• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 19 Comments

Birds of the Night fic Write-Off Contest - Plotpony

The writers who read it for the Plot, face off in several 'Plot heavy' stories about the oft neglected characters of Luna and Gilda Vote In the Description

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Comments ( 5 )

Wait. Luna is neglected? But I fucking love Luna. :fluttershysad:

Well fuck.

On the one hand, we've got Wordy McWorderson up there who can't shut the fuck up and decides to write a fucking novella about pony butts - too much description, man. Get a freaking editor in there and trim that shit like it's a Vietnamese hooker's vag. Oh, and while it's good you stuck to the clit, you need to study how your characters fucking look - seriously. Gilda doesn't have a white underbelly. GET WITH IT MAN.

On the other hand, we've got what I assume to be four trolls fics I won't even bother talking about and some touching on fetishes I don't really share. And frankly, I can't tell them apart. Is that a fetish? Is it ... just bad? I can't tell! Wooo!

The last one ... that's probably my vote. I mean seriously. Good characterization, description of what's happening without going overboard, it gets right into the action instead of whatever the hell the first one was on about and it's not trying to wedge Gilda and Luna together in the same room - and it DEFINITELY isn't ... whatever the other four are (still can't tell if trollfic or bad). Hell, even got Luna's really bad Old English down part. Though it needs a bit of a work over, it's still the best of the lot.

EDIT: I wanted to do an in-depth look at each story but ... I can't. I just can't do it.

EDIT2: Ok, I'll do it - it'll take me a bit though.

EDIT3: Ok, I said what I needed to say here. Sorry to all the other authors for suggesting they were trollfics, I don't honestly know what the hell I was thinking. I wasn't in the right mindset for commenting I guess - I should watch what I say or my mouth will taste like feet for days. Again, I apologize.

80 likes, or 10 dislikes... Eehhh... I'll go with 80 likes.

I liked the first one, I stopped at the second one. I'd very much like to be informed about WHAT fetish you're gonna focus on in the damn story. I'm fine with ass play but then suddenly it becomes a fart show, and I dont like this fetish. A warning would've been great.

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