pointlessly. As you said, Twilight, Applejack knows where I am now and there’s no point changing that now.”

“Wonderful,” Twilight said cheerfully, her smile widening. “I’ll go and refill the drinks; I don’t think it’s time for bed just yet.” So saying, she stood up again, leaving Rarity’s other side exposed to the air as she took the three mugs in her magic and went back to the kitchen and the liquid warmth inside.

Comments ( 48 )

Some lovely banter between friends and some coco.

Everyone loves coco.

Nice job, dude.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Even though I am still sweating from the heat and humidity of September, you make me feel warm and cozy in your story.
Keep at it! I hope for more. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by MrPengu1n deleted Sep 13th, 2013

I agree, even though it's humid out, i felt the chill and then the cozyness.
keep up the good work

3196241 got to agree. It was 98 outside today sweltering hot by most standards but reading this story I started to feel chilled a bit then the nice radiating heat of the fire near the end.

Good work, :raritywink::twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

I like the idea of these tri pairings. Some interesting things could be done. Nice one-shot.

Complete? In what manner of speaking is this complete? If you wouldn't mind, more would be appreciated. RariDashLight could possibly be the best ship ever...

I like this but it needs more. You leave it at a cliff hanger so please finish it. Otherwise its very good.

Encore! Anyway good story. Abrupt but fuzzy feeling.

Cover art taken from the episode: Dragon Quest (Season 1, episode 21).

Slight mistake there^^ Dragon Quest was Season 2 not 1^^

The joys of pressing the wrong keys
<.< >.>

3198442 Trust me, I know EXACTLY how that feels^^ So youre not alone^^

Twilight doesn't live alone, ya know. I find it rather cold and careless that Dash and Rarity bring up Sweetie Belle, but don't bother to ask about Twilight's closest companion, who lives in the building they're shacked up in.

3203139 cause 90% of the fandom hates spike. I personally find rarilight to be a huge betrayal to spike: Twilight is his best friend, hatched him... and steals his crush. if I was spike, me and twilight would be fighting in the street.

Let's just go with that he was hibernating for the winter, trying out one of those long naps he'd heard about.
:trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright:

3204460 I recommend providing that information in the story, rather than contriving a last-minute, non-canon idea in the comments. He's the most important person in her life, it's kinda crucial.

Or maybe it was left out simply because it had no relation to the story as far as I could feasibly fit into the text.
End of.

3205528 Don't listen to Rinzler he is a spike fanboy that absolutely leaves negative comments on any fic that lacks spike (where he thinks Spike should be in) or any story where Spike is used for his role of comic relief. He has left many comments on many of my stories because of it.

Personally Spike would have just ruined this fic since he would have either had a emo moment finding out Rarity is with the other girls or he would be completely oblivious and be a 4th wheel.

3205850 No, dude, I'm not \speaking up because "wtf, no Spike??" This is genuine critique, pointing out a viable gap in the information the story provides. Sweetie Belle was important enough to mention for Rarity's sake, but Spike lives the the building this story takes place in, yet there is no explanation for why he is not in his home, or why none of the characters bothered to acknowledge him. It make the story as a whole a very obnoxious read, same if Spike was a character and Twilight was nowhere to be seen.

And many =/= one or two.

3207421 Spike isn't important though. How many times has Twilight paid more attention to a book than Spike?

Spike's pretty independent and three mares having a good time wouldn't mention such a buzz-kill character.

Sweetie Belle is at least cute and relevant. She is actually family, not just some pet some pony hatched.

Did RD mention Tank? or did Rarity mention Opalescence?

3207582 Riiiiiiight.

3208036 The episode where Pinkie becomes friends with Cranky, did anyone mention Spike? She went to the library and saw Twilight with RD and not a single mention of Spike happened.

He isn't an important character to the story. He is just made out to be my the fanbase, and that is why there is a massive disconnect between canon and fanon.

3208174 Well, my downvote sure as hell isn't going anywhere.

3208294 Neither is my up-vote:ajsmug:

I agree with you, that is genuine critique. Spike lives in the same building and should at least have been mentioned in some way. Hell, even a throwaway comment about how he's hibernating, on vacation in the Crystal Empire or visiting Celestia would have been fine. His total absence is... strange.


Sweetie Belle is at least cute and relevant. She is actually family, not just some pet some pony hatched.

By all that's good and sacred in this world, people actually think this? That Spike is a pet and therefore doesn't matter in any way? He's a sapient being, a person with feelings, dreams and hopes of his own! Not a freaking dog or a goldfish in a bowl! There's something thoroughly sick and twisted about that attitude, Diablomuerte2.

3339017 It's what the show gives off about him. I honestly don't see a point in a wingless baby dragon that cries too much and doesn't have any redeemable qualities.

Just remember I didn't make the character the MLP staff did. If they wanted him to be worth a damn then why didn't they make him cute? or likable in any form?

Crying too much and a lack of redeemable qualities doesn't make someone a pet, Diablomuerte.

You are perfectly free to dislike Spike's character (or lack thereof, as your opinion may be), of course. The point I was trying to make has nothing to do with his likeability, and everything to do with the fact that "useless" or not, he's still a person and not some dumb animal Twilight keeps as a pet.

Frankly, I've never understood all the Spike hate. I'm not particularly a fan of the character, but I don't actively dislike him either. The dislike he gets just seems so exaggerated.

3339204 He sleeps in a bassinet he has no job that earns him income and he is almost entirely reliant on Twilight for things.

Just because he talks doesn't mean he isn't a pet.

Spike will be considered more than a pet when he lives on his own. Until then he is a pet.

3339204 3339226

Alright... amazingly enough, I got the picture that Spike should have been added about 7 comments back where Rinzler gave the story a lashing. But here's the amazing thing... I'm not going to be changing the story.

Arguing about the usefulness of Spike in the comments of this story is pointless because I'm really not interested about it. The story is going to remain as it is unless I decide to continue it onwards. If you would like to write a story such as this one which does contain Spike, then be my guest because I'm not going to write in something so trivial to something that really doesn't need it anyway.

Now please stop bickering about Spike in the comments, it's quite distracting.


...He's also a baby dragon. A child. He's not supposed to have a job that earns him income, nor is he supposed to be independent as of yet and so what if he sleeps in basket? Also, you might not be aware of this, but in most of the civilized world, child labor is a crime.

Your argument simply does not hold water, and frankly, I find your opinion to be completely repugnant. You sound far too much like a slaver trying to justify enslavement by claiming that slaves aren't really people.

I'm done with this debate. It's very clear that we're just not going to come to an agreement.

3339265 Well you wrote a story in which you treated Twilight's most dedicated companion like nothing, what did you expect? That decent people would just roll over and say nothing about it?


Believe it or not... yes. I expected people to keep their noses out of things that really don't concern them. I offer to you the same offer I gave the other two. Feel free to write a story such as this one with 'Twilight's most dedicated companion' in it for yourself and you'll probably find that a) it isn't worth the effort, and b) the change is so small and technical that it really is just pointless if all it's going to do is to wipe your own opinion clean on the matter.

Now, amazingly enough, this really isn't getting anywhere anymore and I really don't know why your still responding as, as I said earlier, it really doesn't concern you.

3340562 I don't want Spike in your story dude that what I was arguing for. I was supporting your decision not to include the useless fuck. :ajsmug:

This was a heart warming story.:twilightsmile:

I don't get why you have the romantic tag, its really only sister love in this story. But anywho, nice story :rainbowkiss:

I read this to my sister and her friend and they really enjoyed it, thank you very much

I've waited for a good threesome story, involving three of my four favorite members of the mane six, thank you my friend.:twilightsmile:

This was really good. Have a follow a like and a moustache:moustache:

SHL #40 · Nov 25th, 2014 · · 1 ·

Not bad. Cute and adorable ^^

Then they fucked the end

HOORAY FOR POLYGAMY AMONG FRIENDS! At least, I think that this was that type of story. Was it?

*Looks back through the mists of time*
Why yes. Yes I believe it was.

Yeah I just now saw the whole

written as part of the random polyamory game

in the description for this story. So anyways, as I was saying yay for polygamy between friends! That is the best type of polygamy! That type never involves an episode of Maury or Jerry Springer later on! :rainbowlaugh: Seriously though, polygamy among friends is the best type of polygamy, and polygamy is the best type of relationship.

The Warmest Place

This makes me think of the tagline to John Carpenter's The Thing.

Now wouldn't that have been a twist to this story. :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, short and sweet. A nice read on a cold day.

Pretty boring. Not worth stumbling upon

5650542 Oh geez, The Thing. I still have nightmares over the defib scene. Still, you're right- that would be the twist of the century.

This was a nice little slice of life from a budding poly group featuring my three favorite ponies, love it. Thanks!

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